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The Onelmnga W.C.T.U. held its "PayUp" social last Thursday, when delegates were appointed for the district convention. Pastor Garner, of the Church of Christ, gave a talk on "The Influence of Women in the Home." Music, songs and recitations followed, arranged by Mrs. Mushet. * * ♦ * Through the courtesy of Mr. McKenzie, manager of the Capitol Theatre, the Mount Eden branch of the Hospital Auxiliary will benefit to the amount of about £12 from Thursday's picture evening. The tickets were sold previously by the Balmoral ladies of the Branch. During an interval the Mayor, Mr. McNab, introduced Mrs. Maguire, vicepresident of the A.H.A., who spoke in praise of the work done by the ladies of the Mount Eden branch.

Mies Eileen Adkins, of Rothsay Street, Remuera, gave a progressive bridge party at her residence on Saturday evening. The rooms were decorated with bowls of violets, hyacinths and double daffodils. Prize-winners were Miss Maureen Abbott, Messrs. Dyson and J. Cochrane. Miss Adkins received the gueets in a lime green and cherry chiffon. Mrs. Adkins wore black Mechlin lacc and Oriental bridge coat. Among those prceent were: Mesdames Christian, Erroll Hay, Alison, Misses Marjorie Cerruty, Noeline Worthy, M. Abbott, J. Gillies "and R. Alison.

The annual bridge evening of the Auckland French Club was held in the Overseas League roome on Saturday evening. The rooms were gaily decorated with international flags and bowls of lachenalias and daffodils. Prizes for hidden numbers were won by Miss Olive Lloyd and Mr. Gudgeon. Among the hostesses were: jjfesdames Lucena, Bagley, Mareclial, L. Poff, Christmas, Ollalloran, Calderwood, Chevis, Misses Marie Lavender, E. Hall, Bond, Kiely, Leah Shenkin, M. G. Schmidt, Joyce O'Halloran, Gordon Cumming, Elsie Jennings. Assisting the committee were Messrs. Ardern, Robertson, Lucena and Silverwood.

The third Remuera of the League of Mothers held their annual meeting on Thursday at the North Memorial Hall. Fifty names are on the roll. The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Mrs. Hughes Jones;; vice-presidents, Mesdames Liston Wilson, Alexander and Wright; secretary, Mrs. McPhee; treasurer and magazine secretary, Mrs. Attwood; tea and hostess committee, Mesdames Dearsley, sen., Dearsley, jun., Stanton, Hassell, Takle, Silk, Hutchinson, and Torrence; librarian, Mrs. Kingston Smith; convener, children's committee, Mrs. Cox. Mesdames Black and Hassell gave a duet and Miss Hassell a pianoforte solo. Afternoon tea was served by the tea and hostess committee.

On Saturday evening the Auckland Welsh Society held a social evening at the Unity Hall, Upper Queen Street. The programme was arranged by Mesdames J. Wynne and Linthwaite and Miss Marion Pickering. Mrs. Morgan Richards presided. The programme opened with the singing of the Welsh National Anthem, "Hcu Wlad fy Nhadau." Madame Morris gave an overture; Mrs. J. Parry, Epsom, sang; little Miss Olwen Madden, recitation "Fy Mrawd bach i' ("My Littlo Brother"); Miss Mona Kinley, pianoforte solo; Mit,s Rena Ged'dcs, song, "Thoughts"; Miss Megan Wynne, reading, "St. David of Wales" (Ilcv. E. Bees); Mrs. Roy Butterworth, song, "String of Pearls"'; Miss Megan Wynne, pianoforte solo; Madame Milburn, song, selection from "Maritana"; Mrs. Kingsley, elocutionary item; Madame Milburn and Miss Gwyn Parry, sketch, "Counter Attractions"; Miss Davles, song. Supper was served and social intercourse enjoyed.

