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OPENINGS LAST SATURDAY. EIGHT MORE CLUBS. CHALLENGE MATCHES FINISHED. (By TRUNDLER.) A glorious afternoon on Saturday, real Ellerslie weather, favoured the summer opening of eight clubs in the Auckland Bowling Centre, and players would hope that similar conditions were being enjoyed by other clubs throughout the Dominion, although in most centres oniy a small proportion o£ the clubs open as early as in Auckland. A noticeable feature last Saturday, which induced a good deal of comment, was the high average condition of the greens so far opened this season. There seemed to be some justification for the fear that the severe summer' had so damaged the greens that they could not recover in time, particularly when iuccssant rain in the winter had hampered the work of renovation. It came as a pleasant surprise, therefore, to find that most of them are actually better than usual, possibly owing to the favourable weather of the last six weeks, and this is sure to bo noticed at the openings of other chrbs, not only by the visitors, but also as a surprise in many cases to the members themselves.

The executive of the Auckland Centfe had no elifficulty in supporting these functions, for the president, Mr. A. E. Whitten, went to Mount Eden, the past presielent, Mr. F. A. Hosking, to Mangero, and the vice-president, Mr. W. J. Truscott, to Onehunga, while the other members of the executive either supported these officials or went to the other openings. They were given a most cordial reception everywhere, as might be expected when everyone knows and appreciates their determination to keep in close touch with the clubs, whereas there was a time when half the members did not even know who was president of the centre.

Next Saturday it would seem to be! quite impossible for the executive to attend all the openings, for there are about 16 planned. However, Mr. Whitten proposes to make a flying visit to several, or rather a motoring visit. Accompanied by the secretary of the centre, Mr. G. L. Gladding, and the treasurer, Mr. A. H. Yeoman, he hopes to assist at the opening of his own club, West End, and then set off to Grey Lynn, calling afterwards at Te Papapa and Ellerslie. Mr. Hosking will be at Ellerslie for the opening, as this will bo quite an unusual function, for not only is it the silver jubilee of tho club's formation 'but they arc going to perform a ceremony which probably not one bowler in a thousand has ever seen—turning the first sod of the club's new green. Mr. Truscott will be at Carlton, his own club, and the others spread out among all the other clubs, but even then there will not be enough officials to be everywhere, so the president has very thoughtfully co-opted two of his former colleagues, Mr. James Pascoe, who will represent him at Ponsonby, and Mr. Raymond Sheath, who will visit Devonport. This seems a particularly happy arrangement, for they are two of the three Auckland members of the New Zealand Bowling Council, the third, of course, 'being Mr. Hosking.

According to present advices the other clubs opening are Auckland, Edendale, Epsom, Hallyburton Johnstone, Henderson, HillsTjoro', New Lynn, Stanley, and U'akapuna. Hallyburton Johnstone are also holding a social in the evening in their spacious pavilion. Balmoral celebrated their opening last Saturday with a similar sequel to the afternoon's play, the now president, Mr. W. H. Clarke, entertaining the members and their friends in the pavilion, when a most enjoyable evening was spent. In the afternoon quite an unusual guessing competition took place, the prize being a beautiful cake donated by Mr. H. F. Gibson, who will be rcmembpred as a member of the Linwood team who won the Dominion rinks championship at Dunedin last year, and who joined Balmoral soon after his arrival in Auckland. The cake had to be cut into two, as two members tied with equal guesses nearest to its exact weight.

The last round for the season was played in the open inter-club challenges, due to all the holders being engaged next Saturday in their own club openings, so these will be resumed at the beginning of the next winter season, probably early in May or as soon thereafter as the respective holders will be free from their own club engagements and challengers are ready to meet them. As a matter of fact, none of the challengers last Saturday were playing in their proper order, 'but they willingly obliged by playing in advance of their turn, as the next on the list were engaged, and had their turn postponed, in accordance with the rules. It is to be hoped that all the others on the list will appreciate the net result of this readiness on the part of these challengers to oblige, for it means that the whole of the players on the waiting lists, some of whom will not get their turn till the year after next, will play one week earlier than they would otherwise.

