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Sea Scout Inspection,

Tin; annual inspection of Sea Scout companies of New Zealand i.s now nearly completed and Commander Hall left Auckland last night on route to Nelson to examine the last company. The Auckland inspection on both days was unfortunately marred by bad weather. On Saturday all companies paraded at tho Central wharf for inspection by Commander Hall, who took the salute as the live companies marched ]>ast. Semaphore signalling followed, both Scouts and Sea. Cubs participating. Calliope demonstrated the live saving apparatus. After addresses by Messrs. \V. J. lloldswortli (Scout Commissioner). Charlewood (Dominion Council) and Commander Hall, cheers were given for tho commander and followed by the Scout haka led by Mr. llijj wooil. After the dismissal of the parade, crews from Calliope and Vindictive demonstrated their rowing abilities.

When asked by Michael for a statement for publication regarding the method of awarding the Jellicoe Trident, Commander Hall said that it would be given to the most improved company, and the company which showed the finest scout spirit. It appears that on his return after the tour of inspection, Commander Hall makes a recommendation to the Dominion Chief Commissioner, who in -urn passes the recommendation on to the Dominion Council, which body Jecides the winning company.

])i-otissiii£ Sea So'» 11 f Companies in general ( ununander Hull remarked thai there > 11<>11111 lie e<hi-ideralily more Sea Si-uiit ciim|i;iiiic- iii New Zealand than there are, e.-jieeiallv so should this lain !-ea )'ort towns swell a> Aueklaiicr and Wellington. ( (.iiiimandcr Hall .slated

that "enerally speaking all t lie comjiaiiie s had raldy improved, and ..ha! Auckland wa- mil lacking in t hire.- ' >!•: t .

In company with Commander Hall. I aptain Wood- and Mr. A. .1. Wart, our < "hi in (Mr. \V. .1. I lohl-w oi !h ! \i-it.'d \'indirti\e and Calliope Coinpanic- on Friday last. Although the night was an extremely wet one there was :l -plcildid imi-ter of hoys in both companies. This being the Commissioners first visit to these companies, lie wa- not only interested hut much impressed by what lie saw. The manlv hearing of the boys and their alert i;c-X was most striking and all orders \v ■ • carried out smartly and with precision. I he olticci - of t lie two companies are to lie congratulated on the high standard reached. The Commissi,, tier was highly interested in the Sea Cubs, who also carried out their duties in a very line manner, liven the weather did not damp the ardour of the hoys when live companies turned out at the Central wharf on

Saturday last tor the inspection by ( otnfiaiider Mall. Again the hoys' conduct, bearing and marching were favourablv commented on by all who witnessed the parade. Sonic of the older bo\-. uho showed great proiiciencv and were a very fine 1 vpe of led. evi --: d desire to go to -ea and the Commissioner was very much surprised to learn that owing to the attitude adopted by thshipping companies this was almost impossible. If this can he remedied it would, in the opinion of the Commissioner, be in the interests of both the boys and the Mercantile Marine. The Cominisisoner states that the thing which pleased hint more than anvthiii" else find that the olliccrs of the Calliope Company had all joined the company as bovs.

Sea Scout Officers Meet. The points about which the Sea Scout, olliccrs of Auckland are at variance with Dominion were tul'y di-cu-sed at a meeting held at headouarters on Mondav ni'jht last, when, wilh Commissioner" lloldswortli in the chair. Commander Hall met the Sea Scout olliccrs of Auckland. As an outcome of this meeting many points were cleared up and an amieabie settlement arrived at. It was felt that the discussion will do the world of good and that ji better feeling will prevail in future.

Easter With Calliope. The company cam peri on Pine Island lor lister. It was origin illy intended to sail Thursday night, but this was abandoned owing to the threatening state of the weather. As it was, it was Friday night when the tents were pitched. Hawke Company verv kindly assisted us, and provided a snack, as tlie store* were not unpacked. The cutter ( took a party to Riverheari on Sunday. There we found an a'xjnriance of i ipe -blackberries, so ! to an unfortunate accident, the nr'lg had to return home under one t-ail only! Headquarters were reached on Monday afternoon. Several of (lie company qualified for cook's badge in addition to swim nier's and rescuer's. This was the la<st camp for one of us, P. 0. VVoostcd, who is leaving for Wellington.

Vindictive Sea Scouts. l'riday last the company was inspected by Commander Hall for the Jellicoe 'Irident. After the inspection the bovts were tested in knotting, compass, Scout law, rigs of vessels, parts of a boat, first aid and international code. Respite the fact that the boys are mostly new to the company and have not had extensive training, they did very well. In conclusion Commander Hail congratulated the boys on being such an excellent company and he expects big things from Vindictive in the near future. On Saturday morning some of the Scouts, under the bo'eun, made a new mast. They then rowed the whaler to the Central wharf. Although a verv wet day they made light of it and with a good supply of oilskins, etc., arrived none the worse for the trip. All hands from Vindictive were taken to a refreshment room after the parade, and were shouted a cup of cocoa and sandwiches by Mr. Carr and the officer*. All left for home quite satisfied with the day's work.

