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A fair amount of business was finalised yesterday afternoon, but this morning opened quietly with only a couple of sales recorded at the first call. British Tobacco, whose directors have just announced an increased dividend rate, namely from 11 to 12 per cent, are in demand, and several sales have taken place at £2 5/ for the £1 shares. Bank shares are still depressed, and offerings for several lines of scrip at this morning's call were on a lower basis. Milne and Choyce scrip is wanted,.with buyers at £17/ for the shares, and £1 7/3 for the debenture stock. Gas keeps steady at about £15/. South British Insurance is weaker, with best offer at £3. A buyer came forward for New Zealand Breweries, with offers reduced to £4 4/. A parcel of debentures issued by the ISapier Harbour Board, 6V 3 (1942) was £105 at a ouyer responding with The Noon Call. A number of fresh sales were completed [luring the morning, and reported at- the noon call when three more transactions in Goldsbrough, Mort rights were also registered. A sale of Milne ancl Choyce debenture stock at £1 7/6 represents a new high level for this scrip. I ntercst Rates. The return to the investor on his outlay, based upon the latest dividends and in the case of loans and debentures upon | redemption at maturity, works out as follows for the latest sales:— PER CENT PER ANNUM. & s. d. Mount Eden Loan, 53 (1961) 5 10 11 Farmers' Auctioneering .... 10 5 2 Auckland Gas 6 8 0 Devonport Steam (5 n io British Tobacco 5 6 8 Mount Lyell 9 12 8 N.Z. Breweries debentures . . 7 2 10* Milne ancl Choyce debenture „ stock 5 16 6 Mount Albert Loan, 53 (1060) 5 JO 0 ♦The calculation in regard to Brewery debentures does not include redemption, as lolders are to have the right to convert into shares on April 1, 1930.



*•> Jl' jfi hi A Vj JL A IS i) b 1 A ii, 'X' i «■».». i.ijip*«.>»j-»ir»' *m>u n«mu i nMTiiflMgW— Mnt * r *— wrrg nfMW—WM————1 FINANCE, COMMERCE AND MARKETS. at thFmarts" AUCKLAND SHMRKEL MARKETS AT A GLANCE. STRAWBERRIES BETTER. TRANSACTIONS ON 'CHANGE will be on the Avay to this port in a very t few days. London houses report that BRISK WHOLESALE TRADING. ananas short for Christmas. bus!nesserrat,c. and also that shipments afloat were larger which indicates that buying from this „ GAS SHARES STEADY. . „. T ni r Ann direction is likely to be restricted, they iiCrUo AKJi DLA LOWER PRICES ON CIT . therefore express doubt of any permanent improvement in the meantime. Against rlmip and amount of business was finalised at v-RKFTS SHOW t lS lt „ nn,st b « remembered that prices Stunners aie now piactically done a d yesterday afternoon> but thig morning DRIED FRUIT MAliK-Llb Siiuw generally are very low, and if values decline by next week supplies should be finished. 0 p CUe( j quietly with only a couple of SLIGHT WEAKNESS. I muc ! 1 1 further canners forced into Canadian app i e s are likely to be short sales recorded at the first call. | cons.deiablj cm tailing theii Output. afJ stocks in hand may give out before British Tobacco, whose directors have just I American Resin. the new season > s arrive. As a con- announced an increased dividend rate, "Auckland Star" Office, Cables received last week advised that qprm p ncQ prices will rise. namely from 11 to 12 per cent, are in Tnesdav December 10. American resin, after remaining firm for ' , . ' . ,, i t f m ™ r ', a ? several sales have taken place luebCiay, x/n.einuLi o.u. > a Prices for gooseberries are the lowest a f -£9 5/ f nr + 1p .pi „ ln i, M some w-eeks, is showing a tenciency for a f r, , fe uuo >- ul - TIip ' snares. Wholesale grocery houses have been ] ou - er market, latest quotations received that tney ee ' ■ Bank shares are still depressed, and exceptionally busy during the past week, showing a reduction of 5/ per ton on G, market is gu ec am is . offerings for several lines