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\ This week's winner for the motto I j eoinpetition is Jean Moreer, of 111', : Maturoa Koail, Tathape, whoso • thought appears b<>low. Margery j j Totlcta's niutto was highly com- ! I wended. j Success is only failure with a fresh coat of paint. Joy >MoAnulty, or Otahuliu, Is going to lake part in a eoncert, where she will play the part or a fairy.— I think you will make a very nice little fairy, J u \. Clara Milligart, [tangalaua: An interesting letter comes from tlii.s country reader. Very many thanks. 8. Jack: A breezy note comcs from This boy.—Thanks, Master Jack. You may send in your query again on a separate sheet of pap'-r. Joan Marbeck: A short note with riddles comes from this llttlo reader.— fhuuks for your contributions, Jean. Margery Wella keeps a rabbit at her home in Henderson and speaks about the value or the Angora rabbit as a woolproducing animal.—The Angora is certainly a very valuable animal. Margery. Marjorie Grant would like to choose a pen-name for use in the Uudget.—Sorry, Margery, pen-names are not used in our columns. June Weatherburn setnls a rorm enabling her sister to Join the cluii.—Your sister will be enrolled and Her eertlllcate will be sent out shortly. Lan Askew, or Klngsland, has just joined our club. —Welcome to our rank?. A. Robinson Is another new member, who lives at Point ChevaHer.—To you, also, a welcome. Yes, select a pen-name lor Witch Doctor contributions. Mary Murphy, our Takaninl member, siys that Jack Frost has made his appearance 1n her district, and winter clothes are now in vogue. Margaret Totich is another regular writer" rroni Dargavtlie. Ilc-r letter tells of the lovely birthday presents site received.—You are Indeed a lucky girl .Marjorie to receive sti'li nice presents. Kathleen Rodgers and her sister. Lilv, both write <iuite interesting letters, Tor which I thank them very much. Douglaa Stock, our new Oanncvirke member, is very pleased he lias been enrolled. His pet, a big cat. seems to be unwell.—The best advice that I can olTer is that you consult a veterinary surgeon, who wilt be able to say exactly what is the matter with your cat. Roy Winklo sends a note or thanks for his birthday ccrlillcate; al?o a riddle. — Thank you, Hoy. Millie Maras lives at Mar.»de!i Point and writes to say that, she is unwell, having caught the prevailing cold. -lie had a week's glorious holiday with her auut.— | I hope you are quite wo 11 again now. } Duloie Bauman, or Whangaref, si.vs the I weather tip there Is terrible,—f.ven in the "Wlnterless .North" bad weather must be ; expected for some months, Mark ttie contents or your envelope in the bottom lefthand corner. Marie Boll.— Your certiticate will be posted out shortly. Alex. Rankine was delighted with his membership certiticate, which he intends to frame. Cecil Whyte.—Several Jokes come from this member.—Many thanks.

