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MOI^)AY—^A' J [ HAB'Y ITEMS I NECKWEAR, ETC. • j|fe'j S^j^faflfe S;ft BOYS' CLOTHING MEN'S CLOTHING I : That Offer Saving* on Monday. I . r v, ■; \ t:•. i . w u et j ucet | prices. Priced Specially tow fop Monday. II U, Usu , allv , °2 C /fi Knive# » Wst Sheffield make— I Fsshlonsbls Frilled Coliar and Bow of Spotted > \•* v /Lj-'i -;•»• II - "- r™... n I W*°n, in shades of Red Gfeeu. Blue, Orangre, \U mH Wm > ■?«»,«• e«fr» ctr«n« nf AhmMa fast Special One Day Offer In Men's Ready-to-wear | ; v. Community Day, 1/6. I and Brown—Usually 2/11. < ff W, f^ ! Bo ? „ Roueh-surfnGe lined Pure Wool Navy Serjjs Suits, In single and II ? - ?•,s®' ln plai P colo ur and spotted,- all shades. I Community Day, 2/3. V" * jTv *ZSgf Wm >m •• Docketing- Good shape Sizes Trom 3to 14. double-breasted styles. Indigo Dyes. II • 6 yards on card—Usually 7id and i/-. | ■ Ji & size, a-A 7-10 ii-ii Also, Fancy Worsted Suits, in good selection §| .fCommunity Dav. 3 Cards for 1/3 I 82 *'13 Knitted Art. Silk Scarvea, with if §. lli PIP* n.« R/11 a/II 7/11 of sbades —usually 95/-. fIJ ». Brilliant m :3/6. I ?X%wg ig *os? and* PasSii ° ,i,e ' MauVC ' Community Day 5/11 6/11 7/11 Community Day, 69/6. jl f «Zesiandi.'> au * I ' Community - Day, 2/6. ' V °2S? Msn's Crssm Tennis Trousers, to newest style, I-. i Z^T^JJ^ d , Fo ''' ia Whlte ' Sky, and I ' * fti J£SMSWfU &». , flPMyl mmMM- * sera, 111 sizes 13 to Ji— usually w/e. with belt loops, side straps, side and hip || I rinK—usually 9 d skein. I Three Coloured Crepe de Chine Handkerchief - J» j|. lF * .11 i*lWJWjSgtf ■*:■•"•: Community Day, 10/6. pockets, and Inside buttons. All sizes— II ' ' Community Day, 6d loz. skein. I Scarves, with effective contrasting- designs, iPEglb\\ i; Tiffi'WmiiL'- =-• Usually 14/6. II a T~ " Copley's" Excellaine Unshrinkable Knittina I White. Blue/Fawn, Mauve, Grey, Brown, Mavy, ?gjfc| '|: Pel ■ tfSr fW J® ""Boys' Navy "All-Wool" Shirts, guaranteed fast Community Day. 12/6* II £. Yarn, In Cr™ Sky. Lllac Green and I »nd Black-Usually 10/6. . dye. Well-cut, good-flttlng, J.C.L.-made v.unimunuy uny, SI Fawn. 2oz. packets—Usually 1/1 i. | Community Day, 6/11. IlLJttl I' IT I* Il. r • >i4Pj-'''i Shirts, to nt boys from 4to 17 years. Sped- Men's Dsrk Grey Whipcord Trousers, a thor- ffl Od-mSST^^t I B.ils 64 x .18 Silk Crepe de Chins ScsrveSt with ■ V* " V°, * I'M " SffifflTSSS \ > %i£lly v- ° Z \ B *"" ° f Twin *- I Oriental ailover design-Usually / i7/6, 15/6. M MB 6/11 6 / 11 7 / 6 7/6 Community Day, 12/6. Community Day, 6d ball. ; l ommumty ay, / . Also, Whits Beatrice Twill Shirts, Canoe style. Men's English Fur Fslt Hats sizes 6J and 7— I '' " Estal Silk, to Sky, Pink, Scarlet, Green, Coral, I tadlee' Fsncy Georgette Handkerchiefs, hem- I\3hP--J!r ! L' 1 1 Mj 1- m-■ Pj.Lp ■ miftweswn ll,| Ito 4 sto 10 Usually 25/- ' I [ > ''' ccM c—yi>« y ," c '- lIPII G^i'lrVllillßH ' ' 3/11 4/6 hr TOILET GOODS I F roc kings :••' : Ladies' HANDKERCHIEFS, Pyjamas, Underwear, Etc. L " "/e!'"" lnlar * e Blze tubes I showing First Fldor, st Bargain PricSs. - . Hnd SHOPPING KITS Msn's Strong Usually s/s. I Soonqe I Spottsd Silk NSt Frockings, to shades of Aprl- ' Ladies' Fancy Lawn Handkerchiefs, to White, Men's Fancy and Plain Cotton and Art. Silk Half | L Size 9 X 94, also 10 x loi—Usuallv 2/3 2/0" I cot, Nil, Lemon, Vleux Rose, Saxe, Red, also , with coloured embroidered corners. Hose—Usually l/ 11, 2/6. I Community Day. 1/6 each.' — I Bl " k rr u ®"*l?. rlce i%i , Community Day, 9d each. Community Day, 1/6, 1/11. | «! *> All-Rubber Bathing Bags, to effective variegated I Community Vay, IZ/o yara. ."i .'lfff- J Ladies' Fsncy coloured Lawn and Bordered Also, Silk and Wool Hslf Hose—Usually 8/6, I L, colours. Three useful sizes—Usually 4/6, I / x<€ * $£&<*< Handkerchiefs, various designs—Usually 6d. 2/i\. . I *! f </«- I Beigs Net Frockings, two-tier, pointed frin skirt, *> % \?*'SfJ v '& 'Mik' -->/ 'L;)< \> >' '>> Community Day, 4d: 3 for lold Community Day, 2/11. I«. s >- • Communitv Dav 2/11 I with embroidered design, to Pompadour col- JM?:; - - y '° IU I «• - community i/ay, ■ ourinss Usuallv 15/6 . ■ ' ' '" mnrl ki.#. Big Rsnge of Silk Ties, wide-end style—Usually AJ >, A f/ o ii,° r 6/ F 6 oral Cretonne ' rubl,er llnea - usuß »y I 12/6 yard. */«■ ComTnim : fv n. v i/® l""' Community Day, 3/11. I • , / . . _ . o . . v A Great One-Day Economy Event that attracts thousands of thrifty Community Day, 6d each. cotton pyjsm2». au sizes- with neat C in pink, Blue, .hopper, to the J.C.L. Special displays of " Community Day" Bargains U Oay, 9d. I Commumty Day, 3/11 each. reveal good savings on desirable summer merchandise on all floors. Look Aii-Leather Patchwork shopping Kits. Effective Meh's cream sweated with^colored v neck, - L ' use. Will lofdetlrloratl 0I " ° I BiX» 36 x 36—Usual Prlce. 8/11. ©VCr these lines and arrange to shop Monday. Doors open 9 a.m. aadeS 2/1 /6 i 3/1 - band and cuffs—Usually 32/6 1,% I Communitv Dav 1/3 tin I : Commumty Day, 4/11 each. Community Day, 2/11. Community Day, 27/6. 1 Crepe Psper ServleUes, floral designs' Size I glze 45 x 45-Usual Price. 11/6. "" New PsddedPatchwoMc Tea Cosles-Usually 8/6. Men's Pink l ln B'n°lsts 13 x 13—Usually 1/-. I VLnlmfhr lisv 4/11 sack ' Community Day, 3/11. , snd Short Pants—usuany 15/6. Comnmnity p«r 100. ' FROCK BARGAINS JUMPER SUITS - Commumty D.y, 11/6. I Sure to Interest Mondsy'Bhoppers. Attractively Priced Monday. v I Rayon and Suede Gloves I SILK BARGAINS Bp iSod qSmy on iad°d f erprpof* cranes" ,u Newest LADIES NIGHTWEAR CHILDREN S WEAR I _ Pricsd Low. . I !