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* IT T r "* v '* rgj EASTER SHOPPING SHOULD BE WELL IN HAND fiooo worth of overstock H °^*] rs wi ,, F " o „^ t Show Days continue at Rendells, with Special Window and Departmental /TSgs wruem a i"ebuTfewrt £ Displays of new and seasonable appareL It is at this time that our clientele Lt* . attractions. when our will remain will appreciate our policy of price moderation, even for the most attractive \ \ Shirts 40 Dozen * fashions. New goods are being featured in every department throughout the Store. \ price I A most complete showing of |lSi . W\\ l \ Thii is an extraordinary offer for I every Case we sell to be faithfully NeW FtlT CLtld IfYlitCltiOTl FtlT Wlfefe IH VV / " Men's Striped Neglige Shirts, in made with thoroughly reliable locks «Hp< MjP\ WlVBj IflH \\l Cotton, Fuji, and Mercerised and fasteners. Examine them critically \ 9 ? -l A TTUTiminß 111 OUT FCLTICV DeVt» iWI iHf I\ \i Poplin. These are a portion of at home; we will make any exchange J r \ jP J r IBV • IS I Yf a recent big job purchase of if you are not exactly satisfied. /h& f \ J Srf \ tl f . » „w. « . V V^, Shirtings, and have been made I /S\ \ The more Fur the better to .11 Winter Coats H . I . , V,,. :« «.„■ fam I « r, , , 4 Jt* \ / \ / I iJb*. vM irsS> t " ,a Beason » The fashion will appeal to those of an n IV I I $ ous'ttlaro factory. The pattern J Smart Equipment fOT ]X -7®*°°°! /f , /// economical turn of mind. There tt no rarer or more B IfeJj. Ij and quality are right, and the I F n9 t„~ HnUJaVK in \\ effect,ve way of improvmg yourvelour coat than to pur- ■ Ir^W •tripe, will not fade, and the tlOUaayS Itl V AWjR?Tn r V 2_Ml It LjC_|H W ' chase from the wonderful vanety of nch Fur Trimmings H I IB /H^Tl price is equally satisfactory, the I AttCLchß CcLSSS CtC, now s owing. B \\ RhL W • 11/ I \ egular price being 9/6 and _ Cfte Special Offer of Easter Millinery a £w C of r th" g lea f dr g quthW- "" I\\ ilk \\ / \ ,0/6 ' • o. WEEK-END ATTACHE CASES. M r«,rcT vrocmMc < ■ , , . J . a rew ot the leading qualities. n\ liV \t / 1, I Clearing Price, Attache Cases best erained fibre metal NEWEST VERSIONS of the latest Millinery are illustrated above and are Imitation Fur Trimmings. Imitation Fox. 4in. wide, in 11 \1 \\ l\ WHkv H J fi/11. 3 for OH/- frames nickelplated bolt catches of the many beautiful styles to be seen in our Milhnery Showroom. Black, White, Silver Grey. Mole, and Dark Browns— WHKVX 17/ O/ lit ■"/ I frames, mcxeipiatea Doit catcnes, Those depicted are in Silk and Velvet and the very newest depend on the p_:__ ie/e f.- oo /c B\ \ u \\ uH9I V\\ / if , - metal handles, eight vulcamsed fibre sleek manner in which they follow the contour of the head. They are chic Imitation Fur Trimmings, 2in. wide. White only—l/ 9 M| '' WW /tfi/vn/*/) I ... ~. .« because the brims appear only in sections, and very little trimming is used. „.,j 1 Here $ your chtmce lOin IZm. M,-n l«n. lain. The modek illustrated are moderate in price at (left to right)- Fur 4in wide In lUwn Gmm Wh. '4T W for an Overcoat 27/6 29/6 35/- 33/6 T ? Fmnnmv I frames, nickelplated slide, nozzle j! 1 " 1 ® 1 ' 011 . ur ' y ? T Lcunumy locks, vulcanised fibre corners, metal AfpfiJ Sfv/fiS ffl Real Fur Trimnungs. Natural American Opossum, 4m. . f Men's Colonial Tweed Overcoats, I handle, and varnished. * Special Art. Silk wide—l 6 1 1 , al s ° 28/6. Golden, 32/6. AttCTltlOIX IS iodlSScd Oil b Prince or Trench Co., style I2fa. Min. 16in. 18in. Children's VeloUr Underwear. lined throughout. Very .mart 4/3 4/11 ,5/6 6/3 r , A Purch... of Art. , Grey, »nd F,.ch-14/11. O Very AttrOCtWe KOUge ;r59/I U ' U * lly 78/6 ' Cl " rin ' "'strong vufcaniscd sho^ng foI nw co „ f °' Men'* Gabardine Raincoats. A ,ocl 26in cLTa Ermme, .n 2m. and 4,n.