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Friday Attractions at THE FARMERS' Busy Warehouse AUTOMATIC Picture Theatre Tickets Your I REDUCTIONS F^l^JT 8 gH\ Photograph | IN ALL DEPARTMENTS © Next Week's B Y co\TzTwe°Ll he ab F il\Tg?vTo P 1 *TZ Kct«re Theatre Programmes. p „ I H A W FT 8 U 1•1 1 . rtf r _ t U em a2a in for ONE LYRIC, Symontfs Street. Warehouse. j H Rn have eel e Monday and Tuesday: rAMI? VfIUTH " Perhaps when walking along Queen Street, = jßtMsx&j)k gg A B WEEK Only- This offer will therefore close on "THE spoilers" and "ALONG CAME 111 or crossing our Roof, you have been B m* JB&MmaM «** J" T onn „ v Wednesday, Thursday, „ snapped by the Filmograph -man. Your H P Saturday, 30th January. Robert Montgomery m SHIPMATES. photograph may be included in the large | Ka TUDOR, Remuera. display in our Banquetting Room, fourth H 1% > R m The Free Tickets will admit you to the Following Mc cifve Brook LAWYER'S SECRET." F loor JjjJere the Sllvsr Palac f was) j 1 M. — Theatres Any Day (except Saturday) from Now till ™ wji'r" "/J"YOUNG AS YOU FEEL." tlT'display"Jli"b°"ch.°,JJd° I™ 1 rr«/-\ IfADDAII/ Tuesday, 16th February. n £L D.,„, ••hve akd ten, I I H W 1%/ i 8 ® m J * ______ BRITANNIA, Ponsonby. II J price being 1 /6. Or if you purchase 7/6 H 1 •v/"iTlv/i\i\v/ ▼▼ Tudor london lyric M. fesend „ and ,. SKYLlNE ,. I (Remuera) (Queen St.) (Symonds St.) Tuesday, HANDS." Special Coupon obtainable in our Share j AVONDAI E. BRITANNIA LAWYER'S SECRET" and "THE LADY WHO Department. The remaining articles in the groups of Automatic AVUiWALL fP | DARED." . « ■ Reduction Bargains will be reduced 50% on Friday. (Town Hall) (Ponson y) LONDON, Queen Street. * | These Bargains are for Cash Only, and, once r ld : GREY LYNN CINEMA Constance Bennett in "THREE FACES EAST." 11l NOTE: The Filmograph Camera- H will not be replaced. As there will be a rush of . Friday: _ „ man will be on our Roof from fj , . , (Surrey Crescent) Winnie Lightner and Joe Brown in SIT TICK 1. , . , , ~ re buyer,, call early order to secure the art.ele you GREY LYNN CINEMA. 'JJlll LtS It | Wish to buy. With a 5/- purchase you can have ONE Ticket; if the amount is Monday: . „ yourself and your children. E 1 -T-vrm T" l . ;f 1"i / THRFF Tickets- Ramon Novarro in DAYUKtAIi. Eg 10./-, you can have TWO Tickets; if 5/-, THRhfc tickets, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: I I and so on, but NOT MORE THAN TWELVE TICKETS to any Marlene Deitrich in "DISHONOURED." _ i customer. @ Fr p*£r B . Kyne's novel, "NEVER THE TWAIN SHALL MEET." J - ~ GYM. HOSE. I . Wonderful Offer! iiiiiiiiimmmi£ Wonderful Value in Cotton Gym. Hose. i\ I | ,S~~C"N *»0* S E Suitable for hard wear. Sizes: 9, and 1 I I ] |§ BROCADED I TOWELS I sii / Mk I V V °, '1 I I Byea "' 1/- pair - I \: rS. (B / • Oi» 5; / ''fi = Girls' Cotton Fuji Nightdresses, Magyar I | jfjjfc-i nll H j X. jn"B .8' H IHH = fs X. M tf B M — with round neck. Trimmed with hem- 111 I M >H. P'V: '• ''"fT B B jf = nMB 1 * AD I H H i = stitching. Shades: Natural, pink, 3ky and \l \«\\\ U§ I = / * * = helio. Sizes 36in. to 46in. g 1 ' — y-v i E Friday's Price: O/l 1 each. v M s * This is a surprisingly low price for heavy Brocaded = With a £2 Order. EE „ \ aJ.V Jyffl/ W 1 " m 'mtWs! fo'Ooo D A_• L lustrous material, adaptable to many = , , = Children's Rubber Aprons. Dainty style J&Z&V f = S; Ray ° n - A "ch, lustrous materia , P = Thege sp l end id Towels are firmly woven from selected = with flared skirt, edged with gathered frill. 