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J THE McCALL COMPETITION Exhibits will be Classified ——Awards Made and PRIZE WINNERS ANNOUNCED in the Daily Papers onj Wednesday Next, 12th June. From 12th to 15th the Exhibits will be Displayed for Inspection in the Windows and Departments on Second Floor. Also in White jap. Silk of heavy quality at 32/6. ; : ' JS* >: \ ';l '3 1 WE j 1/ ■ mtr ° Y . Bpecia wm ow an epar H2oT~ j J M H2I Vj 23 \W* Rose, Terracotta—49/6. :'_ ~ j <\djj \ , , |JS| ; f"' ' "GREEN BRIER" ill \l M /J/\ Jl G25—A delightful Jumper of Washing Satin, effectively x *» . - J l»/ <Sk| || | Introduced twelve months ago and reas- ■P f Jp pin-tucked. Obtainable in Cream or Coffee shades—4s/6. j M ;] MB] |W» llSf onably priced at 6/6 pair, has proved a ■ /-. lIP U j||g '\\\\ ' Stocking of sterling value. U /"Yl'l'f* H "VC& "IW"Y\ I rfti ilaSli Bill 1i /I 4? ( ■ /Sit Obtainable in 24 shades. :. ■ Each of the above .styles ie fashioned from Wool I ■ dfcj fn$SQ OT! il 01 it * *£* " ' fi/fi n-,v "3 nair* (W 1 ft/fi ' • Crepe de Chine, the material now so fashionable I Vy%xfknX- jim Hmwml'lJiD 111 ■ 0 f •.••■> o/o pair, o pairs ior io/o. 1 .• r A ■ ■ • HSx'ffl WHI I II 111) n •§ f , - , ' and always so satisfactory in service. fflß Bl iiLil- Style —Quality —Value in Fur Tnmmed Coats y l : colours m each instance include R eß ed e , wine, 111 \. \ A 20 c^ever^v tai l° C° at in Navy J23—Perfectly cut Coat in Satin-finished I F v enin£ Shoes Dved Sizes 36in., 38in., 40in. I J I \ I \\\ ft Zibeline Note the distinctive effect of the Face Cloth of Gipsy Brown. Stand-off collar £;vcmug yuuca i-/ycu ~,-., /// 1 / \\i |\ Zibehne INote the distmctive ettect ot the of rich Fur Bto tone< Lined Rayon — tO Match Your Frock H2O—A very smart note attained by cording b JV 7 , J 7 \M IK diagonal tucking. The stand-off collar is of £10/19/6. p f • pi,- , tf Vandyke effect. Nicely pleated Skirt—B9/6. Jill h\ li\\ JJA Nutria Coney. Lined Rayon—£9/19/6. J24—Very smart Coat of Navy Face Cloth, I ** ree OI nar ge I fWlv-nWed Skirt narrow h»lt »«J /l /e\ a. I yvo ■-* orj ■ \ a «it t« > /r c»i i n«ii-»~ , ine nneiy-pieaiea citirt, narrow oeit, and JF V *■■ M , n ~,,., i , effectively pin-tucked. Collar of Caramel A special value line of Silver and collar of Crepe de Chine distingtiieh this reasonably- , 9 J \| J2l—Beautifully tailored Coat of Gipsy Coney. Pointed cuffs—£s/19/6. White Brocade Evening Shoes at priced Frock of Wool Crepe de Chine 75/* _ ■■ ~_ _. > KT ,_.. n ,. .u • Brown Zibeline, featuring unusual pin-tuck- J2s—Well tailored Coat of Valencia Blue. 19/6 per pair. A range of 23 „_, c . .' .. J£ G26 —Tailored Over-Blouse of Natural Fuji. Obtainable In , T . „ ~ . . ,-, . Stamped Face Cloth, wrap-over style. Col- , , ,D 1 , H23—Smartly cut on semi-fitting lines and featurall sizes—l 9/11. in « 9' Luxurious collar of imitation Russian lar and cuffe of imita tion Lemon Fitch— shades and Black. Jng flared Skirt; tailored jaho% of Snk _ ■ ' . ' . Sable. Lined Rayon—£B/19/6. 