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CLUBS OPENED ON SATURDAY. CHALLENGERS AXD EECOHD WINS. (By THUNDLER.) Ideal weather favoured all the club openings last Saturday, just before a welcome break in the weather. The greens that had been in use all the winter were very fiery, as a result of the dry spell, but 10 days without any rain worth having had made the green superintendents very cautious about shaving their new grass too much, and reconstructed greens were rather heavy in consequence. Reference has already been made to the improvements carried out at Devon port since the autumn, and members arc looking forward to an enjoyable season on the reconstructed greens. The green at St. Helier's has also been renovated, the surface having been entirely removed, and grass sown on new soil. The season was opened unofficially on Saturday, and members were very pleased with tho prospect of an excellent surface as soon an it is safe to cut tho grass right down. An improvement of quite a different nature has been made

at Onohunga, and visitors to the official opening next Saturday will note the absence of the palms which used to adorn tho northern side of the summer green. Members were very reluctant to part with such magnificent specimens, and it was with extreme regret that every .speaker at the annual meeting endorsed the suggestion of tho committee that they wore ruining the green. Their removal hae already been fully justified by the pronounced improvement in tho green.

The executive of the centre carried out their usual policy last Saturday, and divided their forces amongst the official openings. The largest party went to Pukekohe, comprising the piesident, Mr. R. Sheath, the past president, Mr. J. Pascoe, and the secretary, Mr. (j. L. (iladding. When they were joined by the loc;il member, Mr. F. A. Hosking, vice-presi-dent, they made rather a formidable rink. It is fashionable; to deplore the dearth of competent public speakers, and the total absence of orators, but the experience at bowling functions suggests that it is only the want of opportunity for practice that leaves a lot of latent t.ilont undiscovered. A club president once remarked that some, of them did not know what a good speech they could make until they Haw it in print, but it is interesting to observe how quickly they soom to develop the faculty which, in the ordinary way, is monopolised by those who got the practice that falls to the lot of barristers, clergymen, University professors and members of Parliament. Tho president of the centre was in good form when replying to the cordial welcome of the club president, Mr. W. Grandison, and exercised his faculty for cracking a, joke, on this occasion bringing in tho vice-president for the purpose of putting the assembly in a good humour.

Another recent '"discovery" ie the new president of Papatoetoe, Mr. Parker Hill, and he had ample opportunity to air his eloquence on .Saturday, when he officiated at the twenty-first anniversary of the club's foundation.

All tho other clubs wore oponwl on the usual orthodox lines, under delightful conditions, and next Saturday there will bo similar ceremonies at Balmoral, Clevedon, Grey Lynn, Howick, Mangere, Mount Eden, Onelmnga and Takapuna. Djvonport will open informally, reserving the oflical ceremony for December 2.

The Ponsonby holders of the Denison Pins (J. Conway, F. W. Oatc«, L. Jury, E. Jury) so successfully defended their trophies ajtainet a strong challenge from Otahtihu that the last head was not played, a very lino performance when it i« noted that the visiting rink included the club champion and two former champions. This gives the Ponsonby rink nine wins, and although it ifi not an absolute record it equals tho previous record of nine win« made on two previous occasions. The competition was instituted in 1023. and the record was made in 1027 by I. Clarke (West End), with C. K. Hardley n* his third. Tliis was equalled laet year by V. Livingstone (Onrhunca). who eventually Inst to I'. K. Hardley, with I. Clarke as his third, but the alteration in the rink was not successful, as they went down the following Saturday. Poneonby supplied tho winners, with Jury as third, but they also went out a week later. Apparently the next best after Clarke and Livingstone was A. J. Lethain (l'onsonbyl, with seven wins at the end of 1928,' but six wine have been recorded on three occasions, A. J. Parker (.Auckland) in IU2J, A. V. iJianciianl (iipsom) in 1927, and K. Siieath itncn piayiug i'or liilisboiuj in I'J-'J. At may be noted that, iSiicath Uad lo beat Jjethanx'e victorious rink in order t-o put Ins new little club on tne map, but lie must have been well supported by Gregory, Uoidsmith and VViwon, lor las nve subsequent wins were againec very strong riuKs in charge oi J. Morgan (JJovonpoitJ, l< , . M. Kitcii.e (.CaritonJ, O. C. Frueer (.Mount Eden), A. C. iiu.sii (Balmoral), aud UawLui*i I'oung (Remuera). However, tue lormcr champion ot 1 ousouby and tho Dominion still "as a chance to put up an absolute record, and ouo more game is to be played this year, the challengers being J. H. Garhck, J. Thomas, J. Sage, R. J. Allely (.Mount Albert). ~ ~ The above information regarding the record performance is given by request from several quarters, and there also inquiries about the Edwin Btavts. Apparently J. H. Mimjins (Remuera) put up nearly a record for modern times with his recent eleven wine, exceeded only by A Pareoiis (Ponsonby), who had fourteen wins between October b, lu'2B, and August 24 1929. Tho next best are A. G. I'ookee

