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Another week of almost perfect bowling ■weather gave competitors in the forthcoming Easter tournaments several opportunities to try out their various combinations in the many club tournaments, while bright sunshine on Saturday attracted a large attendance on all the greens, although the easterly wind was a little troublesome in exposed positions. .

The most striking result is that R. S. Higginbotham (Henderson), the Auckland Centre's champion of champions, has added # to his laurels by qualifying for the final in the Auckland Club's tournament, after winning his section with a Mount Albert rink without a loss, and then defeating a strong Onehunga rink. The final is to be played this afternoon if the weather permits, and this will severely test the Mount Albert rink, as they are ■up against a West End rink which includes three Dominion champions, F. Needhain, W. Bremner and C. E. Hardley, and they are supported by a lead, H. W. Brookes, who was good enough to win the Carlton championship 33 years ago. By a coincidence they meet again in the Easter fours, being in the same section.

On Saturday Higginbotham confirmed the impression created by his persevering

uphill struggle to win the centre's champion of champions, for he survived a full day's play of six rounds in a. similar contest for the Western Suburbs Association clubs as the only two-lifer. As there are only five clubs, the runners-up were entered on the same terms as the actual champions, and the only other survivor was one of the former, F. Dyson (Hallyburton Johnstone), who came through as

a one-lifer, having lost to Higginbotham, but their second meeting is postponed till | after Easter, as there are too many engagements this ■week. The Avondale champion, G. Porritt, j reached the fourth round without a loss, but he then succumbed to Higginbotham i and Dyson in succession. In view of the success of M. Sunde (Glen Eden) in the • centre's contest a fortnight earlier, •where '.' he reached the' semi-final by defeating J. - C. Duncan (Carlton), and was then beaten

• by W. P. Rankin (New Lynn), his meetjj ing with the latter in the first round on •■ Saturday was watched with particular in- ' teresfc. However, Sunde made no race of •it, taming the tables on Rankin most J effectively. Apparently nothing is wanted now _ex- ' cept favourable weather to ensure enjoy- ; able and successful functions at Easter, i but the lists are too formidable _to allow ' of any safe forecasts as to Which rinks • will find their way to Carlton on Tuesday ,of next week. The weather prospects ■'seem more hopeful after the welcome i rain on Sunday. . \ As very suitable curtain-raisers for the I big tournaments, a good many .of the j prospective competitors have entered for • the rmk tournaments this week, Tuesday | at EUerslie, Wednesday at Mount Albert H and Onehunga, Thursday at Papakura. i The record entry of 152 rinks for the ' Auckland Centre's Easter tournament, and '- the usual entry of 48 rinks at Cambridge I will be the main holiday ■ A ] few city rinks' had entered for the Thames J tournament, but. this was abandoned, noti- { fication being received just : in time for ) the disappointed competitors to get into i the BQkurangi tournament... It will not ? do any harm for a few more Auckland I players to come in contact with the mem- • bers of the North Auckland Centre in ■this way, for there are not nearly so j many opportunities to meet them as there ! are -with the South Auckland Centre. _ -" The personnel of the rinks competing ini the executive fours indicates the general j tendency' to make them comprise the t principal officers, rather than to include J the champions who are technically eligible 1 to compete as unoffiicial members of coml mittee. From the 22 clubs making up i the 26 rinks there are 16 presidents, ten of ; them as skips, 17 vice-presidents, four • past presidents, eleven- secretaries, four , treasurers and eight green superintendents. 1 This array of influence and authority emj phasiseS'the suggestion in the Sports • Edition last Saturday that we should • break away from- the.- old' custom of con-

