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I7SW SHADE IN STOCKINGS. A L'!"i:..u< backprnund for charming frock- i- Kller-lic. with it- velvet swards and bright flowerbeds that vie v\ ith the colour- <>t" the hkhlp. To-day the weather wa- perfect. Overhead the sun shone] hriphtly, throw mp into pleaming relief the t-ir.i-r.ilil hill i:i the ili.-tr.nee. With the -1 j:i j > of winter. Mihuli chooses warm eo'.oius and inr- in which to ptomenade. MulUeirv. ftiih-ia. prune : \ i;«I t lie- new. Spanish tal-in colour were all in e\ idencc to-.lay. They were lashiolied in the -n:a:t little ci>at eonies to the wai-llijic. in en-cmb!e suits and in the velour coat trimmed with close-clipped fur. Tall crowned and vagabond hats -till hold sway and it was noticed that ile-!i cohniK-d. .'.ml sfc>ckinps in sunImrnt tint- are pivinp wav to the new inan-o-war shade. Handhap* and shoes continue to app<.n in tone- of crocodile leather i.n.l Miake skin, and very sinas t an- lapel- on the tailored suits made from the-e attnution* and line suede.; .lust in ca-e it miptit rain, chubby I umbrellas iii a tone that matches the | ensemble from the wrist and ill a sharp '.'ii-; blew there was a ru-t coloured f<>.\ fur or a set of opossum furs to cuddle round the throat. Amongst the many charminp I'-'.kt.- noticed on the law n w ere : — Lady idm-k sori satin f'-ock j and. coat, black velvet hat. fur necklet; Mis. W. >. Spcin-e. black crepe de chin-'. < Hudson M'iv coat, skunk collar, felt hat: Mr-. Kothcriivjham. rose crepe del chine, -tjinnvl coat: Mis- Allison, tv,i ed | coat and skirt, pink hat: Mr-. H. Nolan, black embroidered satin hock coat, trimmed with fur. Mark and pold velvet hat: Mi-- 1). Nolan, wine colour, d crepe de chine. I>lue velour coat trimmed with, beaver: Mrs. \V. J. Napier, black taiileur velvet hat and furs: Mr«. Chilwell. lawn and pink, serjje eoat ami hat to match: Mis. iDr.) Brown. -aj:c prey and yreen cloth, prey fur cuJfs ar.-.l collar. 1.-1 ev velvet hat: Mrs. < .onder. sapc tailor coat. black felt hat. fur choker; Miss U.ittipan. clieck panne velvet, rust cloth coat. hat to match: Mrs. Abel, chenille velvet coat, -kunk collar and felt hat: Mr- (.'. I.'