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TOP CLUBS DISPLACED. FTELEXRVILLR AND OTAHUHU. (By TRUNDLER.) I The Pennant rntnid" last Saturday lias •made tbei position very interesting for the postponed first round, to be played on March 2, for with hardly any exceptions the clubs that were high up have been brought down a little, and those that were well down have improved their position. The move towards uniformity is pronounced as to suggest that if there had been seven rounds, instead of five, all the clubs might be .almost on the. same mark at the end. This remarkable movement is clearly •shown by the subjoined table, giving the rink wins and losses last Saturday and the percentage of wins to date. The first round has >not yet been played, but .alongside the present percentage is shown the percentage, omitting decimals, at the -end of each of the three earlier rounds:— SECTION A. Club. R. W. L. PC. 4th 3rd 2nd -Helensville ..211 81.25 91 100 100 Carlton 20 12 8 63.12 64 i>B i>7 Papntoetoe .. 6 3 3 58.33 61 66 66 Epson. 14 9 5 56.25 53 51 39 Mount Albert 8 :tj 4i 84.08 58 62 7-> Henderson .. 4 1 3 53.13 62 56 12 Onehunga ..12 7 5 52.08 50 ;>4 58 Auckland ... 14 9 5 49.11 44 3.. 3o Kdendale ... 4 1 3 46.88 54 62 i.O Takapuna '.. * 3 5 42.1R -13 50 50 Avondale ... 4 2 2 40.63 37 2o 50 <;ien Eden.*. 2 1 1 37.50 33 2» 50 Stanley .... 6 1 5 35.41 41 62 7o Ponsonby l" 12 5 7 33.33 30 31 29 Manurewa .. 2 0 2 31.25 41 37 7.. Howick .... 2 11 12.L.0 00 00 00 SECTION* B. Mount Eden 12 7J 4J 62.50 62 68 66 Rocky Nook.. 10 5 5 01.2n; 65 67 73 Dominion Rd. 10 7 3 57.50 53 5.. 50 Otahuhu ... 6 1 5 sC.2i> 69 54 ..8 West End... 10 5 5 55.00 50 60 50 New Lynn... 4 2 2 53.13 »4 43 37 St Helier's.. 8 4 4 53.13 ;.4 ;>6 62 Grev■ I vnn . T2 8 4 52.08 47 39 50 10 5. 5 53 00 56 60 50 Papakura ..211 50.00 50 ,»0 ..O TCllerslie .... R 3 5 4.J.32 47 53 62 Rawhiti .... 8 « » 39 46 37 Remuera ...IB 7 0 45.32 45 43 43 Devonport ..12 H U ™:>» 40 41 37 TTiiiuhro' .422 31.25 25 37 ou H Johnstone 4 1 3 12.50 8 00 00 Another Tournament at Rotorua. The second Rotorua tournament begins ■to-day, thirty entries taking the overflow from the> oversubscribed first tournament. These • divide nicely into sections of ten, so, three days will find the section " and the committee might wejjj-tconsider the advisability of accepting '*<mly 50 entries for the first one in future, instead of 55, so that it <also would run off in three days, instead of three day* and two rounds. Even more important, however, would "be a scheme to create more interest by letting m«r«vga-£orward for.intersection play, inste*ta."4tJlttit finding the absolute •ection wiOTtergi- -Some may think this -would hut it would usually take less ti!n> /or the time ia not derided by tthd <joalWy£;:lrat "by the played. Now it took fdjtf;,-rounds to find the winner, whereas HHirll the ties had gone forward, making seven in all, it would have taken only-three.. In fact while they are at it the committee might seriously consider ; adopting the Dominion procedure, and allow all to go forward who get as many-wins' as the lowest section winner year' it would have ibrought iJßt.'JSßt|y*.the, same seven, for no section wjijp'won w4th less than eight wins. But just imagine the excitement that wouH have prevailed on the last day if tfc&lcZnethod had been in force, for it have required Letham to lose onjejrf his games on the last day, «nd he wowkl have brought in seven more