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The ninety-fourth anniversary of the founding of New Zealand will be celebrated on Monday by a regatta, which has been a feature of January 29 on the Waitemata since 1850. For the past two months a strong committee under the chairmanship of • Mr. Ernest Davis has been at work making preparations for the proper carrying on of the titne honoured method of celebrating Auckland's birthday, and nothing has been left undone. The entries received, totalling 240, create a new record in the annals of past regattas, while the public has subscribed liberally to the funds necessary to carry out tlie day's sport with a curtailed but still fairly liberal prize list. Thanks to the hearty co-operation of the Navy, the officers and men having entered into the spirit of friendly competition in a manner usual with British pallors, the public will have the opportunity of viewing the events from the decks of 11.M.5. Dlomede (Captain Cosmo M. Graham). A frequent service from the launch steps will be provided, and the s.s. Peregrine will leave the Ferries at 1.15 p.m. During the day the flagship will be visited by their Excellencies Lord and Lady Bledisloe, who will later view the races from the motor yacht Adelaide. As a number of alterations have been made in the courses and sailing instructions, Including starting and finishing on the south side of the flagship, competitors In their own interests should consult the official programme issued by the committee. Keen competition is assured in all classes, the Wakateres heading the list with 26 entries.- The valuable cup presented by Mr. 11. R. Ravcry. of San Francisco, lias been allotted to the winner of the B class handicap, while the A class compete for the Auckland Harbour Board's Cup. The Ross Cup and Lipton Cup are competed for by the X class, the other classes receiving prizes in proportion to the funds available. Nothing remains but fine weather to ensure the complete success of the 1034 regatta. The entries and handicaps are as follow : A Class, to start at 11 a.m. —Thelma. scr; Torangi, 4m; Ng.i Toa, 7Jm: Rawene, 14m; Prize. 16m: Victory, 17m; Moana, 17* m : Waltangi. 19m ; Ida. 25m. B Class, to start at 11.15 a.m.—Walone. scr: Wllrna, 4m: Kotiri. utm ; Tawhirl. Sm ; Windward. 11m: Maliakl. 24m. C Class, to start at 10.30 a.m.—Qucenie, scr; Anahera, 2m: Speedwell. 3m; Ariel. Argo. 4m : Corsair. sm: Kotuku. 14m: Janet, 16m: Piri. Glorlana, 19m ; Dorothy, 20m : Owhanga. 21m. F Class, to start at 10.45 a.m. —Kerema, scr; Pandora, 2m ; Maybelle, 5m : Moutcre, 7m; Loloma, 14m; Rover, 17m; Valdora, 19m; Vanora. 25m; June. 30m. H Class, to start at 11.30 a.m.—Omatere, Starloch. scr; Starlight, 2m; Cclox. 5m : Spray, 10m. L Class, to start at 11.45 a.m. —Valeria, Cynara. scr: Komuri. lm : Marie. Ngaru. 2m ; Rakoa. Varuna. 3m : Otlra, Sm ; llula, 14m ; Mowal, 17m ; Rouen, 20m. N Class, to start at noon.—Winifred, scr; Walrere. 3m: Waiapu, Matarlki, sm; Isabel, 9m: Wayward. 15m. M Class, to start at 12.10 p.m.— Mawhiti. Matarere, Maroro, Mancne, Manu, all scratch. V Class, to start at 12.20 p.m.—Paroro. Surprise, Mischief, Marianne. Manutere. scr; Avian, 2Jm; Mystic. Memutu, 3Jm: Mahurangi, sm; Drone. Martha S., Cm: Avro, 7m; Maia. 11m: Wild Wave. 12m; Chnmpagne, 14m : Daphne, 15m: Sun. 16m ; Dawn, Ventura, 18m; Waitoa, 23m ; Vonu, 25m. S Class, to start at 12.30 p.m.-—Marlene. Scimitar, scr; Mistral. Namu, sm; Sea Sleigh, Irene, 7m; Rangatira. 9m: Aotea, 10m; Clio, 11m: Mascot. 13m : Ben Bolt. 14m : Tiki. Waitoa. Cyclone. 13m : Wild Thyme. Kittiwake, 17m ; Toss Up. 22in. Y Class, to start at 12.40 p.m.—Rebel. Raider, Demon. Revenge, scr: Ken. 9m: Aloha, Goldie, Opah. Koala. 10m : Stormy, lljm; Jupiter, 12m: Rahiri 11.. 15m: Sea Breeze, 16m : Mighty Atom. 18m : Idaho. 20m; Sea Nymph. 21m: Sea Rover, Continuance. 22m : Spot. 25m. T Class, to start at. 12.50 p.m.—S.vbila. scr; Malle, 30s: Shalimar. 2Jm: Kismet. Valet. 3m: Ramona, 4m : Zenhyr. Sm ; Ola 11., 9m : Ace. 10m : Arahi. 12m : Tui, Rona M.. 122 m: Eleanor. 13m: Yvonne. 1-lm: Meteor. 15m : Tamuri, 15Jm ; Cariad, 16m : Swlftsure. 18m. X Class, to start at 1 p.m.—Aileen. ser : Joan, 5m ; Rang], 12m ; Iron Duke, 14m ; Janet. 16m. 7j Class, to start at 10.15 a.m.—Kitty, ser; Trevic. Me Too, lm; Delphiue. ljm: Oi. 3m ; Betty, Toron. lolanthe, 4m ; Benny, Tul. sm; Faugh-a-Ballagh. Arihana, Cm : Yiian-Me. Rio. 8m : Tamakl, flm. Z Class (Cornwell Cup visitors only), to start at 1.30 p.m.—Tauranga, Manukau, Whangarci. Hamilton, Rotorua crews. Naval Whalers, to start at 1.45 p.m.— Boats from H.M. ships Diomede, Dunedin. Philomel, and R.N.V.R. Sea Scouts Sailing Race, to start at 1.50 p.m.—Fame, Hawk and Calliope troops. Wakatere Class, to start at 10 a.m.— Wakatere, Wiritoa, scr; Wahiue. lm : Whakawhero. 4Jm : Wetazel, sm: Winsome, Waiata. Waiola. Willo-Wisp. dm ; Wakanul. 62m ; Waitaki. 71m : Windiammer. Waironga, Winooka. Walmea. Wanderer. Sm: Wlnalot. Wainui. Waimarle, 92m; Wairangi, 10m; Wanderlust, 10} m ; Whitewings, 11m; Windward. Waircre, 14m; \Ushwynne. Wliakatane. 15m. Tauranga 7-footers.—Post entries for two races and a championship race will be received by Mr. Cogswill at the Devonport Yacht Clubhouse up to 2.30 p m ou regatta day. MOTOR BOAT RACES. flrst handicap race, to start at 1.30 p.m.—Laju, starts at 0 ; Lady Eve. 0.20; Miss Otahuhu. Quickstep, 0.10: X e j°*\. I- 0 • , N ymph. 2.0 ; Silver Slipper. British Maid, 2.20; Flaming Youth, 2.50; Pug, 3.40; Cee Hoppa, 4.0. Cruisers, to start at 1.50 p.m.—Grev Nurse, starts at 0.0; Aroha. 4.30; Marufl, 8.0; Namoi, 9.30; Lady Colleen, Lady Inelma, 12. Speedboats, to start at 2.30 p.m.—Baby Dev., starts at 0.0; Miss Howick. ±.40: Ponsonby. 2.0 : Miss Egypt. 2.40 ; Mist Cliier. 2.00. Spot, Vosper, .lolly Boat. 3.0. A second outboard handicap with the H a «l o i, e 5t as .^ ie first, a, second speedboat handicap with the same entries as the first, and a combined outboard and speedboat handicap with both entries included \v ill also be run off between , the Prince's and \\ estern wharves, these three races to be handicapped on the day. MODEI/ YACHTS. n model yacht events to be held on Orakei Basin, starting at 10 a.m" comprise six senior and/ live junior races entries closing at 9.30 a.m.


