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' MILNE& CHOYCES SALE 1 For Monday Only-1 COMMENCES MONDAY at 9 a.m. gagyasgq.'^lj;! FIRST DAY OF SALE. Just before the holiday (the 29th)—just before school reopening, and with every prospect of a late summer If price has been any reason for delay there 111 ALL TUDOR CHOCOLATES comes the seasonal M. &C. Clearance Sale—an event always anticipated by thousands of eager shoppers, is surely no excuse now. Cars that have I I keen to take advantage of the exceptional savings, ;, possible through adherence to an old-time policy of been 42/- are Reduced to 29/6 (and there and SWEET SPECIALITIES, CLEARING ALL SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE REGARDLESS OF COST. I are 20 only, so don't be late). Good, easy- I II Usually 2/8 lb. EVERYTHING, with the exception of a few proprietary lines, is reduced, and in some sections, due solely • wire wheels, painted Red and Black. Reduced to 2/6 to unseasonable weather, the reductions are heavier than ever. We say unhesitatingly that, in our opinion, / AT T OTHER MODELS SHOW 6o Z .fori/- this great and genuine sale offers some of the most wonderful buying opportunities of recent times. Proof SIMILAR REDUCTIONS : of this statement will be given immediately the doors open at nine on Monday. _—__J AJi-Wow! New ZeaJand- Groupings from the Showroom Reveal Made Blankets RodiiAfSAnc 63/-toB9/6. Clearmgat 29'6 At a time like, this the thrifty housewife anticipates /iJIUUIIIIIIIJ AlvOlftCllOllS All Hats of the most distinctive type; no two alike, and needs and purchases whilst considerable savings are to „ c /,« f , „n/,«/✓ „,rw««-// including the Season's very newest shapes and colourings be effected. ■ Evetllllg 99/6 to £7/19/6 £5/19/6 to 7gns. £8/19/6 to £lO'l9/6 in Exotic Straws, Pearl Visca, and Crinoline. Trimmings These are splendid quality Blankets with Blue and Gold Sale, CO/C > Sale, 7Q /£& Sale, CIQ /C% of Velvet Ribbon, Silk and Flowers, Georgette, and striped border. § ; / 1 ' < i . ' ' Ornaments. Goiourings include" Cherry, Almondf TusSingle Bed .... Usually 25/-. For 18/11 Groupings that embrace all the most distinctive Evening Gowns of the Season—in Lace, Georgette, Satin, Satin can, Beige, Natural, also Black and Navy. • Three-quarter .... Usually 33/6. For 24/11 Marocain/tTaffeta, and Crepe de Chine—-featuring all the latest style notes, in the smartest evening shades, Black Wide- brimmed Mid - Summer Hats—-Worth 29/6---Double Bed .... Usually 39/6. For 32/11 included. ;Priced Qiiick Clearance at 12/6. 170 of the most White Hemmed Sheets, Plain: and Twill. Dependable Day ! 99/6 to £5/19/6 1 £6/19/6 to £8/19/6 £7/19/6 to £9/19/6 becoming and fashionable Hats, with shady brim. White, quality. 51 yards in each pair. v .' Sale. f ' Sale AA /A Snip AP /« #\ f£+\ stitched Silk edging and bound round crown to match. 54in. .... .... Usually 10/6. For 7/11 pa|r. F*OCkS- Sale > 79/6 •' Sale, 39/g » £5/19/6 In colourings of Lime, Henna, Saxe, Rose, Navy, Royal, . 63m. .... .... Usually 12/6. For •/J J .!"??/• .Hajarigroupings of the Season's smartest Frocks priced to represent savings that are truly sensational. < Styles for White. . ' , " ■ . 72in. .... }^ su ™ y £ 0r ;i/o • every occasion. In Plain and Figured Georgette, Ninon, Satin Beaute, and Grepe de Chine. With and without Ready ; to-\^rs— 21/- to 29/6—Pncrf for ,80in'. •••■-: .... .Usually W'l I. fxw M/» pair. new style feature—wonderful colour variety.' The wise will be choosing early. Immediate Disposal at 9/11. Twelve different^shapes 90in. x 108 in. .... Usually 18/11. For 14/6 pair. t ',/ ■■■ • • , . and six of the most fashionable Straws. Plain or Ribbon , A e ... w i.' > . .6Z Ensembles—Usually £6/19/6 to £9/19/6—Cleanng at One Price, edges; in Beige, Saxe, Fawn, Black, White. Women * Art r Silk yests ln the Seaso „- s favoured Silks-Georgette, Satin, Plain and Fancy Crepe de Chine. New hip-length Coats, with B "?