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. » — AUCKLAND WINTER MEETING. HIGH-CLASS RACING PROMISED. FIVE SHILLING TOTE. . / REDUCED ADMISSION CHARGES. The trotting season in the North Island will enter its final stages to-morrow, when the Auckland Trotting Club will inaugurate the two-day winter meeting. Although the weather conditions are invariably unpleasant in mid-winter, the meeting has always proved one of the most popular staged by the A.T.C. From all parts of the Dominion horses have assembled at Epsom to oppose each other for the substantial stakes offered, and never before has there been such a high-class lot of horses racing at Alexandra Park at this time of the year. Many of the horses are New Zealand Cup eligibles, and the handicaps have been so well compiled that the problems set backers are particularly difficult. New history will be made by the club to-morrow, when, for tthe first time, a five-shilling totalisator will be available to outside patrons. Another step which will be appreciated is the reduced admission charge to the course from one shilling and sixpence to one shilling.

THE PROGRAMME. HAED TASK SET BACKERS. Those who set out to-morrow to find a winner or two will firet try themselves out on the Winter Handicap, a 4.55 class for trottere. Sir Voyage, who was being ticked off as the most likely to win, scored at Ashburton on Saturday last, and, being penalised to 156 yds behind, he was hot brought north. Sis are on the limit, and the ones who look to have winning chances are Carl Mack, King's Guard, Mokanna and Zanzibar. Mokanna and King's G\iard may prove the best of them. Blue and Gold (24yds) at one time gave promise of being a good one, but her form did not improve. Appeal (36yde) was never a real good one, but he could always handle a heavy track. Great Glee (84yds) is.not here,, but Valloden, on the,same mark,, should be «ard if the track, is at "all* favourable, ttoi Grande (108 yds) did not shape well at Hamilton, but .he t may go a fair race this time. Boiled, down* the ones whose prospects may be favoured are VALLODEN KING'S GUARD MOKANNA. Mangere Handicap. One of the hardest problems of the day is presented in the Mangere Handicap, a 3.29 mile and' a half. A number in the field have recent winning form 5 and on paper have seconds to epare in the handicap. Of those on the front Bessie Dillon, Carnui, Sandy Pointer and Denver City may be the most sought after. June Nordica (12yds) is a speedy mare, who will go a merry mile and a half, and if she gets any sort of a run she ehould be very hard to settle. Impromptu (24yds) is a smart horse and will go twelve furlongs in great style. Daytime (24yds) and First Flight (36yds) will be coupled, and they are speedy pacere. Grand Canyon and Sunchild are on 48yds, and, while they can muster up a lot of speed, they will.have to be good to win this race. It is a very hard problem,, but, as people will bet, perhaps they will consider

. CARNUI. • JUNE NORDICA IMPROMPTU Hark Memorial. TJie Mark Memorial has been dealt with on previous occasions and there is no necessity to go through the field at length. Moat in demand will be the Hooper bracket—Satin King and Milo Minto. Glenrossie has not been, leaving the mark well, but Neeoro is a good pacer at any distance. The Abbey and Mountain Dell read best of the others. The most likely to get support are SATIN" KING-MILO MCSTTO / BRACKET GOLD TREASURE • ■ ■ / GLENROSSIE. ,: - Stewards' Trot. There will be just a one-dividend field in the Stewards' Trot, a 4.40 claes. White Satin and Etta Cole are on. the front, and the former is perhaps the more reliable. Gold Sovereign (12yds) is not the best of stayers, but goes well on a heavy, track. Jock Bingen is another with speed, but not an out-and-out stayer. Kolmar (24yds) is a good eolid sort who will stay on. Native Star (96yds) is a long way back, but is a better class than the others. Backers will probably rally round WHITE SATIN KOLMAR NATIVE STAR. Cornwall Handicap. The epeed -will be right on from ihe barrier to judge in the Cornwall Handicap, the 2.14 mile. Every horse in the race can turn on a rare burst of pace, but several in the race have other engagements, and it is not easy to judge the strength of the field. Benefice, Tumatakura and Tenedos are sure to go well off the limit, while on 12yds are brilliant milers in Meteor and Milo Minto. Satin King (24yds), if reserved, would be the favourite, but the chances are he will contest the Mark Memorial., The only one further back who looks to have a chance is Mountain Dell (36yds). She is a brilliant mare. Anything may win, and perhaps three in demand will be TENEDOS. TUMATAKURA METEOR Hobaon Handicap. The 4.40 two miles has attracted a good class of improving horses. Bessie Dillon and Denver City are the best of the limit four, but they are also in a race earlier in the day. First Flight (36yds) 4f reserved for this race, would be a tough proposition, and Peter Pirate (24yds) will go well. Ngingongingo (48yds) has fast time against him, which gives Mm an undoubted chance. Auto. Machine (72yds) is a good horse and may §e about at the end, if ha stays welL

