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H P& Vgi i i f-* 0 f FOOTWEAR at I i 2 y ALU The FARMERS' j Mi \i *" —zss&* !T m AM 9« ah D„kk tt » i snip / i ■>■ » »■ _- ■ il\ Jife-w Men's All-Rubber so pairs n Jlfejim MM HA IDC rf ' 5 - a " .mfflMfch I m j "" I ilfil|||jk. A /ll BOOTS ladies 1 ' j .*%'^ < 1, I'?'.- M 3 , ▼ ;JBfek *S"/II A / .COSY FELT- ,§? plffi .mk '/I mJ\J\J M. VJ A Shoo made entirely of moulded rubber, with smart uppers showing ■ JL I ■ ■ C IVyF BllPlllillllll j|l J stitching marks, etc., with the appearance of an ordinary leather „„,,„ „„„ „„„. JBfr %>',', if m and shoe ' Heavy non-skid soles and heels. Splendid for golf and wet- MEN S KNEE GUM- } SW* jUmt* % Olf/\r , C weatherwear. Smart tan shade. Sizes: 6to 10. Postage, I/-. BOOTS with heavy £-■■-■ >- ' l SAVE Ah ON THESE LEATHER SHOES ™» Jjt 'jMSHI W ■S H Wlm » M • II WII 14BaL only —hence this M f/ fflHflV of 6 Satisfaction after Sho«— pair j Postage, 'A- I |—M *A * * One Month' 3 Wear or CO vered by our well- !««B«p«»«ii^^™i^«""^»""^™i^""""<^™»^^"'"»i^^^"""""""^"™ ,,, " , "™^""" ,,— ' Comfy Felt Slippers with Suede Leather Soles. Good /Steffijfc. H Money Back. All leather i..™. Guarantee. ____^_^ mmm ■ fitting. Shades: Rose, cherry, saxe blue, brown and navy WmJSk I j i " ' Usually 1/9 pair. Sale Price: 1 /_ (Postage, lid extra.) «CM§sßßm = in upper and sole. and they have given p-,. a iL r V ?? - ■!_ k * l ' 1 BOOTS (Black)- satisfaction always.. J gft | ftflg 10 106 AIY " I Yo e uths-.'3 to' 6 u/9 I "J _ HOSE 1 /1-| MEN'S FLEECY - LINED JMf]bfo.m Boys-, i and 2 n/9 » WCjI falling ALL-WOOL 1/11 T , rAATC JbtW K &M I Boy,-, 10 to .3 n/6 #| ' JPSm * fnr cashmere *f 1 rench LUAI o VyflQ | SHOES (Black or Tan) '#| k_ -*/ W Ladies I Here's a bargain I All pure I ¥ J^^ l Youths', 3to 6 11/9 gt tfT i^(rW f 1 * " iDICF wd well-spliced hee'ls and toes. In Jy / BIM ■ 'jl ft A*J | extra (postage lOd *HS «*/ $ftm~? mI * "flf l#ttU B | examples or tll e . nnrinp, lirniTr and waterproof. Full belt. Storm HHhIHb = extra). LT\ W- 41' 1> If »t|| C# *% il oXrin" 1 ""^ BARBERS WHI IL, co H ar . All seams rubber taped. CTR ? iffl | L- " ' %J\K' 11 Kd 1, IV-VrAHMKIIS'' llf pimirt, sea- -T 1 f\ \\T C T Q NaVy or faWn ' S ' ZeS ' 3'° 7 iJF K 1 1 ' Iff j|l* sonuhle apparel. A stroll X V-f W L L J Worth 29/6 each! Jffll- i ' SHOOTING SEASON Jm- 1 " nd SUU h ° smartly arcsseci - Size: 12in. x 24|in. Good quality. p— —""^—i———«| B fgn \v» Ml- JU ' Jxi tSSIM No- I—DONEGAL TWEED Get a supply on Friday. Children S Jt-KSLYb 1 larWg now open » ll I! IIP prioe: 67/6 CREAM - LINEN |||| i § m\\ iSril N °" 2 — ENSEMBLE from A Scarlet, saxe, royal, navy, ■IB B B uMwSla " ■'" \n F*- 1 " evlnla Pure Irish Linen—neat design. Start GIRLS' BRUSHED WOOL ON THE GROUND | I CCI7UI7D QUriTr*! TN M I Wf? working novrttfcxough the long-win- CARDIGANS. Good shape, FLOOR — 'Lirbeth I JLtr H. V HIV OnUlUUll | 2 111 WfW th b * id « of «=«»»*«.* coi: Ann Art. Silk H.<e, | LEFEVER "NITRO-SPECIAL" D.8.8.L. SHOT- j i ■ i\ ll Fl rLUUK. our at hem. Shades: Saxe, made on 300-needle | GUN. We have just landed stocks of this fine MrlS\ I I • scarlet, apple. machine. Newest = American 1 2-gau K c Gun; 30in. barrel, best ivory Ph I J j \ Wl"^' f&f Lengths: 1 4in. 1 6in* 1 8in. shades. Worth half g sights. Left barrel full choke. Every gun proof- \Q Ul l\ fe.