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FILKINGTON ALSO BEATEN. SEMI-FINALS MARCH 6. Owing to the two-lifer defeating the ine-lifer, six rinks survived the fourth ound in the resumed poet-eection play if the Christmas tournament. The meeting of the two-lifers was a ieck and neck go until the seventeenth lead, when Pilkington was Iβ and Dyson ! .8. The latter did not score again and ; >n the next head there were only four jowls on the green when the skips went j :o the mat, Eawken having driven all the ■est off and Anchor was lying the shot. Dyson tried to push out the shot bowl for : our and only just missed.- The remain-... ng heads were drawn in favour of Hamil- . on. The Heseey-Thomas match was the only tame that ran the full 21 heads, the usual atality happening when Thomas reached 13 intl Heesey was only 8. Hessey picked up ive points for a tie—all drawn—Thomas i ust missing an attempt to trail the jack, . ind afterwards it was an even run, Hessey coring two on the last after a tie. Keatley led all the way against Gifford md the match was settled on the twenieth head when a beautiful trail turned :hree down to two up. Denison also led all the way against >oss, the latter missing a chance on the lineteenth when he tried to score a four >ut dropped short. De Launay had the best of the go tgainet the Stanley rink. The meeting between Pilkington. the >nly two-lifer, and Keatley, was decidedly n favour of the latter, but until the very ast. howl was played the Hamilton ikip had a chance to win. Oughton drawn the shot for Keatley on the ast head, but there was a soorl trail for ;hree. and when Hawken (Hamilton) just nissed the trail. Pilkington hml two j ■hanees to trail for four, but missed. Results: — FOURTH ROUND. G. Parkhouse. J. Anchor. S. R. Hawken. S. N. Pilkinston (Hamilton, 26, v. 3. Daniels, J. Bull. C. Bromley, F. Dyson ■ (Hallyburton Johnstone) 18. B. N. Davles. S. Wvisley. J. R. Lundon, ). H. Heesey (Devonport) 17, v. A. Conhew. 2. H. Bromley, H. Daweon, R. Thomas I 1 (Mount Albert) 15- G W. E. Ouch ton. J. C. Yeo, W. A. Loram. V W. H. Keatley (Rocky Nook) 21, v. C. F. E Robertson. H. Pranks, J. P. Benson, J. C Siffortl ( Balmoral) 13. Ii C. King, T: Sawyers, C. Clews, W. D«ni- t son (Balmoral) 22, v. A. C. Tonkin, O. n H. Keeling, H. R. Mackenzie, R. Cross S (Onehunga) 13. £ W. P. Baskiville. H. B. Jenkin, R. Hlg- I jott C. H. de Launay (Carlton) 25, v. A. * Callon, W. G. Gale, H. Hitcben, a. Me- k Mpster (Stanley) I*. * Played on the two-life system, automatic < Iraw, the last four losers were eliminated H n this round : Thomas, Glfford, Cross and McMaster. FIFTH ROUND. Two-lifers. —Pilkington 21, v. Hessey 13. , One-lifers. —Keatley 23, v. Denison 13; . lie Launay 25, v. Dyson 8. ", Denison and Dyson are eliminated, §} ~ SIXTH ROUND. i Keatley 18, v. Pilkington 14. • Hessey 23. v. De Launay 17. De Launay is eliminated. In the next round Keatley will get a bye and Hessey will play Pilkington on . March 0. \ INTER-CLUB GAMES. i 1 ST. HELIER'S V. PONSONBT. v