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TREDINNICK DUE MONDAY. NO RADIO FROM. CALLAWDIA. I No overseas vessels are expected to arrive at Auckland over the week-end, unless the Caiiauuia, which is now fully due from Port Arthur, but which has not yet reported, comes, in. On Monday the Trcdinnick is clue from New York, and the tanker Mary Ellen O'Neil from Los Angeles, while the Canadian Explorer is expected to arrive from Montreal on Tuesday. DEPARTURES—I'KSTEKDAt. : Marania, for Sydney, 0.10 p.m. Kotorua, for Wellington, 3.30 p.m. THIS DAT. Gabriella, for Napier, noon. ARRIVALS. THIS DAY. Claymore, from Whr.ngarel, 5.55 n.m. VESSELS IN POUT. H.M.s. Philomel. Oevoupnrt iNnvai Dept.). H.M.c.s Iris. Devonport (Pacific Cable Board) Kurow, Prince's Wharf (Union S.S. Co.). Kemnera, Prince's Wharf (N.Z.S. Co.). Tairoa, Prince's Wharf (L. D. Nathan). Maungnnul, Central Wuarf (Union S.S. Co.l. Gabriella. King's Wharf ("Northern S.b. Kaito'ke, King's Wharf (Uni'n S.S. Co.). Kartlgi, North Wall (Union S.S. Co.) WiiitODEO, iu stream (Union S.S. Co.). Rarawa, in «lrcam (Northern s>.6. Lo.). A-ESSKLS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND. CallajHlin, Port Arthur, due -.._,» Mary Ellen O'Neil, Los Angeles, October 14. Tredinnick. New York, October 14. Canadian Explorer, Montreal, October Jo. Port. Melbourne, South (loads), October 17. H.M.s. Veronica, Suva, October IT. Oustav- E. Renter. Los AugelCß, October lb. Taniaroa, South (loads). October 19. Scopulas, Tnrakan, October 20. Muni Poinare, Apia, via South, October _0. Norfolk, Liverpool, October 22. Golden Cloud, South (loads), October 23. Rarnnga, South (loads), October _.->. Vinenioor,- Bunbury. via South, October -'-I. Canadian Leader, Montreal, October Kaikorai, Melbourne. October _'j. Corinthio. London, via Wellington. Oct. Golden West, Los Angeles, October J7. North Pacific. Casablanca, November 2. Kemuera, South (loads), October .28. Kangitikl, London, October 30. Tnranaki, Australia (loads). November 1. Knelling. New York, November S. City of Mobile, Now York. November 0. Hauraki, Los Angelrs. November 10. Boev.-ortii. Gidveslou. to sail. Aitihln, London. November 10. Dorington Court, Iquiquo, to sail. Dalveen. Gaivcston.,t<> sail. Piako, South (loads), November 18. INTERCOLONIAL SERVICE. ■ Mamma, left Auckland. October .11. due Sydney October 35; leaves Sydney October IS, due Wellington October 22 ; leaves Wellington October -">, due Sydney October 20: leaves .Sydney November 1, dun Auckland November r>; leaves Auckland November 8, due Sydney November 12; loaves Sydney November 15, due Wellington November 10; leaves Wellington November 22, due Sydney November 20. ' , Uliniaroa. left Sydney October 11. due Wellington October lt>; leaves Wellington October 18, duo Sydney October 22; leaves Sydney October 25, due Auckland October •>!) • leaves Auckland November 1. duo Sydney November 5 ; leaves Sydney November B,'due Wellington November 12; leaves Wellinrtou November 15, doe Sydney November 10 ; leaves Sydney November 22. due Auckland November 20; leaves Auckland November 29, due Sydney December 2. Maheno, left Wellington October 11, due Sydney October 15; leaves 'Sydney October 18, due Auckland October '>•!■ leaves Auckland October 2."5, due Sydney October 20; leaves Sydney November 1 due Wellington November 5; leaves Wellington November 8. duo Sydney November 12 • leaves Sydney November .15, due land November 39 (transfers). Maunganui. at Auckland, laid up for overhaul. . « #„, Manuka left. Melbourne October !J .01 Bluff. Dunedin, Lytteltou and Wellington, duo Bluff October 13; leaVM Wellngtou October in.- due Melbourne October 24 J leaves Melbourne October 2!) lor fellington. Lyttelton. Dunediu and Bluff, due Wellington November S; leaves Bluff Nov. ember !», due Melbourne .November IS: haves Melbourne November 20 for Bluff. DunfHliii, Lytteltou and Wellington, due Bluff November 2-1; leaves Wellingtou November 80, dim Melbourne December 5. MahPiio, leaves Melbourne November 27 for Wellington. Lyttelton, Dunedin and Bluff, due Wellington December 2; leaves HI tiff December 8, due Melbourne December 12 • leaves Melbourne December 19 for Bluff. Dunedin, Lyttelton and Wellington, due Bluff December 23; leaves "Wellington December 29, due Melbourne January 3. TRANS-PACIFIC MAIL SERVICE. Aorangi, left Sydney