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TO LET. * U-AKFFIFI.I" ST.--. Room-. »».' ; 4 . ii...i:11~. 2n lit'::rly Smiih, 3. Swan- " -■■;i St. !•)-.■■!!. 4'. •. ; - Vt'JtiLliuL'St;. DrICF., with rail siding. > V _• storeys, well Sighted . rental ICS lU_ •* -Wii'.s'oin 1 . Ltd. . i J 1 FARi;i: lit"'i.i. i;nl'.;m.. ;;!I oiivs. ; cheap - -JL I'. ,-id-rlv Imiv. —Ma\.V(.:i Av.. Or--.. 1.-. ;iii. N- 1 "' " F AND .".-Boomed Biin-alows. 17-0 weekly: j i lii.r Witiit. gas dec. light.—'liiurmy. Ki:ii'i_s:„ NV.v_ l.y »n. 23 ( • ) i.AKiil-; Rooms; use kitchen. all convs.: ; , — .-. p.; I-.I: : 1-a n—Apply 1". Waru-'-K » S: . 11 :•••;. I.\ nil. 1j j i:«»m:-:i» n.->id-si<-. V 2. .i-tv.-ss im.. ; ( : >»iii i vv<> i.iui;li•"i* 2*-*;ir.i-; > ; »-;t 1: !*■ »ni - Wa;i:i e . v —— " . i ») "T / —-1;i H i_\! Kr< H "Use. tLiu-i.u-'aly ; J —*V renovated. «•!>-.-! rl..- light. all con-I j vi-nii'in.-cs ; Ist snlliiu. — Savers, 10, Vul.-iin ■ _ J .an-. 23 , J •>/l / —7-Ro<>MFl> House. near 1-t =?>•• ?i<• n ; ; •>U/ ail i'.ißvs. —Savors, 10, Vulcan Kan-. ' . J 1 "*7 VAUXHAI.L III). —l-'urn. Cortn.'e. ]f--I'M » ail i-nnvs- Harkins, 2.j, May St., ! i I i-vi.iipnrr. Phone 2_'-4'm;. i>4^ FLATS TO LET. j < \ UTiSTiC—3 Rooms, b.:thro.=ui, kitchen-| ■' ette. i-i-.-rric service. iiivpiace ; builr-in i . wardrobe, cabinets ; Oration. —Inquire Stak j i;iI;. x 2 1 | - \ 'i TRACTIVE Fiar. l'i:rn.. - rooms and ! ! -*■*- Kitchen.-;:-. ..-|.,ara:.. entrance. sunny i position; phono : ai.pi\ betw-en • j and >. j j 1'.i.1. I'. in.-. .11 l.y IM." x 23 | ' TTRACTIVF Furnished Flat, re lined ! " : :di-.n<\ reasonable. —Manageress. ! - ■~>4. Wyiyard Sr.. city. \2 1 j \ rniAcnvK furn. feat to let, ! j * 1 Bedroom. Terms Reasonable. I Apply | MANAGERESS. ! Oration i£rld.:e l-'lat?, Park _Rd. 23 . 1 ( i X EI.TEN H A .'1 — rial, uniurn.. self-con- ! v.' raineit. 4 Mums, liath. Kitchenette, e.i., i :• i. 11 ■ F-. li replace, baiccuy.—3, Oxford i'l-rrai-f. 23 \ i 'i'i'V— Furn. Bed Sitting Room, kitehen--t:-. <-.>mi'<>r;;ii»- ; 1 ,-itaariuii ; . 1 ilar-'i-.-.-n >■> Sr.. liiiL -3 ; / 'iTV —Sell'i_-unrail!i.-il :s itoums, ur.furn.. " • ra.-iL,-.-. ga-j >»i»v** t 2 riri-place>. e.1.; separ.itf i.-ii t i-.i :ice. »». St. -4 I v;MllM').\ F.Li. — Sunwyn, Brentwood av-. — Self .iiii-il Flat, every con-v-iiiencu, Z'.-vil locality ; uioderate. —Phoim -l ri;T. * B | i n.nie-Ty furn., every conv. ; iiit m.c. ; sep. entrance. -— liltj, New ] N'.-'. tii Kii." x-i; selL'-cuntaineJ, z rooms, kitchen- j ette, cuiivs., e.i. own yard; IS,-. —<>>. Xurl'.'lk St.. I'uiisunby. -'-j i small, nr Bed Sitting liiinm, kit-. cit-net;... si-IL-cunraiiied, furn., e.i.. lir-pl.ii:..