of scrip at this ' 1 ■„ +W nil and 10/ per ton on N, for immediate ship- Thames apricots arc beginning to come morning's call were on a lower basis, and it is anticipated that all departments forward, but the samples are only small. Mi]ne and Ch gc , g will experience very heavy tiading ugh, Rangoon Rice. The first of local hothouse grapes have buyers at £1 7/ for the shares and £1 up to the end of the present month. Fancy Rangoon rice remains fairly steady at ™de their appearance and sold at I 7/3 for the debentu , e stock _ ' goods houses are also exceptionally busy last ruling rates, the recent low quota- ' a * . .. Gas keeps steady at about £1 5/ just now, and as all oversea shipments tions advised some weeks ago encouraging arti now about in the fu gouth Insnrance . ' , , , , ■ , +1-,• wholesalers to place the greatest portion swing 01 tne season aim siiuuiu iuuan , , <* , > '"w have come to lianc in g < of their season's requirements for delivery so until about Christmas. Hie demand - • the various departments have been able ])y t j ie next { ]j rect steamer, leaving should increase until this time, and the a mijei came forward for New Zealand to display their new arrivals to the best approximately March-April next. Present Quality of the fruit should also keep up. lenenes, wi offeis reduced to £4 4/. advantage, which has been of considerable indications are that although the market Weather conditions, however, are al A parcel of debentures issued by the assistance to buyers. Drapery houses are remains unaltered at present, the tendency important 111 connection with this iiuit. JNapier Harbour Board, QVs (1942) was now featuring toys, fancy novelties, jewel- i 6 distinctly firmer. Bananas will be scarce for the Christ- £,~ ecl at a huyer responding with lery, toilet needs, holiday apparel, novelty Peoner mas season » as tllc cai 'E° from tllc Wai " gifts among their many attractive dis- . palii's special trip was , much smaller The Noon Call Slavs which are already attracting con- Cables received from Singapore last than was expected. Prices will there- , , siderable business In this respect the week showed still further fluctuations, all fore be high. , . ' , r ot ircsh 6a les were completed public are strongly advised to make their grades offered being listed at slight de- Ruli valueS) according to grade, J"" ng p V} e and reported at-the Christi"°s purchases as early as possible clines to the offers of the previous week. arc ._ ! 100 " can wiien three more transactions in order to secure the best selection. If This reduction coming so close on the • stunners 9/ to 12/0- Jona- 111 .« 0,{lsbr0U 8 h > Mort r] K hts were also left till nearer the holidays they will also saUng of the December direct steamer, APPCanadian 20/ to 21/- Delicious reglsterecl have greater difficulty in securing the although very favourab e to buyers, has j a n l9/ >s'ewtoAvii Pippin Cana- A sale of Milne anil Clioyce debenture necessary attention. " ot 1,ei3U,ted 111 m " eh ! HllSlncs s owing to < < ; Winesap Canadian, 19/.'Pears: stock afc £1 7 / 6 represents a new high Pnnprfll th L C sreater P ro P or , t,on of . b "y ert3 operating 9/ to 11/ Tomatoes-' Hothouse level for this scrip. General ' when new season's quotations were first V n', { to n/. lomauocs. noinouse, 1 An unusually heavy demand is being announced. It is not anticipated that the 0.1 ,1 hi nor" 0 (ii °'lb' experienced by all grocery houses for present favourable quotations will hold o v ,' • . " 9 ,,' The return to the investor on his outcanned fruit —peaches, pears, apricots and beyond the departure of the Narbada on 49 a /,, UC p' " {'/ lay, based upon the latest dividends and pineapples—these being very popular for the 12th, and that there is every indica- Ljl ',° 1,'JiLL. 7rl' to in the case of loans ancl debentures upon picnics, etc. All Christmas commodities tion that the market