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News and Gossip from Our Sunshine Clubs

Silver Streak (HelensvUle) — Thirtyeight patches and live new .members — these are the two important items in the Silver Streak news this week. The patches were splendid, and a warm welcome goes out to the new members, whose names are as follow: Beryl Strong-, Ruth Lalng, Beryl and Adele Snell and Kathleen Koyer. Six Dropped Stitches (Devonport)—Like their previous gift another 28 patches arrived sarely from this Devonport club— but augmented tills time with 1/. ♦ * — * Silver Fern (Onehunga)—Registered last week, the Silver Ferns sent In their first girt this week—a parcel comprising 45 patches, some lining material and useful toilet Items. * • • * Shamrock (Point Chevalier) —Here's another new club to rival the Friendly Club. The captain is June Gray and her helpers are: Mirene Lewis, Margaret Grover, Vilma Galbraith and Freddie Grover. Their first gilt was a splendid one or 55 patches. * * • * Stanley Bay Sunbeams—A .new North Shore club. Welcome to Dorothy Winter and her Stanley Bay Sunbeams, who include: Peggy Wallen, Mary Spoors, Athalia Shepard, Billy Abraham, Jean Pollard, Verna Dalley, Beverley Abraham, Phyliss Manson and Mavis Hinton. The Sunbeams have a little triangular badge which looks very neat. They are anxious to know what we are wanting at Sunbeam II.Q. other than patches—well, hot water bottles, Dorothy, bed socks and slippers and baby clothes. Good luck to the Sunbeams. * » » » Swallow Club (Great Barrier Islands) — All honour to the Swallow Club, as being the first Sunshine Club ever to be registered at Great Barrier Island. The captain is Moira Warren, or Port Fitzroy, and her Swallows are: Marjorie Edlington (vice-captain), Violet Flinn, Patricia Cooper, Irene Williams and Guelda Paddison. Our best thanks to the Swallow Club Tor a half-crown postal note with which to buy a hot water bottle. * * * * Unknown Friends (Mount Albert) — These folk stepped on to the ladder this ■week with a llrst parcel of eight patches. v * * * » . Winter Circle (Parnell) —A couple of dozen patches arrived from these Parnell rolk. Many thanks girls, but please be sure to put the name or the club in with the parcels you send. Ta Tatua (Mount Roskill)—Five patches from the Ta 'l'atuas this week. So sorry girls, but we omitted to publish your points last week. A dozen to date. » * • • Roskill Pixies—Two new members to the ranks or the Roskill Pixies —welcome to Shirley Moore and Dorothy Brooks. The Pixies arrived at Sunbeam lI.Q. this week literally laden with gil'ts; llrst a lined cot quilt containing 30 patches, then a parcel of clothes arid coats, six pairs of shoes, a hot water bottle and a case of oranges and lemons. Ninety-five points for this splendid parcel and our best thanks to the Pixies. Royal Club (New Lynn)—We were delighted to register this new club, but feel sorry that we are unable to publish the details regarding patron and banner. You see such things would have to receive the sanction or the persons concerned before the club was even formed. However, keep the spirit of the idea, even although you now know that you are not permitted to maite a public announcement. Beverley Bowen is the captain and with her are associated: Margaret Antonv Melba Johnson, r.. Radova- and D Navlor' The llrst girt was 10 patches. 1>a5,101 -. Sunbeam Companions (Kowhai School) Another Kowhai club which is dolnr good work is the Companions who, this week sent us 18 patches, making a total ror the winter of i is. We are so sorry that we overlooked acknowledging the very welcome hot water bag that arrived last week And now thank them for a second gift this week—a dainty little winceyette baby frock. ye

