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The stock markets maintain the general "firm tone which has been evident of late, and prospects for the immediate future are definitely encouraging. The strong opening of the London wool sales presages well for rir-xt year's clip, and will be a marked factor in sustaining the present confident outlook. London prices for Dominion stock are holding up well, and are on a much more satisfactory basis than existed at this t.irne last year. This is particularly the ewe in regard to beef, which is in keen demand as a result of a scarcity of .Argentine supplies.

Another favourable factor in regard to beef cattlc is that hide prices have again recovered, and all the chief sales of the Dominion have recorded advances during the laat fortnight. It looks as though the slump which threatened a couple of months back has been averted, at any rate for the immediate future.

There is a strong inquiry in Canterbury at this time of year for fat cattle, and Addington market has again attracted entries from this island. These were mainly from the Wanganui district. Hawke's Bay usually sends quantities to the Southern market, but it is understood that pastoralists from that province have not yet obtained an exportable surplus, following on the depletion caused by two juiereflsive dry summers. Auckland province rarely sends fat cattle South. The new season for lambs is now not far distant, and already quite a number are to be seen in the district. One farmer has as many as forty. Weather conditions have, on the whole, been favourable for early bred animals, but the boisterous winds of the past seven days have been a disturbing element, and one farmer lost no less than seven from his little flock in a few days. Westfield Market. At Westfield yesterday the yarding of fat cattle was smaller than that of the previous week, and with exporters still operating values were maintained, and in some cases exceeded. The entry of fat sheep was not a large one, and an advance in values was registered. Lambs also sold well, consequent upon brisk bidding by export buyers, who took 75 per cent of the offering. Calves were yarded in moderate numbers, and met with good competition at satisfactory rates. There was a good •ale for pigs, both stores and fats being readily disposed of. The range of values compared with those ruling the previous week was as follows:— This Week. Last Week. BEEF (per 1001b) — Kxtra choice ox 36/ 35/ Choice and prime ox 33/ to 35/ 32/ to 34/6 Choice and prime cow and heifer 28/ to 31/ 26/ to 29/ SHEEP (per head) — Prime wethers . 34/6 to 47/ 34/6 to 42/6 Unfln. wethers .. 30/ to 36/6 31/6 to 34/0 Prime ewes .... 26/ to 35/6 24/ to 36/ Prime lambs ... 20/ to 32/6 22/6 t032/6 Store lambs .... 15/ to 21/ CALVES (per head) — Runners 65/ to 105/ 60/ to 142/6 Vealers 34/ to 89/ 83/ to 96/ PIGS (per head) — Baconers 64/ to 97/ 66/ to 98/ Porkers 36/ to 88/ 38/ to 90/ Weaners 7/ to 16/ 5/ to 16/ Slips 14/ to 28/ 15/ to 22/ Large stores ... 25/ to 36/ 24/ to 32/ DALGETY AND COMPANY. Datgety and Company, Limited, report:—Beef; A very much smaller yarding of ox beef. Competition was keen and values improved. Cow and heifer beef was yarded in average numbers. Competition was steady and values were better for the larger portion of the sale. Extra choice ox sold to 36/ per 1001b; choice and prime, 33/ to 35/; just killable, 31/ to 32/; prime young cow and heifer beef, 30/; just killable, 26/ to 28/. A line of medium-weight P.A. bullocks on account of Mr. W. Johnstone, Taupiri, averaged £12 16/. Sheep: An average yarding. Competition