will firm. Mail S slit;™ 71' /in • Pn, redemption at maturity, works out as are selling well and by the time mer- reports received advises that arrivals, at & ' Wums: CW f ° lloWS f ° r the ktest sales: ~ chants close for the holidays' it is expected shipping centres are already commencing 2/6 to 4/; red, cooking, 4/ to 5/ PER CENT PER ANNUM. that most lines will be sold out. Already to show signs of falling off slightly, and \ ■ ' ' T 'i' 4/r ' t a/-' i ' some items are in short supply with mer- there is no doubt that towards the end of yj , (j 1 in/ to Tvr £ S " dchants unable to reoffer on account of the present month supplies will tend to l4 /. 1 vr 0 9 7/ to 9/ Grapes- Californian Pn°rmL ' 4 n L .° an ' 5 ? (1961) , 5 10 11 no further replacement stocks coming become less plentiful In the meantime Cb£"S fuS 1 I forward. The last shipment of new golden on any appreciable declines it would be 22/ ' t No 2 d mediun 15/ Devonport Steam .. 6 11 10 bleached raisins has proved an excellent strongly advisable to cover as the short j. 2 0/ British Tobacco 5 6 8 sample and the quality of the newly position is by 110 means covered, and the '' Mount Lyell 9 12 8 arrived bulk and carton dates leaves market is likely to be subject to some Glut of New Potatoes. Breweries debentures .. 7 2 10* nothing to be desired. There are still 1 sharp advances. Now that the bulk of Qn account of general wet weather Mi ' n^. k ancl Choycti debenture small supplies of old season's seeded and the crop has been marketed, and arrivals most of the new season's vegetables are Mount Albert" ToVn" "ni u 16 6 seedless raisins available, both in bulk and may be expected to become less and less. coin ing in late. This applies in partial- (1960) 510 n cartons, and as the quality of both lines as time goes on, the ultimate prospects ] ar to cucumbers, marrows and French *m hn ... ' : is quite good and the price of new season s are certainly for higher markets. beans. More outdoor cucumbers are debentiiros nn/- l I T rd , t0 rcwer y go much higher, it is considered that'both Walnut Halves. appearing, Put not in the numbers holier"'Se" 0 ,? 'tT'Sie'rf these lines will experience a good demand. , , , , . . . expected. into shares on April 1 1030 There is still a distinct shortage of wal- Cables received last week advised a ' • nut halves, which is inconveniencing reduction on extra perfect (French) wal- . AU ™es aie n tair supplj, and, speak buyers to a certain extent. Shipments came nut halves of 5/per cwt for .forward ship- mg generally, the demand is keen. BUSINESS QUIFT to hand recently, but unfortunately some ment, January February, March. Market prices are:— uult '• consignments on arrival were found to be g Shell Almonds. Potatoes, new, 2/G to 5/ bag; onions, infected with grub, which has affected , T , , 7/ to 13/ crate; kumeras, Tauranga, 8/ to deliveries. Dried apricots, in the higher New seasons sort shell almonds are n/ cwt . cabbage> 2 / to 7/6 sack; Cauli- Last Sa| ogrades, and peaches are also short. Jam bein « Quoted on the same basis as last fl owei . ; 3/ to 14/ sack; swedes, 1/0 to 2/6 AT THE 3 - 15 p M. CALL YESTERDAY— apricots are fairly plentiful, and are selling a F', f u , n « f, U^ S ,f„ ia u ® ln . ass J® ex ; bag; pumpkins, 16/ to 20/ cwt; green Mt. Eden Loan, fairly well. Small shipments of Italian P^cted from this quarter, as all merchants peas, 2 1 /kl to 5% lb; beaus, French, 6cl to 1961, p.c. ...£103 0 0 ..£103 10 0 walnuts arrived recently, and opened up requirements have been executed and g d JJroad 2Vzd to 3d lb; lettuce, 3/ Fanners' Auct. .. 3 IS 0 .. 3 18 0 in splendid condition. The quality should 6i> P in P revloue seasons nius. to 7/6 case; cucumbers, hothouse, 3/ to Ben own Colli r^ 0 5 3.. 0 5 3 appeal to the most discriminating buyer. White Lead. 7/6 doz; vegetable marrows, 3/ to 9/ ° neS 0 3 0 0 3 0 Fruit pulp is commencing to sell again, E ncrlisll ouo t a tions on white lead are doz; cabbage, on benches, 1/6 to 3/ doz; Auckland Gas".'