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Starting To*morrow—Continuing Friday and Saturday ODDMENT— ISBk If ll If FOUR SPECIAL CLEARING LOTS IN COTTONS *KIV*I-I_> iH M Ik I I I I CREPE ONDULE—New Season's Plaid, Check and Fleck JOLLY PRINT—A Cotton Limbric giving satisfaction in •\Xf 17 KNOW ALL about 1 i.Jr# i | | f | effects in popular Sponge weave. Ideal for present dl^V^n^' well spent. » ", ' For suit maids and v nr Infants £2RS£S Great Fabric Clearance MEN savings children ,W- «fG: For Three Davs IYlljll F „ UNPRECEDENTED BUYING U ***** ™JSJS.; </?!*"*" 3/6 '" C " ■ TROPICAL SUlTS—These QQ/fi Friday and Saturday in this Department. We have selected scalloped and embroidered—Usually 4/ 11. W/W vBBBKa ; at random two examples of the savings. INFANTS' SILK AND WOOL SHAWLS, sizes Oddment Price, HAVE ,-dSb-T* GREY FLANNEL For ODDMENTS IN MAIDS' SUMMER 48x56,52x54. Fancy centre and border— C/l 1 \lfi«l___6\ WE PRESENTED SUCH b«« y_ 39/6 FROCKS, Fancy Voiles and Georgette^ oddmenl p rice , Usually 9/11. W/AA xS MM AN ATTRACTIVE LIST-' st e , y 4 o and Plain Cr %%f ? m %T'k _#*, /_« -.1 INFANTS'SILK GEORGETTE FROCKS, beau- Oddment Price, IN G OF GENUINE CLEARAj_MBSH _» 13 PAIRS ONLY CREAM Clearing tonmgs in Cotton Tweed Frocks. Sizes £t /| 4 INFANI-. _>ILK UUW Übi ie. oeau ANCE LOTS. The selection «&_-b--P-? l l' GABARDINE TROUSERS, at range from 24in. to 40m.—Usually up __■* / ■ ■ tifully hand made and embroidered. All T __// §■% is most varied; each item in 111/ l "f / row bottoms — Usually C/ 1 1 to 29/6. %_F /■■ »■ different designs—Unuahy 19/11. __k _HD / %*» the Department is clearly __R_»-J___P XtfWßm : '_. GIRLS' PIQUE COATS, an ideal summer coat, easily __l.ii - H ticketed, showing the usual siriK\l f_Q_|» Mil T TNFRY laundered. Oddments in White and Reseda. Sizes 26m jJJ - RTETKIFTS MPiSW"' A • £S/ .BSIV __3SS to36in.—Usually to 12/6. Oddment Price to Clear, 7/6 Hf 10, L)OlL/_/ • MEADOWSWEET .— A STRAW READY-TO- For " H fhnlrPM Cambric much m demand **_«f f____raW___! _T WEARS — A smart Hlt 1 fe M r earl L/llOKerS f° r Picnic and beach wear, iWIM ™Stobe A cii"" 7/11 _____ Ait AT HALF USUAL — 1 .___?/ j t n \tE£LJ?T§£t etc - Featured in sma V M lIbHHT IAVLORREADY y -T W o- ar - For CHILDREN'S JUMPERS AND CARDIGANS, ALSO / V „ uWe d for Oddment p - h ' co k v T d n fr r v e v ' WEARS, in Fine and 17/fi SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS — A marvellous variety of / f D _ t RidiculoUß Prices . J? n « ?"_££ «£*** P'- IIM vSd Co_ Straw., fash- 17/6 styles and colours __ TO CLEAR AT HALF PRICE. \ll opportunity to ftSufSZ - B ?4?6 P^dVrt'slLK-Ex. __. _ . 25/6. X ODDMENTS IN CHILDREN'S NAVY RAINCOATS, ' buy the be.t at give-away Quahty Bags_ cellent value for houstf IJiriTier SllltS S EN ' S FINE °^ eßt Cashmere, Rubber-lined, slightly imperfect. Sizes 33in. to price.. To Clear C§ / 1 1 frocks, etc. Strongly woven, _UrillllC;i UUIW STRAWS to wear Pnce, 39 in.