.iii--on. Mack satin and pold: Miss Hauna Brown, vciour coat, black hat; Jits. J. Black, black frock. stamped velour eoat. -kunk cuffs and collar, black panne hat: Mrs. Pat Hanna. white and navy l,lue cloth, black hat. paste btukle: Mr-. Mcrvyn Heed, b!a<k crepe de chii-e. mu-jua-li coat, -kunk collar and cuffs.. Mr-. ('. Browne, blaci; fur coat, hiph black hat: Mr-. 1 Dr. Abbott, prey tweed i..a; and skirt. preen hat; Mi--Hurt'--:'. :..;-. y '!.]", ;••, and skirt, wine co'o-.sri d '~.:::. Mis. Alison, r.avv blue eh-; a. em! 1. :.:,•,.; in ( ,hl; Mrs. 'Waller. b:.:ck i-iotii .11;;:. 1,-ii-je litch cuff* and collai. l.'.iek ha; vvii'.i fur: Mir-s L. Wai'er. r -• du 1-arn doth coat frock. fox el: 'kcr: Mr-. .1. Wilson, striped beipe skirt, fawn eoat and hat. larpe Wembley-

fox fur: Mr*. Wait-, fav. n jiMiine velvet J mole t-ont ami v.ine ;..-■ t : .\; r -. 1.. Rath- , bom-, fawn twciil ,•,.;..: ami i liynciiitii tVI: ).at. pi.-ttiniim fox fur: i Mr-. Marrimr. iii;;t-k iuml:. nutural >;\h]v j #«|u"iji,-1 i-nat: Mr«. Covcrdale. black and [white sp.-tt.v! rlotli drp->, se.ihkin ?tolc. ; Ma.-k hat aiv! mount: Mrs. Wako. black ! -aiin i liariniiiK'!". trimmed with anpora fur: Mi-- liayh iWanjrunui i, navy hhu-|atviirdii<n-|-lcit;(-(l frock. Hudson seal coat ! with -«!.]■.■ i"'.T- Hiul ci'llnr. wino coloured J lint: Mi-- ['. Bayly (Wnnpr.imi >. Mack I ]iaiinc velvet. - trimmed with fox fur. I dull μ-c i.jit: Mr-. 1 , . \Vat*n:i. vioux rnn- ■ peat and -kin nf basket cloth, jianin- ! hilt to l.i;:i ■' : VU- o\] t -\ . K;i-li-', ! 1 j coat iiMd >ki::. li-rra. imuui fi-i; hat: i Mr-. O">!:!li\.,i:. 1.1.n-k Ihjx .- ! th, trin:I mcil wii'i fur. lil.-ck hat: Mr- I ;i™. Mvnw !■.■; i \ ]■•: \. ,■' < nil",,- f:m-k. hat t" [inatrh; Mi-- \'. J'ji!-"!], rusl an-l

li!",o twi-i'd suit, hat to match: Mis. (. A. I ampbell. r.ivvn twivd coat and ekirt. ero-« fov fur, felt hat: Mrs. Ralph, prey and black tweed coat and skirt, sapphire Mil? felt hat; Mrs. Price, strawberry repp frock, hat to match. natural musquash font: Mrs. Lloyd, check skirt, plain Inmjii , coat, hat to match, koliu-ky fox fur; Mr?. Herdnian. black doth, accordion-pleated frock, red sable fox fur. black felt hat: Miss Letty ienjaniin. black vehet coat trimmed with suble. pink hat: Mi-- Marks, black satinfaced flutii. trimmed with jrrey fox. hlaik ml\.l hat: Mr-. I'llliivj. fawn twe-d c< .t and -kirt. fawn frit hat. Mr-. Stewart, black and i.