i Ponsonby Green (St. Heller's -names 1 first). —White 18, v. Richardson 24; Dunn 24, v. Colebrook 15; Bowler 20, v. Me- i Kinstry 22; Watson 21. v. Letham 28; . Boyce , 16,-v. Rowbotton 21: Cameron 13, . v. Somervell 25; Crawshaw 22, v. L. Jury ; 21. ! First-year Players: Tonkin 15, v. Har- ; rison 1(5. ROCKY NOOK V. HILLSBORO. At Hillsboro (Rocky Nook names first). — , Riindell 23, v. Crawshaw 11 ; H. Reed 28. v. Jackson 15. REMUERA V. DEVONPORT. At Devonport Green (Remuera names first). —Duncan 13. v. Uooding 15: S. Kiss-i llnj; 10, v. Trevlthick 22? C. Klssling 11. v. Leather 23; Beatson 31, v. Layzell 13; Shortt 17, v. Morgan 16 ; Sheath 25, r. Melville 12. At- Remuera (Remuera names first). — Burcher 26, v. H'amlin 17; Acheson 1.". v. Lockley 18; J. Short 30, v, • Gray 16: Norton 16, v. Lowe 20; Law/ence 15, v. Atkln 15; McMillan 20, v. Buchanan 19. MENTAL HOSPITAL V. HALLIBURTON ■ JOHNSTONE. - At Hellybnrton Johnstone Green (Mental Hospital names first)'. —Litton 17, v. Jackson 25; Ghent 14, v. Cash 20; Stenberg 22, v. Veilson 18; Elder 16, v. Hough ton 20 ; Blcks 21, v. Taylor 15; Harrison 18, v. Bteckon 24. ■■'. . /, .;.-.• : V. TRANSPORT. ' At Transport (Buckland's Beach naofj first). —tireer,'-Campbell, Place, Pocock 26, v. K. Hagen, Brown, G. Greenland, Naeli .ST. HELIER'S V. PONSONBT. At St. Heller's (St. Heller's names first). ' —Ramsey 18, v. ifcLeod 19; Reid 22, v. Bryaud 15;. Watkins 20, v. Bridges. 13; Rowe 20, v; Jury 16;, S. White 16, v. towons A. Smith 33* v. Beat 25; Thompson • 13, v. Fancn' 22,/;; -•.' ■ .?: ■X, "i STANLEY mi Spkt. vi iii»eßV Weller 20, ■v. ?Buil 20; Donaldson 17, y. Williams 10; Mason 11, v. Preston 23; Grißter 15, v; Stormont 17- Saint? 18, "v. Hill 10. , , EDENDALE V. CL'evEDON. At Clevedon (Edendale names first). — 22,. v. Dawe 11; Roan 2»; *v. Duder 18; Addlson 25, v. Kayburn 18; Smith 17, y- Gore 25 : James 30, v. Dow 20; Muyhill ! 18> v. Drake 22, •' ' •' ■ ■ I CLUB GAMES. -■. v> -, :v." - PONSdNBT GREEN. OrfllMrjrf Draw.—Tregear, Richardson 12,vy Fosters Shirley 21; Morron, Fraser, H»rrl« lai.v.Kßaggett, Mdifoy, Lynch 17. , ■;■>:■ .. >°$g, '.QtißßSt'; '' ': Ordinary Drawii-Lanee, Wateon, t Newman, Plynn 14, ,(v. Chapman, Aneill. Crqwp 22; ■; Waddell, Proctor, Ke«> IT,- v,'' Helnold, Bell, Koefoed 13; Jotffthln, Murphy, Oreborne,Ho*int i i«.v. ffcan, E. Bgan, Thome, Chdat 17; Jewish. Minchin, Spicer 15, v. Pow«H, Naylor. Rttsh 28. ■' - ',-'•■ „..,.,-„.,,..,., { EPSOM GREEN. '■■. Percentage Fpure.—Morrison,* S. Harrieon. Beckuan. Ramsay 28, v. Daniel, O'Durnell. Blood. McCowan 21; Wekln, Slater, Graham, Fisher 24, v. Fljnn, Bolfe, J. Uarriion, Parsons 20 r-Coottpi.Whittonio. j. S. Lamb/ Hooper 2T>, McKeUah, ParkiMon; Bom GalMher, Fftccey. Wllliamii, Jltnginn . 