Star Twinklors (Mount Eden)—We are - glad to welcome the Twinklers back to > activity with two new members, Betty ; Moir and Phyllis Gow. The girt this 5 week comprised a golliwog and a ball. Starlets (Mount Albert) —A dozen • patches found their way to lI.Q. this week —the gift or one or the Starlets. Then > Christine and lleather sent along a gift i of clothes, whilst Shirley sent -10 patches. * * * * Sunshine Elves — Forty-two patches (extra large Ones and very nice), and a I scarf were the Elves' contribution this • week. » * » » Sunshine Club (Grey Lynn)—The first gift to be opened this week was one of seven pairs or baby slippers, while later ; arrived seven story books. * * * ♦ Secret Seven —Wendy's eyes opened ; wide in surprise when a suitcase of warm ' clothes, all serviceable, as well as new looking, arrived from the Secret Seven people. A second parcel, containing mainly children's woollies, a collection of 40 patches and a big ccntre patch, were also contributed by this Secret Seven Club during the week. ♦ * * # Sunray (St. George's Church) —Large parcels, carefully done up and labelled, are the order or the day from Sunrays. The week opened well with a parcel containing two quilts—one cot quilt, cosily lined with a thick grey material, and the dearest little pink and blue pram quilt, trimmed with rosebud trimming. A parcel of clothes, a cosy singlet and some winceyette garments completed the parcel. Welcome to Winifred I.enman, who has joined this industrious band of Mount Albert Sunbeams. Later came two dozen patches, a singlet and a winceyette pram quilt. » * » # ■ Happy (Dominion Road) —Again Elsie sends In gifts for the credit of this club. This time it was 34 patches. Naomi also sent in a contribution or Tour patches. * * * * Handy Helpers (Outpost)— Joan 'Marshall's gift on behalf of this club was a tiny patchwork quilt and a pair of rompers, and Ngaire Rodgers sent along 14 patches. * » * » Haeremai (Takapuna)—A splendid parcel or 30 good patches. Well done you six Takapunaites. # v Happy Family (Thames) —Two patches from the Happy Family and some material patches for lining. Wo would prefer, where it Is not possible for lining to be made into a complete quilt size, that they be sent in separately. * * * * Helping Rovers (Barnell) —The captain reports that the Helping Rovers arc becoming so numerous that they can barely all fit Into their club room. Four latest members are: Peggy Sheath, Lesley .Church, Colleen Gould and Jean Monds. Twentv-seven patches and a big package or clothing were most userul gifts. Congratulations upon the excellent joined linings. * » * * Goodwill —Happy welcome to June Smarden, the newest member or the Goodwill people. The club points have gone up as the result of finishing 30 patches and a girt oi' Gd. A little green hot water hag rrom Isohel was very welcome. '* • • * Golden Gleams (Avondale) —A warm welcome to the Golden Gleams, a new club for Avondale captained by a Sunbeam well known to Budget readers. Wc wish Iris Reaves and her friends good luck and welcome the following girl:-; as Gleams: Rubv and Edna Andersen, lletty Stevens. Twelve patches and a golliwog start the club off with If) points. # Helpers' . League (Mount Eden)— Welcome to Eunice Russell and Marjorle Colwarth, who have linked up with the Helpers' League. Nineteen patches and a collection ol' material for lining are an addition to the club's points. I am afraid .that much of the satin lining was not 'much use, gfrls.

Jesmond Dene Pixies—We thank those folk for a nice collection of clothes and lining material. * * # » Anno Club (Heme Bay)— The Anne Club's second small parcel arrived this week— two patches and a beret. Thank you, girls. * » • • Busy Fingers—First we have a warm welcome in extend to a host or new members who tills week have Joined the ranks of the Busy Fingers Club at New Lynn. These new members Include: Joy Eyles, Rose Sinionds, Doris Alnsworth, Lorna Hardy, Laurel Quelch. Betty Harris, Doreen Ryan, Avis Burns, Jean McKenzle, Delma Pirrel and Owen Mitchell. Like the llos- ! kill Pixies, the Busy Fingers hit 011 the bright Idea of sending us a case of lemons. We can picture lots ol' little folk enjoying hot lemon drinks as a result or tills happy thought. The winceyette-llned quilt of 100 patches was Just splendid. » # » • Blue Boys (Valley Road) —These folk broke a recent silence by sending in a splendid blanket, which earned them 50 points. In addition the Blue Boys have been busy selling newspapers, and in this way augmented our Sliver Lining Fund to the extent of 1/3. A pair of trousers and some lining material "were the llnal gifts which helped to bring this club's points up to 12S. * * • • Bell Birds (St. Ilelier's) —A lovely parcel containing 30 patches, a hot water bottle and some clothes, was the first gift to arrive this week. Oh, and the Mickey Mouse cake or soap was a splendid idea Fay. There is, however, one doleful piece of news for the Bell Birds—Elaine Smith, who had previously been selected as club captain, has found it impossible to accept owing to ill health. Wo are so sorry to hear that Elaine has been ill, and wish her a speedy return to health. * * * * Blue Bird (Grey Lynn)—Nora O'Leary has been elected to the position or vicecaptain or the Blue Birds, and the following sunbeams have linked up with this Grey Lynn club: Marjorie Keohane, June Barker, Ima Fleming and Noreen Felton. We hear, from the captain, that the Blue Birds are all working very hard. Good luck to them. * » » • Cracker Club (Point Chevalier) —Welcome to the Cracker Club, yet another Sunshine Club in the Point Chevalier district. Lois MaeCormack, of 518, Point Chevalier Road, is the captain and her Crackers are Thelma Jones, Joyce Cain, Elaine Stokoo and Melva Stanaway. The Cracker Club is anxious to know how points may be gained. Well, patches count as 1 point each. 3d contributions to our Silver Lining Fund as 1, while clothes, toys -and completed quilts are awarded points according to their merit.

