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SIERRA DELAYED. STORM IN TASMAN. Adverse weather is delaying the passenger steamer Sierra, en route from Sydney to Auckland, and, according to her wireless report, she is not likely to arrive here before noon to-morrow. She has been allotted a, berth at tkc Prince's wharf, whence she is to sail for San Francisco, via Suva, Pago Pago and Honolulu, at o p.m. to-morrow.

A berth at the Prince's wharf lias also been allotted to the motor ship Sydney Main, which is due at Auckland from Wellington to-morrow morning to complete discharge of general cargo from Japan.

DEPARTURES—Yesterday. I'cino, for Kerepeehi, 2.10 p.m. Waiinarino, for Wellington, 5 p.m. Kurohiuie .Maru, for few Plymouth, 5 p.m. Ton, for Whakatanc, 5.5 p.m. Cliymore, for Whangarei, 5.20 p.m. Coronation, for Whangarei. 0.15 p.m.

This Day. Ulimaroa, for Sydney, 1.1.-to a.m. Passengers:—Saloon : Mr. I). Staccy, Mr. R. Fuller, Mr. F. Charles, Mr. L. Hamilton, Mr. lsherwood, Mr. Hopkins, Mr. .1. C. ISuckiugham, Mr. F. vi. Uickford, Mr. L. W. Taltcrsliehl, Mr. 1:. Mains, Mr. F. G. Theodore, Dr. Brown, Mr. tj. W. Pierce, Mr.. Gondchild, Mr. Erieberg, Mr. Brain, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Benham, Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair, Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell, Mrs. K. A. Rowden, Mrs. Woodruffe, Mrs. A. S. Booth, .Miss G. M. Booth, Miss Webber, Miss A. D. Clayton, Mrs. J. M. Draper, Dr. Ella Mac Knight, Miss J. L. Mac Knight, Mr. and Mrs. Jakobseu, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tallack. Mrs. Couchman, -Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. K. L. Bickforrt, Mrs. M. Bell, Mrs. 10. Terry, Mr. K. M. Gray, Mr. A. Campbell. Mr. A. O. Maclndoc, Mr. E. 1). Wilson, Mr W. E. Cowper, Mr. and Mrs. I>. M. Doyle, Mr. V. J. Xornnne, Mr. T. J. Riddle, Mr. and Mrs. Horrocks, Mr. E. 11. Steele. Mr. A. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins, Mr. R. Harvey, Mr. O. T. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. J. Adler and :! children, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mnllis, Mrs. G. M. Paul. Miss Williams. Mr. and Mrs. lirown, Miss liursh, Miss Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. (',. Uenham, Mrs. Tromayne, Miss W. Uroughtou, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Page. .Miss M. Frost, Mrs. E. Frost, Miss T. Frost. Mr. and Mrs. A. Drury mid infant. Mrs. G. Ingram, Mrs. Fields, Miss W. McDonnell, Miss E. M. Riddle. Mr. and Mrs. C. 11. Trvee, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Uyland. Lieut-Colonel C. I'. Varwell, and 65 steerage, including live Indians.

ARRlVALS—Yesterday. Tuhoe, from Mercury Bay, 10.10

This Day. Paroto, from Coast. 3.30 a.m. Kaimiro, from Napier, 8.55 a.m. Orari, from Liverpool, 11.5 a.m

EXPECTED ARRIVALS. Canopus, from Wcstport, to-day. Sydney Mam, from Wellington, to-morrow Sierra, from Sydney, to-morrow.

PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Karetu, for Sydney, to-day. I'iri. for Awanul. to-morrow. Onewn, for Ostend, to-morrow. Trionn, for Nauru, to-morrow. Middlesex, for Wellington, to-morrow. Sydney Maru, for Sydney, to-morrow. Sierra, for San Francisco, to-morrow.

VESSELS IN PORT. E.P.A. Nucula, at Devonport (Naval Dept.). Karetu, Prince's. Wharf (U.S.S.' Co.). Middlesex, Central Wharf. (N.Z.S. Co.). Orari, Queen's Wliarf (NIZ.S. Co.). Taranaki, Queen's Wharf (Ij. I>. Nathan, Ltd.). Margaret W., King's Wharf (A. G. Frankham, Ltd.). Southern Cross, King's Wharf (Mclancsian Mission). Trionn, Kind's Wharf (It. nnd McF.). Kalranga, North Wall (U.S.S. Co.). Wairunn, North Wall tU.S.S. Co.). Gunbar, Waitomo, Mako, Waitoke, Kalmanawa, Kurow, Waitemata. Waiotapti, in stream.