As it happened, they all lost, as would be seen by the results published, so the trophies remain where they were until next May. Ponsonby beat Epsom for the Edwin Stars, Grey Lynn beat Ponsonby in the Denison Pins and Carlton beat Auckland in the Diggers' Badges.

The only other special gathering on Saturday was at Epsom, where the Thames Old Bo£s held their annual reunion. In the absence of the club presieient, Mr. R. J. Ross, they were welcomed by the senior vice-president, Mr. J. McDougall, who delighted his audience with his humorous references to the pride in their district which was displayed by former residents of the Thames. Mr. H. A. Darrow replied on their behalf, and Mr. J. J. Donneli on behalf of a small party of Nomads, explaining that they Lad attended as a token of respect to the late Mr. J. Whitehouse, a former member of the club and organiser of the Nomads, who had died since their tours of last year and nobody had yet succeeded him. Their visit was arranged long before they knew that the Thames Old Boys would be there on the same this turned out to be quite appropriate, for the late Mr. Whitehouse originally came from the Thames. It may be mentioned' that the visitors were glad to include Mr. James Ambury in their party, for he has been a most consistentsupporter of the Nomads in previous years and had just recovered from, a rather long indisposition.' OPENING EVENTS. RAWHITI. A fine spirit of mutual help was e-laimed for the members of tho Rawhiti Club by the president, Mr. 0: P. Brown, who welcomed a representative gathering at the official' opening. Though not so large numerically as many of the other bowling Institutions, theirs, lie said, was a very happy club. Members came along for the love of the game of bowls and tho good fellowship which went with it. The club had had its ups and downs, but he was glad to say that prospects for the new season were very gratifying. The president made feeling reference to the loss the club had sustained in the death of Mr. 11. Scelly, ex-president and secretary for many years. Mr. S. J. Coldlcutt spoke briefly as representative of tho Auckland Centre, and congratulated the club on the improved condition of the greens. Mrs. Brown then threw the first bowl ar.d jack, and on the croquet green the president of that branch, Mrs. E. Morton, ba R. and the season was declared officially open. VS. S, •" '•■» Mrs,. His feldt, Savin 14 ; Penn, Worthlngton CulDin Coldlcutt 22, v. Gibson. Mason? Eeaninc Blown .14; McCullough, Hamlin, Carter' WnitJ 1 wv> .Sn'nwnys, B. Walker, 13. T. milker, '.IVwnfcy 18; Bartleet. Morrow Ai l i r iV .«■ Thomson 24, v. McLeod. Aylett. Allan. R. Johnson 10; Bluqd. Stevens, Paterson. McKinlay 20 v. Mavall, E. Williams, Maepherson, Chiplin 14 ; Urquhart, Ashton, J'i dersen, Keller 28, v. Alston, Cari'uth. Dennett, Roberts 17.

BALMORAL. ! In all its 20 years the Balmoral Club I has never held an opening unelcr more auspicious Circumstances than was the case on Saturday. There was a very large attendance of members and visitors, the greens have never looke'd better, and the weather was perfect. Amongst the visitors were representatives of all the leading city and suburban clubs, and their verdict appeared to be that, well as tlie greens played last year, they were even better to-day. Amongst those present were Sir. A. J. Stallwortliy, M.l 1 . for Eden, patron of tiie club, Messrs. I. J. Sutherland and A. H. Yeoman, representing the Auckland Centre. Mr. W. 11. Clarke, president of the club, welcomed the visitors, after which Mrs. Clarke threw up the first jack and bowl. The season was then declared to be officially open and very soon the greens were fully occupied by scores of busy : bowlers. Afternoon tea was dispensed by lady supporters of the club. President v. Vice-president.