-old embroidered l'.aii. L.i i'_-f ?kuiik -t <>1«". Mack hat: Mi=. IVid. w ine-ciiliiincd en-emblc suit. hat '" match, litch fur ehoki-r: MisI'ptill. clu-iiille frock and mulberry panne hat !■■ i!-at--!i: Mr-. IllmniilicM. almond :10m . .;>• -,\<: ! : A !i -. \. A. Martin, fiii.wu -tnp.-d \el..iir i-...n : M.— O..u>iii-. Hamilt'-ii. yiiiU'T !■."« 11 - ik n-pp coat j ti i|i:i: : .- I V. itli '..■■'■ li:i . hat !■■ M.lit. h: i yU>. 1.. < A'.. ■.•■■■■' : * .:.!.:-•• ci.ciiill..- i vehet iiiid -u ; ':. i:."1 I" match. -tnn.- M.iiidi 11:1: Mi-. M. 1- ■•••;:-i>n. black -a< .11 wmked in -•!<'.. i.-iraciuin coat: Mr-. 1 , . Herman, black: Mi>., iiii\y blue natural i:.ii--|iia-h coat; Mi-. Scaiiloii. |.i;<ck -ci., uc. pink l:at. marmot fur: .Mi-. X. Wade, black and iy, li-.i:. 11 -nit'.n. 1..1T ;.. i'-.a'.ch: Ml>. Paul. I'l-ii-k .Hid <•: .'an, 11.1 anal mu-|ua-h ~,.;,t: M:-. •'. H-l!.-!>>. bi v:i satin, nude fur i-.•-■ t ; M,-- Hel.abx. blown i-ueiiille cat and : Mi- L. ,'!■ !ia'>y. brn\i:i -i..; .ml fur ti Mi>. Wright. \>.-:\\; ia lw,- '1 -" > mi 1 to match: M:-. !. Phillip-. ••••i.ue -.■!-<• coat tr«M-k. Au.-k:sn !••. us: . .'ij-. 1 .m, .-on. inn \ ii'.i. ■ i.nd lawii i'li. .'■.'! i-Mi irock. red" ion it:i : :i.-. H ■--• jer-ey wine veh el. !..:t l>l match. Mr-. i\.i::v. 1 .-■•■■ ■> -'■'-■ .-■•-■■ *"-,t - ---trimm-d wit 11 io\ mi; Mi-. M. iiri-Mi n.. : " >i: -. 1». I ..irkc. inn; :••"•■ i.nd lil.i ■'-. Ml! . 1:1 •':■• c >ii-i. >u-. i ■ i)iii,la':-, i- i'.i\t' cirlli. 11: ;-:;i i-h and hat: N , .-- M--1.f1i.-n. )>lu.coat, eh n -': i: .1.1 . ■'■■' 1" match, .tone ;i:;::ini iiir: Mi-« fawn and c.i;."- ! :<•;•]•, mii> iua-i: Il.l' : >!>!• Mnliy Hum. I'ncntal r-ilk funk. I'Uiv ~,.;,.' f.,-. , •; ' ■■!■ : Mi -. V. Hunt. n;iv_\ bhn , -. ;i-i > i .siii'-n.: '.■•-. -'.u.iul »-.» a; : Mr-. S. 1 , . ■•■. I- 1 ■ - -at'.i ■■ok a",I ■ -.i:it. white f.iN fur: Mrs. W. *>cntt. wine .-■•'iiim-i '1 >'■ :; .i.hl !'.-'. ti':".an- I will' nil-: Mr-. .'. 1 ". bys.ein-h iwfcd. bro-.\ u |o\ fur: Mi"-. I ■ I. I'iiil - ; p-. \'---r.'-l :.■•<■ b,-i;:- ;:':■! .."::e -i';.: M.-. N. 1 . Mai;ir j -.iole- el.-.- . '■' ■ -'lit. h:.« "o Iliatcli: "' - I (J. Mur:;-.\. ;:> '•'■>'.' coat fruck. eri.i.iK , ! .-In ';cv: Mr-, l". ". 1-on. d.-ep blue i-oat iind >>ii ■. - ;.'i. -i eo..i : Mr-. l-e\ in. nil'. ;>ri.wn i»- ' ■ ■ ■ ami -k;rt. .urccii fell and -kin. > >■!■_<■ 1.