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CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP.. GRAMMAR STILL LEAD. DEFEAT OF PAPATOETOE. Ivcon interest wag evinced in the championship hockey matches on Saturday at both the Renmera and Papatoetoe grounds. The centre of attraction was tlie game between Grammar Old Boys and Papatoetoe at headquarters. This resulted in a fast, exciting game, marked at times by over-eagerness which cost the players scoring chances. Grammar O'.d Boys won by 4 goals to ]. The University-Training College game proved very -one-sided. University piling up the big score of 12 goals to 2. At Papatoetoe St. Luke's met Y.M.C.A. and last year's bracketed champions found the new team a stifler proposition than anticipated. It was a hard game, St. Luke's winning by 4 goals to 1. Somerville, with a rearranged forward line, met Mount Eden. The early stages of play were even, but towards the finish Somerville's combination told its tale and Mount Eden were beaten by a six-goal margin. How they stand: — Goals. Cli. I\ W. L. D. F. A. Tts. Grammar 0.8. . (i (i — — 30 4 12 .St. Luke's 0 4 1 1 28 13 !) University . ... 0 4 1 1 33 13 9 Papatoetoe ....(! 3 1 2 35 15 8 Somerville ■ 0 3 3 -—- 29 13 li Mount Ellen ..0141 3 21) 3 r.M.C.A 0 — 5 1 7 33 1 Training College 0 — 0 — 4 64 —


Papatoetoe were first to gain ground, Grammar' having to defend for a short spell. Grammar were quick to retaliate, hut Lusby sent his forwards 011 a central attack, which Anderson kicked clear. Play was changing ends at a very fast Dace until Papatoetoe forced a corner, which Herriott cleared. Monteith and Williams were combining well and had Grammar defending stubbornly, but only two more unsuccessful corners resulted. Play shifted to Papatoetoe's quarter. Twigden beating two opponents to flick nicely high into the net. giving Airey no chance. Grammar 1. Pdpatoetoe 0. From the bully Grammar again advanced down the centre until Cocks held them up. From a free hit the ball came out to Twigden. who was unmarked and again found the net with a stinging shot from well out. Grammar '2, Papatoetoe 0. Roused by this reverse. Papatoetoe moved down the right flank, Smytheman dallying in the circle to be robbed of his shot. Play gravitated to Fapatoetoe's quarter until Williams relieved the pressure with a brilliant solo effort down the left flank, only to he held up by Jones. Returning to Grammar's circle Papatoetoe forced two unsuccessful corners, then from a free hit Monteith gained possession, beat the defence and gave Anderson little chance with the shot. , , , , . ~ On changing ends play hung in midfleld antii Chapman and Williams advanced down the right, only to find Jones too solid ■on defence. Returning to the attack Papatoetoe had two shots in quick succesjion, Jones again relieving the pressure. An injury to Jones held .play up for a couple »f* minutes. On resuming the reds forced a corner, but Grammar cleared to the halfway mark. Then Twigden and Jerram jained ground down the left flank, but hit :oo hard in the circle, a twenty-five bully resulting. Roughton advanced solo from she bully and reached the circle, Airey Sailing the shot on his pads. Roughton, howsver, shot again from the rebound and made "the score read Grammar 3, Papatoetoe 1. Hard hitting was spoiling several concerted movements, Grammar having Papatoetoe defending stubbornly in their own quarter. Jerram faced down the wing, sent a nice tentre across the goal-mouth and Roughton »ndeavoured to deflect the ball into the net but his effort lacked direction. Ends were ehangfed quickly. Grammar conceding a corner, which Roughton cleared to halfway. Williams returned play to Grammar's line and then Jerram, Twigden and Roughton made a quick sortie, RoughtOT) "having three unsuccessful- shots in qujclf "succession. The Papatoetoe forwards swept lown the field and Anderson, coming out :o stem the attack, collided with Smytlie-; man, who was temporarily incapacitated. Papatoetoe made a last desperate effort but found the defence too good..Grammar taincd the pressure until Cocks had a penalty bully awarded against him, Twigden beating him but missing the posts with