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A very large number of members of Wynyard Lodge No. 57, 1.0.0. F., assembled at Masonic Hall, Eden Terrace, on October 7, tlie occasion being the semiannual installation of officers. Bro. M. J. Hooper, D.D.G.M., was in attendance, and under his supervision the ceremony of installation was ably conducted by his deputy, Bro. G. Arnott, P.G., and a stall of Past Grands and others. Bro. Arnott's assistants were all officers of the Otahuhu Lodge No. 147, which is only a little over twelve months old, and they are to 1)0 congratulated on the creditable manner in which they rose to the occassion, and capably assumed the dignity of acting Grand Lodge officers. The principal officiating officers were Brothers F. Craft, P.G., as D.D.G. Warden, E. Read as D.D.G. Rec. Sec., T. C. Cottesrill as D.D.G. Fin. Sec., J. D. Guthrie as D.D.G. Treas., the D.D.G. Chaplain, and W. E. Watkins, P.G., as D.DG. Marshal. The following members of Wynyard Lodge were installed into the respective offices: Brothers E. E. Rhodes, P.G., as J.P.G.; H. R. Goldsmith, as N.G.; J. A. Allen, as V.G.; R. A. E. Brett, P.G., as Rec. Sec.; F. S. Newbold, P.D.D.G.M., as Kn. Sec.; D. R. Cooper, P.G.M., as Treas.; E. H. Buckler, as Warden; R. C. Mills, as Con.; S. Grange, as Chaplain; E. Annold, as R.S.S.; H. B. Muir, as L.S.S., H. A. Blakely, P.G., as R.S.N.G.; W Hawes, P.G., as L.S.N.G.; C. E. Stone, P.G., as R.S.V.G.; P. A. Brady, as L.S.V.G.; A. H. Boreham, P.G., as 1.G.; and G. A. Cawdron, as O.G. The D.D.G.M. briefly addressed the newly-installed officers and the brethren, tendering words of Congratulation and encouragement, and his good wishes were reciprocated by the Noble Grand. The D.D.G.M. then retired and the lodge settled down to discuss an important matter on which there was much diversity of opinion, and when finalty was reached the new Noble Grand was congratulated on the capable manner in which he had handled a difficult, controversial, but at no time heated, debate. Among the welcome visitors present were: Bros. W. Bond, N.G., of Epsom Lodge No. 88, and I. Foster, of Washington Lodge No. 28.

The Bud of Promise Tent, 1.0. R., met on Tuesday evening at Onehunga, the C.R., Sister German, presiding over a good attendance. The evening took the form of a Pound Evening, and the members provided ample for a bounteous supper. An official visit was received from the members of the district juvenile committee, and Bros. Wilson, D.S.J.T., Bodley, Dist. Sec., and Francis, Dist. Treas., were given a warm welcome from the Tent. At the request of the C.R., Bro. Wilson took control of the meeting, and the business was quickly put through. Short addresses on "How to get the best out of life" and "Ambition" were given by the visitors, whose words were intently listened to. At the close of the meeting the young people spent a pleasant hour together with games, etc., whilst the good things provided were soon disposed of.

Cheery words and fraternal smiles were in evidence at Masonic Hall, Eden Terrace, on October 14, when, in the presence of approximately a hundred members, the officers of Mizpah Rebekah Lodge No. J.B, 1.0.0. F., were installed for the October to March term. The officiating Grand Lodge officer was Sister E. L. Newbold, L.D.D.G.M., and she was ably supported by Sister M. L. Tailby, P.L.D.D.G.M., and the following acting Grand Lodge officers: Past Noble Grands I. Butler, N. Stubbs, E. Robinson, E. Dilley, L. Boles, I. Bee, D. Butler, M. Atkinson, W. Culpitt, G. Paterson, S. Brennan, and H. Boddy. The newlyinstalled officers are Sisters S. Kelly, J.P.N.G.; L. W. Newbold, N.G.; E. Palk, V.G.'; V. Cole, R.S.; A. Gear, P.N.G.F.S.; S. Horspool, treasurer; M. Healey, W.; M. Scarborough, Con.; P. Gear, Ch.; G. Hallam, P.N.G.R.S.N.G.; M. Leslie, L.S.N'G.; I. Kelly, P.N.G.R.S.V.G.; B. Randall, L.S.V.G.; G. Dillimore, 1.G.; J. .Williams, 0.G.; 0. Wakem, R.A.S.; R. Noble, L.A.S.; W. Culpitt, P.N.G.Mus. Brother F. S. Newbold, P.D.D.G.M., was re-in?talled as Preceptor. A presentation of a P.N.G. collar was made on behalf of the lodge by the L.D.D.G.M. to Sister Heaps, P.N.G'., and the I.P.L.D.D.G.M. presented to the same Sister the lodge's gift of a P.N.G. certificate. Sister Heaps thanked the lodge for the presentations, and the presenting sisters for the kind words accompanying them, and affirmed her determination to work in the interests of the Order, which she in common with thousands of others had learned to so much revere and appreciate.