—Robertson, R. H. Fisher, CTiappell, W. H. Clarke 22, v. Cannon, D. Richardson, Yeoman, Sutherland 23; Guthrie, Fort. Tattersall, Sumner 24, v. Barnes, Wrathall, Winks, Kelly 9; Beck, Batcy, Watts. Ramsey 20, v. Cook, Meltzer, Donald, Roberts 20; Vercoe, C. G. Lo.lley, Davis. 11. Franks 18, v. T. D. Anderson. Hinkley, Gladstone, G. W. A. Clark 17 ;-Spence, Sweeney, W. (i. Lotley, Oates 10, v. Nicholl, Stevens. McLeod, Speir 17 ; Heasman. Woods, Gibson, H. R. Goldsmith 12, v. West, Lucas, Truman, W. Franks 24; Ainoore, Carter, Sawyers, Gifford 19, v. Wakefield, Fleming, McKay, Lloyd 13: Estennan, Buckley, Hoppy, Eaves 33, v. Peterson. Foreman, Swinton, Goodall 13; Yallop, Gentles, Codd 24, v. Barton, Blundell, Clews 28: Grindrod, Barber, Laylane! 22, y. Keith, Balderson, Dr. I'aterson 12; C. King, GoUlwater, Francis 22, v. Cole, W. Richardson, Buckle 14; Bernard. Bush. Crawsliaw 24, v. Crcdin, Koper, Denison 17. Aggregate points: President 259, Vicepresident 213. ROCKY NOOK. Under ideal conditions tho Rocky Nook Club opened its new season for howling and croquet. Tho greens were looking at their best, and from the pavilion, profusely decorated with lings and bunting, excellent music was dispensed by the Mt. Albert ExServicemen's Orchestra. In welcoming members aiul visitors, the president, Mr. J. Storniout, sen., referred to the loss the club had sustained through the deaths of three of its old members, Messrs. Ned Taylor, It. Eagletou and Thomas Finch. Amongst those present were Mr. Ferner, Mayor of Jit. Albert, and patron of the club, Mrs. Ferner, Messrs. Peter Dawson and W. H. Tongue (representatives of the Auckland Centre). The special thanks of the club, said Mr. Stormont, were duo to the green superintendent, Mr. Frank Preston, and the greenkeeper, Mr. McGee, for tho excellent condition of the playing nren. lie also thanked tho lady supporters of the club for valuable assistance. Passing over to the croquet lawn, tho visitors were wcleo'med by the president of the croquet division, Mrs. W. 11. Keatley, with especial reference to._ Mrs. C. Webber, vice-president of the Auckland Association, and Mrs. R. J. Hamilton, vice-president of the New Zealand Council. The lirst ball was then put through the hoop by Mrs. T. Hodgson, and the season was declared to be officially open. Reverting to the bowling area, the first jack and bowl were sent down by Mrs. Stormont, after which play was commenced on all available links. Ordinary Draw (winners' names first). — Austin. E. Turner, Dawson, Tongue 30. v. I. Stormont, D. Stormont, J. M. Stormont, ,T. Stormont 15 ; C. Kayes, Jackson, D. ltutledge. Brown 20, v. Miller, Randrup, Edwards, 'C'llffc 19; Greenland, Garland, Cartwright. Keatley 17. v. Hanen. Bowen. Yeo. Short 14; H. Turner. Winters. Cadwallader. Anderson 19, v. W. Cliff, Veltch, EUisdon, Preston 15 ; Gouk, Baxter, James, \Mecse -4. v. J Kayes, Stewart, M. Young, A. Roylance 17; McMillan, H. Smith, ltowe. t arlev 2S v. J. Young. Roberts, W. 