his shot. In the dying s.tages. Roughton made a great dash from the halfway mark, beat the defence and scored a-brilliant goal. The final whistle then sounded with no tion in the score. '' ■ Grammar 4 Papatoetoe 1 Messrs. H. E. Watts and H. C. McQuarrie -lmpired. ST. LUKE'S V. Y.M.C.A. St. Luke's attacked from the bully and ♦ff-side by Vipond eased the pressure for Y.M.C.A From the free hit Y.M.C.A. worked down the left and at the twenty--sve swung the ball • across, and a shot coming in, Wattam cleared. St. Luke's returned to the attack and a good invasion ended in Alexander netting. St.'Luke's 1, Y.M.C.A: 0. A good clearance by Surman was taken by Neate, who sent his forwards away, but-King intercepted and, returning to his forwards, a lengthy attack ensued. A corner was gained, but sticks relieved Y.M.C.A. Vipond broke away, passed to Alexander, to Fentop, but Tasker intercepted and- hit to midfleld.. Led by Vipond, an attack from • the left followed, until Surman cleared. Kiff secured and reached the St. Luke's twenty-five, wfterc Clark stayed progress. A few moments later St. Luke's were in their opponents' Tclrcle, and Corin found the net. , Rallies by Y;M.C.A. reached St. Luke's quarter-line, where Clark and King turned the invaders back. Corin next passed to Grace, who hit across to Fenton, and the right wing, after juggling 'with the ball, shot hard, but Ireland saved • with his pads. A few moments later Robertson flicked a shot that rebounded off the goalie's pads, and Alexander connected to coal. Upon resuming, Y.M.C.A. attacked, and 'the movement was finished by Beere netting. St. Luke's 3, YJM.C.A. 1. The St. Luke's forwards now set up a determined attack, but the defence held until Surman cleared. The Y.M.C.A. vanguard then attacked and lost a fine chance through crowding in the circle. Back to the Y.M.C.A. circle St. Luke's gained a corner, but again Ireland stopped Vipond's shot. St. Luke's attacked with vigour, and despite hard shots being sent- in the defence held until Grace found the net: ,1 St. Luke's 4, Y.M.C.A. 1. Several- attacks by Y.M.C.A. followed, but the forwards failed to/finish the movements. With Y.-MiC.A. attacking, time was called: St. Luke's "4 Y.M.C.A. 1 tJNIVERSITY V. TRAINING COLLEGE. Training College were first, away, reaching 'Varsity's circle, but Hogben sent.Frascr away down the right flank. ■ College conceded two corners in quick succession. Roberts finding the net from the second • one. Maintaining the pressure 'Varsity had their opponents on the defence, Shaw stopping a hot one only to find Lawry ready to push the ball into the net from 1 the rebound. A moment later A. Brown flicked the bail-into, the net for another score. ' . A couple of sharp attacks by the College forwards saw 'Varsity concede a penalty corner. From the resulting hit Delamore found the net after persistent following through: From a free hit the bounce beat Smith, and Cooper, rushing into the circle; had little difficulty in scoring. A fevf minutes later a melee in the goal mouth saw Roberta notch .another. Cooper, following in fast from a corner, added another score for the students. 'Varsity were right on top now and A. Brown scored ao-ain after a brilliant solo effort. After a period of midfleld play Fraaer gained possession and shot the ball glancing off a defender into the net. ' On changing round Training College made two short-lived attacks. Hogben repellin~ the invaders. Bad play on the part ■of the students' backs saw Delamore grasp the opportunity, beating,-Henderson with a nice flick shot. Shaw incurred a penalty bullv and A. Brown had little difficulty in adding the points. Shaw self when he spectacularly stopped a heavy : bombardment from the 'Varsity forwards Not to be denied the students maintained the pressure and Cooper scored with a not shot from well out, only to be followed bv another by Lawry a moment •Varsity again ran through.- Shaw s«vin» four shots, only to find N. Brown s attempt at the fifth too much. Play Changed endb frequently until the final whistle blew witli 'Varsity on the attack. The final score was: — University Training College Messrs. E. 3. Hewitt and C. Preston ! umpired.

