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The bi-annnal meeting of the Auckland Federation of WotiiPii s Institutewas held in the assenildy hall or tin YAV.C.A. yesterday. The (iresident Mrs. Dudley Dormer, yiresiiled over a number of drdefrates from Henderson (rreenhithe, Swanson. To Atatu. 'i'liakan

Albany, Otaika, Silverdale, Olen Afton.f Birkdale and Tc Awamiitu. Tn her 1 -pceeh of welcome, Dormer expressed her pleasure at the attendance of =o many delpgatp". and referred to tlip presence of Mi-- Mowbray. pre=id"nt "f the Victoria J.eapue, and Carna'•han. president of the Auckland branch of the National Council of Women, wlio were visitors to the mceiiiijr. In lier nddre-j Mrs. Dormer spoke of tli'' progress of the women's institute. There vere three new one-, Tuakau. Jfnb-on-vi 1 !•» and Woodhill, making a total of twenty-one. ft. \vn=» nio-t pncoiiraL'in'- r . -he -aid. to find that, through the efforts of the institute rjuite a ininilier of women had heen nominated for local school committee, and that, splendid work was bcinir done for tlie Hospital Auxiliary by a number of the institute*. One circle of the League of Mother-; \va« in existence. hut at present that wa- still only in the experimental sta<*c. Mrs. Dormer -poke of tlie work done by the National Council of Women, to which the federation was affiliated, and concluded by s;iyillthat they were all working for the -Mine end; union wa - strength, and it was only by co-operation that they would get. the tiling- that were so urgently needed. Several remits were brought forward and discussed. The remit concerning workers' privilege tickets hemp extended so that hoys and "iris over 21 years* of aire train advantage, and free passes for children up to five years of ape and lialf fare up to fourteen, was discussed, and it was decided that the matter he dealt with by the Federation Committee. A considerable amount of discussion took place as regards (he teaching of Trench in primary schools and al-o ahout the inclusion of K-peranto in the school curriculum. Mr j . Irwin, of Crcenhit lie. spoke on the subject, and by request Mi«« Carnachan also spoke. It was decided that the matter be left in abeyance until more information on the subject had been procured. A discussion of remits that the National Council of Women were forwarding to the conference to be held in .May, followed. After the luncheon adjournment Miss .lean who had for four months worked with the police in the Cnited States, -poke on women police. She bepan by defining the difference between a. police matron and a woman police. A police matron had the responsibility of the reception, the searching and the care of women and pirls held by the police. The woman police existed for the prevention and detection of crime. When people be -/a n to lliink of women doiiiff actual police work, the very word police was deemed- to have a (piality that would demean a lady, and when Mrs. Wells, a trained social worker and an educated

woniiin, became, the first, policewoman

in America, the, fact that an educated woman had deliberately sought a position in a police force a-touiuled the country. The movement wa< liMinehed. and to-day seventeen countries had declared that they employ women in their police forces. Alis s l>e'."_f told interest-

ing anecdotes of Jicr eevpericnces in America. She aNn outlined the duties ot the women police. "A policewoman," concluded Ali-s "should be well

eipiipped in training, experience, personality and character for doing high-grade social work, and if there is an ade<|iif.te Ma IT of well qualified and properly trained women, they will make a real contribution to the prevention of delinquency, and will prove that the policewoman is the outstanding agent in thif field.' All exhibition of the arts and

ci at Is of (lie institutes was on view, and among the work was 'ft bedspread, each corner of which had been worked h.v a member of the institute. A Dickens' .-ketch was given by Airs. <i'A utlucuu at tlie end ui' the aitefiioon.


