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For TO-MORROW ■ * 85385 1 SI E3 B J^l£ URDAY u KgHsasJlffl FARMERS SSSIi Hl] 2S3SSH 31U QUEEN ST For TO-MORROW llp^f^ \C____^^v] %C a a * Farmers Warehouse A/^^ 1^ \ ~~~~"'" ' ;1 I I A m '^ 0 c^ean U P stocks for our half-yearly inventory next week, we are offering II § j /^^^. ml big savings on Clothing and other goods. Here we can list only some of the j I y^ffr'xhh \\\ ■JS^S^^^^tfmSkElll lm m% bargains, but even these will make it worth while to have a look round at t~ '' _ ~~^~ X^roi^ffli \ u lm I m Th e Farmers' this week. It is understood, of course, that these low prices >W4+T3liilll f) \\ : mS* M hold good only while Stocks last. Shop Early. JUST ARRIVED!—New Season's Stocks. A wonderful opportunity to secure new // \\ V TssS 1 I White Canvas Shoes for Sports and Beach wear. Ample width. Uppers of good, >*P§ll|i§r *—~ \\\ £k * § I m » A mM ■%**« w •W strong canvas. Soles of resilient "live" white: rubber—the corrugated, non-»lip fotv^r^ai 1 FROCKS-COATS-PULLOVERS ', _ j^__^_ __..___ "OUT-THEY-GO" PRICES IL M JDi L>a fi»»i I IB I I A I I iBl SB WINDSOR CLOTH FROCKS—Smart styles in this BLOUSES—Oddments in Rayon, Jap. Silk, and mD| ill /?/(Er/i/' 1^" fli ll ■VH■V J I I *^Am flhk fii NBL. ■BBS dependable material. We offer them at Less than Crepe de Chine Originally Priced at 15/11 to HUB UM /p'-M 9& 1 ikuUUUWi fll WINDSOR FROCKS—These styles feature short COATS—Fur trimmed, and Plain Tweeds. Lined fli Vmf/ fll / ■?? HHfIH ■■■ K ■ rT~ , , sleeves and no sleeves; flared or pleated skirts. thro'uehout An exceptional tu "t I 188 Bl I IRB X *$' HUBBUB! but YOUR Frock may be here. To Clear, T/1 l' n thoroughly dependable Coat at a real Money- Ij DB H Ifli (■ -^^ ■! WM saving Price—Usual Prices, 39/6 to 4gns. life tftHlH ' QKk^9^jfl Wi'fVi a C / Of/I***- fru- ar»xr errxnrlc RAYON AND ART. SILK FROCKS—One rack of To Clear, «g /ffto 43 /„ \ % A ' I ■ F witn a fc/_ ror any gooas oddments in Rayon and Art. suk. original prices, io/mj. •§*/- \ "v. Am /Aim ■ ■ 4 ■ 18/11 to 39/6. Sizes S.S.W. to O.S.—AH will be 1 ; fe =* ■ B A /"* J O J \ *I.U #% / Marked at LESS THAN COST PRICE. ASTRACHAN COATS, featuring the new revers itt^JMPM ™ \\l ~— .■ L.A I larocery ana or witn an SC/_ T „„ rßP „ p _„«-„- e , ... , , and coiur. smaii quantity on i y of these smart ■ . i mmmmmmmm .*am**mmm9mmmw*mmm „.„. , _..-. O'" and usefu, Coats-UsuaUy 69/6. «* , C frnnff 150OnIy 4 White «,d Gold CHILDREN'S Grocery or Produce Order. T « clMr -35/9 iiJ inn ArS?c 12in - Leatherette pirpc an J BLACKITAUAN FIGURED ART. SILK DRESSES—Becoming styles JUMPER SUITS —An offering of Travellers' Work iJlvAvftS AftosJiA faeflff V*"'* *» ttllvl Df AAMITDC T. ..„ . „TT rll 11- •*• T-i. and . I c ° , ? urs - s . only ,^ T/ small , n V. inbe r i of t , l ] ese ,P'? sses Samples of lightweight Jumper Suits. Wonderful /iLIaCIIC VaScS DLIVIUIUEIVIJ HIS is an excellent Honey, freshly packed man airtight available, s. zes s.w. and 25/9 qualjty garmentß priced to ensure big savlngs- weii-known -Police- pat- WeU made Strong centre OAUtLKO carton, so that it will reach your table in first-class condition. • 10/ll T ° C - 14/11 to 25/9 *&L? £££ te£s%sS£J£S3Fw for 1 / BS^*W*-'*SSS j j 1 .1 . 