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AMUSEMENTS. A DItAMA OF ADULTS. AFTER THE DIVORCE —WHAT? What did it matter whose lives they had wrecked in the process of salvaging their otvn happiness — as they thought?— lIHIII Majestic " lIUIIKI 111 l 111 Aajestic hiiiiii CONTINUOUS FROM 11 A-M. "Divorce" Screens at 11 a.m. —- 12.50, 0.30 _ 4. 15 _ 6.13 — 8.0. LEWIS STONE LEWIS STONE ■ . LOIS WILSON — LOIS WILSON ffiONRAD NAGEL CCONRAD NAGEL * Jackie Cooper (Bejvlldered Child). \\ V^-\\ All those who have been divorced or who contemplate the step, including cx-husbauds, ex-wives, secondhand ditto, co-respondents —innocent or otherwise —are invited to attend "Divorce in the Family," when they will learn something very much to their mutual advantage. p.S.—This also includes children of divorced parents, old enough to know what it is all about and can fully realise how they have become pawns in a game. P.P.S. —Private Detectives may also count themselves in on this—and, after they have seen the picture may their consciences be their guide! THERE'S NOTHING SOPHISTICATED. It will bring iverything from subdued gVniles to hearty laughter and heart interest. Added Entertainment. CHARLIE CHASE, THELMA TODD " NICKEL" NURSE," Twenty minuteft of sheer happiness care- j fully fostered to kid the "Cheer Germ. | PLANS AT MAJESTIC. £000 SEATS AT 1/, 1/6, 2/3. THE 1932 DANCE SHOW! CECIL HALL Presents her jpupils in the Original PANTOMIME, "FURTHER ADVENTURES OF ALICE IN ' WONDERLAND." SCOTS HALL, SYMONDS ST., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5. SPECTACULAR BALLETS, GORGEOUS COSTUMES, CLEVER CAST, SEVEN SCENES. Synchronised Music toy Howies, Ltd. TICKETS. —'.MAT., 2 p.m. : Adults, 1/ ; Children, Od. [EVENING, 7.45 p.m.: Adults, 2/3: Children, 1/. All Tickets Reserved, 3d extra, Strong's Gramophone Shop, Queen St. ._,,, Stage Manager, J. D. SWAN. 3 Business Manager, G. TUCKER. ONEHUNGA PICTURES. TO-NIGHT. Strand. Leslie Howard and Benita Hume, Strand I" Strand. "SERVICE FOR LADI'ES." Strand. The hilarious Comedy of a Waiter •Strand, on Holiday, who posed as a Prince. Strand. Comeily, Screen Song and Strand. News. MPIRE • DOMINION ROAD. LAST NIGHT. "MURDER ON TIIB SECOND FLOOR." Commencing To-morrow, "ALIAS THIS DOCTOR," and "PARLOUR, BEDROOM AND BATH." REFRESHING, INVIGORATING. Spend a pleasant half-hour at the Rltz during your shopping tour. Fruit fealaa and Special Sundaes, 1/. COOKE'S RITZ, 242, Queen /Street :*o DANCING. ' AfyA. TUST A JOLLY PARTY. <@(L~ZZJF&> GREY LYNN BRANCH 'f i ilßtTflTi'Y N.k LABOUR PARTY. THIS EVENING, 8 O'CLOCK. GAIETY HALL Surrey Orescent. OLD-TIMi: DANCING. SDOt Waltz, D'Alberts, Tingle Tangle, Doris. OPERATIC DAIKCE ORCHESTRA, Music With Sweet Sentiment. Ladies 1/. Refreshments. Gents 1/6. 3 H. W. VAUGHAN, Hon. Sec. HERE IT IS AGAIN! Thursday's Most Popular Danite.—TO-NIGHT. "THE I)!RUIDS," North SI., Newton. Cheapest! Select! Always a Big Crowd! Svot Waltz, Monte Carlo, Ohoqs., Cigs., end THE FAMOUS RiBViELLERS. Ladies, only 6d; Gents, 1/. SAT. NEXT. MONSTJSR "GUY FAWEBS" CARiNIVAL. Don't Miss It! Usual Prices. S TO-NIGHT — THURSDAY — TO-NIGHT. ANNUAL DANCE AND SOCIAL, MANGERE UNITED FOTTBALL CLUB, FORESTERS" B ALL, Onehunga. Maori Display, Montk Carlo, Spot Walt z. FAMOUS SNAPPY SIX. . Ladiea 1/, Gents 1/6. 3 ' TOYLAND OLD-TIME DAKCE, Druids' O Hall, Newton, TO-MORROW (Friday), November 4. The Jepyland Melody Boys, with Mr. George Connon at the Piano. , Admission 1/. —A. M<;KENZIE, M.C. S ORDER OF THE EASTERN STAR, HALLOWE'BN DANCE, RENALL STREET lIALL, PONSONBY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 8 P.M. Admission If. Supper. & M. ALLAN, W.M. POPULAR CLUB DANCE. TO-SIGHT. TO-NIGHT. Ladles, 1/. . Gentlemen, 1/. 'More 'Popular Than (Ever. Novelty Dances, favours, etc A Heal Bright and Merry Evening at the MATFAIR, Karangahape Rd. Phone 47-520. TEACHERS OF DANCING. DANCES Every Saturday, 8 p.m., Miss Speiice (assisted »y Mr. Bruce). Pri- ' vate Lessons Daily in Modern and Oldtime Dancing,, including Tango. Tuition Classes, Mondays, 8 p.m.—Terms, Symondsville Studio, 30. Symontls St. Phone 42-237. BANK WOODRUFME, the Expert Instructor —Jazz or Old-time, course 10/. 174, Upper Symonds St. B PARISIAN Studio, 41», Queen Sit. ('below Tabernacle). —500 Card ETening held every Wednesday, S ikm.; admission 1/. MTH LAWN TENNIS. ABEL SMEETON, I/TD—Racquets Restrung from 15/; expert workmanship ; best materials 0n1y.—74, Queen St. N Excellent Restrini guaranteed at E. L. Riley's, Football, Leathergoods ' Manufacturers.—2o, Swanson St., AuckB A BRUCE AND SONS, 94, Albert St.— i • Expert Tennis and Badminton Racquet ) Stringers ; patronised b; Tilden. B A WELL Strung Racquet means a faster .game—W. J. Heapeh Racquet Stringer, 28, Swanson St. (upstairs). B ISCRIMINATING Players.—Your faTourite Racquet in aiiy weight, balance, ] tension is obtainable from Litherland, Specialist, 3, Swanson St. x 4 ARIHAKA Tennis ScnooL 193, Karangahape Rd., opp. Nekton Post Office.— Pee land Cleghorn. Phpne 30-601. B TJACQUETS Sestrung, 10/6—35/; Tracej J-* , English Gut, 25/; American Orangre, ' 30/. —Kingsford's. 164, Queen St. B TJESTRINGING, Superfine Gut guaran--CV teed. 10/6; Repairs, 6d per string.— Modern Bag Co.. 400, Queen St. D DRESS AND FASHION. MRS. CROMBIE, Ostrich Feather Specialist. Renovations a specialty.—City Chambers, cor. Queen and Victoria Sts. B

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 261, 3 November 1932, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 261, 3 November 1932, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 5 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 261, 3 November 1932, Page 22