Members of the SUNBEAM COMPANIONS (Kowhai Junior High School) and HELPFUL SHADOWS (Kowhai Junior High School) will meet at the " Star" Qfficc next Saturday morning, AUGUST 8. Time: 9.30-11.30. Please bring darning needles. Work: Sorting and Sewing Patches.

Blockhouse Bay Sunbeams.—Two new members were announced this week along with the rcceipt of a good parcel of 3 5 patches and a quantity of baby clothes. Welcome In to Joyce Thomson and Loma Neal.

Cherry Pia—We thank June for her delightful little pink baby outllt. Will some of the other Cherry Pie people write and advise me whether or not they wish the club to be an active one; 200 points to the Cherries.

Cosy Club (Remuora) —Two of the usual splendid quilts from the Cosy Club, both warmly lined and blanket stitched, and containing in all 05 patches, as well as a line parcel ol' clothes containing also boys' and girls' socks and stockings, was a delightful gift lo start oil' the week. This was rollowed later by another lovely quilt, a hot water bottle and more clothes. Five flln full length strips of llrst-elass knitting made tip one side, and the whole was lined with blanketing.

Clematis (Onehunga)—Marcia Patterson, or Oranga Avenue, Onehunga, wishes to join the Clematis band, and we have enrolled her. Marcia sent six nice patches as her opening girt.

Cheer Germs (Grey Lynn)—Two baby hot water bags, clothes, a pair or shoes and material ror lining helped to bring up the points and earned our best thanks.

Cinderella (Avondale) —Congratulations to the Cinderella people for their four splendid quilts—one single bed size, two cot size and one little pram cover. These quilts are amongst the nicest to come to Sunbeam headquarters. An additional 43 patches bring the points soaring skywards. The captain, Alice Tait, reports that her club members have been selling violets as a mentis or raising money for our Silver Lining Fund.

Dionne (Devonport)—A linn parcel of 32 patches, a mackintosh and a pair of shoes and a pair ol" bed socks arrived early In the week from the Dionnes. This was followed closely by a line collection of pretty little baby things and 5/. Well done! Is tills the result of another concert, Delrdre? Another parcel I The third this week! It contained 18 patches and a delightful . little gift of baby woollies.

Euston (Sandringham)—A hearty welcome to Joyce Osborne, Owens Road, Roslle Hands, Marjorie Pearce, Connie Phipps and Ray Cain. This advice came this week, together with a parcel containing 14 patches, two hats, a scarl' and a pair ol' slippers. 1 * * * *

Magic Workers (Point Chevalier) —The junior girls or the Point Chevalier School have been busy again, and this week sent In a splendid gift of 30 patches, a scarr and a pair of bootees.

