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jasaa mss. a ■■■ a * » s1 * " * — sag 555 g 5 — — For Limc/ sH YouII Enjoy The F o?Sf - \Y\VZJ \ \ *m % mm j«» \»* I 'JBKL S. nd N R : ce ' Sidneys a n d Toast (all including Bread and Butter and 8 I T ®a). have been .reduced to One Luncheon here to-morrow | \*ffl I GROCERV ' | i is an unheard-of price for Assorted Chocolates —in fact, it j CJ ■ | :^ I 'is so low that we believe many people will say the quality J *\ gg J • Mmmi' v" ' ' * cannot be good. Well, we value the goodwill of our customers I JU. p | y to ° highly to °^ er an y thin ? but what is really good. The truth J U " EtttltlC JOU tfk f) HI ;■' * s ' this wonderfully low price is just a sign of the times. It is made I »»- _ L/Uf ~| | possible by a huge purchase from a New Zealand factory that has I ]VT|^ Civ B I n . always specialised in making fine quality chocolates. I *-*X ll jf \A | C* 1 In this " Queen City" assortment you get a smooth coating of rich I a B 1 chocolate over such delicious centres as Orange Cream, Chocolate J Ol JA I C J | Macaroon, Vanilla Cream, Caramel, Raspberry Cream, Nut Brittle, / J | Maple Cream, Lemon Cream, Vanilla Macaroon, Violet Cream —-• I penny s °™ * 11 Groceries have been I j ■ ■ ail these chocolates freshly made and delivered to us this week. I included f n ' oj th e next two weeks fr ° m ° ur Si *- B ® And the price is only lb. Take home a pound on Friday. i will be entitled t or<^er a nd if *• 'otau :S ,n C ;°! eries »v ■ II CROUND FLOOR. I This concessi ° ° Ur S '*Pen„y Sale Specia," 7 ° r mol *. you = I 64 inch CREAM LINEN / Help Groceter er ' does not apply t 8' ■ DAMASK. I Ladies' RAINCOATS. WINCEYETTE | I Vantage of our Sa , s ">»wSelf. j 1 A strongly-woven, well-finished Cloth, in Pure Linen; attrac- |, Wonderfu i Value in Ladies' Mer- Mfk 4 Mj\ NIGHTDRESSES. 1 I 3 y ° Ur re q u irements in H r ° ° rC,er ' " 0t ° n, y Grocer.V L ■ tive floral designs. Will wash wh.te a.nd w ea) . well H cerised Poplin Raincoats, strongly /\ *) mi\ ' Made from heavy quality Cream I I Hardware, Croct Qoth,"n ' W I To Clear, J/ J J yard. rubber lined; ne gha wkh / % V W \ Winceyette; V neck and short | I Beddine R a J- c r ° cker y» Jewellery F, ° thln &' I belt all round; shades of fawn or / J \ sleeves, trimmed, assorted col- m I beiney C Sets, and Other J # rnj tUre, Carnef<s ~= m if A] A nAT 99 NAVY ® red; sizes, 40in. to 48in. j ours. Women's only. = li* roce teria Goods R • oc *s the only evr j.- S ' I^l ALL-WOOL FLANNEL. I —12/11 / O\M — 4/11-J | I I CARDIGANS. f®\W\ 4/8 2/11 S | | HFAVY 1/72 I / l A i I HEAVY. 1 neat fitting, in plain shades, with / / \ ladder-proof; artificial silk Imed |J ""''''''''"W g MOLLETON FLANNELETTE I t"; L ill 2 iffitrx: i i * ~ _ . T , S fln hrown ro.e P rev—Usuallv pender tops, square heels, well 1 I ' Plllllll* | An inexpensive material for making Dressing Jackets, |j tawn, brown, rose, grey usuauy finished. Shades: Omar, stone g _ 1 T_ W ftg \ 1 8 1 Gowns, etc. Firmly woven, with soft, cosy finish. Shades | 17/6. SPECIALS in beige, rose glow and beach tan; 1} . rif — I'l rvrvm mtntto — |Bh are: Pink, rose, saxe, helio., scarlet, grey, maroon and