.'. 1 5 0 15 0 the varieties most popular being black J£f£f a Weaker"tendency cables ?/ i% 1°" ; U 8 " I f 2 currant, raspberry, strawberry, red cur- • - 4rhubarb, 1/ to 4/6 doz; spinach, 1/6 doz; looacco (_) 2 5 0 .. 2 5 4 an" and gooseberry, which are not pulped Xfa 't per oi ,11 paeM„™ Pumpkins,'3/ to 5/. each! spring onions', Farmers'Fert. ,2) 12 6.. 1 2 6 so extensively here. Preserving jars are p p s ' 3d to 1/3 bundle; radish, 4d to 8d doz; AT THE 10 A.!W. CALL TO-DAY also commencing to sell, although the Peanut Kernels. carrots, parsnips,, beet and turnips, 1/ „ . . Tnhn „. n , 0 _ A , „ _ . 1 heavy demand will not commence till Slight reductions on Java peanut kernels \° ft o? Z l as P ara 8 us > to 9d bundle; Mount Lyell (2 15)" 2 O 9 i after the holidays. Christmas crackers are f or forward shipment were notified some l ee l vS > C 1 bundle. selling well, the varieties offered getting W eeks ago, business being done at the EqOS Still Going Up. THE 12,15 p,m " CALL TO-DAY— smaller week by week, as various packings quo tation. Later cables received have ad- Due to the shorteninc of su'nnlies prv Golds., Mort. (rights) 0 5 3 .. 0 5 3 are sold out. Both Spanish and Califoi- vised a still further decline of 10/per ton. ni .; cec , -teadilv •ulvnnpinir Viippp T= N.Z. Breweries (deb) (1 8 0).. 183 nian muscatels are now ialmcst sold up, and .. puces aie oteadily advancing. Iheie is Milne, Clioyce (deb supplies of all packings are expected to be Sicily Almonds. a good demand. For first quality prices stock) (17 0).. 174 quite depleted before Christmas. Whole- Sicily, almonds have been offered during n ' . C , grac ? c 1 ' Vfiro J' oan '/ifu n m sale grocery merchants have arranged the last two or three weeks at levels that { ', e ; J " 11 c 5., e^ s: f I>e . cial ' that their warehouses will be practically have been'down to almost pre-war, and ' ' coz > 1 8 iac ' e > V4, t> grade, 1/3. closed from December 24 to January 3, a little business has been done at these There is the usual good demand for BANKS— Buyers. Sellers. 1920. Skeleton staffs will be on duty to low rates. At first forward shipment for moderate supplies of farmers' butter. It . . attend to urgent shipping and urgent the first three months was not available, 18 fetching from 1/2 to 1/4 per lb. Australasia .. 13/3/0 necessities of clients, country and town, but later shippers agreed to accept busi- — Commercial 1/5/10 1/0/3 ( but no travellers are to be sent out to ness for this period also, and confirmation . . English and Scottish. 7/0/0 .. 7/8/0 solicit orders between the Christmas and for the orders already sent forward has fiRAIM AIWFI DDnnilPC N.Z. National — .. 6/17/0 ; !NVw Year holidays.- ' now been received /AluD riiULJUL/t* Aust. (cont.) — .. 8/5/0 xear I10Jlad > b ' 110W DC P n receiveu. Xow gouth Wn!es __ _ 41/10 /0 .. 42/10/0 a Australian merchants report the arrival Wholesale Current Prices. New Zealand 2/18/0 .. 2/10/3 r of new season's ivhole pimento and whole „ , , , Union o£ Australia .. — .. 13/17/0 n „o,«. . .;«! »-• s», ifpTfr /ilJ (".LrS' OATS GETTING SCARCE. ,„ s „ RnNCE _ J ■high prices hkelv to rule for the next five / /2 P er 1D > ant J 1/0 J 01 piompc casn. a or six months. Prices for millet seeds and Second grade factory, looked, 1/oYz ner om/o " o ■hemp seed are also firm, with new sea- lb Vo per lb for prompt cash. Far- MAI ZE FIRMS UP. South Bmish 3/0/0 " WO son's supplies not being expected before ™ separator, 1/2 per lb. . B msh 3/0/0.. 3/4/0 b January-February next. In the meantime _ Cheese—First grade factory, medium FINANCIAL— n supplies are very short. The market has size, mild, 9%d to ll%d per lb net; loaf, chief variation in the local grain and Daltrety and Co 12/13/0 .. 