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HANNA MUG CONTEST. AUCKLAND BEATS TITIRANGI. SENIOR AND JUNIOR MATCHES. The first of the two annual matches for the Hannn Mug was played between members of the Auckland and, Titirangi Golf Clubs during the week-end The seniors played at Middleinore, where Auckland won by sixteen games to six, two • being ■ all square. The junior match was played at Titirangi, the' Tltirangi Club winning by fifteen games to seven, two being all square. On aggregate the results were :—Auckland, 23; Titirangi, 21. Results :— SENIOR. ' (Auckland names first.) * Singles.—W. S. Ralph beat H. D. 3rinsdeii. 7 and 0; B. H. Menzlcs beat R. McCrystal, 2 and 1; K. D. Hort'on lost to .r. 11. Young, 1 up; H. B. Dusk beat E. G. Tallis, 2 and 1; W. A'. Donald .beat J. M. ColUnnn, 6 and 5; I. MucEwan beat E. E. Beehan, 3 and 2; R. D. Wright beat A. Goulding, 3 and 1 ; H. Plumley beat' .T. Murray. 4 and 3; V. E. J. Wells beat Fs Trice, 3 and 2 ; A. J. Good lost to W. N. Abbott, 4 and 3 ; W. B. Colbeek beat R. L. Wilson. 5 and 4; C. N; Jacobsen beat C. G. Fisher. 7 and 0 ; R, G. Rainger beat F. W. Lucas, 1 up; 11. V. Coverdale beat 11. L. Robson, 3 and 2; S. S. Wilson lost to T. OoiuMe, 3 and -2; T.. E. .Clark aadG. Coltman, all square.... J Four-ball.—Ralph and Menzies beat Brinsden and McCrystal, 3 and 1 ; Horton and Lusk and Young and Tallis,'. all .square; Donald and JlaeEwan beat Coltmaii and Beehan. 4 and 3: Wright and Plumley beat Goulding and Good,, 2 and 1 ; Wells and Al>bott lost to Murray and Trice, i up; Colbeek and Jacobsen .beat Wilson and Fisher, 3 and 2 ; Rainger and Coverdale lost to Lucas and Goudic. 3 and 2 • Wilson and Clark lost to Robson and Coltman, 4 and 3. '- JUNIOR. (Auckland names first.)

Singles.—lt. H. Browne lost to N. A. Naismith, 8 and C; V. E. Masters lost to b\ H. Bnllin. 0 and 4 ; A. H. Gyllies lost to J. C. tiraham. 2 down; A. S. Andrews lost to A. Fairburn, 8 down; B. C. Jacobs and H. M. Kogcrson, all square; It. Maelndoo lost to H. V. Gunley. 1 down ; It. S. Bruce boat It. A. Spinley, 5 and 4; I>. Elliott'lost to W. E. Bush, 3 and 1; H. Henderson lost to G. H. Birch, 3 and 2 ; J. E. M. Horrocks lost to B. Beaumont, 2 and 1 ; B. S. Finn I lost to E. T. Harold, 3 and 2: B. .1. .King beat G. M. White, C and 3; C* Richmond beat A. E. Whitten, 4 and 3; H'. M. McCoy lost to E. A. Tuke, 3 and 1 ;B. Kainger and J. L. McCoy, .all square;'J. McK. Wilson lost to P. Balgarliic, 3 and 2. Four-ball.—Jacobs and King beat Rogerson and'vWhlte,. 2 and 1; Masters and Browne lost to Bnllin and N'aismltli, .2 and' 1 ; Gyllies and Macindoc beat Graham and Ganley, 1' up: Andrews and Bruce lost to Fairburn and Spinley, 3 and,2; Henderson and Horrocks lost to Birch and Beaumont, 2 and 1 ; Finn and Richmond beat Harold, and Whitton, 2 up: H. M. McCoy and Rainger lost to Tuke and J. L. McCoy. 3, and 2; Wilson and Elliott beat Balga.rnic and Bush,,4 and 1. ......',,.

