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"THE VAGABOND KING." SUCCESSFUL MUSICAL COMEDY; !cl :\b tiir :most musical comedv i.. i.-.iu- i.i A . k ujiJ during 'the ksj twenty \-.i\-. --J' , - V.icaUmd Kins" livi- i.;. i- :•■- ]• nutation. Ha M.I.HMW Th. ;:!■.■ •■■. s <nnvded in every p.nt !:■>! i ..'iit .i 1 I 1 ■■- I million given the . ..mi.fiiiv v - ' 3 itennc and ritilj-d-M-iv.-d. 1 In- .....-; .:..::.„• us bright, the >'.■—■■ •' ,: " 1 " : •' - : - t' : <-' picturesque t.ii-in ■•: the ■■!•■ n ■ - act being in re . lo l!,e beautiful soeaeg at, tl.t- iniijt i>! Ki! »• _l-mi.K. There vert cMiin-.s tin-.::.•'. '--.\ i> eveninp. kaleidoseopic in «b:.:;i. :■ ;. and n Pane of the time »,is like its portrayal ia This ■.:>•■.n.i\:\i- ii..:i»ii;i! ci-::iedy one canV" 1 "'Vi , ' , ."' V"' * i,: "-- ,1 ! , e habiu that Lmiis. XI. .U'\rli.i.r*l. It id the infinite VHi-u-ty «i tIK- -H..W th;,t aj.peale. What riiinc-dy iii«-u- is. i> ui-liiictly clever "'■■"'■ ' A,:,! ' "' .\ '■■;i"'«U-d plot f o ]. •,],•■ r-imv .a - J; ] wore King" runt tiiniij^lmut. Ki.iu<fii> Villnn. a <'.issolute rreuchmim, «'•"«■ l-'"' l ' i".irkt-(i ;.i, , Id in the Hieratun- <>i hiiit>].f. i> .i ».!i) a cut|.i.ise iiinl :i tav. i n J.iit, ici. Hip is 4 i.iiiii.ijs rol..- i<.i mucioal <..;nejy and step, piiiir ••!. I.i the .-I'-. ..-..l t.f tie misty iin<l<!u- ;i^i•> In- link.-? ;, ln,ive figure hi iliMitilct. h«so an.l I.,ii]kti-J cap ae the il;i>ljiiiß am] lu-ttu" ■"V.i-.ibf.ii.] Kmp." H e ti al! an.l mid.h> with liaht-hearted uli.iiilni). inclin'.ii._- tin- ii!i,squcia<i]ng King ci Fi.nxc. A luuiiiiT iollowg and Fran-I-..18 hiauis what !.<■ would d,, if }, e WO re Km-. He- liiis his opportunity. Louie is ciafty an.l in order _!■• revenge himself ujinn Kathorine <!•• Vaucellf*. peat lady <it Fi.-.iuc. be ini-tall* I' as Grand Marshal and civi-s hjin ihc authority of the- sovt-reijrii lor twt-uty-four hours, 'only t<. be sentenced to death next i'.iv. ]!<■ is rescued by Katheiine as he si.-inils with Xii«- !..|K" around his netk ia tho !ii«t dramatie w-f-ne, after leading «a army <■' hi* va<;;ilji>nii fo!low<-rs aeaintt i in- JJurgijUiliiin iuvadcie and reiiukinj tii'iii.

"The. Vacaoond Kihk - ' must appeal to the 1-iv.r of nniKif }-i-\ a? 11 appeals k» i!ie lover of t-onuijy and the si»«tatii3ar. It is a di-h made up to please all palates. Au(.kl.-i:nl audiences have never l»"inrf" lx-en presenn-d ith lajjrer en--.■liihlo-. The ]..!-,.;,!,,] ] S stldiic the

c!i..i ii.-i-a U-aiitifiil ami siirnus, -while the riot 0: cflo'ii il!er-tod In- >J je costumet n< the ]» is enchanting 10 a decivc. Then there i> the of the WaLonds" and "O«,ly a R«iee. :,