-. — 27. Cui:--e llill. Zi 3 rooms, self-contained; working airis. m.c., furnished, 6 ; Single Rooms. 1"/.—West St. 23 very s<*i-ct, unfurn.. absolutely self- -®- contained: minute cars; refined adults, iio. Mackelvie St.. I'onsnnby. 23 2nd section ; 4 rooms, kitchenette, liathroom. all convs.. verandahs.— Buckley. .'',27. New Xorth Kd. x 24 2 rooms anil kitchenette, furn- i : ished. self-contained; is.' t>.—27. Anglesea Sr.. Ponsonhy. j 2'rooms, kitchen, superior h"use, uttfuru., coiivs.. open tirepiace. modern ; a.hilts. — I'i-'.-n Sr.. pi.ns.inliv. 2;; PLAT, furnish-, i, -uperi.-r, 2 ri.>oms, kit - cfienerte: -very onv.: moderate r-i.t to siiitaMe r-nnr.r.—r'hone 4'i-240. s2<j ii-w. modern, beautifully l'utnis!i> >!. --lfcou t a in-il : "Fendl-." G'irdon Kd.. Mr. Fden. — Inquiries Flat In. '■i B superior, furn., large bedloom and siiting timm. kitciienorte. private entrance: car stop. Fp-om. — Fhone 20-2 i'»."i. i VI-A 1. sclr'-ci.iita inej, large bedroom. d:n----1 ing J.H.111, kit- h-n-t te ;ii ice. y fur::.— I'hone 2. -241. 41, L'rt:mi;ier lid-, Orey ItN. t lat. also B-d Sitri-g Room and i Kitchen, and Single lioom; eievated [ p.. -.: .111. —I' i i ."> i:. • ir.7. (; ra fT.i ii IM. 24-V'-AT. part:;.- ;'ur:jisi:»d. separate eiT I i i !■;{!:' • : i- — r.—~»i\ nplcri'iT l . ' | Sr ■ s2Q j I'. 5e:f.0,, 1 - I ta:r.e.i. c'.o.m. ucfv.rn.. J 4'.'. Aim-.:-aa i:d.. s7---un-.he'r." ltd' X-w- I xFi | •ntirely s-lf-cntain-d. j I- 1 - arrra.-tivo :€ 2 ; sara-e optional. —3 K> | Mr. Eden lid., morning--, or 'phono 47-10".i. | : ! i" ( 1.1-ENi m K'i " — Flat. unfurnished. | j Walters IM . 2nd section, p.imiiron ; j IM. train. — laijr.ire Flat 7. Phone 21-434 i ! — / i I'A iI i • N"—2-4-1'... ined I'r.furn F!c :~ — i v ' I'articulars F. W. Eaton. I'j, Park i Av. 1'11..n- 4iM-.i1.-.. D 4 ! ! i I.BAI- lON HIS 4 — Large Superior Furn- i I '-h-d double 7>ed Sititng Room, kit- ! I ciiennto ; private entrance; callfont : ! ! X 23 j i T-TLMNh li A\. — Flat, unfurn.. 2 rooms, i i ;irep!:i —, larire «df-conta ;:vd kitchen- ! ! : - a.Piiis.S-nrinel p. ]. x 24 I T_Tl'-1 >.N.I-- HAi \\aterfront— furn.. i Fao-.ny Flais, m,.derate rent to I -"l-n.'r tenant.—l. I.ond.>n Sr. I'hon-> , X 24 BAY Waterfront—Rooms (,31. I la re, kitch-net te, pantrv, oouvs lar"jgroun.F. close I'arueli Park": garage; real j-oiiablo rent: a .--aside Fiat in the citv. — I ll - Kd.. I'arn-U. 23 j A[«>FXT ALBERT, best part. n\-ir tram—• • 3 Rooms, porch, eonvs.. s-li-coutai.'.-d. I clean, pleasant.--I'hone -|o-.'l:i. x 23 jAf i LIJI-..V—I- uriiished Flat, 2 rooms. ' kitchenette, -.1.. iirenlace.