'iaylor. Randell 14; Shepherd. Fro'bert. Urcwlieelu, Easton 17, v. Thomas. Williams. L. Thomas 10; Cameron. Fiulay, GUI -*■>, v. Jones. Davison, Wilkinson 10. ONEHUNGA. The opening of the summer season of the Onehunga Bowling Club took place on Saturday under ideal conditions, and in the presence of a large attendance of players, their friends and representative's of other clubs. Mr. S. Vella, president, welcomed the visitors, and Mr, \\. J. Truscott, vice-president of the Auckland Centre, and Mr. G. Gladding, secretary, also spoke. Mr. J. Park, Mayor of Onehunga, and Mr. E. Gatland, immediate pasft-presi-dent, were other speakers. Mr. W. J. Jordan, M.P. for Manukau, was also present. , . ~ Mrs. Vella offlcinted by rolling up the first jack, after which the crowd adjourned to the ladies' croquet lawns, where Mr. Vella declared the play open'for tlie season. Refreshments were partaken of by all present. . , , Results of play are as follows, with the winners stateel in each case : — Andrews, Turnbull, Till, Kerr 20, v. Crawford, Stokes, Nathan. Brooke 22; Smetliurst, Wilson, Grace, Welham 2G, v. Margen, Cluett, Greenland, Liddell 10; C. Skinner, Bifchanan, Livingstone, Vella 19, v. J. Skinner, West, Gladding, Truscott 18; Chippendale, Grant, Mackune, E. Gatland 23, v. Smith, Mclnnes. E. Jones, Porritt 12; Stace, Wynyard, Keeling, Crichton 17, v. Hickman, Laking, Boagey, Wigginton 17 ; L. Jones, De Wolfe, Soinerfield, Robertson 19, v. Goode, Stone, Flowerday, Pilkington 14; It. Coutts, R. Buchanan, Lundbn, Gray 24, v. Leask, Pople, S. Brown, Bassett 22; McMaster, Sharkey, Foote, Morton 17, v. Stephens. Harriman, Norman, Wright 14; Sims, Howard, Campbell, Dollar 28, v. Burgess, Burridge, McGuire. Cross 25 ; Joughans, Morgan, Spicer, Wrigley 25, v. Cole, Todd, 11. Mackenzie, A.Kenny 20; Hardley, D. Gray, L. Bray, Matthews 23, v. Gllmore, Wilson, Petchell, T. George 10; A. Watts, Hayes, Norton, Muir 21, v. Eagle, Kay, Dormer, Macklow 10; Campling, Kirkwood, Schnaekenberg, Moon 30. v. Geraglity. Munro, W. Hills, Kerns 23; Wombwell, W. Mnrks, A. George. Nicholls 25, v. Buckley, Ormiston, J. McKendrick, Ross 22; Tegg, L. Buchanan, Adams, 11. Gray 25, v. McSweeney,. B. McKendrick, Coutts, Chalmers 10 ; Robertson, Btetts, Higgins, Laing 28. v. McMillan, Wilkinson, Nenlc, G. McKendrick 20; Caddy. Gadd, Tonkin. R. Speight 27, v. Gibbons, Thorpe, Simpson. Collin 20; Milnes, Allcock, Price, Gosling 20, v. S. Gatland, Gordon, Bell, A. Gatland 19.

Following are the winners of sections played on Thursday: —Lancaster (Carlton), Mason (Carlton), O'Caliaghan (Epsom). O'Callaghan had the bye. Mason beat Lancaster and the final is to be played on a day to be arranged. MANUREWA. Ideal weather conditions prevaileel on Saturday afternoon last when tlip official opening of the Manurewa Bowling Club's grounds took place. Visitors were present from other clubs and Messrs. Parker Hill and Inder representee! the Auckland, Centre. Mr P. A. Nield, president of the local club, congratulated tho club and welcomed tho visitors. Other speakers were Messrs. Parker Hill, Inder and J. N. Massey, M.P., who in happy vein wished the club a very happy season. . , The president's wife. Mrs. P. A. Nield, was here called upon, and threw tho jack and played the first, bowl, after which the president declared the greens open. A move was then made to the Croquet Club's lawns, where a brief opening ceremony was gone through, Mesdames Clark and' Badeley representing the Hlllsboro Club Mrs. Clark played the first ball. Bouquets of spring flowers were presented to