-.t hat. »:iMe fur: Mi->. K. i; • • Imvii.l -p.Ti--uit. fin t-:i ". ". ' <■ fnv. "r*. Ai'.-«. velour i-ii.i*. ; • immed «itii f"\ fur. -•lev ft-;i , - ■■ I'll, bl.lck -Itl! i-iiiiVniii :■•' - ■• : ' :'r.i-k. - .;.-i -k h.i' uith white •■:•■: Mv-. M-v.-dith. i-y.-l.nv. : cat ami --. ■ . \ ■ -1 li.'-i. :-\ •■•' ■-• fur: Mr-. 1.!.--!,.111:. naxy blue c..:t fro k i,a\y e--. > • '- 1. -I'i v :nu-tjlia-ll :'•'■. 1.--v ; -. l:-..ll .mil fr-'ck. -'■'■ tur mi. ■. .*:.:■ - '. 'i . 1 ha; : Mr-. > : Tinkrl. :••■•• 1 ■ '■'■■ '•'■■• l •■n-:ilble -.: . \|v.. ■.■,...; • . • .; . ...i; ri.i -Air'. • iV!t ha;. ;' •■• i i- : Y.i . N.-:::. bro" ■ fro,-';. A 1..--. , 1 c 0.,;. 1,-,>«n 1 Mr-. Tlio: • - ~• ... '-> ■ :-■;.- de ■ •!-. I-ii — i.iii n • ■■■ ' '"=• '■■-' ■ >lr - .\. (,: i--: . ii ■■ !.'u- M ■-"• ''■'■ )''->'' K til'- 1 Hi Mr-. ( . o',i' ■ ' ' -■ ■" ; "i-.;.. r r Ala-kan -.•.■! ■ ~.:.. ■.:■.■:•» hat : Mr-. \- I'avi-. ii!!i.;ii'-i. 1 re; e i:."Io cuat. M"l'.t hat: Mr-. Ca:;:;.b !! v ir ■ ■ .i.-:r ensemble suit. >!'•-'■ maiten r.:r: Mr-. ■'■ M '■■•»^ i--llo.\. black satin face cloth, coat and ?kirt. 1.-d and black felt hat : Mr«. A. .\iiii-. I.! :ck < Mil '■■•'! triir.uieil ith 2i-».\ ~v in;, black hat: MN- I".ll in-'.ia m. 0,-c'v -'iri. navy bl'.i' , -h"it tailor suit ';■-'... -..-. ijsr. navy blue i-.-lt hat: Mr*. I \'.. \i;\- -. navy blue co;it f 11 »--k. platinum j fur. »»ii»-, ! .'t: Mi— v ;'-'ii''<-. n.ny blue j ~i,i!.i.'-' ' ..■•! c,..-it fr.i-k. l.:v. 11 ii.i!: Mr* : 1'...,1.- ■' , ' l l pM>k. -MUM l.d 1171.1 ll:U : I '■■ . I -..j ;".i ,- -i la M :; .1 i-i 1.. ■ 111.11 i-l,: Mr-. .1. I! iyil :i. v i-.'ct taikned -,r- • \i -. 1-".. 1!. i ;.:ck Tail"'-,. | , j- !-.-■• tii mulch ;'i:d w h'i- f.iv fin -. Mi.- >i.;-h>-u l!'::.iei. na\y blue taiile.n

and hat to match: Mr?. Tattley and Mrs. Scott, grey tailored suits and ros'e hat and furs; Mrs. Waller, rose frock, hat to match and fur coat: Mrs. Wallace, sedpe cibcmlilc and hat to match; Mrs. B. Hart, brown fur coat and velvet hat; Mr?. H. Palethorpp, little preen tailleur and hat to tone; Mrs. Wheeler, fawn costume, hat to tone and furs: Miss S. Scott, tailored suit in Hue and hat to match: Mrs. -I. Overmn Smith, chocolate tailored suit., fawn hat ami furs; Mrs. Scott, primp Vi-lmir cat and prune hat: Mr-. Matthew-. hnnvn tailletir and hat n> match.

