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Tho annual dance of the Putaruru Bowling , Club was held in the Putaruru Town Hall, which was decorated in blue and yellow, the club's colours. The committee- wore Messrs. A. G. Leggatt (chairman), W. Miller, W. R. Pass and M. Piixton.

A bridge evening -was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Cranswiek on Tuesday, in aid of the Matamata Church of England funds. The function was arranged by the Ladies' Giiild. There were 14 tables, and a. good sum was raised. Tho prizewinners were Mre. Findlayson, Sister McAllister and Mr. G. G. Bell.

Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Smith, Putaruru, gave a social evening as a farewell for Miss G. Brougham, who is leaving for her honie in Motueka. The hostess received her guests in a frock of black satin be'aute, and the guest of honour wore wine-coloured satin beaute. Among those present were: Mesdames F. Barnet t, H. Dukeson, D. Henshaw, J. Ranger, Drumniond, and J. Barnett.

A pleasing ceremony took place in the schoolroom of the Synagogue on Tuesday evening of a presentation to Mr. A. Hcnricks on his retirement from the choir by past and present members. The Rev. S. A. Goldstine spoke of the invaluable services rendered. In conclusion, .Mr. Goldstine and Mr. Astor jointly wished him long life. In response, Mr. Heurieks thanked the members of the choir for the good-feeling shown towards him\

The departure of Mrs. G. J. F. Cowan from Pufaruru is deeply regretted by a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Cowan took a special interest in church work, and was for some 15 years a worker in St. Paul's Anglican Sunday School. At the time of her departure she was superintendent of tho school and a member of the church choir. Mrs. Cowan was also a member of the Putaruru Ladies' Hockey Club. Mrs. Cowan's future home will be in Lyttelton. - '

A meeting of the Ponsonby branch of the League of Mothers was held yesterday, when Mrs. English presided. Mrs. Arthur Griffiths entertained with a talk on "(tipsy Life," touching on their independence, love of Nature, and their musical talent. Mrs. Griffiths gave several elocutionary items, among which were some of her own composition. A humorous sketch wne given by Mrs. Griffiths and Miss Edna Craig. Miss Craig sang. Tho thought for the month was given by Mrs. Alliim.

The staff of the Yorkshire Insurance Company, Limited, were entertained by the manager, Mr. A. E. Moore, and Mrs. Moore, at an enjoyable dance held at the Peter Pan Cabaret on "Wednesday. Mrs. Moore received the guests in a frock of black georgette, and among those who were present were: Mesdames F. McKechnie, E. IT. Hood," C. Paine, Misses Nora Johnson, June do Castro, Maude Von Stunner, D. George, Amy Till, D. Grange, A. Hcrron, M. Stableford, and J. Buriett.

The monthly meeting of the Lndies' Aroha League was hold at the residence of Mrs. M. G. Tremaine, Marlborough Street, Mount Albert, on Wednesday. Mrs. Smythe, the president, presided over a good attendance of members. A letter was read from the Mount Albert Welfare Committee thanking the Aroha League for the generous offer of coal to be distributed among the needy of that district. It was also decided to supply another ton of coal this month. Arrangements were made to hold several social afternoons to raise funds for those in need in Mount Albert. Mrs. Tremaine was the hostess for afternoon tea.

A dance under the auspices of the Birkenhead Ex-servicemen's Association was held in the King's Theatre at Northcote last evening. The function was organised by a committee comprising Mesdames J. W. Craven (president), J. W. Canty, E. J. Spencer, P. Tothill, the wives of returned soldiers, and Mesdames W. B. Darlow (secretary), E. B. Gilfillan, R. R. Hayman, S. Mills and F. (i. Blackweil, representing the Birkenhead Women's Association. The gathering included the president of the association, Dr. J. W. Craven, and Mrs. Craven. The Monte Carlo competition was won by Mr. and Mra. E. Taylor.

The Otahuhu Croquet Club 'held a bridge and 500 afternoon last Wednesday. The bridge prize was won by Mrs. B. J. Parsons, the 500 tournament by Mrs. Peterson, tho lucky number by Mrs. D. Hickson and tlie competition trophy by Mrs. H. T. Clements. thoso present were:— The Mayoress, Mrs. H. T. Clements, Mesdaincfi J. E. Gillies, W. Morton, W. IT. Payne, B. J. Parsons, ]). Hickeon, A. Pearee, T. W. Day, KB Tocld, E. Elliott, T. J. Flood, Rugg, R. W. Hoteon, Hampton, Emery, Eventt, snood. Hodgson, J. Moffitt, Wnrd, Putton, White, Parker-Hill, Peterson, renK elly, E. Hill, Pirie, Bishop, Misses Lippktt and Carson.