13/5/0 been almost cleared of supplies of Mada- ll%d per lb net. Chesdale, 61b bars, 1/3 produce markets is that oats seem to be Dominion Investment p gascar limas, with supplies of new season's per pound; 7oz packets, 9/6 per dozen. getting scarce, and merchants are finding t. 1 ji™prc•''a i,wnonri /ri/n " l/i/r> not being due before March-April next. Bacon. —Hams, 1/1 per lb; rolled hams, difficulty in obtaining Southern supplies. Goldsbrough, Mort ... " 1/10/0 a Handpicked haricots are fairly plentiful, 1/3-per lb; boned hams, 1/4 per lb. An inquiry yesterday for B gartons! Golds., Moi-t 5/3 .. — and there is a good demand. Bacon: Sides, 1/ to 1/1 lb; rolled sides, 1/2 from a Christchurch firm brought the N.Z. and River Plate 1/10/3 .. 1/12/0 <l Bulk Raisins. 'k; middles, 1/3 per lb; shoulders, 9d per reply that none could be offered N.A. Farmers (B pref.) .. 13/0 g n it it i Lard, bulk, 9d per lb; pats, lOd per lb. from Canterbury, but a couple of COAL— P, raisin market The Flour.—Local, 2001b sacks, £18 per- ton; parcels of A's could be obtained Q rey Valley 1/8/0 t first cables received'advanced unbleached 100 ' 8 ' £i8 15 / Per ton; 50's, £19 5/ per from the Bluff. Local prices are firming Hilturangi Coal ...... 1/6 !! - nj 1-nilk 1/ ner cwt two davs later prices ton; 25's, £20 per ton; lllVz'e, £20 17/0 per up in consequence, with the unusual tea- Hikrfrangl (pref.) .... 4/0 .. — , were wain reduced tTtheir orignial quota- ton; 6%'s, £21 17/6 per ton. Southern: ture of A's and B's commanding almost an Hlkurangi (A pref.).. 3/0 .. _ « S?yth^ U .dt?cJd to ES £18 per ton; Ws, £18 15/ equivalent price B's are worth 4/10 and genown - /2 ;; Pprice again. Golden unbleached are also P er to n » °0s, £19 per ton, 2o s, £19 10/ As 4/11, ex store. Kenown (new issue).. 3/0 .. 3/2 a( showing a firmed tendency, late cables Per ton; 12/ 2 s £20 per ton; 6A s, £20 Chaff, too, continues in short supply, and Tauplrl 1/8/3 .. 1/9/6 t j received advancing this variety 1/ per l'/° per ton, a.1 less 2/i per cent discount, it is only the paucity of orders, due to the u ! r " ri (P ref -) 1/3/6 .. - e; cwt also. Linseed.—Whole, 25/ per cwt; ground, decreasing use of horses and the fact that w'estport" Stock ton'. !! 3/1 P' Nutmegs and Mace 26/ per 1001b. the country is full of green feed, that has " tr TWh nutmeg and mace continue to Malt.-Crushed, 12/ per bushel; whole Prevented an acute shortage. GAS- . decline, cables received last, week advising bushe1 ' whoIe black ' 14/9 Potatoes. Auckland ............ - g .. 1/5/3 tl further slight reduction on both commo- P _ • _ Local potatoes are quite plentiful, but qumpiiur fi dities. Twines. Seaming, <J/9 per lb; binder, 8d most of the business for the city goes past Ceylon Tea. P er the merchants at this time of year, the Devonport Ferry ..... 1/2/6 .. — At the usual weekly sale held at P eam eal.-12/per 1001b. bulk going direct from small growers to (oM.) - .\' 2/2/9 Colombo' on the 3rd inst. a total of Linseed Oil Cake Nuts.-15/ per 1001b, retail shops, or via the auction marts. Northern Steam (p.u.)' 14/0 .. 15/2 OOOlh was placed under offer. Quality Linseed Meal.—17/ per 1001b. Pukekohe supplies are plentiful, and are Union Steam (pref.).. 1/0/6 .. — Bluestone. 37/6 per cwt. now being quoted at £8 per ton on trucks. TI[YIBER _ week's offerings, with the result that any ' A fair amount of Southern buying has L Q , B j /7/9 _ _ coloury, bright liquoring teas were in nV/CDCFftQ MARIfPTQ I 366 " or x }, season ' s cro P 011 tlie National .* 8/2 0/0 strong demand, with light liquoring kinds UVLnoCHO iVIHImCIO. basis of £5 to £5 5/ per ton, f.o.b. Satur- Parker, Lamb — .. 17/9 having only a small inquiry. Common . day's "Christchurch Times" reports:— W0 0ILEN— te .kindR advanced %d ner lb, Price broken . "Forward sales of next season's potato " • as Orantre Pekoes and plain B.O.P.'s re- TALLOW, EGGS, HEMP, ETC. crop for delivery April-June have been re- Kaiapoi (ord.) — .. 