-7/U »d 14/6 te 25/-p« UndetWeUY pleasing quality, with Raglan R / ," A/i : V/« « /o' particularly attractive one is that Crome. ««d L.v f „der, Fur Collars, in imitation Fitch, 22/6 each. ' — . : j sleeves—Usually 65/-. Clear- Grained Fibre VarnuhMl M«l»1 Fr«im* illustrated below, a plain style, with a " ce » 14/6 Fur Cuffs, 37/6 set. B The above illustration shows a few 1: inc at 57/6. Urained fibre, Varnished Metal Frame neat collar and inset sleeve-, finished r C «. f 7 Suit Ojses; two good locks, vulcan- with smart touches of embroidery. °* «Ie new productions for present T» • I ' fibre corners, metal handle, lined throughout. Obtainable in I ..»■»• is* Wear. IWO I, tearing Strongjy reinforced for hard wear. shades of Mastic. Rosette, \ster, and C OTSeletteS, BraSSWreS, and COTSetS _ » • * D It I 20m. 22m. 24m. 2pin. Filbert. Sizes, 16 to 22. Prices, Art. SOk Underwear is most essential from the _ Lines in rUIIOVetS I 7/ll 8/9 9/6 10/3 01/ to 97 /ft (according to size) School Girl Corselettes. In standpoint of fashion and comfort. We:! A Table Bargain. A range of ex- € ™ i * Wl f 2"? a u , . A WELL - DESIGNED /0 /Efe this type we show piticu- .how a delightful colour range. ceptionally nice grade All-Wool ?"*$ a * eS ' hl \ed frame, ribbed Another smart and similar style is one rnRCFT f larl y good value in plain THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE NEW fancy Pullovers, all sizes and all I body two super,or locks, large vul- trimmed w,th fur collar and .trapped CORSET. /> V 1 Figured BatUte. Trimmed RANGE JUST TO HAKD. * Two ln« logo. O. the right is jhown a f ! «U, ft— - ? * I! II II ?V/k Case will stand the hardest wear, above. Sizes, 18in. to 24in. Price. new English Model Cor- / OCN n 8 SUkNightdress, with squareorV neck as »» 2 P^ 6 * »» 2^ 6 - and is practically unbreakable. 24/ to 97/fi (according to size). set, made in strong White I I \ e ned side front. sSL preferred, and since sleevc.ess styles are M*/« e ' Reducbon Price, P 24in 26in . Z4/- Z//D Coutil. long over hips. A \ popular, will find ready favour. It ««/*»• 1 # /•. I 31/. 33/ c / 1 . . . , i , . I, . ✓ //\ I ' . — _ daintily trimmed with creme needle-run-Wool Cardigans* These are 3 / ' Uff model stable for the U V/JM 7/6 lace of fine de»ign. All our Nightdress popular qualities and designs. |7»#- average figure, back lac- are cut on full lines. Shades; Blue. Cicme. all wool-Usnally 16/". For , . FiYeCßle " ing. »ld with two «ts of jM illustrated below. «d Uvender. P"«. 15/9 Mowing for the first h r suspender, and front Il|lH Thi. is a popular number. Princes SBp.-These are showing in various Ml«v HP o I I time J , .. I iyrlll/ enjoying a large sale, in Pink ways. The one illustrated is an opera top SUITS # /> T good value line. Size. \| J||l/ open mesh, with elastic back. or round neck. Note the straight line effect I — A Price and style for every purse, from / Py 28in. to 34in. Pull-over style, and strong *nd inverted side pleats. - _ lawjUmsdet, If sizes 3,4, and 5 suit you, you'ri | 49 /f) to SI BI1 ** / / n • shoulder straps. Sizes 32in. Pink, Blue,Cremer Prices: |^gii,sop.: in for a Bargain Sdt Purchase. nTI in i aic• .u «/ * fK7 / Pnce '6/ll l ° 38,n W. " t 1 /Q. Round n«k. f/C Chooso from any of theso offers* I Wttlk Neeklrt fflustratod on the left M the / M// **"+ 2/6 **/», I ' / ° . Men's Strong Tweed Sac Suits, in ever popular Canadian Fox. and is \/"/ Skirt and Knicker Combmed.