/ Community. Dsy Shoppsrs. ■ Community Day at Bsrgsin Prlcsd, Fourth Floor. - Frioed Much Lower for Mondsy. . Ladies' Sueds-flnlsh Glovss, to 41 Fownea'" make,• I - - AU at Half Price OH Community Half Price. Oddnjenu ■With soft- gauntlet and elastic Circular Art. Silk Celanese, to Ivory, n,- Peach Skv Rose and Nil Green—Usuallv Communitv Dav nil "5/11 mrK I Beige, Sand, SlSte, Black—Usually S/11. |~v" Grey, Fawn; ror lingerie—Usually 9/1 i. Vay. Smart Two-piece Suits, comprising sleeveless 00/« In 00/ a ■ ureen—;usnauy L»ay, ail a/11 eacn. I pAHimimifv n«r 1/Q I-' rmMmmihi r*«w 4/11 24 Only—Matrons' Dainty Figured Silk Crepe ds frock of Floral Rayon, and coatee with long: 22^6 29 / 6 - .. _ ,_ , _ Children's Coloured Teddy Bear Cloth Coats, I community L/ay, -l/ 9.« , community 1/ay, I/11. Chine Frocks, suitable for matrons' wear. In sleeves In Plain Rayon to tone. Almbnd, Community Day, 19/6. good shades; 181n. and 20in.—Usually 17/6. Ol Lsdleo* " Hsyon" Glovss, with 1 1-dome, turn- | '--ZZiJ X.O.S, Sizes—Usually 69/6. Saxe, Lemon, and Red—Usually 49/6. Community Day. 9/11. I /I 0 contr&stwith SH- I "Rsdzimsr" Millinery Silk— Community Day, 49/6. Community Day, 39/6. CO wUh'iaMr S l S'roSd ?e3M H, inpSS P H®' children's Spotted Gingham Frocks and Bloomers. rer or Sand—Usually 4/6, 4/11; v ■ Usually 4/11. Wonderful Value in s large purchase of Lsdiei' Skv Aarlcot and Green—Usuanv ii/ 6 Sizes 18in. to 26in. Community Day, 2/11. I Community Day, 2/6 yard. summer Frooka, comprising 400 in the newest Rayon Jacket Suits, in newest floral effects. ' Q/11 Community Day, 3/6 each set. «« «»- _. , ' • • designs, styles, and ail wanted shades, of Silk, Frock ln attractive styles, with smart coatee Community 1/ay, »/11. I *Nsyrst's" French Fabric Cloves, with 1-dome. I , k Crepe de Chine, Georgette, Satin, etc. S.S.S.W., to match. A popular outfit, specially priced Children's Navy Cotton Bloomers, improved gus- i and reversible cuffs. In PasteUe and Silver— I SS»lnch Coloursd Crepe Satin, in Beifre, Alrforcfc, SS W also S W Sizes for Mondav—Usually 65/-. Art. Silk Prinosss Slips, with opera tops and set and pockets. sizes 121n. to 241n.— I Usually 5/11. I Cardinal, COral, Sky, Peach, Hello., Azure, All is pj, a i__ rnmnmniHr n,„ AQ/G round necks, In plain or shadow stripe effects. Usually 2/3 to 3/6. I Community Day, 4/6. I and Wavy—usually 9/11. All at One Priceifor Community Community Uay, 4y/b. ivory. Pink, sky, Heiio., Apricot, mi, etc.— Community Day, 1/11, 2/6, 2/11. fll ; Wehkhu >id Mid - ciavea -with I Commumty Day, 7/11 yard. Day, 29/6. 12 Only—Ladies' Ensemble Suits, to new sea- Usually 12/6, 13/6. Children's Imitation Two-toned Cotton Coney I fLr tori t,™ w?r VnS! fn R/.Z I "Entire Bsiection of Model Frocks, for evening, son's styles. Offered at Community Day, 9/11. Island Bathing Suits. Sizes 181n., 20in., 221n. | % pas?eue. andSand-UsuaUyy/il. I 2SMnsh Pisln ColoursdFuji Silk, ln Pink, Hello.. aftfernoonwear. Also, Brldsl Gowns. Half Price Monday. Third Floor. Dainty Cotton Crimp Nightdresses, Magyar Shane -Usually 2/5 to 2/11 « Community Day, 6/6. I fnJ^, oh Aimnnd