The Papakura Golf Club lielcl their annual bfcll in the Paragon Theatre on Friday evening, when a good attendance of dancers was present. The hall had been decorated with an array of streamers from a centrepiece to the walls. The supper tables had been tastefully decorated with Iceland poppies, daffodils, jonquils and greenery. Great credit is due to the ladies' committee, who by their splendid work made the evening an unqualified success. Messrs. W. A. Pavitt and C. Robbing ably carried out their duties ae M.C.'s. Music was supplied by Bartlcy's orchestra. Among those present were: Mrs. Urquhart, blacklace; Mrs. C. S. Beechcy, black <*corgette; Mrs. P. R. Cross, iloral lame; Mrs. U C. Hobson, green lace; Mrs. E. U l<oote, flame embossed georgette; Mrs. J. Brooks, sapphire blue satin; Mrs. Duncan McLennan, lemon crepe de dune; Mrs. J. W. Heighway (Hastings), black- lace and georgette; Mre. John Appleby, apricot embossed georgette; .Mrs. a A. J. Busing, apple green embossed georgette; Mrs F ParL el k p P S dI n"" beaute ;" Mrs. Mrs P In '' S Satin a,KI S e Mr?. R. Lanigan, mauve taffeta; Mrs E. Jerries, lemon satin; Mrs. Godden gold satin; Mrs. S. D. Ri ce , Hme ™ crepe de soie; Mrs. A. Wath, btadfriS vevet; Mrs. G. Hamilton, « rPI .,, . ,f T velvet; Mr. , Codric Knight/ an be? lloS ered georgette; Mr,. Morse, black , 1 lette; Mrs J ffi ffil rose georgette; Mise 0 Slanl- n;. marie; Miss Eve " S beaute; Miss Molly E 2an „' '„ ~ 1 taffeta'; Miss blue georgette; Mi ßs Adelene Walker fuchsia georgette; Miss W «„ ker " (Wauganui), orange sa i, belute S Margaret McFarland, autumn 1 ninon; Miss S. WatkiS ffa 1 georgette; Miss Mavis ri gle °" i- li- ■ <>ls Clarke, near) satin and diamante; Miss Theluia On vie, ivory satin beaute. '-'o l '-

A charity entertainment in the form of a "Mad Hatter's Night" w;h held at the Operatic Society's room, Gnifton Road, on Saturday (.'veiling. Mrs. V. 11. Tvaek, organiser, had arranged a number of novel devices. Vocal and instrumental items were rendered by Misses Ida Walker, Doris Meescr, Sybil Phillips and Messrs. R. Pawson, Purdy and Broe. Mrs. Trask received in an embused liuie georgette. Among present were: Mesdames W. Wright. C. Einanuel, 0. M. Richardson, E. A. Jnrnian, C, L. Crump, 11. Gilmour, E. Houlahan, N. Ncwdick, S. Williams, W. Patterson, IS. H. Noye, S. Andrew, D. Middleton, A. H. Jaques, L. Lincoln, J. O'Shea, B. Kisein, F. Kissin, E. Anderson. H. Clark, A. Robinson, A. Eagleton, Tugby, G. Babington, A. J. Gray, W. H. Turner, Johnson, R. S. Brooke, J. Hayden, Misses X. Appleyard, B. Smith, Joy Murray, X. Griffin, H. Stanley, D. Wilson, C. Davidson, X. Kirkby, H. Rainey, K. Murphy, P. Shechan.

An old-time dance was held in the Public Hall, Otahuhu, on Saturday night. The Monte Carlo waltz competitions were ' won by Mr. H. Whit c and Miss Cameron, and Mr. C. Fricker and Miss Harvey. Kxtras were played by Miss Jessie Webber. Among those present wen , : Mrs. 11. Piper, pink satin; Mrs. T. Craig, black satin; Mrs. A. Godfrey, pink satin; Miss E. Craig, blue crepe de chine; Misa Ailsa Con way, white georgette; Miss Q. Kevy, green satin; Miss C. Bisnian, cream satin; Miss G. Lenshke, blue crepe do chine; Miss L. Robertson, black and scarlet georgette; Miss F. Robinson, white satin; Miss Gwen Kevy, pale green and white nlnonj Miss Valnric Donovan, green floral ninon; Miss Mavis Whittle, blue velvet; Miss B. Con way, ivory satin; Miss 1). Fuller, green satin beaute; Miss L. Cochrane, lemon georgette; Miss Rene Ryan, black satin beaute; Miss G. Price, blue taffeta; Miss Kitty Adam*, white satin; Miss Zena Parfitt, black and white silk; Miss B. Parlitt, black and white silk.

A delightful party was held at the Naval Base, Devonport, on Saturday afternoon, when Commander E. L. Berthon nml the officers of H.M.6. Philomel entertained about 100 children. Donkey rides, a merry-go-round, games and m'anv other amusements were provided bv'the ship's crew for the entertainment of the little guests, and a feature of the afternoon was a mode airship filled with 200 balloons. It was pulled acroes the shod and then broken open and, to the delight of the children, SeSd gaily coloured balloons everywhere, liter the children were shown over the Philomel and their enthusiasm Sherwin, P. Odds; and W. J- LiK&x.

