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FLATS TO LET. ATTRACT! YK Furn. Flat, 2 rooms and kitchenette; modern couvs. ; sunnv po.-iiion: telephone.—l!)ji, A* l>i:i) Sitting Room, l'runt, well furn., -*-» kitchiui, own store, e.1., bath; cheap: reiiui-ti couple.—l!), Dominion Kd. xlo [>ED Sitting Room, kitchenette, attrac--L» lively lui-iiishi'd: iinen, crockery; select -J. Alfred St., opposite Albert Park. 14 I>KD Sitting Room. Double or Single", -*-* kitclienette, nicely furn.; quiet, respectable, moderate; garage.—Phone 2*.'-->:i.s. xl^ I JIKKKNIIEAD, o mins. from whari. — i J-* Ciood condition ; beautiful views; moderate.—Apply next door, Wragtfe's (Amiens. xl."> / 11TY. —Flat, partly furn., 2 bedrooms I nnd kitchen ; all convs. ; reasonable.— Apply Cjuein St. x \ s pilTV —Bed Sitting: Room, furn., self contained: good position. — 13, llargreaves St., College Hill, T! 1 jEVO.M'OKT, near ferry—Flat, furn., x ' self-contained, sep. entrance, convs.— I' 22-11.'). 20. Victoria Kd. xK{ EVOXPORT—Furnished 2 Large Rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, gas. el phone • lovely view.—4S. Vuuxhall Kd. 15 "I"\EVONPORT.—SeIf-contained Flat, 2 - 1 - , rooms, kitchenette. ; furn. ; handy ferry.—3 5, Rattray St., side entrance. xli-J DEVONP(.)RT, Ko. 1, Calliope Kd., smius. ferry.—Furn. self-contained, a Rooms ami bathroom, e.1., gas stove; lovely view; adults; term. —Best and Son.—Phone 40-r.S!S. xla I DOMINION KD.—Furn. 8 Rooms, kitcheu- *~* ette; e.1., gas Btove; reasonable.-—l. Qurcu's Aveiuie. xl 3 1 \OMINIWN KD., near P.O.—Real Flat, 3 rooms, balcony, every modern couv., 1 entirely self-contained, (Juiet, central; sun I all day.—Ring 10-ltio. li i TJILAT, unfurn, 3 rooms, convs., e.l. : 27/<> ; J- very private ; tram stops door —2'J7 IMrncll U.I. well turn., 2 rooms, kitchenette, all - 1 - c.iiivs., near Ml. Edeu Bridge. —Inquire ! Syau r>4l. xl.l TT'LAT, superior, furn.; also Bed Sitting -I Itiiiini; every conv.; beautifully situated. <i, Syinonds St. 14 "inLAT, furn., self-contained, private en--I- trance, Ktove and sink.—Apply 53, Lincoln St., l'onaonby. x! 3 ■JLjiLAT, self-contained, ii rooms, e\ery conv., opposite Domain ; low rental, term. —71. I'ark Kj furn., self-con tained, 2 rooms, gas ■*- siove, own meter, e.1., couvs.—4o, Colidi-n Si., Newton. xl,~> LM.AT, turn, or unfurn., Kelf-containe<( ; ■*■ rein reasounblc.— Apply Franklin Kil.. 2 mins. from car. 14 sujjcrior, furn.. ;i large rooms, kitA cbenette. e.1.; 2 mins car. —1.1, Ccorge St.. Dominion Kd. 15 TjTLAT, uiifuru., 2 rouiuc. kitclienette; -I- private entrance.—2(i, Lcigliton St., off Williamson Av., l'onsonliy. 13 furn., line Jtosilion, every conv.; - 1 - also, ilnri'jrc and Tennis Court. —ti, Cri-si-i nt. l'arnell. 15 well furu., 4 largo rooms, kitchen- -*-' <'tte, h.ilcony, niodeinte.—Phone 27-241. 41. Criiniiner IM.. (irey Lynn. 1-S superlcr, .H rooms, kitchenette, bathroom, e.1., separate entrance. —210, New ■North ltd., ni-.vt Dr. Ciiinmiii£. I_4 J r LAT. 2 rooms, kitehenvt". ek-ctric, h. ■*- and w. ; part furn., si-if-eontaiued.-!|2. Sha<-kb-t.iii ltd., Dominion ltd. xlj TLM.AT, ;{ rooms, unl'iiruUhed, conv.M. ; *- clean, quiet superior home; 2nd »ec'.lon.