witfirrseveh wins each. These -would still, lave taken only the same number o|"xdtln4s to find the winner, four, in the last day's play woulff nave been most intense. As It was theT«?waa no interest whatever in some ST the games on the last day, as a wiit or a loss made no difference to either jpide. This is "written on the assumption that there would not be the clause limiting the qualifying rinks to those who had not more, than two losses, for a fair relation "would be that if they could liave two losses in the Dominion eight games they could have three in the RotoTua nine or ten games. Tne committee might trjf it as an experiment, in the •econd tournament next year, and see if it is popular, in addition to which it may c&use some to prefer the second tournamept, if they know there is a tetter chance to get into the finals. The centre pairs tournament will commence on Wednesday with the satisfactory entry of 64 teams. Arguments or Playing to Rules. Another regrettable incident occurred last Saturday, this time in a pennant match. The A skip drove with his last howl, putting the jack in the ditch, but before his bowl reached the ditch it •truck a member of the & rink on the ankle. A claimed the right to put his toucher where he liked, and he put it near enough to the jack to be shot. The B skip was so annoyed that he declined to play his last bowl, thus throwing away the game, as the 20th head had ended in a tie at 19 all. The subsequent argument lasted an hour or two, and experienced players were still giving their opinions yesterday. However, arguments are not miwh good, except to create bad feeling, r(td opinions do little else but add fuel to the fire. A lot of people object to rules, but rule 70 would have saved all the trouble, for it is fairly clear: "When a bowl during its •original course has passed the "jack, «nd is then burned by an opponent, the player's side may either allow it to lie where it comes to rest, or declare the head dead." Consequently B had no occasion to feel annoyed, for he should merely have invoked the rule, and demanded that A should exercise one of those two; options, seeing that A had "o right to take the action he did. The question again arises whether it is preCme„t° P wi y t0 TUIeS ° r t0 S et "P ™ Zf i m« neVer anvthi "S happens ResultsU e ° Ut ° f the ord i«ary. ' M O^L LTNN V ' «*»»«■•■ ?"*•. »WS ,n o<J£ , ir sl,e «"»»*« first) — At ElSV***? 2« a ' v ' s «eet, Eggin**«l. Wbfciii' i A - Si « eß >Kostgara, l>roth«r tESV***--*•»»•*♦ » 7°ung. H.

EDEXPALK V. CARLTON. At Edemlale I Kdendale names first). — Kakev, Brown, MeMahon, Vincent 24, v. Wright, Doyle, Norton, Gordon 20; A. Smith, Avery, .lames, Korshavv 13, v. Sawyer. Potfpr, Elliott. Duffln 21. At Carlton (Carlton names first). — Tumor, Mitchell. Bird, Wishart 21, V. Greenwood, Smith, Edmonds, Sharp 19; Harvey. Bairn", Josey. J. S. Fletcher 28, v. Maud, Sturgess, Brownett, Addison 15. GREY LYNN V. ROCKY NOOK. At Grey Lynn (Rocky Nook names first). Lewis. Lamb, Chambers. \V. Jenkin 22, v. McLaughlin, Aggers, Gibbons, Moran 18; Mayhill, Tongu*'. Loram, Stonp 25, v. 15. Leydon. E. Leydon, Thomas, Mincham 23, At Rocky Nook (Kocky Nook names first). — Rutledge, Turner, Buckle, J. Pearce 1(1, v. Eniirali. Wilde, Cronin, E. Buckley 23 ; Harrison, .T. Jones, Williams, Bouskill 18, v. Hawke, Brown, Davidson, Caddy 24. KEMUERA V. WEST END. At Remuera (West End names first). — Harris, Thomas, l'ieree, Maher 