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UNITED PARTY The Policy for Permanent Prosperity i Electors! The boldest, most amazing and comprehensive policy you have ever read. Sir Joseph Ward, world-famed financier, New Zealand's only Statesman, proposes TO RAISE WITHOUT ONE PENNY ADDITIONAL TAXATION, DIRECT OR INDIRECT FINANCE STATE TRADING IMMIGRATION The raising of £70 001),000. £60,000,000 for advancing to Non-interference in private enterprise, and the restric- Drastic restrictions of Assisted InnnimHo. ,i,™„ settlers on the land and workers homes, at the rate of 6 «ion or curtailment of Government by Regulation or winter and empto^ment to 8 millions per annum. The money to be raised bv Order-in-Council. J »uiuonsea main railways. the issue of Government Bonds at at £95 per £100. The encroachment by the State on the field of legitimate ITT TA/f A MTT ADTA XT ft AW s : The money will be lent to settlers and workers at 4%% private enterprise is detrimentally affecting all com- 11 AIVLnLIN Ct oULIAL plus 1% sinking fund, term of loan 32V 2 years, with the mercial progress, and causes a feeling of insecurity in To promote the social and moral welfare of the neonle. pay off earlier. the minds of those engaged in business, m the Dominion. protect the young and provide for necessitiesof nMW £10,000,000 for completion of "Authorised Long Lines of The United Party state that trading for profit in these Revision of the Pensions to remove restrictions on^ Railways" in both Islands. is not a lemtinute function of the State. thrift and earning power of the individual ln view of „ , TT ... . Trading by the State..shouldl be undertaken only to the anomalies and ikfairness that existsunder tLpresent R AIL WA VS prevent exploitation of the public by private monopoly, Statutes. present . J , or to supply a necessary public service not supplied and rnTTP A TTAXT / An end will be put to the construction of any new short which private enterprise is unable to. Ml/U U LiA i IUJN there be taid *own*byde^ite < Ac? of what SECONDARY INDUSTRIFS S > ucatSn I " ena ' ,Ce °' secular and compulsory The fostering of Secondary by contract m three or four sections at a time, until the Country, and likely to be an economic success, by The maintenance and encourawmpnt of total amount named has been expended. . Subsidy rather than a high Protective Tariff. Thereby technical edition W encouraK 'ement of secondary and T 22KK5 {or ' JF*? 1 The extension of the Farm School System and DemonLAND mrlm Zealanders leaving our schools stration Plots. To stimulate the interest of youth in the , rr „i; r . T , nv , . vij. .... . . every year. primaryuidustries, to foster the practical side of agriculj » A G GREGATIQSt_OF. LAND—As this practice is j Apij TTVTTYI TCHP'D TI? C tural education by offering every encouragement to detrimental to close settlement pf the country lands, LUVjAL IJNDUiS 1 KIES students to attend the Massey Memorial and Lincoln fi5 Ctl Z ? w mea , nS M?2 uld t^ ke °, to brin S Jt to an end ' The United Party will support and strengthen these bv Colleges at a minimum expenditure. ?b) COMPULSORY ACOUISIV{oN Ul Ki°thp arnutßirion encouragement and subsidy, rather than a higher Pro- X he rev,sion a °d consolidation of the Education Act by ■ AWUlMTlON—lntheacqmsition tective Tariff. This would strengthen our commercial the removal of existing anomalies. «f^f SSa i. y 'iik 11 ! purposes, voluntary t>ond with the British Empire, which, where possible Th e opposition to centralisation in administration and Eft wl!o 7? ed wherever poissible, will be upheld by the Party, and all Government require- the provision foj improved vocal control. i o!! tlli iwt win EP U i^?lJ/i P i OV,S! 2 n8 DOW ments for the Country, not controlled by patent rights. Consolidation of Country Schools for enconomical and H 4® Statute Book will be amended, made more will be built locally practicable reasons and the provision of free conveyance ettective, and applied. of children. Where land for closer settlement is taken compulsory fOMMF RpT AT MHTHD The extension of the Medical and Dental services esoecpayment will be made by Government Bonds. lVlvl 1 UK ially in the Country Districts. (c) LAND BOARDS—That with a 7 view to making VRHTCT FS The education of the Maori children, as far as possible them more representative of the people, an investigation under the same system as the European and revision of the Authority and Powers of Lands Commercial Motor Traffic has now definitely established ___ _ \ Boards should be made. itself. A Commission of Enquiry will be set up dealing ELECTORAL REFORM , with the whole question of motor transport as it affects TT • j ~ , . 1 LAND SETTLEMENT t}" 9 country. Ine establishment of a Motor Transport Trle,1 e , United Party disfavours the present unfair system Closer settlement upon more liberal conditions and the more rigid gP a / d *? consist of representatives of Government, Par,iamentar y Members. It Will make proprevention of the aggregation of lands suitable for sub-division. Motor lrade, Motor Owners, Car Owners and Local , r ... . Assistance in Crown Land Settlement, where the nature of the land Bodies who are operating fleets either for goods or oas- P tnatcandidates represent an absolute majority renders it desirable, particularly in deteriorated areas. senger transport ' of the electors by the adoption of the Preferential Voting w, ' hoM At.the present time.on account of Government legis- ri ,?y o T wit ' > a « RoU i" Remission of rent or interest where necessary and