27,;/-w.Vij,-: Bennetr, , ©yson, Howard, Fnrnell 11; -MacWe,::cfT-iipram-mond, Jones, Forbes 22, v. Mo'r," Rabone, Goodupn, F; W. Brown, Iβ;. Tenrbury, Oonk, Bailey, Wilson 26, v. J. Ambury, . Hill, Dunningham, ■ Richmond 18; Waddell, Wells, GUlespie, KeUy 21, v. Rutter, C. iamb, Smale, Scott 17; Evered, AKrey, Bralthwalte, George 26, v. Jackeon, Shine, Nairn, Wallace 24. The following skips have entered for the full-rink, tournament at the Epsom. «reen on Tuesday, February 2; Porrltt (Timkau), McNeil! (Bllerslle), Donnell and Keeper (Hillsboro), Kenny, Livingstone and Gosling (Onehunga),' Granger (Mangere), Sykee and Morton (Otahuhu), Lancaster (Carlton), Cottingham (Transport). MeMillan (Remuera), Loram (Rocky Nook), McKeggie (Balmoral), Kendall (Mount Eden), Hooper, Fisher, Beckman and McCowanv (Epsom). WEST END GREEN. -Percentage Fours.—Wright, Court, F. Vioreicild, Stlehbury 21, y. C. Worsfold, NoWrti- -. Eshelby; : Plumraer 10 ; Young, ißrqeimeU. Knox. Hill 10. v. Sandilands. J. 1 Hamf,: WHuon. Brookes 15: Rowe, Overingt»n..J|«rt}n..'Kirk 14, v. Webster. Hudson, Cl"ki.:©9|thttrßt 10; B. Hardy, W Irwin, BaylinH, Cooke 10. t. Arneil. Newell, ParUnmnt RoundhiH 24; Littler, : Adams, Draflln, Matthews 20, v. Collins Delanev' S*^^? Na, £ l^ B - Taylor,' Green, Coi : IJC^ 0, *^5 J TRANSPORT GREEN. The final of the Transport Club's - departmental tournpy wrj ' r.-on -bv the . WorKSHOps team, oomnrlsn-- l:. Gret*-i!an«l' Armltiige, Harding and Wakeneld.

CAKLTOX GRBEX. Fours.—Whitaker, Sampson. lSuxton. Kowc 26, v. Dickinson, McKenzie, 1 G. Kent. Fookes 17 ; TUornes, Stead, W. > Plain, Sinclair 24, v. •►.illey, Newcombe, Harvey. Vatighan 15; Budd, Struckett, !• Cooke, Thomson 26, v. Allen, Hollis, R. ( Russell. Lancaster 17 : Wildish. T. Mountain, Bates, Ritchie 18, v. Dripps, Harman, Birkenhead, Lett 15; Leser, Buckle, Stohr, Jones 28, v. Isaacs, Shields, Katterfeldt, Emirali 18; Mortimer, Pearce, ] Davy. Wishart .16. v. Tremball. Sharinan, < French, Whitten 13; Howard, White, Clin- i kard, Hodd 19, v. Robertson. Proude, Brittain, A. Gladding 17 : Were, Gooding, Lach. Cutler 26, v. Head, Palmer, V. Little, Bene- ! field 13. : PAPAKURA GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Menzles, Watson, Rartels, Snell 22, v. Munro, S. Smith, Anderson, H. E. McEntee 16; Quigley, Ashby, Jeffrey, Pilkington 27. v. Clark, McKenzie, Kirton, Franklin 17 ; Wilkinson. ' Burgess, Hunt, T. G. Smith 21, v. Dunckley, Davie, A. G. Smith, Bates 16. MOUNT EDEN GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—C. Taylor, Rich, PaisIty, W. E. Taylor 23, v. Fowke, Bigelow. Dignan, 22; Gregson, Black. Sher, Joll 26. v. Haugh, Martin, Forgie, Vivian 10 ; Whfte, Lockhead, Gillies, Wilson 23, v. Bowan, Foote, Watson, Purdy 22 ; H. Walker, Cave, Henderson, E. W. Taylor 22, v. Slmmonds, Bowler, Reid, Haycock 18. Boyce, W. Walker, Baker 26. v. Beanland, McLean, Hull 17; Coke, Burley, Gatenby, Balnbridge 23, v. Line, Marshall, Morrison, Miller 22; Bruce Smith, Robinson, Moon, Shirriff* 18, v. Bigelow, McMlnn, Spencer. A. Jones 16 ; Derrick, J. E. Thompson, L. l>. Joll, Surmiin 25, v. Thompson, Ovens, Kendall, Miller 18; Cricbton. R. Robertson, Hnrland 18, v. Chambers, Herron,, Sturgess 15 ; M. Jones, Lea, Almao, Julian'2s, v. Taylor. McPherson. Sergeant. J. Smith 24; Darrncn, Woods, Costall, Davis 29, v. ltoosc, Gordon, Mulling, Ask ley 28. ST. HELIERS GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Mulony, Marks, Brunette 22, v. Jlunro, Dunkley, Bradshaw 17. ONEHUXGA GREEN. President's Fours.