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Cwm White encloses a riddle and a Uttle story witii her letter.—Thanks, Owen, but I don't think that your story 19 cjalts suitable l'ur publication. Try again, ttiough.

Dorothy Jennings tells me that sho contributed an entry for tlio "Dear unto my Heart" competition some time ago and was told that tier entry was entered In tho competition, yet she received no certificate.—The ract that your entry W33 entered for tho competition doesn't entitle you to a terminate. Dorothy. Your entry must bo one of the chosen six before a certificate Is awarded you.

Owen Gladding sends m a long: list of riddles.-—Thanks, Owen.

Mary Matlch tolls me that she went to a birthday party ana that sho had au excellent time. She was pleased with her membership certlUcate, which arrived last week. —I'm glad that you had such 4 good time, Mary. Florrie DUtich received her membership certificate. She, too, went to a birthday party and had a good time.—Your motto has been received. Joyca Bunnell thanks me for my letter and says thut sho. Is looking- forward to getting her certificate. —It must be nice to have j litile brother to play with, Joyee. Erneat Cozens tays that bo was pleased to see bis riddle published in the "Star," and be tells me about his pets.—lt must bo nice la have three pets to look alter. Ruth Haywood thanks me for the birthday greeting' certificate which she received. She asks ir all contributions have to be written in Ink.—.Yes, Ruth, as far as possible all contributions have to be written In ink, for pencil Is very hard to read and mistakes can bo caused by Illegible writing. Iris Clune wishes to become a member of the I'eter l'ijn Club.—YQU'vtj been enrolled, Iris. Fayne Daitey writes to me from Otoro. hanga and tells me about her pislers and her pets.—l'm glad to hear from you, Payne, and hope that you'll writo again soon. Elsie Kaay tells me that It |s very cold at Glevedon. and that one morning the water in the kitcUen tap was frozen.—-My word, it is cold at Clevedon. Ailia Campbell Is it reader of tho Budget and asks to be enrolled In the Peter Pan Club. She asks a question.—-You've been eurolled, Atlle. I think that a lot depends upon the people themselves, for if they meet fate with a smiling face things are sure to come right in tho end. Maria Nieison answers the roll call and tells me that sho has changed her address. Your new address has been recorded, Marie. Willi* Combs writes from Dargavllle and w;wts to know if Jack frost has visited Auckland yet.—Well, it's been very cold in Auckland lately, Willie, but 1 don't think we've yet had a frost. Write again, soon. B. Johnston tells me that sho quite forgot that a motto had to be sent in on a separate sheet of paper. Sho sends in another motto this week, and makes sure that it is on a separate sheet of paper.— That's, right, Eileen. Your latest motto has bQen entered In the competition. Maurio* Carbines has been sick for a fortnight and rears that he will have to go to the doctor. His little siater, Betty, has also been sick, but she ia gcUiug better.—l'm sorry to hear that you are unwell, Maurice, and I hope that you'll soon be better. ■ "™-*t % Bourna Street, Mount Eden, forgQt 10 sign his (or fa it her?) name. Whoever U is teljs me that he is In the mida* or his half-yearly exams, aud hopes to pass. A joke Is enclosed.—f, too. >' r ' u pa:i3 your exam. Thanks ror the Joke. *iU* Billing thanks me for the book which I sent her. Her American penTriend has not yet replied to her letter.— I'm glad that you liked the book, Enid. I dare say that you'll receive a. letter from your pen-friend soon. Thanks 1 " l * axwe " seilds some Jokes.— Phyllis Jacobs saya that she is sorry that has not written before, but stia has fv^ n «v, Very b,ls y- She intends entering ~?m e . competitions.—Well, Phyllis, you Z ,I' 0t 1 13 ve muoll lor, »er to wait for the Tn i, ?' ? pen3 to-day (July U)« Be* >x luqK witli your exams*