SOMERVILLE V. MOUNT EDEN. Mount Eden attacked from the right, and Horsjiool swung in .a hard shot that Delahunty saved. The attack continued and a couple of corner hits were gained. The Somerville van intercepted tlie second one, and play was transferred to the 50 yards line. Working dov'n the left, Somerville got a footing in the Mount Eden circle, and although two hard shots were sent in. Tangye turned them aside. After a penalty corner, in which Tangye stopped three good shots, Well born e found the net. Somerville 1, Mount Eden 0. The whites continued to attack, hut Oliver saved and cleared. I'lay continued ill Mount Eden's circle for some time, but a stubborn defence held, and a clearance to the right ended in Mount Eden attackin" \ "counter-attack by Somerville was turned aside, and Bushell securing raced to the twenty-live and over-ran the ball when a good chance offered. Somerville replied with attacks alternating from bot.i wings, but eventually Bowden cleared and Horspool securing sent in hard to the goal-mouth. Smith cleared and Somerville. headed by Wellborne, reached the circle. Play was worked back to the centre line, nnd ft few linrd hits by Bow-dcn put Somerville in their twenty-five. The second half opened with the situation changing quickly until Somerville -ainert a penalty corner. Braitliwaite s shot was blocked, hut a few moments later Pickup netted. Somerville 2, Mount Eden Horspool secured from a long hit and centred. Delahunty saved a hard shot and Smith cleared. Play changed ends rapidly until from a free hit Braitliwaite led tlie white vanguard to Mount Eden's circle. Bowden stopped, but Kougliton secured anil hit back to Wellborne, whose shot hit the side of the net. Another attack from the right ended in Wellborne netting. Somerville 3, Mount Eden 0. The whites were now having the best of the game and an attack endeil in Braitliwaite scoring. Somerville 4, Mount 0. From a hit up the centre of the fleid Oliver reached tlie circle edge and over-ran. Horspool came in, but Smith snapped the ball away and tlie danger was cleared. Somerville again invaded the Mount Eden circle and Long netted. A little later from n scramble in tlie circle Smith netted. Somerville 0 Mount Eden 0


r i THREE TEAMS AWAY THIS WEEK. The Auckland liockc.v team to tour the , Enst Coast districts has been selected as 1 follows :— Goal: Anderson (Grammar). Backs: Clark (St. Euke's), Bowden (Mt. Eden), .Tone." (Grammar), \V. Ross (Gramtmar), Kobertson (St. I.uke's), Watson . (University). ' Forwards: Monteith, Chapman (Papatoetoe). I Ross, Rough ton. Twigilen (Grammar), Enwry (University).. Team to play Uodney at Wnrkwortli next : Saturday: — Goalkeeper. Wnttam (St. Luke's); backs. Robinson (Grammar), C. Smith (Somerville), Herriott (Grammar), Howling (Papatoetoe), I.awry (Grammar) ; forwards, Fenton. Alexander (St. Luke's), Cooper (University), Coriri (St. Luke's), Wellbourne (Somerville). Team to piny Thames at Thames next Saturday :—Goalkepeer, Alrey (Pnpatoetoe)v backs, Cox, Lusb.v (Papatoetoe), Hedges (Somerville). Brodie (St. Luke's), Edney (Papatoetoej ; forwards, Heath (Grammar I. Torbet (Papatoetoe), Viponil (St. Luke's), Braithwaitc (Somerville), Williams (Papatoetoe). GRADE GAMES. SECOND GRADE. Grammar 0.8. 