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(By TRUXDLER.) The first week of the Dominion tournament has been voted a great success from every point of view, even the losetc confessing that they have thoroughly enjoyed every hour. Naturally the delightful weather was an important factor in promoting the pleasure of th? competitors, but after three of the driest spring months that fcave ever beer: experienced it would have been sheer bad luck if the weather had just happened to break up during tlie play. Local competitors have found the heat rather trying, but it was fortunate that it did not happen to be the turn of Christchureh to hold the tournament this year, for on Monday the glass reached 93 d°xrees there, whereas it was 79 degrees in ..tickland. A noticeable result of the high temperature—high for Auckland. but frequently surpassed elsewhere—was the excessive keenucss of the greens, and many a match was through a bowl running into the ditch

One of the most cheerful features in the tournament is the readiness of the competitors to remark on the condition of the greens. For this they are under a great obligation to the clubs, for in each of the other three centres the clubs spend extra money and labour in preparing their greens when it is their turn to have the Dominion tournament, whereas in Auckland this also involves real self-denial, in that those with limited greens have to curtail their winter play. Furthermore, it is probably more difficult to create good greens in Auckland than elsewhere, for those who have travelled extensively have declared that in their opinion there is no city in the world where the subsoil varies as much as it does here, from the light and porous volcanic ash at Mount Eden, Mount Albert, Hillsboro', and Epsom, through all the grades up to the stiff clay at Grey Lynn and Ponsonby. Devonport must be specially mentioned in this connection, for it was common knowledge that they had almost cut out winter play for the season, but only those whose sections played there last week can fully appreciate the fine result of the winter treatment and the careful nursing during the spring. Perhaps the .best way to describe the pavilion green would be to recall, a common saying that will be remembered by all the bowlers of 15 or 20 years ago. When a player wished to describe a good green the usual saying was,. "Very keen., with that velvety ki~\t\ of surface, just like Devonport **

The Napier team in the dame of A. J. Engebretsen, but -skipped by S. L. Beer, are not likely to forget the keen game at Devonport, made all the more receptive by a thick sole of grass. After getting three wins they were up against G. G. Adess (St. Kilda), who had just lost to W. A. Loram (Rocky Nook), and as they were the only rink with three wins, and were after all the rest in finishing, they had a big bank of spectators. Napier were 23 to 20 on the twenty-second head, and were well up on the next head until Adess put both of his bowls on the jack. Beer recovered with two on the twenty-fourth, and were lying the shot on the lastj with St. Kilda mostly behind, with so.«many in the trail that Engebretsen did his best to mix them. He only pushed in another shot, which was not required, and the skips went up. Adess tried the obvious trail, but ran narrow, and Beer went into the ditch. At the second attempt Adess picked up the jack so exactly that he trailed it a couple of yards for four, and Beer .again reached the ditch, so the teams were equal with three wins. This trail was a beautiful shot, and Adess received an ovation which was reminiscent of the applause which greeted Harry Wright (St. Helier's) when he made a rather longer trail to win the Christmas final six years ago. - /r

By a coincidence a trail also brought the first loss to H. Wilson's champion Linwood rink. ■ They were 9 to 18 against A. E. Stone (St. John's, Wanganui)- at twelve heads, 17 to 18 at seventeen heads, and 22 all at tweuty-one t\eads. Stone recovered with 4 points on the next and Wilson replied with one point on the twenty-third, lying four counters for a win on the twenty-fourth. Gilbertson, the Wanganui number two, ran the jack into the ditch with his last bowl, turning 4 down to 3 vp, and Stone drew two more, to make the score 31 to 23, the Linwood third and skip failing to save, as thev ran into the ditch, so they abandoned the remaining head. • ■

Trails produced a most unusual position in the match between C. M. Culpin (ltawhiti) and S. E. Chappell (Balmoral). Penn put a toucher in the ditch for Kawhiti, Thomson repeated the process, and Savin completed the removal. of the jack to the ditch, Balmoral doing their best to save. When the team went up to the head, to admire their success, they found the three touchers in the ditch and also three bowls balanced precariously on the kerb, one looking quite ready to fall over, all the six within three feet of each other. Such a position has probably never been seen before.

The social given to the competitors and their ladies by the president of the New Zealand Bowling Association, Mr. Raymond Sheath, and Mrs. Sheath, on Thursday evening, was a particularly enjoyable function, so largely attended that the Tudor Tearoom had to be requisitioned as well as the larger tearoom at Milne and Choyce, and also the balcony. A good many responsibilities and anxieties weigh upon the president and his wife during their year of office, but Mr. and Mrs. Sheath must have felt some compensation in the satisfaction at finding everything going with such a delightful swing, not the least feature being the hearty com-1 munity singing led by Mr. Frank Suther-i land. It transpired afterwards that in the upper room, in addition to the artists who had previously performed in the larger room, Mr. Norrie Bell, the wellknown Dominion competitor from Hamilton, had led the assembled company in similar choruses.