Golden Pedro, a recent arrival from Sydney, is said to be a smart pacer, but he is beingwell tested at his first start here in being asked to concede up to 84yds. The issue may be fined down to PETER PIRATE n:gingon"Gln t go first flight. Marconi Handicap. As in other cases, many of those in the Marconi Handicap have earlier engagements and form will be the guide backers will act upon. Horses who finish second and escape a penalty will be worth consideration. As a matter of fact, backers will probably be wise to adopt this course when summing up the problem. Those who have any money left may be inclined to risk a trifle on" . JUNE NORDICA DENVER CITY . ■;■'• V it VAN NEWTON". THE ACCEPTANCES. 11 AK WINTER HANDICAP (Trot- -*— tors) of 175sovs. Two miles. Limit 4.55. Carl Mack . . It. yds. bhd. Colonel Thorpe Lt. P.lue and Gold 24 King's Guard Lt. Appeal .... 36 Mokanna ... Lt. Great Glee . . 84 Win Huon . . Lt. Valloden . . . 84 Zanzibar ... Lt. Roi Grande . . 10S Sir Voyage . 156 IOOn MANGERE HANDICAP of 175 -L6/.OU SOV g. one mile and a half. Limit 3.29. ' Bessie Dillon . Lt. yds. bhd. Carnui .:■-, . . Lt. June Nordi'ea . 12 ■Dad's Hope . . Lt. Daytime .... 21 Denver City . Lt. Impromptu . . 24 High Sea . .". Lt. Netta Oro ... 24 Hohoro .... Lt. First Flight . . 36 Lady Yvonne . Lt. erand Canyon 48 Santly Pointer Lt. Sunchild .... 48 Bracketed: Daytime and First Flight. ~t ~IK MARK MEMORIAL of 500sovs. -L.-UJ Two mileg> Linlit 431t Cyone .... Lt. Neeoro .... 2.4 Gold Treasure Lt. Florent' vh. ;.:' .36 Dillon Logan . Lt. Reremai . .-. .. '36 yds. bhd. . Tne Abbey . .48 Milo Minto . . ■ 12 Erin'B Fortune 48 Satin King . . 12 Mountain Dell .48 Glenrosaie ... 24 . Jewel Pointer 60 Bracketed: Satin King - and Milo Minto. j 2n STEWARDS' HANDICAP (Trotters) •" of-250sovs. Two miles. Limit 4.40. Etta Cole . . Lt. Jonk Bingen . 12 White Satin . Lt. Kolmar . ... '24 yds. bhd. -Writer .... 84 Gold Sovereign 12 Native Star . 96 O AK CORNWALL HANDICAP of 250 ****** bovs. One mile. Limit 2.14. Benefice . . . Lt. .Toy Bird . . t 12 Nella Dillon . Lt. Meteor . ..... . 12 Tcnedos .... Lt. Milo Minto . . 32 Tumatakura . Lt. Te Wahia ... 12 yds. bhd. Satin King . . 24 •All. Bell . . . 12 Genuine ... 24 Cyone .... 12 Great Ballin . 24 Dillon Logan . 12 Trustworthy . 24 Hal Chimes . . 12 Mountain Dell 36 Happy Land . 12 Stanmoor ... 48 Bracketed: Milo Minto and Satin King; Hal Chimes, Trustworthy and Stanmoor. Q Ofi HOBSON HANDICAP of 225sovs. O.DU Two mlle g. Limit 4.40. Bessie Dillon Lt. First Flight . 36 Concertina . . Lt. Explosion ... 36 Dan Direct . Lt. Ngingougingo . 48 Denver City . Lt. Auto Machine 72 yds. bhl. Golden Pedro 84. Peter Pirate . 24 A_~\K MARCONI HANDICAP of ' 225 jfco-* J *-' sovs. One mile and a quarter. Limit 2.52. •-:■■■■ yds., bhd. Denver City . Lt, Little: Guy . . 12 High Sea .■. . Lt. Master Huia . 12 June Nordica. Lt. Netta Oro . ; 12 Pavlova ... Lt. Goldman . . .12 Sandy Pointer Lt. Purser .... 24 Student Prince Lt. Grand Canyon 36 Van Newton . Lt. Sunchild ... 36 Hal Chimes . . 48. Bracketed: June Nordica and Hal Chimes.