navy. g Friday's Price, Q/1 1 nnvrnnn sizes, 9in. and 9^in. —Usually B fY \ \ $ S \% § tlOme-maae § g 28in. wide Usually 1/6. Friday'. Price, j/_ yard | »/ X 1 BRASSIERES 4/6. | 1/ Ylg f_ -J ! J Cake Specials— § ■ second floor. | far Evening Wear. W 2/111 | \V TffPVf!lW 1 COFFEE SPONGE I 1 , 1 VEDONIS VESTS. N 4 ,1-Youthful garment in Pink ~ 3 Pairs for g/g | VSJ S 1 ! I SQUARES- | 1 v"'" In fine Ribbed Cotton, suitable Satin; narrow elastic band at back, p " lL^^ < -S = ---> v—. |_ = = \ B weight for present wear; round ribbon shoulder straps; sizes, 30, jp M 1/" CftCtl. | s ■ neck, finished with Silk braid, 32, 34 and 36—Usually 4/11 GIRLS' GYM. HOSE. I BARGAIN IN FINE ENGLISH | CREAM PUFFS— 1 I Ground jj) 1 gWIT II 4/1 I 2/11 Girls' All-Wool Black Cashmere | CHINA. | l/-doz. I 111 Floor> 3«csr>- ■ • I ' ""FrW. Price. O/C No. 413—Similar ,lyl, to No. 41 I. H D*°„blo°'^ 1 2 Pura White Empiro Breakfast Cups, 2 Pure | CROUND FLOOR. | I 1 lUUI : ' mm? ) \ m %J ' U in Pink Figured Broche; sizes, 30, backs strondv made in fine All- S White Empire Breakfast Saucers, 2 Pure WhUe timmmmmUmmmmmmKKm 1 A-l-r PJm > 1 O.S.—Usually 5/1 1. 32, 34 and 36—Usually 3/1 1. Wool' Cashmere ■ Empire Breakfast Plates; 6-piece set—Usual Price, | Unly. \ y I Friday'. p r ;~. e ''"- 2/3 •* ek - SE; 2/11 1 4/6 -| I \ / 4r 1 SECOND FLOOR. ■ RACrC ■ " /n' ■ IV V JL J I A P 0) ij aTC " V \ "DURAMEND" at HALF PRICE. Half Price. |l I AljIPaS HA I o ®\ , \a Owing to an exceptionally favourable purchase, \ xr .. - o »t* . im >. g 1 A , »\ ya we ar.e able to offer this%seful preparation at —tiff*! h f'llil Now is the Best Time to Plant | C*\g%Sl 1*1110" At mitt' C3.CH *»\ dTT f \7C¥ TO half-price. The new way to mend any fabrics. T Forty (40) of the Best Varieties |= ***5 »\ OILISk V \ Repairs holes and tears in suits, dresses, shirts, m at half-price 2/- each. g A Special Purchase of a warehouse stock enables us to %\ Trt¥T ,^» T o W underwear, flannels, muslin, laces and all kinds of Friday, \/. each. | offer this season s Hats at the ridiculous price of 2/6 each 1\ CUSHIONS \l " " . materlal; H a °, f S O / O LucuHa Gratissima- I Felts and Velvet Ready-to-Wears, also Pu 1-ons ,n assorted m\ WUIIIVIW \ » Half Price, 1 /O and 0/3 From fid to 3/fi eack 1 choice for half-a-crown. Ground Floor Only. Take your 1 HALF PRICE. \\ HAND CREAM. GENT.'S WRIST WATCH. I Acacia Baileyana, Pepper Trees, I Ig I m\ \m For the amateur and professional mechanic. Pro- This dependable Watch has strong Scarlet Eucalyptus, Scarlet | ART €111 K" HOSF '»\ Beautiful Large Cushions of good \M tects the hands when doing dirty work. Rubbed ment, square-shaped case, luminous hands and Rowhai—Usually//-. g *_ jjc •1 • T At. «\ quality Silk Velour; well filled and into the skin before using oil, grease, paint, tar, figures, and suede leather strap; sn jart 1 8 ice » 1/6 ® ac ' = SA "Tn 3LS esculent JT "O/ G. Pair. %\ securely sewn; size, 22in. x 20in. \% varnish ink, dyes, etc. Can be washed off and ance and not expensive—CatalogueP rl ce, /• Lovely Cyclamen, in full bloom | Silk Hose; latest shades, e 2/6 P V Shades: Red, wine, mauve and \l leaves the hands perfectly cleanlarge tubes. Fridays Price, 9/JJ —Usually 2/6. ' ~ .