1 , f uses—frocks, dressing gowns bedspreads, hangings. _ These splendid , ervice . yct they feel soft and = Sizeß; ,6,,8, 20 and 22in. 1 J- "(S®.? o<> ». curtains, etc. Colours include flame, pink, helio., sy, = non-irritating to the skin. = Friday's Price: "J /j each. .. ' s : $ Sgk* scarlet, red, rose, apricot, jade, almond, peach, saxe, = Being of ample size 23 X 45 inches—they are — • •«■ / ~__ - nmnQ yy m ?c- ! i :||i* lemon, navy, black and white. Buy on Friday with suitable as Bath or Beach Towels. Get FOUR = SECOND FLOOR. MASTER S v I r-|Bi" i'i; :'.dV V.'>H c ?= '3* confidence. We guarantee every yard to give absolute < of these Quality Towels two wit re patern 11/ A B ii FI ?4 S »atisfaction. order lor' goods in any | ? WATCH. | I'on b' Va I .'< S l *Si, department. Remember, we 3 = ' \ This watch comes direct to us from the |l .'vW,! Pl' c d ! >° f(=' °p I A nirQ' faction or Money Back with tis pecia er _ ■DCTtlOtlStrCltiOn Of factory in Switzerland. Has a jewelled p LADIES I£* ''IPM, as well as with everything else we sell. = UUIWtioUUtU>I«"• lever movement, stem wind and stem 1 £5\ CREPE PYJAMAS. (4 W ORDER ON FRIDAY! ~ BF. " set. Easy-to-read black figure , plain tj W-Ik*-'«P'« i'Jm Mi ■ •. . v i tvl. rsMwm> E _ . or Roman. Strong nickel case, crystal = ■■ji'T—— </ \ exceptional oppor uni y os \\g*k' — FACE POWDERS AND glass. Every watch guaranteed to give _ fir \ lW\ I I / \ these superior garments at a Bargain f . t \«| N . E < ~-,H,fa r .Hon or monev refunded—Worth = '11 ' 11 T1 1 fWJIW Price - Smart B il ap / ! nd «w >•• Q = LKtAlVlj. J5/ __ Friday's Price: Q/ 1 1 ( 10 15 20 I I \ appearance. g? z ' eg . S W and E These exquisite beauty aids comprise the IA J. ifm « p *1171 • UJ Usually 7/1 1. ;! /ji 1 J | — Face Powder, in Rachel and Natural. A s ' See these Special Values in vtZTA Fr.da y s Pr.ce: 4/H I wonderful powder that cling*. I SMART SUMMER FROCKS. \KA 1 j \ = Vanishing Cream (non-dryer), J/Q MATHEMATICAL SETS g No. 10 Charming Frock, in pure Silk Figured Shantung, l\ _ A DDHNQ ".1 iMi- < H ff J ( I Cold Cream, J/0 Rouge Cream, 1/0 '' HALF PRICE! ' I with band, collar and pipings in plain material. Skirt M A* -i (S' WWk J g Compact Rouge, 1 /f% .. ~ , , . two-tier flare from side front, trimmed with hemstitching— material in > : /IP\M IW 1. I A VMEtt.\ 7/T c u C c p j , Very instruments, ,n cases § P.. • st/n FrlJ.v'< Pricf rjn /1 1 I These are made ot strong material in / XSat-.- IP* \ aOl r «Jr ms dmf7 \/! S/ / M "if // Every purchaser pf Face Powder and For draughtsmen, architects and = ' ' fcSa// iJL a variety of effective designs. I < jWsrA W if' / f \ //& j Vanishing or Cold Cream will receive a students. Here is an opportunity to ij| I Friday's Price: gi.D each. VV' |¥ / \ / jar of Rouge Cream FREE of charge. secure the very best instrument at a H No. IS—One of our most popular lines in Rayon Frocks. / CC( ~OMn Fl OOR X) ///{Wlr\ \4 1 GROUND FLOOR. j° w P; :ce ' ... . . ,_."