—-■';*!. rUion Si.. Poiibiniiiy. xl.'! fui-nislicd, front, separate entrance; -*■• iil(«». Med Sit Mug Room, furnished, stove, iiiclcr.- 2", \\'i'<t St., Newton. 14 new, modern, unfurn., selt-eou- *- tained, "Pen.lle," doruou Kd., Jit Kden.—lnquiries, Flat 10. Uaiujc optional . \yi-v; / 1 UAFTON—Furu. Dining Room, 2 be<; kitchen, every couv ; telephoix-. :_!. I'■μ-u Av. xl 4 / IRAFTON, Near Bridge.-Furnished Flat, vl .lining room. bedroom. kitchenette, bathroom, e.l. ; adults.- 17, l.igar Place. C 4 / 1 KAFXON KD. (7.J) —Self-contained Flat, unfurn.. ii bedrooms, sitting room, kitchenette, gas stove, e.1., sep. entrance; Jjo . li ! IJEKNE r.AY-Fiat, 2 rooms, kitciicn- *•-»- fire, liiillii' , self contained ; t'l.-- !"■. Kn.l Kil. xls HKKNF, BAY —Sunny KouniM, turn, or liiiilirn., gas stove, llri'place, convs. - l_r_.i. _1 l::iuill..ii Kd. x 1 5 IJKKNE- BAY—Two well fur>ils|i«.l Kooiih, J-- , - s.-lf-1-ontaliiiMl. Mri-iilui-f. e.1.. ow:i meter : 2.'./ .-- Inquiry Sγ Ait x! 5 Modern -I room.-, convs., AV 22 1; ; :; Kooms, 1 i,-»;.—21), Third Av. I bone 20 S4 i. xl 5 J (»WEK SYMO.MKS ST.—Ki'.\court--Klal. \-* furn., self-cnntained, bedroom, sit tint: room, kitchenette; ni.c. ; immediate pissession. X ]:t A roKNINtiSIDK—HaIf llou.-;.; or Klal, -*■'■*- unfurn., 17/<>: part t'urn., £1; own I 1 riviit«- c.iiivs. I'bom- 1 :'.-2-!l. 1 ! YJ'l' EDEN—FIat, well furn.. spacious ■l-'J- i-ooins ; every conv.; llilulN.— <!, I'ros- ■ t Rise. Mt. If? VTiCK, SrH'-confaincd Flat. kitclieu-Ite : bandy city: nice view: moderate rental. — :y.\, St. <;.'orgy's Hay Kd . »'.'t:.<-11. IC, 7 >A KNELL, handy Newmarket—Small Flat. J- suit 2 business girls. — Page, r>, Sarawni St. Phono 4 4-1 -'<>. ],( pAKXKLL, (!. Mauiis:-ii Kd. —Large, Schmv x Elecflic Flat, unfuni.. 2 biilconics ; goor! I'osit'on.—T'hono 45-4-42. s ):i T>AKNKLL. St. Ste],hr-n's Av.—4 ■*- c-'iivs.. separate entr.illi-i , , -!2'.--Scv--I'iMiT. Hcllabv's r.blirs.. opp. <;.!•.< >. x i.-, ])ONSOXI!Y. No. 1. Colliv.gwood sV.— ' *- Flat, s'u.-ill. furn.. self-contained; own meter, tirpn'-ce. e.1.. stove: r"Hßii'i)ble. x 1 -! " iZ;. kilclien; scpnrale! x\, e'ltriitice : 17/': p<- week.— S SarsHcM i St.. Shelly T!| ;;,! . afli. r <i p.m. xl 4 J QHORTI.AXD FLAT. superior. furn.— ►o Anpl■■ Caretakor, or flnrrie nnd Bis? Vnrl'6iii'-e TTmi'sp. Pliore 44-5(;{). 14 yt'PEKIOK Furu. Flat. 2 large rooms. n kilclK'nette. ni-ivnti- Piitrance, Epsom Av--Write B. itr.l. Stah. X l 5

HOMES AND ATTENTION. \rAKANATHA Kest Hume.—Aged People -"-*- Cared For; every conit'ort.— !■; Wlixl' mill Kd.. Mt. Kden. I'lione 2ir..">2. C "VTICK. clean, motherly Lady wanted, Board affpetionate, attractive little Girl, 3 years of age.—Write T. S3Ol, .fcsTAU. xl 4 BOARD OFFERED. A CCU.M.MUDATION—UoubIe or Single Kooins ; piano, good table; moderate.— 27, Wood si., I'onsuiiby. xl.j I A ICOMMOKATION i<.r Boarders, home j nwny from home.—W.C.T.U. Hostel, : 3*J3, Queen St. Phone 4-V254. U A CCUMMUDAI'ION, full board, or room x -*- and breakfast.—The Oaks Private Hotel, VVellesley St. East. Phone 4«-570. j A : ACCOMMODATION, double and single ■F*- rooms, with breakfast, or board; in nice home.—lo2, Syinonds St. Phoiie 4 -'- ti!)S - xVi A CCOMMODATION, Permanent?, Casuals, Bed, Breakfast; select; city; terms moderate.