The council of the association gave the usual harbour excursion on Sunday to the competitors and their ladies, about 1100 boarding the ferry steamer Peregrine. After a run to the North Head a course was taken to Pine Island, where ice'cream and afternoon tea were enjoyed under the trees. Passengers were particularly interested in viewing the Hobsonville aerodrome during the steamer trip, and many of them saw for the first time the new 500 ft aerial mast, for IYA at Henderson.

The Carlton Bowling Club arc giving a bridge evening for the competitors and their ladies on Tuesday. There will be 22 tables, and as it is essential that there should be neither more nor less than the correct number, intending visitors are requested to give in their names at the headquarters! of the tournament, Carlton, not later than noon.


AUCKLAND GREEN. Club Draw. —Matthews, Prime, Leslie. Nicholson 20, v. Auty. Dicketts, Daniel. Graham 19; Baker, Hollis, Hislop, Till °3 v. Brinkman, Simpson, Taff. Hetherfngton 20; G. Allan, Moon, Newbegin, Murray 23, v. George, P. R. Colebrook, Kidd, "Keesing 22; Newman, B. Smith, Dymock. Donald 21, v. Sloodie. A. S. Reid, Israel, Pierce 10; Howard, King, Wyper, McKinlnv 22, v. F. Williams. Do Renzy, Cunningham, MeDougall 17; Dunne. Barnes. Crow. Purdy 20. v. Gladding. Robertson. Woodhead. Cuswoith 16; Hiineveoinbe. Fillmore. Carr, Beck 22, v. Forder. Messer. W. J. Campbell, Hewitson 19; A. Clarke, G. Read, Lenderyou. Wright 27, v. Harris, Revell, Perrett, I. Clarke 15; Rufter, Tracy Inglis. McMahon, Hacket 27, v. Tyler, Burton. Self, Kasper lii; Beaumont, Alexander, Tindall, L Darlow 22, v. Christian, MacPheison, k Burns, Susman 22. k