(Carlton), with eight wins in 1927, and A. J. Parker (Auckland) with seven wins in 1920. What happened betore 192J it not very definite, for no official returns were kept, but if anyone can supplement the above the information will be oi general interest. , . Laet Saturday's match for the Edwin Stars resulted in a win for D. U l'raeei (Mount Eden), and his rink will hold them during the summer, as their club opens next Saturday. This seems very appropriate, i'or he is a member of tnc committee who have drawn up the rules for the challenge matches, and the theory has always been that the holding ekip commands the situation. However, the committee have full powers, having been appointed at the annual meeting ot delefates and the rules will come into force when the competitions are resumed next year about May. A few little adjustments still have to be made, to cover the conditions of the Diggers' Badges, recently presented by Mr. D. Dickson (Carlton), and any other challenges of limited eligibility. These are open only to returned soldiers, and the first skip to hold the fort will be the donor himself, with three Carlton "Diners" in front of him. Competitors wilfnoto that for these and all other■interclub challenge matches the challenges will be received and entered in thenproper order for the future by the writer, at telephone 12-404, and not by the holding skip.

WAITEMATA CLUB. The official opening of the Waitemata bowling and croquet lawns at Northcote took place on Saturday in the presence of a large number of members and visitors. The greens were in good order. Ihe president Mr. F, G. Blackwell, welcomed the visitors aiid referred to the prestige of the players in the Auckland competitions. The Auckland Bowling Centre was represented bv Mr. J. W. White, of Stanley Club. Short addresses were made by Messrs. A. Harris and H. G. R. Mason, M.P.'s. Mrs. Blackr.'ell, wife of the president, threw the tirst jack, and the first bowl was plaved by Mr. David Elston, the oldest foundation member of the club. The president of the croquet section, Mrs. E. G. Bailey, played the first ball through the hoops, and Mr. B'.aokwell declared the croquet lawns open for P la J'Walsh, Chinnery. Johnston, Blackwell 21, v. Bates, Murphy, Shanks, J. W. White 21 ; ilitehell, Holland, liackctt, ilfrK'ntUrie 17.

v. Snowerby, Shepherd, Hulse, Williamson IS; Roberts, Dyson, Parrlsh, F. Osborue lil, v. Barker, Dean, Harris. Beck 17 ; Entwistlo, Walker, Gentles, Robertson 11, v. Guthrie, Hunt, Davles, Thompson 24; Hoylaud, Lenderyou, Coltmau, Jackson 25, v. Blackwell, sour., Clapham, Rogers, Lethbrldgo VJ ; Freeman, Aiaran, Heath, Heerley 11, v. Moore, Kennings, Sims, jun., Buehanau 30; lladley, Gilroyle, Colter, Hooker 18, v. Aspen, Tnrbutt, Cusworth,' Ilnnna 22; Hussey, Herriek, Jacks, McGUI 25, v. Sims, Thumn&on, McCrea, McPhaH 21,