was steady, with little or no change in values. Heavy prime wethers made £2 to £2 3/; medium, 37/6 to 39/6; light and unfinished, 30/ to 34/6; heavy prime ewes, 32/ to 35/; lighter, 28/ to 31/6; other ewes, 22/ to 26/. Lambs: An average yarding, the larger portion being unfinished. Fats were steady, but stores were dull of sale. Heavy prime lambs made 29/ to 31/; medium, 25/ to 28/; liirht, 20/ to 24/; good stores, 13/ to 21/. Calves were yarded in moderate numbers and met with good competition. Heavy vealers made £4 to £49/; medium, £3 to £3 18/; light, £2 5/ to £2 15/; rough, £1 5/ to £2. Pigs: A smaller yarding. Baconers were very firm at late rates, porkers showing an improvement. Heavy baconers made £4 8/ to £4 15/; medium baconers, £4 to £4 7/; light baconers, £3 10/ to £3 18/; heavy porkers, £3 to £3 10/; medium porkers, £2 8/ to £2 18/; light porkers, £1 16/ to £2 6/. ALFRED BUCKLAND AND SONS. Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd., report: We penned fat cattle to the number of 373 head, as compared with 441 at last Wednesday's market, comprising 182 steers and 191 cows and heifers. There was a keen demand throughout, and in many instances last week's values were improved upon. Extra choice ox sold to £1 16/ per 1001b; choice and prime, £1 13/B to £1 15/; secondary and plain, £1 11/ to £1 13/; prime young cow and heifer beef, £1 5/ to £1 10/; ordinary cow beef, £1 1/ to £14/; extra heavy prime steers, £15 to £15 10/; 14 steers from Mr. H. Reed, Waerenga, averaged £14 7/1; heavy prime steers, £13 15/ to £14 17/6; lighter prime, £12 15/ to £13 12/6; light prime, £10 15/ to £12 12/6; small and unfinished, £7 to £10 12/6; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £10 10/ to £11 10/; heavy prime cows and heifers, £9 to £10 7/6; lighter prime, £7 to £8 17/6; other killable cows, £4 15/ to £6 17/6. There was an average entry of fat sheep, which met with a keen sale at advanced values. Extra heavy prime wethers made £2 5/ to £2 7/, the latter price being realised for wethers from Mr. J. P. Kidd, Karaka; heavy prime wethers, £2 2/ to £2 4/9; medium to heavy prime, £1 19/ to £2 1/0; light to medium prime, £1 17/ to £1 18/0; unfinished, £1 13/6 to £1 16/6; extra heavy prime young ewes, £1 14/6 to £1 15/6; heavy prime ewes, £1 12/6 to £1 14/3: lighter prime, £1 10/ to £1 12/3; other killable ewes, £1 8/ to £1 9/9; other ewes, 13/ to £1 6/ (907 sheep soldi. A small supply of lambs sold freely at ruling rates. Extrf heavy prime lambs made £1 11/ to £1 12/6; heavy prime, £1 8/ to £1 10/6; lighter prime, £1 6/ to £1 7/3; light prime, £1 4/ to £1 5/9; small arid plain, £1 1/ to £1 3/9; small stores, 15/9 to 17/ (262 lambs sold). There was * medium yarding of calves, the quality generally being much below the usualCompetition waa keen for all classes. Runners made £3 5/ to £4 14/; heavy Vf.uleiH, £3 7/ to £4 8/; medium, £2 18/ to £3 5/; light, £1 14/ to £2 16/; rough a/id plain, 10/ to £1 4/; small and freshdj opjv.d, 3/ to £1 9/ (185 sold). An it umber of pigs was offered. A britik demand, with a rise in values, existed for porkers and choppers, while bnconerß Hold rtadily at l«»st wenk h price#. I'.xtia heavy choppers made £4 to £> 18/; lighter, £2 16/ to £3 1)1/; liacouern, to £4 17/; ha,avy bku-c-w*!*, £4 9/ to £4 13/; medium, £3 15/ to £4 '//: light, £3 7/ to £3 12/; heavy porkci'jt. £'2 J// to £3 4/; medium. £2 12/ to JL'2 15/ i £2 3/ !o £2 * small and unfinished £1 10/ to £I IS/. Stores noJfl at late quotations. Rust made to £] ]'/■ * mß || ci , £1 s/ ~, £| ■,q.' w P*' {,-S" *• 1 i weane**, 10/ to 111/ {i-ii pigs gold)


