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BROADCASTS THIS EVENING. Programmes to lie sent out this evpnln; by .\eu Zealand and Australian station an- as follow:— Auckland, IYA (333 metres). —Silen day. Wellington. 2VA 'i?n metres..—o p.m. children's session. Tnliy and Jeff. asslstec l>V cousins rroni Thorndon Normal School choruses. part songs, recitations aru songs; 7.0. news session. market anc sports reports;, (ertnrette, [lev. J. H Bliinchard. "Aerial Medical Work In Aus trall.t"; s.o, overture. " r> er Frnschutz" ( Weber i; 8.5, vocal nuartet, Ariel Singers 'Tally Ho'.'' (Wheeler i ; cornet solo Mr. 11. .I. Dutton, "Zelda"; 8.15. sopranr solo, .Miss joanette Brlggs. "Regnava N'e Silenzlo." from "I.ucia dl Lnmm°rrr.oor" s.vo. Instrumental trio, Symons-Kllwood Short Trio, "Second and Third Movement: Hip-lie Trlii" (Baehe); 8.30, recitation. Mr Stanley Warwick, "The Ballad or ; Harlier"; 5.:!5. violin solo. Miss Av: Symons, ".Meditation"; 8. D), mezzo-eon tralto solos. Miss .Ngaire Coster *"-VI ll'anwy," " A Brown Bird Singing" 8.17. pianoforte solo, with orchestra accompaniment played on second piano .Miss f..'.11a Vondersloot, "First part o ! Concerto In E Flat"; s.."i, bass solo, Mr J. M. Caldwell. "The Hoad to the Isles" 8.5.x, (lilt- solo, Mr. 1.. W. Botlnvsll ".Nocturn" Op. o >'o. 2"; 0.3. weather I'orecast; 9.1, three-part giee, Ariel Singers "Mark the .Merry Elves'' (Caleott); !).H cornet solo, Mr. H. J. Dutton, "The llosary"; u.l.'i, recitation, Mr. Stanley Warwick, "Horses"; 'J, 18, Instrumental trio, studio Trio, 'Hymn to the Sun" < llimsky-KorsakoiT), "Anltra's Dance"; taiss solos, with male voices, Mr. J. M. Caldwell, "Hilly Boy," "Haul Away, Joe"; '.>.:j;j, violin solo. Miss Ava Symons, "liavotte"; !).:is. tenor solo, Mr. Ho.v 11111, "Au Island Shelling Sonfr"; '.iAi, piiinoI'orte solo. Miss Lala Vondersloot, 1..A.8., "Second I'art Concerto in K Flat" (with orchestral accompiinlment played on second pianoi ; U.m, vocal duet. Misses J. BriKKS and .N. Coster, "In the Dusk of Twiliarht" (adapted I'rom Oll'enhaeh i ; < .).."j3, flute solo, Mr. 1.. W. Hothwell. "Otfertoire"; 9.58. vocal quartet, Ariel Sing-era, "The Victor's bousr." Christehurch, 3YA (306 metres).