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Latest (able advices indicate a welcome improvement, in the London market tor \cw Zealand lamos. Prices have advanced ; «,j ptr lb. The New Zealand .i.icers' Hoard's London representative icpnrts a. better tone and the Bank of New Zealand's London agent indicates that the improvement is likely to continue. Large quantities of New Zealand lamb are. now arriving, and provided the present keen demand continues, those operators who bought, at high f.o.b. rates and who have lost, money on earlier shipments will have a chance to recoup their losses. The mutton market has shared in the advance, but this has little interest for Auckland pastoralists as very little has none forward from this province. The Home market for New Zealand bacon and porkers still keeps firm, and with a greatiy increased output local pigbreeders and fattencrs should come out of the season very well.

The usual country sales continue to result. in good clearances, and this is scarcely to be wondered at, for the country is exceptionally well grasped for this season of the year. Climatic conditions have • ontinued favourable and. as indicated above, the export market is stronger than jt has been.

Dairy products have shown a slight improvement at Home and there is every reason to expect the season to finish up as the best on record. Despite lower prices ruling in February and March, the ','N'ew Zealand Dairyman" anticipates the season's receipts to yield £2,500,000 more i-han in 19*27-28. With such stimulus, dairy cows showing any quality are readily snappc I np ta high values wherever offered. Local "reeling work* axe eti'H busy killing pigs, a few lines of 'boned beef cattle and some old lots of late lambs. S'Te ptgs have been easier this week, as milk supplies are becoming scarcer and grain for finishing off is high in price. AT WESTFIELD. There was an average yarding of steers at yesterday's Westfield sale and an increased offering of cows. Several pens of exceptionally choice steers and also cows were offered. Bidding was brisk and last week's values were fully maintained. The sheep pens contained somewhat less than an average yarding and a clearance was readily effected at well up to late rates. Fat lambs also sold well, with little change from the previous week's values. A slightly larger entry of calves came .forward 'but there wm no slackness in the demand, and prices were steady throughout the sale. Pat pigs again met a brisk demand, but young stores were dull of sale. The range of prices, together with those ruling a week ago, was as follows:--This week. Last week. BEEF (per 1001b)— Hxtra choice ox . 38/ 3«/ rhoice and prime ox 34/ to 87/ 34/ to 37/6 Choice and prime cow and heifer . 31/ to 34/ 30.6 to 34/ SHEEP (per head)— Prime wethers .. 30/ to 37,tt 31/1 to 36/6 Prime ewes 24/ to 30/6 -'.1/ to 32/9 Prime lambs .... 21/ to 32,n 22/ to 31/ CALVES (per bead)— Runners 85/ to 182/ B.V to 132/ Vealers 58/ to 112/ 46/ to 112/ PIGS (per head)— Baconers 65/ to S6' 60/ to 84/ Porkers 40/ to 74 40/ to 74/ Weanerß 3/ to 12/ :v to ft/ 12/ to 17/ 8/ to 17/ J-arge stores 25/ to 28/ 30/ to 28/