13/0 mained firmest classic broken Pekoes stricted during the last few days. The Kaia - noi (pre£ -> 14/0 '• 16 /° V€ declined a /4d; fine broken Orange Pekoes _ „„ COMMISSIONER'S CABLE ecent heartening ram, however, has made BREWERIES— V in iA r \ ]b_ Exchange was quoted at 1/6 farmers more inclined to sell forward. It C. L, innes and Co... 1/1/0 .. — ]je" lfi ' -V is known that feveral hundreds of tons L. Innes (pre/.).... 1/1/0 .. — /iq ntrlp Aeiri Department of Agriculture has re- h aV e changed hands in this way in the last Staples .. 2/15/0 . . . ceived the following cablegram, _ dated wee k or ten days. The area sown in WISCELLANEOUS— g, A cable received from London p ece mber 7, from the High Commissioner potatoes is greater than last year." Aust. Iron, Steel (pref.) l/O/O .. 1/0/9 \?y the week has advised a sudden decline in £ or £[ ew Zealand, London: — . British Tobacco 2/4/9 .. 2/5/3 shippers'-quotations for citric acid, both Tallow—There was no auction this Wheat and Maize. Burns, Plillp and Co. — .. 2/1/0 .. powdered and crystal, of 7/ per cwt for The spot mar ket is steady with- There is no change m wheat, which sells •••••:•• W® •• 1/14/0 oi prompt shipment. Business cabled at the materia j chang e in values; rather steadily at 7/10 per bushel. Dominion Pictured .'. 1/0/6 - Sn reduction has already received connrma- more business is being done in forward Maize, on the other hand, is inclined to Dominion Pic. (pref.) 1/0/6 .. — <;o tion. shipments. be firmer, and merchants are now demand- Dunlop Perdriau Kubber 1/3/6 .. 1/4/3 Iv Tapioca. _ Eggs.-New laid and Danish fresh are ing 6/6 per bushel, ex store, for good Electro. Zinclpl-ef.')"!! 1/13/6 ! ! 1/U/l M The market for sago a'nd tapioca has scarce; other grades are quietly steady quality lines, lhey nave been looking to Farmers'Trading .... 8/0 ♦. 9/0 ; shown a much firmer tone during,the last at better prices. Present quotations are: Poverty Bay for supplies in the New Ye'ar, Farmers'Trad. (B pref.) 13/0 .. 14/0 fir few weeks, cables received last week advis- English, 26/ to 34/ per long 100; Dutch, and quotations there have advanced 3d Fratenne - .. 6/0 s h ing an advance of 5/ per ton on sago and 2 2/ to 26/; Danish, 26/ to 28/; Belgian per bushel for forward deliveries. Orey and ilenzies.'10/6 ~ J A1 10/ per ton on tapioca. Mail advices 22/; Polish, 12/9 to 13/3; South Hamilton Theatres ... — 18/0 SSn JS 16/6 to 18/J 6W The position in regard Ito onions is un- i/n/0 i.' -! 8/ ° been caused by the falling ofif an demand Hemp.—Manila: After a slight advance J ff a °| e ei) ; and°CaTa- Kempthofne! 1 P^ossct!. 8/13/0 3/14/0 'little inquhy received 7 Indians. ffited demand,'"and dosed dian, which are selling at very reasonable Mj^ 1 ® • • W0 1/1/6 Owing to the low price of tin and rubber Ie of j de fo ;. January-Marsh ship- P rices tbls season - Milne, Choyce (deb). 1/7/3 .. - (the two principal articles of export) from menfc . f3G g isa ] : The market is quiet. Bran and Pollard. 1/2/0 1/2/9 Singapore, money has been rather tight, 1 ' a fl oa t is quoted by sellers at £35; Supplies of bran and pollard are now n.z. Refrig. (cont.) .. — 5/6 and dealers, therefore have not been No- 2j £33 5/. January-March shipments f L t meet the re d uce d demand, and Northern Boot 8/9 .. 14/0 I holding any large quantities of tapiocas, are not e i nE freely offered; No. 1 good ,„ in itp rpr i Sanford, Ltd 16/3 .. 17/9 we more or selling as arrivals came in marks is valued at £35 15/ to £36; No. aie unaltered. Sanford, Ltd (pref.).. 10/0 .. 1/1/0 shc from the millers. This has resulted in 2 , £34 ! 10/ to £35. New Zealand: The Hay and Ensilage. Ta ran a k Oil Fields °." 4/6 4/10 some unusually low quotations, but the ma rk, e t is quiet. Shippers are not offer- T j le f reque ncy of showery weather has Tonson Garlick 5/6 6/6 reported scarcity of tapioca in Java should j ng anc i buyers are holding back. Nominal nrovec [ embarrassing to farmers who are Union Oil — .. 