TO-MORROW'S CANDIDATES. TABLOID BEVXEW. SOME KNOTTY PROBLEMS. Never perhaps has such a tricky problem been served up to backers as is the case to-morrow, and to go through the list of horses and deal with their prospects is decidedly risky. However, those who go to races go to bet, and nothing will stop them from backing their judgment. Below will be found comment on the horses engaged, but it doesn't necessarily follow that the remarks will work out correctly. They are merely the opinion of "Orion." Winter Trot, limit 4.55. Two miles. Carl Mack, limit: Won three races early in the season, but is not trotting nearly so solidly in his work now. If anything takes him on in the early part he will go to a break. Colonel Thorpe," limit: Has never been a racehorse except in name. Bang's' Guard, limit: Not a bad sort and has a chance. It is asking a big question of a three-year-old if th& track is heavy. Mokanna, limit: Not too solid, but has been showing improved form. A hard horse to drive, but he should be prominent all the way to the judge. Win Huon, limit: Is giving away a lot of time to start, and Mokanna should hold him safe. Zanzibar, limit i Won at Hamilton and defeated a good eorf in Bessie "Parrieh; He may not quite see out two milea,

Blue and Gold, 24yde: Threatened to be a real good one last season, but her form this year has been disappointing. Would not want to be a good one to win. Appeal, 36yds: Begins well and can handle a heavy track, but was never better than a moderate. Great Glee, 84yds: Will not start. Valloden, 84yds: Ran second at Hamilton in hia only start here. A good eort, who might win both clays. If the track is at all dry don't be on anything to beat him. * Roi Grande, 108 yds: Another good sort. Trotted well in a workout on Thursday. Mangere Handicap, limit 3.29. One mile and a half. Bessie Dillon, limit: So far this season her form has not been good, but her owner has brought her up for the meeting, and that costs money. ! Carnui, limit: An improving pacer, and, though he will be meeting good ones from the South, they have the hardest part to do to beat him. Stays on well. Dad's Hope, limit: Working well, but he never wins. Denver City, limit: A likely eort, although his form has been nothing out of the ordinary. Can handle a heavy track. High Sea, limit: Class should beat him. Hohoro, limit: Won at Hamilton. Got a chance if the track ia heavy. Not otherwise. Lady Yvonne, limit: Hardly good enough in.this class, although she has occasionally gone a good race. Sandy Pointer, limit: Has not raced much this season. Hails from a heady stable which does not keep bad horses. June Nordica, 12yde: A real good mare. Just a little bit "iffy" at the peg, J but has been going off well lately. Can I both go fast and stay. Whatever beats her should get the money. Is also in the Marconi Handicap on the limit. Impromptu, 24yds: One of the best improvers racing in Auckland. Was beaten at Taranaki and Hamilton in heavy going, but it may not be safe to count him out because of this. Ho is a great pacer and will give his supporters a run for their money. Netta Oro, 24yds: Not starting. Daytime, 24yds: Has speed, but is set a big task this time. First. Flight, 36yds: May be reserved for the' Hobson Handicap. A good filly at any distance. Grand Canyon, 48yds: Is in the Adam 6 Cup on Monday, where he will be better placed in the handicap. A good horse Sunchild, 48yde: Not in the same class of race on Monday, but is in the Adame Cup and 2.52 mile and a quarter. Worth a little every; start. Mark Memorial, limit 4.31. Two miles. Cyone, limit: Not starting. Dillon Logan, limit: Not starting. Gold Treasure, limit:. A good stayer and working well. : Handicapped right up to his 'best and has nothing the best of it. • Satin King, 12yde: In a good handicap at Ashburton he was basked down to two to one on. Must be pretty good to take that price, and he duly won, going. 4.25. Now on, 4.30. Has raced often on grass tracks. The price will