H.Q. Jottings. It was unfortunate that the inclement weather over last week-end necessitated postponement of the first-class tests and it is not anticipated that any further teste will be held until the next date scheduled, June 1. The badge examination night will be held to-mor-row night at 7.15 p.m. in St. James' Hall. • • • « A Morse Competition. A prize of a bet of two silk Morse signalling flags will be given to the Scout who, in the opinion of the judge, sends in the best writing of the message which appears below. There are oniy a few simple conditions. 1. The message must be on plain, unruled paper and be done in ink. 2. The code must be written on the system that lias been conducted in these columns. .'!. Accompany your entry with full particulars, regarding name, age, troop, rank and cdass badges. 4. Hand books may be used, but the help of a Scoutmaster or other person is not permitted. f>. Entries must be received at the ollice not later than Tuesday morning, April 23. Thi«s is the message which was (-cut by Assistant-Seoul master Jones, 79th Auckland Troop, to Patrol Leader Smith of the same troop: "Unable to reach camp to-night. Will sleep in whare miles north of Waitakere on Lincoln (Auck-land-Hclensville) Road, tiling IMb of 2/0 tea. Oood camping." m * * * Advisory Board Decisions.

Warrants were granted to the following:-—\\ T. Walker, Kllerslie Troop; .Miss 1). Watts, cubmaster, I'unua l'ack: Mr. 1C Salmon, A.S.M., Kitchener Troop; -Mr. A. J. drover, A.C.M., All Saint.--' l'ack; Mr. Raker. A.S.M., St. llarv'> Troop; Mr. G. Hrownlee, A.SAI., St. Mary's Troop. Mr. Holdsworth pic sen ted Messrs. dally and Thode with long service medals.

Tt was decided to call a parade of all Ilie Scouts of Auckland on Saturdav. May the date which coincides with the opening of the International Jamboree. It is anticipated that the • lovenior-Ciencral will inspect troops on that date.

Authority was jjiven to D.S.M. Ivcr--en to engage t iie Tepid Swimming I' !, t h- some time during the forthcoming school holiday.-, when arrangeitients will In; made for the I'roud Swimming Cup. A programme ot other events will lie drawn up and it is anticipated that an hour will he taken up in this way. All troops will he invited to attend and after the programme has heen run oil' there should lie about half an hour available for a "-wimmo" by all the Scouts. The fuiK-ticn will be held on a Friday night.

The rally which it is proposed to run about September next was di-cu-scd a committee consisting of AS. Commissioner lio«wcll, l).S..M.'s Ivet>eit and Dyer, rcpn-cnt i»g the Ad\ i-oi v Moard. and Scout. rs Walls, lVat. Tribbfe and \ea it (group representatives) wai appointed to go into the matter in detail. Thev will meet on Tuesday, April

Iroops wishing to attend the Anzac |>ay parade .should notify head<|Uartei - immediately of the number of seat--1 ''e.v icpiire to be reserved for them. A:i troops will muster in lYinees Sire i outs'de Albert Park.

Mr. Toht. Laidlaw, of the Farmers' \ "ion. put forward a proposil ion which will he very beneficial to the movement and the Ad\ isory Hoard has approved of the scheme. AS. Commissioners aiu] \ t'urt wore appointed to meet the finance executive and linali-e arrangements. Details of this plan will be jiubli-hed at a later date. * * * • No. 3 Tribe. -X voluntary church parade of the Scouts and Seouters of X,,. ;{ iU . O;J j s b'Mi.L' held on Sunday next. The Kev. !';• '• ° ,lN - 'he Mount Kden Methodist Church, will conduct the -ey. Vl1 '"- T!l " I" 1 I'll lie Will 1 5«,., II hle -t 11,,. second -eel ion, on Mount Kden Koad at I'l.liu a.m. * • • » Birthday Celebrations at Punua. De-pile the wet Weather I'unua head <|tiaiters were well lilled on Fridav last tor the occasion of the troop's" celebration of their lirist birthdav. The Cubs were p resent by invita'tion ami helped the alom;. Head<l ua i ter- we, ~ represented by D.C.'M. A. I-.. M. Uoii-htoii, acti-seerciary. who pie.-entcd several badges won recentlv. 1 l ""ii H-i; >al event of the evening was -upper, which the ha rd-work in;.' troop omriittee had provided in abundance \ eake. donated by kind friends, was re- I'ned by the Scoutmaster oil behalf of the troop. It hore one candle and a IHmii-c of Scout wearing a service star. Ihe candle wa- lit by Scout F. Little the smallest Scout, and the cake was cut by Mrs. Watts, a valued worker on the committee. A presentation was made to Second T. Klmslcv who has recently left the troop. vote of thanks to the visitors and troop committee brought a successful function to a close.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 90, 17 April 1929, Page 18

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TE KORERO FOR BOY SCOUTS Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 90, 17 April 1929, Page 18

TE KORERO FOR BOY SCOUTS Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 90, 17 April 1929, Page 18