19, v. HeuUdey, Kenderdine, Norton. E. A. East 20 ; Adams, Hill. I\ Darby, I. Clarke IS, v. Murphy, Rathbone, Spooner, Wooller 21; Ileilhiiul, Anderson, Worsfold. Needham 17, v. Gardner, Vickerman, Johnstou, Procter 17 ; G. Hardley, Haig, Horsley, Whitten 27, v. Grifiiths, Mahon, Jacks, Badeley 11 ; Cornwall, Parkinson, Murray, Thomson 23, V. M. Reed, Wright, Newton, Coe 12. At West End (West End names first). — Mortimer, Hardley, Hopwood, Cooke 27, v. Donaldson, Wallace, Irvine, McCallum 1C; Hardy, Sands, Klrkham, Brookes IS, v. Ridings, Harrison, Mellars, Graham 24; Martin, McKeown, Bremford, Wise 20, v. Lusher, l'riestley, Wight, Hill 20; G. Wilson, Cox, Kirk, Breuiner 26, v. Sutherland, Annandale, Kissling, Young 13; Raynes, Knox, Adeane, Plummer 17, v. Dampsey, Scott, Gavey, Soincrneld 20. REMUERA V. HILLSBORO'. At Remuera (Remuera names first). — Hcrtslet, Wake, Short. Russell lli, v, Pearce, Bagley, Stringer, Goldsmith 22; Whittaker, Brook, Smith, Saxton 24, v. Waters, Wilkinson, Sainty, Wilson 9. POINT CHEVALIER V. GREY LYNN. At Grey Lynn. (Grey Lynn names first) —BurreU, J. Preston, Walker, J. C. Preston 27, v. Storey, Young, Allen, King 17 ; Bleakley, Armstrong, McDonald, Binns 21, v. Reekie, Breckon, Boag, Gibson 17. At Point Chevalier. (Point Chevalier names first). —Fairweathcr, Solomon, Neilson, Dyson 15, v. Cox, Dickens, Sigley, F. Preston 22; Laing, Spelman, Barton, Donaldson 22, v. Emmerson, Laing, J. Lye, Blameres 17. RAWHITI V. WAITEMATA. At Rawhitl (Rawhiti names first). — Thronsen, Savin, Vaughan, Harris 14, v. Bilkey, Rogers, Burrows, Dick 21 ; Woods, Worthington, Millard, Chiplin 25, v. Osborne, Eraser, Glover, McPhail 10; N. Thomson. Sainways, Monctir, Wooller 17, v. De Laney, Dent, Lethhridge, McGill 27. At Waitemata (Waitemata names first). Brown, Williamson, Davies, McKlnstrie 6, v. Vincent, Haller. Haslam, McKinlav 20 ; Wells, Blackwell, Blackledge, Johnston 30, v. Katterfeldt, Jackson, Eaves, Patterson 18; Swanson, Wilson, Campbell. Lyon lb, v. Sharkey, Austin, Taylor, McPherson 20. RAWHITI V. REMUERA. At Rawhiti (Rawhiti names first).— Roberts, Walker, Mclnnis, Thomson 23, v. Jackson,, Davis, Paterson, Daniels 22. At Remuera (Rawhiti names first). — Colpln, Martin, Watson, Murray 22, v. H. East, M. Bell, Dixon, Watson 11. ST. HELIERS V. ELLERSLIE. At St. Heller's (St. Heller's names first.) —Stevens, Twlname. Campbell. Price 15, v. Coppins, McKeuzle, Sykes, Macklow At Ellerslie,—Christmas, Patterson. Segedin, Henry D, v. Roberts, Bloomfield Garrard, Jackson 25. ST. HELIERS V. ROCKY NOOK. At St. Heller's (St. Heller's names first).—Gray, S. Diamond, J. Diamond. P. White 13. v. Jones, Leather. White. H. Jenkin 25 ; Hunt, C. S. White. Cahill. Lowe 27, v. Lang, Stoddart, Clements. Wnkerley 12 • Clark, Cameron. May, Norris 18, v. Yeo' Sadler, Pearce, Jury 24. -«Jtt *£*?, Nook ( R ocky Nook names flrtt 2r~ Plnd,ay ' Austin, Bain, Cutler 14, v. Tindall, Miller, Koefoed, Knight 19 Baxter, Cadwallader, Blakey, Keatley 24 «k Bradley, Thompson, S. White. Wright 20; Onghton, Gribble, Alder, Randell 19, v. McLean, Dawson, Crawshaw, Brookfleld 20. DOMINION ROAD V. NEW LYNN. At Dominion Road (New Lvnn names first).— Mathieson, Clarke, Webster, Witsam5 am Jl" v - Vlrtue . Davis. Winks, Sayers £4 ; Thompson, Edney. Wells, L»os 19, v Gentles. Goodall. Brown, Kelly 18 At New Lynn.