—6 p.m., children's hour, I'ncle Jack and Aunt Kdna; 7.15. news session; 7.30, talk, Mr. W. Peers, under auspices of Christchurch Philatelic Society, "Postage Stamps of the Air"; 8.0. chimes; band concert by lierry's Military Band, under conductorship of Mr. E. C. Deny, assisted by 3VA artists; march, the Band. "Great Little Army" (Alfordj; baritone solo, Mr. J. Francis Jones, "Neath the nolllng: Tide" iJude;; waltz, the Band. "Dream of the Ball" (Joyce* ; mezzo-soprano solos. .Vllss Sylvia Marshall, iaj "Song' of the Soul," from "Climax" Mtrell). (b; "Love's a Merchant" (Carewj; potpourri, the Band, "A Musical Switch" (Alford/; tenor solo, Mr. A. B. Thompson, "My yuten" (Blumenthah; seienade, tiie Band, "Dream Pictures" (Losey); mezzo-contralto solo. Mrs. Bingham Puddey, "The Little Daniozel" (.Novelloi; one-step, tiie Band, "Harlequin" (Huberts); recitation, Miss .Mavis h'fnsella. "Tiie Cane-Bottomed Chair" ( Thackeray;; baritone solos, Mr. J. Francis Jones, (a; "l'eg- Away" (Bevan), (Id "Tiie Crown of the Year" (MartiiD; selection, the Band, "Hose Marie" (Friml); nie/./.0-soprano solo. Miss Sylvia Marshall, "Slave Song'" (Del Kleyo) ; characteristic Intermezzo, the Band, "In a Monastery Garden" (Ketelby/; mezzo-contralto solos, ■Mis. Uing-ham Puddey, ta) "Birds' Songs at Eventide" (Coates;, (b) "A Brown Bird Singing" (Wood); Tox trot, the Band, "Me and My Shadow" (Jolsoni; tenor solo, Mr. A. 11. Thompson, "Uenevieve" (fucker;; humorous recitation, Miss Mavis Kinsella. "Hoodoo .McFiggin's Christmas" (1.e.-n'ocK) ; march, the Band, "Vimy Hidge" (Bldgood/. Dunodin, 4YA ( i(53 metres;. —Silent day. I Sydney, 2FC (112 metres). —7.15 p.m., | entertainment for children; 8.30, news ser- i vice; !J. 10, public welcome to "The Waratahs"; 11.15, instrumental items and dance music. 3ydney, 2BL ( 353 metres;. —7.15 p.m., children s si-nsion; 8.0, news service; 8.30, dinner aiusic, u.o, talk oil "TUc Motor Car.'' Melbourne, 3LO (37 1 metres;. —7.3 0 p.m.. entei tauiinent for children; s.lio, lieu s Si'ivice; '.I.M), I lIS 11'U Illell till i teillS ; I i.o, uLii'ii" presentation of "11 Trovatore"; 1 ■ I 1 111! 111 e (jll]|. Brisbane, CQU ilias metres/. —9.30 p.m., "■"'"■' l « ani.ita, from nt. Andrew's ' ; studio concert; 11.30, news S'TVICH. TC-MORROW'B programmes. Auckland, IVA rnietres).-3 p.m., ■ . o eritertalntiierit; literary selec-c'pidf-Unrl°:'ie ■. sw i session, I'ncle, o^orge a sisteii by pupils of Mrs. Hartley-Baxter-' reports; H, relay ,/r otchesr .V of Mr. J. W'hlteI ' , % !'' 8.10, contralto solo, Madatne Hen- Am,ley. "There Is a Onsen Hnr• - • i i. instrumental trio, Bosworth-Heinus' low, spy irm, "Trio in F Major Oo iV -ol , "'lir \Vau!'r' 'i!' !^S I' baritone Walter Brougti, "Tiie Diver"- £; n,.. /, ~ i !. talk on "Old Ml " \ li iViiu by ~ , . I ' V| 9.4, weather rorpMadame Irene lrl,, i' - Heinua- I -election Irofn "Million" '' n e>cerpts from ">t,ahat ui dec th 'He studio ,lu t,U; ot Madame Irene Aina-