1 „„,_ *« «nr PRINTED CAMBRIC FROCKS—We have a small e " ds - 8tle « fittings. metai nanare-usuany i/j [Qf ■# — cloth, in a new, improved <Jrder gOOdS aS aDOVe, then taKe yOUr aOCKeiS IO Our quantity of these Frocks. You'll be delighted with PULLOVERS—Attractive and smartly-styled Pull- Cood, wide elastic web. Special Price * If* 1 ' shape, to give long wear Grocery Dept. and you can get a lib. Carton for One Penny. If t!U5fH\ V„d B Y^n: ldicu,OUßly low pric — o v r! g ,naii y m^ t / i it? I Te.. f JSihTSt. l irx P r ' 1/6 2 mSXS^r%Z you order 10/- worth of General Goods, or 16A worth of T " c '"" 5/1 1 » nd 8/11 To c,ea - 6/11 *-"■»** J/9 jm*. p« P uI,, %,. and Special Price, jjj P , Groceries or Produce, you can buy Two Cartons for 2d—but »«*-«*■*'* _.' ± m»* v T ' queen street. queen street. queen street. queen street. not more than TWO to each Customer. This is a -Special" CLEARANCE OF MILLINERY I MCT ■MM at The Farmers* and Secure this WOrth-while Saving. nncl obtainable in all the new colourings—Origin- Ornaments—Were I/- to 4/11. Kjqg3fgH U A PHW ADP (\A c CORSETS—CORSELETTES —BRASSIERES cut FLO wers 10 ° ° nly N - z - made lIf\I\IMWW r\ 1\ d V/QUIUCIILu CORSELETTES, sizes 36 to 40—Usually 25/6. WRAP-ON CORSETS, sizes 23 to 36—Usual Prices. Lady Dorothy All-Wool IUMM/ IWUIM __**_* To Clear, O/U 15/6.22/6. To Clear, C/ 1 1 O/H fUArm ATCC Delightful, fre.hly picked blooms. tn h*» txiven nwav FREE corsets.«. si*. ' u ' y/u tIIUtULAItO daffodils, 3d per dozen. WHITF IO DC gtVCn riAtl- Usually 16/6 . T.CI w . 9/n BRA SSIERES-Th e s e are «ood-fitU„g Bra,.«ere». These delicious Chocolate, VIOLETS. 3d bunch. V™* *f XT/ -11 J- 1 •1. r, „„» J^ f „ „f aeQ „ vf< .J WRAP-ON CORSETS, sizes 26, 27, 28. 29—Usually Back-fastening, and ideal for Summer wear. Sizes freshly made and of really r.,, CCM „«„ DT A MI/TTC We Will display on a special table a quantity Of assorted 12/6 . To Clear, 36 and 38 only-Usually 2/3. To Clear. J/3 good quafity. The centres QUEEN STREET. BLAINKt 1 O Hardware items, to be. given away .FREE—one only second floor elude Oranjte Cream. Choco- m ' - _■ to each customer. Most of the articles are the residue ; - late Macaroon. Vanilla Cream. I , I . Warm and cosy. Good weight. of Cashright's stock, and all are useful. Come to the j M " ■■ - ■ —- I m Caramel. Raspberry Cream, Mother Hubbard Real FmH( be<J Amazing Third Floor, and see if you can find something you need. J fT Q • £ fl •£- If • | [^ ut Maple rea . m> Cream dpOngeS £JJ value at this low price. Enamel Basins DURAMEND OaVlllgS tOT lhntty MOUSeWIVeS j «=„„ 3| d ,„*?■„! | atK;r d "" h 5. [ 6/ ??