Elves (Outpost)— The Waihl Elves have been very busy or late making a little ■pram quilt of Si patches lined with cretonne, and collecting, as well as toys, singlet and hot water bottle. * * ♦ * Friendship (City)—A warm welcome to Hie Friendship Club—a little band of six girls, captained by Betty Lorigan, ol' 4, Exmouth Street. We hope to hear more ol tile Friendship people in the days to come. * * * * Flower of the Pine (Mount Eden) — Sounds most delightful, and judging by the llrst parcel that arrived with the club registration, so Is the work or Captain Petals Weir and her twelve- helpers. v big welcome to this club with the exciting name and composed or Joan Crossland, Gladys Brock. Molly Adams. Pat Page, Valerie Isbister, Maureen Sexton, C6nnie Stathain, Joyce Neves, Pat Lynch, Clara McKinstry, Joyce Barker and Monica Coates. These rolk step on to the ladder with 40 points. * ♦ * « Forget-me-not (Onehunga) —Seventeen patches and a quantity or material for lining was a most acceptable girt, girls. * * * # Friendly Way (Outpost)— This week a welcome goes out to the newest member or the Friendly Way, Molly Harmer, or Wharehine. June Jenfcs, an Auckland member ol' these outposts, then sent in a pair ol' blue bed socks. * * * * Fireside Helpers (Morningside)—This new club, which stepped on to the ladder last week with a total of 230 points, is working hard and sent another girt this week of 70 more patches (total now 325) two berets and two completed linings'. These linings, made out of small pieces or wlnceyctte, are a line idea, and we hope that other clubs will rollow suit. Welcome in to Bruce Kent, David Menzies and Graham Horspool.

Fantail—lt is some weeks since a parcel arrived from the Fantails, hut what a surprise it was to receive 47 colourful patches all neatly worked In basket stitch The dainty pink hug>-me-tight was dispatched post haste to a little baby in the city.

Firelight Fairies (Northcote)—The Firelight Fairies hail from Nortlieote, and have Edna Lydiard, or Richmond Avenue, ror their captain. We hear they are all very busy with their patches. ' Edna's Fairies are: Sybil Fielder, Joyce Satcliell Rita Lydiard, Doris Lydiard and Anne llennings.

Glee—Twenty-five patches and a woollv ball came as the ilrst girt from the Glee Club and started them on the ladder with 27 points.

Green Gables (Birkenhead)—Twentvone patches rrom the Green Gables, 11 of which rroin Isabelle Louden, came early this week to help us along. Later a further 27 arrived rrom Mary. Next came a gift rrom Faith and her brothersix patches.

Happy-go-lucky (Epsom) — Our thanks to the Happy-go-lucky people for a parcel of warm clothes specially sent for Eurlich's brothers and sisters. Moi'e gifts were yet to come, Tor the captain forwarded another 15 patches, 3 pairs or bed socks, 2 of liootees material for lining a shawl and used clothes.

Happy Workers (Onehunga Congregational) —Thirty patches arrived early tliis week lor the credit ol" tile voung people of the Onehunga Congregational S.S. and later a line material patchwork quilt (unlined)) accompanied a further 34 knitted squares. * • ♦ • Helpful Hands—A coat, some cigarette cards and eight patches were in the'ilrst parcel opened, and later came a dozen patches, slippers, scarf and berets. This was followed by a splendid hot water bag and cover and a dainty singlet. Still another hot "tommy" arrived later. Hula (Greenlane)—Lucky irdeed will be the folk who receive the contents or a fine parcel from the Hulas. Warm overcoats and general clothes. Will members please note that their new captain's •.ddress is 8, Albert Street, Ellerslie. Knitting Craze (Otuliuhu)—Four singlets and 1 I patches were hailed with jov at Sunbeam lI.Q. Oh clear! Why did 1 say "Starlets" last week when I meant "Knitting Craze." The 7 5 points went to your credit, and that is the main thing.

