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The Aorangi arrived from Sydney with passengers and mails at 7.10 this morning and is berthed at the Prince's wharf. Rife sails at 11 o'clock to-morrow for Vancouver. The Imperial Star arrived in ballast yesterday at 11.10 a.m., proceeding (o the Central wharf, where she commenced, loading. The wharves are still bare, the only overseas vessel in port besides the above two is the Port Gisborne, at (he Queen's wharf. She is due to sail to-morrow for London.

Aorangi was boarded by the Customs officers inside North Head at 7.10 this morning. She proceeded straight to the Prince's wharf. Passengers 'were free to land shortly before 8 o'clock. She leaver at 11 a.m. to-morrow for Vancouver. (U.S.S. Co.)

Imperial Star arrived in ballast from Belfast yesterday morning. She is now loading frozen produce for London at (he Central wharf, and is due to pail for Wellington Into on Wednesday evening to continue her loading. (8.5.L.) 'Wanganella is duo nt .Sydney late this evening from Auckland. Shi? leaves for Wellington on Friday, arriving on Monday, and leaves in (he evening for the -Milford and George Sounds. (11.1 , . Co.) Huntingdon is delayed in her departure from New Plymouth for Auckland, and is now due on Thursday, berthing at (he Queen's wharf to load for west of England ports. (N.Z.S. Co.) Pukeko is due at (i p.m. to-day from Napier and Giebornp, mid berths at the Central wharf. (I'.S. Co.) Port Hobart is due on Wednesday afternoon from London. She will proceed to the powder ground off Motuihi t<> discharge explosives before berthing. (C. and J).) Matai leaves at 7 a.m. to-morrow for her usual visit to (he Northern lighthouses. Her first calls include Moko flinnu, (he Chicken, Cape Brett, North Cape and Cape Maria. (X.Z. Govt.) H.M.S. Diomede leaven Calliope Dock at 7 o'clock to-morrow and proceeds direct to the Gulf. Her place in dork will he taken by H.M.S. Laburnum. (Naval Dept.) Kaimiro loads at Kdithburg, South Australia, about Ihe loth instant and completes at Adelaide only for Auckland and Southern ports. (LJ.S.S Co.)

Waipahi, the Inland fruit boat, will arrive nt 8 o'clock to-morrow morning from Suva, and sails for Sydney on discharge. (U.S.S. Co.)

DEPARTURES—Saturday. Hemuern, for Tukomnru liny, iL'.liu p.m Motu, for Awiinitl. 1.r.0 p.m. Hniiltl, for WnlliPkp, U.l.'i p.m. Duchess, for Dnrrnn, 2.1." p.m. Kuwait, for Wnlliokn, 2.15 p.m Hokinnjjn, for Hokianga, .J..» p.m. Tlrt, for Awnnui, 7.1.". i>.in. Coptic, for Nil pier, N.r, p.m. Tulioe, for Tiiurangn, midnight. Yesterday. Coronation, fur Wlinngarel. 7.10 p.m. Claymore, fur Wliungarcl, 'J.'M p.m. This Day. Tanlwhn, for Pnerou, 0.10 Huultl, lor Walliclte. It. 10 a.m.' Oiminu, for MntakiiMit, !_'.."."> p.m. Knwau, for Kawau and Mnilguwnl, IL'.-JO p.m. ARRlVALS—Saturday. Duchess, from Olierou, 4,' M p.m. llHuill, I'roni Wallivkp, ts.-i) p.m. liiirouiia, from Osteiid, 0.30 p.m. Yesterday. Imperial Slnr, from Belfast, 11.10 a.m. Toa, from vVlmkatiuic, ;:. 10 p.m. This Day. Oneroa, from Ustciul, .■>. 1"i a.m. liuruuuu, from UsU-nU. S.lo a.m. Margaret \Y\, from Uisbornc, midnight. Kaiilu, from .Napier, a.m.