—M. Meese. Pringle, Young, Edgerley 27, v. Hook, West, Brvden, Ashby 15; A. Galloway, Adams, Cox. Boag 12, v. Bellamy, Ranum, Richardson. Codd 28. DOMINION ROAD V. OTAIiriTU. At Dominion Road (Otahuhu names first). —Ogllvie, Fearnley, Carson, Harper 20, y. Yeoman, Truman. Halford, Ramsay 21 ; Crawford. Russell, Gardiner. Everett, 21, v. A. Chappell. Hoppy. Cartwrlght, Benson 22; Franks, Sinclair, J. Harper, Lippiatt 16, v. Cannon, Stone, Fisher, Layland 29. J MOUNT ALBERT V. CARLTON. At Mount Albert (Mount Albert names first). —Nisbet, Francis, J. Thomas, Dawson 23, v. Johnston, McGlone, Mountain, Lamb 18; Pool, Wallett, Townley, Walker 18, v. Inglis, Blewden. Brittain. Clarke 19 : Daniels, P. Dawson, Muir. Jenkin 14, v. Overy, Pitt, Williams. Rowe 15; Wallace. Luke, T. Maxwell, Baildon 19, v. Corsie, Robinson, Frost. Kilgour 8. At Carlton (Carlton names first). — Stohr, Cottrell, Blair, Gilles 20, v. Stewart, Burnet, Cutforth, Allelly 26; Wicksteed, Birkenhead, Wilson, Snedden 25, v. Harbutt. Lane. Garliek, Holdsworth 23; G. Casey, Wetherilt, Perry. Trnscott 21, v. Thomas, Harvey, Rowe, Bromley 24; Scherer, Holland, Holmes, Fookes 18, v. Pickens, Tomlinson, Blair, Clark 14. ONEHUNGA V. HENDERSON. At Onehunga (Henderson names first). — Melhond, Carter, Moon, Leighton 14, v. C. W. Ross, Buchanan. Macklow, Schnauer 25; Gildrod. Massey, McKay, Scott 24, v. J. 'Ross, Wlgginton, H. Davies, A. Gatland 23. At Helensville (Helensville names first). — J. Stanaway,. W. Coutts. W. Hunter, R. Smith 27, v. Whhmore, H. Bray> I. Sutherland, Bassett 16. At Onehunga (Helensville names first).— H. Strong, Ellett, Sandin, McAlister 14, v. Mackune, Munro, Schnackenberg, Wright PONSONBY V. AUCKLAND. At Ponsonby. (Ponsonby names first.— Carbines, Rowbottom, Crowe, Russell 15, v. Dudley, Hempson, Carr, Bailey 19; Baggett, Colebrook, Griffiths, Dick 19, v. Matheson, Clarkson, Rudd, Brackebush 16; Dromgool, Coppins, Richardsen, Parsons 16, v. Newbagin, Wilson, D. Campbell. M. Walker 26; Lovett. Conway, Mclnnes, Kelly 18, t. Wyatt, Newell, Price, Harvey 17; Blincoe, Allen. Farrow, Letham 23, v. McDougall, Ansell, Hodgson, Moir 18. At Auckland (Auckland names first). — Blades, C. Allen, Perrett, Muston 25, v. Dougherty, Schischka, Aitchison, Garry 20; De Renzey, Mason, Neil Scantlebury 25. v. Stevenson, Goldwater, Butland, Best 18; Williams, Rawlinson. Odlin, Steele 26, v. Oates, McMillan, Pardington, Somervell 21; Jury, Mohr, Fraser, Donaldson 19. v. Faneh, Buckle, Wright, Bryant 17; S_ Coldicut, Dicketts. Hinton, Macky 17, v. W. Elleray, Calder, Bridges, McGregor 25. AUCKLAND V. PAPATOETOE. At Auckland (Auckland names first). — Plummer, Israel, Keesing, Osmond 20, v. S. McCullough, Watson, Roseveare, Andrew 15; Treacey, Gray. Ure, Fletcher 18. v. Young, Buckton, Tidmarsh, Balderson 17. At Papntoetoe.—Ward, Robertson. Bourke, Woolley 20, v. McCallum, Walker, Wilson, Smyfheman 17; Kretschmar. Esam. White, Lyell 13; v. Bryant, Nesbitt, Cowling, Parker-Hill 29. ONEHUNGA V. EPSOM. At Onehunga (Epsom names first). —A. Wright, C. Braifhwnite, Hetherington, George 24, v. S. Brown, Foote, Cowell, UUls .10; Duke. Wallace,, Smith, Jnglis 14.. v. Davenport, Coutts. Harrison, Lloyd 24 ; Write, Foote, Uurton. E. Jones 24, v. Welham. Mcintosh, Green. Mudie 15. At Epsom (Epsom names first).—Gribble, A. Taylor, Mcßeath, Mingins 17, v. Keenan, Fordham. Brown, Robertson 22; . Hardley, .Xowosend, JvendaU,. E.. Richmond.. , 28, v. Kinnear, Sutherland. Allen, Kenny IB; Westwood, Gladding, Morrison. Boyne l} 2. t. PhlUip, George, Jackson, E. GatJand .24.