INTERCOLONIAL SERVICES. INWARD. Sierra (Matson), loft Sydney, Mnrch 20; duo Auckland, April 2. Niagara (U.S.S.), loft Sydney, March 81; due Auckland, April 4. Maunganni (U.S.S.). loaves Sydney, to-day; duo Wellington, April 5. Mamma (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, April 8; due Auckland, April 12. Zoiilandia (H.P.), loaves Sydney, April S; due Wellington, April 12. Monowai (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, April 1-1; due Wellington. April 18. Maunganni (U.S.S.), leaves Sydney, April 15; due Auckland. April in. Sonoma (Matson), leaves Sydney, April 20; due Auckland, April 23. OUTWARD. Ulimaroa (H.P.I, left Auckland, to-day; due Sydney. April 5. Marama (U.S.S.). loaves Wellington, to-day; due Sydney. April 5. Monowai (U.S.S.), leaves Wellington, April ."; due Sydney, A|iril 0. Sonoma (Matson), loaves Auckland, April S: due Sydney. April 12. Mniinganui (U.S.S.). leaves Auckland, April 8; due Sydney, April 12. Marama (U.S.S.), loaves Auckland, April ]."•; duo Sydney, April 19. Zcalandia (H. 1».), leaves Wellington, April 15; duo Sydney, April ID. Aorangi (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, April IS; due Sydney. April 22. Maunganni (U.S.S.). leaves "Wellington, April 22; due Sydney, April 2G. TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICES. NORTHWARD. Mnkura (U.S.R.), left Wellington, March 22, for Rarotonga, Papeete. San Francisco; due San Francisco, April 8. Sierra (Matson), leaves Auckland. April 2, for Suva, I'ago Pago, Honolulu, San Francisco; due San Francisco, April 20. Niagara (U.S.S.), leaves Auckland, April 5, for Suva. Honolulu, Vancouver; due Vancouver, April 22. Monowai (U.S.S.), leaves WTellington, April 10. for Rarotonga. Papeete. Snn Francisco; duo San Francisco, May 6. Sonoma (Matson), leaves Auckland, April 2.1, for Suva, Pago Pago, Honolulu, San Francisco; due San Francisco, May 11. Aorangi (U.S.S.). leaves Auckland, May .'!, for Suva. Honolulu, Vancouver; due Vancouver, May 20. SOUTHWARD. Monowai (U.S.S.), left San Francisco, March IG, for I'apeeto. Rarotonga, Wellington; due Wellington, April 4. Sonoma (Matson), left Los Angeles, March 18, for Honolulu. Pago Pago. Suva, Auckland : due Auckland, April 8. Aorangi (U.S.S.), left Vancouver, March 30, for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland; due Auckland, April IS. Ventura (Matson), leaves Eos Angeles, April S, for Honolulu, Pago Pago, Suva, Auckland: duo Auckland, April 20. Makura (U.S. S.). leaves San Francisco, April 13, for Papeete, Rarotonga, Wellington : duo Wellington, May 2. Sierra (Matson). leavas Kos Angeles, April 22, for Honolulu, i'ago'Pago. Suva, Auckland; due Auckland, May f::. Niagara (U.S.S.). leaves Vancouver. April 27, for Honolulu. Suva, Auckland ; due Auckland, May lo

INWARD CARGOES—ARRIVED. Con:"—,:l (Federal), Liverpool, February 1, to Auckland, Napier Wellington, Lytteltou. Dunedin: at Dunedin. Kuahine .(N.55.5.), London. February 11, via Southampton. February 12. to Auckland, Wellington: at Wellington. Kurohimo Maru (K.P.). Muroran. February 25, to Auckland. New Plymouth; at Auckland, March 24-31. Middlesex (Federal'*. Antwerp. February 7. to Auckland. Wellington; Now Plymouth; at Auckland, March 24. Otoki.-i (U.S.S.), Los Angeles, February 27, to Wellington: arrived. March 24. Trlon.i (11. and MrlO. Nauru. March 17, to Auckland: arrived. March 27. Karetu (U.S.S.), Sydney to Suva. Nukualofa, Auckland: arrived, March 20. Sydney Mam (0.5. K.). Moji. March 1. via TTnngkong. Manila, to Rrifthnne. Sydney. Melbourne. Wellington. Auckland • at Wellington. March 30-31. Kin Ora (S.S. and A.l. London. February 10. to Dunedin. Lyttelton. Nelson: at I.vttelton. Orari (N.Z.S.I, Liverpool. Fehrunrv 20. <■„ Auckland. Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin. Bluff; at Auckland. April 1.