■ , . | A small quantity, in blue, green, beige and pink. Sizes: / SECOND FLOOR. / /YV •---?* ' H'Vl o • I/o « V« " } m S.W..W. and O.S.—Usual Price, 19/11. —/- « \ Half Price: 4/3 £»/3 8/9 10/6 1 Friday's Price: 1 W f # WMll --" TOOTHBRUSHES. Usually 27/6 .35/- 40/- s I ADIES* BELTS . Good English Brushes. Best bristle. Half Price: 13/9 17/6 20/" 1 . , , f r-- . j Rj , von£j WmH- Tf well set in White Xylonite handle. THIRD FLOOR. 1 LESS THAN HALF PRICE! |P&JliI U»llPricf°32/6 B"''°'8"''°' b " 8 " Sy'.PrleeToe/q 250 8.1u., md.din. l.r 8 e ..l.Cioo of P.»«l| sJPtC-RED OXIDE ROOF PAINT. 1 Wr' Z5/ •: U# ... scissors. High-grade English Crimson Oxide in H SECOND FLOOR. lin. an in. wi e Clear: each. Ladies' Scis3or3, nickel-platcd. Use- English Oil. A really good paint at a 2/ " ful for your sewing. Excellent remarkable price. j - 1 r . quality. Special Price: Special Price: Q / per gallon, N f%~ - o l c £-» ENAMEL '■ v | —Grocery opeciais ror rriady. PUDDING BOWLS. third floor. third FLOOR.- ■ • JELLIES Usual Price. Friday's Price. A job purchase of good jj - All a 5 for 1/-- 7 for "| / Enamel Bowls enables us to • , 1 % S Last Week of this Special Offer. CORNFLOUR— . " ip f Imported. Ilb pkt. 6d pk . 0 Special Price: S '"""lll|||/||m I KIPPERED SNACKS— 4 ~ n ' LAMBS'" TONGUES — Mdbar itchen or any other use. 5 01f11BFi yo^/*i. you «eed for 'S CI TITTQ to- • FLY SPRAY, ANT.-FLY- 9 f . VfrfUf | V/ 11 O Measure homey- | | Don't miss this opportunity to purchase a TOILET BATH SOAP ar j. bett ". J[ or pies than = fanatic vah, most = _ _ , _ . . , n / i . i_i i "> cakes for 1 / ordinary dishes. \SB» r - •- • ""///J/ _c- a| Ues r-Made-to-Measure Suit at a saving of 10/- on Large tablets. • 1/- Size: 9Jin. 1 Qiin. 1 ljin. = Fur n it ° d in o ur •§ our usual low prices. Call at our Men s Clothing Special Price: 5 ■!nient. Ure Oepari. 5 Department, Second Floor, and select a pattern # __ 9d lOd lid ~ S?ffß/lf r E for your new suit. Reduced Prices Range from = Confectionery Special! ||| § ££Pl[\QTr? A § 57/6 £7/7/- | MILK CHOCOLATE | I w/r f c T p, "° ' I 1 ASSORTMENT. ■ s I , kapok I not only 10/'- reduction on the price, but Extra == A special purchase of fine quality Milk Chocolates all SEE strength. Suitable for — pjr j v '.* f\E,SS ~ Trousers FREE. HI freshly made—enables y°u S use. Q , 2 | BFn ' I We guarantee absolute satisfaction. If for any prises twenty delicious centres, including cream jgn Special Price: 5 P RUQ E reason you are not satisfied, return the suit to ■ IK* "2S 1 | f « NO D E PO S , T I us, and we w, 11 alter ,t, make you another to — Umon crS.m, .ad e, un ch = | 8.d,,„ . . J P« Woe"- 5 f«sh measurementsrefund your money— g 2/6 lb , HALF PRICE: /3 ■ Home-made Cake S S HZ! 1 j" ■ TAKE HOME A POUND ON FRIDAY. ■ SpecMs/ | •>. . 1 § A v%«*i-inn« A CO. COCOA i^b. CA L> | I "FARMERS TRADIINO ltd - "wr 0 — /•?: ;; HO BSON STREET AND WYNDHAM STRE ET. GROUND FLOOR. ; Jr •, j|P

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Auckland Star, Issue 17, 21 January 1932, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Issue 17, 21 January 1932, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Issue 17, 21 January 1932, Page 17