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HALF PRICE REMNANT DAY AT MILNE & CHOYCE'S SALE—TO-MORROW ; . • ' 1 '"THE greatest 12 hours' shopping time of the year—for it is Stocktaking Half _ _ • urAAI ¥ I"«TWTn Fill* Tl*lfYimA#] \T WITU/P A O ' Price Day, and consequently more drastic price reductions have been brought SILKS WOOLLENS ■* JT 111 1 I lllllTlcQ IV W1 1 W into force in every Department for the purpose of reducing stocks to the lowest A , possible level before the 31st. At 2/3 yard At 2/6 yard COATS FROCKS ForaU ? e »° nal **HH*^ ■■«**-*™*™ ;• -■»»*»«<wofthe. sai-^arr s£?sssK&k'' a ss i* JL fcfc_/ UtmOSt importance tO thousands Who knOW Of ltS genuine nature. —Usually 2/11. Chine, Plaid Wool Georgette, Printed Wool vy If r> • Balance of this Season's The dependable qualities—the wealth of choice—the low prices—are advantages \ Special! On Ground Floor; SS^^^Si^SSfi^ifc Half rMfP that the " thrifty-minded " Cannot Wisely Overlook. _ Striped Spun Crepe de Chine, for frocb. Usually 3/1 Ito 6/II yard. ****** * lIVV OIOCK. ..,,,, . . . u -i ->-•—At>T Vi * pyJ amaa ' etc - 29m - 4 /''» 5/11. For ... „ .- ' ~ Many of the best buying opportunities are in small quantitylots, so Bfc, LAKLYI 3/5 yard. At 3/11 yard t ... , ««•'■•■■•.•, Usually 45/6 to 14gns. ■ , ,_ _ .. _. . . .. . , , All Smartest Styles. Many models _fIRL ' Af , 2/fi V3TCI Very effective ■weaves in light and heavyt i 1 Ali /•> ~„ #*<1 • ■ ¥ ¥ li* ~fc • JM> ,«__eW _~__ _____ __i ■*"« / J ■weight Tweeds, English Worsted, Flecked included. All Sizes. Greens, Wine, &t FISHI" JTYICG >_!_____&__» Usually 3/11 to 5/11 yard. Crepe Maro- Mousse, Knit Tweeds, AH-Wool Tartans, etc. FROCKS—day and evening styles— h^LF^PRICe" 7 *° gUineaS - I £ually4/n yard. Printed Silk N^'zJa^ f£^ufiE C WOOLLEN PULLOVERS, CARDI- !^_J illM 1 Ti»Xselve* 9/11*TW? yarf^ HALF PRICE. 89/6.' half price. ° F ) KBli \»i__r a/ «Br W' ilfllliE Hi !___/ I wfi / li____l Usually 5/i i yard. Rayon BrocKe Taffetas. Printed Rayons and Voiles CLEARING AT 25/-. Collection WO AND THREE-PIECE SUITS, I fl fl MK f H K9 I_HK ■LLV//H & " e S£ .TfST/fr JS c a _ s^T g - [ roc t ks, uif 79/6 to £6/,9/6 ' c,eerance Price: 111 IMWifflM fMI llmUTmml ■ At 3/ll yard f 6 in. to 40in. widd, VL^ow 37 !/^ 65 O / a .%o an £6/ 1 ,9/6. OUn oa3 ~ suay "K» j «^^Sr i ImHU I ( ¥^^T^^^iB !t CoUo e n S V P PotSt tS and P " nted offering. Waterproof, parchment'col 26 COSTUMES—UsuaIIy 89/6 to l!iJ|i!wftlHß»D#'f l MM ill jJHM 1 iff IBnH II II MK At 4/11 yard dually 1/9 yard. For IQId Y***, 9/11 our, plaid, fleecy lined, double- £8/19/6. For 45/- In Tweeds and 1/I I J 71 J ™l».ll 0 ffIHM.I f/ IHWImFI 111 PL f I Usually 8/11 and 9/11 yard.- Plain and dozen yards. Coloured neat designs, breasted, adaptable Collar, belted. Suitings; smart mixtures SOod size Up If I W Printed Crepe de Chine Plain and Printed brightly printed on Cream ground; linenQSW C;W W OS ";.'"'"* ""* lulca > gooa Size »■■■- ■■ ,ue, _ Crepe Marocains, Novelty Embossed finished fabrics. The Voiles are in a variety S.a.W., 0.W., W., V/.0. range. iil u , t ,atien appearine to-day for the 95th time ie not intended to portray fa.hions, as some Georgette. of coloured floral and conventional designs. '•■--. imagine, but a« a »ign denoting a shopping day of unparalleled importance. \ FOR MEN— 96 Pairs Ladies , 22 Model Dressing Value Extraordinary! 