The Southern Cross is to adjust compasses this afternoon. The Canopus. due at: Auckland from Westport this evening, is to discharge at the Western wharf.

TRIONA TO KAIL. Having completed discharge ot her phosphate cargo, the steamer Triona is to sail again for Nauru at 1 p.m. to-morrow.

MIDDLESEX TO SAIL. To put nut the remainder of her cargo of basic slag from Antwerp, the Federal steamer Middlesex is to sail to-IDOrrow for Wellington and New Plymouth.

ULIMAUOA SAILED. Taking passengers, mails and cargo for Sydney, the Huddnrt, Parker steamer Ulimaroa was dispatched from the Prince's wharf this morning. She is due at Sydney next Tuesday.

THE KUROHIME MARU. To complete discharge of her cargo of sulphur from Japan, the steamer Kuroliime Maru sailed for New Plymouth yesterday afternoon.

THE SYDNEY MARU. In continuation of her voyage from Japan, the motor ship Sydney Maru left Wellington yesterday afternoon for Auckland, where she is due to-morrow morning. After discharge at the Prince's wharf, she is to sail for Japan, via Sydney, to-morrow afternoon.

SIERRA DELAYED. En route from Sydney to Auckland, the Mat son passenger steamer Sierra is delayed by adverse weather. She is now due at Auckland at noon to-morrow, but it is hoped to dispatch her for San Francisco, via Suva, Pago Pago and Honolulu, at Si p.m. She lias been allotted a berth at the Prince's wharf.

ORARI DISCHARGING. Arriving I his morning from Liverpool, via Dakar and Cape of Good Hope, the New Zealand Shipping Co.'s motor ship Orari berthed at the Queen's wharf to discharge the local portion of her cargo. Her other ports of discharge are Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin and Bluff.

ISLAND SERVICES. Tofna (U.S.S.). left Auckland, March 21, for Suva, Nukualofa, Haapai, Vavau, Apia; loaves Apia, April 1, for Suva, Auckland. Morinda (8.P.), loft Sydney, March ftl, for Lord Howe Island. Norfolk Island, Vila; leaves Vila, April 12, for Norfolk Island. Auckland: due Auckland, April 18: leaves Auckland, April IS, for Norfolk Island. Lord Howe Island, Sydney. Maui Pomaro (Spoddir.g). left: Auckland, Mnrcli .'SO. for Niue, Apia; thence Lyttcltou, Wellington. INWARD CARGOES—EXPECTED. Hauraki (U.S.S.), Los 'Angeles. March 12, to Auckland, Wellington, New Plymouth, Lyttelton, Duncdin, .Melbourne, Sydney ; due Auckland, April 1. Wlrral (A. iind A.), New York, February 27, Via Colon, March S, to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin; due Auckland. April 5. lonic (S.S. and A.), London, February 20, via Southampton, February 27, Colon, March 14, to Auckland, Wellington; due Auckland, April (i (passengers). Canadian Cruiser (C.N.S.), Halifax, February 27, via Panama, March 8, to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Timaru, Duncdin, Australian ports; due Auckland, April 5. llororata (N.Z.S.). Antwerp, February 21, via Falmouth, February 2.'i, Capetown, March ID, Sydney, to Auckland, New Plymouth: due Auckland, April 12. Rangitata (N.Z.S.), London, March 10, via Southampton. March 11, Panama. March 27. to Wellington, Auckland; due Wellington, April 14 (passengers). Port Huon (C. and D.). Liverpool, March 12. via Panama. March 27, to Auckland, Wellington. Lyttelton. Timaru, Duncdin; due Auckland. April 15. Rotorua (N.Z.S.). London, March 4, via Southampton, March 5, Curacao, March 18. to Suva, Auckland. Dnnodin, Lvttelton. Timaru. New Plymouth; due Wellington, April 18 (passengers). Mntarna (S.S. and A.). London. March 24 yia Southampton. March 2r,, to Wellington. Lyttelton. Duncdin, Bluff; due Wellington. Anri] 27 (passengers). Port Dtinodin (C. and D.), London. March -•>. to Wellington. Auckland, Napier, New I Ivmouth: duo Wellington, April ,10. Kalinfjo (U.S.S.), Melbourne to Auckland. Napier. Benholm (A. and A.). Now York. March 18, via Galveston, to Auckland. Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin, Australian ports. Waihemo (U.S.S.), Los Angeles, April 12, n? li „ AU vr kl ,1 na ' Na ", ipr - Wellington, DunMiivO lrn °' SylJney: tluo Auckland, Canadian Challenger (C.N.S.), Halifax. niTi' ™' Wellington, Lytte ton, Duncdin. Australian ports Australind (A. and A.), New York, April Dnncdln" 0 ' Well,n B ton . lyttelton, Narbada '(U.S.S.), Calcutta, April, via i„ Singapore. Samaranc. to Auckland, Wellington, Lyttelton, Duncdin. Rnngltane (N.Z.S.), London, April 7. via Southampton, April 8. to Auckland. Wellington: duo Auckland, Mav 1" (passengers). G "J' ,on , nl 0 '" 1 { °- "n* l °->. Los Angeles, tVpTiL nf" Auckland. Wellington. LrtA„ t c° kla »?, n M^v n o« AllStralian P ° rtS = d '" e Ca AnHi an o? onS , tnlct " r /C.N.8.), Montreal, •?«!« -"' r, to ..Auckland, Wellington n,,n^ in - Australian ports. ' Tort Oishorno (C. and D.). Now YorkApril SO, to Auckland. Wellington, Lvttellon, Duncdin : due Auckland Mav 30 Wnikawa (U.S.S.), Los Mav i" to Papeete. Auckland. Wellington T vt' b Melbourne, Sydney ;taTjS&iUsa, Port (C. and D.), London, Mav mouth. S ' I * ttelh " 1 . New "J. Ue.nuera (N.Z.S.). London, May 5 via od, ! n ,, '' n rt',V On 'A Mi V; "' t0 Auckland 'Dunsingers) Auckland, -Tune 12* (pas--0l (?' Z JH Wwnobl. Mav 14 to Auckland. Napier. Wellington. Lvtteiton Duncdin: due Auckland. .Tune jf tlolton - Golden West (0. and O.) }% s A nltc , M •Tuno 1. to Auckland, We Ingfon Lvtfol' AnVMS; 4 mbCMn P-ts-^^c Port TTunter (0 and D.). London Mnv Ti'man,. ' D,lue( " n - lyttelton,'Bluff,