R A7Hr# AP Anficot y 'Red e ' Grey" SpeciaHy Reduced Monday only. wim square or round necks, in white, sky' I '» ?, ?, J -i " ' I forc6 ( Almond, Azure, Apricot, Rea, Grey, . . . .. ——Apricot, Pink Ilelio. R-rounds. with pretty de- Chi drsn's Coloured Glnghsm Rompers—Usually | Lsdlss* Rubbsr Wsshing-up Glovss—Usually I scftrlet, Saxe, Navy, Black, and White—Usually ■ 1 m ■ 1 x ' ■ signs to contrast!" BTOUnQS ' win pre " y Qe 2/6. . ■ I g Commumty D.y, 1/8. J Commußhjr D.jr, 2/11 y»d. SUMMER COATS CARDIGANS, JUMPERS, Community D»y, 4/11. Commumty D.y, ,1/11. j | ■■■■At Prices Thst Offer Good Ssvings. ADDANC „I CA Pf HWFRQ I ** HOSE BARGAINS ART. SILK, also COTTON .^ o^r # Jr ,WUU> UNDERWEAR BARGAINS FURNISHINGS # f" , < Worth Securing on Mondsy r I FABRICS y° S 79/6. For »Community Dsy» only. Fourth Floor. CURTAINS, NETS, CRETONNES, ETC. 1/ Lsdlss' Full Fsshioned Silkestis and Rssl Bsl- I Fancy Cretonne Dust Coats, in neat, belted style; "hades of Navy, Nil, Lemon, Ladles' Art. Silk Bloomsrs, with elastic waist 81-inch Floral Cretonnes, with excellent designs, I briggan Mercerised Lisle Hose, ln Pongee, I Low Priced. finished with pockets and adjustable collar, Fawn, Rose.' a fid knee. In Black, Hello., Pink, and Ivory on Cream and coloured grounds; for cushions, I Dawn, Flesh, Grey, and Fawn—Usually 6/6. | . . , to smart floral designs and colourings—Usually usually 25/- .32/6 35/- —Usually 4/11. r hangings, etc. | Community Day, 4/11. - I 3e io"t h flashed ?u^ty ed summe" Z Day. 15/6. 17/6. Community Day 15/6 19/6 25/- Community Day, 2/11. I Usuany' 2/3 2/6 ||| Also, Mercerised Lisle, with band-embrolderea I newest" 1 tones of Pfea'ch, Mauve, Reseda, Har- » Trash* sten collar Cream Silk end Wool Sleeveless Jumpers, With Ladles'^Fins White Cotton Vests, with low neck Commumty Day 1/6 1/9 BV?,.r l » t 10 orw » d :' ne " _ I vest. Navy, ana -z/u <SwSnfl-o,S,w'»/S? """• . -+*, tmm — <*»*. ».i~ Mi Community Day 3/11. I Community Day, 3/3 yard. Tcbmmunity Day, 19/6. CommunJW Day 9/il. Community Day, 1/-. Curtainings, for casemei«s-usuaiiy 3/3. - : Blsok Art. snd Purs SilkHli*t«rs Hots, S-lncb I w°*sltjr Aft Sports Coats, in Creme Blanket Cloth; smart Ladies' Fancy Rubber Aprons,'with Bib and Tie.* Art. Silk Bloomers, with elastic waist amMmeeJl. Commumty Day, 1/6. 1 sire only—Usually 5/11. I ' in Ground shadef o" Coxcomb belted, styles, with adjustable or step collar, some plain, others with pointed Apron frUle.d. in Piftk, Ivory, Hello., Sand. Women's Size SS-IncH " Rayon " Silk Nets, to Ecru grounds,,, < Commimity D.y, 1/6. I »/• ?"» •. n i? i'A k% Dav 1/11 ' *» "*'' - % Full-length Light Tsn Art. Silk Hose, extra low I designs to tone—usually 3/6. )Ci ommumty L>a;y, Z»/b.. Community Day 1/- 1/9 3/3 Commumty Day, 1/11. Community, Day, 3/11. priced—Usually 3/6. ,■ • I Community Day. 2/6 yard. Also, in Fuchsia shade onjy usually Itf/t>. Specisl Assortmsnt of Artlflolsl Flowers. Also, Shadow stripe Bloomers, to Pink, Sahara, ' . • . ... . , . • r- rnminimi'hr T>*v 1 /fi I w»?ununiiy 1/ny, / J Community Dav. 9/11. p_* - j F-u, i ow f nr Monday. Beige, Black—Usually 3/11. 