; fining the section play in this, event'to * one green for the three»days, and kill" ' "two birds with one stone by putting them S on the three greens where they could find j out the most: about green culture. When, ', the largest-contest was changed from pairs I to rinks in 1922, this-event was also .. changed from 'one green to three, but '- ithere is infinitely more; reaspn -why the i executive fours should be changed also. ". Warm congratulations are due to Mr. * and "Mrs. .W. C.. Allnutt, who celebrated ; theirvgolden., wedding last week,'" but pro- ,; bably; it,'is., only the older generation who i are familiar,with Mr. AUnuttfs)'bowling i activities,,, aijd can what the ; game owes''to him "and'his Worthy contemporaries. Mr. Allnutt took ; up bowls j while-stationed at Lawrence, a little town ■ about 60 miles from Dunedin, where the « club even now enjoys a membership of * only IS. When appointed to the Kai- \ korai School, Dunedin, in 1886; he joined the Roslyn Bowling Club, of which he was ; twice president, but'he became best known * as a member of the executive' of the New Zealand Bowling Associations for many years, of which body he was elected pre-, '.. sident in 1907. It has been recalled that; he was then elected the first president > of the Dominion Bowling Association, but; '-. this is not so,:_as the latter body was ; only formed in 1913, by the amalgamation | of the New Zealand Bowling Association : ( with the Northern Bowling Association ' of New Zealand, and, the; first president ; was Mr. J. J. Marlow. However,;-Mr. I Allnutt took a very active part in the amalgamation and attended the first meetj ig of the council of the new body,: on \ September 10, 1913, and the "Otago Daily ;• Times" of the following day reviewed the ; history of the game, including, the forma- ; tion of the New Zealand Association in * 1886 and the Northern Association in i 1891. The rough minutes of that meetJ ing have come into my possession, and ; they show that Mr. Allnutt was present ; as one of the three Dunedin councillors, i the other two being Mr. C. Russell Smith, J who became president in 1917, and Mr. C. ! J. Payne, president in 1929. Like so many I schoolmasters, Mr. Allnutt competed in i most of the big tournaments, under both ; of the old associations, and won eham--5 pionships in singles, pairs and rinks, bell sides winning in local tournaments. Like i most champions he must have shown pro--8 ficiency very early in his bowling career, \ for as long ago as 1886 he skipped a rink i in a ten-rink match on the Caledonian j green i to inaugurate what was described J at the time as the largest green in New ■ Zealand. Those who only know Mr. All- * nutt as a member of the Remuera Bowl--9 Club during the last few years, and not I always in the best of health, can have very jj little idea of the prominent part which > lie took in the game and its management \ for over 40 years, thus entitling him to a r high place among those whom the late 1 Mr. «T. W. Hardley occasionally used to ' describe as having "borne the heat and j burden of the day." LOCAL BODIES' MATCH. * Teams representing the Onehunga I Borough Council and the Mount Roskill ' Road Board played a friendly match on 1 the Onehunga green on Saturday, the result ' being a tie. The scores were: —O'Donnell, { Donald, Gribble, McCullough (Mount Rosj kill) 22, V. Geraghty, Wynyard, Tonkin, ! Vella (Onehunga) 22; Goodall, Barclay, I Thomas, Scarborough (Mount Roskill) 20, ■' v. Yockney, Gordon, Crichton, Cowell (One- ! hunga) 20. ONEHUNGA TOURNEY. Skips to enter teams for the Onehnnga : Bowling Club's tournament to be held on * Wednesday:—Clark (Hillsboro'), Hollier Lundon (Devonport). Skitch, Donaldson (Grey Lynn), Lowe (Ellerslie), Hunt (Ponsoaby), Allen (Remuera), Richirymona (Epsom). MeKendrlck, Kerns, Livings "stone, Gosling, Kerr (Onehunga). <