UNION CO.'S STEAMERS. at T 4 h 3o K p an m n \ l o e^ I .^t. Stport for Auckland mon!fn S K ?o n pay ofT'™ 1 fr ° m Napier tMs at Gisb ° rno for *«««


Projected Departures nnd°o^n7 0 o n oO a p,n 0r ?nrfdalc ' ostP,ld

Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Hauiti. from Thames OpmTnniwha, from Paeroa, 10 p.m.; Rang to to' from Coromaiulel. 7 p.m. " ul " „/f% m - oriw ,r~ I ' ono from Mercury Havana Talma 8 a.m. ; Omana, from Surfdale Ostond and Omiha, 8.40 a.m.; Claymore Russell" h S re fcn 3 - 30 n - m - : Motu™om Russell, Opua, Whangaroa, Totara North, Mangonui, Houhora and Tarenga, 3 a.m.

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. Arapawn, for Hokianga, 4.15 pm Hokianga, lor Hokianga, G p.m. ARRIVALS.—THIS DAY. Alexander, from Nelson, 7 a.m. TELEGRAPHIC SHIPPING,

Wellington, March 31. —Arrived: Karrpo from Auckland, 5.35 p.m. Sailed: Sydney Maru, lor Auckland, 3.20 p.m. Lyttelton, March 31.—Sailed: Wingatui for Dunedin, 11.50 a.m.; Waipahi, for Wellington, 5.0 p.m. Dunedin. March 31.—Sailed : Maimo.i for BlufT, 3.15 p.m. Muff, March 31. —Sailed: Zealandic, for London. 10.13 p.m. Gishorne. April l.—Arrived: Cambridge, from Auckland, (i.45 a.m. Wellington, April I.—Arrived: Waipahi, from Lyttelton, 9.35 a.m. Lyttelton, April I.—Arrived: Waipiata, from Tlmaru, (3.25 a.m. OVKRSKAS. Sydney, March 31.—Sailed : Niagara, for Auklund, 5.40 p.m. Gishorne, March 31.—Arrived': < J ort Alma, from Wellington, 12.30 p.m.

WITHIN WIKELBSS RANGE. The following vessels are expected to lie within range of (ho Auckland wireless station to-night : Canadian Cruiser, Mauraki. lonic, Karetu, Kurohima Maru, .Matai, Maui Pomare, Niagara. Port Napier, Sierra, Surrat, Tofua, Ulimarua.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 77, 1 April 1932, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 77, 1 April 1932, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LXIII, Issue 77, 1 April 1932, Page 4