- * ( M, h- N C ' Prices: 6/11 7/6 7/11 as much again. tested under extreme load. Carries our guarantee jj \J/ f .V\ \**/ INCW VireaSing SECOND FLOOR. Price: \l\\ Pair. g of satisfaction or money refunded. ENrI _, SH >x/ »«d Lubricating ■ ■ I I £10/17/6 I N °- 3 — SMART ENGLISH J CTATinN = XIU/1//U ■ cfIRD|GAN SUIT i>i a i n skirt; lll^ai- { 'K\ STATION | SHOTGUN CARTRIDGES *"W ™>«*™- '»«« ; ">' r ? THE FARMERS' have pleasure TWILL WINCEYETTE I 12-GAUGE "UNITY" LONG RANGE — 2Jin. (f,o,n - ' u ' " p^ c '(- \ ' \Mw|lW V , in announcing the opening of = waterproofed shell with reinforced head. Special r ' 5^/ bj>- '-"> . ' } |Hl*' t ,i / their New Greasin S a"d Lubri- 36 Inches Wide #%1D YARD I load of best British smokeless powder; 3, 4, or • \'';. " v f / I eating Station for motorists, 1 * 1 5 shot 23/9 per 100; 5/11 box of 25. , J |lfe"\ " J~ WWSMM:i where the latest machinery for USUaIIV 1/ - yard ** ** = Per 100. Box 25. |no. 4 -Another Imported %\ WmW®\*lo specialised lubrication has been ... * , \ A r\ .II h 1 CAC Favourite, 2 Jin. shell 26/- 6/6 I CARDIGAN BUIT from our at- P«|l|^^ :: installed. Here, you can have Made expressly to our order. Close even tw.ll; soft, g „" ravou J ll:e ' { ii tAi ci 1 inctiv.' ranpo or knitwenr. W JK 3 »S «•»<■«« j cosy finish. Warranted to give the best of service. = CAC Lonff Ranee, she .24/- 6/- 1 "acini iun»i ' % your car thoroughly greased for i j• . i" -ij c -i • — «"7'iCJ-' oosn s " a "S«=i ' I Illustration shows suit In ML ■ . ' - 2 W»l r o/c J ll U« „ 1" dainty lingerie shades of cream, pink, saxe, apri- = C A.C. Loner 2; in. shell 28/- 7/- B iiiumiuu \w ft» I from 2/6 and we will change . ", .... W /J»L ot • i = » nj c ii Si- l„ii in' 4/ci brown and heige ton ngs. \\ r . ■wm - \ Ut 1 Wmlm&>& : <-»-i j n i / cot . lemon and Nil. Width: 5b inches. = C.A.C. Red Smokeless, zjm. shell li>/- 4/y . _ , 9HMsM&<&t& \ m J ti£t>< your Oil and allow you I/- per „., , _ .. ._ . . , , , = » r>i i c ii »!• = k»ll 91/ size. Price: co /- ;H| \f / K«' /V/? ' „ £ ~ ,j •/ Fridays Special Price: Q-J-d ya,rd. = C.A.C. Black Smokeless, Z£m. shell Zl/- a/- 5 ""'*-• DO/ I Ml M?< r4 gallon for the old oil. J r &2 = .22 RIFLE CARTRIDGES, 1.C.1. "Express" or B||| , M ■ { ' 1 Remin g ton "Kleanhore." BB Vfl '' ' ROAD MAP FREE SPECIAL VALUE! | Solid 1/2 1/4J 1/7 box 50 'ftf *» * W,/'' f»| / All customers using our Benzine j -.. > •«If/-\/-XW f T?rVT ' , li/in , C , T , C 1 Hollow point 1/4 1/7 1/9 box 50 i 1 W' Wj ' 1 / and Greasing Station on Friday, LaClieS WUULLIIIN V 11.0 liJ 1 Solid 21/9 25/6 28/6 per 1000 „„ t, a nT.rc ifM"! / will receive a LINEN-BACKED ■ . I Hollow point 25/- 28/6 32/6 per 1000 BRIDGE PARTIES «■! W» Ii / ROAD MAP of the Auckland Pure Wool throughout. Very soft : 3 Every Sporting Requirement will be rriilrilllv Situated vet lllpll above ■&■'.''■ »!> i ; f»j Province FREE. This Map has and fine in texture hull length .g. | found on our THIRD FLOOR. Our the noisy Cit.V?TmCF.\HMKI t S- | || ! been compiled from information garments excellent in cut and well I ■ = Sports Expert will be pleased to advise tastefully appointed Tearoom SBPP * ft'' \ V,v A A and is made. No sleeves and short sleeves. I I =r vou in your choice. nn '' is l" 0 " itleal facilities ror HK ,t% | supplied by the A.A.. and is ■■ 1 you in your cnoicc. nritlffo ATternoons and oilier HK || 111 •>< \ well worth possessing. nr rr , Mn n OOP = _ , ~ m, . j tl/ „ runctlonfi. An atmosphere or K \!||l I*l L-«---—---n—-——-aM«nJi bLCUNU 1 LUUK. g Demonstration 011 1 tlira r 100 l . . . peace and quietnessi — dainty MI»A if«-''i ill t = Artcrnoon Tea solved expertly fJlil&JP 3 -"' W?'si- ■ ,g- J = Ji L_ A «„■. 