48-inch Coloured Taffetas, in dark and coloured Community way, I/O. . I FuJlstts. A fine mercerised finished , n n ,„'v fln(1 Navv S nk- rncea txtra LiOW for mono y fe n n „ 9/11 two-tone effects—Usually 5/6, 7/11. Black Cottonfiymnasium Hoss,inall sizes; fast I Cotton Fabric; fast washing, very 18 °!^' y sft oni nnn t n r ually Lamp snd Light Shades, also Paper Baskets, in- Community Day, 2/11. Communitv Diiv 1/11 q/fi dye; seamless feet, full Mshloned-UsuaUy ,1 f« W ladles' snd children's frocks, d Crepe Happi Coats, embroidered In Gold, to Community Day, 3/11, 5/6. B'6,8 ' 6, — n-- - n /«« I lingerie, <stc. Shadess Fawn, Rose, Beige, i n i'u.i# p ' f'nmmunitv Dav Black with Red, Red with Black, Saxe with 50-Inch Natural ' Shads Titian Canvas (slightly Commumty Day, 2/11. | White, Ivory, Cream, Shell, fswjon, Flame, All Half Price Community L/ay. mini"-- ——Rose, or Rose with Saxe faciijgs—Usually water soiled) —Usually 2/11. virious 1/6. . ,I N " cdiSu?Uty Dty, 1/- y#rd LADIES' MILLINERY BARGAINS __ Community Day, 1/6. II HOUSE, LINENS BASEMENT GOODS J on"^rim—usuauy 11 12/6.. * Community Day, 15/6. j LADIES' CORSETS CARPETS AND RUGS ffl - . W. M a«M|. I L.W Pplo.d Cpmniraiity Day, 9/11. ..• . . .# % u .e,»l p.,n»t st«w .»■«. W™l «* » ro». n»t 0,„ CM Mw. »«r. Low PrlcM. Size 20 *42 Stripsd. Towsls, for everyday use I Laroe Selection Coloursd Resdy-to- Jr.... beach and picnic wear usually ' LaHIM , Bnftpf . in » n ,i»ntv Pinir ' «•" 72in. x 46in. OvSI Shape Velvet Pile Rufts. —Usually 1/6; # - I Wonderful Value In a Special Purchass of wear Hats, with crinoline edge. 01112 . -r> 0/11 RayOn^^striped^mate rial witKlk elastic tob Ideal for bed or sitting rooms. Good shades 5; Commumty Day> 1/- each. I «e.meh Wot, r d^. or ®^ 1 „ n . 8 ' Good shades— Usually 15/6. # Lli % Community Day, 3/11. lightly boned With, spiral boning. Sizes 23 and designs—Usually 30/6. n 1 = •>.. mm.* Mm Border Damaak Cloths in I frocks, in a ilnfi range of shades, approxl- . m pjll , to 30—usually 6/11. Also in a firm Pink Community Day, 32/6. Bits 42 X 42 Coloured Borosr oamasK tioms, in ■ matwy 56—Usually 4/6. community Llay, MM UK Coutll siyps 24 To 2fl Tlsnallv R/11 _ , _ Mauve, Gold, and Blue—Usually 3/6. I 111 J- n,_ o/3 yard M « toutn. bizes ato usually 8/11. Bdßt Q Ua |j ty Axminster Body snd Border Cer-. - Day,' 2/9. I ' Community u*y f £/o yara., . M V n I Community Day, 5/11. pets, m two designs, on Grey grounds, special Size 241n. x SOin. Purs Linsn Tsa Towels, speci- I Jo'mends in'pffi lmPer * -i-1 I —F , Ladies' Strong Coutll Coreet, in three different • °Usually 16/6 17/6 ally priced for Monday shoppers, r | feet). Guaranteed no menos in panei. . M shapes, offered at