2/2/0 make itself felt very soon now, with the comparative closing values for December- L - t save liay a nd most of those with ■ — •• o^/0 result that a greater demand. is bound to February shipment are, highpoints £33, Sus feed to cut are turning it into 80 ' = " 2/1^9 set in for Penang grade, with a conse- fair £29 10/) common £28. Tow, second for winter use. w liamsonT% p.c.V. 100/0/0 V. 104/0/0 quent increase in vajue. In view of these urn dp £21- third crade. £18. e b fact®, and that present prices are not n ,' p.' f i P1 „ n , lr i Fnrrlicib iq diffi Wholesale Current Prices. IWINING wi Pollard and Bran. —Mill prices: Pollard, g^'an^.. ... ;;; . .. 0/| advisabilitv of envprimf tVisir ™!! ?! to 23,/. German, for December shipment, £9 10/ per ton; bran, £8 per ton. Mer- Lu cky Shot_(cont.) .... 0/2 .. 0/9 ments for some time ahead As the mir" is offered at 19/. Nominal value of New chants' quotations, ex store: Southern, Moanataiari (5/ pd.) .. 0/9 .. 1/1 M. ** Mand 22/ to 2V , e, £,0 10/; Australian pollard, £11; bran, (2/2 pd.,.. OA} .. _0/6 B, intending buyers would be well advised s^ole > December shipment, 24/6. £9. • Ohinemuri Mines 9/4 .. 10/3 tha to act quickly. Peas.—Maples: English supplies are Oats. —Feed: B Gartons, 4/10 per bushel; waihi 13/7 .. 13/9 ] af Pinnanninc sufficient for present demand and good A Gartons, 4/11; clipped Dunns, 6/6; Waihi Grand Junction 1/3 .. 1/5 sta Thp c' samples are offered at 48/ to 50/. No. 1 clipped Algerians, 6/; clipped Gartons, 5/3. Mount Lyell / / •• / / t j le .fsrisrsrss 1/7/0 a*tare JUST M p , A Ser H S., B fcS. p « mt :: nvo/o X for_the December steamer hjpr'afffl? 67/1 Blues- fcnt Barley ■ Meal.-13/ per 1001b. iuck City l940,p.c. 99/0/0 .. - dep finished, and only very email quantities 20/ during the month \mi i i r Chaff—G.b.o.s., £11 10/ per ton, Bleu- Ak. City, 1943,5j p.c. 1W/W0 — woi will be brought forward at to-day's quota- New Zealand ex store heim or Canterbury; Tasmanian, £9 15/. Auck. Fire Bd.,6 p.c. 100/0/0 •• _ and tions. Some small parcels have been Dinidi Pic i L Potatoes.—New season's, 9/6 per cwt, bevonp °11 Loa , 0 p. . // •• api brought for the next direct Bteamer, advanced The has ex store; Pukekohe, on £8! Loan' 5?p c !! - ; laicnApiil, at present quotations, but plies, £5 c i f now 11 ! 6 0^.s^ ort; SU P* Onioiis.—Californian and Canadian, 15/ jxt Eden Loan, 6 p.c. 103/0/0 .. — . *o c.i.t. now being asked. a bag; 16/ a crate. Mt Albert, 1060, 5} 102/10/0 M - IP™

4 A' ri E A v#'j C lib AN D ST A it, 'jl' UESD A Y, DiitiE M J'& FINANCE, COMMERCE AND MARKETS. atTTHT"marts! IMD SHAREMARKET, Loan, 1941, 4i p.c. ... 99/15/0 .. ■— v . Loan, 1933, 5i p.c. ... 99/12/6 .. — , ni«r , • r * , ■ r. Soldiers, 1933, 5i p.c. 101/0/0 .. — MARKETS AT A GLANCE. JIS STRAWBERRIES BETTER. TRANSACTIONS ON 'CHANGE. mm " ~ will be on the way to this port in a very T f n i « <vwi~/a 1 nn/~/t , few days. London houses report that iow' II n'£" wi VO " ioo/V( npiQi/ W uni FQAI F TRADING f ocks , i ! 1 Lo " don and Liverpool are much BANANAS SH0 RT FOR CHRISTMAS. BUSINESS ERRATIC. Loan! 1927-4L sVp'-c! 99/15/0 100/5/( BRISK WHULhoALt InrtUIISU. larger than they "were this time last year, Loan, 1933, oi p.c. ... 99/12/6 .. — and also that shipments afloat were larger Soldiers, 1933, 5J p.c. 100/15/0 .. — , lc citric ACID £ EGGS ARE DEAEER. GAS SHAKES STEADY. 1" 7. Tm LOWER PRICES ON CITRIC ACID. fWo( .- nt „„„„' ,'t „

