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BRITISH LADIES. MASTERY IN IRON PLAY. NORTH ISLAND OVERWHELMED. The overwhelming defeat which the British ladies' golf team inflicted on the North Island team at Middlemore yesterday w'as no less an object lesson to the gallery—probably the biggest that lias attended the course —as it was to their opponents. By winning all the four singles decisively in the afternoon, as well as the two foursomes in the morning, the visitors had a clear-cut win of six games to nil, and it was apparent, that they will be too strong for the New Zealand team, which is to oppose them at Miramar, Wellington, on /inturday next. Apart frc'iu their commanding length from the tees, the visitors showed themselves masters of iron play, whether it be a full shot or a pitch. Though many of the New Zealand players can get distance with their woods, they lack command of irons, and the visitors showed that this is an essential feature in reaching the highest standard in the game. Mrs. Greeiilees' 39. As was the case at Rotorua last Friday, Mrs. Greenleos was the outstanding performer. Playing from all the men's tees, except the fifth, she completed the first nine holes in 39, which is only one stroke over the men's bogey for that part of the course. In these circumstances, it is no wonder that her opponent, Mrs., Barker, of Rotorua, was outclassed. Only a moderate hitter, Mrs. Barker was at a great disadvantage in the difficult conditions resulting from the strong southwesterly. >She lost every hole, and the ■match finished when Mrs. Greeiilees obtained the birdie 3 at the short tenth, her score for the ten holes thus being 42 — or 2 over 4's. Promising Player. Miss Helean, of Wanganui, though substantially defeated too, revealed herself as a player of much promise. The strength of her game is with her woods, and she had as much length as her opponents and in this respect has the foundation for developing into a first-class player. She still has to master control and direction and improve her short game. Miss Helean started off well, for, after halving the first hole in 4's, a sound effort, she won the next two. Sound putting by Miss Anderson —she mastered the greens better than any of tlie other players—enabled her to square the game in two more holes. Then Miss Helean started a series of troubles which saw the game turn definitely against her. She was out of bounds in the Tamaki River at the sixth, lost the eighth through grounding her club in the bunker, and had further bad luck when her second wood ran into the rough at the right of the gully in front of the ninth green. She had to drop out with a penalty, and this left her opponent with a lead of 4 up. Miss Anderson-conceded her a two-footer for a half at the eleventh, after Miss Helean had putted past a stymie. The Wanganui lady played the twelfth brilliantly, getting on in 2 and sinking a long putt for a birdie 3. I lie match finished at tlie fourteenth. Undoubtedly the Wanganui player showed more confidence and ability than tne other three North Island- players. Miss Barns Graham in the past t* o seasons made rapid progress in her golf and is a much better player than sac revealed yesterday. However, she was up against one of the leading players in the world in Mrs. Walker and tne winner did not make many mistakes apart from an occasional lapse on the greens. The winner's driving and iron play were an inspiration. Miss Barton's Power. Much interest was evinced by the gallery in the appearance of Miss Pamela Barton, the youngest member of the team. Miss Barton's .style is not as sound, or rather orthodox, as the others, but she has unbounded power, which she generally applies with control. Her opponent, Mrs. Deighton, is also a hitter, but in contrast she lacks control. The reason for this is easy to trace, for