4- itfnk iMk/r% 99 nnd quickly—no cirort spared to PI ANTS Bl\A-*ll bVIIII- = •• Cfl'fllVllL 19.H16 mnke your runctlon a complete \|l f/' " rLftHla BRAZIL NUT 1 #•■ ••■S""*' ■.«••■ ",^ p success. No wonder tills room Is 3 If/ 'IV f/ STOCK, Giant Doulile; NEMEBIA, Giant M w-JrJTiL™ n n>. ««*. «- s ~*-.» t- A/ir»D so Popular! Early reservations .'ill |\ | 4 riowered; VISCARIA—Winter-blooming Tf|CCCC D«Q( = SELF - WRINGING MOP %lX yi Ilk IjblL se ed,in gs - 6 d dozen. ' I "STRAIGHT JANE" is different from any other for Tearoom Manageress. It % GUAVAS — Yellow or purple. Large - I Floe Cleaner you have seen. We shoul like to | lpsA* Bj Lushes. Full of fruit — 9/6 eaCh " 111111111 l = to you, and demonstrate how perfectly it ' Small ones, from boxes-gd each. jjMjMf 1 "STRAIGHT JANE" can be used with the hottest —————— 1 water and soda, soap powder, disinfectants, am- A I 4 -* /*| I /"• I B fl A. I #■* 1 = monia, etc.. without these coming into contact | \\/i 1 A/1 j I I\Lj | I 1 |\| \ * DAfil 1 with the hands, and is wrung out by a simple X VV KJ HP /X X VUJ II I •* |>/VKSI = twist of the wooden mop handle. For cleaning / — - Ljo J I floors, hearths and steps, carpets and rugs, and .. y qu P urC haSe a Pair / I Delicious "hard-bake" Toffee ***?<>% 1 for bailing out boats and tanks. f , / WM ' Bars, full of roasted BRAZIL AW ,c n v fLJ|/ S This easy way of cleaning floors with a of "Full-O -Rest Chairs ■/ NUTS-Worth 2/- pound. Big A £ R °* 1 "STRAIGHT JANE" i, much to be pre erred to fQR -/ 71 Value! 3 Bars for SJd. 1 using the °^ n^f^le clo^ y? Wh / I JHll "' Wwi N "RFAM" ELECTRIC DYNAMO CYCLE LIGHT- '-i #<A "\ " »T«HE most comfortable Chair on the market is TOMATO SOUP "K," Moz \ For \/_ it': ING SET Dynamo enclosed in rugged metal case. '»\ ,"*" | I undoubtedly the "Full o" Rest." Shaped to ' 7 Strong frame bracket holds dynamo on wheel; 3in. 11l *,'; t. ' WkXfmW* \ ht the bod y and ensure complete relaxation WEETBIX—Two packets, one 1 2oz. j ALL for nickelled lamp on strong bracket fitment. Efficient W^l > &' , 4* '"£.'4 I a " d rCSt ' Ful ' y sprung and made on the new and one6oz , . . ,- j d Ii ht for winter nights. ■te* S? * ! P«»»i? *****•• t! non-sag principle. We designed this chair only One Jar MARMITE .......-.) = 1(1 '' Friday's Special Price: 10/6 II B^^HBb'^i^, .jitdlfiooQk repeated tests and trials; sha P c - length of COCOMALT Medium sire .. ~. \I — tin. BATTERY CYCLE LAMP. Gives bright light from MJlttf™ B Tn'' T^u 3nd he 'f> ht ° f \ 1 ) e , a " n A areaH Care " SAIT SIK 1,-c- fid bag. I 2 unit cells 3 iin high, 2|in. wide. I Jin. deep. B| fully thought out. Genoa Velvet Coverings in a SALT —51b. bag .. -- b d « | Lamp bracket fitting. Fray's Special Price: 1/11 • variety of patterns. Order a pair of these "Full HONEy _ „ b carton (clover ) ~.. 1 Honey and I ' ■■ o Rest Chairs now on our easy terms of 1/6 per riUINfcT "t>- " rton iji« v,: -'/ •"■ f -._ g ~.l lir tm PI PPTRir 81 weck for ln weeks, and you can have TWO JAM—-lib. tin (T. and 11.) ~.; ... \ ' 1/1 | VALUt 11N ,I'WM 1 " "W beautiful Cushions for the nominal price of lid. SCOTCH KIPPERS . . ... ~.: «- 8 d P air " 1 •£ * SCOTCH HADDOCKS .. ~ | Irs?' "™»"""""°°° 6* i/T TRADING CO. LTD.. HOBSON and WYNDHAM STREETS. I . * y * *- J * * •« . lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 102, 2 May 1935, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 102, 2 May 1935, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 2 Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 102, 2 May 1935, Page 19