not be big, but little fish are sweet. Will be coupled with another good one in Milo Minto, and if both line up the bracket should do. Glenrossie, 24yds: Not racing tip to expectations lately. Has been displaying a tendency to dwell on the mark. Neeoro, 24yds: Has gone 4.24 3-5 on a fast track and is now on 4.29. Florent, 36yds: A good stayer and goes well on a soft track. Reremai, 36yds: Best on a heavy track. The Abbey, 48yds: Won at a mile and a quarter at the Canterbury Park meeting. Seems to be handicapped right tip to the limit in being on a 4.27 mark. Mountain Dell, 48yds: Just a question whether sho is ready to go a solid two miles in heavy going. At her best a brilliant mare. Jewel Pointer, 60yde: Has the job in front of him. . Does, not relish a hard finish, and stops over the last bit. Stewards' Trot, limit 4.40. Two miles. Etta Cole, .limit: Working better than Sever, but she seems to fee too unlucky to win a race. White. Satin, limit: If _ the track is anything like good this is the one to be on. Gold- Sovereign, 12yds: Not a good stayer. Jock Bingen, 12yds: A fair chance. Kolmar, 24yds: Has not raced lately. At his beat a good one. Will be the hardest for White Satin to settle. Native Star, 96yds: Looks to be a long way back, but she is a class above tie others. If there is any loitering on the trip she will win. Cornwall Handicap, limit 2.14. One mile. Benefice, limit: A speedy mare, but she has not been working as well as usual. Nella Dillon, limit: Goes a mile well, but class may beat her this time. Tenedos, limit: Despite his previous failures he cannot be left out. Tumatukura, limit: Is right at the top of his form and can handle any kind of track. Must be very hard to beat. All Bell, 12yds: A wonderful veteran, but he must be on the down grade now. Cyone, 12yds: Not starting. Dillon Logan, 12yds: Not starting. Happy Land, 12yds: Sure to go well. A very fast horse. Joy Bird, 12yds: A useful mare, but no champion. Meteor, 12yds: Can both go fast and stay. Must have a chance second to none. Tβ Wahia, 12yds: None the best of the handicap. Milo Minto, 12yds, and Satin King, 24yds: Coupled on machine. Whichever starts will have to be considered. Both are in,the Mark Memorial. Hal Chimes, 12yds, Trustworthy, 24yds, and Stanmoor, 48yds: All three bracketed on machine. No encouragement to support them. Genuine, 24yds: A good miler, but there are some just as speedy in front. Great Ballin, 24yds: Handicapped on 2.12 should settle him. Mountain Dell, 36yds: A brilliant mare. Also in Mark Memorial. If reserved for the mile would take a lot of beating. Hobson Handicap, limit 4.40. Two miles. This race is a tricky one, as several engaged are also in the Adams Cup on Monday. Bessie Dillon, limit: Also in Mangere Handicap on the limit. Concertina, limit: No chance on form. : ; Dan Direct, limit: Has always failed on a leavy track. Denver City, limit: Is in three races during the day. Peter Pirate, 24yds: Nothing for him to wait for. Has been racing well on the country circuit, and he may be the safest to trust this time. ft First Flight, 36yds: Her form is puz.zling. Sometimes she goes well enough to -win anything, after losing lengths at the etart. At other times when she leaves well sie gets beaten. Has backers in a tangle. , : :- ,":;•■ ■---.■•■"" : ---■--.■-■ I 1 3-kpksioa* 36jBaaa I

Ngingongingo, 48yds: Showed good form and went fast at Canterbury Park. Must have gone fast time when he finished fourth on the first day after losing a lot of ground at the start. On paper he looks the best proposition. Auto Machine, 72yds: A genuine stayer. Giving away a big start, but he is a good horse and if the pace happens to be slow in the first mile he will be there at the end. Golden Pedro, S4yds: Has a record of 3.21 for a mile and a half, arid is not thrown into the race in being on 84yds behind, seeing that he is giving starts to horses who have gone faster than he. Marconi Handicap, limit 2.52. One mile and a quarter. Denver City, limit, High Sea, limit, Sandy Pointer, limit, June Nordica, limit, Grand Canyon, 3Gyds, Sunchild, 36yds, and Hal Chimes, 48yds, all engaged in earlier races during the day. If June Nordica is set for this race it will take something out of the ordinary to down her. Pavlova, limit: Hardly good enough. Student Prince, limit: Out of his class. Van Newton, limit: An improving pacer and a strong finisher. Little Guy, 12yds: Just useful. Begins well and is at home in heavy going. Master Huia, 12yds- A good "roughie." Goldman, 12yds: Not good enough. Purser, 24yds: Will have a job to give June Nordica 24yds. VERY HARD. There seems to be nothing standing right out in the programme served up to-morrow, and in the majority of the races the betting should be such that good prices will be returned. Those who cannot be present may feel inclined to have an interest in the fixture, and when they sum up the programme they may decide to risk a little on— Winter Trot: VALLODEN. Stewards' Trot: WHITE SATIN.

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Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 143, 19 June 1931, Page 12

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TROTTING AT EPSOM. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 143, 19 June 1931, Page 12

TROTTING AT EPSOM. Auckland Star, Volume LXII, Issue 143, 19 June 1931, Page 12