September 19 for Auckland, Suva. Honolulu and Vancouver; left. Auckland September 24, arrived Vancouver October 10; leaves Vancouver October IK; due Auckland November 4, due Sydney November 9; leaves Sydney November 14, leaves Auckland November 19, due Vancouver December U. ■■ Niagara, left Vancouver September 18, for Honolulu, Suva, Auckland and Sydney, .arrived Auckland October 7, nailed October S; arrived Sydney to-day; leaves Sydney October 17, leaves Auckland October 22, due Vancouver November 8; leaves Vancouver November 13, due Auckland December 2, due Sydney November 7. Tahiti, left Sun Francisco, October 4, for Papeete, Rarotonga, .Wellington and Sydney; due Wellington, October 22; due Sydney, October 27; leaves Sydney, October 31, leaves Wellington November 5, due San Francisco November 22. Makura, left Sydney October 3, for Wellington, Rarotonga, Papeete and San Francisco ; arrived Wellington October 7, sailed October 8, due San Francisco October 25; loaves San Francisco October 30, due Weilington November 18, due Sydney November 23; leaves Sydney November 28, leaves Wellington December o, due San Francisco December 20. Having completed discharge of her Australian cargo, the Union Company's steamer Maunganui shifted this morning from the Queen's wharf to the Central wharf, where she will lay up for overhaul. Due at Auckland from New York at noon on Monday, the A. and A. Line's chartered steamer TredinnicU will discharge the local portion of her cargo at tlie Queen's wharf to the agency of the New Zealand Shipping Co. Her other ports of discharge are Wellingtou, Lyttelton aud Dunedin. Taking passengers, mails and cargo for Sydney, the Union Company's steamer Maranui was dispatched from the Central wharf yesterday afternoon. She is due at Sydney next Tuesday. The Maheno left Wellington yesterday, and is also due at Sydney next Tuesday. ■ TAIXUI REPORTED. En route from Wellington to London, the Shaw, Savill and Albion steamer Tainiii is reported to have arrived at Panama last Thursday. MAUI POMARE REPORTS. Accordiug to her wireless report, the Government rfiotor ship Maul Poinare will arrive at Dunedin from Apia at daybreak next Tuesday. From Dunedin she is to return to Auckland via Lytteltoc and Wellington on October 20, and she is announced to leave here for Norfolk Island on October 21. (Spedding, Ltd., agents). ULIMAROA LEFT SYDNEY. "Cabled advice from Sydney confirms the departure from there at 1 p.m. yesterday of the Huddart-Parker steamer Ulimaroa, with passengers, mails and carjro for Wellington. She is due at Wellington next Tuesday, and sails again fur Sydney the following Friday. GAZETTE NOTICES. The following Gazette notices are forwarded by the superintendent of Mercantile Marine :— Cape Ejrmont Light.'—Next mouth Cape Kgmont liirl)t is to i>e altered to a group fuelling liirlit. showing three flashes every forty seconds. In place of the existing fixed HglU. WiiiUokopu Harbour.—The buoy at the south-eastern ennipr of a patch of rocks situated 700 ft X.. 2o degrees E. off the end of the railway wharf, at Waikokopu, has broken adrift, and will be replaced as soon as possible. Hokianga Harbour.—The signal staff at the signal station on the South Head, Hokianga Harbour, has been repaired, and the exhibition of general Harbour signals has been rrsumed. .s. ' ;

WITHIN -WIRELESS RANGE.. The following vessels are expected to be within muse of the Auckland witless station to-night and Sunday: Tolua, Tred'uuick, Canadian Explorer, Karamea, Callandia, Mamma, Misty Law, Waipahi. VERONICA RETURNING. On her .return voyage to f™**"*!*" 1 *: Veroniea is reported to have At l> a.m. to-day. She is due here about the middle of next week. SULPHUR FKOM GALVESTON. The steamer Dalveeu is reported to have arrived at Ualvestou last Thursday to load sulphur for Auckland, New Plymouth and Australian ports. TOFUA'S MOVEMENTS. , Iu continuation of her voyage from Auckland, the Union Company's passenger steamer Tofua. left Suva yesterday atterliuou for Tonga and Samoa. ROTORUA FOR LONDON. The New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Rotorua. was dispatched for Wellington yesterday afternoon, and is scheduled to clear Wellington at daybreak next Saturday with passengers, mails aud cargo for Southampton and London. KARTIGI TO DOCK. The Union Co.'s steamer Kartigi, which has