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|| ....THIS FRIDAY at M. & C's ( I Sports Wear - Beach Fashions - Footwear ' i I jjje u lt ra smart in Gloves, Bags, Scarves, and other accessories so all-important this season—always that g | I I desired jiote of "style distinction" —yet reasonably priced withal. Then there are the "special value ,, lines . I | I I that make for a doubly interesting shopping day. | | I 1 Washable Kid Gloves /a^>k gm* Unique Offering of Chinese Hand Embroidered 11 || y/ Specially Priced at ||% Cm fin fe3 jill Napery at Half Usual Prices | | - 1 Iα \ \ 7/11 P&ir ~7 ' iT Jsm wSfiL )* \?A This is a particularly interesting collection just received, and it is only | s I M \ *=— Fine quality Gloves, with toned A. £T \-Tv by *^ e exce P t ' circumstances under which they were secured that a g = 1 MV \ Ififil turn-over cuff. Showing in 6of A^\ (/ /f-ISIW 7\ ' / W\ 11/ (\ f/h the ridiculously low pricing has been made possible. Beautiful coloured |£ = i l\ \ H the season's smartest shades. A /9\\ U) /'-Jit U \ /f^J /11 *%J ■ \ I V ' \ iW/\ cross-stitched designs hand embroidered on best quality Irish linen. i = ■ § \ /TS, 1 well-made and beautifully fin- / / # / {?• B» WK \1 V I \ \l 11 \\ I /W / / Runners, Tray Cloths, Tea Cloths, D'Oyleys, Luncheon Cloths, Tea f s :| ■//\l lfsr ished glove that would be priced /J| *WJ f,W •$ \J, W \\\- JK M / A Waggon Covers. Wide variety of shapes and sizes. || [I ■'Iμ at 8/11 in the usual way. My I y WfeJJ TA /]\ jf \l II vl Economy Square and Napery Section—Second Floor. . || 11 : J aSSlit": f«S| Ik hM 50 P«i" < on] y> Extra Single Bed Blankets 11 11 A New Model at 35/- VfefS Lf »§ fig! at 45/-Pair || :| This very smart Court Shoe intro- Finp Onnlitv HHH IBW llT~TTr77lr* I'" "Pfl lflMlll Genuine "Golden Fleece' Blankets of the purest quality. Blankets that |«j : 1 duces a new low cut, full spike * tt ji U" -P BSIMII IIIHIB I I'f S '/] * fllßlH /// will give years of service and every satisfaction. Size 60 x9O inches \:s ■ § heel, and a large bronze beaded LaWn HandkerCllieiS wHEiI DIIIHIII 111 frx%r-Ml HIISI < //| giV6S that little CXtTa that 1S required in a single bed . blanket | | : g buckle and reptile trimming. Very With hand-embroidered corners ■ImIBKi ifillBil!/ // / mIIhSIh ''i / / ill I S i 1 comfortable fitting, and obtain- in colours. Wonderful value at ISliull llllßlKfl I II M 1 II ■MlilWll 111 I ill "-' I i 1 able in parchment, sunburn, and 6d each; 2/6 half-dozen. IIBHU lIIIIIIEI J / ffl /// lIiHhI 'f / /// Pidlic Baskets 1 S :| kid. Exclusive to M. & C's. TyTpf T?O»hp T.PllfftllS iulPI" ■■Will! ll!l A I l /f -fff lIU '/ , , i •,. 7 , t t Si i i All sizes and half sizes. r*CL IVUUC ucug tuo I \ \ I VAU44IU Slightly shop-soiled and priced at ridiculously low figures to clear. t ~ ■ § • at 5/6 ill \\ \ \\ \ I If 111 \ \ on^y at l''/^ —baskets usually 25/- to 32/6. Mostly in wicker, f E I 1 Pottery LeitlOnade SetS In fine mercerised Breton net, full /// I\ I \\ I/ I 111 \l but a few in composition. All fitted crockery, cutlery, spirit stoves, etc. |§■ ; 1 Consisting of generous size jug, frock width, with deep handker- /// I \ I \\ J 11/ \i Baskets that are needed by every motorist and are valuable to picnickers. | S ■ i and 6 pottery tumblers to match. chief point flounce; 4-inch bor- Iff \1 l\ 111 11/ \1 only, usually 45/-, are priced at 25/- 1 only, 70/-, for 45//- | :I A new and attractively decorated der in contrast colour. Pink, lie S5\V <-l\ If I SST JJ 1554 Ml IN - MEN'S WEAR SECTION. * § i production. Priced from 25/— peach, lemon, saxe, sky, green, / L/\ 5 /Lj \\ \ }\ I I 555"J I\ V '" ' | 5 I Fif €tich *■• end truly Distinctive • • • jv I : #'Sr\ftA\ i3t% 3L Y€t prlced at PracticaU y Hal£ u*' l * l Atom - . p?