Kowhai Starlets (Sandringham)—A first girt or 19 patches arrived this week to put the Starlets on the ladder. Ever so sorry about the errors, girls. * * * * Kowhai Friendly Road (Kowhai School) —Another splendid quilt—already lined, too— from the Friendly Road people. We would like these Kowhai folk to know that their quilts are among the nicest that reach Sunbeam H.Q. Our thanks are also due ror a second hot water bottle, eight new and very warm pairs of bloomers and three pairs of bed socks. Kowhai-ites (Kowhai School) — Yet another Kowhai club to welcome to tile tanks of our Sunshine workers. Captained by June Chewter this little club or three members contributed a lined cot quilt or 40 patches, as well as a little parcel of new clothes. Well done June and her club mates, Faith Wakelitig and Florence Banlleld. * * * * Kowhai Workers »(Kowhai School) — Another new club for Kowhai. Goodness me, we are wondering when the girl-pupils or Kowhai Junior High School will each and every one be Included in the Sunshine clubs. This new club, The Kowhai Workers, has Dorothy Budge as captain and Joy Kneebone as vice-captain. The Workers are as follows: Betty Lempriere, Ethel Marton, Muriel Fisher Joyce Tetly, Violet Malcolm, Muriel Dockers and Sandra Mackie. A warm welcome to them all. * * ♦ # Kiwi Club (Epsom)—T!he Pixies and the Cherry Tie Clubs have been joined this past week by the Kiwi Club, a new little group of girls in the Epsom district. The Kiwis are captained by Teresa Blake vice-captain, Pat Lineen and treasurer Mavis McKinstry. Iris Berridge, Dora Kenny and Doreen Christini are also members or this new Epsom club * * * » Maahunui (Maungaturoto)—A new club to rival the Northern Sunbeams—the Maahunui (named arter the new rail car which recently visited the North) has a small membership or tour. it is captained by Gwen Miller, with whom is associated Juno Mollis,. Peggy and Joy Auld. Their llrst girt, was or splendid patches, which ivought them 2 5 points. * * * * Marigold (To ICuiti)—This week's girt was ii patches, counting to points on account of the size of some of them See last week's message, girls. We welcome to their ranks Pv'ola Cotter. * * * ♦ Mickey Mouse (Eilerslie) —A prettv little crocheted pram quilt, satin lined, as well as a parcel containing clothes, shoes woollens and rattle, arrived rrorn the members of this busy Eilerslie club. Then ther" was a lino surprise in two satin lined single bed quilts containing about 100 patches. New members to whom we extend a happy welcome are Pearl Marcoson and Esma Chatileld. ">"fee

Merry Band of Helpers (Devonport)— single bed patchwork quilt and 17 nicely knitted patches were the .Merrv Band's gifts opened early this week. This was followed toy another single bed quilt, eight patches and two pairs of bootees. « » • * New Lynn Knitters—These folk have been at work again and made up 26 patches and a pair of red hootees. Points are awarded according to the value or the gift, girls. ♦ * » * Odds and Ends (Whenuapai)—Shoes and socks are the order of the day from this club, and we thank them for Ave pairs ol' half a dozen socks. Prisciila (Devonport)—A lovely parcel of clothes and a dozen patches were sent tills week by the Godley girls. * * * * Pixies (Epsom)—A parcel of clothes from Gloria and Shirley Bell and one from Margaret and Geraldine Grubb were received here with delight. Many of those Sunbeams who have visited us on Saturday mornings have had Gloria's quilts shown them, so they will realise our pleasure at receiving still another gay single bed quilt this week. * * * * Portland Bees (Whangarel)—The usual parcel of patches—this time 37—arrived from the Bees, as well as some lining material and a welcome gift of clothes from small Joyce. * * * » Patchwork Pixies CKohimarama) —These Kohimarama rolk have been busy agaiti and sent in a gift of a petticoat, a frock and gloves. This was rollowed by a collection of used clothes. » » * * Parakeet Club (Glenfleld, Auckland) — A warm welcome to Winifred Billing and her band or Sunbeams, who together have Tormed the Parakeet Club. Winifred's helpers arc: Mary Gardener (vice-captain), Duicie Swindale, Yvonne Batty and Muriel Webb. Their first gift was a welcome addition of two dozen patches. Patchwork (Outpost)—A beautiful satin lined pram quilt of 15 patches and a winceyette bed jacket arrived from Lois this week to add 30 to the score. Fourteen more patfclies and a collection of toys then arrived from Adair Mackersey. Pat Campbell and Leo Story's addition was three patches and a jersev. * * • » Rainbow (Mount Eden) —Joan's gift was a parcel of 10 patches, as well as some clothes, a doll and a baby rattle. Then a parcel came from the, captain, who sent six patches and some woollens. Next we must mention Betty's eight books. * * * to Rata (New Lynn)—Ninety patches, a big collection of clothes and knitted garments and two completed cot quilts were tiie Rata contributions this week. The quilt was lovely, girls.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 181, 1 August 1936, Page 2 (Supplement)

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News and Gossip from Our Sunshine Clubs Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 181, 1 August 1936, Page 2 (Supplement)

News and Gossip from Our Sunshine Clubs Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 181, 1 August 1936, Page 2 (Supplement)