^ k / and Bloomers—Usually 5/6 and;^thout*oUars ; sac back; pleated and flared;slcir^; bodice to tone. All smartest colourings, Navy 6<||a P«j|iA 1/11 a 9. inc ue * or Ornament trimming; very suitable for plain or fancy v i 9aie f ' "" 79/6 89/6 99/6 to £5/19/6 frocks. , per- .^ OATS— Sal Sale, CQ/fii f / Sale, 7Q/C fectly cut andifirtished. Vests have round neck and are * .. v c t D 9/0' /9/0 1% - sleeveless. The have elastic waist and knees. Outstanding value at the usual buying at the reduced prices. Goods of the most distinctive type, ® IfOllll OOH?*" - Obtama ein eac , pp e, vory, m or la. in All-Wool Georgette, Crepe de Chine, CKarripiejaine, and Geolaine. Semi-tailored, straight and flared, pin-tucking, Hundreds of Pairs of Suede Fabric Gldves, showing 40/ Women s size. . v 1 stole ends, many self trimmed. and Black distinct cuff designs—Usually 4/11 to 6/11. Sale, Japanese Printed Fuji Silk Pyjamas, Jumper shape, Y J Prices 2/6 and 3/11 ' 1 ; 17S Pairs Boudoir Slippers 63 Crepe de Chine Frocks of the best French makes; %^I arment da!ntily boxe< RUs^a lly 29/6. Usually 2/6, for I'll Printed and plain materials, mde variety of styles and Washable Nappa, in Beige—Usually 8/11. For 6/11 Sale Prog, 22/6 / / _ ' ...' ■, ,\j , D , .. £, . colourings, many less than half price—Usually 79/6 to R mlm . I^^o /i | Fnrfi'll ' u English-made Slippers of Coloured Brocade, with fabric . aa/„ Priced for Clearance at 39/6 u • iwpp* Maunueis usually y/. m . ror** 120 Pftifl Coricd-* I sole; front finished with Silk pom. Assorted colours;, v-r II fit c a • ci 1 r j A wide range. of French Gloves, in best quality skins, IAV roin !. all sizes V A 1 Collection of Smart Amencan Sleeveless Crepe de Suede or Kid; washable and non-washable—Usually Usually 28/9 to 57/6 1 6 5 pairs English Walking Shoes-Usually 16/9 to small sizes only-Usually-49/6. • For 22/6;19/6 17/6. Sal* Prices, 9/11 and 15/6 if A fi A ulAflMAil af 29/6—-to be Cleared at 12/11. Strap style, semi- ' . Sub Standards in Orient Heavy-weight Hose—this ll« VIWVV ai li| 7 Cuban heel. In Grey Lizard, Brown Watersnake, Important Saving on Jumper Suits m Silk Knit and means that the Hosiery has the very slightestimperfec- " Gossard " front-lacing numbers, in strong Pink Bro- Green, Fawn, Brown, Blue, Black, and Red Glace, Also Novelty Weaves—A truly wonderful offering. Wide tion, so slight: that in most cases only an expert will cades. Broken size ranges; from 22 to 35. AH goofc Patent and Velvet Court Shoes, semi-Cuban or spike colour variety—Usually 55/- to £7/19/6. For 39/6 defect where the imperfection is. Fully fashioned and ; new shapes, f ; . heel. Collectively, all sizes represented. : . and 4 9 /$r t ™ shades, light 12/6., Sale Pnce, Also 50 pairs Non-lacing Corsets (Clasp-arounds), in . SECOND FLOOR. 'Angora Wooiiice—-An entirely, new weave, contrasted d " el/ strong Pink Brocades. Sizes 24 to 34—Usually 28/9 ' , With skirts of either Crepe de Chine or Wool Georgette. «.V' e j an rl well-known makes as to 57/6; For 14/9 Tiata ClfiAllnot 'nf In a of shades and sizes—Usually £5/19/6. r'f ? Uaphne, Lady Betty, and Pure Silk Hose 60 pairs Corselettes, all " ,* ----- ' ' : 'For-79/;pr'" 1 -standards— -ysually 4/11 and . splendid quality garments. Sizes.,3B to 46 bust—Usu- Extraordinary Silk VBAU6S ,J J: S y e P " ce » 4 P airs f<> J 0/6 ally 14/6 to 32/6. Clearance Price, 10/9 in'-CiiiVil "i 1 * fashion jewellery .Priced, to Clear—An unusual groupGroup No. 1— IC/ ' /€ - All SCIIOOI Apparel mg of the very latest, in Viennese, Metal, Brilliant, tA /Silk, usually 11/6 to 15/6, Pnced Down to 8/11— •.: Antique and Rhinestone Necklets, Brooches and EarIft AWlliner CarpM Comprising All-Silk Crepe Faille in 8 fashionable shades. RedUCed 10% DUNng Sale rings—Usually up to 15/6. Sale, 3/11 1 " . Sauares-* Wll » n ~ . „ Q . Misses' and Children's White Panama Hats, in Breton M° rocco Hand Bags—An exceptional range; all r Variety of designs in ground cdlouringaibf Light Fawn, nd .