Madge Hinton, of Castor bay, has now joined our ranks.—A hearty welcome to this little girl. Mary Bhaw has taken advantage of the fine days to give the. garden it clean up. Her teacher allows the class to take certain lessons in the sua on One days.—lt must he very nice doing class work in the sunshine. Eileen Shaw writes to say examinations will be coining l oil at school nest week. May Tebbutt was disappointed because no answer to her letter appeared in Saturday's paper.—Perhaps tlie answer appeared on Wednesday. Winifred Bannatyne is now in Standard If. at the Vauxhall School, and sends a letter or thanks for tlie birthday certificate. Now that she is eight she hopes to collect certificates. Eileen McCarthy Is an Ohakime reader who likes going- to school in the bus, although she has to get up very early and does not get home till late in the evening'.—TlianKs lor your letter and contributions. Molly Balderaton, KaiwaHa. — A long, interesting letter conies from this reader, who sends a photograph of a number or gills, herself Included, in fancy dress costume.—Many thanks for your interesting 1 letter. Roma Mcl_achlan, our Dargaviile friend, writes again, saying l she needs but one more point to make the 25. Koma is combining with a girl friend tor her birthday.—l think that was a nice idea, Itoina, and I earpect you had a very enjovahle time. Lan McLachlan now lives at Kohlniaraina, although he has lived both in Wellington and Napier.—Vou are quite travelled, aren't you, lan, although I don't expect you remember any of Wellington. Joan McLachlan. —Her letter Is addressed to Wendy, and tells, or her school activities.—Thanks for your letter, little one. Paddy O'Connor.—it must have been your thinking of the painting competitions which put it into mv mind, and I expect you will send in an entry. Myra Brown is a new member who wauts to know full particulars ahout our club.—Then.- la not much to say, .Mvra. other than the fact that we art: a ha'ppv band whose motto, "Loyalty." hinds us together. Contributions Tor anv part or the page are always welcome, although the standard must be good, before they can he pubUshed. Isabel Ecclea ha? been sick and stayed rrom school for a week and now llnds time to drop a line.—Thanks l'ur your letter. Morris Carbines has been learning the piano for nearly live month®. and likes it very much. lie now attends a model country school.—The new school must be very interesting. Muriel Murton has six brothers and one sister, with whom she plays in the bush at the hack of her home out Ellei'slie way. Mow beautiful to have bush quite near to your home. Hazel Bowen, of Ohakune. writes about her school and a pet fowl which is sick. 1 hope you are able to doctor the rowl. Hilda Thompson, or Itetnuera.—Quite an interesting letter comes frow this reader, who says that a query that she sent to the Witch Doctor has not been answered. If an answer has not appeared by now, please send in your query again. Murray MoKean is another new member, rroni Heme Hay.—We are glad to have >ou, Murray, and 1 hope we'll soon he linn frb-mls. Valerie Wiles, Whangarei.—.V short note comes Imm thi-» reader.—Your certillcate will be M'ut out shortly. Sylvia Crosby sends two stories ror the competition, ami j>raises the standard of the budget.—See answer to Myra brown. Joan Wallwork Is Just a little disappointed because her name has not appeared yet In the certillcate list.—Certificates are given to those who f<nd In entries which are good, but not up to prize-winning standard. ° Esma Short.—A very Interesting and neatl.v written letter rornes from this reader, who has been in our dub for a year.—Many thanks for the letter.

Sydney Hilditch,—A short note r"iu<— from thir- papatoetoe readi-r. wim say- lie receives regular ami in tr»"r- jr letterfrom his American pen friend. —I know you will get a great deal ot' pleasure from jour overseas friends. Nancy Waller lias been a reader of the budget ever siU'.-tt II started. and lias now decided to become a member of our club. I am glad you deckled to join, >'<Hicy. and extend to you a cordial welcome. Your cjiieries will Ije answered as wi 11. Natalie Excell, our Owhaugo member. \\ rile.- to s:iv that she is liome from SCtlOOl Willi a had'cold, and is waiting tor tlie Hi id fret to brighten lier 111'. Many of tile children at her -eiiout wear our eluli badge. thanks for your letter, and I hope the cold has unite. \ani-l)ed l>v now. Magdalene Sheehan, a twelve s ear-old member from oiahuhti., writes saying- she lias lireii a member of tile club since n Marled. —We are always pleased to bear from you, Magdalene. N. G. Elliott writes to thank me for lvs birthday certificate, which be was very pleased to receive. Loma Vipond was very pleased to receive her book in return for the i'."> points. She ini.-.-ed tin} announcement of our special competition.—A ropy or the conditions has been sent to you. The holes are punched into the certificates by a machine. Tholma Hutchina lives at Hukerenul. in the bay of islands, where her people have a farm. — Many thanks for your interesting letter telling ine of your -work and play. June Collins is delighted with her club badge. which >he received safely. -— The alteration has been made regarding your date of birth. Murray Elliott writes a note or thanks for bis competition certificate. Elsie Mullins would like crossword be published for club readers.— 1 am afraid crosswords take more space than is available just now. Teddy Harrington, one of our members, has now left Auckland and is living' in Wellington.—l hope you like your new surrounding's, Teddy, and also that your sister will soon he well again. James Snoswell, of Oruaiwi. always enjoys reading about the antics or (linger Mcggs, and I'Vlix of course.—Thanks for your letter, Jim. I liope to Hear from you again. Willis Combs remarks that Dannevirke had its first rrost on June li. —so rar •lack Frost has not visited Auckland city and suburbs, but we must expect 10 see his white mantle shortly. Willie Chalmars is another Budget reader who has been away from school through sickness. His grandmother lias been to Australia and has visited the Blue Mountains. — I know the plant that you mention, and certainly would like to avail myself of your kind, offer. Nellie Keatley writes a letter about ber pets, with which she seems very happy.— I always think a good pet is a real friend. Joan Stacpoole sends a long list of riddles and jokes.—Thanks for the trouble you took, Joan. Mary Uffindell and ber brother Desmond both write a short letter in which they acknowledge receipt of club certiflcates.— Certitlcates of merit may be earned by deserving entries in the weekly competitions which appear in the Budget on Wednesdays. Jack Norton saw his name In the Roil Call.—Your s>/6 will be sent, little seven-year-old, but you should bave cut out the design and posted it to me. Gladya Langdala lives at Otuhi, and would like to become a correspandent. she tells me about ber cat, which is nine years old and weighs 16lb and Is 27 inches in length from the tip of his nose to the tip of his tail.—Typo must indeed be a cat to be proud of. I will be glad to have you as a correspondent.