Two outstanding: leatun-s were the einsiiiC of Mi».s Slrella Wilson and tie s;i!( !■■•:(] woi k of the chonis, which hu r.i-ver Iwffirc l»een exi-<lled in musical (■■■nixiy hi n>. Miss Wilson i« of eicelleut pro.eeiice. «-]•. -t i.m];> in the court scene*. Sin; makes an in her yowjis and hi-addi <-Mi of the period, and mi ves anionc>l the- pnily-arrayed cotirtkTe, s'<lc!i<.Ts ainl la<!ii-s ~- in the luanm-r bom. 1'«,!..i-S!-c<l .ii ;i fme f-n]>7'.-iTKi voice she LMv.-s lull value to all the muse of Katheiine. Her ilear tonts dominate.! the <h<ii us in the ciiscuilile of dt-fiance cl">ii'U ili" -<-'i. :n\ a< t. * i'.'iim of man-

iifr ;m<l vocal l,c.i-if> Miss WiJFcn tlii-oijulinut 111" ]fi fm-iuant*. Wγ. Li'ldy niiidc a Villon, but lie did not I'le.Mse -o well .i< in 'The Student IViiKf." 11. .in<] >!\s Wiljsun are a li.-ipl'V roinliinnti'.iii, nttractiujr ereallr :n tljc v< iiiinilH-i>. '"(In!;, a F.use.*" "Tomorrow." ai:<] '].■■%<■ Me To-night." Mr. Aitlnir Slifant always pleases. As a, !iieud of tho uotoiious Villon, te ma'Je tiic ni<ist 01 the part and liis humour dfthe- audi.«»KP. Mt. Cecil Kellaway is a c-lpver c-ftincdian and played well the part o , " a foppish court (xquisitc. The Lo-.ii* XI. •■! Mr. Arthur Grecnaway wag a clever charac-terutation. Xliss Rene Liiitoji. as Hupuetle. gave a pleasing performaiHC. her death stfne being very realistic-. Tiie on-htittra, under the direction i.f Mr. Willy Hfv'stnjie. was excellent, at limes ±<<ni? «if tlio rai:sif approaching srrji'id ops-ra ptandii;d. "The Vagabond K;:m " will be staged until further notice. MR. ALFRED O SHEA. Sul<uili.Mi if-M<kiits aie promised a treat this eveniiiiT. wiien Mr. Allied O"Sbea. the lii.-h 1.-ix.r. will i.'ive a lull recilal iu_ llio Ciy«jl I'ala<e Theatre, Mount Kj'.Mi. This eiicak'cnient lojlc , ** on Mr. U'Slua's Am-kiaud season, wliich proved .-.1 >i!c-<-»;;il at the Town Hall. Those who will assist a 1 the recital are Misa In, t r.-isworth. viohnNtc. Miss Marit Gn\.iu. h,u piste. an<l Mis< Then Halpin, s mo pialiiste ami act-Miiijiaiiiste.