—Usually 29/6 to 33/6. EEmSBB-HH-I * l * * silky finished, with floral de^ TWEE ONLY DINNER SUITS TO AH r 4/11 ODDMENT PRICE, TO CLEAR, 6/11 __^___ J in>r No SUIT, size 37— |~ . . ==== " jlk _4Hb -- — ment Day Price, 1 lid ydUsually 155/-. For 99/6. -. iflrw tBMk - MELBASYL—A soft Art. Silk fabric with wearing ability.. No. 2-.ONE ONLY DINNER JAC- Hi AAA 11/_- kM *_L -TV #■ 'K- - C W WPiw ____U_TX V_/ V▼ — »l& " , Delightful colours in fine array of designs are offered on KET, .ize 42—Usually 63/-. For __£_ I 111111 WW OF 111 Ol ■» — light and dark grounds. Attractive for afternoon wear, :39 / 6 ' . *#AW-W ffVAt.»« W* X2f\fWH etc. 36in. Oddment Day Price, 1/9 yard, rU»9/6 S * ! 4 mmnn /mktjWk IVV_/V-rlwJ ___E UNALINE-Splendid wearing, with permanent finish, Re>U.ually £8/8/-. For 99/6. 017 |||| \| A IVI I V (\\ j[% # T commended for house frocks, children's wear, etc. Shades M% _T_ IVI I 1 A 111 I ll /4^^(Bl , [Sl» ii.\.V*W\« -_ .. _ VMWI| include Saxe, Fawn, Reseda, Helio., Tangerine, Ivory, QUT R T J_L% JU If AX W XJL ll 1 V k ffltiX ' MwCf Note *" L ° W Markmgs 36in - Oddment Day Price, 9d yard. : i ;^'™ v -^>r L i-*^^:r::'^""V^l'^'*'"" J '.:T:' w '4 rp i Apparel. fl ■Hj _k4 STYLCREPE —Presenting an uncrushable finish, most suitAl V___l_H» All ci,„_- nftm Stock Racks ___F able for soft draping styles. Rich Suede quality in splendid NOW IS A GREAT TO_E TO BUY Included are Cotton "* £0/£«__■§! MWS AU Showroom Mock Ka« Jfc range of floral, geometric and stripe effects in new ground ODD LOTS IN SHIRTS—.II good _, __ _ _ _-_ Oil /D $1 S_fl» frW#' Hi will be specially ticketed for 36J Usually 3/11. 'iSli'llAl 17 f - Mil IJff thisoccasionandclearanceswill TH ESE ARE NOT THE ONLY Oddment Day Price, 2/11 yard. _To STRIPE AND FANCY POPLIN ""' . f« anch ' 8 t ler and 11 /\ I. P f OT mMWM, Mill be the order of the day on IT EMS AT HALF. ART . SILK FABRICS—A grouping comprising Wemshan, NEGLIGES, size 14 only—Usually Furnishing Pieces of Jl JL _i J-L J-UIJ-L ' jBRy /v/WBw attractive wear. RENDELLS ODDMENT DAYS ARE Embossed Voile, etc., in a special offering. Spots and large '6/11,9/11. Oddment Price., 3/8, every description. AO / WmrV nPJmW A GENUINE CLEARANCE IN ALL floral designs are shown, providing opportunity to secure W»««Mfa-flj J E„rf S , orrf.Wv M| No. C3o r We- Clearmg. DEPARTMENTS. lit y material at b =^^^.^7^^; Sjflr./r Safest* rang,ng m pncfi fc r li ,/ : ° 3/ /r m 4d te . 7 fflW M| K ° s f Tx E slf k NI a N nd UNDERCLOTHING designs in art. ****€«*. 134 FUJI SILK SHIRTS, Neglige or To be Cleared from 4d to I /- /fIBBP I %V IWA f R ° CK ' , u J fni UIIULIVV,LU 1 11111 VI Sonoma , Crepe Regalo. etc., presented in novelty indistinct fflKSf9/lli 'V 6' ! Hmmg /ilhaO/e Satin ' 1 " Pl «".f^"_ 9 LADIES- PRINCESS SLIPS stripes,floraland spotted designings. Richly-finished soft £37. 1. Wnt Price., T/11. L r _ , //||H| /i ' 39/ D Flame, Daffodil, Red White, LADJES dra P ping fabrics that must appeal. Showing in light and dark ■9/11,11/-. _r\T\l\____'_P l __,T ,r l , 1\ k XTQ US IVIIniF ' li M WHWf and Tan S°- Graceful styles Fuji Silks and Rayons; various style, ground tones.