Joyc« Davidson Is In the public hospital. She sends In an enrolment form and tells ine that It will be her birthday on Saturday.—Well, Joyce, even if your rorm was a wee bit late In coining and your name could not be put In ths birthday greeting's column, you may be sure that I wish you very many happy returns or the day. Batty Crsnston sends me her new address.—Thanks for your new address, Betty. 1 have recorded It. May Miseooks enters for this week's competitions.—Your entry bas been received, May, and your new address bas beeu recorded. Winifred Gltflllan sends soms poetry. which she asks me to criticise. At present she Is In bed with a bad cold.—Your poetry was not very good, Winifred, the metre and rhythm could be very much Improved upon; keep trying, though, ror I am sure that you'll improve with practice. R. Trezise thanks me for the certificate she got. Slie sends m a competition entry.—l'm glad that you liked the certificate. Muriel Murton is a new member and she thanks me for ber birthday greetings certificate. She sends a little piece or poetry.—Thanks Tor the poem, Muriel. Will you write cgain and ask me all that you want to know about the Budget? Colin Murton passes ou to me a very Interesting story which his grandfather, who was a pioneer In Canada, told him.— Thanks for the story, Collu, It's very nice. Dorothy Ferguson asks ir she inay Join tho club. She Is a Girl Guide, though not yet enrolled.—You've been enrolled, Dorothy. I'm sure that you llko being a Girl Guide. Gwendolyn Wilkins t«ili3 me that sho bas beeu in bed with the 'i\u. sho tells me the doings of her baby brother.—l hope that you are quite better now. Baby brother must be a mischievous little chup. I'm sure that you have lots ul" run with him. Alma Evans Is pleased to see that she has won a point and wants to win another •Zl so that sho can get a book. She intends to enter for as many competitions as she is able.—l'm sure that you work hard It will not take you very long to win those other 21 points. Alexandria MacUennan enters for the "C" competition. ' Several or her lricnds are Budget members.—Your wurk has been entered in the competition, Alexandria. Gladys Reed: A peu-rrlend has been allotted to you. Noel Evans asks to be enrolled In our club.—Welcome to the club, .Noel. Nancy Taylor writes to ir she can join the club She asks for a name for her little black kitten. —You've been enrolled, Nancy. Do you like Tot ror a pussy's name? Ida Moore sends a story lor the competition. She thinks that competitors who have their work published must leel awrully proud or themselves. —Yes, Ida, I think that everyone likes to see his work in print. Both you and your brother have been enrolled. Ben Moore wishes to becomo a member of tho club. He thinks that the crocodile must have good digestive organs.—All that Is necessary to become a member or the Peter Pan Club is the filling In or an enrolment form.—Yes, I, too, think that the crocodile's "inner man" must bo an extremely powerful l'cllow.

* July 10. Appleby, Aiastalr, La Koclie, Dulcie. Barton, Phyllis. Morgan, Phyllis. Clark, Leonard. Murtou, Collin." Hjindcock, Kenneth. Morgan, Nellie. Hunter, Leonard. Newiuan, Alma. Horton, Margaret, l'rescott. Arthur. Hill, Graham. Rush, Kayticr. Ivil, Betty. Wescott, Margaret. July 10. Aieken, Betty. Gibson, Nod. Brown, Doreeu. llutclnngs. Iviuina. Reatile, Doreen. Houston. Isabella. Kroekbank, Jack. Jessep, John. Cochrane, Kathleen.Jordan, Norman. Oarmody, Betty. Madden, Thomas. Dorrington, Gladys. Osborne, Harold. George, Charles. Stewart, Jean. Green, Lila. July 17. Addison, Mavis. Jugall, Roderick. Constable. Kenneth Mudford, Owen. Donald. Dorothy. McLeigh. Doris. Kills, Lillian. Prendi*ille, Kalph. Forsyth, George. iSeUdou, Leonard. Grade, Errol. July IS. Breen, Margaret. Logan. Alma. Beaumont, Harry. Murphy, Kathleea. Crisp, BStty. Pascoe, Kathleen. Frankhain, Edith. Piatt, Norma. July 19. Bolous. Pearl. KiliS. Dagmar. Dodman, Ken. Mail*. Heather. Diplock, Mildred, Header. Marion. Den.ver, Robert. Solem-McKay, T. Gibbou. Muriel. Talhurst, J. Halstend, Joyee. Waby, Gordon. Hennessy, Leslie. July 20. Baker, L°<ua. Markwick, Ina. Bridges. Walter. Mackie, Hugh. Crt>ss, Cyril. Pearson. Angeliae. Danby. Clare. Quick. Glory. Jarrett. Do.roMiv. Weingott, Margaret. Kldd, Mavis. July 31. Bridges, Beatrice, Maud, Nancy. Cornish,. Joyce. Molesworth. Betty. Henley. James. Poland, Justina. HodgauM, Katlierlne.Hossiter, Peter, Moliard, Jean. Kowe, Allan. Mollard, Jack, Taylor, Roystou,