EPSOM GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Cerutty, Everet Veale, Farlaud 'J2, v. Morison, Gordoi Brown, Lopdell 15; It. Parks, Blaeklei Lawrence. Tanner I'll, v. Maekie, Wisemai Stelir, Wallace 10; Ronayne, Frost, Kick Alec Graham 20, v. \V. Tlill. Hainani Striate, Bruce 12; Freeman, Dyson, Gribbh George 18. v. Dleken, R, Drumniond. Wooc Ramsay Hi; Bailey, Grove, Mynolt, For vister 31, v. Fiynu, Iloiitisell, C. Park! Philip 22; Mollis. G'ouk, Howard, Jackso: IS, v. Ambury, Forbes, J. Harrison, Kist ling 17: Dr. McKenssie, Gillespie, Hayes Bcckmmn 2(i, v. Daniel, Swcetinan, Parkin son, Nash 14. I DEVONPORT GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Challinor, Hunt, Mc Skimming, Bach 21, v. Salmon, Aleiklc Is. Wriidcv, -Miller 13; Procter, Spicei Scotland. 'Anderson 15. v. Mathcson, Hush Lockley, Richards ID i Beere, Thornton Minchin, Lowe 20. v. Anscll. Newman Blnekie, Hamlin 24 ; Stoddarr. Bridgman Warren, Blackburn 14, v. Heiuold, Naylor I'ilts, Ncwbcgill 21. ONEHUNGA GREEN. Ordinarv Draw. —Ferguson, Donnell, Me Lean, Foole 12, v. 4'egg, J. Skinner. liar luck Grace 22; Gill,' Voting. Barnesworth Collin 20. v. McMaster, Buchanan, H. Bray S Brown IS; Hutloy, Bold, Stace, Normal . "4 v. Smetliursl. I'ople, Wilkinson, Wes 12: Wvnvard. Beere, Harvey, E. Jones -J-J v Tyson. O'Cimncll. Bell, Crichtou 17 ICrawtord, Ilamblin, Chalmers, G. McKen Idrick J. - !, v. Goode, Kirkwood, Neale, J I McKendrick 10. WEST END GREEN. Ordinarv Draw. — Irwin. Kemp, Clarke Kirklinin 16. v. Phillips, Hudson. Parkinson Price 2.'!: Eshelbv, Watson. Kirk, Boyh 20 v. .1. Irwin. Xoton, Draffln, Thomsor IS; Cato, Arneil. B. Hardy, Newall 23, v Qualtrough, Delanev. Earl, ,T. W. Hard> 19; Wise. Sandilaml. W. Hardley, Scott 20. v. Collins. Wilson. Plutnmer, Cooke 17 Kinscy, Brookes, Stiebbury 31, v. Green McCarthy, Raynes 28. BALMORAL GREEN. Ordinarv Draw.—Gentles. West, W Richardson, Shcrcrombie 21, v. Vercoe, Trewin, Colmer, Bush 17: Cook. Durrant Nltholl, Cannon 10. v. R.-F. Brown, Buck lev. Esternian. (iladston 111: Fort. Lucas Lor*;. Peterson 10, v. Burrows. Heasman Mellz'r. Cole 10; Stevens, Batey, Davis Truman 20, v. Fleming, Credin, A. Brown Winks 14. POXSONBY GREEN. Percentage Pours.—Cosjrrove, Dawson ■ Ringall. 11. Hill 21, v. Richardson. Bag gett, Casev, Cowper 18; Aldis, Mclvor -Myers, Kowboltom 1;!. v. Webster. Fraser lteicl. Peters 27; Mulliner. Lockhcad, Gold water. Hill 11. v. Alstead. Fuse. C. Piper V. Piper 10; Swinton. Cullen, Veale Fauch 27. v. Stevenson. W. Brown. Frie berg 1!) : Foster. Oswald. Russell. Harrii 10, v. Webster, Clarke, Partington, C,row< 20: Llewellyn, Thompson,- Dallowny, Lin coin 12, v. Shiriey, Elleray. Lovett, Mc Kinstry 25: Stewart, Waterworth 20, v Foster, Johnson 12. ROCKY' NOOK GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—MeGcc, Garland. Win tlirop, Randell 15. v. Thomas, C. Kayes Keni.pster, Williams 11; Uutledge, d( Rungs, J. Kayes, Cartwright 17. v. Ed wards. Wheeler, P. Smith, Keatley 23; McMillan. Miller, H. Turner, Brown 23, v Jones. E. 11. Turner, Austin. Cartwrighl 21; Bowen, Roylance 20, v. E. L. Smith Cadwallader 23; Baxter, M. Young 15, v. Cameron, J. C. Yeo 25. MOUNT EDEN GREEN. Percentage Pours.—C. Taylor, Derrick, J. Robertson, Bigelow, 23, v. Criehton, Cooper. Reid, Julian 10; Beanland, Cowan, Chambers, J. Smith 30, v. Gregson, Rendell. Haite, Kemp 13: Wick-stead. Sissons, Bnrlpy. Hull 20, v. W. Jones, Kales, J. Sherriff, Baker 15; F. Taylor, .laekman, Hyde, Harland 24, v. Darracli. King. Williams, Sargeant 20; Brown, Gage, Baird, Dignan 10, v. Ovens, Kinnihurgh, Bagrie, A. Jones IS ; Lane. Henderson, Black. Gatenhy 25, v. Yates, Hollowav, J. Stevens, R. Robertson 13 ; Simmonds, Hough, Martin, C. Baker 27, v. Doull, M. Jones, F. Watson, McNab 22. ST. HBLIER'S GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Laszlett, Roberts, Cameron 20, v. Williams, Channcll, Boyce 2x5; Clark, Megus, McMahon 23, v. F. Hume, Whaley, Lawson 20; Grice. EUgeworth, Appleyard. May 15, v. McLeod, Goldsbro', , Scodding, F. A. Smith 21: McGregor, Jiowe. H. Smith 20, v Riddell, Bradshaw, Tyndall 15; 'Cox, J. Hume, Dean, Twyname 34. v. Greenhough, Andrews, Dunn, Darrow 17. REMUERA GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Whitley, Richardson, F. M. Watson, Pegler 18, v. Rea.rdon, Hessell, Brook, Daniels 12 ; Hersflet, Donaldson, F. McCallum, M. MeCullum 20, v. Agerton, Wilmot, Ridings. E. D. Reid 19; Schofield, Cooksey, A. M. Bell, Lawrence 21, v. Johnston, Ferneyhough, Bull. Allen 18; Potts, Watts, Bowles, Maet'arlane 23, v. Gough, Baker, Ashton, Burcher 15; Vincent, M. Reid, R. A. Jackson 20, .v. Harrison, Buttermore, Coe 21 ; Weir, Clank, Gafley, Young 19, v. Bolton, Hatch, Sommerfleld, Wallace 17; Lusher, P. Jackson, Fisher, Mellars 10, v. C. H. Jones, Allendale, W. Hill, Beatson 17; Choyce, E. Clarkson, Wight, Dcntpsey 21, v. Symes, Taylor, H. E. Jones, Garland 14 ; Southerland, J. H. EDENDALE GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Arthur, Black, Conway, Greenwood 16, v. Gilmore, J. Ball, Jones, James 18. KAWHITI GREEN. }- Ordinary Draw. —Turnbull, Barker, Morrow 28, v. Gibson, R. Walker, Bennett 9; Scarborough, Stewart, Worthington IS, v. Rymer, Allan, Stewart 17; Wayte, Ashton, Moncur 22, v. Ryder, Carter, Haslam 11.