Icy; bass snin, Mr. \v. Brough, "Pro Peccontralto and soprano duct, M .id.iiiie Irene Amsley and Miss A. Rogers • <,» 1 il est Home?"; tenor solo, Air A iViliI V, Al , llruari " (Rossini); contralto | >o|o. Madame Irene Ainsley, "i-'ac lit Por- ■ lein ; no-sinij; vocal quartet, Madame | Aui-lej s unartet, "Sancta Mater" (Kosl"i l M l i : .'' 0 ii |, ?" 0 .. s "! 0, • v " si Ali-int Rogers, m 7 •\ Ial "s (Hossini); vocal quartet, p,i M y "yuatido Cor-

Wollington, 2YA (120 metres). 3nm studio entertainment; r>. children' »W---->lOll. J, '><•!.• Jasper, assisted by cousins I j nni Iti' l School—''lionises. part j songs, sonars, biithday greetings. and' sior- . le.i, ~ news session, market reports, and |s,ioit> results: T.iu, lecturette, -For the : , a " ," u 111,1 I-and." by a representative or '"'partn t of Agriculture; s, over- ; lure, -El Abanlco March" Uaveloves); s.r,. ■ vocal quartet, urpheus yuarte't, "Long I l.ive Elizabeth" (German); 8.10. Italian mandolin, Mr. Haywood, "She's Far I- rent ilie I.and": 5.15, baritone solo, Mr. | I.en flames, "Tlv: Linden Tree"; 8.20 ins tiuiner.t j| trio, Symons-ElHvood-Short ! trio, ":jrd and Hn Movements Trio in B" ' l.ralims; : ,s.;!o, vocal duet, Mr*. Alice j Harris at id Miss Lily Mackie, "Sweet EvenI 111/ Hells" {Warner i ; s. :j, 'cello solo, Mr. 1 ieorjre Kllwooii, "Czardas"; 8.40, tenor solo, Mr. Arthur Goe, •'The Garland": 8 15 i clarinet .-ulo. Mr A H. Knight, "Fantasia on \\ ebei > -l.ast Waltz'; 6..'>u, contralto solo. Miss Lily Mackie, "Fair Spring- is ib-turnlng ; ■>. "j O, organ solos, Mr. 11. : 1 empie-White, "interlude 111 H Hal '■ • Andante in i;," "March I'ontillcale": o.lii, • weiituer forecast: v.l I, vocal duet, Messrs. Ai ihur 1.01.' aini i.en Itarncs, "Geiitie Mooii" >chai'laui; D.lti, instrumeiital trios, studio trio,, ••Melody" (Hachrinninoir), . ' i.adi/ 1 Aibeniz 1 ; ».i.26. soprano solo Mrs. Alice Harris. "My Aln Folk"; u.yo, ci'M.o .-010. Mr. George El wood, "Lento"; , vocal quartet, (irpheus niiartet l"\o!(ra Hoat Song" (Russian folk song. • ', clannet solo, Mr. A. 11. Wright, ■ ■•lioiii.m/en"; «.»nan tone solo, Mr. Len < Barnes, "onaway, Awake"; 0.50, Italian mandolin. Mr. Lad Haywood, request Items; vocal quntet. Orpheus yilartet' j "Willi a I air.:!i as we Go Hound" (Siern- . dale Bennett).

wnriaicnuich, 3YA.—Silent day Dunodm, 4V A 1 metres;. —:i pin.. Studio concert, resumes of Nv. Australia lroni cricket /round, during al'ternoon; 'j■ I • < iiiUlreir- session, lug- Brother Bill; .. I ■>. .\ ev\ s ses 'i 1111; , . .111, ,iudl issuu " i'olirIM. lb-sorts," by Mr. IS. \v. rrarsliail. ot" the Imi ei iiinent Tourist Department; 8. concert by tne Kaikorat Baud, under tile roniiu torship of Mr. E. Franklin, and assisting art ;->ts : s.i, overture, band, "l.e Hos^ '''' I'ei< n 1 ii-•"; s.s. mezzo-soprano Miss i.hristina lileen, "Who is Sylvia?" "I " Miiiii:";, recitation, Mr. Carl Moller, "How We Hunted a Mouse"; 8.1'.) wait/, band, "lioiden Craiu"; B.i»r>,' baritone Mil, 1, Mr. H. U. Macdonald. •• ihe brum Major"; s. recitations. Miss Mad/e lales, •■rhi' Ellin." "Laughs"; S.;iS. suite, band. "Itallet E/yptienne" in tour numbers iLuifilu);», t»Miu r aolos. Mr. Clia.s Edwards. "Be brave, .-mile," --The World's Awake"; (t.-j. weather forecast: u.5, patrol band, -Turkish Patrol" i Mictiaelis> ; u.H), lilt: . nie/./.0. Hand. " c.ianson iliudoni" 1, Htin - sky-Korsakov) ; o.ia, mezzo-soprano solo Miss Christina Green, "W'here-er > 011 Walk"; d.-ji), recitations, Mr. Carl Moller •Tin- Thousandth Man." "History of a Music liox"; ii.'JO, selection, band, "Tile Merry Widow"; <1.12. baritone soios Mr It. li. Macdonald. "vV'lll o' tile Wisp"' '.I.novelty number, band, -upera Mania" 1 Phillips); tenor solo, Mr. Chas. Edwards, "Serenata": in. inarch* band, "Marche Bnlliantc" (Hume).

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Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 78, 2 April 1928, Page 6

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OVER THE AERIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 78, 2 April 1928, Page 6

OVER THE AERIAL. Auckland Star, Volume LIX, Issue 78, 2 April 1928, Page 6