- 36in.—Usually 3/1 I. . 111 111 IVI IHI 4 I HA YIN li 'WM IH with tight-fitting bodices and and colours SW. and W sizes Oddment Day Price, 2/6 yard. ODD LOTS UlllllUEllll VniO TK %J &MmW *«*****- S*.;*sW:. t Pr i a , Exactly 9/ HALF- n/6 SHANTUNG SILK-Floral.alloverandnovellargespaced, M-i'K* » - ; •- M #MM«r «v .tr/i MCW/ SWandW 4/6 4/9 5/9 designs printed on Tussore ground. An All-bilk quality 13 3 AIRMESH SINGLETS OK HftSIFRY DAYS " Oddment Price, 39/6 LADIES' WOVEN COTTON BLOOM- «-P-xalleled for beach 'DRAWERS, elastic weave-Usually £[)* HUIJILIIVI U£\ 1 U C4O C3O ERS, good strong quality, double gus- 33in " „ 77, ,TV Vl JJ 4/6. Oddment Price, 2/11. T? w iiiii, -Uiiiii'aV set, elastic waist and knee. W. size— TUSSORE SILK—A Pure Silk, bright finish. Splendid 160 PAIRS MEN'S FANCY ART. ; ___--. No. C4O, above: SMART LITTLE AFTERNOON FROCK, as Usually l/ 11, 2/9. wear assure d. For lingerie, pyjamas, dressing gowns, SILK SOX —Usually 1/11. 2/6. I Unprecedented offers will illustrated, and there are others equally as attractive in similar Oddment Price, 1/_ pair. children's wear, etc. 33in. Oddment Day Price, ll£d yd. 'Oddment Price 1/6. be made in this department. styles. This one features fitting hip, at neck of con- LADIES' SAMPLE UNDERWEAR - ART. TAFFETA—Lustrous Taffeta finish, giving effective BO FINE ALL-WOOL BATHING W^^^^p V K Besides Sample Clearing trasting shade, in Black with Pink Scarf. Obtainable in difterent Vests Bloomeri| and Combinations— draping for modern frobks. Floral, allover, geometric deU UI Iu;T2/T dt oiSm:nt Bt fc ■ Lines there are worth-while styles and colours-Usually 69/6. For 42/- Wonderful Bargains to Clear at HALF Son Pastel and dark grounds. 36in. 5/11. 1 reductions on quality Hose A Good Llne of DOUBLE-BREASTED JUMPERS in Lace rK,Ct - Oddment Day Price, 3/6 yard. 70 BORSALINO HATS, .mart shape ||§_# \ - J>M and many of our well-known Stitch; fine, light-weight Wool; long sleeves, plain ribbed welt LADIES' SMOCKS in Floral Cambric, CREPE SATIN —A rich surface with strong Crepe back, in -Usually 35/-. Oddment Pnce, |m. I'M numbers. at waist, neck and cuffs. In Blue, Orange, Green, Lemon, and S w'onH" Saxe Blue only. 36in.~Usually 3/3. ' 29/6 ' » m , T ck A d.e Vm* I I KARO TRIPLE SER- oddment Cream—Usually 10/6. . Oddment Price, 7 /11 ££J ffi Oddment Day Price, 1/9 yard. 83 PURE FUR FELTS, bound edge f M f f VICE HOSE, Rayon Price> A¥ .., ~ (DtiiinVFß*! l nno ,n^W t attractive colours—Usually up to CIRCULAR JERSEY SlLK—Fine silky weave, for dainty —U.ually 21/-. Pnce, ?/ m Wfc M strengthened with Lisle. ' A Large and Varied Collection of PULLOVERS, long and short 9/|I Oddment Price, 4/A LIKLUUW Jtiwci Usuallv 3/6 12/6. __P fc -f / triple thread feet. Pop- 4% /<* sleeves, consisting of plain and striped styles in many novel __/ ° lingerie. Heho. only. in '- U , s , ua^.