% Round, pressed from one piece The new way to mend without needle I Larjre Size Coloured Border Pure Linen i QUEEN STREET. •■ ~"* QUEEN STREET. r t t __J nm o»>J tafUTi karri and thread. Duramend sticks anything. I■ a—wii—iiiiiiii ji n ■ . . . _ ■■ - •of steel, and well coated with hard, A c , ean _ new adhesive in a handy I mn * Tl/Mirrf f* / I Til. I S JU \ 1 lit. ■ |—raHa»—ll 3 durable enamel. tube that repairs holes or tears in i ]! I |< A Iff 1 \fU Ih I 2—J—.J-' I BS. il / tV A \ AWw An M Size. II fin. 13m. 13iin.dia. any material. Two sizes-Orig.nally < ILA I\J VV ,sU M |! \ rDAPrDV o nr. riAlo " JWaW I Usually!/- 1/4 1/6 2/& and R Re8 e / d 6 uced b< to 9d and 2/3 i ?V „• WnA l PPIPP #%1 1„h CT R \ GROCERY SPECIALS I Special Prices, *"* ' i I 23in. x 3Zin. SPECIAL PKICL, QIJ each. M J W Sizes I4iin. 15in. 15-|in. dia. RAI I f\f STRING I EXCEPTIONAL VALUEI All-Linen Yarns, closely and JW U|f I HFFSF 71/nU W aflu II 11 1/8 1/11 2/- DrtLlLl Vll tJIIMITVI I cvcn ly woven into a Btron S . .serviceable Cloth. Fine, smooth EJ jC« II il ifcJJLwi Jf "/ 2 fJT aW usually i/o / Handy-sized balls of good quality : finisji. making a perfect drying medium. Coloured borders |\\ \*T \E Medium matured Special Price , m '*■ lb. m^t^R Special Prices, string A necessity in the kitchen. I I of Green/Gold, Cold/Blue, and Blue/P.nk. S^' i\ /D ff \v »" ' PnHMtJ^IMH 1/2 1/4 1/6 each Also useful for kites. ; KSBBKaSSHfI Iff ? \ \V .„„„.„ r«ATCC 17 I. c» 1 B1 J I S Hfrf^\^ll A/sC */«• */« Special Price, 4,1 ball. 1,71.. I 1 rrAHTpi O 7 TURBAN DATES—Fresh Stocks. K.-jJI Aluminium i White Jacquard TOWELS SWTIM JI per ' —^M^i /\iUminiUni PPITWINr I T^c ever.p-opular Jacquard Towels at a speci- Special Prlce dk* \ PRESERVED GlNGEß—Usually 9<Jd lb. HEL mSm^A FriatTK*! Paint riVUIIIIIVJ || ally reduced price . Hravy raise d pile on a tl7z_JDPy\ I >J*/f¥EKOB!WW \ Special Price, gsj lb, H&S *■ -[- hjs particular Pruning Shear was |i|| firmly-woven foundation. Large assortment of / U |hJ LgU \ H 111, I 1 SaHHaHaBHEaSIH A very high-grade Aluminium Ko'wf I attractive designs. Fringed. Size 20in. x 40in. */- IWMWH Popular Stiff Back [| " HEINZ " SPAGHETTI—Big I 7oz. tin. 10in. Vocalion Paint for all household uses. ever, that the quality was not up to —Usually I /11 each. each. IVT r.\717 I C Usually 1 /1. Special Price, lOtf till. firsmnnhnnp Specially made for stove, and hot $g3£%&&&&&3?i& i NOV 11 L 1 ' I uTuaVvs I ,nß '' p,nt " ze ~ linen - finish white twill CUI7ITTQ tt»«S?*& RECORDS special Price, 2/3-. 5d • j Fiill Double Bed size, 80in. x 2|yds. 0011111 l 1 O J tl£. SH: LOOSE SEED PEAS M^^S THIKU fLUUK, I 11, poole, H. G. Wells, etc. popular Records. i . - '"\ I „ . . _ . Sriecial Price, {* 1 each, „ ~ _ _ „ Special Price, f\ 1 each, << ' 1! These quality Sheets are made from a finely woven, close texture Special Price, » William Hurst, Green Feast. Stratagem. •*& I Cloth, with an excellent Linen finish. Guaranteed to give splendid I «fl al O for 1/ >| Special Price, filff per Jib, | / per lib. lva O for A/ MCYI/ SEASON'S I service. Fully bleached and absolutely pure. Hemmed. An excellent / I 1/4 * */ «5 'aw/" I opportunity to secure high-grade Sheets at a very Low Price. pair. TENNIS RACQUETS. l HALF Another Wonderful Special! The Following Specials are at Hobson St. only\l PRICE! -■ 1200 Yards only MEN'S SUITS d Ground Floor SPECIALS | (hWßSffiy A _ \ US&M T\ A «r>T" ,r i w " T% A ■o , ¥iir , W»■> » T-» ~ = 120 ONLY LADIES' HANDBAGS in Solid and Imitation ZZZ t mr BABE I it, KA YOIN CKLrh HALF PRICE = tsaa —* •■"— to clear at half marke ° i English Racquets, by famous maker. j£ I \ ■ 7/TTH I .