FOUR CLASS RACES. J. C. MACKY MEMORIAL. The Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron will hold four races to-morrow afternoon over their usual course, for the A, B, C ana M classes, starting and finishing off the King's wharf. The A class, starting at 2.i10 p.m., will compete for the J. Memorial trophy, the B class, starting at 2.20 p.m., will race for the Johnson Cup, the C class, starting at 2.10 p.m.. for Rear-Commodore 11. .T. C. George's, prize, and the M class, starting at 2.30 p.m., for Commander E. Lyon Berthoif's prizes. The entries%arc as follow:— A Class, to start at 2.30 p.m.—Nga Toa, Moana, Victory, lorangi and Rawene. B Class, to start at 2.20 p.m.—Waione, Ladye Wilma, Kotiri, and Windward. C Class, to start at 2.10 p.m.—Kotuku, Janet, Dorothy, Vanitie and Mahaki. M Class, to start at 2.30 p.m.—Mawhiti, Matarere, Manene, Manu, Maroro


LIPTON CUP. The Ponsonby Cruising Club will hold races to-morrow afternoon, starting off St. Mary's Bay, for the L and N. V. S. T. 7\ and Y classes, also the annual inter-club contest for the Lipton Cup for «lie 22ft class, also a race for a cup presented by Captain Jas. McKinnon, named the Uahiri Cup. ns an inter-club race for all 14 footers. Lipton Cup.—The nominations for this race, which will start at 3 p.m. over a course to be decided, are : Ponsonby Cruising Club, Komuri: Akarana Yacht Club, Ngaru: Victoria Cruising Club, Valeria: Takapuna Boating Club. Otira : Taniaki Yacht Club. Marie: Richmond Cruising Club, Cynara ; Devonport Yacht Club, Varuna: Manukau Yacht Club, Rakoa; Manukau Cruising Club, Malua; all scratch.