\ ! i I /W\-jy Vm |7#, A/I ,/ The above sketches are examples of one of the most interesting collections of fashions received /JllAwl' \ll/|Kllr // HIK /?J& \W > \ \ l^ I••/U1//I \«\if \l \ U l\n Py \, 0 \ this season. Every garment expresses that note of difference so inseparable from Parisian styles. /J/Vl \Pnu W;/>* K \ = I'-/ \\// \s\wt JLI 1 W 11 vXaMiH M ft\\ The unusually favourable circumstances under which they were secured have enabled us to offer /J/ ul \\ WM fM\/ ' ' liKj II H V ' W /JJ \\ \mX\ them at prices which are no more than half the ordinary value. Wg VJ\\ \\W TO T W OT / I i rA iMr i/<VIII Wl ■ s * /ie l *s /o 70, the wisdom \t 111 111 tt^Kvyfe^ 5 \ s JJ7\ ji ■'• V yj \\ I TOM selecting cannot be over emphasised. iHIHI J\ r-m-S-M 5 I |j B |sMr Si si j I SSO- French crepe de chine suit, combining Ss3—An unusual effect obtained in heavy- T \ ffllft 'flfilHi ( = I 1 I |i ' fashionable spot and plain colour. weight crepe de chine, and beautifully 11 || fil fTO| 1K I tf \ Ml Y/ 1 1 lIN — lE. i Black/ruby, black/fawn, or all black— hand embroidered. Skirt on bodice of i|| ||| 1 |iM JJ n U | \ \\\ j = « I \\ I ' * * Sra* 111 " 99/6. J a P- silk; pleated at side. In maize, l|| ||l| I iMjfl PII II ill I / — 1 , In I M II (I Ssl—Heavy satin and fine wool lace combine Ss4—French jumper suit of crepe de chine 11 |1 | PNy| N d\i ll' \\/ 1 iV\: \ M IIS * iJ •-■ n this, delightful jumper suit. Collar in contrasting tones. Smartly appliqued 11 | 111 |\ 1 k \\i M E ,-?. . i\ lIS I f| I ,■■MlJalJ U ... •- - and jabot of silk georgette. Lemon/ jumper, skirt heavily pleated. Eau de \l |l]n| lli J k I \ — :vv ... J>] LJ-#lik-_J \ black, peri winkle/ and salmon/ Nil and black, and Sahara and black—— aj* J***~w — f / vJ4! _ I . 5 \ \ _I \ / //i \ I 1 v\ — A distinctive French style in crepe de // // / \\\ — \1 / \ 111/ MLi \ \ I \ \ Ss2—Two-piece suit of crepe de chine, smartly chine; trimming of deeper toning, and If I \ I \\\ \l. / - j/) llfmilklkX \\ \ \ I appliqued. The skirt is very cleverly hand worked in gold thread. Inset vest, // / \ / \\ I = A Jγ L / II \ \ pleated. Obtainable in rose beige, sand, skirt double-box pleated. In coffee // j \ I \ \\\ U SS6 / ruby, fawn, and jade—99/6. toning—£s/19/6. J / |544 JJ I ) \&& 5<,7 /!\V Showing that the Smartest t;5 | t ' I Silk Frocks should be \ Sports Coats need not be W JSjSft /S: ; in the Summer Wardrobe I EXpeilSlVe / '> y ■ PI ' /'" \ [ I i ,*V» / S44 —Fashioned from good quality striped spun silk. Tussore, Chartreuse, = . -it / r '---*/ • X< c " v * x >c Iμ rose Pi tonings. Inset vest, deep yoke at back, pleated skirt— = 556 In pastel green sports velour, designed on straight lines, / >_rfV7 nSIA \ M 99/6 = I\ .*• WB---/ I \ S4s—Attractively designed frock, of striped spun silk, in tonings of sable, I = Ss7—Another delightful sports coat, in Mary blue velour. Pockets, JI J rf| \ >^ K,6 K|7 ' | and pale capucine. Flared skirt, self trimming—£s/19/6. l = collar and cuff finished rows of stitching—69/6. $f \ ff I %5 9 = , .. 1 • 1 '• r 1 DEBT il f S46—Very smartly fashioned of pastel green spun silk; novelty pleats at I Ss9—Sports coat, of novelty s 'TT o™, m colourm g s of \ I W \ side ' PeteT ?an C ° llar ' jabot ° f Self ' ?iped GipS7 brown — £s/19/6 - I 1 . , , r-.Tr-- ' ; W a V I&A& I S47—Fashioned in ivory crepe de chine; is smart for tennis wear. Novelty | S6o—Another very smart coat, m striped sports velour. Delphinium f flPl ~ f * jf pleat in skirt, finished rows of stitching—£6/19/6. | blue, maize, and white. Semi-tailored collar, and bias strap- Mm f ' . g ft -A Another Example of the wonder* fff/ JL ft 11 ■ JSfto Si £ul Millinery Val » e « at m. e c.»s. *5/e. 11 nJKnT uVOil /^'il''' (WvM A new shipment just received brings this exceptional value offering of smartly v r /"~" f H tailored hats of finest quality straw. They afford a choice of 12 of the very , / / ( - mml'V-"- l^l' 1 ' 11 . 