PONSONBY V. AVONDALE. At Ponsonby. (Ponxouny names first.— Moore, Matthews. Paterson, Hilton 26, v. Hanham, Nunns, Stevenson, Somervell 16. EPSOM V. HOWICK. At Epsom (Epsom names first). —Peak, Ramsay. Nash. J. Wright 25, v. Roberts, Selby, Cox, J. Wilson 12. MOUNT EDEN V. DEVONPORT. At Mount Eden (Mount Eden names first). —Moon, Woolley Battersby, Trayes 26, v. Scotland. Coleman. Blackie. Ellison 21 ; T. Nairn, Mullins, Hull, Turner 17, v. Sinclair, Gill, Broughton. Cox 15; H. O. Brown. Sessions, Daisley. Fraser 19, v. Richards. Klmsley, Melville. Morgan 19 ;

Campbell. Tutt, Walton, Baker 23, v. Frater, Blair, Wallwork, Blackburn 18; Marshall, Rintoul, Boyce. .Toll 14, v. Stapleton, Martinson, Newbegin, Rice 20 ; Burley, ShirrifTs. Middleton, Rigelow 8, v. Allen, Naylor, Hamlin, Elvy 29. EPSOM V. STANLEY. At Epsom (Epsom names first).—A. S. Lamb, Parsons. Grattan, Duulop 20, v. Ross. Nichol. Wilson. Ogilvie 20; Grey, R. G. Clark. Jcukin, De Launay IS, v. R. Reid, Bray. Lambie. McMaster IS; French,. I'enn, Bruce. W. Tavlor 24, v. Sainty, Weller, S. Reid, Cox 17. At Stanley (Epsom names first).— Hooper, Hill, McCowan, A. Jones 22, v. Kennedy, Purser. G. M. Reid. MacGregor 21 ; McDougall, Johnston. C. Lamb, Tanner 33, v. Watson. Dawson, Wrigley, Smith 16; Paget, J. Harrison, J. Wallace. Blakey 28, v. Chesney, Gallon, Hooker, Hall 6. CARLTON V. TAKAPUNA. At Carlton (Carlton names first). — Ramsay, Buxton. Wrichtson, Martin 19. v. Arrowsmith, Cahill, Butler, Hooper 20; Angove, Duncan, V. Casey, Ritchie 27, v. McMurtrie, Veale. Wilkinson, Audley 11; Buchanan, Isaac, Kelly. Kent 17, v. Collins, Knaggs, Bennett, Hayden 18; Linder. Holford, Renwick, Arey 22, v. Kay, Elliott, Hunt, Cutler 12. At Takapuna (Takapuna names first). — Lisk, R. P. Smith. Matthews, Hanna 23, v. Horrell, Taylor, Coutts, Ball 17; Riddell, Somerfield, Dulop, Mills 6. v. Whittaker, Percy. Dillicar, Kobertson 34 ; Waterman, Prentice, Galbraith. Brake IS, v. Clavton, Cross. Gladding, Coltman 20 ; Corfe, F. A. Smith. Buckley, Christey 14, v. White, Gage-Brown, Bates, Burns 25. PAPATOETOE V. MANUREWA. At Papntoetoe (Manurewa names first). Neil, Barnett, Peglcr. Forbes 17, v. A. Ritchie. Civil, Hosking. Mclvor 20 ; Robertson, Murray, Law. Frost 14, v. Booth, Lucena, McLarnon, Rawnsley 19. ELLERSLIE V. PAPAKURA. At Ellerslie. —Williams. A. C. Hill, Watson, Dickson 17, v. McCall's rink 1!4 ; Canley, Westbrooke, Lynch, Crosher 19, v. Boagey, Bates, Leitch, Hope 18. CLUB GAMES. WAITEMATA GREEN". Championship Singles.—McKinstrle 18. v. Blackwell 16; Wells IS, v. Swanson 17; Rogers 20, v. Fraser 19. Pairs.—Birch, Swindail 21, v. Mullon. Hillam 17. Ordinary Draw.—Hubble. Boles, Corrin, Heath 20. v. Brennan. R. Davies, Hallett. Hurley 20 ; Wilkins. Hulse. Stewart, Cadness 29, v. Chinnery, Johnson. Lilbiirn, Watson 13. EDENDALE GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Ball, Brittain, Munro 19. v. Harris, Smale, White 17 ; Hawes, Culpan 29, v. Young, Potter 18. ONEHUNGA GREEN. - Ordinary Graw.