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MINERIC DUE THIS EVENING. MAUHGAMUX FOR SYDNEY. There was a fairly heavy outward clearance of coastal shipping after midday yesterday, the departure* including the Kaimanawa, Kurow, Wingatui, Gunbar and Putiki. This morning the Hinemoa arrived from Kiue Island, and this evening the Mineric is due from Nauru Island, after an unusually fast trip. A further radio from the Huntingdon reports that the vessel will arrive from Liverpool to-morrow afternoon. Departures this morning included the Port Hardy for Port Chalmers, and the Anaoiba for Napier, while the Haunganui is to sail for Sydney at 3 o'clock this afternoon. At noon to-morrow the Norfolk is to be dispatched for American and Home ports. ARRIVALS—TESTERDAY. Ronaki, from Portland, 4.30 p.m. Torea, from Coast, 8.23 p.m. THIS DAY. Claymore, from Whangarel. 2.35 a-m. Hlnemoa, from Nlue Island. 9.25 a.m Lyttelton, from Coast, 11.25 a.m. DEPARTURES—YESTERDAY. H.M.b. Laburnum, for Sura, 1.30 p.m. Kaimanawa, for Westport, 330 p.m. Putiki. for East Coast, 4.35 p.m. Kurow, for Portland. 5.18 p.m. Matangi, for Tauranga. 7.10 p m. Gunbar, for East Coast. 8.45 p.m. Wingatui. for South, 9.25 p.m. Apanul, for Great Barrier, midnight. THIS DAY. Port Hardy, for Port Chalmers, 7 a.m. Anainba, for Napier. 9 a.m Mako, for East Coast. 10.30 a.m. NORTHERN COMPANY'S MOVEMENTS. Projected Departures. To-day.— Waipn. for Kerepeehl. 7 a.m.; Tanlwha. for Paeroa, 5.30 p.m. To-morrow.— Haulti. for Coromandel. 9 a.m.; Kawau. for Waiwera, Mahuransi. and Warkworth, 8 a.m. Expected Arrivals. To-day.— Rangitoto, from Thames. 5 p.e.; HauitJ, from Kopu and Turua. 3.30 p.m.: Apanui, from Great Barrier, 7 p.m. To-morrow.— Clansman, from Russell. Opua. Whangaroa. and Mangonut. 8 a.m.; Matanel. from Tauranga, 7 a.m.: Omana. from Kawau, Mullet Point, and Matakana. 7 a.m. MAUNGAXCTS PASSENGERS. On her return trip to Sydney, the Union Company's Maunganul Is to leave Auckland at 3 o'clock this afternoon. She will take the following passengers:—First Saloon: Misses M. Stone. 11. Audlffred. B. Wall. M. R. Lord, E. W. Whltelaw. P. McArthy. N. McArthy. E. Steoner, J. Buckland. J. Freeman, M. A. Jacob*. H. E. Duncan, B. Brown. A Brown, L. M. Watt. I. Young, V. Doiiclaa-Brown, B. Harrim M. Mclnne*. B. Backhouse. A. Dodds, E. F. TUaton; Mesdames Bowe, Goldsmid. A. T. Jones, Russell, Sinclair. Carr. Lowndes, Fletcher, Scott. L. Moir, Brett. A. Freeman. G. K. Wtcksteed, L. Emanuel. E. Culpam, P. McCarthy, Brown. E. Bentlejr. A. T. Whrte. H. Mayes and Infant. A. E. Keeslng, E. J. Mailer. A. Dodds: MeMrs. H. XL Finer, J. G .' I? rr .-. J - °- McGowan. W. Macauler. E. \. Barlll. C. C. Cox. H. W. Lare-BariMr E. Grave. R. H. Ehlers. R. J. Adams. R. t s arrieoni w - H - Lock ' J - 8- Emanuel. J; B Rowe, J. Kerr, T. 11. GUmour. L. Dltesbeim. L. Goldsmid. T. Kuswll. R. Sinclair. B. R. Sinclair. E. W. Carter. W. Brown. C. G. Bayllss. F. R. Mead. H. J. B. Tomllnspn. C E. Carr. R. H. Monttomeiy. «• « F - L o, "™''** , . J- S. Fletcher. J. Scott. T. R. Brett. A. Brown. W. B. Hcdger. R. G. JoJnW; J- H. Flint, A. H. Ramsey, C B. "•rrisford L. Schocht. E. Mayfleld. G. Mayfleld G. K. Mavflcld. H. Harrison. E. A. M. Jones. D. Worrnll : Dr. A. C Murplijr. Rer R. Hayes, Capt. C. A. Colonna. Rev. C. L. Mountforf. Second Saloon: Misses G. Rodger*. N Paterson E M. M. H." Nelson. E. Morcan. G. MncDonald. M. M Tiffen. E. M. Whyte. I. McMullun: Me»\?m e " B arrowa i' E - »=»«»««>. Robinson. Miller. Roßers. Greave«. Armstrong W. B. Wilson and child. H. MxLauchlan C Brady. E. Jairett. A. C. Stewart, B Greenwood. E. G. McManus, Bll«on and child J^W^ M 'x% T,- W^ De,r "- X- JohnstoS: J. Wordor. T. Bailer. W. Stewart, A. Tarns! H. O. Brooks. W. Eadle, W. r.arnham R. Garroway. F. Robinson. D D M Illean E. H. Bastian, D. Miller. X. E. EeSS" J R^Yl 8 5" i™*™*- V. V. ColTnl!: J. Howell, G. H. Bilson. F. I. Harper J Home. F D Patteson. L. Myers, wd 55 steerage, including three Indians. VESSELS IN PORT M Vr«kh.mV. , ' G " Wort « Wh *" I*- O "iioani). ,rta> to D ° Ck B**** OaMe Sorfolk. Central Wharf /Federal Co.). Omana. Central Wharf (Northern Co.) WaHW. en, Vnuut < W « k '» «"d mn^Ji!"