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LAMBS ARE EASiER. BUT PF.ICF.S STILL GOOD. 1I <; TI;A I)E IN I'KiS, '|"ie u,,i v ' ! I lie 11.line innrk-t II . ..,,'1 |. lie: !" | 1.l local p'.'i •. S fill* " .. I '• >.i . t' i 1 i•••' i'■ 111 li pi e for r» li -'la-'A e " :I: - - o'.i. I ; I H'. I / -re j,... ~-ci: 1 r-ea-eiii lull in the qil unities *1"!,.. C .' 1 Kiii-I; How ex-.-.I i-1 Ei./ "el - i:,; likely be-i.-111 ~ ir 1 .:I •i I I ".I I •• « 111 *A* !:••< "II t lie ... | L„:,.. a'l 1 ill.lee.l all IS I itj..i;. . . ), i', e a .h'li.iite p. eju.'ii. e:n favour " The ~>.ist :• •••; of OM Kmrlainl." as a/ i; 1:1 .1": uI so: l.uu oi r mutton. 1f0w- ... ,11 ■ .... .ire ill at a level thai <h >'ild be sal :sia.-I •y t • New Zealand farmers, nf • 1 il is to lie hoped they call be maintained. So lar l here is little rhnlig in the expll I ol 111 Ut ' o . I ,"".i I ll I.lli '' ' 1 I • ' - • II" a ! ' that i-' olVei ing, a:i I * i?ii ■■■ U' - in tin_' almost Ihe same as fats there is noIrn: 1,, He ::aiiied by the farmer in rushmg his fat - : o null ket. I-'.lt. ciltle ale .-tiil seHinn at pri.-es ue!l ali'ive export parity, but a few "boners" ale now finding their way to lie works. The local market shows the u ual seasonal weakening in the pri-e ol' b-vt i.ittle. lull this is likely to be oiib* a teaip •. e.rv phase. The i attle are not in Hie country, and the coining winter is l:ke!v to se • sales very high indeed. 'I lie present weakness has been intensified by a marked tall in value of hides. The turnover in pTgs just now is very considerable, and large quantities are being sent to the free/ing works. ♦Quantities slaughtered bid lair to constitute a record, and It is a sa I U.'aet nr.v accompaniment that market enndi-tioiis have improved substantially during the past month. At. West field. There was an average yarding of bullocks at YVestfield yesterday with a further easing of prints. '\ allies were down about £1 pf' head. Cow and heifer beef, on the other hand, held very cl.oso to late rates. There was a much larger yarding ot sheep than has been offered for some weeks, and there was quite a good tsalo, though ewes were slightly easier. An average yarding of lambs was disposed of at rather lower rates. Calves were penned in fair numbers, and found ready buyers, with quotations unaltered. A full yarding of pigs again met a brisk inquiry, and good prices were secured. The range Qf prices together with those ruling.the previous week was as follows: This Week. Last Week. BEEF (per 1001b J — Extra choice ox .. 30, 41/ Choice and prime ox 30/ to 38 '6 38,' to 40/ Choice and prime cow and heifer 31/ to 36/ 33/ to 31/ SHEEP (per head) — Prime wethers 28 6to 35, 29 6to 37/ Prime ewes .. 22/ to 30 9 20/ to 27 9 Prime lambs .. 21/ to 29, 23,6 to 01, CALVES (per head) — Runners 70' to 100' 80' to 151/ Vealers 48/ to 109/ 48, to 112/ PIGS I per head)—Baconers o6 to 77/ 5-> to 76/ Porkers ...... 36 to 08/ 38, to 63, Weaners to 10, 5/ to 12/ Slips 1- to 22 10, to 1 1/ Large stores .. 24' to 30/ 20, to 34/

