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OIP mi IW! Jk i|TP KhIIIBBr JBh m 1 JF B ■ ■" |l 1 iiml I Vfl „&■ h h . _____& ___| Hy __b! Sfin InlflHfil ih ■Bβ il IHUh AEfllHv _i Hh B9fl&flFfl§ ■uEnfll only happens once every three months-—but when it does happen prices are I „__■! HHH |h V I ____*B* B M B_ cut with fervour. Be early To-morrow for Your Share of these Amazing 8 M iff! liifif ifll _________F V ________ MmWW\ Big JHH TO@f___r Bargains. COUNTRY CUSTOMERS: Every effort will be made to fulfil W Hβ ||| Hj fck }JH HH Jw I| TO V country orders, but as quantities are limited in some cases, we advise the fl __ Ma Bjfl R ■ _____ 9 BW JBIHf jfLHK fOW stating of second and third choice. Samples cannot be sent, and goods HBB BH H_fj |M Bs ______ BflMlfflHßr Jβ A fl j i . . , . .*<■•• vßmmt _P__W ____B___i wj BrnVV VhdBBM ________ cannot be sent on approval, owing to the limited quantities. Bg ■ tt ■ J VbV Wr BLW nfi SHH AT GEORGE COURT'S TO-MORROW! I _: I |i.—, *% . —____■__ fronts Lorn? or - snort sleeves— %J_ # _#% _#% ■ A. _*!. uTaHyS/H 3/11 WOOL at Oa.m. [ I/in MODELS 7~f IHI i : ■ 1 "*««™/e ritWESI |^w¥wwwwwr —r-r-n __T ■» ._.»# ' GIRLS' PYJAMAS—In Twill Win- NOW //TjHTv^ ':' i"" : :: r T v ''' T " ""'i''"! ALL THE LATEST i ntfTnd oo" b, 7— p-w/■g /// % ■ -./ As Illustrated— LADIES' FUR COATS (aU this f™ " Usually 4/6. Sizes: 2, 3. 4—Usu- I //i |/ /$ "''A n Season's shipments) — Newest | STYLES & COLOURS 1 ally 4/11. A /|4 ■*/ ■ I V/"/^3j/ >l gL. One 01 a styles, selected furs. Complete jji . ... JOv "\ >K__H\ Bargain Thursday—All •=/ I I FOR MAIDS / EsS£*_l rfjfJlpJ Special Grouping stock-Bargain Thursday: jjj Usually U P toJS/~ jgM \ rtHti lji ' ~ <J7ffl«!£Sd). / "^ ALL LESS in% BARGAIN ii%/!| <*£> 1 % I = 1 7~ ln *< T? scLc J I \ MHVUL La^es I !M 1 I THURSDAY 19/ II ffflßF) '«• 1 TOTTO WOgLM Si %t / " ' li&MfcYvmjk WbwtGr ■ ■ ■ llBRy / \ -■ ettes, and coat and hat 44,46 and 48m. | i ¥¥lyiCr . ;|| Models in Fur Felt and Peach Bloom VelouM. H| Z&W !l! SETS All shades—Usually 12/6 I J ' lfff»lß«Sift £4 19/6 to 14Gns - LADIES' ill hand-blocked. / ( to 29/6. ' I \ i Iv 3" 1 LI! A 1 v MODEL DAY AND EVENING II; CJTITfWFn MATFRTAI \^P r y/2 lii Bargain IS/I "I to ICI /1H Maids' Winter / j AWSmK „ FROCKS (for One Day Only)- i|i HATS Thursday: O/ll 19/11 COATS. | 7ff/g Complete stocks. SPORTS H A lb. ■ / ! ' In novelty all-wool 1 j Bargain "less in% I Usually Sellmg at 7 blU 5/II (V I • Haberdashery • Sft&Sri i A I ALL LESS |Q% I , MARLE AND TWEED FELTS. 1/ 1 ■ , tT!s"Jti£Z ;/ I lH§inSnitt9f , , All newest style. 