The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, report:—Beef was penned in average numbers, cow and heifer beef predominating. There was an improved demand. The market showed a firmer tone and values improved. Extra choice ox sold to 36/ per 1001b; choice and prime, 33/ to 3-5/; ordinary and plain, 30/ to 32/; prime young cow and heifer beef. 28/ to 31/; ordinary cow beef, 25/ to 27/; heavy prime steers, £13 to £13 15/; lighter prime, £11 10/ to £12 17/6; light prime, £10 5/ to £11 7/6; unfinished and small, £9 to £10; extra heavy prime young cows and heifers, £11 to £13 5/; heavy prime, £0 to £10 10/; lighter, £7 12/6 to £8 17/6; light cows, £6 to £7 10/; other cows, £4 to £5 15/. For a pen of extra heavy prime heifers from Mr. Jas. Taylor, Bardowie, Cambridge, £13 wag obtained, and a consignment of 17 cows and heifers from the same place averaged £11 17/6. Sheep were yarded in less than average numbers. Competition was steady, with values slightly better than last week. Heavy prime wethers made £1 19/6 to £2 2/; medium prime, £1 17/3 to £1 19/3; light prime, £1 15/ to £1 17/; small and unfinished, £1 10/ to £1 14/9; heavy prime ewes. £1 10/ to £1 13/3; medium prime, £1 8/ to £1 9/9; light prime, £1 6/ to £ 1 7/9. Lambs were penned in average numbsr and sold at late quotations. Extra heavy prime made £ 1 9/ to £ I 12/6; heavy prime, £1 7/ to £1 8/9: medium prime, £1 4/ to £1 6/9; light pxime, £1 1/ to £1 3/9. Pigs were penned in average numbers. Values were again very firm, with values for porkers improved. Choppers sold at £2 10/ to £3 12/6; heavy and medium baconers, £4 10/ to £4 16/; light baconers and heavy porkers, £3 14/ to £4 8/; medium porkers and light porkers, from £2 18/ to £3 8/; small and unfinished porkers, £2 8/ to £2 14/. Store pigs were penned in average numbers and values again improved on late quotations. Large stores made £1 10/ to £1 16/; slips, £ I to £1 8/; weaners, t/ to 16/. There was a very small yarding of calves, which consisted mostly of small and fresh-dropped calves. Competition was keen and values were firmer. Runners made £3 5/ to £5 5/; heavy vealers, £4 to £4 6/: medium, £3 10/ to £3 18/; light. £3 to £3 8/; smaller, £2 10/ to £2 18/; small and fresh-dropped, 7/ to £2 8/; rough calves, £1 5/ to £2.

IN THE COUNTRY. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Ltd., reports:—We held sales during the past week at Westfield and Maungakaramea and two clearing sales. All classes of cattle sold readily at late rates. We quote: Dairy cows and heifers, best, £9 10/ to £14 10/; others, £5 10/ to £9; aged cows and inferior heifers. £3 10/ to £5; bulls, £2 10/ to £11 12/6, according to weight; yearling heifers, best, £3 10/ to £5 10/; others, £1 10/ to £.3; yearling to 18-months steers, £2 10/ to £3 17/6; 2 to 2 J /i-year steers, £4 to £5 5/; 3 to steers, £5 7/6 to £6 10/; 4 to 4'/^-year steers, £6 12/6 to £7 7/6; grown steers in foi-ward condition, £7 10/ to £8 5/; store cows, £2 10/ to £4 5/.