DALGETY AND COMPANY. Bulge t.v find Co., Ltd.. report: — Beef: We offered an average yarding oE ox beef. The quality was first-class, hut competition was poor, and prices wete easier than those ruling last week. Prime heavy bullocks realised £13 5/ to £15, the latter price for bullocks from Messrs. Campbell and Williams, at Putaruru, purchased by Messrs Cooper and Parkes and Caddy Brothers. Cow beef came forward in average numbers. Competition was fairly steady, and prices _ remained firm on last week's quotes. Prime heavy cows and heifers realised £10 to £10 12/6, lighter sorts, £8 to £9. Extra choice ox sold to 39/ per 1001b; choice and prime, 37/ to 38/; just killable, 34,/ to 30/; prime young cow and heifer beef, 38 ; just k:i 1 - rble, 33/ to 35/. Sheep: An average yarding of fat sheep tame forward, of vlveh the bulk comprised well-finished lines. Prime heavy wethers realised 30/9 to 35/, the latter price from Mr. N. Harris, purchased by Seotts, Limited. Prime heavy ewes realised 24/ to 2ft,'; medium, 23/9; Lambs: Lambs came forward in average numbers, and sold at prices lower than those ruling at last week's market. Heavy prime lamb made 26/. Calves penned in average numbers and sold at late rates for liirht quality vealers. Heavy vealers and runners were easier. Heavy vealers made £3 12/ to £4 8/; medium, £2 18/ to £3 10'; light, £1 15/ to £2 15/; rough, 15/ to £1 15/; small, 12/ to 20/. Pigs sold freely at late quotations. Heavy baeoners made £3 10/ to £3 15,'; medium baeoners, £3 to £3 8/; light baeoners, £2 10/ to £2 18/; heavy porkers, £2 6/ to £2 9/; medium porkers, £2 2/ to £2 5,; light porkers, £1 17/ to £2.

LOAN AND MERCANTILE. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., report:—Beef WW penned in average numbers. There was a falling off in demand, and values were lower by 1/6 to 2/ per 1001b. Extra choice ox sold to 39/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 16/ to £1 18/6; ordinary and plain, £1 14/ to £1 15/6; prime young cow and heifer beef. £1 14/ to £1 16/; ordinary cow beef. £1 10/ to £1 13/; heavy prime steers, £13 15/ to £14 17/6; lighter prime, £12 to £13 10/: light prime. £10 10/ to £11. 17/6; unfinished and small, £8 10/ to £10 7/6; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers. £10 to £11; heavy prime, £8 15/ to £9 17/6; lighter, £7 10/ to £8 10/; light cows, £6 10/, to £7 7/6: other cows. • £5 10/ to £6 7/6. Sheep were yarded in more than average numbers, and sold readily at late values. Heavy prime wethers made £1 14/ to £1 15/; medium prime, £1 12/3 to £1 13/9; light prime, £1 10/ to £1 12/; small and upfinished, £1 8/ to £1 9/9: heavy prime ewes, £1 5/3 to £1 6/6; medium prime, £1 3/9 to £1 5/; light prime, £1 2/ to £1 3/6; interiorly fatted, 15/ upwards. Lambs were penned in large numbers. There was a falling off in the demand for all classes, and values were easier. Heavy prime made £! 5/ to £1 7 6; medium prime. £1 2/9 to £1 4/9; light prime, £1 0/6 to £1 2/6; unfinished, best, I 19/ to £1; others, 15/ to 18/9. l'igs were I penned in large numbers. Values were I fully maintained at late rates, except for I porkers, which were easier, ( hoppers soldi at £1 10/ to £3 9/: h::avy and medium baeoners, £3 10/ to £3 16/: light baeoners and heavy porkers. £2 16/ to £3 X': medium porkers and light porkers, £2 10/ to £2 IV; small and unfinished porkers. £1 14/ to £2 -I/. Store pigs penned in average numbers, and sold at easier values. Large stores made CI 4,/ to £1 16/; slips, / to £1 2/; wcaners. 7/ to 10/. Calves were penned in average numbers and sold i ti ' " es on a par with late quotations. I veawf * £ 3 W heavy 1 £4 18/'- H v,«° £r> ' ""'diiim. €4 8/ to | £2 Wto £-1 '«/ £3 I °/. t " £4 6'; smaller. I 8/ to £, 7* s /' small and fresh dropped. 5/. .»*** '' ">ugh calves, £1 to £2!

