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i-*! | an ■« m II H H J The Big Manchester The folk who make savin & mon ey a Hobby say that they cannot , 1 000 ' Department is Doing Big refrain from buying at such prices. There are No SHOW j Business — And Nobody ——————-—^ —_— Windows, hut the whole Wonders Why. Startling Stationery P— ——' Something Quite Unusual 48iN. casement cloth, fadeie.., i„ c • 1 n n w . • meuimg unusual, play of goods, at hitherto durabir d ; n d br Z" eit nd 1 crea d ; Specials. g e Sure and Visit the o •' 5® ® re unheard-of prices. PuncUsually' l/ii For 1/4* un *J erpr,ced WRITING TABLETS—6OO pages. Full size PIICCS U1 the Silk SeCtlOn. /»*>##» J akin in jcj , bank P a P or - Rul6d one Bida - White or tinted. (La tUOUff attended lifts B€T--48IN. POPLIN, mercerised, fadeless. An Two blotters —1/6 each. JIQ 1 1001% UIG L#Gll£fflt oot N cit «r DtV ouc ~ . . , „ _ extremely high-class drape. As the WRITING TABLETS—Tinted linen. 100 pages ° ooin. mlk KATUNS. A fabric that VIC€ to aU HOOTS I! shades are gold and brown (only), the i" Ta * flP * nd « urfac *- 6d - each for 3 Q__ • u° jJ* .*? •. Price to Clear is 2/11 (Jt* 11....1 P-;,— ; f rnnrr. nnm n i■■ ■ Ot tile OSLVWg f* OIK. sensible and durable article. It is showin* V. - ■ blankets,,ll wool,n,„z„i„„d m ,ko. S? T Lr OKB - B, " el ' 00,,r " ! ' 100 B '""~ Busy all the Time. 361N C harmalihe ™ ... weight, *extra quality; sife— ftTe^^k^plattd—V/11° r pa P i?? kot ' Fcrfled WHITE CHINA JUGS for the ArfftllUlling LaCe Usually 45/-. For 35/- pair. SCISSORS—Cutting out, large size. Nickel j • a. it K«, f ew ****? * a "siT f""! textnr * --J Fannr H » a. plated, big blades—2/- pair. I every domestic requirement. I 11 - A sak of rt y ,e ana rancy Uepartment. 11l carpet squares, Axoiinaterc; very The most marvellous bargain «/l l. 3/11 yi. Some Great Bargain, superior; fawn and grey; in the most t 1 r - .1 i 2 7 IN. JAPANESE SILK. A air. C V,real oar gains V d,.i 8 0. taoßioobi.; h..v yi UNDOUBTEDLY Ho si- ever heard of in the crockery bri,h« fiouh; J, Hrr . I 6 X 9~u, u .iiy £5/19/6. F„r 79/s. nosi trade. Hurry ! .h.d—U.o»ll r 2/11. For Here- I flannels, 28in., aii wool; shrunk, ery from Hsrts at Present of a cod /« « vri vftffn ■ >/r c. , »«h; a grand weight; in Shetland and 0 . . r , J>Ll W 6 JUGS FOR 9/11 VELVETEEN, chiffon filll«h, fat JAWttJ KNITTED ART «UC SCMVU. all grey—Usually 2/3. For 1/9 yard. Prices IS Far Under Whole- * * JJ d heavy pile, extra strong back, ISf 2711 VhT" rans# * — TOWELS, white Turkish; a particularly fia | e OuotationS PI IPQ AWH CAIIPCDC i-. dye. A perfect TT ®" T f RCMO " «-*«*.—• yards 1/. closely-woven line; very absorbent and Sale CUPS AND SAUCERS, white ?Oih. _ _ _ _ , fSlll "£Wflta, splendid service; size 23 x 46—Usually LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE and gold china, Minton shape, I 27in.—UsuaUy 5/6. For O /g yd. UU 2/3. For 1/6 each. —One of the outstanding lines. Full 1 clean bright china—At a Unique Bl>ck — 4 * apd " "*/• r. WIL . L SHEETING, linen finish, length of leg, perfectly fashioned, | Price, O/Q Half Dozen 36m.