The annual dance of the Otahuhu Basketball Club was held in the public hall, Otahuhu, this week. The hall was beautifully decorated, streamers in the colours of the club giving a pleasing effect to tho scheme. Two Monte Carlo waltzes were held, the liret being won by Mr. R. E. Jonee and Miss L. Archibald, and the second by Mr. P. Brady and Miss C. Gardiner. The arrangements for the evening were in the hands of the following members:—Miss E. Cornelius, who wore floral ninonj Mies F. Pliilp, black satin; Miss M. Wills, blue satin; Miss Chris Gardiner, powder blue georgette; Miss Maude Jeffries, pink satin beauty; Miss G.'Ellery, green brocade; and ifk3 U. MeAnulty, lemon georgette.

The eixth conference of the W.C.T.U. School of Methods was held on Monday morning, when the various unions were well represented. Mrs. Kaaper presided and welcomed Mrs. Wood, a visitor from Wellington. The eubject of etudy was "The constitution of district unions, and the special work of each officer." Miss Adams again spoke of her Maori work, and asked, for clothing and literature for distribution. The subjects of study for next conference will be "Home Meetings" and-"Medical. Temperance." A wellattended district executive meeting followed in the afternoon. Final arrangements Wero made for holding a temperance at tho winter show, each union supplying the workers for one day. Preliminary arrangements were also made for the district convention to be held during the third week in September. A very strong protest was made against the holding of so many art unions, thereby increasing the gambling spirit.

A grand carnival in aid of parish funds wae held recently by St. Joseph's Social Club in the Parish Hall, Grey Lynn, the occasion being the final of the dancing competition and presentation of prizes. The hall was tastefully decorated with streamers and soft, glowing Chinese lanterns that lent a fairy-like appearanco to the surroundings. A large number of members and friends, dancing to the strains of delightful music, made tho evening a great success. The winners of the dancing contest were Mr. C. Watt and Miss Autridge, Miss Margaret O'Connor doing the judging. Amongst those present were: —Mrs. Hcighton, wearing fawn lace and crepe do chine; Miss Margaret O'Connor, blue georgette; Miss R. Fleming, ivory silk net and diamante; Miss R. Rodgers, eau de nil satin and diamante; Mies W. Toye, red crepe de chine; Mies N". Toye, blue lace; Miss M. Toye, flame crepe de chine; Miss M. Price, wine lace with fur; Miss J. Price, .ivory lace and pearls; Miss C. La wry, black velvet and net; Miss T. Rovlance, flamo ninon; Miss R. Webb, pink chiffon; Miss N. Webb, jade ring velvet; Miss T. Price, black lace; Miss E. Wobdlock, blue panne, velvet; Miss L. Scansie, phlox pink georgette; Mies M. Webb, black satin; Miss K. Ryan, leaf green velvet; Miss M. Wigg, black georgette; Miss A.• Seansie, cameo pink georgette; Miss M. O'Donnell, leaf green lame; Mis« M. Mannoek, flame embossed chiffon: Miss J). Gladding, blue floral georgette; Miss R. McMahon, shell pink velvet.

To celebrate the 38th anniversary of its founding a social evening was held by Court Maide Marian ladies' branch of the Ancient Order of Foresters, at the Orange Hall, on Wednesday. The dance hall and supper room presented a gay scene, being charmingly decorated in the court's colours of red and Lincoln "■reen. The committee in charge were C.R., Sister Spalding, in green crepe de chine with beige; secretary, Sister Garrett, black crepe marocainj assistant secretary, Sister Gamble, green satin; Sister Gee, black lace; Sister Rhodes, black georgette with diamante; S.W., Sister Mead, ivory georgette; J.W., Sister Harvey, floral ninon; K. 8., Sister Nelson, white satin beaute; J. 8., Sister Platt, salmon pink satin; organiser, Sister Benfell, blush pink satin beaute. Items were given by Mrs. Collier, Misses Tarmis, Miss Morgan, and Mr. Rusnton. Araon-T those present were:—Mrs. Gubb, midnight blue bengaline; Mrs, Fairhead, roval blue satin brocade; Mrs. Milhgan, leaf green lace and tulle; Mrs. Baker, navy silk lace; Mrs. Haining, pink georgette- Mrs. Lecce, black georgette; Mrs. Burbidge. midnight blue satin; Mrs. Tettley, floral satin; Mrs. Latchmore, black "satin and brocaded coatee; Mrs. Gunter, white satin beaute and lace; Mrs Collier, wine pailette; Mrs. M. G. Tremaine. floral georgette; Mrs. Winter, pink satin; Mrs. Geeder, black satin; Mrs. Tettley, black lace and georgette; Mrs Dnivyer, nigger brown crepe de chine; Mrs. Rogers, flame crepe de chines Mrs. R. Smardon, pink brodene Mrs. Clark, black satin and lace- Mrs. Short, cedar brown crepe de chine; Miss I. Faulkner, peach taffeta; Miss Connor, floral georgette; Miss R. Roberts, white satin; Miss Barnett. powder blue georgette and lace; Miss A, Harvey, apricot georgette; Miss Dines, blue ninon; Miss R. Young, white georgette and satin; Miss M. Young, shell pink ninon; Miss Kydd, black satin beaute; Miss Brady, midnight blue crepe de chine; Mis? Overington, sea green crepe de chine; Mies Young, cameo pinksatin; Miss Leek, blue satin; Miss MacLeod powder blue georgette; Miss Scarborough, primrose taffeta and tulle; Miss Smith, can de nil georgette; Miss Ske<"», ivory lace and satin; Miss Iremaine apple green taffeta; Miss Draffln, pink safn; Miss Spinley. white satin benutc; Miss E. Ovcnugton, pale pink georgette and lace: Miss Spooner, emerald green georgette.