Mesdames Clark and Badeley, also to Mrs. Coxhead, lady president of the local ° ll ßesults of games were:—Cliappell 20, v. G. Gallagher 20; F. Law 20, v. H. Hood 117; E. Leach 7, v. A. Nield 2o ; Parker Hill 17 v. It. Forbes 10; C. W. Nield 19, v. R. Eeclesfield 17; Inder 12, v. Graham o0; Gollan 20, v. P. A. Nield 21. Lady visitors and winners in the croquet grade games were: —Mesdames B. Niel, McArthur (Waiuku) and Mrs. Morton, of Otaliuhu. MANGERE. The official opening of tho Mangere Bowling and Mangero East Croquet Clubs season took place on Saturday. Amonj, the visiting bowlers was Mr. I'. Hosking, representing tho Auckland Bowling Centre. .Mr. Hosking extended the good wishes of the centre to tho club, and wished them a very successful season. . Mr Reg. Prangley, president of the bowling club, extended a welcome to the visitors and called upon Mrs. Prangley to roll tho first jack anil bowl. Atter the opening of the bowling club everyone adjourned to the croquet lawns, where Mrs. W. W. Massey, president, welcomed the ladies and thanked the bowlers for their support. She then called upon Mrs. s. W. House to drive the first ball. The following nrc details of the afternoon's play on the green: J. Clark, S. W. House, Granger, Watson 10, v. J. Keys, W. Richards, A. Henderson, A. McLaren 18; Solomon, Wadsworth, Ute, Murdoch 20, v. Mitchell, Dtwm, Johnson, Smith 17; J. Wilson, Jeffrey, Mitchell, /Roan 15, v. Caddy, Siddell, Downey, Colinor 25; Whitton, Cameron, Chapman, Carson 23, v. Laslett, sen., Yanko, liobertson, Fricker 11 ; f Pirle, Sanelerson, McCulloughj Hosking 20, v. Penman, Newson, D. Williams, It. Prangley 21; Somers, Laslett, Kay, Sykes 17, v. J. Henderson, Massey, Knight, J. Maude 23; R. Williams, Greenwood, Hickson, Moore 10. v. Martin, Crawford, Buchanan, Pinkey 25. The winners of the progressive croquet rc : ™ A srade, Mrs. McDonald: B grade, Mrs. Thompson,

MOUNT EDEN. Tho official opening took piaco on Saturday afternoon. The weatlier was all that could be desired—the grr-ens* were in perfect condition —the gardens resplendent with flowers and the pavilion gay with bunting. About SOO visitors and bowlers were welcomed by the. piesident. Mr. A. Dignan, who congratulated the green superintendent, Mr. K. Hill I, the greens committee, and Ihe caretaker upon tlie splendid appearance of the greens and surroungings. Thanks of the club were extended to the patron. .Mr. T. McNab, for the gift of a Union Jack. Mr. A. C. Whit ten, president of the Auckland Centre, congratulated the club upon tiie condition of the greons and surroundings, and wished the club a prosperous and enjoyable season. Mr. T. McNab, Mayor of Mount Eden Borough, followed with a few remarks, and the pleasing presentation of a beautiful bouquet of flowers was made by Mrs. Whitten to Mrs. Dignan. The time honoured custom was followed and the president's wife, Mrs. Dignan. threw the first kitty, bowled the lirst bowl and declared the season opened. During the afternoon, Mrs. Dignan, assistivl by a willing band of ladies, entertained the lady visitors, friends and bowlers to afternoon tea in the pavilion clubroom, whieli was tastefully decorated with flowers and streamers in the club's colours. Sixteen rinks were required to accommodate the bowlers wishing to try-out the greens. The president's team —Dignan, McNab, Hull. Joll—members of the club's executive, were opposed by a team from the Auckland Centre—Whitten," Sheath, I'ascoe