—O'Connell. "Ferguson. A. George, E. Gutland 25, v. Faulder, Wilkinson. Norman, Wiggjntou 19; Gray, Farnsworth, fonklu, Murks 32, v. Keat. Kirkwood. Chapman. Koss 22; Buckley, Sime, Xicholls, Wright 23, v. Booth, Smith, Grace, Welhaiu 13 : Goode, Buchanan, Mackenzie, Macklow 27. v. MeMaster, Harvey, Foote, Cross 18; Gilmore, Marshall, Burridge. Vella 28, v. McSwlney, R. Robertson, Handlin. H. A. Robertson 21 ; Stephens. Jones. L. - Bray, Kenny 23, v. Wileon, Thorpe, CoUin. Crlcliton 18. Ordinary Draw. — McLean. H. Brav, Green, A. Gatland 20. v. R. Gatland. West, Brown. Gosling 18; Turnbull, Skinner, Keeling, Livingstone 1», v. Tegg, Adums, Xeale, Harrison 18; Smethurst. Bell, George 20, v. Stokes, Laing, Campbell 18; Gotfde, jun., Kerr 24, v. Cowell, Bassett MOUNT ALBERT GREEN. Preliminary Draw. — Glover, McKeich, Baker, Harbutt 21, v. T. Walker, Crowe, S Waller and Bennett 18; Sinithkine, White Peterson, Mason, 18, v. Tonkins, Black Lane, R. Thomas 18; Bowater, Grant, Barton, Leigh 19, v. Delacar, Shepherd, Nyberg, WatU 15; Salt, Kay, E. Thomas, Maxwell 20, v. .Faithful, Dunne, Blair, Heldawottb Periag; Whltfieldi Townley, Humphreys 28, V. Cole," Taylor, Boagey, Wallet 17; Heigh way, Brown, Pickens, H. Dawson- 23, v. Green, Kntrican, Stewart, Glecister 17. McLean Buckles.—Cullen, Baxter, W. Thomas, Pool 20, v. Henry, Stevens, Bradie, Newton 14. GREY LYNN GREEN. ! ! Club Fours.—Third round: Laing, I Turkington, Lye, Teague 20, v. Fletcher, Mudd. Briggs, Dougan 17; Lamont, Morgan, Person, Walker 23, v. Cox, Garland, Caddy fonly three) 31; Everex, Sage, MacDonald 22, v. Cosgrave, Shaw, Liversldge 20; Marshall, Hall, Young. Whittle 22, v Trewheela, Leydon, Lanigan, Mlncham 18 ; ' Kennedy, Sugich, Clark. Prince 25, v. ' Coakley, Redfera, Smith, Moran 11 ; Smith, Mickelborough, Payne 25, v. Wilson, Preston, Gibbons Iβ; Martin, Chivere, Fletcher. Newton 20, v. Gebbie. Gillam, - Taylor, Caddy 19; Somers, Davis, Gadd, , Buckley 22, v. Burrell, Cronin. Douglas, , McMurchy Iβ; Preston, Dick, Snell, Casley ; 21, v. Sanders, Hawley, Laweon, Hoeklng . 14. BALMORAL GREEN. Percentage Fours. —Gentle, Reid, Franks, McKeggie 25. v. Sweeney. Orange. Davis, Francis 20; Batey, Mills, Hoppy, Kelly 19, ■ v. Moon, Weeks, Munn, Barber 27 ; Nicola. • Whittaker, Peterson, Cannon 27, v. Bucfc- • ley, Pollock, Anderson, Goldsmith 18; West, • Lofley, Chappell 23, v. Vercoe, Stevens, ' Winks 22; Meredith, Flemings, Speir, Lay- ' land 28, v. Barton, Thompson, Esterman, ' Cartwright 28; Trewin, Gibson. Robertson 23, v. H. Smith, Fisher, H. Gibson 23; " Meltzer, C. B. Smith, Dean, Bush 27, v. i Cook, James, Balderson, Benson 21; Bnrne*. Fort, Blair, Aehby 29, v. Hlnkley, Tugby, ' E. J.' Goldsmith, Ramsey 12; Foreman, " Thurston, Carter. Gladstone 33, v. Hean--1 man, Marshall, Bayers, Lloyd 20. MANUREWA GREEN. ! Barnard Cups. — Third round: Sincock, i Morris, Wh'yte, Heyworth 18, v. Simpson, . 