—7;>. Valley Rd.. minute I'oininion R.l, ear. x2^> AFT Fl'L'X—Fnfurr.isiied; own merer; near trams; very reasonable. — L.i B-urne Sr.. off Vn.spe.-t Rise. 2d ' r1 ■ EDF.V. h-st position — Choice 3 | Rooms. t'»nvs.. girage. tennis court: I j 2-. .- i h-irranl IVnne;. i'iry < 'humhor-. ::23 [ IA F .'.MARKI.I—2 ! nturi:. Rooms. kit- i cilenetre; e.1.; nice view; m —Wri'e ■ I /. '"'"4. Star. I JAItN KLL, 20. York Sp—2 Large Bed Sitting Rooms; Self-contained Fiat. furn.. nil oonv< TJARXEI.L, C. Maunseii Rd.—Flat 4, three i looms, kitchenette, bathroom; own' I-n i ranee. Open fo r j ;,-, n x2ii : "OA KNELL— Sup-rior. s.of-eonrained Fur-\ . Top Flat; la;-.- .-ittins room " : ..-.rooms, sun porch, er,-. private entrance - i IQ i'y view. —1 ('or-.tir.1 Av. x -j. 1 ]>< >UMS 12 I. kitchenette, bathroom ei | * , " w " entrance. adults. cio— ! symon.N St.: V 1 — Innuire _x 23 OEI.F< T Self-contained. Fnfurn. Flat It. VSKr?™*"-— <*'"■ Sr - Stephen's Ave.. 1 Tarn-il. .. i . — King 41-i',ii£. 23 ! ONTAINEfi Flat, nnfiir::.; mod. — I Apply Epsom Dairv. 573, Munukau R.-" ! Epsom. ' I S H " KL 'I' ANn FLATS.—iltie Furnished" ! I'm. unfurnished.—f-rerakor ilor-ie and Biss. Yorkshire 11-ustv " j " - x2'.> | S' r - st FPHFX-S. p,n- .. /V- sun i>aleoi,v. m.nor pirns- ! Q. Hi-f.r?),,,,, Kl| Phone 4 IT.LE. 30. Symonds Sr. < next | st - y'j lll ' = l — Snorr'or. m.-.d-'-n. rtn- i furn.. -.self-contained Flat. — Inquire Fiar j ! T AT '!' Al>T . XA ' S - Sr.—Flat, self.; ! mil.. '' nr, " np d. 3 rooms, all eonvs.. private • I "'France; n.-iient: r-i,: 2-> 23 pAKNELL —No. c. GLADSTONE RD. | 0 EXCEPTIONAL FFRNISIIED FLAT of | - rooms, with all modern eieerric and "is > cony-nien-es. to r.-r for a term = j 1 he-ir'l- "= S ° ; V I! ' ; " ! 've off,,ring in the | art o. one ot Auckland's ai-.-c fi-hiop-l ■Tide suburb-. n PI it 'VF PROMPTLY. CF.M-.F D 4 ! bicyclls foh sale. Accessories. Tyres. Repairs, i | Pheaiiest prices iu low::. A trial ««.liI cued.—Pioneer i'y,-1,, Worns, Newmarket. -1 B ; | pAMUI'T Sun Cycles, no deposit. 4 I ! ' w-ekly : -rear. — : vaiue i rl New Zealand ' i ' 101 l —!• I Work-. N-vvtn.irket. B ' j JS 1 - N Bicycles, World-famous, Don't buy a i | shoddy local name bicycle; get a senr- ; ine Sun and feel safe. Guaranteed I'fpl rr m ,i; tr N(, L d ?" sir ' V — Pioneer M Cycle Newmarket, 2

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 95, 23 April 1929, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 95, 23 April 1929, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 7 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 95, 23 April 1929, Page 2