- , ". 8 » r « l "'N<»rt«eni Walroa Ct>.» Hlnemoa. Kine> Wharf (Speddlnr Ltd) Co")*" * PrtßCe, * *"*■'' IV**°* "s. Persian Prince. King's Wharf (R. Millar) Wa"uU). - WCStCfn Wh " f <Wal«ta aad VESSELS EXPECTED AT AUCKLAND Mineric Nauru Island. May 26. Huntingdon. Liverpool. May 27. Walnahl. Rarotonga. May 28. May n" - • Ch) ' Rock, »«nipton. wiled x d "^b MaT * Antonio. Texas. May 31. Maryland. Cuba. May 81. Rotorna. South (loads), early June Canadian Britisher. South iloads). Jnne 2. City of Khartoum. New Tork. June 4. Mamart. London. June 7 Pioneer. Halifax. June 7. Corinthlc. London, via South. June 9. West Mvaria. Los Angeles. Jnne 9. Cumberland. South (loads). June 10 Remucra. London. June 11. Tnfua. Suva. June 13. Tekoa. Liverpool. Jnne 13. West Calera. Los Angeles. June 15. Forle. St. John. June 15. Kaiapoi. Melbourne, via South. June 20 Wlrral. New York. June 23. Port Hardy. South (loads). June 28. Matatua. Liverpool. June 2S. Tkala. Montreal. July 10. , Port Dunedln. London, via South. July 8. Nnenla. San Pedro. July 10. Athenlc. Sonth (loads). July 15. Rimutaka. Llvprpool. July IS. Hauturu. Glasgow, July 23. UNION COMPANY'S STEAMEHS. The Walpinta i> to nrrlvp at Auckland Wolllncton at 7 am tomorrow. She will borlh at }u<» Prince's wharf. This vessel is to sal] nboutSlondav for Wellington, Lytteltoa. Dunedin. Oamaru and Timaru. The Kaituna left New Plymouth at 9.40 p.m. yesterday for Auckland. She Is coming here to complete discharge of her Australian cargo. The Katoa left Lyttelton at noon yester* day for Dnnedin. where she Is to load fon' Auckland, via Timaru. Lyttelton, and Wellington. The Kiltincata Is to load at Greymouth about Saturday next for Wellington. Gisborne and Auckland. The Kaiapoi Is expected to leave Melbourne towards the end or May for Hobart to complete loading fr Dunedln, Lyttelton. and Auckland. She Is due here about Jane 20. The Walpaht Is expected to arrive at Auckland from the Cook Islands on Saturday. The Kaimanawa was dispatched for Westport yesterday afternoon. The Kurow sailed for Portland last evenIng. She Is to load cement for Wellington and Lyttelton. The Winsatui was dispatched for'the South last evening. The Maheno is to sail from Auckland for Sydney at 11 a.m. on June 10. The Tofua arrived at Suva, from Auckland, at 1 a.m. to-day. The Kartigt arrived at Suva this moraine, from Sydney. She is to leave there ihU evening for Lautoka and Auckland. PORT HARDY SAILED. A sailing from Auckland this morntu.was the C. and D. Line steamer Port Hardy for Port Chalmers and Xew Plymouth to complete discharge of her Home cargo. Later she will load for New York. Boston, and London, being scheduled to return to Auckland to complete loading about tat ead o( Juaa,

HM.m. Laburnum left Auckland for nji yesterday afternoon. The Putiki ni dispatched for the East Coast yesterday afternoon. The Gunbar sailed for the East Coast last evening. The Anamha sailed this morula* for Xtpler and Wellington. The Caaopos is due early this « renin* with coal from Westport. " The Mako was dispatched about 10 a.m. to-d«y with cargo for East Coast bars aad Kapler. The Lamb Co's steamer Omaea in to sail late this afternoon for Opna to load Umber for Sydney. . The S.s and A. line steamer Raranga Is to leave Wellington on Sunday morning for kondon. via Fslkland Islands. Montevideo, and Rio de Janeiro. The Persian Prince Is to «ail late this afternoon for