^ o - v p . ,/n ■S ODD NAVY SERGE COATS, M | / ular .hade. — Usually US designs; all colours and White. S.W. and W. sizes—Usually to Oddment Uay fnce, 1 /11 fe 4 3 5 s7 ÜBually63/ " ° 1 If ""' 22/6 - ° ddmentPrice ' ls/6 SCARVES , . 14 P«i« BOYS'SHORTS, Navy and » A ?£££*^i\ru-?' 10 * LADIES' SKIRTS, in Tweed, Flannel and Cloth; pleated, flared » . ■Grey "TLyT? » W HOSE nJ f and gored styles. In shades of Brown. Navy, Mustard, RAYON SCARVES " Df A QIMIP 5/,,. y Oddment Price, # , Nautical Blue, and Red. All si Z es-UsuaHy to 25/- ; in smart Diagonal BLAINIVfc- 1 OlMlr 3/11. ment. and no seam in Oddment rrice, l//t> /l» / /Wlb> THL Ift, 37 Pair. FINE NAVY SERGE iMf « ole - full fashioned. _f% / _,_ _ _„„ _ _,_ _ _ ___... Stripes. Colours:/ / / 'm % RI ANKETS—At end of season we find iSHORTS, to fit boy. Bto 1 2 year. I|fl Latest .hades-Usu- g/ _| ]_ A COLLECTION OF FIGURED ART. SILK AND RAYON Tieer llvAmM - m \ BLA^ KETb —f fc end . seas °" —U.ually o/9. Oddment Price, ally 8/11. W * — DRESSES, most suitable for house or holiday wear, showing in greens, i\eas, i igerii^//rjupi li_,\ ourselves with broken pairs and shghtly- - 6 / - v _IK;I a good range of colours and neat designs. Long and short Lily, Blue, Beige, Vp/ j[_lOT \ soiled lots, and these are to be cleared at 6 Only BOYS' NAVY AND GREY _■« 1 LADIES' HOSE of fine Oddment sleeves, newest styles. AH sizes, including O.S.—Usually up Brown—l/ 9 each. M _. . _ , **/** M v FLANNEL SUlTS—Usually 18/6. appearance, made from Price, to 29/6 Oddment Price, 24/11 '* SlDgle Bed '"• 1 4 / llpair * Oddment Price, 12/6. Mfcl . '' WINDSOR Double Bed .... 24/11 P-- ! CAH/IDTITQf ml ART. SILk'hOSE. firm Oddment SUk and Satlll j** fc&k • OT| UNBLEACHED SHEETS-Heavy Twill. A great Sheet I SAMPLES! l|| Hr'Vi'lllV FRnrK<? IPS I"W OT ! nPFMriISH UNDERWEAR, WWL m« Lisle welt.. Good fKUtNO SUEDENE BELTS, self- ||HP Double Bed size—Oddment Day Price, 7/8 pair. ° F FANCY AND N B E LACK AR ' , a " HP A BARGAIN IN AXMINSTER RUNNER-A very serCASHMERESOX- Clearing on Oddment Day. »• Jg YkT\ "lin.Sd Uin., 1/3 fiz viceable design in Rose/Black on Fawn ground. For hall I*<&-V-ill£ 5 i "" ' H% Attractive Line of ART SILK AND fl J 1 i •»«!».-'l/3 or stair use. 27in. wide—Usually 1 3/6. IJ>/<?-«>/- 11l * fe the ___A SATIN FROCKS ' in plam Sl,atl ? ' «\ SEMr MADE NET % ROCK Oddment Day Price, 9/6 OFF ZlVr ' ?Sjfs!l» 1 ONLY AXMINSTER SQUARE-Blue/Black/Gold HACirnV beautifully shaped sk.rts with novel \ ' fF ankle length skirt, with trim- co lourings on Fawn ground. A real bargain. Size 10ft. I Men'. Department HOSIERY I sleeve effects, bod.ces. L W£hgfc &f LJK ming. of Val, lace in Sky x Tft.-Usually £8/10/-. 1 ' " This group of Frocks wUI be well Sljr n/t o'Sdl Oddment Day Price, £4/19/6 »i/,n/%nTllt/Tf RINS m* *I*m W worth inspecting early in the day. fll"Tjrt ment Price, 15/6. MATTRESS CASES — Extra IMPORT Art I . «r M*M W M sizes, including O.S.—Usually /W /Sm\ f§ .^M^\/it UNDERWEAR LACES—lmitation Filet, good quality Ticking. Colours . «.