At Point Chevalier Hall on October 10 tho officers of Haeata Rebekah Lodge, No. 63, 1.00. F., were installed by Sister E. L. Newbold, L.D.D.G.M., assisted by the following acting grand lodge officers: —Sisters A. Gear, M. Johnson, N. Stubbs, L. Davidson, S. Gough, L. Boles, I. Bee, E. Brown, G. Hallam, W. Culpitt, G. Kressen, M. Atkinson, and H. Boddy. The newly installed officers are:—Sisters E. Hardley, J.P.N.G.; A. Gunn, N.G.; E. McMillan, V.G.; D. Killey, R.S.; P. Lane, F.S.; F. Sommervell, - treasurer; R. Smith, warden;. I. Boag, conductor; W. Culpitt, P.N.G., R.S.N.G.; C. Bellchamber, L.S.N.G.; L. Crookshank, R.S.V.G.; D. Humphrey, L.S.V.G.; N. Boag, 1.G.; E. Smith, 0.G.; L. Laurie, R.A.S.; 0. Elliott, L.A.S.; E. Nunn, Ch. Brother J. E. Bellchamber, P.G., was installed as preceptor and Sister A. French as musician. A presentation of a handsome sandwich set was made by the L.D.D.G.M. to Sister' L. Davidson, P.N.G., on behalf of the lodge, as a token of the members' esteem and of their appreciation of the valuable and enthusiastic service she had rendered to the lodfje. * * » •

The Light of Manukau Lodge U.A.O.D. met at Onehunga on Wednesday last, under the leadership of the Arch Druid Bro. Rice. Among the visitors were the district president, Bro. Smith, of Otahuhu, P.S. Bro. Hickson (Otahuhu) and representatives from Star of Egmont and Star of Te Aroha lodges. A letter was read from the secretary of the Perseverance Lodge, Canterbury, re the death of Bro. Christmas, and thanking the secretary, Bro. Ainsworth, for the trouble he had taken during the late brother's two years' residence in the Auckland district. The resignation of the grand secretary, Bro. Grant, was announced in the abridged minutes of the last Friendly Society executive minutes. The lodge, on hearing that Bro. Ainsworth would

bo a candidate for the vacancy, decided to support him in every possible way. A challenge from the Star of Otahuhu Lodge for the possession of the Robson Rose Bowl was received, and the match will be played next lodge night, the team that won the bowl being chosen to defend it. The report of the recent anniversary meeting was brought forward, and a hearty vote of thanks passed to Bros. Ashe and Billings for arranging such an excellent programme. A bonus of £2 2/ was offered to the member securing the most new members before quarter night, the number to be more than five. It is hoped to obtain at least 25 new members in this way. During the meeting one new candidate was initiated and another proposed. At the close of the business a pleasant time was spent together with refreshments and harmony.

The friendly though emulative rivalry between the local 1.0.0. F. Rebekah lodges was again demonstrated last month, when the half-yearly contests for the Rebekah Ritual Competition Shield were conducted. Four of the seven local lodges were competitors, and the standard of work presented by each of the entrants was of a very high order indeed. The judges were Sisters E. L. Newbold, L.D.D.G.M. (correctness), M. L. Tailby, P.L.D.D.G.M. (presentment), and D. Hilton, V.G. (elocution). Sister L. Boles, P.N.G., was associated Avitli the judge of correctness as a recorder. coincidence occurred in that when the judges submitted their respective and independent reports and awards, it was found that two lodges, Myrtle and Mizpah, had tied for first place. Each was awarded the same number of points for presentment, and the two and a quarter points lead of Myrtle Rebekah Lodge in regard to correctness of ritual was exactly balanced by the two and a quarter points gained over them by Mizpah Rebekah Lodge for elocution. The other two competitors were Maungarei and Lily of Devonport Rebekah Lodges, and they are to be congratulated on their excellent performances, as well as on their courage in competing against the much older and more experienced lodges. The jewels donated by Sister M. L. Tailby, P.L.D.D.G.M., for best rendition of P.N.G., N.G., V.G., and chaplain charges, were won by Sisters G. Patterson (Lily of Devonport), S. Kelly (Mizpah), L. W. Newbold (Mizpah), and E. Palk (Mizpah), respectively.