160 All-Wool <<CORTI^ El i? fc , ' 22 CARPET at Half the Marked at 15/11 Gowns and Kimonos 364 Pairs Heavy Cravat Scarves, PUR E b^r » OSE SQUARES Price ?E!^^Bay n sHH for 37/6 . Twi " SI JTJ S ards Bi (i " f 10/6 7/11 Half Usual Prices 40 TWEED OVERCOATS ■In Corded Velvet, Silfc-padded, fn^Tchtair. 311 hemmet Botany Scarvi! 3 Pairs for 23/- Including hand-made Chinee Usually 59/6 to 9gns. and half ,izet, . and other novelties. All exclusive 54in., 6/11; 64in., 7/11; with straight or diagonal ends, in ~ f u fashloned; Carpets. Sizes _from 9ft. x7ft= English made; Scotch Tweed, ■ p . garment, ... 72in.. S/ltl 60m.. 10/6 bright stnpe colour combination, g West of England Tweeds, and 14.7 PaiTS StlOeS ~ ~ ~~ ' " ~ ~ of the smartest shades. Sizes morrow £d/ 14/6 to Clfi/S/yeiou, half price. ciearin* at 1Q / 11 40 Onl y Ladies ¥lorsl Blanket Special— 95 IMPORTED ***. *»■> 9 *- lOin - ' £4146 £165/ 47 engush-made suits 8 * *' * * Winceyette Pyjamas 151 Pairs onlv SMOCKS o 1 1 Axminster Carpet Usuallv4iffns to £8/19/6 Traveller.* .ample, and oddment.. f •"•-'■ O1 * aIFS OIU y j, rt Real Leather r Usually c Tie aml s few /fi f ftr /L/.<4|- IVuHa 1W 9/6 and 10/6 for UAMnDAPC Runner Supergrade West of England genuine Selby Shoe , included . In O/O TOr J, J, UOUDIC UeO OIZe, HANDBAGS fWlllier Worsted, Latest styles, newest Patent. Kid, Coloured Kid. W _ _ — 17/fiU 4|e/1 I Tlf 4/11 IA/fit«?l/ W 3 6in. wide; 5 designs—All at colours. HALF FKICt. Fabric All .izee reprinted. * ry, YJ Aff 17 l>1?IPP 4//0 lOr ZO/ 1 1 P* # 14/0 tO lOr Half Usual Prices: 27/6, for «.t«.t /,/>ir oiTiTC : '" - "■■ -■' — Ai HALr rKICE- «.«#** In a reliable Washington Gloth— _ #<- - 13/9 yard. ' e g n,t o , 7/1 5/..HAL,P R ic, Slippers at 1/6 pair S=T ' gl^=|SS 150 SUITS Soft chrome leather sole, All WOOLS— * * ™°*> Black V White " fitted/ Black, Nigger Brown, Wilton-1 yard. Made from Thornproof Tweede, sizcß . fe R oee , R e d f Navy. VY-.V/\/1-U Tlntlie ~" , Red, Navy, and Bottle Greerv 50 HEARTH AND BEDSIDE Navy Indigo Serges, and Fancy :. ■■- ■•, - • ■-■ ■ ; __ Usually to 1 Oid. 61 Unly UamaSK UOIHS nQ Onlv Georgette ~ : ~— RUGS, including Washable BathZ^5 S 125 Pairs Children's Felt for gd skein and Novelty Art Silk F ROCK LENGTHS Zipp Top Pouchettes --Ru g s_Aii at Half u STO i oddments IN Slippers at 1 I/L pair 3/10 Head of 8 Sets Less than Half Price Half Price In Check Patterns - 120 jute rugs, m a comprePURE WOOL PULLOVERS "~ : * '** * 4 . Ply English Fingering Wool, 5•„ x 5 lin. 63in. x 63in. and " UsUalty 5/11, for AND CARDIGANS Ankle strap, soft chrome Jeather Plain and M arle Mixtures. Tweed - 7 i" x JOin.-Usually 22/6 to 29/6 for I A/Q Ji* *. 3/1& ~r Al , ftem C , M ,, _ 25/6 , ,„..,» ™Z2a*l£z 2/11 ~^rs.^ MILLINERY- F T y |f L pvl "* ESSsix 21 Model Handbags &- c &X^ s^ BLAZERS ~ . -;;i D . Halt Price SSage| g e Bottle> Beige , white. ll t and Less. usually is/-to 60/-. Bound Clearing at Four Prices ... q! , , t . ranees A Peach. a " at 'l iso Yard* of best Scottish usually i_i//: uv v# / ...„■•- . ** Samples and broken ranges. .. ~, ... 1 DDIMTTn rrNniPTIM Afi- .^^ A "" Everything on view ffiJfeXZX- SES_SK^^. SPORTS COATS the season. In all wanted shades of Brown, Blues, 3/ 1 1 J" y ?° th 3' I" T T ATI the MeZZamne ■ • -~ r> t» 1. r-k-—.. DLj, ~_~# ■■ ■■ fCloth and Serviettes), etc.