4, beat 'Varsity 3. Somerville 3, beat Waitemata 2, Albertlans B 4, beat Training College 3. Y.M.C.A. 2, beat Papatoetoe B 0. MouSt E(Jen 4, beat Air Base 2. THIRD GRADE. Waitemata 2, beat 'Varsity 0. Somerville 9, beat Grammar 0.8. 1. Auckland Grammar 2, beat Wesley 1. FOURTH GRADE. Mount Eden bea.t Mount Albert Grammar ! B by default. Auckland Grammar 6, beat Papatoetoe 0. Mount Albert A 4, beat Somerville 3. [ , FIFTH GRADE, j St.. Luke's 4. beat Papatoetoe 1. ! Somerville 4. beat Mount Eden 0. [ Auckland Grammar C 3, drew with Mount - Albert Grammar B 8.. Auckland Grammar B beat Y.M.C.A. by t "default. •; r ' sixth GRADE. 1 St. Luke's 4. beat Mount Eden 1. 3 Papatoetoe 'B 4, beat Somerville 2. -. Mount Albert Grammar won by default - from Papatoetoe A. LADIES' GAMES. Senior A. Mount EdPn 7, beat Kiwi A 1. Ngaio 4, beat St. David's 3. Senior B. Clevedon 3, beat Technical Past Scholars 2 '.'"v: Kiwi B 7, beat 'Varsity P. 1. 'Varsity A 12, beat Y.W.C.A. 0. INTERMEDIATE." Papakura 5, beat Wesley 1. Mount Eden 3, beat Technical Past Scholars B 2. Technical Past Scholars A 0, beat Y.M.C.A. 0. COLLEGIATE GAMES. :" i"• . SENIORS. Training College 7, beat E.G.G.S. Old Girls 2. , „ E.G.G.S. 3, beat St. Cuthbert s 0. Training College A 13. beat Diocesan 0. JUNIORS. St. Cuthbert's A 4, beat Diocesan 1. E.G.G.S. A 8, beat St. Cuthbert's B 0. E.G.G.S. B 2, beat Training College 0. ~v, ; GAMES IN THE PROVINCE. ~ . " TE AAVAMUTU. Ladies' Games. —Hairini 3, beat Old GJrls 1; Pirongia 0, beat Korakonul 2. Men's Games.—Te : Rahu 3, drew with Otorohanga Colts 3 ; Te Awamutu A 5, beat Paterangi 3; Te Awamutu B 5, beat Pirongia 0. WHANGAREI. Mata 3, beat United 1. Wesley 3, beat Whangarei 2. Ladies' Games. —A grade : Hora Hora 2, beat Onerahi 1. B grade : Kia Ora 2, beat Portland 1. WAIKATO. _ Kaipaki 3, beat Colts 1,■ Old Boys 5, beat Technical Old Boys 2. Juniors.—Hinemoa 2, drew with Technical A 2; Arawa (Old Technicals A) 9, beat Technical A 0; Technical B 2, beat Tainui (Old. Technicals B) 1., Old Technical A has changed its name to Arawa and Old Technical B to Tainui. Positions of teams in Killip Memorial Shield: —Kaipaki (J points, Colts 4, Cambridge, Old Technical Old Boys, 2. FRANKLIN. Glenbrook B 3, beat Patumalioe 2. Kohekolie 4, beat Waiuku 2. Ladies. —Buckland 2, beat Whiriwhiri United 1. TAUMARUNUI. . Athletic 3, beat Old Boys 1. Kakahi 2; beat Railway O. Athletic won the McElroy Cup. Senior B.—Kakahi 2. beat Railway 1; Chvliango won by default from Athletic. thames-hauraki. • Itppuarahi 4, beat Wanderers- 2. Rovers G, beat High School nil. Girls. —Old Girls 4, beat Ngatea 2. GAMES IN THE SOUTH. DUNEDIN. Albany 2, beat. 'Varsity ".-A 1. NELSON..: United 3, beat Wakatu-1. • ... WELLINGTON. Wesley 6, beat Wellington 3; Karori A 2, beat Huia 0. University 4, beat Technical 3. / Karori B 2, drew with Hutt 2. Senior B.—Wesley A .1, drew with Technical 1; Karori 3, beat, Wesley B 2; Huia B 4, beat Wellington 1. '

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 140, 15 June 1936, Page 14

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HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 140, 15 June 1936, Page 14

HOCKEY. Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 140, 15 June 1936, Page 14