Ivy Willcocks thanks me for her birthday greetings cerUflcate.—l'm glad that you liked it. HI. Bond has decided to Join the Budget. He encloses a motto and a Joke.—You have been enrolled. Thanks Tor the Joke, but I'm sorry I cannot use your motto because it la written on the same paper as your letter. Mottos must be seat In on a separate sheet of paper. (too* Attenborough wishes to thank me Tor her birthday greeting certificate. She wonders tr that la why I wanted her address.—Yes. Hona, that t5 what I wanted your address for. Edna Tyson sends in a competition entry.—Your entry has been put iu the pile or competitions awaiting the Judge 3. Iris Wells has three polntß towards her 2 5 and hopes to soon have the remaining 22. Shu Inquires the health or Wendy.— It does not take very long to earn 25 points ir you compete consistently. Wendy is quite well, thank you. Doris Smithers tries her luck in this week's competitions. She contributes to the "Dear unto my heart" column.—l am sorry to hear that you have lost your ravourlte tearher, but what is your loss Is another's gain. Your "Dear unto my heart" has been entered In the competition. Jessie Milne, late or Devonport, notifies me or her change or address. Things have been all topsyturvy with her up to the present and so she has not been able to write.—-Thanks for notifying me or your change of address, Jessie. Do you like your new place or abode? J. Boldero thanks me Tor the book which I sent her.—rm glad that It suited your taste, Joyce. Doris Spaed posteil her competition without having put a stamp on the envelope. Mie encloses two stamps to cover postage.—Thanks, Doris.

OUR WEEKLY MOTTO. Thi-» ui.'l-k the pri<e goes to Margery Tutleb, Hokianga Koail, Dargaville, age 13. The mottos of Dorothy Jones and Gertie Davis arc highly commended. Below appears tho wiuulng motto. Gay word* and jests may make us smile When Sorrow is asleep; But other things must make us smile When Sorrow bids us weep.