Lyttclton. New t-iymoutn and Wanmnui to continue discharge of her sulphur cargo. NORFOLK SAILS TO-MORROW. Bound Tor New York, Boston. London. Avonmotith, Glasgow. Manchester, aad Liverpool, the Federal steamer Norfolk is to leave Auckland at noon to-morrow. RUAPEHU AT PANAMA. Adrlcc has been received by the New Zealand Snipping Co. that the Rnanebu. which left Wellington on May 2 for Llverpool find London, arrived at Panama on Tuesday. TEKOA REPORTED. A cable from Colon report* the arrival there on Monday of the New Zealand Shipping Company'* steamer Tekoa. en route from Liverpool to Auckland. She is due here about June 13. M ATA BO A SAILS JUNE -4. An expected arrival at Wellington to-day was the S.S. and A. steamer Mataroa from Lyttelton to (111 up for Home. She Is to clear Wellington for Southampton and London at daybreak on June 4. HUNTINGDON TO-MORROW AFTERNOON. According to her latest radio report, the Federal Line steamer Huntingdon will reach Auckland from Liverpool at 2 p.m. to-morrow. She will berth at the Queen's Wharf. Hence she proceeds South to complete discharge WAIPORI WITH GUANO. Bringing a cargo of guano loaded at Surprise Inland, the L'nlon Co.'a steamer Waipori is expected to arrive at Auckland on Monday next. having sailed from Noumea on Tuesday. MINERICS SMART TRIP. An exceptionally smart passage from Nauru Inland is being made by the chartered steamer Mineric. which la bringing a cargo of 7500 tons of phosphate. A radio message from the master yesterday afternoon stated that th« vessel would arrive at e o'clock this evening. According to advice received by the local agents, Messrs. Henderson and Macfarlane, the Mlnertc •ailed from tae island on May 1?, and therefore she was not expected to arrive before Saturday. To-morrow morning she will berth at the King's wharf. HINEMOA IN PORT. After a smart trip of fourteen days to Nlue Island, the Government steamer Hlnemoa (Captain Cant) returned to Auckland this morning. The vessel left Auckland on May 12, and arrived at the Uland at midnight on May 18. Copra, banana*. and a small quantity of general cargo were loaded, and on May SO the vessel sailed on her return trip. Fine weather was experienced throughout the trip, which was uneventful. This Is one of the Hlnemoa'a smartest trips to Nlue. the distance each way being covered under six days. Speeding Limited advise that the Hlnemoa Iβ to be dispatched for Norfolk Island at 5 p.m. to-morrow. INTERCOLONIAL STEAMERS. Maungaaul leaves Auckland this afternoon, arrives Sydney May 30 (eaten Vancouver service). Mara ma at Wellington. Sails Mav 27 Arrive Wellington June 7. Moerakl left Wellington. May 18, for MelMa""2B. Soutaera ports. Due Melbourne. rumaroa at Sydney. Sails Mar 27 arrives Wellington. May 31. Sails Juaa" o ' arrives Sydney June 6. Maheno. at Wellington. Leaves there iSZJLJ? A c ßckUßd < or ***»ne: leaves Auckland for Sydney. Ii *,y, w June 10? TRANS-PACIFIC MAIL SERVICES. Aorangl. left Sydney. May s;*Auckland. X? 7 10 i for ,y*»couver. via Suva and Hoaol lulu. Due Vancouver, iiay 27 «"»■»• Niagara, left Vancouver. May 4 for AnckLe°ft *ta "oaotal. , "and Su* W A S?if ßd ' Ma J 2a - »»• Sydney. May 27 w for overhaul.) Maknra. left San Francteco. May Iβ. for Wellington and Sydney. rU PapWfe Md Rarotonga. Due Wellington June 6 aad Syd--Jf^y*, - M * §rt n *T' M «T W. for San Francisco, via Wellington. Rarotonga and Papeete Left Wellington, May 24L Due Saa Francisco. June 10.

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Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 122, 26 May 1927, Page 4

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SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 122, 26 May 1927, Page 4

SHIPPING NEWS. Auckland Star, Volume LVIII, Issue 122, 26 May 1927, Page 4