Alfred Buckknf i AND SONS. our supply o! ?* t d ™< l Bons > Ltd., report- ' 1" against 403 head at 393 head' •ale, comprising 173 A Wednesday's •na in consequence vii,," not keen diop of f u n y 2/ per'iwlb 64 i.

choice ox sold to CI 10 pel- KKlIb: choice and plain. £ i 12 to C 1 15 : prime young and prime. CI 16 to CI IS.; secondary cow and ieit'l bee!, CI 11/ to L I 11 ; ordinary cow I I. C I S to CI In . Extra !;ca\.v |'iini" .-teers ranged from £15 lo CI 5 lit . i lie l.i: til ligure being obtained Inr steers Mr. H. Heed.. Waerenga. IHiugiil by Mr. Thomas Buster. Poiisonby i; Heavy prime steers. .Cl 4to £14 17 6; lighter prime. £12 15 to Cl 31< 6: light prime, £11 l<> to £12 12,0; small and unfinished, £8 17 6 to £11 5 . Extra lieav." prime \oiing cows and hciiers maT" CHI 5 to ell 5 ; heavy prime cows and lieii't is. l'!i to CHi 2 6; lighter prime, £7 111 to £S 17,'6: oilier billable cows. £5 to C 7 7 !>. 'fiieve was an average yarding ol sheep, and a fair demand. Values were slight l.\ i asicr. Extra heavy •■lime wethers mad" £1 14 to £1 1 -», : heavy prime. £1 12 to £1 13 0; medium to heavy prime. £1 10 to £1 11'9: light to medium prime. CI 8 6 to £1 9,9: unfinished. CI 6 6 to CI S3; extra h-rivy [iri'tio \oiin;x ewes. £'I <>/ to CI in the litter juice for one pen of maiden two and four-toot li ewes from .Mr. I>. Shanks, of MangaLangi: heavy prime ewes. CI 4 to £1 5 !); lighter prime. £1 2 ' to CI 3 0; other billable ewes. CI to CI 1 9: oth"r ewes. 15, to 10,6. 054 sheep sold. Lambs penned to the number of .'>s7. and although there was a steady inquiry throughout prices here were also lower. Extra heavy prime lambs made £ 1 to CI !)'; an extra special lamb selling up to CI 15/; heavy prime. £1 5' to £1 7 0; lighter prime. £1 3/ to £1 4,0: light prime. £1 1/ to £1 2 9; small and plain. Hi to £1 00. A small yarding of calves sold at about equal to late rates. No runners or extra heavy vealers were penned. Heavy vealers made £4 to £5 5 ; medium, £3 :■:/ to £3 12. ; light. £2 8/' to £3; bucket-fed calves. £1 8 to £2 0 : rough anil uiiiinifhed. 10' to £1 7. : small and fresh-dropped. 7/ to £1 (131 calves sold). We again had a heavy yarding of pigs. Prices for all well-finished sorts remain firm, and sell under keen demand. Values for unfinished porkers and stores are lower. Choppers made £1 10/ to £3 12'. according to weight: heavy prime baconers, £3 12/ to C 3 17/: medium, £3 3/ to £3 8/; light. £2 16/ to £3; heavy porkers, £2 10/ to £2 13/; medium. £2 5/ to £2 8/; light, £1 16/ to £1 19/; small and unfinished, £1 4/ to £1 13/; best stores, to £ I 10/; smaller. £1 to £1 4, : slips. 12/ to 15/; wea tiers, 3/ to 9/. (583 pigs sold.)

IN THE COUNTRY.' Dalgety and Company, Limited, report: Sales were held during the past week at West field (ordinary weekly fixture and ewe fair) and at Paparoa. Average yardings came forward and were cleared at late rates. We quote: Fat bullocks. £13 to £15: good heavy cows, £10 to £10 17 6: lighter sorts, £7 15 to £9; weaner heifers to £3 16/: weaner steers to £4 3/; Southdown stud ewes. to lOgns; 2-toolh ewes to 34/9; full-mouth ewes, IS. 3 to 25/: lambs. 18/6' to 24/9.