CLUB GAMES. \ AUCKLAND GREEN. Club Pours.—G. Allan, Hampton, (Dicketts, Pierce 37, v. A. S. Reid, King, Daniel, Steele 12; Tracy, Whittaker, Williams, Gilles 23, v. Forder, Wright, Israel, Keesing 23; Haslam, Haylock, R. Wilson, McPliail 22, v. Truscott, Redmond, Bourke, Neil 16; Wallace, C. Colebrook, Hewitson, Muston 22, v. Finn, Newbegin, Fletcher, Moir 18; Mcßldowney, Hislop, McKinlay, Kummer 32. v. Simpson, G. Read, Hinton, Kirk 21; Browne, Forrest, C. Allan, W. Ure 24", v. George, Moon, W. J. Campbell, K. S. Macky 21; Armitage, McDougall, Dadley, Woolley 26, v. Hollis, Sadler, Andrew, Till 10; Dawson; Haig, Matheson, LyeU 22, v. Howard, de Renzy, Waters, G. J. Mackay 20 ; Adams, Ea'ies, Perrett, Battersby 22, v. Probert, H. Inglis, R. D. Grav, H. Allan 18; Matthews, Prime, A. D. Gray, Nicholson 20, v. Tracy Inglis, Michaels, Hacket, McCrae 13; Waite, P. R. Colebrook, Fillmore, L. Ure (Auckland) 24, v. Kirkman, Corlett, Bolton, Simpson (Devonport) 16; Bailey, lender, D. Campbell, Maher (Auckland) 25, v. Schofleld, Mason, Wilmot, Gavin (Rawhiti) S; L. Wilson, Auty, Lenderyou, Binns (Auckland) 22, v. Green, Overington, Earle, Stichbury (West End) 22. WEST END GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Skinner, W. Hardley, McCarthy, I. Clarke 28, v. Kemp, Hardy, Horsley, Boyle 20; Worsfold, Draffln, Matthews, Thomson IS, r. Faire, Needham, C. Hardley, Bremner 21; Wilson, Parkinson, Pluinmer, Brooks 18, v. Delany, Butler, F. Smith, Cooke 20; G. Kirk, Sands, Knox 16. v. Collins, Irwin, Colthurst 23; Qualtrough, Thomass. Kirkham 17, v. C. Cox, Hopwood, Raynes 20; Jacobs, F. Clarke, Watson, Taylor 22. v. Service, Tudehope, Goldwater, Price 27. BALMORAL GREEN. . Sawyers, Fergusson, D. Wilson, Codd IS, v. Speir, Fort, Blair, Vincent 18; Purdy, Barton, W. Richardson, Truman 23, v. Donald, Esterman, Winks, H. R. Goldsmith 15; Bennett, Vercoe, Black, W. H. Clarke 25, v. Winthrop, W. S. Fisher, Yeoman, Bush 22; Barnes, Trewin, Hoppy, Cartwright 28, v. Brown, Bernard, D. Richardson, Chappell 19; Gentles, Guthrie, Kemp, Jones ' 23, v. T. Carter, J. S. Roberts, Plews, Benson 18; Johnston, Ward, Lloyd, Layland 30, v. Anderson, Fleming, L. H. Campbell, Gifford 11; Tattersall, Stenn, A. J. Campbell, Denison 24, v. Hinkley, Gordon, Robertson, E. J. Goldsmith 15. CARLTON GREEN. Percentage Fours.—Fenton, D. Dickson, T. Mountain, Laird 16, v. Sawyer, Bell, Cooke, Jones 15; Riffkin, Shields, Burns, Kent 8, v. Leser, Angove, Coutts, Mason 28; Dickson, Wildish, Roberts, Cross 28, v. Stuart, Buckle, Brittain, Gordon 14; Abdallah, Marsden, Stokes, Fletcher 19, v. Neumegen, Clinton, Thomson, Gavey 35; Isaacs, Walker, Clayton 21, v. Mitchell, Feran, Brown, 17; Scott, Hollis, Marlow 17, v. Clarke, Holland, Hill 26; Allen, Cooke, Clinkard 24, v. Harley, Shearman, Henley 22 - ELLERSLIE GREEN. Place, Woodlock, Whelan, Watson 30, v. Fussell, Williams, Westbrook, Coppins 14; Cheek, Godfrey 20, v. Wannan, Saunders 15; Christmas, Hardwicke 17, v. Kirk, Lynch 26; Griffin, Maud, Hay 23, v. Diggens, Wbite, Wood 26; Cooksey, Piggott, McKelvie, Dickson 19, v. Wearn, Arthur, Low, Gollan 19. ■ Skips to enter teams for the Ellerslie Bowling Club's 16-rink tourney on Tuesday:—Livingstone (Onehunga), Newson (Mangere), Martin (Rawhiti), Smith (St. Helier's), De Launay (Carlton), Carter (Carlton), Higginbotham (Henderson), Parsons (Ponsonby), Donaldson (Grey Lynn), Hay, Coppins, Maud, Wood (Ellerslie).