received from mom herb «t the a*ocat^ at present travelling u «aij, Canada. The general f pro . mitted a satisfactory acw gress in all departments t Girl Citizen activities to Giey Ljnn the invitation of he Rev J. Ho a bday. the was resolved that the cau. 12 Y.W.C.A. be open on Saturdays to 1. » ,K V;,?Jon it was affirmed future. After dieciwelot it v< that the Y.W.CA. is in fyo u ot members of ?o vote "That delegates were instiULU to the N.C.W. work hen. I n( J. b ° u nt » and election of women to lal.-me n, "That money fbscribed by t should be expended > the on unemployed women. Ed for the ensuing ycai ~...„.♦.!;„ addias at present, toother _w. th uUm a tional names, that tnc |to lion committee was d»banttoj « ri the change in Government policy. B dames M. Kudd, P. M- Hay, Webster, J. Murdoch, G.. H. J f _ Miss Dempsey Rudd (hon. treasurer), Miss u ag (lion, secretary) were . officers of the board; and the [[f as chairmen of comni ttces: Webster (house). Mrs. >• MUchell (cafeteria), Mrs. J. l - v, u Hav (health and recreation), ,Y Kimpbell (world fellowship), Mrs. A. V. wj F (finance). Mrs. K. O'lfaHoran (hoiway house), Mrs. G. H. Wilson W ship), Mrs. T. Clark (hostel), Mrs. U. e>. Smith (girls' work).

A dance was held on Saturday evening in the Pirate Shippe Cabaret at Milford by the Moana Dance Club. Amongst the dancers were.—Mrs. J. E. Close, wearing apple green georgette; Mrs. H. Bowden, pastel pink georgette; Mrs. R. X. S. Chisholm, orange chiffon velvet; Mrs. W. P. Hay, cyclamen taffeta; Mrs. A. J. Grant, electric blue satin; Mrs. Colgrave, crimson lace; Mrs. Fred Maxwell, forget-me-not blue crepe romaine; Mre. Ernest Mave, black and pale blue crepe de chine; Mrs. Andrew, floral georgette'; Mrs. G. Masfen, charmeuse fleuri; Mrs. Starkev, shell pink flowered georgette; Mrs. Taylor, turquoise taffeta; "Mrs. Fotheringham, blaek and silver georgette; Mrs. Norman James (Masterton), black satin; Mrs. Xocl Campbell, Venetian blue georgette; Mrs. Allen Clarke, black and silver lace; Mrs. Keith Draflin, daffodil yellow crepe romaine, amber chenille coatee; Mrs. Rout, black .satin, strapped with diamante; Mrs. Cane, canna red satin; Mrs. MacFarlane, shell pinktaffeta, Pompadour frock; Mrs. S. Black, black charmeuse; Mrs. Home, floral embossed georgette; Miss Berry, flora] chiffon; Miss E. Spriggs. primrose satin; Mise Clarice Sharpe, white satin; Miss Beaucombc, floral black satin; Miss J. Bodle, floral and lemon georgette; Miss May Stewart, black panne velvet; Miss Brewer, ivory satin; Miss Dunbleton, Saracen red georgette; Miss Beerc, sage green satin. * ♦ # » The golden jubilee ball of the Loyal Franklin Lodge, Xo. G453, Otaliuhu, Manchester Unity Oddfellows, was held in the Public Hall, Otaliuhu, on Wednesday night. The decorative scheme was made up of coloured streamers, balloons, bunting, vases of beautiful blooms and pots of greenery. Shaded ligbte gave a soft and harmonising effect. The lodge's certificates of merit were hanging from the walls. There was a large gathering present of the Otahuhu Lodge together with brethren of the city and surrounding suburban lodges. The programme was in charge of Bros. J. Gardiner, P.G., W. J. Nield, P.G., J. J. Jensen, P.G., and J. Hotham, P.G. The grand march was led by Bro. A. T. Xiclu, X.G., and Sister. T. Parsons, with the officers of the lodge in full i" alia. During supper extras were play:-.; by Misses Peterson, Marr, Douch and 'ho. P. A. Nield, P.G. Among those present were: The Mayoress, Mrs. IF. T. Clements, black georgette; Mrs. Wilson, green georgette; Mre. McCowatt, pale pink georgette; Mrs. J. Lees, shell pink chiffon; Mrs. G. Kitto, pale blue georgette; Mrs. Craig, black georgette ami lace; Mrs. C. H. Carr, pink satin; Mrs. Knott, floral ninon; Mrs. C. E. Speight, black satin; Mrs. G. A. Todd, ivory georgette and silver lace; Mrs. J. Mackay, black lace; Mrs. R. Bint, white satin; Mm. W. North, black crepe de chine; Mrs. G. Goldsmith, pink silk taffeta; Mrs. A. Patrick, lovc-in-mist blue; Mrs. W. R. Allison, pink satin; Mrs. M. Tucker, powder blue crepe de chine; Miss F. Bradley, floral georgette; Miss M. Knight, green satin beaute; Miss T. Parson?, rose taffeta; D. Turner, pale green taffeta; Miss M. Speed, ivory satin; Miss J. Wooley, green georgette; Miss V. Morgan, blue satin beaute; Mis 6 D. Morgan, white satin beaute; Miss D. Ward, black satin and lace; D. Kimber, blue sequins and tulle; Miss S. Ryburn, apricot georgette; Miss J. Ryburn, almond green taffeta; Miss Elsie Thomas, ivory crepe de chine and Valencia lace; Miss J, Macleod, electric blue satin; Miss S. Sampson, flame crepe de chine; Miss P. Speedy, lemon satin beaute; Miss Barnes, silver tinsel green; Mise E. Craig, pink satin and net; Miss G. Allan, green brocaded lame; Miss A. Willerton, forget-me-not blue satin; Miss A. Sargent, pale green moire silk; B. Olscn, duchess blue georgette; Mips F. Wilson, flame crepe de chine. » * • •