—UsuaUy 6/11. For yd. WHITE Here is a real marvel in the sheeting rully finished best of dye and most I J/ - 1/6 dozen. sf»— trade. Elxquisitely woven, absolutely durable. AIl the prevailing shades. I coloured veilings —usually i/n ; ed yd. pure, free from any foreign matter. Usually 4/11. For 3/9 pair * I STAINLESS COTLERY, war- CREAM JUMPER SILK, ezceUent S4in —2/3. For j g ranted Sheffield steel .olid bol- Desperate Doings in Dress vutitr — 2 ; 9 /* r i . LADIES' ALL-WOOL HOSE, *ter, ivory handles. For service. " For 1/11 Wl- - For 2/4 delightful finish, spliced toes and Dessert Knives CsOOCIS, At .and Under * heels, fast dye, long legs, elastic ' , p . SLIP MATS, black Mohair; heavy pile; f l t0 P* A of W fi/1 1 Hftlf D ° Zen #t ' __ best dye; fringed ends; almost endless greatest appearance. The shades are ' 39/40 IN. ALL WOOL NEW ZEALAND Men May be the "Mere" wear—Usually 7/11. For 5/11. Fawn, champagne, grey, pastel, Table Knives, DRESS FLANNEL, for Ladies' mud c n j COT BLANKETS, heavy, coloured Malle- elc.—Usually 3/11 » 7/11 Half Dozen ,r ~- t>ex ' Bnt They Are The F ° r 2/9 m* 7/11 HJf JJozen Judge, of Clothing--541N. TABLE DAMASK, white, heavy; LADIES' HOSE, pure and art. silk FOOD CHOPPERS, British S4-IN. ALL-WOOL VELOUR COATING, Anyhow. # I ».* «■ make, with 4 choppers, re-tinned "cTr'- I ;a <-=»=n y ? '6. For i /11 y.rd. ;hrou S h out- Popular household .he.,,. Swi.. wine, »x., u«. The balance of our "ZEALAN- I — - i£'&2L e"' L DIA" ENGUSH ALL-WOOL I it There Is Still Quite a Also m "hite—UsuaUy priced Pri "' 9/11 TWEED TOPCOATS. These I || Nice Range of Smart 111 P " r ' CANNISTERS — Five U«ful S?saffctSs - thoroughly well „»de, R<lg . j s Goods at Tempting Prices LADIES' HOSE, black cashmere. flour C sUgar Oataea^'rice' 6 »et-m sleeves. In all I ' . ~ ' „ rhis the remainder of an enormous "our, sugar, Uatmeal, rice, tea, 8/11 y*rd. popular colours and styles. We I 1 in tsie Mantle Room. .took. The very b e ,t of dye, purert etc., weU finahed very useful— 541N ROSLVN DRESS flannel, i„ have been selling the« coats .1 1 \ I AniFS- , , . , wool, smartest of appearance, The Set of 5 for /I /I 1 dark grey and brown only. This is an » I , . , ft I LADIES SKIRTS, pleated; all-wool tweed; and superb comfort. Spliced toes 4/ II exceptional line, and we are offering DeiOW wholeS&le COSt at 59/6. I ,1 newest designs in stripes and check; and heels. A really excellent line— Friday's Price, 3/11 per yard. ge/ ' 8 B vanoot etyles, some with the (avoured ri _ 00/", SDCI /O/- — All fO DC I sport* tops; dressy; good wearing garment am 4/6. GARDEN SPADES, best Shef- 421 N. NAVY SERGE, suitable (or school l n.. , . . _ I f All to Clear at 2 /11 pair. field steel, wide g *r^rr;rP*;e4/Vr ! P^r- b I I GIRLS'CARDIGANS AND JUMPERS all handles; very strong; size of 8 49/(s®^ | Multi-shaded," fawns, beige, 'etcTiize.' LADIES ' H s>S?