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"HIS MASTER'S Kfl VOICE' (^HI Silent Circulator WITH a new H.M. V. Refrigerator in your home, yf^gpWiiWM^j, ; : y : ../V;; f-4* the expense and problems of summer food fm B spoilage will vanish. In addition, you will be enabled |f i ?a: ' to serve all kinds of new and tempting treats every . 'jpf? 'i-'b, T'"", Jday—at fractional cost! For the new H.M.V. {%(§; '1p < makes icy cold drinks, novel frozen dainties, ices * , c\ tT and a host of other summer delectables. Dead •'/, | ='={>•. '^j silent in operation, and made from materials of the very highest quality, the new H.M.V. models give all-the-year-round food protection, and bring untold comforts for a few pence per week. In fact, the food they save more than pays for the machine From O Jg and the electricity it uses. "Does Its Work Without a Murmur " EASY TERMS I ARTHUR H. NATHAN LTD. distmbvtomi CUSTOMS STREET EAST, AUCKLAND. Phone 44-705

British Israel and World Events "It might be well to state what the British Israel World Federation has been teaching for many years now, in all its brudM and ■—niist»l organisations throughout the British Empire, the U.S.A., Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, etc. (It does not teem to be generally known that this movement is by no means confined to the British Empire.) "1. The world and all who therein dwell are God's, who in the beginning created them, and who obviously must pwaaaa the only really adequate knowledge and power to rule His own world and His own creatures with success; bat in, His wisdom He has always allowed human' beings the right of free will, whereby we can choose whether we will ask for and accept His rule or try to develop our own. *"2. Hitherto the world in general has obstinately chosen 'sovereign independence' from God's rule, with increasingly disastrous results, due to insufficient knowledge as well aS to human selfishness and other evils—results which are now rapidly moving towards the inevitable chaotic climax of war and economic breakdown, which the BiMe foretold from the start. It is important to emphasise that this disastrous mess is not the fault of God, but of human beings who have defied His laws. One cannot blame God if one walks over the edge of a cliff and falls. Oh can only blame one's self for defying the Divine law of gravity. And there are Divine laws of finance, politics, economics and all human conduct, just as explicit and inexorable as the Divine laws of astronomy and physics, etc. "3. Throughout the centuries, however, God has been selecting, training, leading, developing and inspiring one race of humans to net (ever-increasingly as its training and development grows more complete) as His witnesses, agents, police and civil service on earth, to prepare themselves and the world for the day when Divine rule will at last be asked for by a humanity disgusted with its own failures. In a world such as this has been and still is, this chosen race could hardly carry out its very heavy responsibilities without a sufficient degree of world power to maintain itself and its Divinely-inspired ideals from the forces of rebellious chaos with which it is surrounded. This race of witnesses and servants, possessing world-power thus required for world-service, is the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic race, which is none other than the Israel race of the Old Testament. The migrations of the Israel people, from the time of their deportation from Palestine, have been traced right across Europe to the countries mentioned in the £rst paragraph of this letter, including the areas from which the bulk of our own South African Afrikander race has Mimnm "The duties of this Israel, as laid down in the Bible, have been and are being carried out by the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic race to-day, though not as efficiently as they will be when our race really realises its Divinely-ordained responsibilities, and the Divinely-assured protection which goes with the shouldering of these responsibilities. "4. The political and spiritual headquarters of this race art centred in the Throne, Crown and Sceptre of King George VI., head of the British Church and State, lineal descendant of King David of Israel and occupant of the Throne of David (containing the original Coronation stone of Israel) until the Israel race is again willing to accept the direct Divine Kingship under which it was first organised as a nation at Mount Sinai (see Exodus), and without which it cannot function with the fullest success. Nor can the various nations of Israel blood, as above mentioned, achieve their full development until they have willingly linked themselves together under the Throne of David, in some such Commonwealth as the British Empire has already become. (It is interesting to note here that South Africa, by pressing for the Statute of Westminster, and passing its Status Legislation, has been blindly helping, though possibly with quite another intention, to develop this new conception of freely-associated Empire, and has thus unconsciously made it easier when the time is ripe for the other Israel countries to join in.) "6. The world-leadership foreshadowed for the united Israel peoples, and already in part developed, is a leadership of service and example, tending to save the world from itself by example and not by the methods of military