—Keeling, Kirkwood, Davies, Wallace 19, v. Sinclair, Pickmau, Greening, Thomas 15; Gibbons, Stokes, Marsden 20, v. Bradley, Vasey. L. Bray IS ; Cossey, Becre, Moore 19, v. Burgess, Wilkinson, Whiteside 11. EPSOM GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —E. Morrison, McCullogh, Land, Salisbury 23, v. Chapman, W. 11. Lamb, Lawrence, Brown 15; Wiseman, Wells Bowling. Daves lb, v. Freeman, Fox, Beckman, B. Thomson 20. PAPATOETOE GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Burrow, Parker, Cole, Foster 27, v. Ross. Christmas, McCallum, Bygrave 14 ; McFarlaud, C. Ritchie, Crawford 26, v. Snelling, Carr, Nettlingham 25. NEW LYNN GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Whitaker, Cutler, Laing 24, v. Taylor, Overington, Hosking 34 ; Bailey, Johnston, Laurie, Oake -JS, v. Church, Oborn, White, Hebden 20. TON SON BY GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Wilson, Morris, Webster, Bishop 20, v. Mulliner, Cariuw, Thomas, Fraser, IS; Parkinson, Wainwright, Robl), Ormerod 19, v. Dickie, Letham, Lincoln, Young IS. DOMINION ROAD GREEN. Ordinary Draw. —Hiukley, Fcnigsson, Bayley, Campbell 9. v. Beck. Carter, Sawyer, Blair 16; Bathgate, Anderson, W. 11. Davis. Wildish 20, v. Taylor, <;. Clarke, Stein, Mason 10; Barton, Buckley, Percy, Session 24, v. Trent, Thorburn, Carsten, Trewin 17. CARLTON GREEN. Percentage Fours.—H. Tiendall. Hood, Hodge, Thornes IS, v. Bartruni, Pcnalligan, Meany, McKay 10; Abdallah, Dickson, Stewart, Lundon 26, v. Allen, Clayton, Hudson, Bell 13. RAWHITI GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Searboro, Ryder. Wayte, Robertson 30, v. Hodges, Cowdcn, Roberts, Barker 11. REMUERA GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Walker, Choyce 22, v. Egerton, McKechnie 19; Tudhope, Mahoney, Wade, Sanderson 29. v. Ellerbeck, Alexander, Booth 10; Tudehope, Cutflehl, Marshall, Tuke, 24, v. Tomlinson, Campbell, Tancred, Hedman 13. AUCKLAND GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Hamann, Bannister, Patterson, Commons 30, v. Somervell, Vickery, Michaels. Mason 13; Hampton, Mills, Matthews, Whittaker 25, v. Harding, Howard, Susman, Campbell 13; Winks, Forgic, Messenger, -Probert 22, v. Coakley, A. F. McKay, Moon. Simpson 17. MOUNT EDEN GREEN. Ordinary Draw.—Murray, Tailby, Martin, Moore 21, v. Darrach, Henderson, Grifiiths, Williams 12. ELLERSLIE GREEN. Champion Singles.—Fourth round : Low beat Sykes. Joll beat Godfrey, W. Osborne beat Patterson, Segedln beat Watson, Fairbrother beat Bolton, Dickson beat Henry, Maclow beat Lynch. Joll beat Fairbrother. Ordinary Draw.—Ogne, G. Hunter, Dowd, F. Osborne 24, v. F. Wright, Ryan, Woodward, McKelvie, 17 ; Cooksey, Trebilcock, R. Hunter, McLeod 20. v. Wilson, Cheek, McNeice, Chapman 15.