GLENDOWIE CLUB^ A foursome bogey competition resulted in two pairs returning the best curds of 3 down, but the decision went to E. Hutchison and A. C. Johns by virtue of their better performance at the last nine holes. F. Llntott and J. Stedman were the other pair wltlu a card of 3 down, and the next best were: fj. Kronfeld and A. C. Herring, 4 down: J. Hnll and W. Snxon, 4 down ; H. Wright and T. Russell. 4 down : C. S. Woods and A. K. Jackson, 5 down ; T. Martin and L. S. Faran, 5 down ; G. \V. Palmer and A. Brown-Douglas. 6 down ; L. W. Tole and J. O'Neill. 0 down. GLENDOWIE LADIES' GLUB. Results of Coronation Mednl and Aotearoa Cup competitions played by members of the Glendowie Golf Club :— Coronation Medal.—Miss B. Hill, S7—lo— "korea-roa Cup.—Mrs. C. Butler, 04—10— 75: Miss B. Hill, 57—10—77. Draw for open medal competition to be plnved at Glendowie on Wednesday: 9 a.m., Mrs Delghton v. Miss Culling: 0.4, Mrs. G, F. Ferguson v. Mrs. J. C. Finlay : 0.8. Miss Rnthbone v. Mrs. McMillan : 9.12, Mrs. J. M. Wilson v. Missß. 11111; CIC. Mrs. Preston v. Mrs. Rutherford: 0.20, Mrs. Green v Mrs. Philip ; 0.24. Mrs. Cox v. Miss MarJorle Macfarlane: 0.28. Mrs. Rushton v. Mr*' Li F. Grant: 0.32. Mrs. O'Leary v. Mrs. Henderson : 0.36, Miss K. Wilson v. MlssM. Bailey: 0.40. Mrs, J. C. Hill v. Mrs. Rainger,; «.44, Miss O. English v. Miss 11. Cut field ; 0.48, Mrs. F. 11. Browne v. Miss E. White: 0.52. Miss U. Wilson v. Mrs. A. M Grant: 0.50. Mrs. Endean v. Miss. Marion Maefarlanc: 10. Miss E. Mahonev v. Mrs. Warren ; 10.4, Miss Morrison v. Mrs. Spinley; 10. S. Miss M. Graham v. Mrs. Barstow: 10.12, Mrs. Kingsland v. Mrs. Murkwiek : 10.10. Mrs. Chappell v Mrs. Butler: 10.20. Miss M. Walters

v." Mrs. Ilowey Walker; 10.24. Mrs. Brooks v. Miss .Moody : 10.28. Mrs. Prater v. Mrs. G. L. Tavlor : 10.32. Miss McGovern v. Mrs. MeArthur; 10.36, Mrs. Trousdale v. Mfs»s M. Todd : 10.40, Miss S Mahoney v. Mrs. Colebrook ; 10.44, Mrs. Watts v. Mrs. Milne ; 10.48, Mrs. Barnard-v. Mrs. Naismith; 10.52, Mrs. F. O. Alpe v. Mrs. Llntott; .10.50, Miss McGlnshan v Miss J. Robertson; 11, Mrs.a. Chambers v. Miss M. English; 11.4, Mrs. Pavitt v. Mrs. Keys : 11.8, Mrs. Bartlcct v. Miss McDonald; 11.12, Mrs. D. R. Walker v. Mlsg M Wright : 11.10. Mrs. McGinley v. Miss C. Wells; 11.20, Mrs. C. A. Camnbcll v. Mrs. Caliill; 11.24, Mrs. Hayes v. ftlrs. Wardell. Tenth Tee.—o a.m., Mrs. Ring v. Miss McCrystal: 9.4. Mrs. J. W. Carr v. Mrs. Fleming; O.S. Miss Little v. Mrs. Clouston ; 0.12. Mrs. G. W. Hutchison v. Mrs. J. Kissling: 0.16, Mrs, Battle v. Mrs. D.'Chambers ; 0.20, Mrs. G. Court v. Mrs. Macartney ; 0.24, Miss Finlayson. v. Mrs. Montgomery : 0.28, Mrs. Urquhart v. Mrs. C. Hughes; Mrs. Walters v. Mrs. Levlen ; 0.30, Mrs. Adlam v. Mrs. Jackson ; 0.40, Mrs. Chamberlain v. another.