desirable. lation the Commercial Lorry Owner is being penalsied d 11 iu Maori Electorates. In the absence of such a More expert valuation of the land on a productive basis. in every direction. No man who haa given the subject Koii, tne scrutineers will be allowed in the Polling Booth. nnT Tn cnvririfrxTm serious thought will refuse to admit that the Govern- TWFTTXTP'I? GROUP SETTLEMENT ment is doing an unfair thing to these owners by impos- L/H/I7 H/J^l Gnoups will be settled upon Blocks rendered suitable for farming, and s **ch heavy taxation in the shape of Heavy Traffic New Zealand shall honour its moral obligations to the shall be financed on the Table Mortgage System on exceptionally rees. Motherland by co-operation as far as noscihl# in th» easy terms. Special consideration will be given to land lying alone- j a__:« J* s .P oss,Dl ® in tne - side Railroads and served by public utilites such as Hydro-Electricity. O IMtter OI Impenal NwVal and Aerial Defence. A policy I Hospitals and schools. A -C/iYxi JuV/1 lVll!/ii X of co-operation with LfOcal Bodies to provide aviation ] f ?™ ur ? d ,. as * he Imperial Government have • large fund As a permanent solution of the Unemolovment Problem grounds at some main centres by which commercial j r assis ng I. a Progressive Land Settlement Policy and Railway Con- ?«ll£,° n T" de X eloped and co-ordinated with defence FARMFR FTIM AXTPF struction Policy will be pursued, together with the m times of national emergency will be carried out. steady development of the Dominion's Economic The Temtonal System will be maintained. Unnecessary will be ctm'unJed extended? ' intermediate Credit. System Secondary Industries. For the immediate relief of Un- iislfbif S avoided eSS at present * employment a vigorous National Policy of completing 7? % * • avo . ld . ed - , , . CONTROL BOARDS 3,1 1113111 ,ines should inaugurated, financed on the MnSfrfSnS ii^T'i DV ? ng New Z^?, l nd ? e A RUij main lines indicated T Ji t * vonncr mpln Motteitand,,all the Nation's resources will be used for 1 All members of boards will control the export of such primary products who are leaving school into n«pfnl an! nrSL?? OUr National Defence. as frozen meat, butter, cheese, honey and kauri gum, will be elected . leaving scnooi into USeiUl and promising emby the direct vote of the producers. pioyment rather than allow them to dnft to other coun- np/~vy ttj TCTTC TA XT *7 _ tries, a system of apprenticeship; an agricultural and 1 V/Ulvljl J A W ! IRRIGATION OF LAND vocational training will be instituted, and co-operation A well directed, regular system for people to come anrf | Assistance will be given to the irrigation of Laihds in the interests . tradeß a ssociations. By this means go through New Zealand under the Tourist Department. I of the development of the Country. practical training, with the addition of small subsidies, ] r a rpfTTT-t x a \Trvn or bursaries, will be made available to hundreds of young SUJVIMA.RY NATIVE LANDS people who are finding the present economic stress a Tfc . . , rt . .. . . . In the sale of Native Lands to the Crown the Natives, as was their The drift of these young ,nd f i right under the Treaty of Waitangi, shall have the right of appeal people to-day into idleness or unsuitable employment is in the towns bomeß for against the valuation figures in case of sale to the Crown. a National loss, all unemployment to be abso. as far The bringing to completion at as early a date as possible of the Main _ . 8S practicable on the authorised Railways which are Railway lines that have already been authorised. r I AV A npyriM already referred to. The maintenance of effective mail and passenger services to England JL iVAxx 1 IV/il via Canada from Auckland and America from Wellington. The present system of Taxation will be immediately FLOCK HOUSE SYSTEM service between the Bluff and Melbourne. paaaengw j | revised. _ < TTia c-.r » ... , ... Instead of stopping people from coming to the country to adjuat oar The revision of the scale of Income Tax reducing the y I HKa n use oystem Will be applied to New financial system and methods so as to require a further addltico to our and making the inCOme eqUitab,e in _ _ To'leave no room for unemployment. The present high rate of Company taxation will be INDUSTRIAL LEGISLATION To reduced and finally repealed Industrial Concilliation and Arbitration Act Shops and THE UNITED PARTY Sal'wZaSSta'fh?DoSo. A«. »d the Fartories Act will teimmXSy u„,, ed p.r, y for Km. E»p lre „d wn. b. totai m tne uomuiion. tne I aritt should revised and consolidated, together with the Awards to build up a strong, self-reliant people by giving the freest scope for be based on the reduction of the cost of living and those thereunder, in order that the emnlovers and emnlovees the development of individual enterprise and initiative, it win provide food supplies not locally provided will be put on the may more readily understand the law in relation *ihlir Buch measures of economic and humanitarian legisUtion. that free list. respective trad« and c a win yc.,««. ... p«opI. po»ibi. wmwwn, Will you continue to flounder in the dark, following Coates, who has miserably failed you—or are you going to be led to prosperity by Sir Joseph Ward. Vote all United Party Candidates YOU STANDS "UNITED" YOU WIN!

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 248, 19 October 1928, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 248, 19 October 1928, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 248, 19 October 1928, Page 15