Muriel Bwth Is a new member to our club froxn Grey Lynn.—.V cordial welcome, Muriel. Badges are 1/3. Fred* McCarthy says that she lias not had time to write very regularly as she is now working.—You certainly liad a good time at Easter. Freda, even tliougii you stayed at home. >ever mind, write when you can. Biilie Brown tells rue that he made a model cannon recently from directions given in the Budget. He stood a number or clothes peg's on their "heads," .and, imagining- ttiat they were soldiers, proceeded to snoot them down.—l'm glad that] you liked playing with the cannon, liillie. j Colin Johnston* sends in some sketches and asks if they are good enough to pub- ] lisli in the Budget.—l'm very sorry, Colin. J but your sketches are not quite good' enough lor publication. Mavis Addison tells me that she is luj bed, sick. She has many visitors.—l'm I sorry to .hear that you're sick. Maws audi hope that you will be better again, soon. Cecil Upton tells rne about her trip to Kotorua. Sho asks where she sends queries for the Witch Doctor. —I'm glad that you had a bappy holiday, Cecil. Sendj your queries to "Tlie Witch Doctor, 'Star"! UfUce Shorltand Street, Auckland." Allan Sutcliffo Is sorry that he has not written before. He asks if I coulu supply! him with directions for making certain knots.—l'll obatin you a small card, Allan, j then you'll see l'or yourself how Uie knots should be tied. Margarst Fowtda writes to me for the first time, although she has been In the club since it started. She tells me about her holidays, which were spent near Aiapuni,—l'm glad tliat you've written to me, Margaret, for after all there's nothing to be shy about. Leslie Butclitfe, after telling roc all about htmseir and his schoolmates, asks me this question: "Shall I take four or two yaars at the Technical College?"—l'm glad to hear from you. Leslie. My advice is to have as much education as you cau. Kathleen Boy*) sends in a drawing, for which I thank her. Dawn Collier tells me that she is glad to be back at school again for it is njee to bo among her old friends again. She spends much time at music.—Yes, Dawn. I think wc ail like to be amon«? our old friends again. Mottoes need not be original. Jessie Mclntyre, iu a five-page letter, gives nic in lie! i news. Recently she went to luinarania In the car and comic? back had two blow-outs.—Well, Jessie, i must say you're great motorists. Fancy two blow-outs one after another. After all it doesn't matter, so ion? as yo • bad a good time. R. Allen tlianUs rue for the book he received lor his 20 points, but unforunately he had already read it.—l've changed your book. Mary Duncan submits a story for the rortnightly story competition. She tells me about her holidays and about the little dog next door.—Your story has been entered in the competition. Ma* Nelso gives me a description of his school. —Yes, Max 1 think your school must be very nice. Bernard Cole was pleased to see his answer in tlic Mail Bag a few weeks ago. He persuaded his friend to Join the club.— Thanks Tor gelling your l'riend to join the club. Phyllis McDonald has bf-.i-n in bed sick for a month.—l hope that you're quite better now. Jean Kirker asks to bo enrolled in the Peter Pan Club.—You've been enrolled. Jean. Welcome. Kathleen Jeffers thanks me for the certificate which sho received. the has obtained her toymaker's badge at Girl Guides.—You remark in your letter th;it it does not seem like winter weather, un June -j u -was certainly a Due suuny day, but to-dav it's simply freezing: Jean Arrow hopes to see an answer to her letter m the Mall Bag which she. loves readinv, as sll>-■ often the names of her old friends.—Well. I hop'- that you see your aibivef all right. Jean. Yes. Wendy, Mi'-liael and the Wit«-h Doctor all help. S. Hartigan encloses an entry Tor the weekly competition.—Your entry has been received. Jessie Mclntyre discusses our motto "Be Loyal." and says that every member of the Peter Pan Club ought to live strlctlv to that motto. Sh»- tells me about a little poem which -he lias just read.—Yes, Jessie, the club motto is •Be l oyal. - ' and I'm glad to see thn most of our members act up to it. Ruth Southernwood received her membership certificate safely.—l'm pleased to hear that you received it safely. Hilda Fitness has not written to me for some time, but does so now. she tells me :: 11 the latest news.—Yes you're Torglven. You must have had an excellent time at the dance. Doris Smithert encloses a "Dear unto my heart" and a contribution to the weekly competition with her letter.—Your contributions have been received, Doris. Frank Molesworth encloses his entry Tor the wireless competition, and, as he has never before listened in. had to rely on his imagination wli'-n doing it. lie intends i t keep me In touch with hi-s ups Hiid downs at school during the term.— You cetiahHy did jour competition quite well. Frank, even though you have never llsteiud In before. I reel sure that you'll get your "niatric."' all right.