Mi-. Adarr. I'l'iwn fur mat and a-he« ■ ••I io.-.-- hat: Mi-, j;. Harrison, mulberry '•ii'"i. i icat. !..u !•. match, and fox ini; Mi-. }i'i>:.-. \jn].-t i'!i-eniMc and vi-d.t hat: Mr-. F. liaudin. navy blue Tn:l!«Mi:\ -.-I'■!.■ fur. and mulberry velvet M ... N. ij.mdiii. r<.o ,lu Barry tail-, lcsr. \' ,th li.d *n match, and brown fur: Mi-, t'wcn M.i]ii'i). 1.1. i. k frock, fur coat, 1 •ii '1 )'•-■■ d;i Harry hat: Mi-s Joan Dacre. fawn iaili>n>il >uit. hat to •match, and fur-: Mi-s ( hupman. -aide coat and, fawn hat: Mr.-. Ocil Mahon. mulberry [ tailli-iir and scdire hat: Mr?. Col.«on, rose! ilii Barry tailh-nr. hat to match and i fin-: Mi-- M. l.iUt.ii. l.uo tailored suit an.! hat to iv.ati-h: Mr-. T. Michaels, uri-y *:i;t aii.l black hat : Mr-. S. Cooper. | ir.rli-i.i tailleur. wiili &ablc fur and' Fifiuli in tone: JMi~> AMiite. narr ' Line Miit. lilaik ha: to match, and furs": I Mr-. ( yril Klomins. Mack fur coat and! hat: Mr-. M. Mel a 1 hi in. toliac brown; I'liM'tiiblf. fur triiii::icd. and hat to tone: j Mi-- 11. l'.i-cc<-. navy bine cnat and hat; I Mr-. Xev.idl. dark blown tailleur and I brown hat: Mrs. (Juartlcy. pmnecnlourwl rii-fiiible and hat to tone; Mrs. H. fiibhons. fawn hat and costume, white ! fur: Mr<. M t ior.dfollnw. black tailored! -nit and -<arl.-t hat: Mrs. E. Bartleet. Na].lc-. blue, -.quim-l fur trimming and hat to niati-h: Mr-. H. (iillc— brown I'ur onat and hunoy brown hat. Mrs. A. Bullock, prune tailored suit, hat to match and fur--. Mi-s J. Murray, mulbrrry taillcnr. <:roy fur and velvet hat: Mi>« K. Ballaiityiie. ciel blue tailored -nit and hat to match: Mrs. Howe, rlaret frock and hat; Mr*. Goodwin, coat and r">o l:at: Mi-s D. Farquhar. bruw n fur coat and .-carlct liat: Mi-- •'. Law-ford, Naples blue velvet -nit. hat to match and furs: Mi-s T. Martin,-npo. black -uit and hat: Mi-- MiKeii/ii'. fawn -uit and hat to " i-.lj. and f;ir>; Mr>. PilliTip. black fur r. hat and o-j.n-v-: Miss M. Me- ! 1;.,..iid. black and wliite check suit and ■•• !i , '.. ■; : Mr-. Pitman, fawn tailleur. \;r' to t .n,- and furs: Mr-. I*. Martin. In ".n ;wccd i ii.-tiimo and hat: Mrs. K. IL. ■ :\rn\. i-hirct frock and musquash cf'.i' i'nd hat to match: Mr?. Ring. iii.ick irc.k. fur ioat a:i;l rose du harry I - .; - . - : Mi-. P.iikcrby, preen suit and hat ;•■ inatih: Xn<. H. -'i>nfs. l>eipp frock. r-.-r..- .■,.-. ..-id brown hat: Miss M. j"; ..ii. i froi k and hat: Mr-. Holder. :■ ■. •;: iy -ui" •::■} Mr.-. A. Farquiii,':. l'"->( i; !>•-..-k and fur i-oat. and blue I !•■>' M--. ]'.. "■}:'•'> r'i<:.d. navy ?uit and !! ' ' :•; Mi-. l! : ,-;;ki:;-.j'. navy suit ;.'.. ■.; > Jut : Mi-- );<•.-< i Dunedin), • • .:'i! i .i- to tone; Mrs. Fiynn, I " ■ • ■ ' »"d :':">: Mr-. .T. Alexander. ! i •; ■ ■■•tj'f and b-\: to match: Miss ''■■■•• \\ *r. vo-o tailleur and hat to i :■•'■ : M:-». -I. Mar-iiall. black maruraiu, ■:.•:■'; 'ritnm'ii!.'. b'ack hat with white i- ■;:-;.-: >!i— K. Mar-hall, cipar brown ; if and b'nek hat: Mr<. Sherrif, j ! l-LK-.'iy fr-n-k. navy coat and hat: Mrs. j }'.. .\ r..hd. ;..>(■ ~ u it and mole vrimming,

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Bibliographic details

Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 129, 3 June 1927, Page 3

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FASHIONS ON THE LAWN. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 129, 3 June 1927, Page 3

FASHIONS ON THE LAWN. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 129, 3 June 1927, Page 3