Rahiri Cup.—The race for the Rahiri | Cup will start at 2.50 p.m., over a course to be decided. The entries, all scratch, are: Ponsonby Cruising Club, Sybila; Akarana Yacht Club, Raider: Victoria Cruising Club, Aileen ; Takapuna Boating Club, Shalimar; Tamaki Yacht Club. Demon; Point Chevalier Sailing Club, Rebel; Richmond Cruising Club, Aloha: Devonport Yacht Club, Revenge; Manukau Yacht Club, Kismet; Manukau Cruising Club, Valet. L and X Class, to start at 2.30 p.m.— Course, from starting line, round Resolution buoy (port), thence round white light (starboard), thence round Resolution buoy (starboard), to starting line: Winifred, scr; Waiapu, 2Jm; Maidie, 17m. V Class, to start at 2.35 p.m.—Course, from starting line, round Sandspit (starboard), thence round Resolution (starboardt, thence round Sandspit (port), to starting line : Paroro, Manutere, Marianne, scr; Mvstie, Avian, lm: Memutu, 2m; Martha S., Muliurangi, 4h; Drone, oni ; Avro, 7m. „ „ S Class, to start at 2.40 p.m.—Course, same as V class: Marlene, Scimitar, scr; Namu. 3m; Mistral, 4m; Clio, 7m; 'loss Up, 12m. T, X and Y Class, to start at 2.40 p.m.— Course, from starting line, round Bona buoy (port), thence round mark off Watchman (port), thence round mark in Shoal Bay (starboard), thence round mark off western deflector (starboard), twice round, tinishing between starter's boat and mark : Ramona, scr; Omali, Stormy, Jm; Jupiter, lm ; Zephyr, 2jm ; Idaho, Rangi, 4m ; Iron Duke, sm; Meteor, CJm ; Swiftsure, 8m; Kea, lm behind scr.


The Otahuhu Sailing Club will hold a race to-morrow afternoon, starting and tinishing .off the clubhouse. 'lhe entries are : Surprise, Champagne, Charm, Pioneer, Rahiri, Cyclone, Sea Sprite, Allies.


TAURANGA'S POPULAR WIX. When the Tauranga boys, Graham Carter and S. Densem, crossed the line winners of the sixth and final race for the Cornwell Cup vesterdav evening, they received quite an ovation from (he spectators on the Takapuna Club's balcony, their win being a very popular one. The record of the present contest gave Tauranga wins in the first, fifth and sixth races. Auckland the second and fourth, and Manukau the t.hi'-d. The races have been sailed in a verv"triendlv spirit, and except for~minor mishaps have been really good contests. Especially good was the finish of the first r;tce yesterday between Tauranga and Auckland, the Bay of Plenty boys getting the gun by a margin o£ 16s, the closest finish of the serifs. The Manukau crew showed a thorough knowledge of the racing rules when they withdrew at once after touching a mark at the start of the second race, nlso by carrying on in the third race when all the others followed Auckland bnck to the clubhouse after carrying a stay away. Certainly it was a good sporting action of Tauranga to turn bnck after the mishap, hut it was not necessary by the rules, being quite different from a capsize. Their action was understood and applauded by many, and if Manukau had returned the race might have been restarted, but rules are rules, and becnuse a boat carries away some gear it should not penalise other iionts in the race. , . Whangarei were always handy in e\ery race, and many hoped thnt. they would at least secure a win. Hamilton showed bursts of speed and sound .knowledge of racing at times, but lacked practice. The Rotorua bovs did as well as could he expected, seeing that thev had no previous experience of this class of boat. The experience gained by all the crews should be useful to The™'up will be presented this evening at the Takapuna clubhouse to Mr. Percy Carter, the Tauranga delegate who kindly brought up his boat from Tauranga for the contest, together with the crew and others interested. It would be an additional attraction to the Tauranga regatta if the contest could be held the same week, with the first race on regatta day. The boys are due for a splendid reception when they arrive back. 4

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Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 22, 26 January 1934, Page 12

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YACHTING. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 22, 26 January 1934, Page 12

YACHTING. Auckland Star, Volume LXV, Issue 22, 26 January 1934, Page 12