n Aorungl, from Sydney, 7.10 a.m. Pas- , Sfugcrs :—First eluas: .ui.-s .1. Alley, Miss 1 O. Adams, Alls. Jiuekley, Mrs. 1. bliuuiau, ''' Mrs. A. M. Bliumau, .Mr. S. 1. ltossley, -Miss 0 \j. JLtliick, Sir. .1. W. lialley, Mrs. J. \V. 1 Bailey, Air. C. A. J. Harden, .Master P. Uridger, Mrs. K. M. BnulielYl, J.ord Jiadenl'owi'll. lion. li. KiUliiil'i.wi'il, Mj-. JO. 11. J'oueli, Hon. U. Baden-Puwell, Mis. 10. It. Kirch, .Mrs. K. 1-. lilyilh, Mr. «.. liciiiic-tt, Mr. i:. 11. lsirch, Mrs. J). It. Jilrcli, -Miss A. s. Uarr, Mrs. 10. Cameron, Mr. K. 1.. (.'ox, Miss 1,. Clouslou, Mi.-s 10. Clearv, Mr. A. .1. Conaberc, Mr. U, Carver, Miss K. M. Cliaine.v, Mrs. H. Cook, Captain F. .. G. Cadi/., Mr. .1. M. Coleuiaii. Mr. 11. CarrieK, Jirb. li. Carriek, Master U Carilek, Miss E. E. Fur.-don, Miss J-. C. l- Fuller, \\y. 10. Francis, .Miss S. S. Francis, Colonel (iranville Walton, Mr si. liranvillu 7 Walton, Miss M. K. (ila.ssoii, Mr. A. Uulletli, ' Mr. G, ilamlll, Mrs. (i. Humill, .Master M. llamill, Miss G. Ilamill. Mrs. A. llamill, < Mr. K. Un.rvey, Mr. W. 10. llaslain Mr. . U. Jeans, Mrs. 11. Jeans, Mrs. C M. Jolin- ; slim, Mrs. Kiltoll, Mr. W. It. Kent, Miss U • Kaulhacli, Miss F. W. Kendall, Mrs. \i. I.auib, Mr. A. .1. Marshall, Miss JO. M. 1 Montgomery, Mr. F. .1. Molloy, Miss A. M.! Morion, Mr. A. .1. Maiehes, Mrs. A. J. Matches, Miss \V. MeCarlli.v, Mrs. N. McCreu, Miss S. J. McCrcn, Master IS. F. MeCrea, Mr. .1. 10. McConjuodnle, Mrs. .1. E. .MlLoniuodale, Mr. -A. McMillan. Mr. J. .MasonJones, Mrs. .1. Mason Jones, Mr. N. A. Maismilh, .Mrs. N. Mntamlth, Miss r>. O'Connor, Sir Charles Orr, Mist. T. .S. Uinant, Mr. A. Pages, Mr. E. l>. Pike Mrs. M. 1). Tike, Mr. 11. .1. IVndray, Mrs. 11. J. l'einlray, Mr. J. \V. Powell, Mi>s C. M. Koutley, .Miss L. R. Roberta, Mrs. 1). Stafford, Kcv. !•;. 11. Strong, Mr. J. 11. Scolf, I Mrs. J. 11. Scott, Mr. It. J. Stocks, Mr. ; It. 15. Stocks, Miss W. T. Turner, Mr. 10. , Tciclielmann, Mr. C. 10. Tiadnll, Mrs. C. 10. ; Tisdall, Mr. ,1. A. Urquliart, Mrs. J. A. Urcrahttrt, Mr. A. Worth, Mr. W. C. Whitney, Mr. F. M. Ward, Mrs. F. M. Ward, Mr. C. K. Wilson, Mr. 11. Wilson. l!ev. 10. H. Weston, Mr. 11. 1.. Younger, Mrs. H. 1.. Younger. Cabin class : Miss F. 1!. Armstrong, Mr. K. O. Arvidson, Mrs. K. Aikins. Miss .1. Atkins, Mr. 1,. Harry, Mrs. I/. Harry, Miss L. -, Bond. Mlsh A. 10. Itu«K.v, Mr. 10. W. Coiley, Mrs. 11. Cohen. Miss ii. Craig, Mr. A. S. Clark, Mrs. 10. .1. Coombs, Kev. F. S. Clougher, ■ Mrs. L. Hodils, Master l<. Dodds, Majof , (Miss) Doelierty, Mr. It. Dorm t. Miss I). . 1,, l<;nsor, Mr. A. It. Eailc, Miss 10. Foote, Miss I. Grahnm, Mr. .1. B. ;la:per, Mr. C. 10. Hopkinsou, Miss M.'M. Hull. Mr. T. s. Holloway, Mr. C A. Flolloway. Mrs. 10. Hooper, Mr. H. Harvey, Mr. A. Howesou, Mr. F.. Irvine. Mr. It. Irvine, Miss M. A. ■ Joughlin, Mr. A. V. Jones, Mrs. A. M. Jones Master Jones, Mr. 10. .Tohlisfon, Mr. 10. Johnston. Mr. M. Johnston. Mr. A. H. ; Jolly. Miss K. Kllifpp, Miss M. I!. Knitrhl. Miss 10. B. Kill, Mr. C. W. Knight, Mrs. M. I-ea, Mr. L. B. Lambert. Kev. Sister ' Lyons, Miss V. A. Lockwood, Mr. P. Lewis, Miss 10. Matthews, Mrs. M. Murdoch. Kev. ■ Sister Mullen, Miss .1. Mlllloush'ny, Mr. W. 1 Muir, Mr. .1. 1.. Manning, Miss C. McGregor, Mr. W. McGregor, Rev. Sisler MeHltgh, Mrs. M. 10. McCarthy, Miss W. K. McCarthy, Mrs. A. .1. Nelson. Mrs. N. Nairn, Mrs. JO. rrendoniast, Mrs. C. G. PattPfson, Miss .1. M. Patterson. Miss F. B. Patterson, Mr. R. 11. Pope. Miss 10. RutbvM-ford, Mr. H. A. Haw. Miss R. Robinson, Mr. J. Robson. Mr. E. Keel. Mrs. 10. Heel. Brifradler S. Henshaw. Mrs. S. Kenslimv, Mr. G. W. Shannon; Mrs. A. 11. Sharmnn, Mr. A. J. Sliffo. Mrs. A. J. Slico, Miss .1. Sliiro. Sir. H. J. Stevens. Mrs. 11. J. Stevens. Mrs. S. 10. Streeton Miss M. A. Streeton. Mrs. 10. SlinW. Miss E. Shaw. Mr T. Sieson, Mrs. T. Sisson. Mr. A. Smith, Mr. F. Sheennn, Mrs. F. Sheenan, Mrs. 11. J. Tizard. Miss M. W. Turner. Mrs. V. Thompson. Mr. P. Williams. Mrs. P. Williams. Master (i. Williams. Miss J Williams. Mrs. A. WhilTen. Mr. James (i. Wheelan. Mrs. M. Younjr. Master Yonni. SlslPr Mary do Rieei. Sisler Mary BnrbnfH, Sisler Mary Hlandina. Kev. Sisler iRIinPP. Kpt. Sisler Cyrriiui. Hev. Sisler rmnpion. Kev. Mother foncenhi. Mr. A. W. Tnmr. Mr. N. Nnnrrnv'eh. Mr. 1 , . K>!skn'-'eli Vi. \uie Kolcieli Ml»B V'ni-ya Yc'ns, M-s. Y. C.111».v, Master 1 Ante Culnv, Master H-agoiulr Culav PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ' TO-DAY i" Ponn. for Kerceehi. 2 p.m. K-mirilolo, for Thames. 2.'AO |).m Clansman, for North. :; p.m. TO-MOKROW. Hauili, for Waiheke, 0.15 n.m ' Aorangi, for Vancouver, ]l n.m, Rangltoto, for Coromandel, -I p.m. Claymore, for Whangarei. 10.30 p.m. A fXani,T,-Jia 4 Xac JPacroa, Jjiidnislit. - i..