11l Smart Ready-to-Wears. stitched, pleated and ' jjj TRACED WHITE LINEN FOR WORKING. Usually 79/6. | . H| with elected | tucked—Usually 10/9 and 12/9. O/-|| each. jjj 241n " Centrc-Uaual Price, 2/6 Bargain Thursday: / J » ||ll| fur . cel ! M : d rb,?wn I 39/6 to lOGns, LADIES' DAY I jl Bargain Thursday: O/ I ■ | l2ln . x 4 5in. Runnel-Usual Pr! ce, 3/3 59/6 H W\ lIIHH Shades include brown. / pvFNIPJr CROTIfq i;i = ;! each " WWI W Jgt Hβ (111 I bottle, wine, navy and AINU HVtINIINU -y HUO t RTlfl Wl¥Tfi A 18in. x 27in. Pillow! Price. ! '-ly^ 2 :^^. IHI ■ black. Sizes S.W.. W.. Special groupings of models and :;; •f<%J SI 15*HB t* MW KtM. j\ tl Jl JTfl 1» • |{! . 2/1 I each. \ I ■■■l W.X. and O.S. broken ranges. Bargain Thursday: ;;; jj; 20in - x 30in - Pillow Shams—Usual Price, p- i » . \ I \ / - |lB M I_____m^—- 1 ALL HALF PRICE j | CONGOLEUM SQUARES — Enamel finish. P% G%l 4L II CeteiluJuai Price, 2/6 each. 'COATS. •\ ■ ] lH II £7/19/6 to t2 g ns.— ill Four attractive designs. Size: 9ft. x 12ft.— JftJ ;!l HALF MARKED PRICES Fur collars and fully \\ I Hill LADIES' MODEL jj| Usually 46/-. Bargain Thursday: '™^ r |ji i M Ull HA WINTER COATS 35/. to 39/6 LADIES' SMART Ijj I » !l! Sizes 24in. to 33i r . II I I 111 ■■ (for one day WOOLLEN WINTER FROCKS. ill —, ill SILVER KING SILK AND WOOL 3-PLY Usually 21/-to 27/6. iIIBBB onlv) Complete Newest styles. Shades: Blue, =1! „.„ MATC . ~ ~ . ... ~. CARPET. RUNNER—Tufted Axmineter jjj LUSTRE—For bed jackets, jumpers, etc. e^f7a a L n Thu " d / a J-, W mlwMim Sks Wine, bottle, brown, navy, and % quality, in heavy thick pile New «d ::| Shades: Champagne, apple, lemon, tango. 14/H tO 18/11 /■IhU |O% Barga,n^Urßday: * I/D ' 1 1 2 /"- B - T^; ■/■« 1 I B "/P IB . leiU ,, /2W-ta LA CHERTE TISSUE CREAM A rich nourUKmWImBIBI /Q ■■ '•■'■ '■'■'■ -" -*/ ln ? cream. Large Ooz. jar. Recommended for llllS l I —1 I I SHADOW TISSUES-Shado. T isß ue, I ?^ F VY W ?^ E LITY f lG r° ff CO t T " I ' * 2/11 ~ IHIH ■ -| LADIES' WOOLLEN JUMPERS, !:= in bright floral and modernistic deeigns. TAGE WEAVE ,n two-tone effect,: __ '_ 59/6 to 79/6 CARDIGANS AND NOVEL pi in blue/brown, rose/blue, green/blue Rc/cream, | , -.- — . f/ Tγ PL n A iVs nd JlndS WOOL AND SILK BLOUSES- i ;ii SPECIAL OFFER! i^^. / C Jo*Zlr&:t- See Special Table of Oddments. || 2/! 1 yard. / |y gfc^ )X :Li r ack.) Bar^n | _j | '/" I Fleecy Lined Rayon WM W^ /nA HALF PRICE II CURTAIN REPPS—Fadeless. In blue. biue, orange, gold" jjj IjIOVGS VSUally 2/11. NOW |J S PAIR " "jWBf \ _X-X. ■ , ::«::!:»:::::;:»::!:::::: :Hr:::::n:r::::r::K::::HU::Hi:::::H:«HHHwKs::::!ini!i!Ki:JiH::::::::i::isJ:::!i:s:i lil blue/gold, orange/gold, rose/gold, blue/orange, b'rown/gold, green/rust, [[j A plain tailored gauntlet, well cut and finished. Perfect fit- J| |k :.:::::.