Bargain Price. Low, ' Communitv Dav 12/6 13/6 Comfhunkv Day 84d eftdh; 3 for 2/-. I Commumty Day, 1/8 pair. . »> M I medium bust, and long over hips. Sizes 26- r unity uay it/o u/b community uay, oja cnw», arw / ■ eICT* A n A TTD A W I 40 - Also - a PlnK Gorset, in medium length, Exceptionally low prlcee in four ueeful aizes in Site 3Bln. x fßln. Whits Msmstltohsd Msrcsrissd; I ss*inch Brltlah Silk And Apt. ~ Silk Crepe de X ■ illc_ A I I lv/\w Jl IV/* Mr fitted spiral steels, sizes 26in. to 361n.— Axmlnster Carpet Squares for Community supper Clothe-Usually 1/11. I Chlnss, in various shades. Bargain Priced— inu 11 M Usually 14/11. - Day. r«mmiinihr Dav 1/3' I Usually 6/11 to 8/11. - ! Extra Vslue In women's Coloured Shadow Communitv Dav ft/11 Size 7ft. 6in. x Oft. | Conmiiuiity l/ay, i/a, . I Community Day, 3/11 yard. stripe Art. »iik Bloomers, with elastic at M community Uay, 8/11. Monday, £4/19/6. I 9 * ln u Hw'lMW" I - • ■ in a full range y gusset newest tones< Kapok superior Quality o. * A.-Corset, in a Arm White Size 9ft. x 9ft. » \ ~Commimily Day, 1/11 yard. .1, T Rich V Be " e " W HIL, :' " m M ™f t ' r >* S/19/6 - I ? fssiartiswsssri!!- / .£& mm*****"** ■2■ h tSST; ißwaassStSf J' "••us, _ j ' r ,w - "r "■ • - ' • , # r P ui Frames, with Struts, in a popular post- m UW>lly Latest m card size. Firth Floor. m 4/11 to 9/11. . n f rRPY BLANKETS ir-nniMATiTRiAI S / toAt, "9 ja V H.d ARTWARE ITEMS LADIES'FOOTWEAR ™ mSwic ' I \,OOL MATERIAL utaaUy / F rom 9to 11.30 am. only \ 3/6, 4/6. Specially Reduced for Monday. I Attractively Reduced Prices. Fifth Floor. jl FLANNELS I mm r» 3 »««- .■"'</»'.s/ri, able line, for everyday use. S6r ' C 6 I Ladles' Fawn Charleston SandSl Bsr 111 T, Mftnday only, 1 ?/«• Community Day St wTZ •gjffittKSrJ* ""SSW™ ' Community Day, 2/11 y«d. Community D.y, 4/6 yard. If | U l\| (filial [ 111 " 2/3. „ '.W m , A Mat Boxes, 16-inch size— I If \/l 111 A % Jfc JLJ A mmm A Ivory Body Sandwich Trays, with attractive Community Day 5/6 6/6 Mist New Zealsnd H*» ■ I «4-In6h dssroetts,.ideal for, sum- - w floral decorations in colour —Usually 3/3, 3/6. »■ USU4II3TIB/6. .. n 16/11. I mef coats, in a superior light weight. ResWa, _ V ~ , i r» • i Community Day, 2/6 each. U cl!l^ 0 r ß ril?ri sit,ft5 it,ft S®", 118 " •"P**' l ' i CommmutyDv,!®/ i I bm. am» »rown.Aiicklsuid's Leading Drapers and Furnishers H r« D^s;Sy^ h D, '" rt SSXST? | W sSSaiJy 3/4 I Community Day, 8/11. The J.C.L., Queen Street Community Day, 2/6. ommumty ay, 3/3 pair. |

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Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 15, 18 January 1930, Page 11 (Supplement)

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Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 15, 18 January 1930, Page 11 (Supplement)

Page 11 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LXI, Issue 15, 18 January 1930, Page 11 (Supplement)