-, ~' I••j Q- t 1 = ?oin. RECORDS in Vocalion. Imperial, and Clifford. Hear these 553 Utest model, with shoulder, and 27 inches wide. To Clear, to sVrt = ° U ' ' each; 3 for £/. S S^RS e -«J I Wwi J 7/ YS Th - l^ 1 L f l " "£ Children*. Summer Lingerie Excellent J £*£ p a^ ICE „ you find one to fit = M£N>S TROUSERS ,„ , strong , serviceable Dark Grey Twe'ed. = with Ked and White. Splendid /Asn s// // -/I weight and finish for long and satisfactory service. Very attractive in &Hfc U a real bargain is yours. = An ideal Working Trouscr. Sizes 3to 7. Special Price, A/ A \ = frames, strung with good gut. A > %x T la " MalllBIII # 111 *! ■ appearance, with small Broche design and in beautiful lingerie shades of II '~' _ * , r j- ,„, a „j = , 0 , ~. .. . .*,, = : v „ v c„- D,..„. t af pvnrtlv Half <~ \ WW a l mi ci a • 1 c li i- o 1 d j \T/L- t Oddments in Mens Cardigans and — TRAVELLERS' SAMPLES, including many useful items suitable — very hrie Kacquet at exactly Halt Peach, Nil, Sky Apricot, Lemon Saxe, Helm., Salmon, Rose, and White. Pullovers are also being Cleared at for gifts. Crockery. Leather Goods. Stationery, Fancy Goods, =" Price—Usually 39/6. . . y' : Shop early in the day if you wish to secure this bargain. yard. i, U , o j also Deing w«™» » - etc _l TO CLEAR AT HALF MARKED PRICE. HALF PRICE, 19/Q «CLIMO"-A fair quality Racquet, well strung, gut- Greatly Reduced Prices. 17 A "" SM^T I HANDKERCHIEFS SPONGE BAGS WORK SHIRTS | I PLANTS TENNIS BALLS orml p rFl . Sma „ „ro suitable for S UW or ladle." LADIES' CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS, hand- CHECK CAMBRIC SPONGE BAGS, lined rub- Clearance of All-Wool Work Shirts in' j CvTlfectionery Special! \\ . Ur-KM-iM-*KJ "COLLEGE —Small grip, suitable tor girls orlaaies embroidered in Pastel colourings, fast to wash- ber. Strong and serviceable. In three sizes. m v 1 JFaw „ Sizes 2to 7 Usually cHICI New Season's Tennis Balls. .933 Stan- "»e. Ash frame, ■ well strung with good quahty gut; ing . choice selection of designs-Usually 6d Usually 1/3 1/6 1/9 SPECIAL PRICE C/ 11 r NrI ICM 1 dard Balls—Spalding. Dunlop, Ayres. bound shoulders; double centre mams. Weights 12ioz. To Clear, C for 1/C To Clear, GA Qrl 17. y/ °' artl-lAL. rKIV,L, S/ I i lllNLlLilorl Ormt IMr"C P ll ce ' ,'- j to l4oz. Price, 10/ C each. 'O I/O ©« *>« */" v/ * * *>*-•¥>»>»->«» H I\TT 3 l ll.t.Lll J .irNLl^ 2/- ea! 4/- pr - ; 22/6 dOZCn ' I^/l> SECOND FLOOR. «,-- „r 1 PEPPERMINT- *M-l-»4/l-llil\Jwl WIMBLEDON SPECIAL No. I—A really " STERLING "—Superior gut, bevelled frame. ■' 2/11 SOCIVO I I I first-class Ball. Sold under our own aicn.i-.i'.u e | _ , __~.,,. 