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Hl™ DOORS SWING OPEN ON THE W JSBJ fiKfk Jagg Sraj Jv JJUnKA ||| W^ LANS and specifications for important altera- ■■ i§|| tions to Store vwindows and entrances are |||| JL ready. We have planned this Colossal Sale §jßmr « early to compensate for any small inconveniences Wβ? JEssEi |jl| occasioned by these coming improvements .... w jfflwfflm iRoP^^T Jjj With £25,000 worth more stock to clear than at JST tSB IBr A « this period last year, we are offering really remark- jmp fflf "w JB ||| able Sale values to attract record business .... mW j£& MB The following are examples of the manifold Sale j||F J&T If bargains available from Wednes- /ft fr mL*ge&T study the sale W day at 9 — Come early! window Displays. Hi «—j par mi noi mm ■ _gZZ!^^Z^S^S!^ m © Fashions ■§ iek H 15 only! 17/6-29/6 Wool Jumper Suits, W. size, lg/6 H w i_w Hf Tk i is?; i m jig •* evr/ a \t/ on /* Hil ' SUEDE-FINISH FABRIC GLOVES: 2/11 Pull-on ||i 15 only! 5-7£gn. Imp. Model Suits, S.W. and w.—B9/6 1111 .i • , . • j v r « i* §§| % *• ||§| Gauntlets, colours, trimmed applique, for I/O §|j 18 only! 45/- Grey Flannel Tweed Costumes—37/6 « 5/11, 6/6 Col. Gauntlets, tr'm'd Velvet insets, 2/11 l| 47/6 to 69/6 Atcorted Tweed Coats—39/6 to 59/6 Ijj # 3/6 to 4/6 Novelt y Gauntlets, in Tweed effects, 2/11 « sto 10£gn. Fur-trimmed Model Coats—B9/6 to Bgns. M| 3 / n Brush Wool > ***** lon S' P lain gauntlets. Sale: 2/6 e nn Itc -i e */i j1 e- ~ c•• \w. n iHI Or wlth Fancy Gauntlets, tr'm'd cols.—4/6, now %IW |||| 20 only! 6-15gn. Model Ensemble Suits, Woollen |§I| m •*' |||| Frocks, Bridge & Evening Frocks, all new. Now 79/6 illl 12/6 French Pastelle Suede, new gauntlets, 6£-7. 6/11 §|| A Group! 35/- to 89/6 Frocks, C.-de-C, Crinkle i|§| ll|? • Crepe, new Woollen Fabrics. Assorted fashions I|§|| IJACIE'DV Hf for all sizes to W. JCL Sale Price: The Lot at IQ/6 ■ W nlU3ltl\T I§| 0 ' i||| |i| 35/- Satin Evening Frocks, colours, S.S.W. to O.S : 19/6 Ij| 4/11 Fully-fashioned Lisle, 8|- to 9J. Sale Price: 2/11 » ?8/6 Creoe Suede Blouses, cowl collar, embroid. 12/6 B 5/6 Extra Fine lisle, f.-fashioned, all sizes. Sale: 3/H K Imported Model Hats—2s/- to 29/6, for 19/6 B| 6/6 Fancy Sports Golf Hose, all sizes. Sale Price: 4/ \\ K 37/6 to 42/- .. .. for 29/6 M 9/11 Heavy Pure Silk, fully-fashioned, all sizes. 7/H n ?3/ll and 15/6 Extra Fine Silk, with Lace Clox, « &k Und@rW@3l* \ COfS©try « also heav y Silk . witn embr'd clox. Few prs. only! 7/H iiif e/11 o- 1 1 ixir 1 d • \r i «/«« 9/11 Balriggan Cashmere, all sizes. Sale Price: 7/11 |||| 5/11 Pink Lace/Wool Brassiere Vests, opera top, 3/II f||| , Jl 5/11 Pantees to match, elastic waist, ribbed knees. 