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. TO-DAY. 1 Kiirotu, from South, p.m ' Walprthl, from .Suva, p.m. I Hauiti, from Walheke, 6.30 p.m. j Omana, from Warkworlh, 11 p.m. TO-MOKKOW. Tiiniwha, from Pueroa, -1 a.m. Claymore, from Wlinngarei, -1 a.m. Kangltoto, from Tlmuics, 11.30 a.m. Kawau, from Kawau and Mangonui, 5 i>.in. ' Hauiti, from Wailiokc, (i."O p.m. Kartigl, from Lyttelton, p.m. VESSELS IN PORT. [I.M.S. Du/icdin, Dcvonport (Naval Dcpt.). H.M.S. Diomede, in dock (Naval DepU. II M.S. Philomel, Devonpor: (Naval Dept). 11 M.S. Laburnum. Uevonport (Naval Dept.). Aorangl, Prince's Wharf K'.S.S. Co.). Imperial Star, Central WliarE (11.5.1,.). Port Gisborne, Queen's Wharf (P-.C.A.). Kureru, Prince's Wharf (T.S.K. Co.). Mntni, Queen's Wharf (N.Z. Govt.). Recorder, In hi ream (P.C.8.). Nucula, in stream (Naval Dept.). (junbar, Kniranga, Mako. Kaltoke, Waimea, Karepo, Waiotapu. in stream. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. Monterey—Leaves Sydney for Auckland, February (J; leaves Auckland for San Francisco, February 0; arrives Los Angeles, February I!:!. Niagara—Left Vancouver, January "0; due Auckland, February 17; sails for Sydney, February IS. , . Mnrlposa—Leaves Los Angeles, I , ebrunry 0; Auckland, February 'S2; arrives Sydney, February 25. Maunganul—Left Wellington, January 22, for San Francisco: due February 8. Aoningl— Leaves Auckland for Vancouver, February .">; due Vancouver, February L'L!. Makura — Left San Francisco, January 10, Welllnston, February 5; duo Sydney, February 0. INWARD CARGOES DISCHARGING. Northumberland (X.Z.S.), ex London, at Wellington. Golden Cloud (11. and M.), ex PaclHc Coast, Ca'nadiliii il'r'iVislicr (C.N.S.), ex Halifax, at Kemuera (N.Z.S.), ex London, at Wellington. Kutorua (N./-.5.), ex London, at Dtincdln. Opawa (.X./.Sj, ex Llverpoul, ut Uluff. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. Wnnganclla — Left Auckland for Sydney, February 1; leaves Sydney, February 7, for Wellington; leaves Wellington, February in, for Sydney. Muriinm — Left Wellington for Sydney, February 3; leaves Sydney Tor Auckland, February 8; leaves Auckland for Sydney, February 10. Monowai — Left Sydney for Wellington, February 1; due February I; leaves for Sydney, February S. Maheno—Left .Melbourne, January 31: due Bluff, February I; Wellington, February 7. Waipalil—Leaves Auckland, February o, for Sydney anil Suva. Mnriposa—Loaves Los Angeles, February G; arrives Auckland, February i-'ii; arrives Sydney, February ~~>. PASKKXGKKS FOR APIA. The following passengers left Wellington on Thursday for Apia and Nine Island: Mr. Luxford, .Mrs. I'ossin, Mrs. Uraisliy, Mr. and Mrs Ghvc.v, Mr Albreelit, Mr. Hobson, Mr., Mrs., MiiKter 'and Miss Jones, .Misses Gnilugor (-') and McCorniiclJ. THE SI.V. IMPERIAL STAR. The Blue Star's new motor vessel imperial Star arrived ill II.l<) yesterday morning in ballast from Belfast. She is on her maiden voyage and made fairly fast time of -W davs !> hours, her speed averaging Hi.'J knots. Fine weather was experienced throughout. The vessel will load at the Central wharf. Her tonnage is 10,<i~0 and she is specially constructed for the carrying of refrigerated cargo. The New Zealand Star and Australian Star are sister vessels and will follow tin- Imperial Star to New Zealand ports to load.

UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. Aornnsl s:iils at 11 a.m. to-inorrow for Suva. Honolulu, Victoria and Vancouver. Wnipahi nrrlvos at .S a.m. to-morrow from .Suva. After discharge .she proceeds to Sydney, Lnutokn nnd Suva. Kartig! left l.yltelum at 3 p.m. on Saturday for Auckland direct. Wnlplatii leaves Duuedln (his afternoon for Timarii. Lyttellon, Wellington, Napier and Auckland. Knrepo sails nt •'! p.m. to-day for Westport and Greyinoiltli, to load Cor Wellington, I'ocdta loads ;it Wcßtporl on Wednesday next for .New Plymouth and Auckland. Wnlninrlnn loilds at KllilT on Friday next for Auckland, via Dniicdin, 'J'iniaru. Lyttclton. Wolliiiglon ari'l Napier. Knretu sails on Tliursilny next for Xnpier, Wclllnetflii, ricton, Lyttclton, Duncdtii, Oamnru and Tlmnru Otrnnto arrives at ■! p.m. On Wednesday from Krisliane nnil sails at midnight on Thursday for Wellington. Kiwiiea I..Mils at I.yiieltwi about Wednesday next for Auckland direct.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. I ARRIVALS—YESTERDAY. Konaki, from Hoklnngn, 7 n.ra, DEPARTURES—THIS DAY. Itonaki, for Knglan aiul Kawhla, - p.m. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING. Wellington, February 2.—Arrived: Mnmari, • from l.\ iteluiii, 11 a.m. February •".— Arrived: Knlingo, from Auckland, 7.;!." a.m.; Murium, rriun Niipier, W.'-O a.m.; Korth- . umberlsind, from Auckland, 1 p.m. Lytteltou, February U.—Arrived: WaikiMva, from Wellington,> a.m.: Toes, from Chatham Islands. 7.43 p.m. Sailed: Kurflgl, for Auckland, :i.lo p.m.; Canadian I Britisher, for iMinedin, 7.:ir> p.m. February ;;.—Arrived: CiinopiiH. from Wellington, 5.15 a.m.: Parent, from Timnril, 5.."0 a.m. Dimedin. February -'■ —Arrived: Wnlnlntn, f>,.m Bluff, 11 a.m.: Benlinlm. from Lyttelron, :;.."i> p.m. Sailed: H.M.S. Wuknktirn, for On mam, 1 p.m. KlutV. Kebrunry ".—Arrived: Waitaki, from Iloburt, L\::o p.m. OVERSEAS. Sydney, February '_'. —Arrived: OrangCmoor, from New Plymouth. Cristobal, Panama, Kebrunry I.—Arrived: Hertford, from England to New Zealand, in ballast. Brisbane, February '■'■■ —Sailed: Otranto, for Auckland, wilh tourists. New York, January 31, —Sailed: Port Auckland, for Auckland. Curacao, February I.—Sailed: Forsdale, from London to Port: Chalmers. London, February J.— Sailed: Huahine, tor New Zealand. Ran Franeiseo. February 1. — Sailed: Wairuna. for New Zealand. WITHIN WIKEIiESS, KANGIO. The! following vessels are expected lo lie within ranee of the Auckland wireless station to-night: Ardenvohr. L'onillebank. lluniiiicdun, Invpfbank, ICitnnn, Maul Ponuire, Otranto, Port Hobart. Qunrlmba. Queen Eleanor, storanger, Trlona, Walpahi