The J. G. Carr Memorial Tent 1.0. R. held a very fine concert on Monday last in the Methodist schoolroom, Remuera. The proceeds were in aid of one of the tent's most popular and hardworking officers, Bro. Gibb, the secretary, who has been seriously ill for the past twelve months and is again in hospital. Bro. Gibb has been a member of the Order for over 40 years and has always gained the respect of the members for his untiring efforts in the various chains through which he has passed. The attendance at the concert was not so large as it should have been for so deserving an object, but those who were there had a thoroughly enjoyable time. The first part of the programme took the form of a pierrot entertainment under the direction of Bro. Gupper. Songs, choruses, and instrumental items followed in quick succession, this part concluding with a very amusing sketch entitled "The Wireless Fiend." During the short interval, Bro. F. C. Pace, president A.U.F.S. Conference, spoke on the work of the Friendly Societies. The second part of the programme was in the nature of a minstrel troupe entertainment, many old favourites being introduced. The soloists were Messrs. Craven, Gapper, Mayall and Dare, who all sang well, the chorus work of the troupe too, being very effective. The amount raised will be augmented by donations, and Bro. Gibb has the sympathy and best wishes of all Friendly Society members.

The officers of Lily of Eden Rebekah Lodge, No. 13, 1.0.0. F., were on October 8 installed into their respective chairs by Sister E. L. Newbold, L.D.D.G.M., assisted by Sister M. L. Tailby, P.L.D.D.G.M., and tho following P.N.G.'s as acting grand lodge officers: —Sisters L. Davidson, D.G.W.; I. Butler, D.G.R.S.; D. Butler, D.G.F.S.; S. Gough, D.G.C.; L. Boles, D.G.Mar.; I. Bee, D.G.Con.; S. Clarke, D.G.G.; M. Atkinson, D.G.H.; and W. Culpitt, D.G.Mus. Sisters H. Marshall, P.N.G., and S. Brennan, P.N.G., also had positions on the staff. The newly installed officers are:—Sisters U. Strange, J.P.N.G.; A. Gunn, N.G.; A. Marshall, V.G.; R. Currie, R.S.; P. Walsh, F.S.; Morecroft, P.N.G., warden; S. Brennan, P.N.G., conductor; I. Butler, P.N.G., R.S.N.G.; D. Butler, P.N.G., L.S.N.G.; M. Tabron, R.S.V.G.; H. Marshall, P.N.G., L.S.V.G.; E. Brown, P.N.G., 1.G.; C. Brown, P.N.G., 0.G.; T. Jenkinson, G.; D. Hilton, N.G., Mus.; L. Boles. P.N.G., preceptor. A presentation of a beautiful set of banners, the gift of Sister B. Wood, P.N.G. and Veteran, whose many generous gifts to branches of the Order have been much appreciated, was made on behaif of the donor by the L.D.D.G.M. Sister S. Brennan, P.N.G., was the recipient of a Past Noble Grand's collar and certificate, the gift of the lodge, the presentation being made by Sister M. L. Tailby, P.L.D.D.G.M, 4, 17

Ponsanby Lodge No. 17, United Ancient Order of Druids, the premier lodge of the Jurisdiction, is showing great progress, the membership now totals 730. The lodgeroom at the Druids Hall after business is over is an animated scene with two rinks of carpet bowls on which four teams are in active competition. Recently the lodge challenged Grey Lynn Lodge for the Pagni Cup, who have held it for some vears. This was presented at the last meeting by Past-District President Bro. W. Gregory on behalf of the Sports and Pastimes Association. Last week an official visit was paid to Eden Lodge to play for the silver feathers, and after a good game were defeated by a narrow margin.

The fortnightly meeting was held on Monday, October 21, presided over by Bro. Simmons, A.D., there being a fair attendance. One candidate was initiated into the mystic rites, the ceremony being excellently carried out by the officers'. Great interest was taken in the reading of the Grand Lodge executive's report in connection with economic pension and the resignation of the Grand Secretary, and it was decided that the delegate should attend the Grand Lodge meeting to be held at Palmerston North on December 5 next, for the purpose of electing his successor. The vote of thanks to the visitors was suitably responded to by Bro. Eddy, P.A., Waitemata Lodge. Business finished and the lodge closed, members and visitors having partaken of supper, settled down to enjoy themselves. Those who could not secure a place in the bowls teams had a competition with cards for the "Star" badges, which was a keen contest. A spirit of friendly rivalry pervaded the games.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 257, 30 October 1929, Page 25

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FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 257, 30 October 1929, Page 25

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 257, 30 October 1929, Page 25