Alfred Buckland and Sons. Limited, report:— During .the week we held cattle sale* at I'ukekohe, Turua. Ilelensville ami Tuakau. piy sales at l'nkekohe and Tuakau. and sheep and ram lairs .it Westfield, Clevedon, Maungaturoto, Wellsford and Ilelensville. Cattle were yarded in usual numbers. At Pukekohe there was a heavy entry of pigs and at Tuakau a moderate supply. At all sheep fairs the advertised numbers came forward. Cattle of all classes continued to hud ready buyers. Pigs are selling at improved rates and sheep are meeting with a keen demand, although lambs are easier in value. Best daily cows And heifers, £12 10/ to £10; second grade. £9 to £12; others, £7 to £8 15/; aged and inferior, £3 10/ to £0 10/; empty young cows and heifers, £4 10/ to £0: boner and store cows, £2 10/ to £5 15/; heavy prime fat cows and heifers, £8 to £10 10 : lighter cows and heifers, £5 10/ to £7 17/0; fat steers, £10 10/ to £14: grown steers in forward condition. £9 15/ to £11: three to four-year-old steers, £8 10/ to £9 14/; two to three-year-old steers, £7 to £8 7/0; yearling to 18-months-old steers. £5 5/ to £8 17/0: cows with calves, £7 to £10 10/; 18-months-old in calf heifers, £4 to £8 10/, according to breed and quality; good calves, £3 10/ to £4 10/: smaller calves, £2 5/ to £3 7/0; small calves, £1 10/ to £2 3/; heavy bulls, £7 to £10 10/; sound young herd bulls, £5 10/ to ±110 10/ ; other bulls, £3 10/ to £5 5/: fat and forward wethers, £1 10/ to £1 13/3; store wethers, £1 7/6 to £1 0/9: best two-tooth ewes, £1 15/ to £1 17/0; smaller twotooth ewes, £1 10/3 to £1 14/: best three and four-year-old ewes. £1 11/ to £1 13/9; other four and five-year-o'd ewes, 1 8/6 to £ 1 10/0; other four and five-year-old ewes, £1 6/ to £1 8/3; older ewes, £1 I, to £1 5/; cull ewes, 15/ to £1; best woolly lambs, £1 3/ to £1 0/: smaller woolly lambs, 19/ to £1 2/0; small wdolly lambs, 15/ to 18/; best shorn lambs, £1 to £1 3/'; smaller shorn lambs, 17/ to 19/: small shorn lambs, 14/ to 10/0; two-tooth Southdown rams, £8 8/ to £12 12/; Koinneys, 4Vigns to £10 10/; Ryelands. £6 6/ to £8 8/: Shropshire's. £3 3/ to £5 5/; English and Border Leicesters, £3 3/ to £6 6/; aged rains, £1 1/ to £3 3/; potters. 10/6 to 15/.

The New Zealand Loan anil Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report: — During the past week sheep fairs were held at Westfield, Tuakau, Warkworth, Kaihu, Omana. Mangawhare, Arapohue and Maungatnroto. At all places we report good sales, with values very firm. In most cases the advertised numbers were exceeded. The Tuakau sheep fair was a particularly good one, values realised there being very much in favour of the vendor. A line of 300 five-year-old ewes from Xgapuke Estate, Wairamarama, averaged 33/6, and 300 six-tooth to f.f.m. ewes from Messrs. R. and J. Logan. Buekland. averaged 35/. Rams of various breeds have in many eases sold freely, values for Komneys showing a rising tendency on last year's rates. We quote:—Two-tooth ewes, £1 12/ to £1 16/6; four and six-tooth ewes, £1 13/ to £1 16/; four and fiveyear ewes, £1 10/ to £1 13/6; f.f.m. ewes. £1 7/ to £1 9/9: s.m. ewes. £1 3/ to .€1 6/9: f.m. to failing, 12/6 to £1 1/; store wethers, £1 6/ to £1 9/6; store lambs, shorn, 15/ to £1 16; woolly. £1 to £1 4/: Romney rams, two-tooths, sgns to SM-gns: Southdown rams, two-tooths, Sgns to ll'/i gns; Border-Leicester rams, two-tooth. sgns to 7/4gns; English Leicester ranis, two-tooth, 3ftns to 6gns: older and aged rams, lgn to 2V6gns. On Tuesday we held a clearing sale at Karaka, on account of Mr. R. Humphrey. There was a large attendance of buyers and a most successful sale resulted. Registered pedigree Shorthorn cows sold to 22gns. and 2V-i----year heifers to 23gns: yearling to 18months' heifers, to 16gns; heifer calves, to Sgns; bulls to lOgns; farm horses, £10 to £22 15/. A large range of implements and sundries realised most satisfactory prices. The following are the quotations for store cattle sold during the past week: Best dairy opws and heifers. £11 to £14 10/; other dairy cows and heifers, £7 10/ to £10 10/; aged cows and inferior heifers, £4 to £7 5/; bulls, £3 10/ to £11 10,'. according to weight and quality: empty and boner cows. £4 to £6 17/6: weaner heifer calves, £2 5/ to £3 12/6; wearier steer calves, £3 15/ to £4 15/: yearling to 18-inonths heifers, £4 to £8 17/6: yearling to 18-months' steers, £5 to £6 5/: two to 2'/2-year steers, £6 10/ to £7 15/: three to 3Vl>-year steers, £8 to £9 10/: four to 4%-year steers, £9 15/ to £10 17/6.