I WAITEMATA CLUB.. A medal competition resulted in a win for H. T. Webb, with a card of 75—12—03. The other best cards were: H. E. Nicholls, 82—16—66: C. R Nettlcton, 80—14—66: R. V. Johnson, 81—14—67; C. H. Lord. 82—14—08; P. Lord, 94—24—70. AKARANA CLUB. The semi-finals of the Coltman Bowl, and second round of the Taylor Memorial Cup (medal) wero played at Akarana. The Coltman Cup matches resulted: G. Stewart beat It. Ormsby. 7 and 0; H. R. Taylor beat V. Baker, 1 up. The best rounds in the medal competition and cup contest were those of B. J. Smith (plus 1) in the senior, with a great round of 72 or 73 net, and J. Cairns, 87—17—70. The following were the next best cards :—J. Biss. BS—l7—7l; J. Campbell, 03—22—71; H. B. Taylor, 90—24— 72; G. McGregor, 87—15—72; H. Thomas, 91—18—73: G. L. Bayley, 02—19—73; D. Leys, 80—10—73; L. J. Minogue, '70—3—74: L. Cummins, 90—10—74; E. It. Porter, 80—10—74; K. Huddlestonc, 04—20—74.

OTAHUHU CLUB. ! , I A four-hnll bogey competition was won by K. anil F< Todd, with a fine card of 0 up. The next best were H. Levy and A. MacGrogor, all square, J. Eccles and V. Mackenzie all square, G. E. Currie and G. B. Gardner 2 down. F. Fcarnley and W. Gardner 3 down. TITIRANGI CLUB, The matches, in the Taylor Bowl competition resulted as follow:—F. W. Lucas (0) beat J. Young (5), 1 up; P. Harrison (12) beat C. G. Fisher (7), 1 up; H. M. . Rogerson (13) beat A. B. JopMn (0), G and 5; L. T. Williamson (10) beat L. Knight (10), 5 and 3. . . | A foursome medal handicap resulted in a win for.R. F. arid D. F. Rogers, • whose l card was . 80—20 —69. The; other test | cards were:—H. P. Brinsden and C. T.' Keegon, 82—10—72; C. Perkins and D. F. Steedman, 93—21—72y H. A. Randrup and C; Robinson. 81—9—7,2 ; R. L. Wilson and R. .T. Graham. 83—9 —74, and W. E. Holdgate'and B. W. Beaumont, 88—13-^75. mau'ngakiekie: CLUB.. The course.and greens wore in good order i for the bogey niatch played at One Tree Hill j on Saturday, when over 100 players took part. The best card was that of H. A. McGregor (17), who finished all square. Other cards were:—L. E. Vivian, C. A; .Tarman, • 1 • down ; W. K. Michael, J. S; ■, Kidd, A. Woolley, 2 down;-I* B.' Schntuierr. L. H.-Norton»_3 down. . (,

AUCKLAND CLUB. The third round of the captain's tourney was played at Middlemore. The results were: W. S. Ralph beat W. T. Bell. 3 and 2; S. S. Wilson beat A. M. Howden, 1 up ; J. P. Aldred beat A. Friedlander, 4 and 2 ; W. J. Berrie beat C. M. Gordon, 3 and 1; B. S. Finn beat T. E. Clark at the 20th l C. H. Archer beat F. Ewen, 3 and 2; D. . A. Burt beat G. C. Henderson, 3 and -!; A. S. Andrews beat 51. McCoy, 6 and 5: I R. D. .Wright beat W. N. Abbott, 3 and !-2; M Horrocks beat 'V. Masters, 1 up: M. C. Whitcombe beat M. Benjamin, .4 and 3. : _ . ', A bogey competition played on Saturday resulted :-— ' •. „ A Grade.—B. G. Thomson (o), 2 up; A. Boddlngtou (4), 1 down; Hi'B.. Lusk (1), J. F. Brow" OS), 2 down. ■, /. t; Grade.—K. Macindoc ill), 1 up; h. Friedlander (12), all- square; B. C. Jacobs (11), 1 down., . PUPUKE CLUB. The monthly mednl round and the second round of the M'ng«v Cup wns played lit the Pupuko GoIC Club's links on Saturday. The winner of the medal round was \v. A., Bush with a fine seme of. <t—lo— 01. being eight strokes below the bogey for 'the course. Other cards handed in were: — J. Armstrong. 84—IO7—OS ; .1. E. Palmer. 85 —17—08; C. Jaggs, 90—20—70; A. F. Burnett. 83—12—71; A. B. Williamson, 02—20—72: R. Johnston, 83—10—73; C. D. Thomas, 77—4—73 : E. D. McCorkindnle, "50—1(5—73 ; p. F0x,.01 —18:— 73. NORTH SHORE CLUB. The second round ;of the captain's prize Wa« played at the North Shore Golf Club's links on Saturday, the result being as follows: Hi.bbs heal Mills". 3 and 1; Nelson beat Brett, 8 and 7;. Ash beat Hollo, 0 and 3 ; Freakes beat Jackson, one up; .Smallfield heat Robinson, 5 and 4; Thompson beat Bow. 4 and 3: Foster beat Duder, 0 and 5; Horrocks bent Bennett. 4 and 3: Baddeley beat Keane, 5 and 4; Roberts beat Coldicutt, 4 and 2: I'oote beat McLeod, 0 and 5 ; Corbett beat Mason, 3 up ; O'Connor beat Morley.' 5 and 4: Couldrcy beat Stevens at the 19th: Short beat Mingay, 7 and 5; Brown beat Spraggon, 2 and 1 ; Buddie bent Foster, 2 up.