•:.- "\ Jrt rr, r " :!!!!:!!!! " !! - jj green/gold, or fawn colourings. 48/ brown/fawn, and gold/fawn colourings. :i: ting, combining comfort with elegance. A very special pur- MttL _. -TJO.O , ITK , MV -. Sii 50in. wide Usually 5/6 to ft /«fl| 40 i n . wide Usually 3/6, A 16% ;:| chase enables us to offer this attractive glove at a ridiculously AMERICAN OPOSSUM FUR COL- • tHUII%IVIII • j| 6/1 I yd. Bargain Thursday: ,fc/ 8 | 3/11 yd. Bargain Thursday: £>/ Q jij low price. Shades: Brown 'and black only. Sizes 6to 71. ffl& LARS—-In Medici style. Sable shade. II ' ' ' !il MAIL ORDERS executed in rotation. W&W w^ I I I • DKESS FABRICS • I Ovei . 300 Pairs ■ ——— potteries. A large assortment of :|: ||| \_T Wwi l^ wT CI 11 51 good decorations—Usual Price, li; 2/11 PRINTED CREPE LOUlSE—Wonderful value in ggjg / |)j ATT A atITmSJ A TiT 1? QTVT TT'Q . — OT .^. e o 1 I/6 - C| D I this printed All Art. Silk Crepe, for day or evening wear. H/ M r7 ,» * ,f. or, NOVELTY COCKTAIL SETS—Con- Bargain Thursday: g | !l| Ground shades of lemons, fawns, greens, blue, wine, navy jjj Usually 14/6 to 25/sisting of Shaker with Chromium top — y= and b } acki with neat fl ora i or futuristic spaced designs. JJS / F**" *" jji NOW ALL ■A/■ fl 4^BbS^^^^^BW and six Glasses to match. Assorted jj: go j n a n. over printed floral effect. 36in. wide. ' jji Ends of lines. Low, medium and ■ /IE MM designs—Usual Prices. 35/6 ODDMENTS — Best English jjj 9/11 ALL-WOOL FRENCH PLISSE COATING— jjj a " d S ' raPß m^/ UU S R t Ml - n Thursday—All 29/0 .** * UgS} B ° Wls ' Tea P Ot3 ' | Fully shrunk A novel effect featuring newest raised 8F 9 /I | | Z Z /£ ttj- REAL SNAKESKIN COURT SHOES, blue, fawn or grey. <**/& Bargain lhursday flu Sweets, etc. :|| se lf coloured check effect. Very serviceable weight. Eto. /fl ■ . jii Bargain Thursday: --*^"/w m Jts m At Half Marked Price. II! Suitable for warm winter coats. Shades: Maritime blue, J/ fl | Yu. jjl _^ • LACfcS & stAKI ii» • 1 — ' Hi light blue, spindleberry brown, carib brown, and black. / "" ' j» f 1 [ 1 — t — : 1 , .Ip 54 inches wide. ' jjj 100 Pairs Very Strong 50 (Only) Fine Twill Clearinjr line of fine quality SPECIAL ASSORTMENT LINGERIE I DINNER SETS—Best English i 6/H, 7/11 and 8/6 ALL-WOOL COATINGS— AIM % Fine Twilled Unbleach- Unbleached SHEETS. «~^ te at ™? V c LACES—In Pompadour, Filet and Consigting of 33 pieces . |j SPECIAL, ALL ONE PRICE—A special assortment of /§ IJU jjj ed SHEETS—Slightly A very strong, useful florai designs. Good value. Novelty effects. Widths: H in. to 4 $in. Aeenrtnd decorations Usual $ best quality plain coatings and tweeds in fleck, diagonal *"# / Bfyaffj ill soiled. For single quality. Slightly soiled. 