° ft f «° od 9™% I Harlr Fawn nr Rlnr> y; „Uiua|ly 14/0. , _ .KT n, , j 11 i Faille Ribbon. Sizes to fit ages 6\to 18 years—Usual |°P d l2 ln . gs and usefu l nttmgs—Usually 29/6 to 42/-. Uark r awn or Blue. . A variety of Silk Coatings, m Navy, Black, and odd col- p ricc> 19/6. Sale Price, 12/6 Sale, 21/15 onlv 9ft. x 12ft. .... £9/19/6 £7/19/6 p U . rs ' , /!. .i n ' s "f Z. ■' • i . Misses' and Children's School Blazers, in reliable Navy Real Leather Hand Bags, many with the new thuhib I 'I 4f_ J loMh,™ M/ »| S/8/J : gtS?' i " Whl " «"> W/ SsSlilSfe''" W6, B«i, '.""t-' SKTmuiy 11/*. to'KWl . »!•••. 7 "? i !?■" "■ » SSrSurttSKl'kJid £. wlmicZt desjgns, Reduced to Half Price-Uoually .17/6. For Printed Cr epe de Chines and. Satins. A wonderful Usual Prices, 11/6 13/6 , 16/6 pendiums reduced to three prices- 1/-, 1/11.2/11. , ? *li nr in r ~ ,v J .J assortment of about 50 designs and colourings. , SalePr.ce., 8/11 10/11 13/11 Mostly the prices are less than HALF V Reversible Wool Rugs—Good, heavy quality and a wide 800 yards heavy-weight All-Silk Crepe Marcel in Ivory Misses'and Children's School Gym. Tunics, in reliable range of designs and colourings. - "J, '■ an d 25 shades. No Navy or Black. Navy Serge; regulation styles— j — - # : 7ft * r .... 72/6 - ; Sale Price, 49/6 A TRULY WONDERFUL VALUE OFFERING. Sizes 24 and 27 30 and 33 36 and 34 EllgllStt Dinner SetS—«^o^6 6ft. /. x 3ft. ..... 45/- Sale Price, 35/9 ivv ; Usual Prices, 14/6 15/6 17/6 a o ■ ,7 W 2ft. Bin. x sfti Bin. 34/6 Price, Da vcvllrc VaSlac Sale Prices, ' 12/6 13/6 14/6 w C ii^c ee a r dutiful quality English Dinner 2ft. 3in. x 4ft. (Sin. .... 24/6 * / Sale Priice, 16/9 JfrinteO ▼ OlieS t,»- jm *#i »" pu •» a » cuv Ware, all 'finished m modern and attractive colour 2ft. , x3ft.9in .... ,18/6 Sale Price 12/3 and Fadeless Lawns— Phoen " Art. Silk Nightdresses designs-Usually 79/6 set. Sale, 39/6 / WO Lawns . sto 14 years. Colours: Sensational rf.Rne!BA-Tl.jn«— Curtain Nets— Cloths UsuaUy 2/6 to 4/ll p««ch, Pink, White-Usual Price, 12/11. Sale Price, English China Tea Set-Usually 2/6 to 3/11 for V 9 yd. Reduced to I'llA Tible of Children's and Maids' Apparel at 2/6— 7-piece Hand-painted English Supper Set —Usually A 1 -Ail » iii i. f rl ./ 1 -p ny . j. j including Nightdresses, Petticoats, Bloomers, Infants* 5/11. Sale, 3/11 Nets varying in width from 36in. to. 45in. Altogether All dependable quahty Cloths, beautifully designed and ffibß an(J Bonh y s> Cot Covers, Frocks, etc.—Usual Ladies' Fancy Silk Garters, « manv-rtvlea-an exceptionally interesting collection, including Ecru coloured, providing a wonderfully wide choice for all p ri^3> 4/|l to ;l4/6. Usually I/6, 1/9 per pair. Sale Price 4/- vet iLr grounds with fadeless borders; others with fadeless col- ages and tastes. Floral, geometrical, check, stripe and r - : • // , „ Al ,l p * paie rnce, J/-per pair. oured border. Also plain and two-colour effects in many novelty effects. 36/38 in. widths. Such a pricing , , • . _4 «« •,!"