2/11 _. HH • E , A/\TtA|F Jl p §§| 12/6 Locknit Pyjamas, tuck-in jumpers, 2-toning. 6/11 HI B^^V/IWtMIV • nn K 5/11 Winceyette Magyar Nightdresses, embroid. 2/11 « 12 / 6 Ladies' Eng. Black Patent Sandal 1-Bars. 7/6 J!! 8/6 Floral Winceyette Nightdresses, hemstitched, Afll 111 l 15/-, 18/6 White Satin & Brocaded Even. Shoes. 12/6 im © nn • M 2/9 to 3/11 Suspender Belts. JCL Sale Price: 1/H m A Group! 19/6 to 32/6 Ladies' Assorted Shoes. 1«/. 111 © ' §11 © ' 14/6 Pk. Broche Wrap-ons, hook sides, busk front. 9/11 3/11 to 6/11 Children's Sandals, lacing, strap ■ Locknit N'dresses, 7/1 1,8/11, now 4/11-12/6, 6/11 ■ # J CL Sale Pric " • 2/11, 3/11, 4/« ■ 28/6 Average Front-ladng Corsets, Pink Broche. 1 9/6 ■ i^ 6 ' *"* OxfOrd Sh ° eS - 12 ' 6 e e 19//6 Men ' s " Re & al " Shoes, new styles, blk., tan. 16/6 I * Children's, Wlaids' Wear | # FURN|SH|NCS H lld to 2/3 Infants' Plain & Embroidered Bibs. 9d, 1/6 « w ■ ■^^-■w •.,,,, ,„ , , ,««. TI Indian Carpets all to go at Drastically Reduced Prices. il|| b/11 Infants' Hand-crocheted Matinee Jackets. 3/11 ii|§ ® « • „ , „ , , ■ 67/6 Wool Mattresses, 4|-ft., Damask, strpd. tick. d 9/6 « i 7/6 to 20/6 Brush Wool Coa*-Cap Sets. 9/H to 12/6 W • ' ■ -in/ wl- ln c, «/«*. *J t * ■ Axminster Runner—27in., 16/6 yard, for 12/11 II 14/ 6to 30/- Wool *rock Bloomer Sets. 9 /H to 19/6 H| 36in>j 25 /6 yd.,. 19/6; 54m., 37/6 yd., for 27/6 ■jl 11/6 to 20/6 Fur-trimmed Velour Coats. 7/H, 9/11 Wk f laki . Wool Bed Qui , ts> floraJ gateen covers> « 17/6-27/6Girls , All-WoolJumper Suits. 9/II to 19/6 B Single Bed—2s/-, 35/-, for .. .. 19/6,29/6 ■ 49/6 Maids' Satin Bea-ute Ev'n'g Frocks, ankle 1., 29/6 ■ « D ° Ubk 8ed ~ 29/6 ' 37/6 ' for ■ • 25/-, 29/6 H fs/S Celanese Ev'n'g Frocks, slim-fitting, colours. 15/6 ■ 6 Ar * SJlk Taffet3 ' 48in - shot effeCtS - Sale: 2 / 1J HI " e 4/11 Floral Linens > heavy-weight, 30in. Sale: 2/11 111 ?f,/,? yS w ?/? t , en ? S «,,^ r ** m • FASHION FABRICS « 4/3-5/3 Boys Wool/Cot. Jerseys, 22-30. 2/11, 3/11 |||t B 32/6-45/- Boys'/Youths' Navy Canvas O'coats. 29/6 ■ \ /U All ' WoOl Coatin « s ' Boucle ' Matelasse, 54in. 6/11 « 27/6 Boys' Donegal Sports Coats, 5.8.. Sale Price: 19/6 H | 711 Noveltv Dress Tweeds, plain and fig., 36in. 2/11 i| 4/6, 4/11 Navy Serge, Lined Knickers, 3to 14.' 