1 "l &* /A A »»W« »W»W -w» »»* JLiUlVirO ING PEACHES in full bloom. brand. Price, « /ft each; |7/. doz ' ' *S>/0 I C_„ <■ # •«»!•• .. -> , ,u o .in: 3 colours. Only a few left— */©*#/" . ~ . /st A w ** Tor A / Pair. l Usually 2/- lb. Special Price, ir.„„n„ * if. Grocery and Groceteria SPECIALS ~ 1 1/2^^--1 u 1^,,,. 2/ ...,, £j 1 lfX\ i .L„jp r ' c„„;„ip ri „ a real bargain. We are clearing a I SWEET-SCENTED BORONIAS, V»__ ' D 111 J tIU 1 UsualPr,ce ', sma ll quantity of New Zealand-made large plants-Usually 2/6. Jfer--irr-~^- zr^ I CORNFLOUR, |lb. and lib. packets All-Wool Socks in Fawn Maries. Com- DEMONSTRATION of Sp.cial Price « /ft each il ' (English) 6d lb. 4id lb. fortable, long-wearing Socks at ■ 'I/O Pff IWffiL yW i MARMALADE, English, Vases 1/- each. 9d each. 1/- pair. "fIAK • azaleas, in'full bloom- - N f I lit \IDW\IJMW\S Cjj] i SMALL BUTTER BEANS (Lima).... 4*d lb. 21b. for 6d O.S. size only. Special Price, J/g each. M il \ W'i eW WiW WW I CANNED PEAS, large tins lOdtin. 6kl tin. nA V Q> IFOQI7VQ FAMOUS PRODUCTS — 1 : \\ I PINEAPPLE, Slices and Cubes sid tin. 2 for 9d Spaghetti and Beans kowhals" i 0"? 5 iT I , ■ | TOMATO SOUP, Heinz, large tins, In. fancy Marie and plain colours of b ° UP ' 1 " 5 " 1 and BeanS ' SSI/- °' 3 'J \M Wj> * 280 2 1/11 tin. 1/3 tin. Greys, Fawns, etc. Some with Tie- GROUND FLOOR. Special Price 1 / each W I SIW (IOW WriSt WATCHES SPAGHETTI, Heinz, large tins, 280 Z. 1/10 tin. 1/3 tin. Usually 3/11. Special Price, 2/6 1 ■ J '1/1; 11 II J/ LaGleS UOtCI " r15,: WAIWIiIJ -- I SECOND FLOOR. AURICULAS, in full bloo.n- ---■ I lISt < Fitted with the latest ' Cordinette Wrist Bands. ' I C *«s».»« S* f<* Special Price, CJ each. HALF USUAL RETAIL PRICE. J ake specials \ ™ rose Smart and attractive Watch and Band, guaranteed by us W*| € Y") 11/Ef H) O 9 A ■J_ I COCONUT CAKE CYCLAMEN AND EXHIBIriIICER b PAL/IV 9ct. R Co e id S cLTet^nd er fi7t C edwith r HJ |B B% iWIH 1% Il%fH 1i l I\l ■ M ■ A lM tm l/-lb. 4jj each. This light, strong and comfortable Pack Bands. Every Watch has 1 5 jewels and Swi,, leve, ■ f-1 111111 .B1 , 1 I llnllßSld Ijii-, I ill SHORTBREAD „ 1 is made of Striped Canvas, with Mm. movement. Adjusted for good timekeeping. Tins is ■ fll 111 l JJI lIIJ JL JLIX ELMS JLA \F • JVall*%ll# TOMATOES, all strong, healthy | Zip Fastener. Size 17m. x I Sin., with another of our Stocktaking lines we have reduced to ■ 1/" uOZ. , „ H 4in. riusset. Has two adjustable shoulder . . .. ' plants — , M iftiJi. ii..._i o,;" in/fi clear—Usual Retail Price, £4/10/-. i/ipppn * / i o i.i »>»ir» AJ per dozen. N ""»-"*»■' Is,^,c E . 7/6 „^pk,ce. 4s/ . HOBSON and WYNDHAM STREETS i KISSES ' 1A doz - Sp 1 CANVAS GOODS—FIRST FLOOR. THIRD FLOOR. '' * I |

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 225, 22 September 1932, Page 19

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Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 225, 22 September 1932, Page 19

Page 19 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 225, 22 September 1932, Page 19