EDENDALE v. ellerslie. At Edendale (Edendale names first). — McMillan, Feilding. Bradshaw, Addison 25. v. Christmas, C. White, McKelvie, Gollon 14; Blakemore, Hayes, East, J. Maud 22. v. Hutten. Inssell, Misedin, Dickson 24 ; Wilkinson, Grant. Hill, Wells 19, v. Woodlock, Check, F. Wood. Johnston 2a: Elmbranch, Brownett. Mayhill, Jackson Hi. v. Lueena, Wright. Henry, Longville 22; Pollock, Noad, Smith, Florey 28, v. Day, Coll, Maud, Jull 23. GLEN EDEN V. HILLSBORO'. At Glen Eden (Glen Eden names first). — Edleston 12, v. Crnwshaw'23 ; J. Snnde 12, v. Stringer 21; Perkins 24, v. Wombwell 13. RAWHITI V. TE PAPAPA. ' At Rawhiti (Rawhiti names first). — Samwuys, Peflerson, Harris, Chiplin 16, v. Tolliday, R. Moore, F. Jackson, Speight 20 ; Beer, Mason, Leaning, Ormerod 8, v. Noonan, Morton, H. Jlfore, Harriman 21; Herriott, Townsend, Savin, N. Thomson 27, V. Thomson, Turnbull, Davenport, Chaprnan 10; Aylett, Yuill, Martin, McPherson 20, v. Legg, Jackson, sen., Wilson, Simpson 19; Bartlett, Urquhart, McCullough, Trcmaine 23, v. Stone, Capley, Strong, Jones MANUREWA V. MANGERE. At Manurewa (Manurewa names first). —- Hunt, Millar, Grimrod, Graham 19, v. Wadsworth, Laslett, R. Kay, R. Nicholls 10; Oliver, Heyworth, Cleave, Leach 30, v. Douglas, Revell, Wilson, W. R. Knight 15; L. .Smith, Hord, Fleming, Forbes W. Richards, A. Henwood, W. W. Massey, J. Hollier 13; Sykes, Eecesfield, Wood, C. White 18, v. Solomon, Mason, Soinmers, J. ■P. Aid red 17; Morris, Finlay, Sidaway, Murray 20, v. Garland, House, Sampson, A. McLaren 19 ; Blackwell, Chadewin, Waterton, Frost 20, v. Wilton, Bright, Fricker, Granger 29. Ordinary Draw. —Collie, Harvey, Coxhead, Nield 27, v. Hagen, W. S. Clark, Plrrle, J. McKey 17; Pickles, Willis, Whyte, W. Smith 25, v. Nicholls, Sampson, Dewhurst, .1. Clark 12.


ISLAND NIGHT TOURNEY. The Ponsonby Bowling Club, in helping toward the entertainment of tlio visiting bowlers, has placed its night bowling green at their disposal for a special challenge match. North Island v. South Island, to be held this evening at 7.45. Four rinks will represent each island. Draw for the first round (North Island first) :—Curties, Skoglund, Skoglund, Skoglund (Stratford) v. Claney, Hinehclift', Lloyd. Clarldge (Caledonian. Dunedln) ; Hopkinson, Heatlicote, Edgar, Kaeburn (To Arohn). v. Blackham, Stewart. Manning, Gurrie (Timarn) ; Paueena. Meek. Purdy, Yukieh (Kaikohe), v. Atkins. McGimpsey, —. Madsen (Sydenham) ;' Rowling, Hurcliins. Wight, Beneiield (St. John's), v. Stringer, Chapman, Piper, McComish (Malta!).


•'The annual North Shore competition for the Cadness Cup commenced at the Stanley Bay green on Wednesday at 9 a.m. The Waitemata teams are: C. Hose, H. Cadness; W. 31. Jacks, A. S. Tarrant; W. Walker, J. Brennan, P. Stewart, N. E. Heath.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 11, 14 January 1935, Page 14

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CHAMPION BOWLS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 11, 14 January 1935, Page 14

CHAMPION BOWLS. Auckland Star, Volume LXVI, Issue 11, 14 January 1935, Page 14