MATAMATA STOCK SALE. At the weekly Matamata stock sale on Wednesday, the market for beef was dull, but store sheep wer-e eagerly sought for. Prices were particularly bright for store lambs, of which there were a large number yarded. Advanced prices wore a 1.30 re- onied for store pigs.

Prices were.- Fat cow. light. £7 12 G; .stoic cows, ,€5 5' to £5 17/'; 2-year heii'ers in calf, £6 7 fi.

Sheep.—l> orward conditioned ewes. 16 6; fat woolly lambs, 25' to 26/6; store woolly lambs, 21,9; mixed sex woolly lambs, email, 18/ to 19,3: forward conditioned woolly lamlx;, 22/; cull lambs, 16/9; sma.l woolly lambs, 19/; cull ewee, 15/; thin

Mill ewes, 9 6 to 12 ; full-mouthed b'aektaeed rauiii, sgns; Koninoy ranis, IVigns to 3gns. Pi;rs. —Heavy baeonors to £3 10 ; light !i;!i-oik'!'s. £3 to £3 3 : porkers. .L"2 - to C 2 IS ; slips, 17, 0 to '-!) : w caucus, goo.i. 13; to IS'; email, S. to 11 . OPOTIKI. Dalgcty and li>„ Ltd., report tliat tlie I.litest yarding of' sheep ever ottered at )iie Opotiki Kaleyards came forward at the Opotiki sheep fair on Tuesday, and the company's entries totalled 12.880 sheep. I he condition and qualit' - of the sheep were especially good, being favourably commented upon by the outside buyers. Buyers were present from Auckland. Waikato. Kotorua, and all parts of the l)ay of Plenty. and bidding throughout "was spirited. Practically a total clearance was effected under the hammer. Outside buyers operated freely, a total ot 9290 sheep being bought for transport outside the Opotiki County. Prices throughout were very satisfactory, and well up to market prices in other centres. Quota-tions:—-Two-tooth ewes, 26/ to ."3/0; four and (j-tooth. 27/ to 33 0; six-tooth ewes, to 28. 0: four-year-old ewes, 28/(> to 29/0; fourtooth to live-year ewes, 23' to 2-1 : tour and live-year ewes, 22' to 26/3; five-year ewes. 22;0 to 26 6; aged ewes, 13/ to 22, 0: two-tooth-wethers. 2.V to 27 9: lour and six-tooth wethers. 27 3 to 30/3, the top price being obtained for a pen of 233; mixed sex lambs, 13/ to 19 0; rams, Romney rams, Ogns to 7 , /igns; English Leicester rams, 4j;ns. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency. Ltd.. reports a record yarding of sheep and a record attendance <>l buyers at the firm's annual sheep lair on Tuesday. Ewes of all ages sold remarkably well, as did two-tooth wethers, but four-tooth and six-tooth wethers did not realise price expected. The entry of 13.142 consisted largely of sheep from East Coast stations, and a total clearance was effected with the demand unsatisfied for young ewes and wethers. Prices realised were: Two-tooth ewes. 28/ to 32 0; four-tooth ewes, 20/3 to 30/; four-tooth to four-year ewes, to 29/11; five-year ewes, to 27/3; sixyear ewes, to 23': two-tooth wethers, to 27/3: four and six-tooth wethers, to 30/; small lambs, 10/ to 20/: cull lambs, 12/ to 15/; rams, four-tooth Southdown. B',4gns: two-tooth Kouineys. to 7/4gns; old rams. £1 to £3 2 0.