SHIPPING. UNION STEAM SHIP COMPANY OF N.Z., LTD. Phono 41-800 (S Lines). Sailings (Circumstances Permitting.) FOR SYDNEY FROM AUCKLAND: S.S. Marama Friday, February 13 R.M.S. Niagara Tuesday, February 19 SYDNEY AND MELBOURNE. FROM WELLINGTON: S.S. Mono-wai Friday. February 8 FOK SYDNEY Klio.M WELLINGTON: R.M.S. Makura Xuesdny, February r>, ;j p.m. S.S. Monowai Friday, February S, 3 p.m. CALCUTTA. SINGAPORE, SAMAKANG: S.S. Narbada Jan.. May. Sept Clinrtercd Steamer. FOR BLUFF .AND MELBOURNE S.S. Mahcuo from Wellington Sat., Feb. 0 FOK LYTTELTON FROM WELLINGTON: S.S. Rarigatira Mod., Wed.. Fri.. 7.40 p.m. S.S. Waliine Tiu-s.. Thiirs., Sat.. 7.-13 p.m FOIt PICTON FROM WELLINGTON: S.S. Tamaliine Mon., Wed., Fri., 2.45 p.m.. Sat., 1 13 p.m. Berths Booked at Auckland Ollice. FOR WELLINGTON FROM AUCKLAND: S.S. Mohowal 'J'liCßcluy. Februury I'.i FOR SUVA, HONOLULU, VICTORIA (K.C.), VANCOUVER: R.M.M.S. Aoranß] Tues., Feb. 5. 11 a.m. Takes Apia Cargo Xo Cargo [tci-pivnl Sailing Day. CAHUO SERVICES. FOK GISBORNBMargaret W. 'I'licsdiiy. Fctn-iiary 5, -1 p.m. FOR GRKYMOUTH: S.S. Knrliai Tliiirw.lay, February T FOR NAPIIBIt, WELLINGTON, PICTON, J.VTTELTO.V, DDXEDIN, OAMARU, TIMAUU: S.S. Karctu Tinirsday, February T FOK SYDNEY, LAUTOKA, SUVA: S.S. Waipalii Tuesday, February u CANADA — UNITED STAI BS — EUROPE Through [TookinßS by CANADIAN, AUSTRALASIAN AND UNION ROYAL MAIL LINKS. Fortnightly Sailings Across the Pacific. Auckland to Wellington Suva (Fiji). to Honolulu, Rnrotonga. Victoria (8.C.). Tahiti. San Vancouver. Francisco. R.M.M.S. AoratiKl Feb. 5 — R.M.S. Makura — Feb. 10 U.M.S. Niagara Mar. 5 — R.M.S. Mauuganul — Mar. 19 R.M.M.S. Aorangl Apl. 2 — R.M.S. Makura — Apl. 10 R.M.S. Niagara Apl. 30 — R.M.S. Maungunui — May 14 Afirangl and Niagara sail 11 n.m : U.S.A. & CANADIAN RAILWAY TRAVEL, Itineraries. Cost of Tours and all information supplied. Rail and Hotel Accommodation Arranged SPECIAL SEASONAL EXCURSIONS To Vancouver and San Francisco. Particulars on Application. MAIN OFFICE. .T-WS. Quay St. East. CITY PASSENGER OFFICE, 107, Queen Street. Phone 47-000. D

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 29, 4 February 1935, Page 4