and Mayer (past president N.Z.8.A.) and resulted in a draw, 21 points each. Other results were :—Woolcote, Dodds, Elliot, liainhridge IS, v. Fearon, Sergeant, Norgrove Bilkle 15; Itandall, Brittain, Garland, Julian IG, v. Hicks, Beanland, A. Campbell, G. Taylor --: Sandos, l'atten, Ci. H. Taylor, Norcross 15, v. Kenton, Johnson, Morlson, Cox 23 ; Brand, Soloman, Sissons, Sliirrifl's 20, v. Streoter, McAllen, Herron, McDonald 14 ; r.ea, McPherson, Black, Sherriff 24, v. Woods, Stranslield, J. Watson, (iatenby 10-; Knight, Crichton, Spencer, L. Campbell 1!), v. Mason, Fowke, Daisley, George 1!); Kemp, Keesing, Davis, Bigelow 17, v. Moore, R. Smith, W. Watson, Taplin 24; It. Wood, Buriey, Turner, Fiiullay 17, v. Mueller, Kennedy, Almao, Stringer 29; Holloway, F. Watson, J. Iteid, Thomas 17, v. Qowan, Eaiis, Walker, Vivian 21 ; Lane, C. Taylor, I'earse. Scotland 20, v. Simmonds. Dr. Derrick, Williamson, Delamore 13; Cooper, Gregson, (J. Kemp. Leigliton 25, v. Lochead, Unite, Forgie, Trnyes 10; Offer, Ovens, Gillies, Mahor 17, v. D. Smith, Chambers, Sainty, A. W. .Tones 22; Kendell, Hobinson, J. B. Hobertson. Miller 22, v. South, W. Iteid, He.vcock, W. Jenkins 17; W. Stevens, Kendrick, Kendall. S. Jenkins 1!), v. Stanley, B. Smith, K. Kobcrtson, J. Baker 10 ; Doull. J. Stevens, Purdy, Jackson 20, v. W. Jones, Douglas, Bates, C. Baker 20. CLUB GAMES. PONSONBY GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Shirley, Bartiev, J. Jury, Letham 10. v. Slianiey, Beattie, Stotter, .McLeod 21 ; Meltzer, Stewart, Ilill, Peters 20. v. Webster, L. Foster, Druraniond. Bridges 13: Tnyne, Whitney, Elleray, Frieberg 13, v. Thompson, Melvor, Clarke, Carbines 31 ; Cosgrove, Baggett, Watson, Colebrook 18, v. Boswell, Lawson, Ingall, Johnson IS. ELLRRSLIb GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Kay, Carver, Sykes, Westbrooke 25, v. Henry, Scott, Arthur, I.ow 21. Lang Ferns.—Woodloek, Corby, Toy, Wannan 27, v. Rugg, McKenzie, Joll, MacNeil 10. McKinney Stars.—Procter. Wliyte. fYost, G. Wood 0, v. Campbell, Place, Hardwicke, Hay 20. AUCKLAND GREEN. Winter Fours.—G. Allan, C. Colebrook, Montgomery, Ilardie-Neil 22, v. Somervell, i'rime, White, Wells 10; Moodie, G. Read, Bockett, I. Clarke 22, v. A. S. Iteid, Came, Israel, Hetherington 10 ; Gladding, Dymock, Fletcher. Osmond 18, v. Mills, Oswald, Oake, Gilles 17 ; Woodhead, King, H. Allan, ISennet 24, v. Page, Siisman, Woolf, Parker 21 ; Harris, Hume. Mayhill, Luke 20, v. Beaumont, Terry, Bourke, C. Allan 17. Winter Fours.—Page, 15. Smith, Clayton, Codd 13, v. Berry, Cole. Prime. Somervell 10; Thomas, Self, McDougall, Woolle.v 22, v. Christian, I*. Colebrook, Binns, R. Smith ' I TRANSPORT CLUB GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Sullivan. Shine, Marlow 32, v. Anderson, Sadgrove, Denton 10; St. John Clarke and Turner 37, v. Leahy and Ashby 13. WAITEMATA GREEN. CI uli Fours.—Lees, Freeman, Delaney, Blackwell 18, v. Hunt, Martin, Sampson, Lethbrldgo 10; Cadness, S. O.sliorne, W. Osborne, Bilkey 10, v. Ilowland, Hadley, Marshall, Potter 11 ; Fulllirook, Tarbutt, Brennan. McGill 10. v. W. Moore, Moreland, I'. Stewart, Copeland 18; F. Mitchell, Derrick, David Munro, Corrin 22, v. Davidson, i Hulse, Headland, F. Osborne 21; Daniel Monro, Dick, Tarrant 24, v. Rose, Itackett, ltodgers 10; Walker, Swiudale, Robertson 25, v. Chinnery, Rowland, Williamson 18; Watson, Roberts. Biaekledge 23, v. Wilkins, .tucks, McKinstrie 19. CARLTON GRFEN. Winter Fours.