WKLLTNCTOX. Wednesday. Messrs. Wright. Stephenson and ('<>.. Ltd.. anil Abraham and Williams. Ltd., report on the .loiinsonville sale held to-day as follows:—There was a large yarding of sheep, and an average yarding of cattle, mostly of bullocks. A consignment of cows did not come to hand, and the yarding of this class of beef was below the usual number. A good sale for all classes of stock resulted, prices generally being on a par with last week's rates, with the exception of lambs. These sold at an advance on last week. Bullocks realised £14 10/ to £17 la'; cows, £0 15' to £9 s'; vealers. £2 3/ to £5 s'; wethers, 32 '6 to 36/1: ewes, 22/ to 32/3; lambs, 2.1/11 to 31/. THE ADDINGTON MARKET.

('lll\ ISTCHI"RCH, Wednesday

At Addington to-day the entry of store sheep was the biggest of the season, the bulk of the adult sheep being from the North Island and Blenheim. The sal*» was a good one at practically last week's rates until the last hour of the market, when the departure of the farmers caused the market to weaken and many lines w :e passed. Fat lambs sold freely at the further drop in the export schedule. Fat sheep also sold at the reduction. l-'at cattle declined up to 3/0 per 10'ilb torsteers, and somewhat less for other < lasses of cattle, good heifers in cases showing very little drop. Lamlm formed a big proportion of the store sheep entry. There was little change in store sheep prices since last week. Prices were: —Forward rape lambs, 24/6 to 27,'; medium. 21 0 to 23/0; good mixed sex. 22/0 to 25/; medium, 19/ to 21/0; inferior, 16/ to 17/9; cull. 11 to 14/: medium ewe lambs, to exti a Kood two-tooth halfbred ewes, to 44 6; good. 36/ to 39/; ordinary, to 29/; soundmouthed halfbred ewes. 25' to 26/; good two-tooth Romney-cross ewes, to 40'; ordinary, 35/ to 37/; inferior, 31/0 to 33/; good 'four-tooth Komney-cross ewes, to 38/; good six-tooth Komney -cross ewes. 30/ to 37/0; good four, six and cighltooth Komney-cross ewes. 35 to ."7 : ordinary, to 33/'; sound-mouthed Komney - cross ewes, to 30/: ordinary two-tooth crossbred ewes, to 32/; good four, six and eight-toothed crossbred ewes, 31/ to 33/: ordinary, to 39/; ordinary sound-mouthed crossbred ewes, 20/ to 27/0; aged Merino wethers. 5/ to 11/. Fat Lambs.—-The entry totalled 2530. Values were: Fxtra prime lambs, to 34 10; prime, 29/ to 32/; medium, 20/6 to 28/0; light, 24/0 to 20/.

Pat Sheep.- I here was n latter entry than usual. Extra prime heavy wctiwis brought to 33/11): prime. 29/3 to 32 ,6: medium, 27/ to 2!)/; light, 25'(» to 27. : extra prime ewes, to 33/4: prime. 24/6 to 29/: medium. 21/ to 24/; liglil, 18/9 to 20 ; aged. 17/6 to 18/6.

Fat pigs realised from 6d to 6%d per lb for baeoners and G 3 4d to 7d for porkers.

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Auckland Star, Issue 38, 14 February 1929, Page 4

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LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Auckland Star, Issue 38, 14 February 1929, Page 4

LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Auckland Star, Issue 38, 14 February 1929, Page 4