— Oil Lilt? HlCAtailiUv; — _ r«.ll T* ff ■ , Usually 37/6 t0.92/6 Green,,Ru,t, Cherry, Black.. ■Q6d to 65/6. To-morrow, pf ui f p- . . _ Art. Silk Taffeta Single and double-brcaated. TRIMMED HATS—Usually 15/6 to 29/6. In Fur FOR 3d to 32/9 TlOOr Halt mce Suede Lisle GIOVeS , /fi Jlyl / O r HALF PRICE.. Felt/arid Velvet. Shades of Wine. Brown, Navy, |% 71 I _— — Including real Crystalware, China, * /g| • 11/b a_d 14/9 tOT ' ODDMENTS IN Beige. Black. «/ Jt X 97 Dozen Ollty Tea and Dinnerware decorative J, /J, J, F* ■ A/'U Y^Xd P-S-??!fS Ir^s^e^ B^ Shadesofßt-Mauve. Copper, ;r t VelVet or velvet 9/1 I 7/11 half dozen. and hundreds ° f »** 3/11. etc. HALF PRICE. Patent envelope fastening, no — ■ " ■' ODDMENTS TABLE OF TRIMMED HATS—Usually up to 49/6. FOR tapes or buttons. Made from a 24Onlv— 15 Onlv Double-bed £ L -D- Pf IT . In Velour, Fur Felt, and Velvet. In Brown. Navy, <f 7|_ splendid mellow-finished Egyptian *** UIU y rJCi™ rX Til TO 15/ g Jgg-J — _ CORSELETTES at Half Price Ae .J^ aCCO FOR BOYS- !_£ " f ,L«. Uress Wear. HALr rwuL, Section Will DUV - — ■ fcJU » UUI ' * m H J ALL HALF PRICE. covered, contrasting panels. w^ UR b .^ L L H .f S l .««. t *« we ,„ ■„,. FOR 20/- .SSfmgSM Special Grouoine of shapes. Usually 25/- to 49/6. ? 7 - n , j c „,* ~ , , ~- - M styles—Usually J 6/6 to 52/6. VjrOUpmg OI HALF PRICE. £z or |lade Stro PP ers-12/6, Navy CoUeCtion of Hook-side GirdleS, 54 DOWN QUILTS r 45 Pairs SHOES Cigarette CLEARANCE O F all at 7/11 Single and Double Bed size, Box Calf Willow, Patent for 2/6 ..ONE-PRICE CLEARANCE--OF- fancy designs . All sizes—Usu- <*«-.!. f/J, J, 6ft. x sft., Double Bed size, 42/Leatherrcomfortable and emart. ; , __ . __ . _ Children S ally 5/6 to 7/11. Half Marked No . jis in Peach( a i BO Pink Art. rfaetic on hi P .; four hoee support.. sJffc x s - ngle Bed size) 3 2/6 suay half°price. TGILETRrES Model Garments Donegal n" t*Z]^L^Z. * in Cambric - Sateen - AH n^~ en - . ALL • Brocade, with elastic side sections and suspenders attached. Sizes 26m.-30in. /\rt. 3llkS. f v , „,... i_ .*■.. ..'.ui'.™. ssfcsasie sri.-£a=f* "SS. o Wo rt,"i! 30W,HMm " suk d.™ quuu ' «- Usually 3/9: box. For 1/11 e r Sets, Coat and Cap Sets. For NAV Y "ALL-WOOL" DOC- TOYS at Halt Reproduction and modern types oil of Half Usual '• Z elvioTC "CotyV* Perfumes, small size— , ages 2to 5 years TOR FLANNEL SHIRTS, of best Maflcpd PttCeS —Usually 17/9 to £7/19/6. CAMBRIC SHIRTS Usually 8/6 bottle. For3/ll TABLE AT 7/11 c quality; fast colour—Usually 9/3 lVlarKeO rHCeS To-morrow 8/11 to 79/9 High-grade material, filled with CHOCOLATES, " L-P Shades and 20 Only Leath 10/6.1-7/ it _ Foris/6 fel^ u?r 6/6 9/6 . AU si2es , ch,e V/TV. Lamp Standards Patchwork Fireside I C S C rv^ar F ': ' ■ r"Si dinner 1/9 Half Price and Less Pouffes I i,,"/ V ; /- * • k,~V.« For 10/fr TABLE OF ODDMENTS in SUITS, English made. Sizes 1, A wonderful assortment, made „• - ~ —Usually 12/6 to 32/6. To- I - Hot Water Bottles, first quality- Children s Berets and Johnny 2 24-Usually £5/5/-. For from the finest and purest ingredi- A " 4/6 to 12/6 each. I Usually 3/Jl. For 2/6 Caps-Clearing at 1/- each. 39/6 ents; soft and hard centres. Sl ze, also Candle Shades. M MILNE & CHOYCE'S HALF PRICE REMNANT DAY—TO-MORROW |

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 177, 28 July 1932, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 177, 28 July 1932, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 177, 28 July 1932, Page 17