1 ' iy'«T'\ Wtwwli newest shapes, all smartly trimmed with corded ribbon to tone or with fancy < iSG6 isfi7 1 \ — slral"}'" I^μ' lll, ' """llpd ornaments. Colourings include putty, cream, cherry, blue and gold, also white. \ • < /V- 1 2 MWBlfflriß Coloured Lawn Nightdresses at 5/11 Should Be Known f ' 1 | I I 111 111 if/ I ill IfH J/Pl/ Round, square, or V necks, Magyar shape, short sleeves. —that "50-minute Sleeveless Frock" demonstrations I '■;: 111 il l/ff I I I 1 '// f/// Scalloped and daintily embroidered. Pink, green, sky, continue on the Second Floor at 12.15, at 3 p.m., and Uf *»•#•« I "- J 1/li 111 helio., peach, and. white. " at 7.30 p.m. this Friday. JEB>®COlHlllg n»W j | I 111 lI U I I//I1 /////// Coloured Art. Silk Bloomers ~7 that Mn Francis Deacon, representative of Dr. Schoii, foif tH& YoUllg People j I II II /I / //I //// ///✓/ C?»^ A *«l ir 1 i. »■»//» w e*n attendance for a few days — introducing Mr. , . , , , ,„,,»" / pjliiLfllli- /JIJIHUII ' ifityL. bpeCial ValUe at 7/5 Winfield, of the Scholl Institute, who has been perma- S6s—An example of a collection of attractively priced hats at 15/6. Wide [S i "J |7 y \ \T Elastic waist and knees; finished lace edging. White,. nently appointed at M. & C.'s for the purpose of giving variety of shapes in Celophane and other new weaves. Trimmed in \ 3 1/ 'I \ \ pink, sky, helio., and peach. All sizes. Free expert advice on all foot ailments. se^ contrasting colourings and obtainable in all wanted colourings. \ | / // \ BoyS , SMrtS m WMte "Beatrice" Twill —that "Photomaton" portraiture provides you with 6 567 and 569 a , re e £ xam f les J*! a collection oj? tailored ready-to-wears in multi- \l \ I \ O/11 papk perfect portraits, 6 poses, in 6 minutes, for the trifling coloured soft adaptable weaves, with neat trimming of faille ribbon, |g A 562- // ' «?ai,ii cost of 1/6. First Floor Sizes of to of. ihis shape is also obtainable in Panama weave. s « u (j ( S - SO * n grey ue ze P^y r - Shirts that every boy * " Natural shade and colours at 25/- ' i E i J*J~7 } w want during the summer season, and which are —that Sister Colhoun, a qualified Chiropodist, is always 1 ~ U y usually priced at 4/1 Ito 6/3. Tennis and canoe styles. in attendance—On the First Floor. /wflll I - Boys , Fuji Silk Shirts — that Catalogues of the Medici Prints, as issued by the M.C.M. Backlacing Z™\ 1 FOr tlte Made from dependable quality silk; odd sizes for ages l ee ld oc j et > r are now available at 1/- each—in the CorSPts SneHallv \X X. 1 Smart Dre«tag Mtas ZlZZttgfr ».*.—. SS'^IJOU! The above sketches depict lumber jackets in silk , ]/6-For 8/11. ful assortment of the most delicious chocolates and sweet CONGOLEUMS Made from jnk couti , and WM \ 1 and wool which are examples of a wide variety 12/6—For 9/11. specialties. «~. .. , u u r, \- , • , flfPii&iA \ | ■ and wni Styles and O/ 1 1 yard. broche. Llastic at waist. \ WK*Z\jl/ ) i i^rtr^ir , : «JL s F E 2 V t ° o d 3 F se " liSTy Ihf^llT ta fh^ B, a«iniin. a pleattag. 22? 24 and • Fβ)' Variety-V (dW—SerVice of pink brocade; suitable for W Wl If 22/e F m S d T 29 /Looß. Queen Street Auckland I~ » Vl lllllllflllll""""''" ,■".' ■•:*' *

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 246, 17 October 1929, Page 27

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Page 27 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 246, 17 October 1929, Page 27

Page 27 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 246, 17 October 1929, Page 27