i l.ivr rrmi' iK. House prr-ented a lirillii:, - !a -t i- * ■ -1: ill ir wii -ii th-ir K\■"!!,.the < j;■ ir-' lein-ral and Lady ]•', II Ji.» \ ;i hail. Hri-h; -. \i\ id • •>!•> in tl.«- !!«•:'.«I <!••• ■ T;r, 11 ;i ]I ■ I \ !•- - ■ r.i : - ' I i h-el tII ! ■•■\ i•r v. .i I: • :.y ta- liapj.y i'.i ■■■ - "I tili.,ru- . i li'iiiy tin!-! < hrv -ant h---M-'h-rv w-rc in •■in:: i ■ ini - r •>f l !i- I•. 11 i - ! ii- i■ ril:. • .II f;lrl■ i -i: i::- -I. >«. -'i no in i.riL'iit l'-ii-f a-. i i!' -1 ill- iiJI — - nr : •••III::::. w h i-!i a- r- !••• n—i -i«!«- to an.l - w i!. iI, -' i. ,-ket - <-f exotic 'j ■\ - in :t; t r.i-■ i:m:-ii ni tl.limine-- to i »!,•«•«i ii.i: -. Tii- wind--I ia II:- l" ■•r•l i—. i :i t I in? -. •: ti! I -_r tor tii— K-uatiflil fi'o-k- Hit- '.hh'll. ami further colour v. a - add-d l.y the .-c,tri-' .! ml | i,j l !i,. I-;' for- - i•! lin t: iii i t ,i; i:a\al >.•- i; ■ > m-v pr-- ■ , i- •• .i - -ii iiiv i ■ ii: -!i — i t.«!»!«--ami ii -1 - .iu. iin ii- >. ■it i ii; I i. I ■ of t--ii t i>- i'.' in -■ ili- -oi::> ; f- in ti. :: av. ii :i nd r* —pi i*t'-.i- -. v. !:i-i: a. i. ia i: a ! u ;• 'a :i>i! tui.ii t i:. t—. i .'•>! I.i •_'-. -I •• I' ■ii ill ill lit- rool air on 1i i ■ -••»t rai i.a n-- on sin- llov. -r 1... i ~ nn, !i'i I ii- troi-k-; worn h\ tll — -ii--;-u-l - I . 1: ' ■ ; :-t im ' i>. -. 'I i:. ■ \ ,i ; -imu I ;•■ • r>■•■;•: ii:!<• im-i n-iiiiiu' "1 ih.- -kin

and the 11-e or t lie 5; I- h iona b'c 11 ?n ■ \ 11 hemline. ami iii the very yonir.r ill - tin' old-world note of bovirmil ain I fril!« iv;i- ino-t aj i pi-:i 1 i nir. Tln-ir !•" x < •1 - li-'i'ics tin- < lovcrnor-'leiicra 1 ami I.sulv A lief! Fcr^u : --oii ciitiri'il tlir lui II :*• >< mt a; ;11j<" :11 l.a If • p;i-t, and daii'-ii r_' waconni)cii''i (1. Ifcr fidlein y wmv a fi ofk '•! lihifk irfiirLo-; If with =-.• fll v 11 r;i !>«•(! skirt. aml cor-ir.'c liciuiiv sfinMcil with rhiiif-l "in'. ('i)iinti--< 'Ihciiiia Met axa was in a frock "f citron yellow i/coriridtc v\itli skirt of poinled dinperiffind -ilvcr st•'111;11 cmhroiileric, at wai.»t. a pa-tel lilio- lliiwi' -An-; nt her slioulder. Av:o])^-f tho-r wlio \vre |ircsent tviTc: Mr-. 11. (i lend ini iil'. who wore a fiock of cnilio--ei| chi'iiil!i> in shades of red and black: Air-, (.'iiarlcXathiin. jade jrrccn Frcnch crepe «!'■ (dline; .Mrs. (lover, tinted lace frock: Mrs. Sinclair lb-id. m;ii/e coloured draped <jcor«eU<> \\ilh l liine-l ohe tiiniTiiiiiLT: Mr-. Sidney Thoriie pa-t'd jiink velvet with black let, in I nt henlline in diamond d.'-iyu: Mr-. Alcrvyn Itecd. buy-leaf tulle, with -kirt compiled of tiny frill-; Mr-. Trevor! I'ref.t, ivory with r old beaten pattern and iiue\cn hemline: Mr-. 1,. M. I-itt, blue chiffon velvet in rich blue shade; Mrs. ,\. (.liiartlev. frock of ro>e and silver brocade; Mr-. .1. ('. ~\Y;ilc<. soft rose satin and fine 'job] lace; Mr-. I'. ( risp, velvet cor-a'je with >ki:t of tulle: Mrs. J'orrie. maize lace frock with teired skirl; Mi-. S. Marler, white georgette with skirt of tiny frill-; .Aha. If. C. J.ii-comlie, blu-h pink lall'eta with sc:il lojied lie in and blue shoulder flower; Mr<. S. Mackav, white with pointed draperies; Mr-. Ilex Carew. black velvet with black and lodd tunic bodice; Airs. Key Jones, floral chiffon in variegated coloured, studded with diamante; Alls. ])clph, black cmbo--ed chenille; Alt-. H. \\ ii-oH, 11a me uc orr(dt.e with silver embroideries at hip; Airs. if. (leddes. willow ■jrcin I c with hem of black ceorireite; Air-. Noel Aircy. black chiffon with uuc\en lieniline; Airs. I)o\(>, delpliinium blue <reorjrettcs -with tiered ,-kii t ; Airs. \V. J. Cochrane, black velvet frock with diamante t rimin!nl; : Mrs. I!iciiaid-on. lemon colourcfl eeor;jet t c with pointed draperies ; Air-. .1. llnd-on, flame te over joild lame; Air.-. AN* vide llrown. parchment lace and with 100.-e panels at side embroidered with hnudmade satin ro-cs: T. Ilolmden, rimj velvet frock in .-oft. urceil sjiade; All-, bind-ay. black oeor.-ette with black ami white embroidered shawl; Air-. Neville, 'due sal in la-ante in pa-lel shad'-; Alls' \Y. WiUoii, rn-e L;eore(-fte with l'hinestoiio trimmine; Airs. Aldrid-je, apri-