4 A' ri E A v#'j C lib AN D ST A it, 'V UESD A Y, DiitiE M Jd FINANCE, COMMERCE AND MARKETS. atTthT"marts! IMD SHAREMARKET, Loan, 1941, 4i p.c. ... 99/15/0 .. ■— v . Loan, 1933, 5i p.c. ... 99/12/6 .. — , ni«r , • r * , ■ r. Soldiers, 1933, 5i p.c. 101/0/0 .. — MARKETS AT A GLANCE. JIS STRAWBERRIES BETTER. TRANSACTIONS ON 'CHANGE. mm " ~ will be on the way to this port in a very T f n i « <vwi~/a , few days. London houses report that iow' II n'£" wi VO " ioo/V< npiQi/ W uni FQAI F TRADING f tocks , i ! 1 Lo " don and Liverpool are much BANANAS SH0 RT FOR CHRISTMAS. BUSINESS ERRATIC. Loan! 1927-4L sVp'-c! 99/15/0 " 100/5/( BRISK WHULhoALt InrtUIISU. larger than they "were this time last year, Loan, 1933, oi p.c. ... 09/12/6 .. — and also that shipments afloat were larger Soldiers, 1933, 5J p.c. 100/15/0 .. — HTR.0 ACID Wfc&S & EGGS ARE DEARER. GAS SHAKES STEADY. WLOWER PRICES ON CIT . therefore express doubt of any permanent - - «xnw iKS be remenibereT'that^p'ri c es Stunners are now practically clone and morning CALL AND D,V,DEND L,8T ' DRIED FRUIT MARKETS SHOW generally are very low, and if values decline by next week supplies should be finished. 0 p CUe( j quietly with only a couple of SLIGHT WEAKNESS. I muc ! 1 furth er canners forced into Canadian apples are likely to be short sales recorded at the first call. DIVIDENDS. considerably cm tailing theii Output. as stocks in hand may give out before British Tobacco, whose directors have just Loan and Mercantile (final), pref. I American Resin. the new season 's arrive. As a con- announced an increased dividend rate, 2|. p.c., and ord. 5 p.c Now "Auckland Star" Office, Cab]es received ]ast Avee k advised that qprmpnrp , ir i ce s will rise namely from 11 to 12 per cent, are in Bank of New Zealand (Interim), rr 1 TWamW in American resin after remaining firm for soquence P llces 1 bt - demand, and several sales have taken place 1/4 per share Now Tuesday, December 10. p - fo , gooseberries are the lowest at £2 5/ for the £1 shares . 4 dJTis "Wholesale grocery houses have been ] ott - er market, latest quotations received J jank s . hales al 'e still depressed, and I Devonp'ort sYeam 3*3* i>"c. Dec! 14 exceptionally busy during the past week, showing a reduction of 5/ per ton on G, s . . offerings for several lines of scrip at this Mount Lyell (final), 2/9 a share .. Dec. 18 , • i , +i,of nil /lpmrtrrients and 10/ per ton on N, for immediate ship- Thames apricots arc beginning to come morning's call were on a lower basis. Goldsbrough, Mort (Interim), 10 and it IS anticipated that all departments forward, but the samples are only small. M ilne and Chovc serin ™ „ ■«. P- c - P- a Dec - 20 will experience very heavy trading right ' Rangoon Rice. The first of local hothouse grapes have buyelvs at £1 7/fo l t he shar m ■?} M°rris Hedstrom (final), 4 p.c. .. Dec. 31 up to the end of the present month. Fancy R ang00n r j ce remains fairly steady at a l®° u ]i lde theu ' a PP earance and sold at .7/3 for the debenture stock. ' National °Bank Zealand goods houses are also exceptionally busy last ruling rates, the recent low quota- , a * • <1 f 11 *-* as keeps steady at about £1 5/ (Interim), 6 p.c Jan. 4 just now, and as all oversea shipments tions advised some weeks ago encouraging are1 now about. in the n South Insm . ance • CALLS. , , , , . nnA xi • wholesalers to place the greatest portion swing oi uie buisoii auu wiuuiu J- 1 - 111411 " k es f 0 f}' i. ™ > j T)n « have come to lianc in g < . 0 f their season's requirements for delivery so until about Chnstmas. Ihe demand buvor eam P fm-x 1 t xt Lucky Shot—3d per share Dee. 18 the various departments have been able ie direct steamer, leaving should increase uiuil this time, and the r toward for New Zealand Mount Welcome—Id per share .... Dec. 20 to display their new arrivals to the best approximately March-April next. Present QUfthty the J-i'uit should also keep up. '] W1 p °" eis reduced to £4 4/.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 292, 10 December 1929, Page 4

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AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 292, 10 December 1929, Page 4

AUCKLAND SHAREMARKET. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 292, 10 December 1929, Page 4