her upswing is far too quick, a graphic illustration being her third shot at the fourteenth. Here both were trapped in the bunkers with their tee shots and Mrs. Deighton, after just kicking out with her second, swung at the next with lightning speed and hit the ball about a third of the distance she could have done with a putter. However, -Mrs. Deighton displayed' lighting qualities, her recovery from the rough at the eleventh hole being a masterly effort. It was here that Miss Barton made two of various mistakes in her game. She looked up on an easy pitch to the green from*a long drive and repeated.the performance with her next. _It was only a temporary lapse for she played a beautiful pitch to the twelfth green for a win in 4. At the turn Mrs. Deighton was 2 down, haying reduced a lead of 3 by holing a long putt for the only birdie 4 of the day at the longest hole on the course. She fought on to take the match to the fifteenth, but then lost her ball in the gully with her second shot. She had the satisfaction at least of taking her opponent further than any of her team mates did theirs. The results of the day's play were:— Foursomes. Mrs. J. B. Walker and Miss J. Anderson (Great Britain) beat Miss W. Barns Graham and Miss I'. Helean, 5 and 4. Mrs. W. Greeiilees and Miss I'. Wade (Great Britain) beat Mrs. R. S. Deighton and Mrs. E. L. Barker, 3 and 1. Singles. Mrs. Walker beat Miss Barns Graham, 5 and 3. Mrs. Anderson beat Miss Helean, 5 and 4. Mrs. Greenlecs beat Mrs. Barker, 10 and 8. Miss Barton beat Mrs. Deighton, 4 and 3. The New Zealand Team. The New Zealand team to play at Miramar has not been announced, but it will include Miss Oliver Kay and Mrs. Fuller ton Smith, the Dominion's outstanding players. Miss Helean by her play yesterday should get a place and the selection of the fourth and fifth • players should rest among Miss Barns Graham and the two South island players, Miss V. Fleming and Miss B. Rutherford. OTAHUHU LADIES' CLUB. An L.G.U. Stablefcfrd bogey competition will be pi aye* in conjunction by members of the Otahuhu Ladies' Golf Club to-morrow and on Saturday. Draw : — Wednesday Players.—Mrs. Skinner v. Dr. G. Rowley, Mrs. W. Wale v. Mrs. I McNeely, Mrs. Armstrong v. Mrs. King, Mrs. A.' E. Grant v. Mrs. E. J. Henderson, Mrs. Leslie v. Miss D. Wilson, Miss Raoside v Mrs. Trenwith, Miss Lloyd v. Miss Wells," Miss Claudet v. Miss Walters, -Mrs, \ E Henderson v. Miss Hunter, Mrs. Cook v. Mrs. Rossiter. Mrs. Cairns v. Miss Burton, Mrs. Quinn v. Mrs. Hunt, Mrs. C'regeen v. Miss Coutts, Mrs. Perkins v. Mrs. Faulk. Saturday Players. —Miss M. Hill v. Mrs. Muir Mrs. Crow v. Mrs. Cooper, Mrs. Todd v. Miss McCreedy, Miss L. Smith v. Miss Sutherland, Mrs. Dejib.v v. Miss D. Grant, | Miss Gardiner v. Miss Miller, Miss Me- ■ Callum v. .Miss Stubbs, Miss Lloyd White i v. Miss Arnaboldi, Miss B. Leonard v. Mrs. Ainodeo. Miss O. Whitel.v v. Mrs. \\ liyto, I Miss E. Hill v. Miss D. Muir, Mrs. Cox v. ' Miss A. Simmoiuls, Miss M. Muir v. Mrs. i Possennoskie, Miss K. Waters v. Miss Ivirkbride, -Miss Katz v. Miss .Butler, Miss I Bryant v. Mrs. Eustace, Miss Lonergan v. I Miss M. Clark, Miss Lawson v. Miss Murdoch, Miss Guiin v. Miss Hynes, Miss A. .Muir v. Miss Gledstanes, Miss Lipscomb ▼„ Miss A. Whvte, Miss Kitto v. Miss Wills, Miss Blomfield v. Miss Marshall, Miss 1 Kirkland v. Mrs. Malloy, Miss Hawken v.Miss Bremner, Miss Williams v. Miss Jones, Miss Jameson v. Miss Walker. A Stableford bogey competition for Mrs. Cooper's trophy was won by Mrs. C. M. King. The medal competitions were won by Mrs. Crow and Miss D. Wilson. The following will represent the club in a match with the Maungakiekie Ladles' Club at Mangatawliiri during the weekend: Miss MeCallum, Miss D. Grant. Miss Stubbs, Mrs. McNeely, Mrs. King, Mrs. Kossitter, Miss Miller, Mrs. Denbigh, Miss K. Waters, Miss K. Bryant.