GREY LYNN GREEN. Pairs Championship (final). —E. Caddy, R.. Caddy 22, v. Prince, Curtis 13. -Result of-full rink final game between Donaldson (Grey. Lynn) and Lundon (Devonport) :—Donaldson 20, v. Lundon •18. ... : ■ ' -, , The pairs, tournament held on Wednes-day-resulted:— Section A. —Lancaster 3 wins, Butcher 2 wins, Armitage 1 win, Hale 1 win, Young 2 wins," Beehre 3 wins, Hosking 5 wins, Kasper 4 wins. Section ' B.—Newton 1 win, Wright 1 win, Potter 2 wins, Clark 4 wins, McKendrick 2 wins, Cronin 5 wins, Eagleton 1 win. Section C.—Proud 3 win. Carter 0 wins, Lundon 5 wins, Mason 4 wins, Donaldson ,4 wins, Shaw 2 wins. ' ■ *' Final Draw. —Lundon plays Hosking, Cronin a bye.

EDENDALE GREEN. Harris, Butler, McLeod, Foreman 37, v. Ritchie, Pollock, Feilding, Jaokson 17; Mayhill, Smith, Bennett, McCarthy 25, v. Biayer, Roan, Brownett, Addison 17. REMUERA GREEN. ■Ordinary Draw.—McNaughtbn, Smeeton, Fullerton, Culpan 23, v. Henson, Harrison, Torrence, Gavey 20; Wade, Hylett, Segar, Roberts 18, v. Johnston, Kenderdine, Jones; Stewart 14; Tancred, Campbell, Hicks, McInnes 21, v. Henry,' Watt, Cutfield, Swalley 20; Hardley, Beere 27, v. Schcrer, Donaldson 17. ROCKY NOOK GREEN. Club Fours.—E. L. Smith, Baxter, J. C. Toe, Farley, 24, v. Young, Edwards, Bain, Eagleton 22; de Rungs, E. H. Turner, Wakerley, Anderson 13, v. Rutledge, Winters,.Oughton, Keatley 25; 1. Stormont, D. Stormont, J. Kayes, Cliffe 20, v. C. Stormont, J. M. Stormont, Jones, Austin 18; Miller, Davidson, Wheeler, Pearce 8, v. Mills, Matthews, Preston, P. Smith 9; McMillan, Bowen Sidler, Lamb 28, v. Stoddart, Taylor, H. Turner, Alder 10; Huston, Cadwallader, Codd, Williams 13, v. Lewis', White, Gribble, Randall 21. . - WAITEMATA GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—G. B. Chinncry, D. Elston, C. Headland, J. Brennan 19, v. W. Hulse, W. U. Lilburn, H. Cadness, W. McKinstrie 14; W. Copeland, T. H. Hurley, G. H. Lyon, E. W. Bilkey 24, v. D. Simpson, P. Stewart, J. Williamson, J. Blackledge 13; J. A. Robertson, E.' Rogers, A. S. Tarrant, H. Burrows 23, v. W. Corrin, W. Osborne, S. E. McGill, F. Osborne 10; W.' Rackett, M. J. Walsh, R. G. Holland, G: Sampson 1», v..A. B. Martin, D. Munro, A.; Smith, W. L. Rowland 17; R. Entwistle, D. Hadley, W. P. Roberts, L. H. Dick 20, v. S. Osborne, F. W. Mitchell, J. T. Aspden, W. Marshall 18. Handicap Singles.