V. Roberts sends in an enrolment form. Welcome to the club. Cecilia Rassie thanks me for the birthday greetings certificate which I sent her. She has not much time to do competitions as she is now learning music and tailorins.—l'm glad that you liked the certiilcate, Cecilia. I am sure that you are very busy now that you arc learning music aud tailoring. Irene Quedley Joins the club. She says that her two brothers will also Join later on.—Welcome to the club, Irene. I'll be pleased to enrol your brothers. Hazel Quedley writes ter appreciation lof my birthday greetings certiiicate. She apologises for writing in green Ink, but it was inevitable, the baby had upset tha blue.--I'm glad that you appreciated the certificate. Hazel. I really don't mind your wilting in green ink, so it's Quito all right. | Alice Scott sends in an entry for the competition. It is the ilrst competition she has ever entered for.—Your paper has been entered in the competition, Mice I hope that your name will ligure in the competition winniufg list in tho near ruture. Wary Finan tells me tiiat she received a letter from her American pen-friend, and, curious she asks if she is a personal friend oi Marie King, because, if so, she would like Mario to write to her occasionally.— That was very strange, Maw. Yes, I believe that I'm in ravour or daylight saving, for. as yoi l say, one can spend much extra thnu at sports, etc. Doris Foote wishes to Join the Peter Pan Club, so encloses an enrolment form with her letter.—Welcome to the club, Doris. Thanks, too, l'or your story, "A Seascape." Kathleen Rodgers contributes to the weekly competition and to the "Dear unto my heart" column. —Your contributions have been received, Doris. Betty Winks does this week's competition and contributes Some jokes Thanks. Eileen Hodgson hopes that her competition will be in time. Tor, living as sho does in Waugaralu. she finds some difficulty in posting letters.—l think your contribution was in time, Kileen. i'ti remember in future. Beigia Fraser sends a competition anil an enrolment form.—Welcome to the club, Uelgia. Alfred Ansley sends in an entry form, lie asks if tho line marked signature is to bo filled in by the one desiring admission to the club, or his parents.—You're enrolled, Alfred. The line you mention is to be tilled in by the boy himself. Leora Jenkins thanks me for her birthday greetings certiiicate.—l'm glad that you liked it, Leora. Gwen Sawyer tells me that because she did not Know the number of the competition this week she put tho ('.ate on instead. That was quite the right thing to do Owen. As a matter ol" fact there was no number to this week's competition. J. McGechio sends some jokes, fur which I thank her. Rstoy Blake tells uie that she has known members to have 0.5.1 i. after their name and she wants lo know ait about It. . If you special notice of our birthday number, Haby, you'll learn all v o u want to know. ] Jean Q'Gorman notifies me of her change I of address.—Your new address has been! recorded, Joan. N«IUe Orcmgool thanks me Tor to* prizes' she received and tells mo that all her people bavu had the 'tin. alio hopes to be able to attend school airain to-morrow. I am sorry to hear that you have had tho 'flu, Nellie, and am glad that you are almost better.

Wilfred Jeffs tells me or ttoe ravages of a strong 1 wind. It broke their trellis and blew the garag-e over, breaking: the roof In two. He wonders when the next short story opens.—My word, Wilfred, that was a strong: wind. The short story competition Is open for contribution all the time. Your badge bas been sent and queries are addressed to "The Witch Doctor, 'Star* Office, Auckland." Fay Parnell tell 3 me that her cold Is better now.—r'm glad to hear tbat. Fay. Jim Middleton tells me that his brother was so disappointed because It was too wet Tor him to have a birthday party. He suggests that "Confectionery" was only put in the competition for a catch.—l'm very sorry to hear that your brother couldn't have his birthday party, Jim. As a matter or Tact "Confect ..." was put on the "caramel" as an identification mark. Betty and Dick Wagner hopes that all the Budget readers are well. They contribute to this week's competition.—Your entries were received. Dorohy Mitchell writes a long: Interesting letter telling much about life In the country. A farm labourer near her place had a nasty spill from a horse, fracturing his wrist and putting his hip out.—You must have lots or run, Dorothv. Wasn't your cousin lucky not to get'hurt? Eileen Cunningham tells tne that It has been snowing at Raetlhl and that she got a hair-holiday. Her sister is going to join the club. She sends in a piece of poetry. Thanks for the poetry, Eileen. David Thomson tells rao that he originally came rrom Scotland, but that was seven years ago. He very much likad this week's competition.—l'm glad that you Uked th»s week's competition. No, prizes are nol given for jokes, etc., unless a special competition is arranged. Annie Beasley asks ir shs has been enrolled. ir readers can enter Tor competitions before receiving their membership certificate she intends to enter.—Yes, Annie, you've been enrolled and your certificates will arrive in due course. Children do not have to be members to enter ror our ..eekly competitions. Valerie got a point towards a book and hopes to increase this In the weekly competitions. fhe goes to the Junior High School.—l'm sure that ir you work hard it will not taka you very long to earn your 23 points. G. Batkin attends to enclose a competition with this letter. He ir just recovering rrom a cold.—l'm p-lad that you're recovering. I'm just getting one. Best of luck in the competitions. Barbara McMaster encloses 3 competition entry.—Your entry has been received. Jean Barclay got quite a shook when she saw Jessie Milne's "Legend or the Hata" in print, ror she, 100, had written a legend or the Ilata; she was very relieved to see that Jessie's work was much different to hers.—lsn't It queer, Jean. The rata seems to be a popular plant about which to entwine legends. Thelma Yearl ury asks if tie has more than one contribution to send In it sho cau put all Into the one envelope.—Ye* Thelma, that Is quite allowable. Annie Steele writes to me after a long silence. She encloses some joke l I'm glad to hear from you again, Annie. Thanks for th® jokes. Irla Ross encloses an enrolment Torm Welcome to the club, Iris.