—Feran, Cornish, Buchanan, Higgott 34, v. S. Scott, Lister, ltowe, Jones 10; Henton. Buckle, A. Gladding, Bnsklville 21, v. E. Allan, R. Cook. Fraser, 11. B. .Tenkin 18; C. Isaacs, G. Kent, Brownlee, Cutler 21, v. Budd, Foote, A. Pollard, G. Pollard 13; Cripps, Molloy, E. Blair, V. Little 24. v. Leser French, Hunt. Gordon 18; Shields, Stevens, Wishart, Hodd 20, v. Head. Burns, H. Cant, Dolierty 15; Abdullah, Dickson, Harrison, Ritchie IS-, v. Stead, Doyle, Glenister, Muston 14. REMUERA GREEN. Clark Buttons.—Rostgard, A'lncent, Eaves, Maefarlane 31, v. D. Young, Jones, Jack-son,-Sanderson 15. Finlayson Badges.—Vincent, Macey, Acheson, McMillan 20, v. Walker, Maliony, Newton, Hardy 10. Ordinary Draw.—Maiuler, Keyes, Dempsey 30, v. Grieve. Fisher, Fcldon, 10; Coatli, Schofield. Buttiniore, Garnett 23, v. Wilmot, Wight, Jones, Sliortt 13; Hessell, Henson, Baker, Sanderson 22, v. Ciioyce, Annandale, Hill, Mahon 17; Standen, Hatch, Burcher 22, v. Clark, Asiiton, Jackson 17; Egerton, Clarkson, G. Hill, Klssling 17, v. Segar, Weir, Scott, Norton 14; Young, Alexander, Bull 20, v. Johnston, Itostgard, Brook 10. PAPATOETOE GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Edmond, Gubb, Smytlieman 22, v. Nicholson, Cutforth, Walker 25; W. F. England, Cairns, Willcox 10, v. Fobs, Ross, Allport 10; Sawyer, Taylor, Pook 17, v. Daisley, Grandlield, Civil 21; Simm, Stevens, Itosevcarc 23. v. Jackson, Young, Franklin 21; McNeeley, Skinner, Booth IS, v. Cramond, Bygrave, Itawnsley 20 ; Wvlie, McFarland, Ritchie 14, v. Thompson, Watson, L. England IS; Carr and Foster 21, v. Bluck, Shepherd, Stephenson 10. INTER-CLUB GAMES. PONSONBY V. EPSOM. Edwin' Stars.—At Ponsonby (Ponsonby, holders, names first) : Buclian, Waterworth, Rolfe, Parsons 22, v. Stott, Wilson, Foubister, Richmond 10. WEST END V. ELLERSLIE. At Ellersllc.—West End 29, beat Ellerslie 14. EPSOM V. NOMADS. At Epsom (Epsom names first). —- Cadness, Ball, Mathews, Nowbegin 19, v. J. Ambury, H. Bennett, G. Moyle, J. J. Donneli 17. OTHER GAMES. Carlton IVrns — Harman, Molloy, Sinclair, Perry 22, v. Nortlnvood, Russell, Robertson, Fobkes, 15. Diggers' Badges.—A. Cutler, Mateliett, W. Blair, Pitt (holdersl 21, v. Robertson, Wright, Vincent, Ui-e, 11. ' Denison Pins. — Mayson, McMurchy, Caddy, Buckley 30, v. Piper, Richardson, 1 MeKinstry, Somers 20. I Onehunga Tornament., soml-linaf.— Wetherilt, Lett, Clarke, Mason 20, v. Grocott, Tomllns, Torrance, Lancaster 10. ELLERSLIE TOURNAMENX The.following skips have entered teams for the" Ellerslie tournament to be played to-morrow: —Casey (Carlton), Livingstone (Oneliunira). McCallough (Cievedon), Darby (West End), Mason (Rawhiti), Parsons (Ponsonby), Hollier (Mangere), Wood, Westbrooke. Maud and Whelon (Ellerslie), Smith, Donaldson (Grey Lynn), Weir (Remuera). The English language is said to consist of 700,000 words. Nearly half arc either obsolete or scientific terms seldom used in conversation or writing. On the basis of the Lord's Prayer, it has been calculated that nine-tenths of our words are of Saxon origin. According to other estimates four of every six of our "came .over with the Conqueror." 1

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 243, 14 October 1935, Page 16

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SUMMER BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 243, 14 October 1935, Page 16

SUMMER BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 243, 14 October 1935, Page 16