* •?" T faced Luncheon or Tea Cloths Rayon Net. An opportunity not to be mused. mean' that Frock Lengths are procurable at practically Meil S SIUTtS With COllar Rlllr u fl n C B ° ?V re c hemstitched border; in 1000 yards of Cretonne Qotfis—Usually 2/6, 2/11 to half the ordinary value. : -/#, S Gold-Usually 8/ 11. SaWPr.ce, S/11 perset. 3/11—All Grouped at One Price, 1/6 ... . . tO matCll—s'H eaCft Traced Needlework—Usually 3/6, 4/11, 5/11. Sale 3lin. width. Providing a wonderfully wide range in MUMIV tlMl Chiltfr«l|?S 3 (Of 16'9 Ghmi-Tnw»l n^" Luncheon Sets, Cushion Covers, designs and colourings, including light , grounds with CniS VmolrCM .. , f , ~ . . , Trav Cloths Tabll S W J^?? gon Covers, Linen small, cheery patterns, some guaranteed fadeless. *UJI *rOCKS» ; ~go^quaWWorowaurtm,a»]:gua»iiteecl•; ,r Scarvw, Trf>le Co««, AAeOo, " : ' ■ -:| ■• featuring flares or pleats; with and without collars, ho colours, shirts that will give every satisfaction in Cases, Novelty Aprons. Tray Sets and Bridge Cloths, llfivs' Naw Fox's sleeves or long sleeves, belted at normal waistline. All wash and service. All sizes. A UroujMng of Ladies Scarves, square, triangular, — ' ' * the newest shades, including Natural, to select from. Shirts—Usually 11/6 to 16/6—Reduced to 9/11. oblong. Also Mantillas, for day and evening wear, in Serce Shorts Sizes 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 38, 40— These are high-grade Shirts in finest quality Poplins, re P e # de or Georgette—Usually 35/6 to 63/-. Indigo dyed, guaranteed fadeless; Silk sewn; heavy Usual Prices, >7/6 and 19/6 25/Jand29/6 "Zephyrs, etc, Some with one, others with two collars to earing at 19/6 quality Jhoingf belt loops, hip pockets; for age. 3to 18. /Safe?™*. 14/11 ao i 9 /" /£ " gUaranteed g, jtt . Sizes 2-6 7-12 13-18 Usual Prices, 35/- 39/6and49/6 fast. 5" Ml tile £ Off LadieS Usually 7/3 8/9 10/3 Sale Prices, 25/6 29/6 Army Overcoats—Worth 55/—Priced at 17/6. Here Hmfcuolla. .. . e - _ Sale, 5/6 6/6 7/6 ; is a truly wonderful opportunity. Army Raincoats that WMllirWlaS 311C1 dllllSlldlleS Navy Ali-Wool School and College Shirts, gparanteed OlltStßlldllftg Pillow are proof against every reasonable test—Coats that The Umbrellas compose fashionable colours, also Black. I fast dye; Silk sewn; very hard wearing; in all sizes— rain ITttfiiAe will give the utmpst m service and satisfaction. With Sunshades for the beach or street use. Usually 8/11. Sale Price, 7/6 ' vase, values the Winter season coming on be sure and secure one. Semi-made Lace Robes, full width; wide circular skirt Boys' and Youths' Bathing SuiU> Coney Every -Case made from strong and reliable Pillow Suits —Usually £6/6/- to £6/19/6—Priced Down to with dip back, all-over design. Beige, Saxe, Pink, . piece styles; variety of colourings;.reliable quality. For Cottons— ~/... 95/■■ If you await an buy to advantage, White, Rose, Beige—Usually 22/6 For 14/6 age. Bto .17- m/ ■ i j surely thisis it Hereare the highest-gredeSuitain Ladies' Handkerchiefs at Half Price-In three groups, Si«j»/ 26in. 28iri. 32m. / . Usually 1/3. 1/- each; 5/- half doz. Worsted, Tweeds and Saxony, perfectly cut and fin- . comprising Lawns and Linen in White and «r VawMy if! 2- . 12/6 13/6/1) . No. x 30,; taped—Also twill, buttoned. ished; best quality linings.. Jn Clerical Greys and fancy / ■ White with coloured border—l/ 6 1/11 2/11 Sale, 9/11 10/11 11/6 • 12/6• Usually 1/6. 1/3 each; 7/3 half doz. mixtures. All sizes represented, half dozen. '

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Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 21, 25 January 1930, Page 18 (Supplement)

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 21, 25 January 1930, Page 18 (Supplement)

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 21, 25 January 1930, Page 18 (Supplement)