—new Dark Grey—Usually 67/6. A. «*— handsomely hned brocaded Crepe I <(/ / Shirt in Art. Silk Knit, with knicker.: Reduction PVice. MVfL fiWA .The quahty » such that V \ / Wrap-on Corset is showing in Pink attached. Top of ddrt finiAed with el«tic.. neaucoon rnce, oi/o. , t will last for many years. Price, \ AA Figured Coutil, m medium-size waist-line; side knickers are ooen at side. In Creme. Pink, r Men's Navy Blue S.B. Sac Suits, f.lO/ f 0/- surgical panels fit snugly to the figure. Sold V F B1 d Ladder Price. 1 I/O guaranteed Indigo. \i MM IIU /* U/ ' , ,K, , - with four hose suspenders. Sizes, 24in. to 30in. jtt V. Blue, and Lavender. :^ce, H-"y. Bmimm ,n P -:: Pri --11 /» h ,«* wo 7 „^ Men's Grey Wonted Sac SuiU, in I £5/5/- SUPERIOR QUALITY CORSELETTE. /f A iillWi SUvel«» styl" t "dab.ti£' tAnmS striped and herringbone pat- I Imitation Red Fox.—These are both inexpensive and smart withal. Another new model is a Corselette m Silk Striped / | MZBSStRL \ creme needle-run lace. Price, 1 Q/£t terns—Usually 119/6. Reduc- Uned with ruched satin to tone. Price, Cotton Pink Brocadc, with wide surgical elastic fWflVllTl| V 1 tion Price S4/-. 'I ffjf. wt/U inset over the hips. This number is lightly boned 7 J ■■ v u t /*' is»* .-j a -j. I ■ M We also show a specially-priced line in Imitation Red Fox Necklets. in front, side front fastening, and shoulder straps. \ IJ M --"»• -' - *' =■ *-5 • • lW ' ' Price 49/6 Sold with four auspender. Bus, sizes 32in. to ,0<» YY Crepe de ChlM NecktVeOr Usually 49/6 63/- I Mongolian Fox Necklets.—These come in new finishes, in Grey tones, p_:__ 10/11 / CuCfl|£ f c l j R«luction Prices «/6 57/« | ~,, lined with brocaded Crepe de Chine. Price, ' 12/11 'SKM "o^Fro^ in Creme and Ochre, with neatly tucked and Fancy Needle-Run Laces DT7ftirtl?T' ¥ C I "TTV m,d New productions, in Paris, Ochre, with coloured needle-run designs, and -MP I ■ ■ ■ ■ - Clasps, in Galalith, Celluloid, and MetaL Insertions, also Festoon trimmings and Flouncings. H % I m I B M 1 j| jj Jk J ■ A B m M These are showing in almost every variety, in Needle-run Edtinn. QD to 1 /O dtm mlknlAl W designs complementary to the nev/ season's , Vr ,off O/ll _ dress A wonderful selection, from •—l/3-3/11 1/3 to 3/n K ARANG AH APE ROAD 6i D '°s/ii~ h - Flouncings, 36in., Price 12/6: 40in -13/6 ivmwmwM L_

-UT t^S^X TThe c'UV,,•?.- ° n " p " ,e4 i Looks a hungry and ravenous 1\ **_ g » »• *"*%!*•• « •tl«y. \\ V«®°** l h \\ There's no need to brood \\ »«<J^** yett e, Butt ¥ll j \\ About having no food- \\ {Jjpat ••* \\ "ANCHOVBTTB" makea • \\ od \\ snack In a jlttjr t IV ANCHCWETTE^S c/? delicious tftsh {Baste rack's Chicken and Ham, Terkvy «al V Tm«n, lhaiiii4Toa|M.t<iewud P |fc Wwrlwlw4 Atwwi A. A. BTICHBURT LTD.. W«lfaltw«rtAKMw<^

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 79, 3 April 1928, Page 23

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Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 79, 3 April 1928, Page 23

Page 23 Advertisements Column 1 Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 79, 3 April 1928, Page 23