EDEN,DALE V. ELLERSLIE. At Edendale (Edendale names first). — Conway, East, Bradshaw. Cullins 17, v. McDermott, Richmond. Plggott, Toy 26. At EHerslift—Coombe, Arthur. Lye. Low 17, v. C. Hill, Codd, Taylor, Edwards 22. MOUNT ALBERT V. HALLIBURTON JOHNSTONE. At Mount Albert (Mount Albert names first). —Smerdon, Allen, Williams, Decastro 19, v. Clarke, Phillips, Holdsworth, Park 17. MOUNT EDEN V. DEVONPORT. At Mount Eden (Mount Eden names first). —Cave, Poole, D. Ferguson, Rudman 12, v. Gabites, Markham, Knight, Harty 19; McCauley, Stone, Wagstaff, Cordes 22, v. Buchanan, Goudie, Bartley, Anderson 26; Hughes, Owen, Spence, Kinniburgh 12, v. Smith, Pitt, Latta, McDonald 21. ST HELIER'S V. RAWHITI. ' At St. Helier's (St. Helier's names first.) —Inglis, Todd, Samways, Lawrence 11, v, Patterson, Hamlin, Bennett, Oldham 25. At Rawhiti.—Le Grice, Cottrell, Holse, Lovegrove 29, v. Henson, Cameron, Wilmot, Schofleld 12. First Year Players.—Negus, de Varne, Brtrnes,' Duthie 18, v. Gill, Coleman, Leaning, Morrow 19. • • PONSONBY V. AUCKLAND. At Ponsonby (Ponsonby names first). — Lye. Smith, Clarke, Muller 18, v. Goodacre, D&rlow, Prime, -Atkin 15. At Auckland (Auckland names first). — James Carlaw, McCrea, John Carlaw, O. Nicholson 17, v. Mclvor, Oswald, Johnson, J. Mcvcod2i

DOMINION ROAD V. GREY LYNN. At Dominion Road (Grey Lynn names first). —Mason. Perkins, Smith, A. Buckley 21, v. Donald, Dr. (iunu, Stevens, Barber 12. "~ ~ i REMUERA V. WEST END. At Remuera (West End names first). —' Herdman, Noad. Lamburne, R. Wilson IS, v. Coaih. o'[/>ary, Raitiger, Draijstield 22 ; Irvine, MoNair, B. Darby. Meriitt 2S, v. Symes, Keary, Ormiston, Brookes 12. At West End (West End names first). — Rose, Service. E. Darby. ,T. Darby 21, v. Roosemere. Hawking, Stubbs, Baker 16; Simpson, Onto. Cole. Skinner 14, v. Douglas, Styak, Bell, Ash ton 10. EPSOM V. MANGERE. At Epsom (Epsom names first). —Brvce, Clarkson. R. H. Wood. Turner 20. v. Clark, It. Strangle}-, Soniers, Douglas 17. PONSONBY V. MANUREWA. At Ponsonby (Ponsonby names first). — McCarthy, Brown, Good, Waterworth 32, v. Butterwortb, Coxhead, Wbyte, Osborne 18. TB PAPAPA V. RAILWAYS. At Te Papapa.—Thursby, Donnell, Thorpe. E. Marks IS, v. Watson, Davidson, McGoram, Ney-Smith 2b. TAKAPCNA V. ELLKRSLTE. At Takapuna. (First Year VMayers).— Costall. Alfrey, Montgomery, Taylor 28, v. Dudding, Blackwell, Henderson, Tillman 11. HARRAWAY SHIELD GAME. DUNEDIN, Saturday. A representative bowling match, Otago v. Southland, Wi.s played on the Caledonian green to-day in a strong wind, almost of gale force. The game resulted in a win for Otago by ]!!."> points to 181. Otugo thus retains the Harraway Shield.

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 41, 18 February 1929, Page 14

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THE WORLD of SPORT BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 41, 18 February 1929, Page 14

THE WORLD of SPORT BOWLING. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 41, 18 February 1929, Page 14