8 guinea?. . '^-■■ ■''■■— ■ . * ——,—===yl . 69/6. ■ - G27—Serviceable Skirt of Checked Repp. Beige, Almond, __ ... . j- . v ... ~., , , ,c c> .. ,; « ..,-;. - • ; ' "24—The new waistline is defined In this deHghtful and Stone. Exceptional value at 15/11. ; : ;,-,,.. little Frock of Wool Crepe de Chine. Finely-pleated G29—An ideal Sports Skirt of All-Wool Fancy Tweed. Skirt; small collar with long ends—69/6. pleating at side. In Lido Blue, Chocolate, Beige, Lrimson, YiPUßessl \'* *f X~ '•s?)■* ' * I AS**- 1 I *' ; ' " INDIVIDUAL STYLES4-FASHIONABLE WIDE BRIMS V^MM &tf'Y&\xs llit ' -i-i • n , -r*« -i jP to assist every figure type m \\\ Bffljaf '■'■■■' il :: '• " ve Examples of a Collection Specially Priced at 29 6 ' attainin^the *™ M l ™ ■ Sffl^P R 1 ' ¥ Really they are Hats worth 49/6 —but the exceptional circumstances under which they were secured explains the surprisingly low price, 29/6. eman eyas ion and, § ipE &32 1MpJ«B ' Beautiful quality Felt—perfectly blocked crowns—wide, graceful brims—simple yet effective trimmings—the smart colourings—everything more important still, there jj ff j'ljjM V " &&W ' . bespeaks correctness, newness and distinction. Colours include Beige, Almond, Apple Green, Brown, Fawn, Scarlet, Lime, Grey. are numbers which require || H^ « M D , . j\r iij j. il- . J5 The two rolls round the crown are of Velvet to match Grey J7—A very becoming Hat in Beige toning. The crown is cut and special fittings for the pur- :i SB G32—Plain and Vandykeddwgonal lines create, a toning of Felt. Drooping brim pleated at side and finished with Velvet let in. . , pose of correcting physical UMffl smart effect in this Jumper of Silk and Wool. Obtainable ornament. JB—ln Scarlet Felt of finest quality. Openwork designs on crown and P ° correcting physical I^l7^ in ground colourings of Flsme, Old Rose, Navy, Saxe, brim are the only trimming. '|f%S l i " AWrft^JUi Terracotta, Jade—22/6. Jβ—Deep Lime is the toning of this distinctive Felt. The cut design. J.9 —A-delightful Hat in Pale Fawni# The crown is folded and the Gossard Medical Garments are designed under the G34-Useful Jumper in the highly fashionable All-Woo! " treated Ribb ° n ' *** f ° ld ' FinisHed " supervision of a corps of doctors and trained nurses. Lace. Showing in Beige, Nigger, Chocolate, Oyster,' Jade, —— — „ -__ ri T T IS T TT These garments are obtainable in the M. & C Pervenche, Burnt Orange—3s/6. ' IV/I ■ J 1-4 d*>* 9 M I| § § M U i 111 Corset Sectiop, where patrons receive the personal r ,e A . » ,- C . IT j XT/ i i . I'l- :'.' l\r II I I IL %. J I 1 %.#■%. J >rf 1 E#- attention of Miss Wraight, a graduated Corsetiere, G35—A smart Jumper of Silk and Wool; horizontal stripe* 1 ▼ M H, K L jL*d X A -*- tt <tf JL' JL*Jr • on ground colourings of Terracotta, Cyclamein, and Old . „_ ';• _ , _ _ 4TT « t . t a This is a service that should be taken every advanRose—l 4/11. ' ■;'.••;" QUEEN STREET For Quality Merchandise at Reasonable Prices AUCKLAND tageof. inspection and inquiries specially invited.