-• r-- j•• » ' t CO/R ' 'ff/l M~ '"^V ? > li/ Novelty and Art. Silk Laces and Inser- ; n Red/Black, Helio. /Black, Uffl*» Qavinffft Oft Special Bin. placed in f to 09/0. HM U: 13 A Mi*>W f°ns, Cream and Ecru—Usually 6Jd. Bd, Ri,,,, (^Y^^J^^^W^ ttle. On Department ,____» W3 ODDMENT PRICE, 42/- fi I ? \ X lOd and 1/- yard. Oddment Price, All |. lue ; R , - Il.„»llv A/11 Wl^^^SW^ HABERDASHERY «"I 3 Odd Lot., MlmM* J 11//\ -. If/ V I at 54d yard - g OddlenrSv Triie 5/9^^^W^ well-known number., all M *%? f THE POPULAR FULL - LENGTH W(___o/ 1/ W _ X^UsuX'9/1 1 and toiletry »•----,.„. fl CJ OVFS Doub o e Housemaids' Giov«-«d Make Straight for These Offers— complete with epaulettes and metal V I iKJ DAMASK CLOTHS Inspect this 24-yard-long Damask BoiHnf Ela.tic-« yard, for ioid. Main Doorway . .... buttons. S.W. and W. sizes. In / fjJ ,|T f.,,/._-__ \ THROW DOWN THE GAUNTLET IN Cloth—Usually 4/9. Oddment Day Price, 3/3 each. Bobby Clip.—♦ card, lor 3d. ....;-.■ ■ .. . . ■ - . Blue. Fawn. Green, and Spanish l W,t \'MR /-<f A*}' \ GLOVE VALUES. COLOURED TOWELS, 39 dozen only Strong Towels. _ i * i^" B^;_,^; o al _ h ~ ,^ for3 7 r - ■ otff WW .... Orange—Usually 5 9/6. /f'l!' If /%\"« " I A GREAT ONE-PRICE OFFER OF We do not need to mention quality or value—see for your- ?" Xo? e UciS P-Sr77o •-• PIIMA IT HOS6 ODDMENT PRICE, 45/. / 1 kjt J LADIES KID GLOVES OF ALL self. Size 20 x 40—Usually 10id. jrure oiih.. jtiv»c . h . ort CLOTH COAT i 8 'I. .11l |m_y A h D f ES T TIONS, o ff , ° ddmentDayPrice ' 7d each - PURE SILK HOSE, full fashioned, fine make, durable Lisle h f° m L town J I |l\ jfi M CURTAIN NET-We offer another great value iFrom our ";J J".r dein-i/e. feet, side toe reinforcements, newest shades— 5/6 P«>r. and w _ showi _ large | V/J||| »\ All sizes, in Browns. Fawns, 5/ 1 J Furnishing Department. Heavy mesh Ivory Net with twoW Harßrushes-i/6 LLAMA-FINISH COTTON HOSE, for hard wear; seam- ._,_.., theße in all shade,, fully 1 ]ffe ,»1 II and Grey, ~ tonecolouredborderinß^/ Fa \ n n 3 % n .^ ld :- 11rf^^ Naphthalene, lib. packed-ad p..k*.. less throughout, wide tops— ' ii ne d. beautifully tailored style,, with ■,\™W; M ?f? SIMPLEX FABRIC GLOVES, tailored Oddment Day Price, 11 *d yara. Camphor ror 6d. SOFT-FINISH COTTON HOSE, for house wear; wide trimmingß of button., imitation .kin. 4« J, W'/ / W P ull ' on Bc?Jr e Airli« 3 W 6 t o 7 ' CAMPERS—An All-Wool Fringed Rug in two designs. W.c ß Tow.l..Ch«uH. Border-***. topa— : _ ' LWfly " ' Limited quantity only—Usually 10/9. ttu.u™iU«So.p--4t.M.ul.ri/3. IP {fANTS'PURE SILK SOX, White only; sizes 00 and 0 Oddment Price, 1/ V X / / A X ODDMENT PRICE, 4/H pair. Oddment Day Price, 6/1 % IPetroleum Jelly, large jar—... 1/5 * r ~ / ~ ■ n .id* tmrnmrn -» ,™ ■ Wright'. Coal Tar Soap—2 tab., for 1/3. only ~, ' - V-«

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 260, 2 November 1932, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 260, 2 November 1932, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 260, 2 November 1932, Page 17