'Chadwln. Sedaway, Graham 10; Butter- " worth, Millar, Blackwell, Frost Iβ, v. ' Talbot, King, Barnard, Cleave 21; Grant, > Finlay, Murray,-Hood 11, v. T. Lawerance, ' Woolley, Waterton, Forbee Iβ; Bickles, ' Harvey, * Fleming, Smith 11, v. NJlholas, Fawcett, Coxhead, Nield 13. Fourth round: • Frost 21, v. Nield 10; Cleave 12, v. Smith 8; Hood 17. v. Graham 9; Forbes 13, v. Heyworth Iβ. Champion Singles.—Second round: Cleave 18, v. Fleming 10; Graham 24, v. Hood a; , Morris 24. v. Smith 9; Forbes 22, v. Blackwell 8: Heyworth 21, v. Young 9; Frost , 20, v. Woolley 11; Murray 17, v. Nield 20; . Chappell 8, v. Finlay 25. Champion Pairs. —Second Round: Hey- , worth. Forbee 10, v. Waterton, Nield 23: , Chappell, Murray 24, v. Blackwell, Hood • 19; Woodley. Frost 25> v. finlay, Morris . 14; King, Fleming 19, v. Cleave, Smith 16. 1 Junior Singles.—Second round: Chappell ' S2* v * H «»ye* 13; Ftalay 16, v. Woolley ' 2§ ■'• Blackwell : 25, v. Morris 10: Urquhart 3»» y. Grant 17; Nicholas Iβ, v.-King 22; Pickles 17,, v. Butterworth 14; Simpson 14y v. Sincock 22. s v/i" , !^ 1 " ff lrs ~ p,< ? kleß ' Finlay 13, v. r ?i v tt , » ,ackwe " 30= Simpson,. Morris I, 14, v. Urquluirt. Sincock 18; Grant Talbot 22, v. Hayes, King 25.

MAXGERK GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Higfrinson, Caddy. 29, v. \ Douglas, Solomon 18; Beal, Williams, ' Sanderson, Appleton 22, v. Bowers, Pirie, l Wilkins, Granger 29; Boucher, Revell. ] Sampson (3) 26, v. Halliweli, McGregor, Hoff ■ (3) 17. RAWHITI GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Ryder, Stubbs. Stewart, . I'. Thomson 24, v. Ashton, Barnett, Dobell, Culpin 22 ; T Urquhart, Hoddinott. Omerod, « Brown 22, v. Bartleet, Pain, Oldham. Kirk 15; Wayte, Herriott, • Carter, Chtplin 32, v. Irvine, R. Walker, 'Townsend,- Macpher- # ' son 19; Grace, Scarborough,- Allan, Moncur ' 29, v. Crossley, Worthington, Aylett, J Killer 7 : Ryalls, Be*r, England JO. v. . Barker, Pedersnn, Martin 14 : MoMonnell, Mason 20, v. Ryman, Carruth 14. 1 .. — 1 STANLEY GREEN. i Ordinary Draw.—Bono. Baker, Callon, ) Clarke la. v. C. Jones; Furtleet. Johnson. Whitley 22: Randerson and Crawford 25, v. Harper and Webster 13. J 1 REMUERA GREEX. , Bray Badges.—Vincent. Wright, Law- ( rence, Duncan 23, v. Weir, Kevs, W. T. Bell, McMillan 19. i Junior Badges.—<?olegrove, Coote. Stubbs. Whitmore 26, v. Gooeman. Hessell. Whitley,, : Walker 12. Ordinary Draw.—Macfarlane, D. O'Leary, ' G. Hill, C. Young 21. v. Wllmont, Lusher. H. Jones, Barnes 20: Burnett, J. Holland. ! Oarkson, Mahotiey 13, v. Schofield, Annan- I dale, Dempsey, Feldon 30. I

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1937, Page 16

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THREE MORE ROUNDS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1937, Page 16

THREE MORE ROUNDS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 26, 1 February 1937, Page 16