•Tho final round of the Bledisloe Cup | competition and bogey handicap match will lie played in conjunction by members of, tlie Maungakiekie Ladies' Golf Club tomorrow, players to commence at 10 o'clock in the order of draw:—Mrs,. 11. V. Johnston v. Mrs. C. E. Grevatt, .Mrs. G. S. Laird v. Mrs. J. Jerratt, Miss A. Grove v. Mrs. Mellraitli, Mrs. J. Paterson v. - Mrs. V. Kerr, Mrs. J. Mason v. Mrs. E. Bold, Mrs. 10. Gilmore v. Miss J. Johnson, Miss M. Miller v. Miss D. Lanlto, Mrs. A. C. MeArthur v. Miss E. Sclinauer, Miss B. Abbott j v. Miss M. Ilaslett, Miss M. Robson v. | Mrs. L. Coakley, Mrs. E. J. Miller v. Mrs. It. Hipkins, Mrs. W. K. Michael v. Mrs. A. Horton, Mrs. U. Stanley v. Mrs. A. Milne, Mrs. I. It. Roberts v. Mrs. F. Baker, Miss E. Blackburn v. Miss A. Palmer. 11—Mrs. E. Xealc v. Mrs. C. K. Grierson, Miss 15. McGowan v. Mrs. *11. V. Coe, Mrs. W. It. Fee v. Mrs. F. Malcolm, Mrs. E. Brown v. Miss F. I'reece, Miss M. Harvey v. K. Churton, Mrs. It. Baird v. Miss It. Malum, Miss G. Hooper v. Miss T. Lamb, Mrs. G. A. I-lardley v. Mrs. W. J. Reld. Mrs. F. Saxton v. Mrs. 11. I'. Caughcy, Mrs. D. R. Garrard v. Mrs. C. W. Sclinauer. Noon.—Miss B. Smith v. Miss 11. Hardley, Miss It. Williams Mrs. M. Wilson, Mrs. 1!. Vorry v. Mrs. 11. V. Clioyee, Miss It. llill V-. Mrs. 11. Williams, Mrs. K. Edgelow v. Mrs. W. J. Truscott. Miss A. Hall v. Mrs. W. .T. Fletcher, Mrs. E. O'Neill v. Miss J. Edwards, Mrs. I/. Pcgler v. Miss .r. Donald. Mrs. S. W. Morley v. Miss V. Cooper, Mrs. A. Cumming v. Mrs. E. J. Richardson, Mrs. C. E. Stewart v. Miss It. Loudon. Mrs. A. C. Macartney v. Miss I). Ryan, Mrs. 11. Walker v. Mrs. I*. Wallis, Miss X. Gregory v. Miss It. Nixon, Mrs. C. J. Owen v. Miss E. Evans. 1 p.m.—Mrs. B. G. Bond v. Mrs. G. George, Miss I). Heather v. Mrs. It. Meredith, Miss F. Garland v. Mrs. A. F. Walker, Mrs. E. Goodwill v. Mrs. ,T. Grayden, Mrs. C. A. .Tarnian v. Miss X. Clark, Miss G. Latimer v. Mrs. 11. Clay, Mrs. S. Caro v. Mrs. D. Lumsden, Miss A. Yonge v. Miss E. M. Ernest, Mrs. A. Oxley v. another. Ninth Tee.—lo a.m.: Mrs. J. Lloyd v. Mrs. S. Reid, Mrs. G. I'ocock v. Mrs. X. Burton, Mrs. W. E. Anderson v. Mrs. J. Stewart, Miss E. I'onsford v. Mrs. J. Dawson. Mrs. A. E. Abbott v. Mrs. It. Bennett, Mrs. B. Goldwater v. Mrs. A. C. Steele. Results of semi-finals of the captain's match play foursomes: —Miss C. Stubbs and Miss B. Smith beat Mrs. 11. V. Johnston and Miss M. Ilaslett, 5 and 4; Miss A. Grove and Miss E. Sclinauer beat Miss 1.. Abbott and Miss M. Robson. -J and 4. Ihe final resulted as follows:—Miss G. Stubbs and Miss I!. Smith lieat Miss A. Grove and .Miss 10. Sclinauer, 2 and 1. Draw for C grade match to be played next Thursday:—Mrs. A. E. Storey v Miss It. Nixon. Mrs. R. W. Shepherd v. Miss M. Collins, Mrs. 10. Swallow v. Miss A. Morley, Mrs. ,T. Nieoll v. Miss N. Hooton. Mrs. U l' 1 . Kosser v. A. Gordon, Mrs. 11. i_r. Walton v. Miss E. Powell, Mrs. J'itzpatriek v. Miss Jean Thomson, Mrs. S. It. Norris v. Miss J. Thomson. Draw for the Stableford bogey handicap match for Saturday players:—Miss L. Houston v. Miss A London Miss M. Maliony v. Miss Macdinrmid, Miss i>. (,re„son v. Miss Macdoiiald, Miss L. Eweu v. another, Miss 10. Grcgson v. another. MANUKAU LADIES' CLUB. Draw for Stableford bogey match to be played by members of the Matiukau Ladies Golf Club to-morrow and oil Saturday: Tomorrow. — Mrs. Jenkins v. M"Parker, Mrs. Grant v. Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Avery v. Mrs. Goddard, Mrs. Carroll v. Miss Little, Miss Galiain v. Mrs. Wardell. Mrs. Carpenter v. Miss R. Quigley, Mrs. Barnard v. Mrs. George, Miss A. Quigley v. Miss Blanchard, Mrs. Fleming > v. Mrs. McXeish. Mrs. Margetts v. Miss 1 liillip, Mrs. Lever v. Miss Juckes, Mrs. Dreadoa v. another. Saturday.—Mrs. Bradstreet v. Miss King, Miss McDonald v. Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Yates v. Miss Hollis, Mrs. Colbeck v. Miss J. Krownhig, Miss Busing v. Miss Hill, Mifes Mellraith v. Miss Do Carteret, Miss h. ; .McDonald v. Miss Traccy, Mrs. Wilson v. Miss Graham. All competitions must be completed by next Saturday. The winner of. the last trophy was Mrs. Parker with a score of 5 down. Players to represent the club in a match to lie played against the Clevedon Ladies Golf Club at Clevedon on Thursday, commencing at 12.30. o'clock: Mrs. Goddard, Mrs. Grant, Mrs. Fleming, Miss Little, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Wardell, Mrs. Carpenter, Mrs. Cnroll, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. George, Miss Graham, Miss Blancliard, Miss It. Quiglev, Miss A. Quigley. Emergencies: Mrs. Liver, Mrs. Bradstreet, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. McXeish. Results of competitions : — Gold Button.—Mrs! Barnard beat Mrs. Brooks, 1 up; Mrs. Carpenter bent Mrs. Fleming, 2 up; Mrs. Carpenter beat Mrs. Bradstreet, 5 and 3. President's Trophy. — Semi-finals: Mrs. Carpenter lost to Mrs. Wardell, 2 and 1 ; Mrs. Brooks heat Miss McDonald, 2 and 1. C grade final: Mrs. George lost to Mrs. Jenkins, 3 and 1. Championship.—Semi-fhials : Mrs. Grant bent Mrs. Carpenter, 5 and 3; Mrs. Fleming lost to Mrs. Barnard, (i and 4. Two-life Contest. —Miss McDonald beat Mrs. Goddard, 1 up; Mrs. George lost to Mrs. Brooks, 5 and 3. Silver Medal.—Mrs. Barnard. Bronze Medal. —Mrs. Fleming. GLENDOWIE LADIES' CLUB. >Draw for medal match to lie played by members of the Glendowie Ladies' Golf Club to-morrow, commencing at 11 o'clock: Mrs. A. J. Ferguson v. Mrs. J. C. Hill. Miss It. Agmen Smith v. Mrs. J. Kissling, Mrs. F. H. Browne v. Mrs. F. Hayes, Mrs. H. V. McGinley v. Mrs. .T. L. Campbell. Mrs. X. Taylor v. Mrs. G. Warren. Mrs. 10. Montgomery v. Mrs. S. Ivemp, Mrs. M. G. McArthur v. Mrs. X. Morris, Mrs. It. Allen v. Mrs. 10. W. Colebrook, Miss 10. Porter v. Miss M. Herbert, Mrs. C. Lovegrove v. Mrs. S. Bishara. C Grade. —Mrs. It. Stirling v. Mrs. Meiklejoliii, Miss .1. Day v. Mrs. 10. G. Bridgens, Mrs. Miller v. Miss L. Malion, Miss L. Corbin v another.

Best scores returned in the L.G.U. match :—Handicaps 1 to 21 : Mrs. 0. Warren, !)L' —IS —74. Handicaps 22 to .'!(>: Miss J. Frater, 102—.'!•"> —<S7 : Miss I'. Hayes. 103 — ;{(j—(ijj ; Miss S. Mclndoe, OS—20 —72 ; Mrs. .r. L. Campbell, 110—.'!<!—74; Mrs. S., Kevs. 108 —34—74; Miss N. Sharland, 00—2H—71',.