50 x 50in.—Usually 3/3. wide—Usual Prices, 104 dto 1/9 yard. Assorted BU * l a nd novelty weaves. London shrunk. Latest colours ■/%#/«"" |jj beds. Size: 52in. wide Double bed size. 78in. Barga.n Thursday: 2 /l| Bargain Thureday—All TIP . yard. Bargain Thuradav Ul/O IP and weaves. Amazing value. 54 inches wide. ' 111 , by 2 yards. Cut and wide by 2 yards. Cut 54 x 54in.—Usually 3/9. *£**.!/* f* 1 I Bargau, Thur,day. V | shrunk . „ . hemmed-Usually 6/3 d hemmed-Usually TH-^/74 . IHOSIIIEY m AT HALF PRICE AND LESS. In coating and costume C/< ,111 K" O/« pair « X P ? ir ' _- «-, • iii ThiX7 3/5 _, . ~| • nUSinill • weights. Flecks, plain and self coloured weaves. Newest J/JVarCl tT 3/11 Bargain IS/ilpa*. g L ?/i 1 ART. SILK SCARVES—In assorted p . sha | es . 54 inches wide-Usually 10/6 to 12/6 yard. **\+*l* T%X | Thursday :U/ I I I I TnT«Z V/il designs and colourings—Usual Prices, PURE SILK Bargain Thursday: * jp < -J ' ■■ 1 **/**> 1/11 to 2/11 |/fi eaC ' J! llf d "KOZIE" SlLK—Heavy Silk weight. All latest lingerie and dress shades. % 1 . 1 1 1 Bargain Thursday—-ah jjj 29 inches wide. Bargain Thursday: *?JLD yard. jij SPECIAL PURCHASE MEN'S TROUSERS 200 Boy,' Hannel College • J_ a^.rßra _. . I I I _M y HI llj Men's "Roslyn" All- » »j t j j SHIRTS — All-Wool N.Z. •U'WKAR & CORSETS* 11VJ1J | S/11. 4/ll ALL-WOOL -LOCANDA-CREPE-Med™ weigh, Fo, akirtj , I Wool HALF HOSE- SSi tf_S! iU (- —— I Tlsmallu 8/11 Pair IS frocks and costumes. Newest shades. 36 inches wide. '___/9!- y * vd ' HI f, 11 ? shades — Usuall y Usually 9/6 to 12/6 Boys of all ages. Sizes 2 "NU-BACK" CORSELETTE — Lace usuul yo/ w ||j ■ • * /72 j 2/11 pair. • B / fi . to ,o-Usuaii y 5/11.6/11. BA^ N F ™ AY I . •■'SENSATIONAL SILKS • J ISS-W.l/11 , - h--' 6/11 l^'CZ 3 /u 42/ " » •Tk «J» V . 25/" A* ~ Si 1/IHd, 587 YARDS WHITE FAIRY SPUN SILK—In ■ _f\ of] ij| ( , , , . Bargain Thursday. j Balance of a huge purchase. Are fully y w hite only. A wonderful washing and wearing quality. Bf I j nnnM . WT . . „«.«,.« Men's Tweed OVER- ,0 n JV kfashioned and perfect m every respect. ■ 1- /■ 1 1 1 j T on • l -j I 3HI /I .-— ODDMENTS in MEN'S "*~" X._ " ¥£,R 7 Dozen Boys and Youths' ; ■■■ , Full service weight and strongly rein- jjj For frocks, blouses, underwear, etc. 29 inches wide. | 4 yard { SHI R T S—Comprising COATS — Double- SIN GL E T S—"Wolsey" "TWILFIT , —Side-hook girdle. Well forced. Ten good shades. Size. 8* jjj 2 /6 to 4/11 yard, 1756 YARDS ASSORTED SILKS— §H I 111 W?