rot. isctn j>(»t t.c With embroideries; Miss Bond (debutante) wore a frock of silver Immio bodice and skirt of billowy tulle; Miss G'eddes, bay leaf green cliitl'oii velvet: Miss Winifred Averill, white p-portreti o with silver embroideries and scalloped hem; Mi.-s ]>oiia llain.eer. Mack r cor<ret tu and lai-op patterned floral eliitl'on. with French taifeta Low at hip; Mi-s Mollv l.ruee-Iliiy. palest jiink georgette with aiikle-lenpth skirt composed of tinv frills; Miss .loan Kobertsou, apricot tall eta, with boiitl'ant skirt; Miss Dollv frock; .Miss J)aj.luu? ]>aini:er, fitting bodice of opalescent sei,nins and skirt of blue tulle; JLiss DAn-y Joues, rose pink taffeta

v. itli li• •in ot 1 nou»: Mi~s Mario ITciiM. !;trk-j.ur Mi:n 'jeorj.'tte with diamante rut broideries; Mi-s Vera Markav. cream ] ■}> 11«• ri 11-f I rii:'_r \clvot: Mi-- P>e»h Stnkc. , ,i~t [.ink taffeta frock; Mi.-- _~y \\*;i 11 r.i]. sea foam preen L! 0< irLfft To h'-nvily beaded in Tlie sa'nn; <diade; Mi-s J.ind-ay, Imt teroiip witli jointed dra jicric-i; Mi-s Jnyi-t; IVwii-v;. draped frock in two .-hades of blue otto; Mis-, liariiara I'itrrv. palest

;i-' 'i Uft tr; Mis- Jiarliata Pierre. palest p : nk v.-"!;;ette with ankle l«*ni»lh .-kirt i • .m J.< >-i-il of tiny frill,; Mi--; Evelyn !'• 11' I. del I'll '.Din m blue taffeta with !'i .iirr.i nt, .-kirt: .Mi-- Jean Lawford. Mack lace <tml tulle; Miss .((inn K'lliert--'•ii. {ifi cli ta lleta with two tiered frilled -kill: Mi-- Janet <'1 ;i i"k -• >li. ,-iiver lame (•■ ir-a '.re with -kirt of white tulle; Mi-s •f. Ken'. deep red velvet. flock; Mi-s M. ' >!i T1 -f Ul, white frilled LM'ordette; Mi-- 1 ;>t <>n. letii <>n e< ili ii i red lti •< ii'_r« ■ 11" with j.niiited dra perie-: Mi-s Kit a. Meperiod flock of primrose tall'eta: Mi-- Finnic, Horn I taffeta with lioulfant. -kill ; Mi-- H. -lack -i ill. lilaek tulle truck with -carle cmbt uideries; Mis, N. <11it! ic 1 (1. Jla 1110 coloured 'JIM Ie tJ e ; M:-- 1). J lea t her, ] ■;! -1 e 1 pink te ; Mi-- W . Heather, willow jrreeii tall'eta ; M'-- \. DewillL r . p.l-tel tolled jenf-.-t t e truck wi• ii draped -kirt; .Mi-- Kirker, li'-ep el i-, i ii! lace fliick: Mi-- 11. Ili-il. deeji I.! lie tall'eta ; Mi-- I'na Foley, ci cam I' 1 mi-,i;i•' truck; M:-s I Ulel.lln e Fuiiv, |'l'it':l"-e period fl'n- k ed:_"-d with l'o-e p'lint lace.

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 90, 17 April 1929, Page 12

Word Count

WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 90, 17 April 1929, Page 12

WOMEN'S INSTITUTES. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 90, 17 April 1929, Page 12