Alfred Buekland and Sons, Limited, report:—We penned beef to the number of 439 head, as against 445 at last Wednesday's sale, comprising 225 steers and 214 cows and heifers. The quality generally was first-class. Competition was steady throughout, and last week's values ruled. Kxtra choice ox sold to £1 18/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 15/ to £1 17/; secondary and plain, £1 12/ to £1 14/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 12/ to £1 14/; ordinary cow beef, £1 5/ to £1 10/. Extra heavy prime steers ranged from £16 to £16 17/6, the latter figure tor steers from the Waikato, bought by Mr. R. E. Stott, Birkenhead. A line of 24 steers from Mr. CJ. Vo3per, Maungatautari. averaged £15 9/4; 7 from the Waikato, £16 12/6; 16 from Mr. R. Mitchell, laneatua, £14 6/8; 40 from the estate of the late Mrs. A. Muir, Ouewhero, £12 12/7. Heavy prime steers made £!4 10/ to £15 17/6; lighter prime, £13 to £14 7/6; light prime. £11 10/ to £12 17/6; small and unfinished, £8 to £11 7/6; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers made £11 10/ to £12 17/6. A line of 16 cows from Whakatane averaged £10 10/, the top-price cows at £12 17/6 being bought by the Auckland Meat Company. Heavy prime cows and heifers made £9 10/ to £11 7/6; lighter prime, £7 15/ to £9 7/6; other killable cows, £5 5/ to £7 13/0. The sheep pens were moderately filled with a nice class of mutton, which sold freely at last week's rates. Extra heavy prime wethers made £1 16/ to £1 17/9, the latter pricc for* wethers from Messrs. Sutton and Sutton. bought by Mr. Ij D. Parsons; heavy prime, £1 14/ to £1 15/9: medium to heavy prime, .CI 12/ to £1 13/9; light to medium prime, £1 10/6 to £1 11/9; unfinished, £1 9/ to £1 11/. Kxtra heavy prime youiij; ewes made £1 R/6 to £1 10/, for ewes from Mr. I -1 . Kimpton, purchased by Mr. F, Langley ; heavy prime ewes, £1 6/6 to £1 8/3; lighter prime, £1 4/ to £1 fi/3: other killable ewes, £1 1/ to £1 3/9 ( 727 sheep sold). Lambs penned to the number c-f 297. nnd sold readily without alb-ration in values. Extra heavy prime lambs made £ 1 !'/. a tew extra special lambs realising £1 12/6. being bought by Mr. D. Bm'.eson; heavy prime lambs. £1 6/ to £1 8/6; light'.-;-prime, £1 3/6 to £1 5/9; light prime, £1 1/ to £1 3/; small and plain, 15/ to £1. We 'had an increased yarding of fat calves, a big proportion bjing heavy vealers and runners. Prices for the heavier classes were slightly lower, others selling at fully late rates. Runners made £4 5/ to £6 12/ for a good quality heifer, purchased by Mr. .John Rowe, Newmarket: heavy vealers, £4 14/ to £5 17/; medium, £3 12/ to £4 8/; light, £2 12/ to £3 5/; good bucket-fed calves, £2 5/ to £3 8/; rough and unfinished, £1 12/ to £2 2'; small and fresh dropped, 3/ to £1 4/ (150 calves sold). There was a good supply of fat pigs. Bidding was bn*U throughout, prices for choppers and bducners showing an advance. Extra heavy chopper* made £4 5/ to £4 17/; lighter, £2 to £3 10/; h«avy prime baconers, £4 to £4 0': medium. £3 15/ to £3 18/; light, £3 ')' t.o £3 10/; heavy porkers. £2 14/ to £2 ID/; medium, £2 7/ to £2 11/; light. £2 to £2 4/; small and unfinished, £1 12/ to £1 16/; stores, £15/ to £1 8/; slips, 12/ to 17/; weaners, 8/ to 10/ for best; small and weedy, 2/ to 6/ (591 pigs sold). DALGETY AND COMPANY. Dalgety and Company, Ltd., report:— Beef: At our weekly Westfield fat stock sale held to-day we offered an average yarding of ox beef. Competition was teady, and the market remained firm at Jate rates. Prime heavy bullocks realised £15 to £15 7/6; medium, £14 to £14 10/ ; lighter, £13 to £13 17/6. Two prime fat bullocks, on account of the Matarawa Land Company realised £14 to £15 7/6, t he top prices being paid by Messrs. Lees . • n.-l Cf).. Aihuhii. E. Barnaby. Morniug•ide, and and Smith, Grey Lynn.

Two trucks o; bullocks--, on account of Mr. C. 11. Kerr, To Kuit.i, realised £13 to £14. the top price being paid by Scotte, Ltd.. Devonport. Beef; Cow and heifer be.'M was penned in more thau average numbers. Competition for well-finish-cd lines was good, and (lie market remained firm on last week's quotations. Prime cow and heifer realised £12 10'' to £13 13/; medium. £10 to £12; light, £7 10/ to £'•>. One truck of extra prim-e heifers and young cows, from tiie Matarawa Land Co., I'utaruru, realised £12 5/ to £13 13/, and averaged £13 1 8. 'The best pens were purchased by ilr. -John Rowe, Xcwmarket. and Mr. T. H. McKechnie, Ota.huhu. One truck of cows from Mr. VVorsp. Whangarei. averaged £9 18,', t'he top jjrice for heifers in this line being paid by R. and \V. Ilellaby, Ltd. Two oows tronu Mr. Alex Millar. Waihou, realised £12 7 6. and were purchased by M ess rs Fewron Bros., A von dale. Extra rhiiieo ox sold to 38 per 1001b; choice and prime. 33/ to 36'; just killabie. 31/ to 33 ; .prime young eoiv and heifer beef, 33'; just killabie, 27/ to 29/. Sheep: An average yarding of fat sheep came forward, for which competition was steady, and prices remained firm at last week's quotations. .Prim** heavy wethers realised 34/ to 34 0; medium, 33/3 to 33 9; lighter. 31/ to 32 3; heavy prime ewes, 28/6 to 29/3; lighter, 27/9. One tNick of wethers from .\lr. N. Faithfull, Kaikohc, realised 34/ to 34 U. the best pen being purchased by Scott's. Ltd.. Devonport. One truck of prime ewes from Mr. R. H. Bailey, Tirau, realised 29/3, and was purchased by R. and \V. Hellaby. Ltd. Lambs: An average yarding of lambs sold at late rates. Heavy prime lamb made 25/; lijyht. 21,/. Calves: An average yarding sold keenly at fully late rate*. An extra good quality runner sold on account of Mr. W. Mason. Kaipara Klats, topped the sale at £8. and wan purchased by Mr. -ToOiii Rowe. (NVwinarket. Runners m.ado £4 13'. £3 7/ to £8; heavy vealers, £4 15/ to £3 9'; medium, £3 13/ to £ 4 12 ' : light. £2 5 ' to £3 12/: rough. £'I to £2 5/. Pigs met a firm sale, realising priecs quite up to list week's sale. Choppers made £2 to £3: heavy baconers, £3 15' to £4; medium baconers. £3 8 to £3 12 ; light baconers, £3 to £3 6'; heavy porkers. £2 10 to £2 16': medium porkers, £2 4/ to £2 8 ; light porkers, £1 18/ to £2 2 .

LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company. Limited, reports: —Beef was penned in average numbers. Competition was steady throughout, with values firm at. late rates. Extra choice ox sold to £1 IS,/ per 1001b: choice and prime, £1 15/ to £1 17 ; ordinary and plain, £1 12/ to £1 14, ; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 11/ to £1 I.V: ordinary cow beet. £1 0' to £1 10 6; heavy prime steers, £13 15' to £15; lighter prime. £I*2 5, to £13 !'J 6: light prime. £11 to £12 2/6; unfinished and small. £0 to £10 15/; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £10 5/ to £11; heavy prime, £9 to £10 2/6; lighter, £8 to £8 17 6: light cows, £6 lof to £7 15/: other cows. £5 to £6 12 2. Prime heifers from Mr. H. E. Keid, Waerenga, realised £11. being purchased by Mr. D. Mann, butcher, Grey Lynn. Sheep were \ aided in average numbers, and sold readily at late quotations. Extra heavy prime wethers sold to £1 17 0 to:sheep fatted by Mr. M. Black. Pongakawa, and purchased bv Messrs. YV. Si-ott and E. Wilson, butchers. Heavy prime wethers made £1 15 to £1 16 '(>; medium prime, £1 13 6 to £1 119; light prime, £1 12/ to £1 13 3: small and unfinished. £1 8/ upwards. Heavy prime wethers sold on account of the Guardian Trust in the estate of the late Mr. Alex. Bell realised £1 15/9, being purchased by Messrs J. Bolton and W. Lawson. butchers. Heavy prime ewes made £1 9,3 to £1 10 6; medium prime, £1 8' to £1 9/; light prime. £1 6/ to £ 1 7/9; interiorly fatted. 15/ upwards. Lamljs were penned in average numbers and sold ready at late quotations. Heavy prime made £1 6/ to £1 7/6: medium prime, £1 4/3 to £1 5/9; light prime, £1 I' 6 to £14,'; unfinished, best, 19' to £1 1/; others. 10/6 to 18 6. Pigs were penned in average numbers. Competition was keen and values were firm at late quotations. Choppers sold at £2 10/ to £5; heavy and medium baconere, £3 16/ to £4 3/; light 'baconens and heavy porkers. £3 3/ to £3 14/; ■medium porkers and light porkers, £2 10/ to £3; smalt and unfinished porkers, £1 16/ to £2 8/. Store pigs were ■penned in average numbers and values improved on late quotations. Large stores made £1 2/ to £1 8/; slips, 10/ to £1; weanere, 3/ to 12/. Calves were penned in average numbers. Values were on a par witah last week's quotations. Runners made £3 10/ to £5 17/6: heavy vealers, £5 to £5 12/; medium. £4 8/ to £4 18/; light, £3 16/ to £4 6/; smaller, £3 to £3 14/; small and fresh-dropped, 5/ to £2 18/, according to quality; rough calves. £1 5/ to £2 10/.

COUNTRY SALES. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Co., Ltd., reports:—Sales wer« held during the past week at Westfield, Warkworth, Pukekohe (cattle and pips') and Waiuku (cattle and pigs). All classes of cattle and pigs sold readily at late quotations. Dairy cows and heifers, close to profit, best, made £10 5/ to £13; others, £8 to £10; backward springers, £6 to £9 10/; aged cows and inferior heifers, £3 to £5 10/; bulls, £2 10/ to £9, according to weight and quality; empty cows, £3 to £5 10/; heifers, suitable for dairy purposes, £5 to £8 15/; yearling heifers, £2 to £4 10/; yearling to 18-months steers, £3 10/ to £5 5/; two to two and a-half year steers, £5 10/ to £6 17/6; three to three and a-half year steers, £7 to £8 10/; lour to four and a-half year steers, £8 15/ to £9 In/; grown steers in forward condition. £10 to £10 15/. At Pukekohe and Waiuku we report good sales of pigs, all fat pigs realising Westfield quotations. Values for store pigs have improved slightly.

Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd., report: During the week we held sales at Westfield, Waiotira.. Maungaturoto, I'okeno. Clevedon. Turua nnd Runciman, also a pig sale at Waiuku. There were average yardings and prices realised were similar to those ruling at recent sales. Best dairy cows and heifers made £11 to £15 10/; second grade, £8 10/ to £10 15/; others, £4 to £S 5/; empty young cows and heifers, £3 to £5; boner and store cows, £2 to £4 15/; fat steers, £10 15/ to £14 15/; heavy prime young cows anil heifers, £8 to £10 5/; lighter fat cows and lieil'ers, £5 to £7 17/6; cows with calves. £6 to £9 5/; grown steers in forward condition, £9 10/ to £10 7/; three to four-year-old steers, £8 to £9 5/; two to three-year-old steers, £7 to £8; yearling to 18-months-old steers, £4 15/ to £6 10/; 18months to two-year-old in-calf dairy heifers, £5 to £9 10/, according to quality; well-bred heifer calves, £3 to £5; steer calves, £3 to £4 7/6; calves, mixed sexes. £2 5/ to £3; smaller calves, £1 12/ to £2 4/; small calves, £1. 5/ to £1 10/: heavy bulls. £7 to £0: sound young herd bulls, £4 10/ to £8 10'; other bulls, £2 to £45/: four-tooth to f.f.m. ewes in lamb. £1 8/0 to £1 12/: older ewes in lamb. £1 4/ to £1 7''6; store wethers. £1 8/6 to £1 10/: store lambs. In' to £1. Pigs at Waiuku sold at Wertfield values.

HEAVY tNTRIES. AND A GOOD SALE. (Uy Telegraph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCII, Wednesday. Entries were heavy all round at the Addington market to-day. The store sheep sections contained a big entry of ewes, and store lambs were also forward in heavy numbers. For both classes there was a. good free sale at prices varying from 1/ to 1/6 a head better than last week. Fat sheep comprised the biggest entry of the season, sale prices being practically unchanged. Good class fa', cattle also maintained last week's rates, but secondary sorts were harder to quit.

Store Sheep.--Good Merino ewe lambs brought 25/10; medium e«» iambs, '22/ to

24/7; inferior to ordinary. 19/ to 21/6; medium wether lambs, IS 3 to 20/; inferior, 16/ to 18'; cull, 12/6 to 13 '6; best mixed sex haltbred lambs, to 24/ best mixed sex thrcequartcr-brcd lamb*. 21/9 to 23/6; best mixed sex crossbred lambs, to 23'; medium, 18/ to 20/; inferior. 14/6 to 17': good two-tooth lialfbred, to 34 ; ordinary two-tooth lialfbred ewes, to 31/3; interior, 26/ to 29/6; tour, six and oighttooth haltbred ewes. 28 3 to 31 3; ordinary four, six and eight-tooth ewes, 24,6 to 27/6; sound-mouth lialfbred ewes, 22/3 to 23/10; failing month eyes, 19/6 to 22'; cull ewes, 13/ to 13/; ordinary two-tooth crossbred ewes, to 26,9: two-tooth three-quarter-bred ewes, 29 ; sound-mouth Romney-cross ewes, to 27 3; failing mouth crossbred ewes, 18 : good four, six and eight-tooth crossbred ewes, 26/3 to 28/; ordinary, 24/ to 26/; good four and sixtooth halfbred wethers. 28/ to 30/10; good four-tooth threequartcr-bred wethers, 38 3.

Fat Lambs.—Extra prime lambs made 33/7: prime. 28/6 to 31/6; medium, 26/3 to 28/3; light. 23/9 to 23/9.

Fat Sheep.—Extra prime wethers made to 42/; prime, 32/ to 35,/; medium. 28/0 to 31/6; light, 26/9 to 28/3; extra prime ewes, to 31/10; prime. 23/' to 28/; medium, 22/ to 24/6; light, 19/ to 21/; aged, 16/ to 18/6.

Fat Cattle.—Price realised were equivalent. to 42/6 to 45/ per 1001b for good beef, extra quality, to 47/: medium, 40/ to 42/; best cow beef and medium heifer, 37/ to 40/; heavy and plain cow beef, 31/ to 35/; rough, down to 27/6. Vealers. —Twelve to 18-month calves, to £8 18/6; good vealers. £6 to £7 10'; medium vealers. X 4 to £5 10/; calves. 35/ to £3. ' Fat pigs realised s!ad to 6d per lb for baconers, and 7d to 7!£d for porkers.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 91, 18 April 1929, Page 4

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 91, 18 April 1929, Page 4

LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 91, 18 April 1929, Page 4