l r ™™™™™^™™™™™-^ ——, ww* /fe matter with you? ~sEH oL vea rS Dinnetqrds! pieezeorcouoh ffi9 111 ■ ' • - ; ' : \ YOU dotit quite know what M0"o fiO COUGHS The regular use 0! Dirweford'e Magnesia & \mi> If ••■• ■ ■'■••••..• A tS t™ e rna^er With you. ---*, COLDS haa been proved in thousands of cases, Ik i>glw%r& T- i 1J , . 1 «Mb/&< YOU re jUSt Simply T W //O CATARRH during the past hundred years, to afford 1§P § . | A IJ ■•' '' ■ i WSBTmmA '%!*"■ MPIIDAIHA CROUP relief In oases of Acidity of the Stomach, &stjji V \ H i! is 1 n4%c 9 r i >QiJ}fflyhM& DINNEFOAD'S- a nJl^e^^ i ' tlit • •* n 1 • lie a*' j C 1' / Jk\ u*w JrtM&wmMH mA m| I flj*7 ifrwW A mild «af» aperient for peoplo of ell %get- Bolid •, ' I »? _.-.. . a ::,, Ute UniTeMity, Punneylvanm, U.S.A., and WelluifWe, y t {#& . /iH| UU W Sei»rn VUd or powdered iigaesia u most aangeroae » lake \ n. flbS ♦ • il J - . • 30 year* , experience. ' "■: ~ . ~ l»| \ . T*l. j{// v , ~ , P wEi II eiiHk I »b it is liable 10 forra bard insoluble luxnpi id t 3 : * • ii 1 in T irnr rUAUBCDC " t* \ \ / You should watch carefully for thu 0,1. * t I«*SI the bowels. - J — V M JELLICOE CHAMBERS r. ■ | \ 1 / condition. It tell, of constipation* A ! KTjf AVOID IMITATIONS! Look for th. om»« [ '■' *cv u ■ t -r « m ic mi Corner Queen and Wyndham Street* , *M \ \ I and liver trouble. Headaches, dull DWNEFOR P' S °" eyer ? fa 0 "18 and labcL SMffll ... | | Hi e4 S e yourc n m,? f ■I Hamilton-Wesley Chambers $1 \ 1 J biliou,ne " "■ ~ga=r —— diinty rSe'^^delightftil I And «t Wellington, New Plymouth, Wanganul, j| Act at once ! Beecham's Pills, %JjZ3ftH JB, 'WT'''M' . and efficient tooth-cleanser. I " Dunlin .nd .n,ero.r flill . j the most effective method of conquer- XSgtll "| If sa pi asant chance from ordinj I' A _. •_» a «• _. -*.«- «» -_ t*H '■ Omlnation h regular, but altcaw a dau or two late. ing constipation. Purely vegetable, jß|«M*Mf_T]J i// ) $A / W'Ji<!s& \* tyf"/ 7 |f : » ary den tifr ires. Besides, it will i!| J A Perfect Set OS teetlt lOr 'I I they keep the b O wel Ili i« ; , ■ J -keyour teeth whiter-andlast IJ '• r , Jβ : A DOSE AT NIGHT ,iver ' 1 kidneye,^ m : I P / -J^^^v'' , ' |Vi>i Jt' ■ for a long time. it Filling of All Kind,. jj MM 7A / f Medical authorities, courts, <i» %%m I bllis & jianton, ltd., weiiinston, II Extraction. Free when Set. Ordered. Ncrvou. People, tak« hea'rt j| I and exhibitions, all proclaim «K l| -'' '| j |j| |j .I ' ; British '..BACON '^^o^-Trl-P.Z^' Ij "we rocehtly imported' the latest N2O and oxyg-en Apparatus for the- \\ \ M^^&STIM Iw HKs) Jt P eerless " ' ' J : BREAD SLICERS JL _^- h* administration or this wonderlul anaesthetic, and can extract any tt& i / SBf A W ffl IKm IwL R p wisp shun substitutes WiVßk %s4u. 1f -"V, • w;ii r» on ■ ■ - llj number or teeth without the slightest pain, danger, or aftereffects fH ■ \ MB' & W MIM Y« r »• b " Db " / 7 wf WjU Cut Bacon, Bread, Printod and Piihiui, P rt thP PronrWor* 1 A Boon to Country Client.;— By employing modern methods wo can '# <ffl M M ksß I passed off for JUSt as good. g /r W/, / Cooked Meat, Etc. Printod and I üblished fpr the Piopr eto • IJ mako a porl'cct set of teeth, requiring an attendance or only two *M ™W M £ M M Guaranteed Xew Zealand Newspapers. Limited,"? |J hours altogether, so that patients 4 living in the country m rl.ltT. Jl? Hi # f A J There is only one , Stl ! Ambrose Charles Pa WBU n, of 83, HamUt* HI, ana return the» earn? day advantage or our | / W /f There is only one New Zealand Distributors i I™ Arranged. Road, Ponsoeby. Publisher, at the Ofßce Ij ;| ' SANDER'S EXTRACT l : F, LicT°ue\ c u°^ D - \ - '• E< ltd. i fJ IIR Com Shortlaud swet.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 134, 8 June 1929, Page 18 (Supplement)

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Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 134, 8 June 1929, Page 18 (Supplement)

Page 18 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 134, 8 June 1929, Page 18 (Supplement)