Tho Onehunga Citizens' Band and Ex-Serviecnieivs Club held another of it? popular dances in the Orplieum Hall last Wednesday night. There was a record attendance. The hall was artistically decorated with the club's colours, red and blue, which, with the many pretty dresses worn, made a striking picture. Extras were played by the Fire Brigade Orchestra. A dainty supper was served by the combined ladies' committee. Among those present were: Mrs. Poll, black georgette; Mrs. A. Siebert, flame satin; Mrs. Rawlings, white satin and georgette; Mrs. L. Pelew, green celanese with posy; Mrs. 11. Ridley, blue taffeta; Mrs. Rafferty, brown chenille velvet; Mrs. Keegan, flame georgette; Mrs. .R. Watts, black and silver: Mrs. O'Kcefe, figured georgette; Mrs. W. Deliy, blue figured silk marocain; Mrs. Hipwell, black georgette anil fringe; Mr*. Carmody, blue georgette and rose; Mrs. Baldwin, black satin; Mrs. Billingham, rose pink satin; Mrs. Farrell. rose taffeta; Mrs. Macindoe, sunset taffeta; Mrs, Hinton, black lace; Mrs. Millar, black satin and lace; Mrs. Morgan, pink and gold satin; Mrs. L. Brain, flame crepe de chine and net; Mrs. W. Colline, red and silver; Mrs. Warrington, green ninon; Mrs. J. Bo;).*, floral crepe de chine; Mrs. Bumiss, black crepe de eliint?; Mrs. Maghan, black silk; Mrs. Rugg, floral ninon; Mrs. Bendon, beige wool de chine; Mrs. A. Gow, floral taffeta and pink coatee; Mrs. Ross, black ring velvet; Mrs. Deverell, black satin and shawl; Mrs. Taubaum, pink crepe de chino and coatee; Mrs. Banks, figured velvet; Mrs. G. Insley, black crepe de chine; Mrs. T. C. Brain, flame crepe de chine and net; Mrs. Goldsbury, figured ninon; Mrs. Parkinson, jade ninon; Mrs. A. McGerald, gold lace; Mrs. Kenedy, floral ninon; Mrs. S. Vclla, floral georgette; Mrs. D. McGuire, afterglow taffeta; Mrs. Jaminson, lemon ninon; Mrs. J. Wallace, rose satin; Mre. J. Williams, shot taffeta;! Mrs. A. Siebert, blue crepe de chine; Mrs. Murray, pink crepe de chine; Mrs. Sibbon, rose satin, black chenille coat; Mrs. Gibb, floral ninon; Mrs. J. Johnston, black lace; Mrs. Crouch, pink crepe de chine; Mrs. E. Campbell (Wanganui). black satin; Mrs. Mackay, salmon crepe do chine; Mrs. Webster, rose satin; Mrs. H. Denize, green crepe de chine; Mrs. Kent, green satin; Mrs. Guppy, black lace; Mrs. Buxton, blue crepe de chine; Mre. Whiter, floral georgette; Mrs. J. Hall, kingfisher blue satin; Mrs. C. Smith, green satin; Mrs. O. Evans, blue velvet and gold lace; Miss F. Lamond, jade crepe de chine; Miss A. Gubb, blue | chenille georgette; Miss E. Dodd, green taffeta.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 193, 17 August 1931, Page 11

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SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 193, 17 August 1931, Page 11

SOCIAL GATHERINGS. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 193, 17 August 1931, Page 11