been laid up for annual overnaul and survey is to go into dock uu Tuesday, aud she is announced to sail on Wednesday for Greyniouth to load timber for Sydney, Newcastle and-Brisbane. REMUERA'S SAILING. To put out tbe remainder of her general cargo from London, the New Zealand Shipping Company's steamer Heniuera is to sail lor 'Wellington next Tuesday. She is at present discharging at the i'rince's wharf. GABRIELLA SAILED. To continue discharge of her cargo of Australian hardwood, tlio Lanilt steamer GaDriella sailed at noon for Napier and Greymuutb. The Gabriellu loaded a quantity o ftimber here, and will till up ut GreymoUtn for her return voyage to Australia. NIAGARA AT SYDNEY. - Ifroin Vancouver, via Honolulu, Suva and Auckland, the Union Company's IUI.S. Niagara is reported to have arrived at Sydney this morning. Uu her return voyage to Vancouver, she is to leave Sydney next Thursday aud Auckland the following Tuesday. CALLANDIA DUE. A berth at the Western wharf has been allotted to the steamer Callandia, which is now fully due from Port Arthur, Texas. She is winging a full cargo of case oil for discharge here and at Wellington, Lyttelton mid Duncdin. A. G. Frankhani are the local agents. AORANGI AT VANCOUVER. The local onice 0/ the Union Co. has received advice th.-.t Hie R.M.m.s. Aorangj, with passengers, mails and cargo from Sytlnev, Auckland, Suva 11 ml Honolulu, arrived at Vancouver nt 7 p.m. on Thursday.. She is to leave there again next Wednesday, arriving at Auckland on November -1 and at Sydney, on November S3. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMERS. The Waipahi leaves Portland to-day for Wellington and Lyttelton. At the latter port f-he is to load for Auckland dir<*ct. The Kurow is to sail on Tuesday for Wellington. LvttPlton. Dunodin and Bluff. The Walpiata left Tiniaru at 10 p.m. yesterday for Aucklcnd, via ports. The Waimoa arrived at Napier from Gisborne at midnight yesterday and is expected to leave there nt 5 p.m. J;>-day for Auckland, Where she is due on Monday. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Projected Departures. To-morrow.—Kawau, for Surfdale, Ostend and Oiniha. O.'iO a.m.: Taniwha. for Paeron, l>:«l p.m.; Claymore, for Whangarei, 5 p.m. Monday.—Rangitoro. for Coromandel, 0 a.m.; Kawau, for Kawau, Leigh and Mangawai, S a.m. Expected Arrivals. To-day.—Rangit.oto, Trom Thaqjeß. C, p.m. To-morrow.—Hauiti, from Surfdale. Awaroa Bny. Orapiu and CowCs Bay. p.m.: Kawau, from Ostend and Ouiiha, 7 p.m. RICHARDSON STEAMERS. Wiitkin nml Wallis advise that the Richardson steamer Pukeko is due at Portland this morning. nu<)"-At Auckland tomorrow. The vessel will load at Centra! wharf and is to bo dispatched for East Const bays, Napier and Wairoa, nt 4 o'clock mi Monday afternoon. The Avrnhou is due from Gisborne tomorrow and will berth lit the Queen's wharf. She is scheduled to sail for East Coast bays and Gisborne at 5 o'clock on Tuesday evening. PASSENGERS FROM ENGLAND. The following passengers for New Zealand nre travelling by the New Zealand Shipping Company's liner Ruapehu. which sailed from Southampton for Suva, Wellington, Port Chalmers, Lyttelfron and N«\v Plymouth oji September IU :—Saloon : Mrs. 11. Mill-Donald. Miss K. .Taniicson. Napier; Mrs. L. K. Rosendale and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. IT. O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. r>. Don. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Whifr, Mr. C. .1. B. Syraes, Mr, C. '!'. Dunn. Mrs. A. 1. Tzard. Mrs. C. A. ITubbcriielrt-Short, Mr. TI. nm , . Miss F. E. Atchloy, Mr. 13. A. Edwards. Mrs S. P. Kennedy. Mrs. L. A. Jennings, Mr and Mrs. W. L. Hughes. Miss S. K Miildleton, Mrs. R. Pewter, Mrs. E. D. A. Whitton and child. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Maguire, Rev. .T. Inprs, Miss B. Fraser. Sydney; Mrs. E. Halliwell, Mr. W. S. C. Milne, Mr. T. H. Wilkinson, Mr. and Mrs. S. Rabone and two daughters, Mrs. A. J. D. Dempsey, Mr. J. Truesdale, Mr. M. McGregor, Mr. W. I. McCallum. The passengers will disembark at Wellington, where the vessel is scheduled to arrive on October 27.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 242, 12 October 1929, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 242, 12 October 1929, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 242, 12 October 1929, Page 4