C "Grade Match.—Mrs. Bridgens, 02— 24—08 : Mrs. Melklejohn, OS —24—74 ; Mrs. Stirling, 05—24—74. A two-da.vs' tournament will be held at tlie Labour week-end, October 2(i and 28. Entries will close next Monday with tlie secretary. PUPUKE LADIES' CLUB. Draw for bogey match to be played by members of the Pupuke Ladies' Golf Club to-morrow, commencing at 10 o'clock: Miss Cameron v. Mrs. Gray, Miss Alison v. Miss Williamson. Mrs. Herbert v. Mrs. Howie, Miss Parker v. Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Jages v. Mrs. Kissen. Miss Willis V. Mrs. Bowden, Miss O'Neill v. Mrs. Williamson, Miss Williams v. Mrs. Andrew, Mrs. Prosser v. Miss White, Mrs. Gooding v. Miss Ross, Miss Mills v. Miss Gooding, Mrs. Levin v. Mrs. Beaumont, Mrs. Fair v. Miss P. Wilson. Miss Johnston v. Mrs. Houghton, Mrs. Christian v. Mrs. Quick, Miss Bayne v. Miss Lone, Miss Barton v. Miss Nicks, Mrs. Mail- v. Miss Gudgeoii, Miss E. Wilson v. Mrs. Pcarcey. A sealed hole medal handicap will be played by week-end members next Saturday. The draw will be made at tlie clubhouse. CLEVEDON LADIES' CLUB. Matches in the semi-finals of the Rose Bowl competition will be played by members of the Clevedon Ladies' Golf Club to-morrow, when Miss Knight will meet Miss Waters and Miss Luke will play Miss Mrs. Henderson will play Miss Mcrhersoi. in the final of the club .championship. Other members will choose partners for match play. Tlie senior club trophy was won by Miss' D. Browne and the junior by Mrs. Dow. AKARANA LADIES' CLUB. C grade members of the Akarana Ladies' Golf Club will play a medal round on Thursday, commencing at 0.30 o'clock. The draw will be made at the clubhouse. . The hidden number competition was won by Miss J. Taylor. TITIRANGI V. HAMILTON. A match between the Titirangi and Hamilton Golf Clubs will be played at the Titirangi links during the week-end. Players to represent the Titirangi club: H. D. Brinsden. J. H. Young, R. R. McCrystal, J. M. Coltman. F. W. Lucas, .1. Carnachan (captain). R. .T. Graham, A. •I. Good, X. A. Naismith. A. R. Hodgson, C. (1. Flslier, A. Shorter, .1. C. Graliim, M. Eraser Smith. O. V. Garland, R. W. Christensen, J. L. Sheen, L. F. Faram, O. Wolfgraami, N. C. McLean.

REMUERA-CLUB. Result of second round for the captain's prize played on Saturday by members of the Remuera Golf Club :— A. Bull beat D. Lumsden, 7 and 5; C. McManus beat R. J. Elliot, 2 and 1; W. Miller beat \Y. W. Meek, 4 and 3; D. B. Mansergli beat P. M. Thomson, 4 and 3; R. J. Collins beat M. Uren, 4 and 3; V. Badeley beat 11. 15. Rainger, 3 and 1 ; H. Duncan beat I). McCrone, 4 and 3 ; E. G. Gregory beat G. Clifton at the twentieth; X. K. Fletcher beat D. Lawford at the nineteenth; G. I. Duncan beat R. Sills, t! and 4 ; It. MacMorran beat It. Woods, 3 and 2 ; H. L. Massey beat O. T. Smith, .'! and 2 ; E. \V. Robbins beat A. E. Grelg, 5 and 4 ; W. Collett beat J. C. Malfroy, 4 and 3; X. Wallace won from N. Airey by default; H. N. Webster beat E. C. Cording, 2 up. q • PUPUKE CLUB. A three-day open tournament, comprising events for both ladies and men, starting on Saturday, October 20. and finishing oil Labour Day, October 28, will lie held at Fupiiko, and entries close for ladies' events on October 22, and for men on October 25. Ladies' events comprise; — Handicap bogey (senior and junior divisions),' handicap medal, eclectic over two rounds, and continuous putting. Events for men:—Spring Cup, Veterans' Cup (age 30 and over), medal handicap, bogey handicap, Stableford bogey, four-ball bogey, and a mixed Canadian foursome on -Monday afternoon. ORAKEI CLUB. Results of the final matches in the championships of the Orakei Golf Club:— Seniors.—H. Chappell beat S. Chappell, 4 and 3. S. Chappell was more accurate with his approaching than his brother during the morning round, and at lunch time was 2 up. However, in the afternoon the younger member settled down to practically par golf, ami left no doubt as to the ultimate result. Juniors. —A. I'. S. Bell beat E. Turner at the thirty-seventh. This match was a triumph for Bell's determination. At no time was he ahead. In the afternoon Turner gradually increased bis lead of 2 up, and at the twenty-ninth was 4 up. Bell, however. fought back, and after reducing Turner's lead to dormy 1, won the next three holes, to win the match at the thirty-seventh.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 244, 15 October 1935, Page 17

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GOLF LESSON. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 244, 15 October 1935, Page 17

GOLF LESSON. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 244, 15 October 1935, Page 17