—Nome Private Hotel, 7, Scotia Place. q A CCOMMODATION, Gents only, every ■**- conv. ; breakfast optional ; permauents casuals.—Victoria House, 4K, Nelson St ' City. q ACCOMMODATION — Visitors, UedT ! Breakfast, 5/: Full Board, S/ dnilv i' 22/ weekly; pernianents from CO/.— "Strathavon. 23, Park Road, Grnfton I'lione 4.'t-1)27. ,i A KAKAXA, Whitakei Place. Symouds sT J~k. (ji.oil Accoiuuiudaciou for g<ntleman boarders, every conv.; splendid table; new; moderate terms. —Teiephono 44-BSS. j) A TTIC and Turret Rooms, suit Students; x - k - Mt. Kdrn Terminus; piano, telephone, good table ; 2*i/. —Inquire Stak 42£. D 4 "■DAYVIEW," S.l, Wakefield St.. Symoiids XJ St., City.—Bed and breakfast, board. single, sharp, moderate: phone. <j BELVI'K, 32, I'rinces St.. (opposite Albert Park). — Superior Accommodation; Casuals or T'ermaner.tK.—l none 42-(>;;7. I' BOARD offered two gents, single rooms; good table, comfortable home. —14 Ligar Place, Orafton. x i 4 BOARD, l or 2 working men, private family, handy Top Syinonds St.—l 2.'}, Newton Kd. l 3 "TJOAUDKKS (2), ladies or gents, share -*-* larg<- upstair room, every conv.—l7, Carltoii .Core !{<].. (irafton. lo TJOAKDKRS (2), Indies or gents, sliare •»> large room ; early breakfast, every coiiv. — ir.3, Kdeii Terrace. xl'l BOARD, comfortable home, every conv., good table : terms moderate ; washing, mending. -Write W. 5444. Stak. x 1 ."> BOARD offered two men, private family, early breakfast, washing: minute bus.— ■i. Clianiberlin St., Richmond Kd. xl 3 I>OAKD, grins, share or single room; > gooil table, ( ifortable: minute 2nd section. -10, Sussex St., (irey Lynn. 15 TJ(IAHI), single, dotiblfi rooms, coinforN J> iible home, every convenience, good ' table; terms moderate. — 7,2, l'onsonbv Kd. 1 ].") 1 >O.\KDKi;s (2i wanted. share large J* room, 1:11 ml table: bandy car: K.C. preferred.- inquire STa It .*> 'j s. x 1 X CIAKKIN(;TO.\. 211. Wyn;ard S/reet. below * St. Paul's—Few Vacancies, permanents, casuals; b<'d nnd brenkfast.-—Phone 41-201. C / IOMFORTABLK I'.e.lrooin. um- convs.. J lj<>;>f<l optional; lady or tri'iilleiiian; 2 Minis, t ram. 4. New St.. Newmarket. xl:t I JKYOM'OKT. —Sele<-t ; 1 of 2 Cent. *' friends; good table. phone, piano, dec. hot water. — Particulars Plion,. 40-fii>.">. \ir, Hoard ofTercl one or two y<uiiijr -* J Men. good lioine ; handy Newmarket.- - I*. CM Soiiih Kd. xin rj.KAFT(»N KD. * IT'.i I—l'nder new manage- *~* 11 cut : fxcolleiit Boa r<l : cleanliness and attention: plioiie : very moderate term*. II TTO.MK. two *;irU. sluire i-li'ctrlc; -*-J- 11 v\ ■■■•kl>-. -1. ('rummer Kd.. oft" l'o!isi.n'>y 11,].. |{. K-,. r y. ir. xlT> TTOTKL AVONIIYIJSTK, ti2, Pymonds St. -*■-*- \"jic;u:cies. [lermailent. pingle an<l double rooms, from .'!."/. — I'lione 4.V100. Xl." ••TNVKKNKSS," Wellington Street. Phone J- 4."-7:t!!.— New Modern Building. Tariff: Permanent, It.V ; Bed ai:d ltreakfast, 22/*! C MT. KDKX Couple, r-tined bu.iie, would ai'coiumodiitc teacher, training colli, ,re. silrile r.i<.m; no <ith< v r boarders.— lit'inlre Stah 4.*i-~. x ];» OT(> M: I.K I(; 11 —I -a rge. hi nh, front Bedroom, suit tuo ladies or me. : e.1., c.