conquest adopted by former Empires and by the British Empire in its earlier and imperfectly-developed form. But let us repeat that thit world-leadership cannot become really effective until the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic-larael race has itself recognised its identity, its'duties and its Ruler, God. "6. This recognition must now come quickly. World events are rapidly moving towards unparalleled world crisis. The Israel peoples, being in the main peace-loving, and certainly non-militarist, are not ready to meet the war crisis with military weapons and cannot get ready in the short breathing space now left while, in the words of Mr. te Water, High Commissioner for South Africa, 'war is galloping towards us. Already the people of Great Britain are realising, dimly as yet, but more clearly every day that passes, that security cannot in any case be obtained by armaments. But, in a militarist-ridden world like this, with whole nations trained and prepared and propagandised for the 'gloiy' of aggressive war (as exemplified by Italy's apparently successful defiance of the moribund League of Nations), what is the alternative if the British Empire, all it stands for and its associated Israel nations, are not to be destroyed? "The alternative is to pray for King and country. -The national dlternative is to call upon God to protect us with the tnfimte power of His over-rultng Frovxdence. It is not for us to suggest how He will do it. It is for us simply to be ready to fulfil our side of this longpromised Covenant of God, and accept Divine rule in return for Divine protection. Anything less would, be unworthy, blasphemous, demanding 'something for nothing' from God Almighty. Fonder on thtf, all ye who pray for Pe9C %j the Israel race to take this enormous step of faith The British Empire will shortly be threatened at too many points for adequate defence with arms. Even if such defence were possible, the deadly horror of aerial warfare would ensure the destruction of all civilisation. Divine protec ion wi s or y be our only hope, and tee shall have to ask for it, with all its implications, whether some of us t e t or no . «g. Divine protection once asked for and granted, Divine dictatorship once accepted and in operation (the only dictatorship to which we can safely submit ourselves and the only truly efficient government this wor d can ever hope to*e), the British Empire will indeed be safely out of its troubles and other Israel-peopled nations can and will join themselves to this Divinely-inspired Commonwealth of mutual service, and the way will be clear for „ complete reconstruction of our economic and social life in conformity with Divine laws and su jec none o the disastrous, breakdowns which so incurably afflict the present financial and economic order, which is doomed m any Forbthe Israel peoples a period of peace and plenty, justice and happiness, will then surely dawn, but the rest of 'the world will not see the end of its troubles until it learns from the example and object lesson before its eyes, nnd submits also to the government of God. „, , "And that may take years yet. Human dictators, increasingly drunken with power (and possibly even demonnossessed for e"il may well have its central, sentient personification as well as good), whole nations deliberately Sted witi (as in Russia), or the cult of the physical superman (as in Germanyj are unhkely tA their lessons at once, and may 'kick against the pricks,' disastrously for themselves, for some time. But in the end God will save them from themselves, and these peoples will be freed from their counterfeit dictatorof Communism, Facism, Nazism, or whatever they call themselves. There can only be one dictatorshiP «<jj u t^atpresent the only peoples in the world who are anywhere near ripe to accept God's rule are the Israel neoules We of the British-Israel World Federation therefore hold that the Israel peoples will be saved first fiom world crisis of war will escape first from the world economic madness and breakdown, and will then become the centre on earth of that perfect Divinely-inspired administration which will eventually be spread over all the world —and which if it wanted it and asked for it, the world could have had 2000 years ago, when Christ first came to offpr it When He comes again, however, He will impose it, whether the forces opposed to Him like it or not. "But: 'I will vet be inquired of by the House of Israel to do it for them' (see Ezekiel, chapter xxxxi, verse 31 ). "How lone are we going to delay? The sands are running out.' ... , ~ ~, .„ The British-lßrael-World Federation advocates hack to the Bible and its Divine laws as a cure for the world s ills. Proof. Here is one: the law of release been kept in operation, the people of the world would have been saved the THEM SO, BY POST CARD. Mr W J Holdsworth, President of the Auckland British-Israel Association, 200 Pacific Buildings, Wellesley Street East, will broadcast from IZM, Manurewa, next Sunday evening at 8.45. Subject: 'The Heritage of the Anglo Saxon Race.'' —-—————-———

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 25, 30 January 1937, Page 13

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Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 25, 30 January 1937, Page 13

Page 13 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXVIII, Issue 25, 30 January 1937, Page 13