—R. G. Holland 22, v. J. A. : Robertson 19. ' MOUNT EDEN GREEN. Champion Pairs (final). ; —Kendall, W. E. Turner 17, v. Burley, Julian 15. Percentage Fours.—F. Taylor, M. Jones, J. A. Sherriff, Miller 23, v. Jones, Kinniburgh, J. Reid, Hull 16; Crichton, Wood, J. Roberts, A. Jones 33, v. Cave, Holloway, Rich, Findlay 17; Walker, D. Ferguson, Boyce, C. Baker 24, v. Ovens, McPherson, Almao, Bigelow 27; Spong, Darrach, G. Taylor, Gatenby 12, v. Carruth, W. Jones, Nairn, Trayes 26; Goull, Gage, Dignan, Daisley 15, v. Watson, Stevens, Harmand, J. Baker 24; Bailey, B. Smith, Martin, Tutt 13 v. Gregson, Rintoul, Faram, Comes 31: Hough, Wicksteed. R. Robertson, J. Smith 18. •v. F. Watson, Cowan, Bagrie, Bourke 24; Fowke, Simmons, H. Gribble, Rliirriffs 18, v. Mason. Henderson, Gillies, Surman 19: Bowler. Heron. Fraser 14, v. Gribble, Sergeant, Vivian 17. EPSOM GREEN. Ordinarv Draw.—Grove. Rowley, McCullough 18, v. Simpson, Wallace, Mitchell 16. STANLEY BAY GREEN. Bvrne, Sainty, Welleh, McMasters 23, v. Darrock, Hutt. Cusworth, Carter 23; Rock-ley, Brooks, Millar, Snoad 29, v. Boss, Worthingtou, Smith, Jones 12. INTER-CLUB GAMES. BALMORAL V. PONSONBY. At Balmoral (Balmoral names first). — Percy 18, v. Lincoln 19. BALMORAL V.; WEST END. At Balmoral (Balmoral names first). — Ramsey 25, v. O. Bridges 20. CARLTON V. EPSOM. At Carlton (Carlton names first). — DeLaunay 28, v. Paget 12; Wishart 17, v. Richmond 19; Carter 19, v. George 17; Pitt 22, v. Hooper 25 ; Hosking 17, v. Foubister 16; Torrance 25, v. Wylie 15; Lancaster 21, v. Wright 19 ; Lamb 24, v. Phillips 25. EDEXDALE V. ELLERSLIE. At Ellerslie (Edendale names first). — Polkinghorne 21, v. McNeil 9; Greenwood 19, v. Leiteh 26; Maud 13, v. Joll 19; Brown IS, v. A. McKenzie 25. GREY LYNN V. REMUERA. At Grey Lynn (Grey Lynn names first). — Walker 26, v. Kissling 15; Mlncham 14, v. Norton' 22. At Bemuera (Rcmuera names first). —Harbutt 21, v. Whittle 12; Mingins 16, v. Llver-sidge-20.