-ili-foiit ; gi>nd tabic— -14, Slicrhouriie Kd.. Mt.! K.itn. 2nd section. WF.S \ mWO Bus'.nes.< tiirls or 2 (iiMits, sbai-e ''roni -*■ room : nice loca li I y.- 7. Himtly Av. :; 1.". YAC'AXCY for r.oardcr or Be<l and Break- • l:ist. sinirb- room, 1 min. tram.-.. .*!l, j View Kd.. Mt. Kili-n. xin O (iK.NTs or Married Couple: a',l cenvs,; — iiTin-- ni'wicrate. — lit, Richmond Rd., Poli-'-oilby. x_K] " \' V K o N 1 (I'mler Now ManngfiinenM, OlTrr:- Comfortable Ai-Coni modal ion, with Full Rim rd or B-d an<l B;eakl.!st only, to I'ermiHients atwl Cii.-:uais. — .">, SCOTIA I'I.ACR 1 near V.W.C.A). I'uoiie >2-',07. C TT O T K L ->J O It T II LA X D. ri'l'KK QI'KKN STKIMCT. First-class Accommodation. Kxeellont ' Cuisi/ie. Splendid Hot \Vut»r s.vsu-m. Baths, Shower anil Shaving Kooms. Billiard Tnblc and Writing Kooai for tlie use of Quests. Client Laundry. Vacancies occur f':r PermaiM-nts, from £2 3/ M::rried Coiiplfs by Arrangement. This Hotel is <m the Au-kland Automobile AssocSalion and Ci>-il S<Tvice List. Tariff: 12 f> per day: £:t 1,1/ weekly. MHS. A. LEA, Proprietress. 'Phone 41-tf-M. WS WIRELESS APPARATUS FOR SALE. A STOUXniNC Value in Kadio Sets, Two- -"- Valve Sets from .",!!/0 til W2 for «iValve Sets; guaranteed performance. Terms to suit all pockets. I'nll or send for list. AI!E!.. SMKK'I'OX, LTD., 27, Customs Street Kast. C /IALL or Write Tor attractive "Philips" yj Folders nnd Price r.lsts. —Tunibuii an.; .Toin-r--. Wcilis'i-y St.. Aiickl: n<l. D_[ HAMMAKLDND-Kolierts Meniwave and Ace KltßPts; easily as-seml)li>il from simple instruclioiis. —Joins, Ltd., Cliiucerv St. RA HKAII the dilTereiifj with Willard Kadio I'atteiies anil " A " and " B " I\!imi 11 ;i----tofs.--KlecH'ic ('.instruction. Fort St. A 1> It. English Steel Masts, complete with • Fittings, from 24/.- -Momestic Kadio Co.. 1.".. Strand Arcade C KKFCSK I'jittnrv Wireless, get Splildorf Kloctrle Kadio; 1-ugo reduction*.— K.-.lpb Sanft. Ciiemist, 2r,f». S.vinouds St. PI

-| ST Section.—Sn:::'.l Flat, furnished, selfJ- contained, e.1.. modern conv<Miiences • 22/«.—27. Coll-ge Hill. xin TO LET OR LEASE. pONCUETE BUILDING IN BEACH KD V- , formerly occupied b.v the Xu Tread Tyre and K'tlnVr Co. Ltd., floor space approximately 4r.n<" square feet. Present lease expires February 1. i!)F,O, ami arrangements can be made wih the Lessor lor renewal. GEO. W. HUTCHISON. Premier Bldgs., Durham St. East. YVS

' Croivd at Carlmvs? ■Hjßi^y^^/whcn?—Yesterday at I I a.m. and last Frday at the SHmPHI/ same time—in fact, every Tuesday and Friday—you will mBBRVr-\f see a big crowd— bidding eagerly for the goods that fttiJi&grJZZS It is the splendid results that John Carlaw pets thai BB£?A\f enables him to always offer a good price for furnishings. Wf&f If you have any you wish to sell get his price for it—you VjCf will be under no obligation. 7 JOHN CARLAW AUCTIONEER ——i— Phonf 44-246. 7A Wyndham St. ?-** /J^^^fill^^r^^^^^^^^ l^^

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Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 2

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Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 2

Page 2 Advertisements Column 4 Auckland Star, Volume LX, Issue 37, 13 February 1929, Page 2