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EDUCATIONAL. />. T-vIOCESAX 'HIOH SCHOU. fcita *' nut ciiu.s, EPSOM. AtH'KLAND. MISS K. I:.""]"mVAltbs, M.A. Vul.-ss alterations tiro advertised on Salimlays. tin- l>|»-ninu- Date will !■■:■ TI'KSDAY. March L , . Hoarders arriving mn later (liilli MONDAY, March 1. The Headmistress will l>o At Home, liy ii'iiMih ii|i|Hiiiiimi'iii. nf.xt week. hciriiiiiin;: mi MONDAY. February S, to run . HAY CIKI.S. Aiii.licMli.iii should In- ni.i.l ■ :il nine, mid Forms ..1" Ai'niisswu forward.-i as s.ii.u as possible, as tin- timetable is in hand, mill class lists arc needed immediately. Prospectuses may In- obtal Iby tipnllcn tl»n to thi> Si-liuiil Secretary. Kpsnm. S.K. ::. ~r in Messrs. liillilliiii mill iiiMHli-s. Nation." I'.aiiU Cliu.mlicrs, Fort Street, Auckland, C". A UCKLAND -OLISINESS QOLLEGIi DAY AND EVENING CLASSES HAVE STARTED. Director: T. U. Wells, M.A. Principals: A. \V. Shepherd. P.C.T., r.P.S.A. K. 11. SlieuUerd. B.A. (lions.). LL.B. Prospectus may bo obtained at MESSRS. WIIITCO.MUE AND TOMBS, OK FROM THE COLLEGE. PHONE 40-03 U. SMITH'S BUILDINGS, ALBERT STREET

BrUIN'S ( -IOMMEKCIAL /COLLEGE The Rccofrnisevl Colloso for Sound PRACTICAL BUSINESS TRAINING. 440 POSITIONS "pILLED J/ST -yEAIt. Shorthand-Trpists — Bookkeepers. Burroughs Operators. Including Appointments In (lie Offices o£ THE PRIME MINISTER Ana PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER And also In LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Day and Kvcnlnp Classes NOW IN SESSION. "SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY OFFERED." See Advertisement under "Pupils Wanted." WS T/TTARWICK TUTORIAL COLLEGE. MATItICULATION AND ACCOUNTANCY DAY - AND EVENING CLASSES. FIRST TERM Commences FEBRUARY S. Enrolments Now Being. Madu Prospectus on application. w. McGregor jess, m.a., 8.C0m.. Principal. Ilrltlsh Chambers, llijjh Street. : 20 I'Uonc 40-321. TTNIVEItSITV COACHING COLLEGE, U ■'•!, Kerry Bids., Auckland. C.I. A Three Weeks' Special Course for second'irv pupils whose schools ilo not if mien until March will Commence on MON IAV. FEBRUARY S. Our Ordinary D"> and Evening Classes for Matriculation continence on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 15. Full particulars will he given on rcqu.vt. I'lione.-: Office 44--J7l, Ilesillenee il-i.).1. V. \V. FAIGAN.M.A.. C ITlaclpal. ir A K E 1037 SUCCESS FU L Get DRULEIGH COLLEGE IndividualiseJ Trainin". Shorthand, Salesmanship. Typing, Dressmaking, Art, Radio, etc. INQUIRE TO-DAY. KD

BOROUGH NOTICES. TJOKOUGH OF MOUNT EDEN. Tlie following Proclamation is hereby publicly notified. 1 ' A. D. JACK. Town Clerk. Land taken for the Purposes of n Street in the. Borough of Mount Eden. GALWAY, Governor-General. A PROCLAMATION. In pursuance and ey.i.rcise of the powers and authorities vested in me by the Public Works \ct l!lliS, and ol" every other power and au'thority'ii'i anywise i-iiabllni: me in this behalf. I, George Yore. Arundcll, Viscount lialway. Governor-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, do hereby proclaim and declare that the land described ill the Schedule hereto is hereby taken for the purposes of. a street, and shall vest in the Mayor. Councillor;; and Hurgesscs of. the ISor'ouKh of Mount Eden as from the .Into hereinafter mentioned : and 1 do also declare, that this Proclamation shall take effect on anil after the eii-'lith day of February, one thousand ni;:e hundred and Unity-seven. SCHEDULE: Approximate areas of the pieces of. land taken :— A.I!. P. Being portion of 0 U 0..12 Lot 1. U.l'. UOU, beinz portion of Allotment 1. Section 10, Suburbs: of Auckland ; coloured red. 0 0 0.115 Lot 1, D.1 , . 2KO, lie-ins portion of Allotment 1. Section 10. Suburbs of Auckland; coloured purple. Situated ill ISlock XVI., Wailemata Survey District (IluruiiKh of Mount Eden), (Auckland H.D.I. (S.O. USIiUI.) In the Nrrth Auckland l.iml District ; as tlm sa.Mie are more particular.y ilelinciited on tlie plan marked I'.W.D. :Hii!l'.', dopositeil in the Ollice ..r tin- Minister of Public Works, at Wollinuton. and iliit iiloured as above mentioned. Given under tlm ban.l of his Excellency the Govern..r-General of the Dominion of New Zealand, and issued under the Seal of thai Dominion, this ".".Hi day of .laiiuary. in.'iT. It. SI'.MPI.K. Minister i.r Public Works. God Save the Kins! <i "pOIiOUGII OF NEWMARKET. VALUATION" LIST. I!K7-3S. i Take Notlco-Tlie Valuation List for the [year l!):i7-:iS is now i M r,i r inspection at II ho Town Clerk's Ollice, Ilroadwav New- ! market. i All objections (hereto must be bft at the Ciiuiioil (Mi 1,..-. N..»-.i,i.i li.-t. on or bofnr.. till.- l.'itb ci-iy of FF.n::r.\::Y. i:i::t. a.i,,.,i '" the Asses in C.nirt. an.l :. e ,py o! ! every such objection i.ivst ho lofl .-1 the Town Clerk's (Iffl-e. Newu'arket. n-t le-s than IO days before the next sitting of the said Court. Dated this 13th day of January. "I 37. 11. WII.S-IN. ■'> "own Clerk. TJOHOUGII OF >:)U.\T i:DEN. VALUATION LIST. Take Notice.—The Valuation List for the Itor.iUL-b of Mount Kdcn Tor the year I!i:!7 is now open for ins] ti lie' l!i,rou-li Ullices, Valley Itoad. Mount Eden. All objections ti-.ereto :nui| he ieft at the Olli,-cs on or before the 15tli day of February. 111.",?, addrosseil tn the Assess- ! nieni Court, and a ropy nf every wu-h objection must be left at tile Otlieo. of the Mount Kilvn llorouiili. addressed to the Valuer not less than ten days before the next sit tins of the said Court'. • Dated this l.'.ib day of January, 1!i."7. :", A. l>. JACK Town Clerk. ! DENTISTRY. (". ENTLBNBSS and Extreme Care Is Hi. Vγ sloKHn of Alex. Denllsi I FTUWEV WAI.KUH'.S ..CIV IK-ll «nr|..-i- ---| JtL all others for comfort and appeeraii.^

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 31, 6 February 1937, Page 5

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Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 31, 6 February 1937, Page 5

Page 5 Advertisements Column 8 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 31, 6 February 1937, Page 5