TE PAPAPA CLUB. The Te Papapa Bowling Club opened its season to-day in the presence of a largo crowd. The greer. -••-„ lU splendid order. Representatives of many Auckland and suburban clubs were present, and Mr. K. \V. Inder attended on behalf of the Auckland Bowling Centre. The president of the club, Mr. R. Moore, welcomed visitors, who included Mr. W. J. Jordan, M.1 , , for Manulcau, Mr. S. Velio, the deputy-Mayor, and members of the Onehnnga Borough Council. Mrs. Moore threw the lirst kitty, after which Mr. 11. Burrldge presented her with a souvenir of the occasion, a pair of cut. glass vases. Play resulted (winners names' lirst) : — Conway, Dove, Dcnlsun. A. Moore 23, v. Gordon, J,. Bray, Vella, Inder 17; Griffin. McNeil, Johnson, Watson 21, v. liose, Snow, Lynch. Botirke 15; Chapman, Thumpson, Crfchton, Wilkinson 22, v. Kelcher. Howard, McKinstry, Luke 1!) ; U>un:l, Keobie, Diickley, Harriman 23, v. Webster, Wiklund, H. Bray, Gatland 1!); Burridge, Blood, Simpson, Buchanan 24, V. li. MeKendrick, J. McKendrick, McEntee, G. McKendrick 12; Armstrong, Williams, Green. Sutherland 17, V. Scarborough, Thuraby, Koss, Knight 10; McErossan, Christie, Beacon, Morton 22, v. B. SXeUoram, Monk, T. McGorain, Sisaons 17 ; Keeling, Stokes, Cameron, Kipling 17, v. Wright, Bell, Peek, Culpin 14.

ROCKY NOOK. The well-known greens at Rocky Nook were looking wonderfully attractive this afternoon when a record crowd numbering about 300 Dissembled for the official opening. The visitors included representatives from practically all the leading city and suburban clubs, with Mr. Sid Coldicutt representing the centre. The president, Mr. W. Oughton. welcomed the visitors and the patron, Sir Geo. Fowlds, presented a shield of the executive officers to the outgoing president. Mr. W. J. ,I'earce. The croquet greens, which were also in capital condition, were declared open by the president, Mrs. W. H. Keatley. The following games were played :— Egglnton, Renshaw, ti. Smith, Clarke 20, v. 1). Ntorinont, Cutler, Wooinbwick. (J. Ciitler 17; J. Jenkin. A. Cutler, Edwards, Mhner IS, v. Chambers. Davidson, W. Tyler, Butler 15; Cameron, Yeo. sen., M. Young, Wells 21. v. Bowen, Stoddart, Bain, Bush 15; McMillan, C. Stormout. Lynch, Coldicutt 18, v. J. Stormont, E. Turner, B. Kayes, Oughton 28; McMillan, Codd, Anderson, Wakerley 23. v. Stewart, Miller, Glbl)!i, Pobiirn 10; Craig, Kirk, Roan, Thompson 15. v. Smith, Fieher, Greenwood. W. Jenkin 28 ; J. Young, Carter, Gleeson. Roy-liim-e 18, v. Huston. Laing. Preston. Blackburn 14 : Russell, .Toass. Wheeler, Dawson 1(>. v. Klllsdon. Francis, Sidler, Parkinson in- T. Johns, Mills. J. C. Yen. McAllister 24. v. Allan, Dr. Fullerton, Baxter, F. J. H. Kllisdon 9.