Juue 17. Muriel Gwendolyn Uiehard 1 iv:111. < 'allafriiun. Molly Kusdeo, Olga lJoUson, Killli Watson. Muiilc Davidson, Harold Weir, Iris Juue IS. fa it. John Mason, Ellen • 'utter. Kay Mason. Edna I'oiisou, Ronald Mitchell, Emily l isiH-r, John Xcrheny, Kathleen llu veil. Eva Sawyer, Gweueth Langt-lord, Wllliatu Snow, Louise MetculCe, Florence Juue l!.t. •""aciicr, June Small. Jean Chalmers. William Suriunu, Evelvn Olson. I>orotliy Willie. John * Poole. George Wright, Adelaide June -O. Ungual], Krlea Murtou, Muriel Clew.--, Charley Matthews, Leslie Chester, Adrian Mains, Janet Dauieia, Peter McLachlan. Ronin Davoren. Marjoric Kobinson, Florence Creep, Madge Smith, Linda H-'.oton, Phyllis White. Minnie Matieh, Mary June 21. Barries, Grace N'esbit, Annie Buuistr. Ina Ottaway, Joan Clapham, Elma Phillis, Daere. Hubert Patersoa, Neville Dow.siuc, Robert 'l'rezise. Freda Gray don, Reece Vau«han, Willie Hutchinson, Zena Willis, H. R. Leahy, Eileen Whitefield, Murray Maedonald, Donald June 22. Brasicr, June McArthur, Amy Brotherton, Jim Stedman, Barbara pay, Melva Smith. Hubert Hart, Alan Turner, John Howard. Gweu Wilson, William I.eek, Eunice Wolfe. Pauline Jordan, Alan Whitefield, Brian June 23. Crosby, Patty Moore, Richard Francis, Melvin McPhee, Mary Henry, Olga Nicholls, Gladys Kirker, Jean Theeaman, Edward Iren« Williams. Mary

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 147, 23 June 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)

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OUR WEEKLY MOTTO Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 147, 23 June 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)

OUR WEEKLY MOTTO Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 147, 23 June 1928, Page 2 (Supplement)