— -A big lot of very I blade, 11 in. x 7in. ' A real! I ■ to 32in.—Usually priced at 12/6 to 15/6. lce goods m lisle, superfine, highly wonder o //v „ ar L I I All to Clear, 6/11 each. hnishedi, good length of leg, nicely 3/0 I BOYS' ALL-WOOL FOX | LADIES' COATS, velour, extremely I „ I The Ridiculous Prices for SERGE NAVY SHORTS, to fit 111 I good quality. Fur collar and cuffs. Usually l/ 11. For 1/_ pair. 1-OKK.S, by Wallace 1 Men's Mercerv i* Cauxincr boys 3to 16, full lined —To be I 8 Exceedingly well made, all cf the 1 / Bros., suitable for camp or bach. I iViercery 15 causing ■ * » iooe ■ I very latest style. TTie shades a e _ W 1/11 dozen 1 ™ Unprecedented Rush. cared at 5/1 1 j I fawn, navy, wine, cedar, also black. 1/11 I rp, T . . v / * * I § [n va :ieiy—T he usual prices A Big Special in Gloves. I lhe lime 1S Gettln ff Vnl I I " ere BS/ ' to £6/15/ - A BIG special ,n gloves, s u . d . I g Glance Through This KOYS' ENGLISH HEAVY All to Clear at One Price, 5 9/6 SS?' aSTtSI Gramophone " Little Lot." TWEED SCHOOL SHORTS, LADIES' COATS, smart, tailored, walking °7, CUff ' 5 tL ' n gl<> t Ve 8 1 MEN ' S ROSLYN ««-«- WOOL GREY RIBBED , ImC<,y m **** X Coats of distinction; best of make and B,2e — The LWI 3 / 6 L,ne for B RpmrH« KALF HOSE - 11d " " air brOWnj SIZeS, 3tO 16—O /l <1 finish; first-class material, in pleasing /1 pal " | 111140 MEN'S^ FANCY HALF HOSE, in big trariety— * 1 1 149/6. " plain or ribbed Spattees; all wool; var: o!l I FOR REAL MUSIC. THE | !".™V B -- w i c L c I: " D 2 T , , o E , 8 3 l " r °" ""«*" Ijl ladies- ra, ncoats. f.„c y ttT.V I/n'"" 7" | OF QUALITY. A JST.H-aS XSSiJSfrSS !^' SN^„^ G »™ HGABAR - 1 Leatherette. A mce range of good 2/lJ . p> R choice of about three thousand 15/ *- DINE OVERCOATS, popular I o f „^u. y ,r.N; 9 oooo) st ai may be had, not- •ssst.'ssss I 17/6. C\rf*aV Savincr 8 that thousands | men's fancy design neglige shints— 75/-- For 49 / 6 sizes, i nnnHMnnßHnnn ureat iVioney oavmg | j lave so y iQ-inch | cufr n s f^B e G : e l «c d h resßed co "* p 10 m " tc h; «>oubi. / I riiiUran'tt Wpar Proposition is Euying I Double-sided. I MEN'S PLAIN WHITE LAWN H.S. HANOKER- I VllUUlCll 9 TV car I CHIEFS—6 for 2/9. |ICM»C CMrv icu .• . 1 There Have Never Been Toilet Goods Here 1/6 or ' 2 «- 15/- I ™ WORSTED SUITS, famous Zealan* I ! SiirK Pr,Vpß And Now. handkerchiefs-s for 1/9. dia make, in dark grey clerical § f OUCH rrices. . nn . _ __ _ MEN'S WIOEWEAVE BUSPENDERB—Assorted IIF . . . ~. . K y CT,C * I | II r>«x 11\-c .»„« H , ... PINEAPPLE CUBES, Best coiours—lod pair. Worsted; best of linings; all sizes I (CHILDREN'S VELVET FROCKS—Smrrt goods, 7Hu r CREAM cold and— 1 11L ti„ m 2 E ' ~S WO °!;, "JP, CO I TO " SINGLETS— Ljf • f TT* ' | trimmed silk braid and buttons; biue, dark Singapore, 1 2ID. tUIB Medium weight—4/3 each. ' OTH 3to 7—Usually *1 red, brown, etc., etc. Bizes 24, 27, 30, 33, COOKS CARBOLIC SOAP, English—« for 1/-. /»n MEN'S ALL WOOL ROSLYN RIBBED UNDER- 84/- p- I 36—From 10/6 to 14/6 according to size. HART'S SPECIAL BATH 80AP—3 