Alfred Buckland and Sons, Ltd., report: During the week we held sales at Westfield, Pukekohe, Waiuku, Wellsford, Helensville, and Tuakau, and three clearing sales. There were larger yardings of cattle, the demand and values for which were similar to recent reports. More than the advertised number of sheep came forward at Tuakau, and sold at about ruling values, only two lines failing to change owners. Best dairy cows at profit made £15 to £19 10/; extra to £25; good cows, £11 to £14 10/; second-grade cows, £7 to £10 10/; aged and inferior, £3 10/ to £6 15/; best springing heifers, £10 10/ to £15; others, £6 10/ to £10; empty young cows and heifers, £3 10/ to £5; store cows. £1 15/ to £3 7/6; fat young cows and heifers, £7 to £10 5/; lighter heifers and aged cows, £5 51 to £6 17/6; boner cows, £2 10/ to £5 Z/6; fat steers, £9 15/ to £14/ 5/; grown steers, in forward condition, £8 to £9 7/6; 3M to 4-year-old steers, £6 10/ to £7 17/6: 2 to 3-year-old steers, £4 15/ to £6 5/; yearling to 18-month-old steers, £3 5/ to £4 12/6; well-bred yearling heifers. £4 to £5 13/; other yearling heifers. £2 10/ to £3 15/; cows and calves, £5 10/ to £8 10/; heavy bulls, £6 10/ to £9: sound young herd bulls, £5 5/ to £10 10/; other bulls, £2 to £5; heavy prime wethers, £1 19/6; forward wethers, £1 13/ to £1 15/; store wethers, £1 9/ to £1 12/6; ewes in lamb, £1 10/6 to £1 13/; aged ewes in lamb, £1 1/ to £1 5/6; best woolly hoggets, £1 1/ to £1 4/6; shorn, 18/ to £1 1/; other woolly hoggets, 17/ to £1; shorn, 14/ to 17/6; small hoggets, 11/ to 13/6. MATAMATA. The Farmers' Co-operative Auctioneering Company, Ltd., conducted the weekly stock sale at Matamata yesterday. There was an average yarding, and late prices were maintained for all sections. There was a better inquiry for dairy cattle, and some good prices were realised. Yearling Jersey heifers also sold well. Prices were:— Sheep.—Light fat hoggets, 24/; soundmouth ewes, in lamb, 28/. Cattle.—Fat heifers, £8 2/6 to £9 5/; medium fat cows, £8 10/ to £9 10/; lighter, £6 15/ to £7 15/; plainer sorts, £4 15/ to £6 1/; forward-conditioned store cows, £3 15/ to £46/; others, £2 4/ to £3 2/; choice Jersey heifer calves, £4 6/ to £5; late Jersey calves, £2 4/. Dairy Cattle.—Jersey and Jersey cross cows, well forward, £11 10/ to £14 10/; late calvers, £9 to £10 10/. Pigs.—Light baconers, £3 5/; medium porkers, £2 5/ to £2 15/; sows in pig, £4; stores, £1 5/ to £1 10/6. ADDINGTON MARKET. STORE SHEEP IN DEMAND. (By Telpgrnph.—Press Association.) CHRISTCHURCH, Wednesday. At the Addington market average sized entries were the rule at to-day's sale, except in the fat cattle section, where there was an over-supply. Store Sheep.—There was a keen sale for hoggets and an advance for wether hoggets up to 1/6, with good adult ewes about the same, and others slightly advanced. Wethers were firm at last week's rates. Prices were: Extra good halfbred ewe hoggets, to 33/; good, to 28/6; good halfbred wethers, 22/ to 24/6; best threequarterbred ewe, to 30/; good crossbred wether, to 23/; extra good, 4, 6, and 8-tooth three-quarterbred ewes, to 41/6; good, 33/ to 35/6; best, 4, 6, and 8-tooth halfbred ewes. 35/6 to 37/6; good, to 31/6; backward, 22/6 to 25/6; good 4, 0, and 8-tooth crossbred ewes, 32/6 to 34/; ordinary, 28/ to 31/6; aged and inferior ewes, 16/6 to 18/; best 4, 6, and 8-tooth halfbred wethers, to 34/6; ordinary, 26/9 to 29/; backward, to 24/3.

Fat Lambs.—Only 475 were entered, practically all less than truck lots. The best made from 36/ to 43/.

Fat Sheep.—Extra prime wethers sold at 44/ to 49/1; prime, 39/0 to 42/6; medium, 34/6 to 38/; light, 39/ to 34/; extra prime ewes, 38/ to 44/1; prime, 33/ to 36/6; medium, 29/6 to 32/; light, 25/6 to 29/; 24/ to 26/.

Fat Cattle. —There was a heavy entry of 608 head, including good lines from Wanganui, the first North Island cattle to come from the north this season. South t•' .i.;<>. Southland, and the West Coast. The rwess yarding caused a weakening by 20/ a lie-id for all steers and inferior beef, but good cows and heifers showed les« change Extra prime beef made to 41/ per 1001b: prime, 37/ to 40/; medium quality, :!:;/ to 36/; heavy, 32/6 to 36/; best heifer, 33/ to 36/; medium cow, 29/6 to 32/'; and rouirh down to 26/ per 1001b

Fnt. Pig*.—Baconers realised from (,i> 7Vid jiur lb, and porkers from 7'id to «d.

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 163, 12 July 1928, Page 4

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STOCK SALES. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 163, 12 July 1928, Page 4

STOCK SALES. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 163, 12 July 1928, Page 4