PLAZA THEATRE. I- .'i_- ,iu.i;lfvl a u>l hcra'.kd a* oce of 1 :..vf.-/'.« i«>; ■':.;.! : •:■- :•■:' mam" • ■ l.i\. "The M:»n'\YVi-. Vutor li!K-.i"« !i i*i!::u! ] ■.:..;:■■•.■ u: a maimed :«:nj .lr.-i .< ! in.) ■-•'. w,.', inninn-ue ite Anrk'.iTi-i *.( a- .ii ai the l'lia Th-eailt !ii-:ii« a r<.w. Tlif fini i'.v the hail-mark of cx'.-f'.l' n.-i- ::i iliri-i'.ivi , , :or i: ivas ]<to-•hu-M uii-it-r tin- -k.'.Vl h.i:iJ'oi C'ari L.-iewin'c. An A-n-.:: .1:1 cr;:: . rcv:-"«-in-j tho rt'iu. sai.l. "' :;iijn::e effort anl -.: -•■ r. .s : .on«-.-. r:i:vc:>;ii b< l!;i:i.-". itf i tii.' <m:::.:ij -:•«?>■ ■.; Eng'.»Jl n-111 ijv.:ia:>o ::n.i a c=:i;-x v-;i:'<»liK-t:v,i ihtt mirrors Hw.i'j iun«s::.i: ":i:i.l *•;.•! mrful i-';!';..■:> -1": i-wi , ..- in •: ■wins si-eIMS. Ti:,. in w H;:a,i'.i :- a:«:rJ ta be cv :i ::i,.:,- 1.: .1 r:K'.o.-'- l!j.,<n prcvimn v. ~:i#. < ■ :;-.-. 1 Y■. 1; α-i Mary PSii!li ; !i 11! i> !'-..■ '. ,1 vi\c -■• i.- .u '^' IS M;:n V\"h , L-. u' -."' ■I':- -'..:.v ,n a fa#.■Mi ■■ ■ • (I'M \ -'11 1" liny !r» •.U-γ maul- .:,-! :.';.. ~ ■:.■• ■ ■ ■■-.:. !.y .>:dcr n: .'ii:s«A. 11. ;,.-.:■.-, ; ,- : :ilh-: '« a !>!•!::; . .1' piieniy. .- ..,.i. ; i ,-., u i,:i •'•:■ »i Kiminn.l ii> k.ih; !.■■•• ir. !!• lin-ls- a ba':<y ._.;.' c , !>•,. ,' ;, ini !!■,■.'i, :.- .:i;i>. aliJ with ■!.,' |, a l,y si: V ~ : : : -:V-r in 1:1* «•.;» sioiv* lo li v . l>l.l. ;■;■■ ''..:. ! mai-l, wli '<' lii,- he;, lie: i!in* :.i:ii.-:.« ' ; ,'V :i. The l>..yV .V;m • . a :-\ :- :.- ■ ■,■i M- an .T.tnvMc i>: « % i-: •■:A: :i '.- ■• • : - i:i ' ! I ''' (.>!<!-, n r:i .>;••■■.::■, :." : ■ <i -'--ii-line ]„•:■ i,:,::'-s : ,-:< ■ . ])■; i , — .!■- .n i. who haiiuumil hi-r :>;•:, ~- ■■- . !"• r ;:i-»,: i w ;. : '- 1 11:1 t'■:.?!-«• a:..- : i-i-m •-.::. .1 ■ 1 lin :.'."< f .-,i!(* v.:.;.: a "n:. :■ : ■ * • ■•»L-hea. TIVOLI AND EVERYBODY'S. Ali"J];,i tin.' H:;! :; ! :". "Tlh \\liiis Sin ,k." - i !..• ;•:'■...; .1! ;,Ui arti«m .-iiii]ciiiif-i»! :..i !■-•:•■ , - ..\>"- i- •■■ '. : - , ha'tje .■f ;,!-,-.,n.:n, . ' J , ■ I:. : .:i:<\ Kv<-I>-Immlv'j. 1 !i...,.. V1 > .-'r. ... '- i J , .'' 1 !,(: .I.!-. .!itiM ,-- .ii ~ 1,-i —;..: jl«-1 i.: J'i-ii r'rl. \v Ij.i. \\ in' • I.;- '.-'. - J .. '■■■ .■: 'I Y^''-u.m.i.-i. .i MM..' \u 1.,. -Tll • -.. .: - ■■ ! ■- -!-"»< u : ,>..<!, r liv 1,.,- !; f- •; ■•■-> i> lii.-I ;,.ll ~; ,-m ;:.• - .• . ; Tli.-re a ln.jf. , ~>! ~: !■;• • - ! \i...-nc-;in >I'.. K . ii .'1 ;h:i,i>. ! .. - I • _■ : ■':'•'- an< * iv Miii].,.n,-.l ii", ! ■ ■ ]' l> - <^'" 1, M. I.ii:-> ; ::ji 1 .■> I■■ i ...» 1 .!.-. Ti.i« t!;,r..iL'-%:::. ... s^p .■til :ii-tiii'i '- "'i .i!.:-,j A 1 1 ■ ' "•'• '••' '" :X 11-11 ... v■■ ~,.; I■. -• - : ...1 i:t"u 11: i M.i :■■ EMPRESS THEATRE. *T!..- Ki ■~,--•! • . . . •.• a -,"■• lil .-ill 1.1. • mi, . - , 1 ■.. ; '"" :iii- i> -1 !,, K. . ■ «•''' ■'" I!., ii . i..| K,, ~- .-.■ H 1' ■- '■•'• r m.iK.- .-v.-.-il.-ii- ~~„ ■ • - llifV !:.iv.- ;i|-;i .ii.-.I ■~ .. . • • ,■•- i ■''■■' I • .•.\< ■■ J ' 1i ■ !, DE LUXE THEATRE. ■•T'm- 1. .-.■•■ : .• 1 .... ii . ;.;,-... .. . ~u.\ » I 1..- -~. i: . , ■ . ai..l \ r<., 1 ! ~'. , ..:-'■«■ I. - 1..-,- ," -~ h ~ . , . - "Ilia \v:, \ Si,j... ■■ ■ • \ ! BAND IN ALBERT PARK. A ■ ■ ;-, - ■ ', -.- 'I m .-. ■ -. i- . 1 .. ■• ■ ■ y ;..:-..l }! ■:„>. ,„, ■ . :.,._. .; ' . . :••:.,- !;[«"' .iii.i •( 1.)., , ... v. . '■ .., •:■■' "lUc Mcrtlatra World" and ••Ujunoniana, ,,

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 8

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AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 8

AMUSEMENTS. Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 8