Tor 1/-. ||HW £TIS. each PANTS—7/3 pair. ' ' ror gQ C I rn ,„ MS WINDSOR BATH SOAP, assorted perfumes— \J MEN'S FLEECY LINED SINGLETS AND / U I WrSS. "ZStt? 4 for 1/ - per garment. . cach. 8 ' BENZOIN AND ALMOND LOTION, Jergen's— ADDirriTO « . . MEM'S ROSLYN DELTA FINISH NATURAL S I/"- AJrKICU Ib, Californian, large all wool singlets and underpants— MEN'S HEAVY All wont 0 CHILDREN'S VESTS—WooI and cotton. Soft STRONG ENGLISH DRESSiNG COMBS, in fin* P * r flarm * nt - „ . AU-- WIJLJL I flnisn, short sleeves. Extra cpeciai. Sizes horn, white and black—l/ eanh. lmß 1/— MEN'S ALL WOOL GREY COAT BWEATERB, COLONIAL SADDLE TWFFTk I H ovE^jn™!* 0 ..": S3TZW TOOTH BBUSH "' E "'- l/ S;r«NOYVu'ioTE h », TROUSERS, cross and hip pockets, t ,3i , SHEEP TONGUES, W.M.C., -aaas. » m c,„«u double seanu; fa. dark I BABY HATS—SiIk and wool Finished tassel ERASMIC HERB SOAP —3 cakes 1/3. large 1/O tin 101(1 *»d brown; all | and silk ties. Cream—To c!«ar, 1/11 each. SRASMIC SHAVING STICKS—I/1 each. I/O TORRAT CC% SHTDTC CDCC si * e * Usually 23/6. For I*7 /£• I PABY SHOES—Dainty footwear for the wee MARVEL SHAVING CREAM—I/3. ♦kT s _a 4 liTITT" 1 «/0 I ones. Embroidered crepe de chine. Assorted MARVEL FACE POWDER, American box. BELL TEA— O /IK II»1S, tne most perfect Of all shirts, I I shat-os—2/11. MARVEL TALCUM POWDER, large tins—. I 2S/y " I with collar to match, thoroughly (I peroxide face cream, coid and vanishing DDVAWT w AV , e well made, of dye, MEN'S DARK GREY ENGLISH J Wp A rp Pl__ c - _ - 1/4 ' I BRYANT & MAY S SAFETY Splendid range of stripes. We IWEED WORKING TROUSERS We Are Pleas,ng Plenty coucte.. I MATCHES—CI.D. doz. box g ? dh "T «n ng TROUSERS. of Saving Ladies in the »«■ I "2 I p „ I Underwear Section. cak - ' ———S win give you a third one free! For 8/11 SPECIAL LINE OF GENTS' SHAVING ' CAMIBOCKERS, fleecy lined, button at BRUSHES, English, pure hair—2/3 each. £ side, opera strap; warm, durable and CONCRETE BRILLIANTINE—I/7 a sky, cream—To I — nr J LADIES' NIGHTDRESSES of fine Wincey You will Be "aii Right" ULn msh h wv i in Prices at Hart's for $ comfortable garments—4/6. fleecy v Patent Medicines. £ long full size. A most popular a a popular price LANE'S large—3/8. I DE WITT'S large—4/11. I LADIES' VESTS, heavy, cream, cotton; CASSELL'S TABS, large—3/8. ' 3 round neck, no sleeves; bound silk braid. DOAft'S BACKACHE PILLS 2/10 F si-sassi— At Arch. Clark & Sons' Warehouse. Elliott Street BODICES, fine woven cotton; shaped into HEARN'S EBSENCE—2/3. »» Hi L ' MV ' i waist, high neck, broad shoulder, but- NAZOL—I/4J. n>y » • ms — , H ;7 toned at front—About Half Price, 1/11. CLEMENT'S TONIC—2 9 bottle. L 6356 £tIQS t Btfl AllSllSt'* 3

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 163, 12 July 1928, Page 17

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Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 163, 12 July 1928, Page 17

Page 17 Advertisements Column 3 Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 163, 12 July 1928, Page 17