3/H = /6 ' 6/U Novelt y znd Chevron Coatings, 54in. 4/U ■ 19/6, 21/6 Men's Pullovers & Cardigans. Sale: l«/ 6 ■ J /U » 4/6 Printed Art Crepe ' florals ' checks ' 36in " 2/6 K 59/6, 69/6, sgn. Men's English and N.Z. Tweed « 6/11 Print ed Silk TaiFeta, florals & novelties, 36in. 2/11 Overcoats, assorted styles. Sale: 39/6, 55A» 79/6 lf||| ■ MEN'S ODDMENTS! and Broken Ranges at Greatly B © MANCHESTER DEPT. |||| Reduced Prices! Special Tables feature Dressing Gowns, |||| « Sports Coats, Trousers, Plus Fours, etc. —Immediate K White Damask Table Cloths, hemmed—63 x 81, regu- ■ inspection is urged. H larly 7/3, for 5/H; 70 x 88; 63 x 99, 8/M, for 6/11 ijl « 70 x 106, 1 1/6, for 8/11: 63 x ' ' 8 . '4/6, for H/6 ■ 6 Neckwear, Trimmings 1 j^! k 'l S/< e 3 ** SPECIAL! Sheets, with 2-inch hemstitched top, « Special: 12/6 to 17/6 Astrachan CoUar/Cuff Sets, 1/H ' « no dressing, 54 x 1 00, now H/6 pr.; 80 x 1 00, 15/9 » 4/11 to 7/11 Woollen Scarves. JCL Sale Price: 2/6 |||| 1 / 3 Towels, striped on cream ground, 20 x 40. 1/. ill 3/3 to 5/6 Rayon, Crepe Suede, Knit Scarfs. All 1/6 B SPECIAL! Taped Pillow Cases, 17 x 28, now tfd; 18 x It • « 29, now gd, lid; 19 x 29, now t/A* 1/7 %/Q H 4/11 Angel Skin Flouncing, colours, 34in. Yard: 2/11 || Another quality , with Hemstitched tops'tw l/d eJI B| 2/6, 2/11 Nightdress Tops, Needlerun Lace, . • Envelope shape, 19 x 29, now I/7 each. cream, coffee JCL Sale Price: 1/9 |||| ilfll Also Princess Slip Tops and Brassiere Fronts— m. n»» ■■ ■ A.I m. *+■ ■ ■j 1/11 and 2/3 jcL sale Price: 1/6 ■f| ART CHINA Showroom l|i| 7/6 English 7-piece Salad Sets, good variety. d^/W «| ®H D UaShery" StatlOllCry » ® S /, English 32-piece Dinner Sets, new designs. 39/6 B Boxed Stationery, all to Clear! Examples: 1/6, for 1/- B SPECIAL TABLES OF ODDMENTS! Fine Crystal, Tea 111 1 /9, 1/3 2/6, 1/11 5/-, 3/11 7/-, 4/11 8/- 5/11 « and Dinner Ware of enduring worth, Ornaments in vast B S c •ii , . , d , nj£ rJ B variety, Drastically Reduced to HALF and BELOW §|| Paper Serviettes, 25 in packet.—Regularly 9d, for 6d §11 PAlFPponWPrirM' ijj 3/6 Pink Suspender Belts, 4 suspenders, all sizes. \[. » | g/6 English Dinner Sets> w hite-and-gold designs. 29/6 English 4-ply Fingering Wool —Regularly 10|-d |||| 1 oz. sk., for 6~2"d* Head 8 sks., reg. 6/11, now 4/3 Carriage extra on all in Art China Showroom Group. W® "SARFA" BOUCLE mmamm^mß^a^Bmeßmaaasmi^K^mmH^m^m^emmmmmmmmmmKamma m YARN, 2/-, for 1/-sk. « ■niTCrw Suitable for making Jumpers, BH O dfla S vJ|Ullllll S good quality yarn, in shades I*M WLjB Wj& W M %jB U HfTTTI ttß STREET low, navy, half price the skein.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 142, 18 June 1934, Page 11

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 142, 18 June 1934, Page 11

Page 11 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 142, 18 June 1934, Page 11