GREY LYNN V. TE PAPAPA. At Grey Lynn (Grey Lynn names first). —Newton 28. v. Dawson 15; J. C. Preston 21, v. Harriinan 18; Buckley 14, v. Pilkington 21. AVONDALE V. GLEN EDEN. At Avondale (Avondale names first). — Adams 20, v. Kirkputrick 22 ; Burgess 20, v. Marinovich 20. At Avondale (Avondale names first). — Nunns 20. v. Vrang'es 19; Darrach IS, v. Perkins 17. At Avondale (Avondale names first). — J. Fearon 21, v. A. Sunde 17. REMUERA V. MOUNT ALBERT. At Remuera (Remuera names first). —Macfarlane 23, v. Allely 19; Bray 12, v. Thomas 27; Pascoe IS, v. Tomlinson 22; Coo .16, v. Maxwell 32; Newton 19, v. Wells 14; Short, jun., 24, v. E. Thomas 24; Darrow 14, v. Blair 20. STANLEY BAY V. KAUKAPAKAPA. At Stanley Buy (Stanley Bav names first). —W. Johnson 31, v. E. A. Shanks 17 ; Hooker 27, v. McKenzie 13; White 13, v. Webster 27; Brookes 23, v. Downer 16. ROCKY NOOK V. RAWHITI. At Rocky Nook (Rocky Nook names first). —First year players: Renshaw, Joass, Paterson, Carron 21, v. Herriot, Ryman, Youill, Beer 21. CARLTON V. EPSOM. At Epsom (Carlton names first). —J. Turner 23, v. Grattan 18; Hills 23, v. Lewis 19; Kilgour 16, v. Burton 26; Perry 27, v. Tanner 18; Clarke 23, v. Furnell 13; McKay 22, v. Nash 20: J. Duncan 10, v. Bruce 14; Higgott 21, v. Parsons, sen., 14. First year players: Cutler IS, v. Wright 24. DEVONPORT V. EPSOM. At Epsom (Devonport names first). —Newbegin 25, v. Whitehouse 11. GREY LYNN V. NEW LYNN. At Grey Lynn (Grey Lynn names first). —Tonge 14, v. Witham 21. First-year Players.—Troughear 16, v. Malam 23. At New Lynn (New Lynn names first). — Johnston 11, v. Gibbons 33; Wallwork 13, v. Hosking 15; Thompson 10, v. Higginson 33. DEVONPORT V. KAUKAPAKAPA. At Stanley Bay (Devonport names first). —First-year players: Stock, Jamieson, Bell, Davies 26, v. K. Drinnan, Millar, L. Drinnan, Earle,ll. STANLEY BAY V. EDBNDALE. At Stanley Bay (Stanley Bay names first). —First-year players: Ratley, S. Johnson, Robertson, Hitchon 30, v. Durrant, Noad,' Kimber, Crcdin 17. WESTERN SUBURBS ASSOCIATION. CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS. The champions :and runners-up in the five clubs comprising . the . Western Suburbs Association met' on the Hallyburton Johnstone green on Saturday morning, to play .for the champion of champions on the two-life system, automatic draw. Six rounds of 21 heads were played before nightfall, when the ten players were reduced to two, R. S. Higginbotham with two lives, and F. Dyson with one. These will meet in the final or finals after the holidays. First Round.—F. Firth (substitute for A. Audley, Glen Eden) beat H. J. Cutler (substitute for I. Thompson, New Lynn), G. Porritt (Avondale) beat C. Bromley (Hallyburton Johnstone), M. Sunde (Glen Eden) beat W. P. Rankin (New Lynn), B. Dyson (Hallyburton Johnstone) bent L. Massey (Henderson), R.. S. Higginbotham (Henderson) beat R. Sutherland (Avondale). Second Round.—Porritt beat Firth. Dyson beat Sunde, Higginbotham eliminated Cutler, Bromley eliminated Rankin, Sutherland eliminated Massey. Third Round.—Porritt a bye, Higginbotham beat Dyson, Bromlev eliminated Sutherland, Firth eliminated Sunde. Fourth Round.—Higginbotham a bye, Porritt eliminated Bromley, Dyson eliminated Firth. Firth Round.—Higginbotham beat Porritt, Dyson a bye. Sixth Round.—Higginbotham a bye, Dyson eliminated Porritt. PAPATOETOE CLUB. Several of the Papatoetoe Bowling Club's competition matches were decided on Saturday. Handicap Pairs.—Skinner, Crawford 21, r. Wily, Booth 35; Didsbury, W. Brown 20, v. Gubb, Rawnsley 7. Championship Pairs.—Ernest, Young 15, v. Stevens, Mclvor 31; Waters, Smytheman 25, v. S. McCullough, Hill 21. In the Morgan Cup singles A section F. Booth, although he has one match to play, has a score of six wins and cannot be beateni He will meet A. Skinner, winner of the B section, in the final.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 84, 10 April 1933, Page 14

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BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 84, 10 April 1933, Page 14

BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LXIV, Issue 84, 10 April 1933, Page 14