-§ Ladies' "Roslyn" All-Wool Winter Hose. 9/6 Pah *' W green—Retail Value, 25/-. \m Spee„l Pr.ce, 2/. aack. CYCLE TYRE AND TUBE.. L: Friday'., 2/' I I g enrve \\' Half Pdce ' 12/6 c,ch ' \\ ENGLISH TORCH BATTERIES. GooA T yr«„ which »m *. e,cei.e„, o c b h t rawr <llmß '' ' rom be " > " d ■ MEN S WOKJx oUCIvO. m\ , . J ... , , , \m Splendid cells, which will give the maximum of service: well made of best material; 28 x Friday's Price, fid dozen. m N.Z.A« W o!rL k ..i„Uae k .hea t h^d \\ \\ VZ&7L. 10. ■ . 4/H 1/11 E.riy To m a,o P,.»». d» I \m Standard 2-Cell—Usually 1/3. Special Price: IJd. The Pair, Cover and Tube, /(y pair- GROUND FLOOR. H GROUND FLOOR. \ Standard 3-Cell—Usually 1/9. Special Price: J/4 ' <«■—■—■ l g Flat Pocket—Usually 1/3. Special Price: lid. THIRD FLOOR. g • k 5 j 2/g NOVELS 1/O I - 1 """ 1 """ I ""i | | HALF PRICE. | | Go) 1 | | Another Leader in Value-Giving! | I ""chambers | I ball. B °Only M 1 g |C. Snaith, Joseph Conrad, E. = | Friday's /- ® ach * 1 1 Va ID J J | hi in iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii | If J»CH S DOOtS ftHCI l3ilioCS | 10/- ( to-Measure I When you order these Boots and Shoes you satisfaction of Ig I I I our factory busy. Normal profits have not been considered in pricing 1 J 1 this footwear-—hence the wonderfully low figure of 11/6. But the 1 advantage of the following attractive offers: * g | WCdi* a Pair fOV ff Moilth, 0.11(1 if I JOU OTe TlOt satisfied, | \ SKhjji 67/6 Made-to-Measure SUITS for gy| return the Footwear and we will refund your money. | BllißSw fd /1Q /- Made-to-Measure TWEED oa / I BOOTS— SHOES — BLACK or TAN-— 1. I ■Wl/ QUITS 89/" I In Men's and Boys; Sizes. HALF SlZES—Men's Only. jraHgM | (—IKISII I|l With Extra Trousars FREE! M e ® oots are solid leather in upper and Shoes are also made of Solid Leather, 3 1 All KM J i.» — . , 1 sole and are leather lined. Note the soles and are in two sty l e9 —medium toe and 'M g / £5/19/- Made-to-Measure -CEi/Q/- are ALL Solid Leather, no "split being used, pointed toe. In black or tan. Smart in B f/MaSHI KUyBNv I TWEED SUITS wv/l// 1 as is sometimes done by certain manufac- appearance, and very comfortable. Half g /||dK \ With Extra Trousers FREE! M s"' 6 " d' 0 ma ' C j so ' e . j^ thicker. sizes—s to 10. (No Boys' sizes in Shoes.) = I'mß r £6/19/- Made-to-Measure -Ctfl/Q/. H smooth insole. Shape in full-fitting and very I=l JBIiH ■ : I \\l .- J- IT* 1 C„;i. oLO/iy/™ = comfortable. Boys* and Youths' sizes, 10 Country Customers can order with confi- H Hf LHU ' WOr -~1 »«' moley.»'vl„g Z p'rife 'of' M/ 6' pa'i .oT'otl f"?L "'""ff p, 1 «re Hf ir l°.*o'mdu" f °y r oi '»« e ■mi JKm | II FARMERS' TRADING Co., Ltd. ■PM [ Absolute Satisfaction or Money Refunded. ««w w g secondfloor HOBSON STREET and WYNDHAM STREET. | Jmrnm S Sj iiij

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Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 166, 16 July 1931, Page 21

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Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 166, 16 July 1931, Page 21

Page 21 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 166, 16 July 1931, Page 21