In order to ascertain details of how tho Devonport Relief Association administers its affairs, Mrs. X. Jellie and Mre. B. Bates, representing the executive of the Mount Roskill Relief Association, visited the depot yesterday morning and were met by the Mayoress, Mrs. lE. F. W. Meikle, and Mcsdamcs J. Fercival, A. C. Hearri, 15. M. Perkins, and J. Woodward. The secretary, Mr. T. P. Gilfedder, explained the system adopted at the depot, after which the visitors were shown over tho depot. 'J , he Mount Roskill delegates commented upon the husiness-liKe methods adopted at Devonport, and that the information obtained would bo most beneficial to the Mount Roskill Association. Mesdames Jellie and Bates were entertained by the hulies of the Devon port Association at afternoon tea.

Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Buckley celebrated the jjOUi anniversary of their wedding at Matamata on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley wore married at Rangiora Anglican Church in ISS-. All the family with , the exception of Mrs. E. Smith (Oust, Xorth Canterbury), Mr. C. Buckley (Mossbu-rn, CM ago), and Mr. W. Buckley (Napier) wore present at the anniversary celebrations, and a large number of Matamata friends were also present. The principal speakers were .Messrs. F. li. Gibson, G. Duxfield, W. Kmslie, W. Swectman, and W. Egan. Mr. J. H. Buckley replied on behalf of his parents. Mrs. Buckley cut the cake. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley have lived in the Matamata district for 21 years, coming originally from Rangiora, North Canterbury. They have made many friends in Matamata, and their children are scattered all over Now Zealand. Mr. and Mrs. Buckley's family consists of live daughters and six sons, and eighteen grandchildren.

Multi-coloured streamers, balloons and showers of confetti made a suitable sotting for the many fancy dresses at the masquerade dance held at Opotiki, which was organised by the members of the St. Stephen's Church choir. Novelty dances were won by Miss K. and Mr. P. Fox and Miss J. Hume fflld Mr. W. Recce, Miss K. Jephson, as Carmen, was awarded lirst prize for the best and most original lady's costume, and Mr. A. Dodgson, as Clm Chin Chow, secured first place for the best and most original gentleman's costume. A special prize was awarded to Miss Freda Sydenham and Mr. W. Turner, as Mr. and Mrs. Snowflake, for the most humorous costumes. Others in fancy dress included: Miss A. Tabb, Eastern lady; Miss V. Hutt, gipsy; Miss I*. Ilollowny, carnival; Miss J. Hume, harlequin; Miss B. Tyrie, gipsy; Miss I. Kelly, Hawaiian; Miss K. Mulhcrn, Opotiki Girls' Band; Miss J-:. Dodgson, gipsy; Misa P. Shaw, Eastern lady; Miss S. Papuni, Hawaiian; Miss E. Pattle, Miss 1750; Miss .T. Armstrong, peasant girl; Miss •T. Kirkbride, maid; Miss A. Roach, Russian dancer; Miss E. Kirkbride, morning post; Miss M. Birkmyer, Eastern lady; Miss L. Clark, beach girl; Miss A. Dodgson, pierrette; Miss M. Ifolloway, carnival; Miss M. Kirkbride, gipsy; Miss P. Mansell, Bailor j Miss G. Carey, Hawaiian.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 160, 8 July 1932, Page 9

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SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 160, 8 July 1932, Page 9

SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 160, 8 July 1932, Page 9