Annie Steele: Another one rrom slie's making up Tor lost time. tm« Is to tell me That she is enclosing a competition and that she has found only 63 words In the "C" picture.—Well, Annie, So long as the 63 were right, you'd have % good chance, for the winner had bo* 64 marks. Thelma Bollard writes a tew tarried, lines, ror next week she will not be able to write at all. for she is sitting for aa examination.—Best or luck la the exam.. Thelma. Lily Mitoheli sends a few extra word? to be added to her competition entry.—I'm sorry, Lily, but they came too late to ba put into your entry. Rona Turner is very interested 1b tho Budget. She Is also one of the Radio ramily.—Your entry has been received. Rona. Thanks ror wr'tlng. Phyllis Rea thanks me ror the boric , which she received in return for bar 95 points.—i'r glad that you liked the book. Roma McLach.. 1 tells me that next Wednesday her school Is to have a concert. The concert was to have been held last ■ week, but because of the rain no parents could attend.—l. too, hope that it will be One for next Wednesday's entertainment. Write and tell me all about it. Alpha Smith asks ir she cau send In a motto.—Yes, Alpha, send one by all means, but be very sure to write it en a separate sheet or paper. Ailsa Roy asks for the address of another club member. fche asks tor particulars about pen-Tuends.—l'm s'jrry, Ailsa, but only under exceptional conditions cau wu give any or uur readers' addresses. IT you want a pen-friend write y uur namn and address on a piece or paper, together with a pen-name and any particulars you think would be helprul iu allotting' you a suitable correspondent. May Qreen tells mc tbat she has shifted to Auckland. It Is her birthday tomorrow.—Well, May, 1 hope that you Ilka living in Auckland. Many happy returns or to-morrow. —1 Ray nor's Road, Huntly, has forgotten her name. She says that many of her classmates were IU and so a basketball match which was to ha\ •; b«-e:i D'ayed. had to be postponed.—l'kas" tell me your name. Thanks ever so much for the trick you described. Joyce Halstead Joins the club.—Welcome to the club, Joyce. Ethel Rau sends some jokes, for which I tliank her. Norman Dawi hopes to w'jn 2z points soon. He sends in a "Dear unto my heart."—Your --Dear unto ruv heart has been received. N. Oman s trwit Mie has not vet received her membership ceritUcate.—lt will arrive iu due course. Wilson's liouse was a tumbledown shanty M a tiding on tlio lop of a hill, but it was better than nothing-—till the recent gales came along. Wilson was out walking when lie met a friend. "Hello!" said t'ue latu-r. "I've been thinking about yuu. l>id the galti damage your liouse'' "L can't say for certain."' replied 'Wilson. "I airr't found it yet.' 5

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 171, 21 July 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)

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MAIL BAG Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 171, 21 July 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)

MAIL BAG Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 171, 21 July 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)