HENDERSON CLUB. The season for the Henderson Bowling Cliih wus officially opened on Saturday afternoon. There was an attendance of 150, Including players rrom the Rawhltl Kaukapakapa. Hnllyburton Johnsrone,. New Lynn. Avondale, Glen Eden, Edendale, Balmoral, Mount Albert and Kocky Nook clubs. Mr. W, H. Tongue, u member of tbe Auckland executive, was also present. The president, Mr. B. Carter, welcomed the visitors and the lirst jack was thrown by Mrs. O.i Her. Mr. Tongue presented It. Higglnbothara with the certificate for winning the Western Suburbs championship and complimented him upon his achievement. Friendly matches were played between members of the Henderson and visiting dubs. Afternoon tea was served by the ladies of the Croquet Club.

PAPATOETOE. The Papatoctoe Bowling an<l Croquet Club held its official opening last Saturday, when some three hundred members and visitors were present. Before the greens were declared open for play Mr. Parker Hill, the club president, gave a short address, in which he remarked the fact that this season was to be the club's twenty-first, and that Mr. J. Watson, one of the original foundation members, was present. The late Hon. W. I<\ Massey, he Bald, was the club patron in I'JJ". while Mr. W. W. Massey, M.P.. who was also present on the green, was the present patron. Mr. A. K. YVhitton extended the Auckland Centre's good wishes tor a successful season, while Mrs. J. C. Badeley, president of the Croquet Association, hoped the croquet members would enjoy a good Benson's play.

A vote of sympathy was accorded the relatives of the late Mesdaines Wyllic, Giine and It. McCullough.

The following games were then played : Wily, Foster, Civil, Whitton 20. v. Trowin, Bmokes. W. \V. Massey, Parker Hill Iβ ; Sheppard, Thompson, Crawford, W. 11. Clark 20, v. Thomson, Grinter, Bygrave, Payne 13 ; MeFarland, Keoder, Booth, Turner 27, v. Runciman, Hunt, Kobertson, Ure 13; Keith. Hughson, Brown, Sounders 27, v. Foks, Petrio, W. Wilson, W.vllio 21; Jackson Snelling. Lovecrove, Ward 25, v. VVyllle, Buchanan, Walker, Mills 39; Burrounh, Whyte, Myers, Wotson 20, v. W. L. England. Sawyer, Burgess, Firth 18; Silby, Moo, Gauk. Dnwson 20, v. Boyce Litchfield. Watson, Kassctt 16; Nicholson, Bryant, Davics, A. Brown 1!), v. Edinond, Gubb, Con, E. Keiil 1C: Skinner, Cairns, Scott. Carter 25, v. Parsons, Stevens, Allan. Smytheman 15 ; Dalsley, A. Hunt, S. McCullough. Whetherhill 21. v. Savillp, i-'tubhs. Fox, Mclvor 19; Stevens, Young, Uoseveare, W. Knight 21, v. .T C. Pascoe Kitchie, Hobday, M. Walker 12; Granlield, liirrell, Kawnsley, Godfrey 24. v. L. W Kngland, Cratmnr, Willc'ox, Fisher 13; Wells, .Barker, Coltman. Pliimmer 27, v. Taylor, Hatch, I'iukey. Pollard 11. OTOROHANGA. The official opening of the Otoroliansn Bowling Club took place on Saturday in line but. dull weather, visitors being present from Te Kulti and Te Awaniutu, and 4S players taking part. The following games were played:—Richmond. Birkett, QuiDlan, Crosby 18. v. Budge. Lnugkilde, .Tourdain. Bell 17: Ingham. Temple, Pratt. North 19, v. Wilson. England. Cooper, Park IS ; Hyde, Xobes. Culliim, Henderson 15; v. Benher. Murphy. Turnbnll, Hawkins 23; Cleland. Lowe, Sing, Mclnnes 23, v. Bowyer. Landman. Tozer, Bluek 17; Atkinson, Ayines, Lusk, Grant 21. v. Cussey, Jackson, Worthington. Frost 11 : Abbott, Birkett, Frericha, O'Connell 36, v. Walker, Hayues, MeCartcr Andrews 14.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 238, 9 October 1933, Page 12

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SUMMER BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 238, 9 October 1933, Page 12

SUMMER BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 238, 9 October 1933, Page 12