™ 3 breasted Styles. Slightly Interlock, with short sleeves 1 1 o- -l-*- J i7-_ to Oin. iii- on r> 1 /->L- r> r> M 1 EnH / <~ream Wincey lennia damaged, and are and buttoned front. Beauboned. Sizes: 24m. and 27m. to 3Uin. Hi Including Silk Crepe de Chines, Crepe Ratines, Novelty ggg / jjj S hirt ß . Coat Shirts and 1 n tiful soft texture. Cream Usually 11/6. X /11 N Marocains, Self-striped Marocains, Matalasses, Check fM /■■ VafCl P! Coloured Negs. — Usually 11 on /a azTI shade - Sizes 24in. to 32in. Bargain Thursday: 0/ II I wnMFN'S CELANESE NIGHT- $ Krinkle Cre P es ' etc - showin * in a ran S e of colours - H / - ttt \' 6/ u '' 7/M, and 4AI- A chest-Usually 3/6 to 4/3 1 WO JE?/ ~ AN j , j 111 including navy, black and ivory. 36 inches wide. ™' Ip 8/11 each Sf 5 * 1 " Ifi/Ifl . ■■ DRESSES Assorted Styles and i|| e ' Bargain Thursday: 2/11 Thursday: iU/ 111 Bargain Thursday: 2/d I : , . ..I 1 colours. Trimmed with lace, 4/6, 4/11 BROCADED SILK TAFFETA—Showing in a |I M . ||| | . L_J | Z 1 1 *'* ALL-ELASTIC ROLL-ON—ln white. motifs and girdles. Sizes S.W., i=! self-coloured floral design. Delightful for evening, g/ JW -J- jjl Small a"nd medium only — Usually ws ,Qg ||| bridesmaids' and party frocks. Shades: Shell, apricot, M j tt_l_L VQ. ll! mpm'c cao ciiitc [~ 6/11. Bargain Thursday: 3/IJ Usually 1 6 /,,. Q/II I nn.tur.uois. powder, lemon, cream, ivory, and black. 7 | Special ™ SU'^S.k'K I V ' Bargain Thursday: I ■ jjj 36 inches wide. L ODDMENTS made Suits in Worsteds K.h make/Double brea.ted ( ; — .'• 1 jjj 5/6 MOONSHADOW CREPE—A superior plain col- g Ift iii ,!T_ t™ and Tweeds. An a A nd belted back. WOMEN'S WINCEYETTE NIGHT- | oured dress silk. Shades: Wine, Persian red, mid- I/ %f . ijj and SAMPLES assorted lot of odd- iZTLt^rey^ning" DRESSES Round neck, short sleeves. HEAVY-WEIGHT COTTON jjj brown, saxe, beige, nigger and parchment. 36 inches ■ / _T / a '° J TARI F ments—Usually 75/-, Sizes to fit boys 3to 7 Shades: Cream, sky, apricot, pink. VESTS—Short sleeves. X.O.S. jjj wide. / jii I-*\O_fl_ 85/-and 99/6. yea rs — Usually 13/11, Slightly imperfect. Sizes: W.S. and O.S. only—Usually 3/6. J/j| jjj 5/11 CREPE FAILLE—A dull-finished Marocain weave. 38 inches wide. 1 ALL 4- PRICE Sf rgai ? AQ/lfl .O/9 Usually 3/11. 9/11 Bargain Thursday: -fc/V gj Bargain Thursday: _i/f AJLD yard. |l| ALL , a rfUUi, Thursday: tW/ W Bar ga . n Thursday. 10/7 Bargain Thursday: mi MM \ I ' Hi _&/iW 2 •;): 1 1 ! I . ' GEOKtiE COURT & SONS LIMITED Karangahape Rd. [ p &»r ] Auckland

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 106, 6 May 1936, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 106, 6 May 1936, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXVII, Issue 106, 6 May 1936, Page 23