~ A medal round wna also played for those not in the can-ruin's- prize. ' the < (post cards being: R Ilobbs. 70— 14— 65; I. B. Clvalmers. 74—5—66 ; C. M. Black, 81—13— 06; J. Penman. 74—5—66 : 11. Seagar. S4— IS—66; M. O'Connor. 73—0—00; J. Foster, 76— 7—6!J: XV.. Huberts. S2— IK—6O; K. K. Baxter, 75—6—CO ; J. Morrison 78—0—60.

FORTHCOMING EVENTS. TITIRAN'GI'S LAD IKS' CLUB. A bogey match will be played by members of the Titirangi Ladles' GoIC Club to-raor-1 row, commencing at 11, from tirst and eighth tees. The draw Is:— First Toe.—Mrs. T. W.' llosking v. Mrs. \ McMillan, Mrs. Deiglitou v. Mrs. It. 1.. r Wilson. Mrs. .1. C. Finlny v. Mrs. Alison, Mrs. O'l.oarv v. Mrs. Shroff. Miss Bray.v. Mrs. G. M. White, Miss M. Cooke V. Mrs. I. B. Stewart, Mrs. NieeoHs v. Mrs. Spinley. .Mrs. W. J. Held v. Miss Bailey. Mrs. Lovctt 'v;-Mrs.•Robinson; Mrs. Brinsden v. Mrs. R. Alpe, Mrs. C. Chappell .'v. Miss Duder, Miss Uu'ekct v. Mrs; G. L.'"Taylor. Miss MeGlashan v. Mrs. It. F. Alpe, Mrs. C. 11. Court v. Mrs. Harrison-Gregory, Mrs. Waters v. Miss Pagiii.- '' Eighth Tee.—Miss P. Moody v. Mrs. Heurrs, Mrs. Ferguson v. Miss Nesta Self, J Mrs. K. B. Goldwater v. Mrs. Gyllies, Mrs. Joplln t. Mrs. R. F. Ward, Mrs. J. B. Johnston v. Mrs. Brook-Taylor. Mrs. A\. H. Cooke v. Mrs. Bartlcct, Mrs. Holllnrakc v.: Miss Hall. , , • , I. The best cards returned In the bogey match were:— _ c. ~ ,„ Seniors.—Mfs. Alison, 2 down ; Mrs. W. J. Iteid, 4 down ; Mrs. Dclgbton, Mrs. J. C. Finlay, 5 down. ■ ■ _; __ ■ . Juniors.—Miss Bailey. Mrs. R. i. Vi ard, .-, down: Mrs. O. L. Taylor, 6 down: Mrs. F. G, Alpe, 7 down. Miss Bailey won on the last nine, holes. , ■

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 124, 29 May 1933, Page 14

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GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 124, 29 May 1933, Page 14

GOLF. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 124, 29 May 1933, Page 14